What's New: Introducing VMware Skyline Advisor Pro

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oh all right so we're getting started while we wait for more folks to join i want to welcome everybody to our webinar today vmware skyline advisor pro the next level of proactive intelligence we have some members of the skyline team here with you today including myself marlene jenkins product marketing manager and your presenters kelsey lemon senior technical marketing manager and sunny nguyen senior technical marketing engineer gentlemen take it away all right thanks marlene so let's get to it you know well you know we've been talking about it for weeks right you know we've been urging customers to prep for pro and i'm happy to say that today actually marks the official launch of skyline advisor pro and if you're a current customer who's enabled auto upgrade to your collectors if you haven't already seen it you're going to be greeted with a streamlined ui that has lots of new features that sony and i are going to be demonstrating in today's session and if you're new to skyline you know you're going to see how this new release can help you sort of realize your business goals right in terms of driving innovation through investing in proactive support you know meeting those slas and of course saving money um so basically what i'm saying is there's something in this session for everyone here today whether you're currently using skyline or you're just simply looking to learn more about the service you just saw the whole team here so just make sure as you're watching this demonstration here you know we're going to be monitoring the q a pod so make sure that you're entering your questions there um at the bottom of screen and with that uh marlene um why don't we go ahead and start the poll all right so in order to really facilitate today's webinar you know and learn more about you've got a couple questions that we'd like for you all to participate in you know we'd like to understand what your current level of support is if you're currently using skyline and if so how many people are using it i'd like to know what your favorite feature is because i promise you after today that may change because we've got a lot of great functionality here that uh it's brand new um and if you're using skyline have you acted on any of them skyline's proactive findings and recommendations we'd like to know if you're currently using um vrealize operations um whether it's the on-prem or the cloud version because there's some great integration um between the two and what social media tools do you use got a lot of options there so feel free to participate in the poll here because we can leverage that anecdotally in our discussion today all right great yep i still see some answers coming in thank you everyone for participating and when it's all said and done marlene i'll let you share the result to speak through it oh thank you very much okay i'll give it about 30 more seconds okay it looks like it's slowing down now so we got a good response rate oh nope it's still going up it's amazing there's one there's more yeah folks just um go ahead start getting to the last question here um yeah so so far it looks like we have 27 out of 35 responses oh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and end the poll now thank you very much everybody all right i'm gonna go ahead and share the results nice okay so it looks like majority of our audience here are per have production level support um and yeah a good percentage 70 of our audience today are skyline users that's great um one out of five employees or people on your team are using skyline that's the majority that's great um and then wow okay so this is really close we got 56 percent of the audience their favorite feature is log assist right so runner-up is operational summary dashboard got some great insights on that that we can share in this new release so um for those who are happy about the osrs it's gonna get even better especially if you are a success 360 customer we're going to be showing that today so that's pretty cool great and then um yeah so 63 percent of you have acted on some skylight proactive findings and recommendations and that's great sunny i think you're going to talk about that um are you currently using vrealize operations on-prem or cloud 59 of you said yes and then um let's see looks like a majority of folks use linkedin so that's great and you know we published this on linkedin so that's great i'm so happy that most of you um joined us today hopefully through there thank you awesome okay all you kelsey all right can you still see my screen marlene yes awesome all right so let me go ahead and um get this ready to go and so with that right let's just go ahead and dig into our agenda so again you know we're going to give everybody a quick overview of the skyline service and talk about the value right that skyline provides and then we're going to spend the bulk of the presentation obviously talking about the new and advanced functionality that advisor pro offers it again today is the official launch day so and so with that let's just jump right in and talk about the skyline service itself you know by answering the question quite frankly you know what is skyline for those of you who are unfamiliar with the product in today's audience here and to answer that question i want to set some context right about the overall support experience that i'm sure you can all relate to right so here he goes you know as a customer i'm sure you're all very familiar right with the traditional that reactive support scenario right where you experience an issue in your environment you open an sr with vmware then our tech support team um troubleshoots and they work with you to solve that issue right well vmware scanner is actually the next step in that process it's actually a proactive support technology meaning that it can actually help you avoid issues before they happen um skyline also helps resolve existing issues faster so say for example if you've got a case open with us our tech support engineers can use skyline to view your environment specific configuration and then at that point they can actually use data driven analytics right to speed discovery and ultimately drive those faster resolution times another thing that i should point out is that you know skylines automated detection and proactive remediation in terms of that guidance right you know it actually will help you strengthen your environments with the service you know you can avoid that i.t downtime and you can actually reallocate that time save to do more valuable