Virtual Machines Pt. 2 (Proxmox install w/ Kali Linux)

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no i'm pretty sure that i've demonstrated how awesome virtual machines are because they are virtual machines are amazing it's actually a computer inside a computer but hey do you want to get a bit crazier with me real quick yeah we're going to get crazier we're going to go from installing virtual machines on a type 2 hypervisor like virtualbox to a type 1 hypervisor but what does that mean it means more virtual machines larger virtual machines more power more cpu more ram bigger labs and geekier stuff and all you'll need is something like this an old laptop that you might have laying around an old desktop pc collecting dust that's what i'm using so in this video i'm going to walk you through how to install a type 1 hypervisor on an old pc an old desktop we're going to be using proxmox to build out your ultimate nerd it hacking lab whatever you want it to be it can be whatever you want it to be it's awesome and it's completely free also it's not just virtual machines you can do containers we'll cover that [Music] now you may recall from my first virtual machine video that virtual machines they're magic man they're amazing i mean they are legit a computer inside a computer what and we also covered that this magic can happen because of hypervisors in the first video we installed a type 2 hypervisor called virtualbox and that was basically just an app that sat alongside windows 10 or it could have been mac or linux whatever you were running but type one that's a different story it's a bit more intense and i like intense the main difference here is that we're no longer sharing os resources in fact whatever operating system you're running on your pc we're going to obliterate it wipe it out this thing is running windows 10. goodbye you're gone we're giving windows 10 the boot or not not booting it yeah and we're going to install proxmox instead and that's what makes a type 1 hypervisor a type 1 hypervisor there's nothing sitting between it and the hardware it's a bit more pure now why is this great why is this a good idea well think about it the operating system right now you're running on your computer it's taking up resources it's hogging all the stuff windows linux mac it's using ram cpu storage and when you install virtual machines it has to share and you're limited on the amount of virtual machines you can deploy and how big they can be but no not with type one type one hypervisors are all about virtual machines that's all they care about the os itself is lightweight and its main purpose is to give you the biggest bang for your buck for all your virtual machine resources so type two man you're kind of just playing around type one you're getting serious about virtual machines now throughout this video as we install proxmox and get our type one hypervisor ready there'll be plenty of coffee breaks you know how i do you know how i operate it's a question for you what do you do during those coffee breaks even better what do you do in the morning when you're having your morning coffee if you're like me you're probably just mindlessly scrolling through social media right it's a terrible way to start your day it's terrible way to take your breaks so i'm trying something new it's called morning brew they are the sponsor of this video and i love their name morning brew is a free daily newsletter monday through sunday every day now honestly i don't watch the news so this is perfect for me this newsletter will get you up to speed in less than five minutes it's not like traditional news where it's boring and dry and takes forever to get the point across it's quick relevant like a pill like a noose pill got a bit of wit in there now one of my favorite things about it is that it keeps me up to date on elon musk tesla spacex like for example tesla having some trouble with china tesla come on dude get your act together or brighter news spacex sending recyclables into orbit because who doesn't love space i like a little space in my news that's good and also interesting stuff like this stat here 2.8 million people subscribe to hbo max in the first quarter and netflix only had 450 000 subscribe in the same time period that's kind of crazy so some great water cooler talk also hbo max is awesome but i'm subscribed to everything who else is and speaking of subscribing you should check out morning brew it's free to sign up takes just about 15 seconds just throw your email in there and you get some good awesome stuff that makes you smarter every day so check it out link in the description and uh yeah let's keep going now this setup is gonna be fast like quick and if you want to jump right to it i got time stamps go ahead but real quick why should you do this maybe you're not fully convinced i mean because like maybe virtualbox is working fine for you right why do i need something else let me tell you reason number one why not what else are you doing right now playing video games dude just do this instead it takes like no time and you could like do some cool stuff like run kali linux ubuntu uh get a plex server going come on come on whatever you want it's power reason number two type one hypervisors they run the world and what i mean by that is that when you go into the corporate world a business actually has legit i.t infrastructure running stuff you're not gonna find type 2 running things type 1 is what is used