VMware vCenter Operations Manager 5.0 - Install and Configure

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welcome my name is hemant Kidani I'm a senior architect in the Technical Marketing Group at VMware in this video I will show you how to install and configure recenter operations manager which is part of the vCenter operations management suite the vCenter Operations Manager is packaged as a V app which means it consists of two what your machines that work together the installation itself has four different steps in the first step you have to prepare an environment make sure you have all the prerequisites that are taken care of then we actually deployed the the V app after the deployment is complete we will do the post install configuration to make sure it points to the right to recenter servers and finally we will apply the licensing so let's begin with the first step which is the preparation step as part of the preparation step you have to make sure that you have the right es X and V Center versions the V Center Operations Manager V app installs on vCenter server for dot o update 2 and above and also needs ESX server for dot o and above you can access V Center Operations Manager through two different user interfaces you can access it through a browser or you can access it from vSphere client in both cases you need to have Internet Explorer 7 dot o or above and Firefox 3 dot in addition to this you need to have few ports that need to be open so for example you need to have port number 22 open for SSH access and you also need to have ports 443 for secure HTTP and port number 80 open so that you can access and the virtual appliances the two VMs that are part of the recenter operations we app also need to talk to each other and they use port number 1194 to set up a tunnel between the two the next thing that you need to do is configure IP pools in your environment now the term IP pools is kind of a misnomer you don't really create a pool of IP addresses what you are really doing is setting up some network metadata so that the vCenter Operations Manager VMs can get the subnet and the Gateway information if you need DNS and proxy settings you can capture that so to do that launch the vSphere client and click on the I people stabbed once you are in the IP pulled step we're gonna click on add give it a name I'm going to just call it vc ops five need to provide the subnet so this was going to be in my case it's 192 168 1 1 0 0 the Gateway is 192 168 the most important thing to remember here is not to check this enable I people check box again this has to be left blank I'm gonna now go to the association screen and associate die people with the network that we are going to use click OK and you should have your IP pools created once thy people is created we are now ready to deploy the V app to deploy the V app make sure you have downloaded the OVA file in this case I have downloaded the OVA file on some browsers the OVA file may be named as a dot tar file so in that case you need to rename it as a dot OVA I go to the file menu and click deploy OVF template I'm gonna browse to the Downloads folder where I have downloaded that select the OVA file open it and then click Next here you can see the OVA template details as you can see this particular V app consists of two different VMs and it's going to take about three hundred and thirty six gigabytes of disk space on disk when it is thick provisioned it is strongly recommended that you use thick provisioning for good performance if you use thin provisioning in production environment your performance is not going to be acceptable click Next make sure you accept the license agreement click Next provide the name to your V Center Operations Manager instance I'm going to leave it at the default name click Next here you can select three different deployment configurations the out-of-the-box configuration is the small configuration which requires 4 V CPUs and 16 gigs of memory for the V app can always go to the medium configuration which uses 8 V CPUs and 25 gigs of memory the small configuration can be used for up to 1500 VMs the medium configurations you can use that if you need bit you know between 1,500 to 3,000 VMs or you can choose the large configuration if your deployment has more than 3,000 VMs we center operations manager today supports up to 6000 hold on VMs and 8,000 registered VMs the large configuration needs 16 V CPUs and 34 gigs of memory note that the resources are not split equally between the two VMs the analytics VM second vm usually takes up more resources than the first two BM in case you choose the small or the medium configuration and you want to ramp up to a larger configuration it's very easy all you need to do is change the CPU and memory for the two VMs and reboot the V app and the recenter operations manager V app will automatically tune itself to adjust to the larger configuration we want to select the small configuration here click Next and use the the same cluster here in poll HQ click Next again we're going to select the default resource pool configuration click Next now if you go to select the storage space as I mentioned before you have to use thick provisioning for better performance in this demo environment I'm going to just go ahead and choose if you don't have enough storage space you are going to see this insufficient disk space warning at the bottom here we'll click Next here it's automatically selected thin provisioning because I didn't have enough space you do have a choice to select lazy zeroing or eager zeroing options with thick provisioning it's recommended that you use eager zeroed so that all the storage IO blocks are zeroed and before you actually start using the V Center Operations Manager V app click Next in this case you need to select your destination network so there is a drop down box here that lets you change the network in case you are using a different one make sure you are using the network that you configured as part of your I people configuration click Next here you get to choose the IP allocation policy it is recommended that use you use the fixed IP addresses transient is absolutely not recommended and it's also recommended that if you have chosen DHCP you don't change it to fixed IP after the deployment in case you have to do that I recommend that you either do a new installation or you can talk to our support who can help you with that changing your IP address configuration here never change the IP address from