work but here's the best part if you're not currently already a skyline customer you know skyline is available at no additional cost if you have an active premier production contract as well as um success 360 and be realized cloud universal subscriptions right and then again you know speaking of those environment specific configurations you know skyline supports all the products here listed here on the screen you know and these capabilities right you know that i just talked about you know they're really driving value to our customers today you know we're hearing from our customers that skyline again helps avoid constantly being in that firefighting mode constantly reacting right you know our customers are telling us that they're reducing that very costly downtime which again is often caused by misconfigurations right and then again that increased network reliability translates into less time fixing errors and as you can see here on the screen from a recent industry report right you know one hour of downtime you know for an enterprise can cost you a ton of money and companies who are strategically you know making that decision right to take a more proactive approach to support they're significantly reducing that unplanned down time so we're talking hundreds of hours and today you know skyline has helped over 12 000 customers identified nearly 90 million objects in their environment that could potentially have issues and our customers have proactively resolved more than 60 percent of those on their own and then again right you know there may be times where you may need to actually react to an issue that you didn't proactively resolve right well skyline can help you here as well through a log assist feature which is 17 times faster right than the manual log upload and transfer process and then that time saves actually translating into hundreds of thousands of hours in terms of time saved and if you've done the traditional launch transfer process right i'm sure you can all relate to how slow it is you know so the logistics feature basically removes all that pain you know again giving you that very valuable time back to do more meaningful work and so how does skyline work right what's underneath the hood to enable all these benefits right well a couple things needs to happen first you know first you install and you configure a lightweight appliance called the skyline collector into your environment and then once the skyline collector is installed and configured to your endpoints it actually starts to listen right to start collecting product use data and then based on this data skyline will then perform a comprehensive analysis if you will of your environmental details and then at that point you know skyline will begin to act to provide you those proactive findings and recommendations and so you know from a high level sort of diagram point of view the architecture looks like this right you know first you've got um the cloud services organization that you'll create if you haven't already done so i've covered how you can do this in our day 2 mastery series playlist on youtube but one of the things that i want to point out here right is that a component of the cloud services organization are the users of course um specifically users that have access to the skyline advisor service and again you know both of them sit within the cloud services organization wrapper which could also include other services like vrops cloud for example and then at that point right you know the collectors are installed in your data centers on-prem then you can add various endpoints for that collector to monitor right and then those endpoints they actually work to provide that product uses data to the collector and then at that point right you know the product uses data is then sent to our analysis platform in the cloud where the results will appear as those findings and recommendations in skyline advisor pro and so needless to say you know keeping those collectors healthy you know that's it's very important you know when they're not healthy it actually inhibits right you know skyline's ability to provide those proactive findings and recommendations and even prohibit the ability to transfer those support bundles to global support services right and so you know in another training module you know sonny and i we've covered how you can maintain and restore collector health and so be sure to check those out if you haven't already do so and then finally right last but not least you know ensure that all of your supported product endpoints are connected to your collectors um if all of your endpoints aren't collected are connected i should say you know scotland's visibility is somewhat limited right you know and that really impacts its ability to deliver that most comprehensive list of recommendations that you'll need to keep your environments that you manage out of harm's way and again you know whenever i discuss how the collector works you know we inevitably get questions about security they come up so let's go into it first and foremost you know when you activate skyline you consent to participate in vmware's enhanced customer experience improvement program otherwise known as ceip and basically that program allows vmware to collect configuration feature usage performance data as well as give us the ability to get those log bundles sent to us and then that information is also useful in terms of driving product improvement and well as well data collection right it's transmitted to vmware using tls 1.2 encryption protocols and product usage data is sent to our platform and all the data is encrypted in transit and at rest i should also point out that all data right it's tagged with legally identifiable customer information and access is limited only to vmware employees that are in support and management and then on top of that they all must undergo training and receive manager approval i should also point out because we get this a lot you know no personal identifiable information that pii is collected right but even with that said you know you should refrain from um naming your your exci hosts your vms and all those things after yourself or yes aren't sorry um and then last but not least you know skyline is sock too compliant and with that you know we can go into the heart of the presentation and just sort of talk about all the great new functionality that just went live today with skyline advisor pro all right so we're going to answer the question you know what's new in skyline advisor pro and how is it different than skyline advisor well first and foremost right you know skyline advisor pro