but why does that matter well i think you need to learn type 1 hypervisor so you can actually get a job right most of you watching my channel care about i.t because it is the way you're making money or the way you want to make money i'm all about building up your skill set this is a resume building situation right here knowing how to build and operate and manage a configure a type 1 hypervisor it's a skill dude it's a skill that i used in the field now sure i didn't use proxmox in the business field in it i used vmware's esxi so you might be wondering chuck why didn't we just go with that why don't we install esxi on our spare laptop or spare desktop shut up i tried i tried and that would have been a cool thing but esxi does not play well with consumer hardware so i spent like a day and a half on that i made the entire video i might put it up i don't know just to show you what failure smells like um but no it doesn't play nice so i looked at proxmox and holy crap it's amazing and it does everything and it's compatible with all the hardware but i can say this having played with proxmox for a bit and then having used esxi in my own business and and other businesses they're pretty similar as far as technology like if you learn one you can fumble your way through the other you will still learn how to manage a virtual environment and then reason number three might be my strongest reason you now have an excuse to go buy another computer because if you don't have a spare one you have to use your existing one for this lab don't you like you want to have a killer hacking or vmware lab or active directory lab i don't care what you're doing as long as you're doing something but yeah you want to have that right so dedicate your current pc to that and go buy you a nice new laptop or a nice new desktop at least that's what i do that's how i that's the excuse i use anyone else do that that's how i tell my wife anyway anyways i can tell you're convinced let's start this process right now okay here we go let's get started let's install proxmox but first what do you need the first thing you need is a computer duh right now what type of computer well it can be anything from a old laptop you got laying around like i have right here or a super server that is just decked out like crazy that would be cool go for that but seriously it can be anything i have this laptop gathering dust in my closet and i'm like you know what let's do some cool stuff on it virtual machines and i'm gonna actually give it to my daughters and have them do some cool stuff on it it's gonna be cool anyways now as far as the minimum hardware you might need because you might be rocking something super old right like a pentium or something anyways here on proxmox it actually doesn't need a lot to do stuff but i've got a link below to their requirements check that out see if you're good now what else do you need number two a usb flash drive we need this to install proxmox just a little guy like this nothing too crazy eight gigs minimum and you're solid number three and this is pretty important you need an ethernet cable and a switch now you probably already have a switch in your house it's probably a router modem combo right that's fine but you will need this ethernet cable because proxmox will not use wi-fi i know your laptop probably has wi-fi but you can't use it ethernet cable and then of course number four you saw this one coming right coffee you need coffee i've got mine right here two cups minimum two cups don't have any check it out it's good anyways that's what we need let's get started right now step one is super easy i mean the whole thing is pretty easy we're gonna prep our flash drive download proxmox get the sucker on there so we can install proxmox on our laptop or desktop or super server whatever you got let me know what you have below so grab your flash drive flip it out like a switchblade and get that sucker plug into your computer plugged in now to download proxmox just go to where i got a link in the description and go to downloads this is super quick and easy no signups or anything i love this very different from others i know looking at you vmware anyways we're going to download their proxmox virtual environment so click on that and then click on iso images and the one we're looking at right here is 6.3 now i don't know when you're gonna be watching this there could be like seven eight nine comment below with what you see right now it'd be kind of cool future all right anyways let's down the latest right now so download and it's going to download give us some time i have wicked fast internet so it'll be done in like 30 seconds how fast is your internet let me know below but while that's downloading we're going to get a tool to actually write this iso to our flash drive now i'm on windows so that's what i'm going to demonstrate right now if you're on mac or linux there are tools like etcher which are fantastic but i'm going to demonstrate right now using rufus i'll have a link below i'm just going to google it real quick rufus there it is and i'll scroll down to the download which is right here go ahead and click on that download that executable and launch it all right rufus we need your help let's get this thing going right now first our device make sure you select the flash drive you plugged in and not anything else right now all i got is my one flash drive 32 gigs i'm solid make sure you have eight eight gigs and then