VMware vCenter Configuration Manager 5.7 Installation

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hello and welcome to an overview of the simplified installation for V Center Configuration Manager 5.7 part of the vc operations management suite previous installations have used the installation manager which still exists as part of the advanced installation of ECM 5.7 this installation typically addressed all three different types of ECM configurations the single tier 2 tier or a three-tier installation but now for VCM 5.7 vmware has included this typical installation which is primarily for single and two tier configurations this greatly simplifies the installation process and reduces the amount of work necessary for you to do when installing VCM 5.7 so let's go ahead and select a typical installation the first thing we need to do is accept the license agreement select yes yes and next now the Installer will go through and do a system requirements check for us the nice thing with this new typical installation option is that it can determine if there are any components that are missing and it can help us with any required configurations for example if we don't have dotnet installed the Installer can install dotnet 3.5 it will check for previously existing VCM agents on the machine and make sure that they are removed it can also configure IAS for us also if we don't have sequel or sequel XML installed as well as the sequel management tools the Installer can actually download and install those for us as well now one note that if we did need to install sequel server it would be in fact the evaluation Edition that would be installed now let's select view full results on the prerequisite check this allows us to see essentially the full results of the foundation checker if we wanted to see all that level of information and now that all these tests are complete since we selected view full results as soon as we click the next button we'll receive the next screen but also know that in the background we do have the full results of the check if we wanted to go in and look for any more detail in there now we do have a few warnings but it doesn't look like we have anything that is critical if we did we could go in here and actually look at these and get more detail around each one of them this certainly helps us make sure that we have everything covered that we need to when we do an installation let's close this for now because we have the prerequisites complete and as you can see here it automatically took us from the prerequisite screen option where everything has been validated as we see by all the check marks here now if there were components that were missing for example sequel XML if that wasn't installed we would see an install button right here next to this that would allow us to download and install that component now these are the components that we have simplified through this process this is essentially the one screen that you'll see during the entire installation now the next screen that we'll see is for the license key we simply input that license key here click on add and then if we don't have the license key handy there is a link here to the my VMware site from there we can quickly go ahead and grab our license key and add it to the installation next we'll need to specify the domain and account that we want to leverage in our case our domain is called Corp and we'll use an ID called VCM admin and we'll have to click validate the ID so that it will actually go out and check that account for us one more thing just to point out that there is a third screen here which is optional but what will happen is that a lot of the information will automatically be filled in based on the input that we have already provided we would see Corp DCM admin and is picking all that information up already because of our sequel server install it automatically captures all of that information for us so there's nothing for us to do at this point besides select the install button this will take just a few minutes to complete the installation and after just a few minutes we've completed the full installation of the Center Configuration Manager as we click on exit here that will launch us right into V Center Configuration Manager so we can log in it will log us in as the user that we've done the installation with which is our Corp administrator so it's logging us in as the admin role now we will see the V Center Configuration Manager UI and from here we can begin to manage our environment discover devices install our agents and really begin to get a handle on the configuration drift or change that's happening within our environment as well as compliance so to recap we've seen how the new greatly simplified installation process for single and two tier configurations as part of the VCM 5.7 release allows you to quickly and easily begin to use VCM to manage change in compliance in your virtual environment for more information about V Center Configuration Manager or the V Center Operations Manager suite please visit VMware comm thank you you
Channel: VMware
Views: 15,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vmware, vCenter Configuration Manager, Installation
Id: kZwlsCH58jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2013
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