for those of you who are current customers it basically takes all that familiarity right of its predecessor skyline advisor and then it actually extends upon it with deeper insights and accelerated data analysis to really boost issue avoidance right so we're talking about a service that's faster smarter and easier to use and just like its predecessor skyline advisor product is available to all of our premier production vrealize cloud universal and success 360 customers at no additional cost and you know when it comes to product usage right you know we're using and supporting all of our products right so v-realize automation vrealize life cycle manager um vcf vsphere both flavors of nsx vsan horizon as well as visualize operations manager and as the service continues to grow and we're adding more support for other products and cloud services in the future you know we are going to just we're really hoping that you're going to agree that skyline advisor pro is seeing by you all is not just as another tool but actually just a another member of your team so to speak and so with this latest release you know definitely been listening to you all so we've taken your feedback and we've produced a service that we feel is a major step forward in three key ways you said you wanted skyline to be faster well accelerated analysis and this release actually surfaces issues remediation updates and inventory changes more quickly but unlike its predecessor you know which took up to 48 hours to surface issues advisor pro surfaces issues and inventory changes within four hours you know giving you more time to act on its findings and recommendations um you as our customer you said you wanted skyline to be smarter advisor pro offers more intelligence and we're pulling that basically from two new insights features you know we've got this feature known as product end of life guidance and historical insights and i'm going to be demonstrating them both in a moment and if you're a success 360 customer you'll also get access to exclusive features including a new proactive insights report and you also get access to a vmware expert who can provide guidance on remediating your proactive findings and then last but not least you know you've all said you wanted the product to be easier to use well we heard that too and we've redesigned our user interface for a simpler user experience while at the same time we are setting the stage if you will for another one of our top requests which is a findings api that's going to be coming in the very near future but when the findings api launches with advisor pro you can use that to extract proactive findings data and then you can use that to automate some very common workflows and sony's going to be talking about that and so we've got our three release themes here so let's just take a look at each one of these themes and all the features that support it in more detail so like i said right you know advisor pro is faster as a matter of fact it's 12 times faster again analyses that took two days in advisor now take about four hours an advisor pro and i'm sure you're all going to agree right that this delta is a big deal because with accelerated analysis you're going to be able to do a couple things you're going to be able to see the latest critical issues and security vulnerabilities before they start to wreak havoc on your environment right you're going to be able to validate remediation results soon after they complete instead of waiting two days for those findings and those recommendations to go away and then finally you know you can provide quite frankly a more accurate snapshot on the status of your environment to extend the team with the knowledge that all the reports that you're giving everyone they're up to date and so now for the demo right you know as i log into advisor pro you're going to notice an enhanced user interface that also supports dark theme for this demo i've have 89 findings and recommendations and i'm going to go to my favorite finding ntt which is coincidentally the first one listed here and as i expand the card to see more details i can see that there's only one object affected by this finding now i want everybody here to sort of make note of the time because this is going to be the start of my timer so to speak it's going to be a reference that's going to indicate how fast skyline advisor pro can detect and report changes in my environment now in the past right you know you've seen me automate the remediation of ntp through scripting and power cli when i had multiple objects that were affected but since this is one object i'm going to do it manually by logging in my client finding the host and then i'm going to enter my configuration details right and then with the ntp configuration in place i'm actually going to go back into skyline now i've actually edited out the wait time but i want you to notice that within an hour skyline has reduced its overall findings from 89 to 88 like you i suspect that the finding has been removed i'm going to confirm by doing a keyword search and sure enough after i've done that search that finding has been removed now one of the things that i want to point out again is that of course that you know speed is going to be dependent on several factors but this should give you an overall idea about just how fast skyline performs now in terms of the service being smarter right our next theme it's all about insights first there are end of life insights um you know prior to scholar advisor you rely on conversations with your account team or an email of some sort to be notified when your installed solutions right would no longer receive general support or technical guidance right well advisor pro cuts off the middle man so to speak by providing those same notifications directly in its dashboard but it doesn't stop there right you know when you click on a notification it's going to tell you exactly where that product is in its life cycle phase and indicate how many days left you'll even get the total number of findings and recommendations that are associated with that object and this is really important because you know with the ability to see at a glance when support is coming to an end you're going to have sufficient time to plan upgrades and really ensure business continuity with minimum disruption and then secondly there are historical insights right advisor pro provides the ability to associate key events in your environment like say for example a configuration change with findings that will either appear or disappear as a result of that change so it's a great way to see cause and effect right whether