VMware vCenter SRM: Site Pairing

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well welcome back to the vCenter Site Recovery Manager five video presentation series my name is Andrew Elwood I'm a senior technical instructor with the vmware education services division this video module is going to be a short module where we talk about site pairing of SRM as we can see from the overview slide here we've looked at concepts and architecture we've gone through the installation of SRM five the assumption here is that you've installed SRM on both your protected and your recovery site or your two sites that you're interested in protecting with SRM so the site pairing process is a very straightforward procedure where that we need to do in order to establish a conversation between your two SRM sites it's a very simple process here's a screen shot from two different ways to implement it the top version of the slide we've actually gone into the vSphere client we're looking at the site recovery plug-in option clicked on the summary tab and on the right hand side there's the configure link as you can see displayed at the top of the screen on this particular one and at the bottom of the screen if we go looking at the overview getting started tab essentially there's a hyperlink provided there they both do the same thing once we click on the link it's a simple matter of filling in the information as appropriate answering any of the prompts dealing with any of the unsigned certificates if you chose not to deploy signed certificates and then once that process is completed we can then move to the next step so here we're showing you that we've got configured and we're good and ready to go that's what we're hoping to see at the end of it and I'm going to draw your attention to on the left we actually see both of the two sites involved now we would have seen this or we now see this because of the the concept of the pairing process so now from that single pane of glass that I referenced earlier we do have the opportunity to see both of the sites that are involved in the SRM process so this demonstration quick demonstration going to show you walk you through that process and we'll show you both halves of it seeing both the the site pairing process from the perspective of both of the sites involved and then we'll come back and move to the next steps so here we are in the installation routine we've got two SRM sites installed but clearly on from the screen that we're looking at here we can only see the one of them so we simply select the pair sites link under the getting started area and type in the fully qualified domain name of the other SRM server sorry either the other remote vCenter server which also happens to be our SRM server in this instance but it is important to target the vCenter server in the remote site the vCenter server from there will form the link to the SRM server of course you can't do that without authentication capabilities so administrator with the appropriate password simply select next and let it go through its routine we'll get the usual warnings because the remote server certificates are just self-signed certificates and the interesting part about SRM five is that when it does this the assumption is that we don't only want to connect from site three to site four in this instance but site four wants to connect in the equal and opposite direction therefore reciprocity is then established once that's completed we're then going to be prompted for authentication again to connect to the remote vCenter server now that we've established the connection the first part was there the installation or the formulation of the connection routine secondarily now that we've told it how to connect we are going to do the connection so this is from the management perspective and you can see that once we complete that on the left-hand side we now get to see both sites and this is one of the big changes with SRM five is that this particular dialog allows us visibility into both the protected site in our case site three is what we're going to use as the protected site listed as local and site four which is the remote site and we can tell by looking at the summary tab exactly what the details of said site are the SRM server the vCenter server etc in this case they do happen to be one in the same in both instances the site three has its SRM server and it's vCenter server running on one system so on that note that's site pairing in a nutshell so to learn more about the overall process that we've been showing you on these videos you can go to the vmware education services section of our website that would be WWV my comm slash education and the class that you're looking for to get all the hands-on work with SRM is the two-day install configure manage SRM five class again thank you very much for watching you
Channel: VMware
Views: 28,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VMware, SRM, Site Recovery Manager, Disaster Protection, Getting Started with SRM, Site Pairing
Id: zNgLb0OxdgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2012
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