we'll select our image or our iso it's gonna be what we just downloaded so as soon as yours is done go and click on select i'll go find mine real quick proxbox there it is and then that's pretty much it we're going to go ahead and click on start now this next part is very important don't forget to do this click on start and it says hey what mode do you want to use iso or dd now when i first did this i tried iso mode doesn't work you want to go with dd and of course this is specific to rufus on windows so select dd click ok that's going to scare you with the hey we're going to write over everything message and you're like yeah that's what i want to happen so click ok and then click ok again if you get this and it's doing it so coffee break we'll wait for that to finish and mine is done time to go grab my flash drive i'm gonna get mine i'll be right back flash drive is ready oh it's actually kind of warm that's kind of nice anyways is yours warm um i'm gonna plug this into my old dusty laptop it's actually not that bad it's a nice laptop but anyways plugged in and we're ready for the next step step two we're gonna install proxmox on our computer and this is super quick and easy and fast and it's awesome i'm excited so open up that laptop or computer or desktop whatever you got and let's do this now hold on before i power this up remember our goal is to boot to this guy our flash drive your pc may not automatically boot to this you may have to change a few settings in your bios i'll show you mine real quick so i'm going to boot mine up right now now for me i have to press the delete key rapidly like right now to enter my bios yours might be f12 f8 f11 it just depends on your bios try all of them i don't care google it google it that's probably better right so for mine i'm going to mosey on over to the boot tab or section scoot down with my directional arrows down to boot option one and make sure it is the usb hard disk which it already is but if it wasn't i could just go like this and this was hitting enter and selecting another option but that's what i want it to be and then i'll hit f10 this is the most common way to do this hit f10 to get out of there and save it yes and it will reboot and hopefully boot to your flash drive which mine is going to do right now grub let's get this party started proxmox we're already there all right now for some reason the font is like 10 so you can barely see it but the first option there install proxmox ve that's what we want hit enter and it's going to do stuff oh you know what i forgot oh my gosh i almost forgot this ethernet cable it's trying to get an ip address and it can't i'm sorry proxmox that's my bad no no harm done so if you haven't already done that plug your ethernet cable in i think we're good now take a good old long coffee break and read the eula every word jot and tittle go done i'm a speed reader all right i agree bottom right and then your hard disk where do you want to install proxmox i've only got the one hard drive in my laptop you might have multiple but you can go down there and select whatever you want you got some options but default is fine for me click on next to the bottom right put in some locale information click next and then your password and i think we're almost done go ahead and click on next one more time oh host name now if you're smarter than me you would have already had your ethernet cable plugged in and it would have pulled your dhcp information so it might already have your fqdn and the correct ip address space assigned mine doesn't so i have to change it real quick gonna assign my static ip and click on next double check all your information make sure it's good i'm good i'm going to click on install and heck yes it's going about it coffee break and it's going to be quick like seriously it's like look how fast it's going my gosh and it's done yes i think it will reboot by itself and then you're gonna have to navigate to the ip address you put in there we'll do that like right now but anyways we can just um remove our installation media we don't need him anymore he did a good job flash drive and then we can just get our laptop or desktop or whatever it is out of the way because we don't have to interface with him anymore we're going to use the web ui so now time to log in let's do it right now launch your web browser so make sure you do your https at the beginning https colon whack and then your ip address the static one you set and then colon the port 8006 and let's rock this let's do it yes it worked now if you see this don't get scared it just means that you don't have an ssl certificate on the server that's fine it's your server you can trust it i think anyways continue proceed and here we go let's get logged in for the first time the default username will be root the password will be the one you set during installation and login oh wait that's kind of scary what is that no subscription chuck you said this was free it is free don't worry these open source products you know what they do they say hey come use our software it's completely free but it's super complex so if you need help we can support you but you got to pay for it but we know what we're doing right we know linux or we're learning linux we don't need this and we're fine so you're gonna get that weird error ignore it you've got a fully functioning awesome virtual machine type one hypervisor yes right now now i know you're just itching to create that first