it's identifying where an event created an issue or resolved an existing one and so now for the demo right you know historical insights can be accessed directly from skyline's dashboard or via the findings and recommendations tab here you're going to get an overview of the key events that have taken place over days weeks and months within your organization right and these events can range from changes to your environment's composition such as the addition or the removal of products to when a collective status has been changed to healthy and unhealthy and vice versa historical insights can also be filtered by inventory severity category with the inclusion of hidden findings which aren't included by default and of course date range now in addition to this right historical insights allow you to see how key events have an immediate impact to your environment and so in this example here you know skyline first observed the addition of several unhealthy objects on october 19th now we've added those affected objects to the overall running total of affected objects and i can even do a drill down on each of the reported items to get a more detail on the number of affected objects you know their level of severity i'm the recommended fix and of course these finest can even be exported at the same time if i want to look specifically at newly affected objects i can do that as well here again you can see the newly affected objects within my time range clicking on them will also give me more detail on the number of affected objects their level of severity and their recommended fix skyline will also show me how many issues have been resolved over that same time range right and so in this example skyline is reporting that 18 objects have been remediated within this week with three specifically being remediated on october 19th and so what we're looking at here basically what i'm saying is that the net net here is that historical insights will allow you to assess risk levels and document progress time you can understand right how events happen that could either positively or negatively impact your environment and then you can actually correlate the number of findings and remediations with hitting those slas right as well as time spent on those reactive support requests and finally there are insights reports um these insight reports they're bi-weekly and they're exclusive to our success 360 customers and they basically inform stakeholders right about the proactive progress right issues avoided and outstanding remediations and for those of you who said that um osrs were their favorite feature you can kind of consider this the next generation of that so it's going to be pretty awesome here but one of the things i do want to point out is that the key differences between the two are that insights reports right they're not static they're not static work documents you can actually interact with them directly within the advisor pro environment you know these insight reports they're even going to tell you which findings and recommendations would give you those quick wins and we'll even identify the ones that will require more extensive planning with your vmware success 360 partner that's been assigned to you as a benefit of that account so now for the demo right you know what's really great about insights is the fact that they provide a health check or a wellness assessment of the systems that have active findings and they come in two forms standard and custom standard reports are generated every two weeks and custom reports are generated at your request by the vmware specialist that's been assigned to you and of course you know these reports can be filtered by type and by date and these reports are interactive in the sense that they contain a lot of information such as finding by severity category and product you can even see proactive remediations right in a certain period of time broken down by the number of remediated objects the number of objects grouped by rule type remediated objects grouped by category and finding type these reports will also show you collector health and endpoint status where you can see collectors group by state endpoints with the highest number of active findings grouped by severity as well as a list of active critical findings at a very specific point in time now the unique thing about insight reports that isn't available anywhere else is the addition of resolution type this category allows you and your dedicated team to prioritize remediations based on their level of effort right so for example if i've got 20 findings that do not require a reboot you could prioritize those over more time-consuming efforts like a reboot or a complete architecture that would need additional planning right so basically what you're seeing here um is that we're starting to give you more contextual data for the decision making progress in terms of what you can do and what you want to prioritize and with the ability right to leave comments on the things that you want to do or not do for that matter you're keeping a running record of the remediation next steps that can be actually shared with your extended team let's see here and with that signing my friend i'm going to turn it over to you um you're going to be talking about the insights api you know it's going to be a feature that's available in the very near future but this seems like an appropriate forum to discuss it so i'm going to let you have at it my friend i am but but before that what i'm going to do is just take just a few minutes to answer some of the questions um josh and i have already answered them online but i'd like the rest of the community to know as well so that way they get some values out of that as well so um first and foremost the first question was can skyline be used offline and what i responded back with and kelsey and josh feel free to jump in as well but the response is with everything that kelsey has mentioned already um it needs to be online now we do have a product that does offline and that's skyline health diagnostic however it is very limited okay just put a finer point on that so skyline advisor you know is proactive issue avoidance it has to be connected to um to the cloud service right we have a lot of agility in that because we can upgrade and add new features um you know most customers send their logs to vmware support so it's the same sort of mechanism and then you know as sonny rightly pointed out underneath the skyline family we have skyline health diagnostics which provides a reactive troubleshooting experience self-serving right yeah and so you're able to if you hit an issue