the blues' console screens of the virtual appliances always use the administrative UI to change the IP addresses for this project in this VMs click Next this is where you get to choose your timezone so I'm going to choose my timezone here and choose the IP addresses for your environment so now if we need to make sure we select the the correct time zone and then provide the IP addresses for the two VMs so there we go we have the two IP addresses click Next so at this point you can see the summary of the v-app that's going to be deployed I'm going to just click finish to let it go through once you click finish you will see this small dialog box here which says it's deploying recenter operations manager at this point it is going to take several minutes to deploy this for the purposes of this video we are going to fast forward it and we'll start whence the deployment is done that the v-app is not deployed consider completed status here you can click on the we see ops we app click the summary tab you should see that the V app is ready to be powered on if you click on the virtual machines tab you can see that there are two VMs that are part of this particular V app now as a best practice recommendation make sure that you always start or stop your V app do not start or stop individual virtual machines I'm going to go ahead and power on the V app by clicking on this power on tab here you'll notice that the analytics VM starts first and the UI VM follows it may take a few minutes to power on the virtual machines okay now that the V app is powered on you can see the status what the VMS have been powered on and the completed status at the bottom and in the V app status it should see available so now we are ready to do our third step which is the configuration of the V app so you can just click on this available and it will take you through the recenter Operations Manager UI the first time around it will automatically recognize that you have not configured the we Center Operations Manager so it will automatically take you to the administration UI the default password is admin can't login and it's going to start the initial setup wizard the initial setup wizard is going to go through four different steps first and the foremost it's going to force you to change the password for the admin account as well as the root account for the virtual appliances so I'm gonna set the passwords first click Next now that the passwords have been set you need to specify a vCenter server to collect the data from the display name is just a descriptive name that you can use so in this case I'm going to just point the name that I have for the local environment the vCenter server address is the IP address or the fully qualified domain name for the vCenter server where you want to collect the data from you need to provide the registration user the one with administrative privileges so that it can collect the information from the vCenter server the collection user and password is optional in case you want to set up another read-only user that can collect the data collect the metrics from vCenter server you can use that otherwise it's really optional at this point it is going to validate the connection to vCenter server and this may take a few minutes you will get a security alert asking you to or verify that an authenticity of your vCenter server your Squire and click yes at this point we center operations manager is going to detect plug-ins for any existing we center operations manager one dot o or capacity IQ 1.5 plugins if you have those plugins installed we center operations manager allows you to import data from those existing instances you can only import data from one capacity IQ instance and one we Center Operations Manager into the system and that particular vCenter server has to be the first we Center server that gets registered if you want to import the data in this case you can see that V Center Operations Manager has not detected any plugins so we are ready to move on to the next step or click Next we center operations manager will also check for whether the vCenter server is part of linked mode if it is part of the linked mode it will then point you to the other V Center servers in the link mode configuration at this point you can actually decide to either choose a subset of V Center servers that you want to use for monitoring or you can set up and register all the other vCenter server instances with V Center Operations Manager V Center Operations Manager does not communicate over the link mode this is just a set of benefit that gives you the list of other V Center servers that are part of the link mode configuration at this point we are ready to finish our we see off manager configuration it is going to register itself with the vCenter server and this may again take a few minutes okay now that we the recent our operations we are back to the administration UI at this point you can continue to register new vCenter server instances if you have them before we go ahead and use we center center operations manager the last step that we have to do is now apply licensing user needs to have a valid license to access the recent row operations UI we do this thing from vCenter server we go back to vSphere client and go to the licensing tab at this point here we want to click on the asset and you can see that there is a recent or operations manager instance that is unlicensed I'm gonna just double click on this and assign a new license here enter the license key so you should have your license key at this point to type your license go ahead and click okay and see that the license key has been assigned and more click okay now that your product is licensed you are ready to go ahead and use this point we're just going to go to the regular we Center Operations Manager UI and you should be directed to the vSphere UI login and you should be into the recent operations manager - I at this point ready to use your product so hopefully you find this short video on installing and configuring with center operations manager useful for further details please go to the we center operations management suite products page on vmware.com thank you very much
Channel: VMware
Views: 71,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vcops, vCenter Ops, vCenter Operations, management, enterprise management, infrastructure management, vmware, vCenter
Id: pwRdGDhI0lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2012
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