VMware vCenter SRM: Storage Replication - Part 2

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welcome back to the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager five video series my name is Andrew Elwood I'm a senior technical instructor with our education services working our way through the SRM video series we've now made it up to the storage replication part two if you haven't already watched part one it might be worth your time to go back and have a look at that because part two kind of picks up where that one left off but the short version is this we're halfway through configuring vSphere replication and part two is going to go through deploying the vSphere replication server so on this slide we're focusing on the VRS which is on this particular instance it's one of the green objects on the right hand side insight to this is the guy who receives the traffic that is the replicated information for each VM that's designated for replication as it flows inbound to the protected r2 the recovery site so on that note we're going to step away and perform a demonstration here which installs the vrm server on the recovery site and once the vrm server is deployed we're then going to go ahead and pair that vrm server with the corresponding replication management server and register the VR appliances on the site on which they are deployed this forms the link between the replication management servers and the replication server that does the heavy lifting it is possible and entirely likely in larger environments that you will deploy more than one VRS but you only need one vSphere replication management server so on that note let's get right into the demonstration so as a continuation of the vSphere replication installation here we're looking at a situation where we were prompted with a certificate because the VRMs servers have now registered we then click on the link next to number three which is configure VRMs connection simply type in the credentials for or complete the credentials information to authenticate to the opposing sides vCenter server and at that point you're pretty much done I mean that's the configuring the VRMs connection is very very simple now we need to deploy our VRS servers those are the those are the servers that do the heavy lifting with respect to the replication piece so again same principle as before name it as it should show up an inventory however you choose but my preference is to use fully qualified domain names because it makes it easy for me to associate the VM entity with the actual known name on the network place it in what appropriate virtual machine file folder and resource pool is as appropriate as shown on these dialogues so we'll put this one under the vSphere replication resource pool choose the appropriate datastore we're just putting in a local storage for now and until as long as it's functional the appropriate network connection and then populate the default gateway DNS IP and netmask information as appropriate on your network again I'll reiterate what I said during the last deployment and that is you should have all of this information already ready to go strong recommendation to make sure that your DNS server already has good DNS names for this vSphere replication server that you're about to deploy and for each subsequent one and make sure that they're referencing those reserved IP addresses that you've actually chosen believe it or not it will in fact work with DHCP but I would only ever use DHCP for these servers if you were taking the time to make a static reservation in your DHCP scope for these servers it's really important that we know where these guys are on a continuing basis completing the dialogue with the subnet mask summary screen to finish and again we go through the usual deployment of the OVF file so that it creates the resulting virtual machine and we've completed the deployment of the VRS successfully so now that we've got our VR server actually deployed the last piece is to register the VR server with the appropriate management server so in other words to link the server that's going to do the heavy lifting with the management server in the environment now you can deploy multiple vSphere replication servers or the VR servers and only a single vrm server so simply click the link underneath step 5 there we'll browse through the dialog box to find the actual VR server to register in this case this is the VRS notice that we select the inappropriate one so yes know that we've selected the right one no so chose the wrong one and it actually tells you says hey are you sure you want to do this and in this particular instance it said no now here we're looking at an interesting situation and this is something that comes up a lot we're just trying to be too fast all the prompt is telling us is that look you're trying to register this server it's gone out to talk to that server and the server itself hasn't completely restarted yet therefore VMware tools is not up and running so in order to facilitate this demonstration we'll simply jump over to site 4 where we've already deployed the VRS server some time ago it's already had a good chance to start up we select it notice that the dialog runs smoothly doesn't give you the warning about VMware tools and it then simply registers that one so we registered the VR server with site 4 and then we'll come back and complete the process for site 3 and this is another clear indication that it's very nice to have that unified source single pane of glass where we can in fact manage both sides of an SRM environment from the same vSphere client and again walk through the dialog box choose the VRS choose to register it and now we get the prompt and we did not go out somehow magically behind the scenes and install VMware tools we simply gave the server enough time to start and to load VMware tools and make it run and that pretty much brings us to the end of the process you can look at the summary tab have a look at the results and we are now completely asleep with green check boxes beside each of the inventory items that we're supposed to do to deploy vSphere replication in both sites so now that we've deployed the vrm server on the recovery site and we've also paired and registered the VR appliances the next piece in the puzzle is to think about whether you'd want to do this on your site does vSphere replication make sense to you in your vests RM environment in this case you can go to WWE my comm slash education search for the SRM 5 install configure manage class and you can have all the hands-on work that's required in order to be able to deploy this in your environment you
Channel: VMware
Views: 36,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VMware, SRM, vCenter, vCenter Site Recovery Manager, Site Recovery Manager, Disaster Protection, Getting Started with SRM, Storage Replication
Id: t2M0MHGFlgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2012
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