you're able to upload your logs to that appliance in an offline mode yep and and then you'll be able to see those those root causes for vsphere and vsan only so skyline advisor provides that proactive issue avoidance mission across a large portion of your portfolio all the products that kelsey mentioned and then scotland health diagnostics is that reactive self-service experience for vsphere and vsan only um you're also you can also use the skyline health pages within vsphere and vsan so within the vsphere client itself and that has some proactive findings but not everything that skyline advisor has okay thanks josh okay the second question is uh what kind of vmware account do you need and you need either a production premier success 360 and i forgot about universal so thank you very much uh joshua for reminding us um there was another questions about you know the comparison between skyline versus v-rocks hands down both products are great but skyline is meant to do what we're talking about today right um and we can go more into that later on as well but but um there are a few other questions that i want to speak out which is a question is about um folks in emea um gdpr yes well the the concern is is definitely they can't connect to a us you know um location and that is true um it is in the works but but there is no definite decisions on where it's going to go at the moment okay and there were a few in jets what i would recommend folks is to put it in q a so others can see it as well but there was a question about um does skyline show um hardware uh versions bios and stuff like that the answer is kind of complicated right so it doesn't there is an integration with dell supporters this will help a little bit more but it doesn't show that level of detail um josh did mention that that within some of the findings there are some um you know hardware vids upgrade recommendations but at the same time it's at the esx level not not at you know the actual hardware level okay so now let's talk about the insights api this is exciting stuff now however so so today is definitely exciting right because because 3.0 pro has been released however um the api portion has not um but but rest assured it's coming shortly and the reasons why i find this to be very exciting is is imagine this right what you've always been doing is you go into the gui you export out the findings and then you and your team work on it now what what we know you do is is you would then have to put into a ticket system you may have to put into change requests and you're doing all this manually and that in itself takes a lot of effort imagine if if you know when this is made available you could actually have coding to to pull down findings it could be the first major five findings ten findings whatever you and your team are comfortable with and then of course all of the affected objects with that if you can actually script that you can actually send that anywhere because as soon as you know rest api you can send it to servicenow duty jira you could turn send it to any kind of communication stack right so so uh slack is as an example and then ultimately you could also set it to an automation tool that will help remediate some of the common problems now what i'm saying here is a lot it is really complex what kelsey and i will do in the very near future is to show a lot of examples not only from youtube but from the blog sites on how to leverage these activities with that uh kelsey can you show the quick little video just to get folks excited i sure can excellent [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so um i'm gonna go deeper into this all right and and and some of you who are comfortable in coding you're gonna pick this up very fast some of you who aren't no don't worry we will make it easier and easier because i want everyone at the end of the day to have a level playing field to to to leverage these new features okay so let's do this so get financed right i'm just going to show you the script take a look so what you're going to need and and you've seen it already right you need the api token you then hit the server and it gives you the access token right and then with the access token all you need to do is if you take a look at in the middle where it says active finding that's the json format that you need so as long as you hit the server with your token you're going to get an output now this is just a very basic example with very limited amount of output within our api documentation and within our blogs that we're going to provide you can see the overall list of everything that you want to do at the end of the day it's you can get as much data as you do if you were to log into the gui itself here is an example of the json output that it does right for those who are programmers this is pretty basic very pretty straightforward for you for those who aren't rest assured i'll show you something else so now that you've got the data you wanted to send it somewhere right so so here's an example of how to send it to slack so here for here what i've done differently is if you take a look at the top section right what i did was i took out that json format and then i just reconvert it back to a csv i want you all to be comfortable right if you're in the gui you select the findings that you want and you export out that's a csv when you run my example script it's going to push out the same exact format from everybody's perspective it's going to look identical because i made sure that it mimics the same way right and then from there what i've done was was um i chose the channel that i want right and then of course slack itself has its own token mechanism so i have my own token and then i then just up top you notice there's a whole bunch of data that is within the csv for this example i just want to show you just the basics the basics being you know the finding id the the vcenter the post that's affected and of course the most important thing the kb article that explains it because for me was was i want to send it to the rest of my team for them to see the finding and if they have questions they can click on the kbs to understand more details as well as the fix last but not least i did the invoke rest method with my body that json format and then of course my token so here it is in action okay so as you can see there is a section that says git finding the difference between the first iteration versus now is you notice that i converted to csv right off the bat okay and then of course it looks identical to any csv that you pull all right so the next piece is to set it into slack so here's the reality