How to Implement Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

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(music) It's not a question of if, but when. Whether it's a vicious cyber attack or an unexpected disaster, protecting your business-critical apps and data with cloud-based disaster recovery as a service can help you recover quickly. But, how do you do that? Start by creating a DR strategy, identify your business goals, RPOs, RTOs, and any constraints. Define a high level DR plan with specific execution tasks. And assemble your DR dream team, handpicked experts from critical technology areas, to help drive your implementation. Next, discover and analyze the environments that need to be protected, including virtual workloads, applications, virtual infrastructure, and packet flows. Map application and workload dependencies and establish protection groups, collections of VMs that fail over together. Configure replications of the VMs to the cloud to match your RPO and RTO requirements. Then create the detailed disaster recovery plan with a specific sequence of recovery steps to recover your protection groups and individual VMs. Now, it's time to test your plan. Select a specific set of snapshots. Live mount them so the VMs become instantly visible and validate the failover. If changes are needed, update and test until your DR plan is reliable and consistent. Everything working? Great, get started operating your DR solution, and implementing standard operating procedures. (yawn) And sleep a little better at night knowing you have a solid plan in place. But remember, disaster recovery planning and validation is an ongoing process, so continue to discover, analyze, update, and test your DR plan to ensure smooth operations no matter what happens. Learn how VMware professional services can help you implement disaster recovery as a service. Visit today.
Channel: VMware
Views: 356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vmware
Id: iZmY_GewxCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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