if you're comfortable with rest api you understand exactly what i'm talking about if you're not i want you all to step away from this at the end to say hey rest api is rest api it's irrelevant if you're talking to skyline it's irrelevant if you're talking to slack servicenow or anything else once you figure out the trick of rest api it works the same way across the board the only slight difference is every version has its own token mechanism and then every version has its own json format as long as as you understand and you work with you know the entities within your company to understand the the variables within the json format then you can insert anything else you want after that once again we will make more and more examples to make it easier for you at all to start on okay so i threw a lot at you and i don't expect everyone to pick all that up right away work with us we will provide you with a lot of insights all right so what you hear from us is you know kelsey mentioned already these are there's a lot of great features there's a lot of great possibilities within pro and it's been released today so those of you who already have auto updates within the next few days your environment is going to get cut over to pro and what you know and love from you know skyline is gonna convert over to pro those who are antsy like me you could actually go into the command line and actually upgrade and be in pro today all right um in our blogs in the uh skyline blogs you will notice that we actually have examples of how to upgrade it manually all right with that um kelsey would you like anything else to add to actually i'm going to turn it over to marlene she's got some great resources and tools that everyone in the audience can take advantage of fantastic i was on mew thank you so much everyone let me share my screen you guys see my screen sure can you guys see the slide i sure can okay great thank you so much all right everyone um so um i wanted to share with you some of our resources if you're not already using skyline it's very easy to activate install and set up just as sunny mentioned and um here on the slide you'll see that we've got a download link you can go to our homepage for more information if you want to try out skyline before you download we've got you covered with our hands-on lab we have a link of our comprehensive faq which you have access to and we have a skyline community we would love for you to join which is moderated by our skyline engineers we have lots of good stuff here for you okay um i guess i'll hand it over to um to everybody else who uh if they have some questions to answer live so go ahead and take it away all right so oops oh shoot um everyone the the uh request the question was what is well where's the blog article or where it is and and the answer is actually uh blogs.vmware.com kb sorry about that yeah i'll send out the the user guide on how to manually upgrade the collector if you can't wait for auto upgrade to kick in um which sony was pointing to i'll add that to the chat here in a moment and to answer roger's question the latest collector build number is 3.0 so you'll need to ensure that all of your collectors in your skyline organization are upgraded to 3.0 um to activate advisor pro once that happens you will access advisor pro and that's it okay so there are three more questions within um within the q a right are these apis available to access and report configurations internal to skyline version not at the moment at the first release the only available um data that you can get out of there is just findings sure that's that's that's in the works um so i wouldn't need v-rocks if i've configured skyline well so that's a hard question to answer um kelsey josh what what's your thought so yeah it's it's yeah go ahead kels i was going to say with with with fear out specifically you know vrealize operations cloud that's more of the you got two things happening here you've got a a support side that skyline provides in terms of proactive and reactive support but then you also got a a managerial side where you can do things like assign tasks to people and ownership and things along those lines and that's where vrealize operations cloud comes into play and so so in terms of the two working together you got a support product integrating with the management product and so that way you've got the best of both worlds where you can see everything from a support experience and then you can follow that downstream into the more managerial side that the realized operations cloud can help you take care of exactly kels and and to add to that you know we recommend that if a customer owns your ops which it is a licensed product you have to purchase it from vmware um not all customers have it but if you're lucky enough to own vrops you should be using it in conjunction with skyline there are integration points as kel's mentioned with the skyline management pack for vrops where you can see all the skyline findings inside of the vrealize operations ui and with the virops cloud version you can actually have an integrated workflow where you move from support experience to the cloud management experience and you can troubleshoot things from skyline in vrops uh within context so that that is a unique differentiator when you're using both and it provides a pretty nice experience for customers that want that proactive issue avoidance experience but also want to be able to do cloud management and troubleshooting across all their objects in all their clouds because your ops does everything right you can hook anything up to it not just vmware infrastructure so i hope that helps and the last question was about um the manual upgrade so josh sent the official document on how to do the manual upgrade i've also sent the blog feature as well and the reasons why i did the blog one is you can actually see the animated gifs of of the actual upgrade themselves any more questions folks i don't see any in q a nor do i see anything in chat all right well if there are any more questions all right so if there aren't any more questions um i just want to thank everybody for joining um recording will be available on vmware customer learning connect to review and share with your colleagues and we hope to see you all at the next one thank you very much thanks everybody bye great questions
Channel: VMware
Views: 530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vmware, Skyline, What's New, Kelcey Lemon, Sonny Nguyen, Another one, vSphere, NSX, vCenter
Id: DP3qlbohyuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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