virtual machine and we're almost there don't worry but we got a bit of house cleaning to do a bit of maintenance step three is going to be increasing our storage because by default right out of the box you're not getting the full bang for your buck you're not getting your whole hard drive to use for your virtual machines but we can change that now this is only if you installed it on like an old pc old laptop with a single hard drive if you've got a super server with like a million hard drives this does not apply anyways let's keep going now what we're about to do might seem a little scary trust me we'll be fine i tried this already we're going to go to on the side over here storage click on the drop down here now before we do this i want to show you what i'm talking about click on the local-lvm storage right there when the summary comes up notice one thing my hard drive in this and this laptop is 500 gigs right now this guy he has 349 gigs available that's pretty cool that's awesome but this volume here this disk i cannot use for anything virtual machine at all but if i click on the other one local this guy i can use however notice he's got a smaller size only 93 gigs what's up with that why why is that happening i don't care why it's happening but we're going to fix it right now it turns out we actually don't need this local lvm volume so we're going to delete that which again sounds kind of scary but trust me take take my hand we'll be okay so from here we're going to click on data center just click there click on that and then we'll mosey on over to storage right there now here we're going to delete the sucker we're going to delete local lvm so go ahead and select that one and then click on remove i know it's a little scary but go ahead and do it trust me yes and it's gone now we're not done quite yet there are a few things we have to do in the command line in the shell so we're going to click on our node name proxmox right there click on him and then click on shell now this is so cool i love being able to do this all in like a a web browser it's sick man click on that yes i love this now you'll want to do this before you deploy any virtual machines or containers or anything because it won't work so this is why we're doing this first so here we go just uh i think three commands yeah three commands first command lv remove and i'll have all these below in the description as well then i'll do forward slash dev forward slash pve and forward slash data and hit enter that's gonna say are you sure about this and i'm like yeah i to put y and say yes and it's gone now we're going to resize our main storage so i'll do lv resize space dash l do a plus sign 100 free all caps i love that command and then space forward slash dev forward slash pve forward slash root and it's going to take 100 of whatever's free and available go do it done successful i love seeing successful and then one last command resize 2fs space forward slash dev forward slash mapper four slash pve dash root and this will seal the deal ready done so now local lvm is gone sad no not really he was taking up space a waste of space he was literally a waste of space anyways um but local still here let's go take a look at him real quick click on him oh yes now we got him using all of our hard drive 460 gigs of glorious storage that we can now use for stuff so yeah we're here the moment you've been waiting for we're finally going to create some virtual machines but first we need to upload some isos the disk images to actually install these virtual machines now which isos that's up to you man whatever you want to upload whatever virtual machines you want to play with right now so you want to do cali do cali parrot os ubuntu centos i don't care shoot even windows server windows 10 you can do all that stuff and yeah it's it's all free some are trial based but all the linux stuff is free i've got links below if you want to check them all out but i would suggest you start downloading those suckers right now it can take a while depending on your internet speed but not for me i'm already good in fact they're already done for me so i'm going to upload mine right now i'm already here in local in my storage and i can just right here click on iso images and it's empty but i can click on upload and upload some let's do that i'll select my file i'll start first with uh cali let's get cali in there and upload coffee break refill it's almost done though all right cali's there i'm gonna upload a few more i'm not gonna make you wait though okay get all my isos in place kali ubuntu and even windows server 2019. yeah i'm going windows man anyways let's start making some virtual machines so um we're gonna go up here to create a vm at the very top to make it very convenient so uh click on that create a vm my node is indeed proxbox i've only got one node i love that when you click on it it shows the memory and cpu plenty of room let's do this vmid 100 my first one i'll name it i'll do cali first oh i always name my cali machines voldemort you must not be named i'll click on next storage local that's the only one we got there this will be a linux machine so this is all good i'm good there click on next oh wait i forgot the iso image let's select cali there it is right there click on next now you could go through here and customize a few things like graphics card scuzzy controller which is storage we don't need that right now click on next hard disk how much storage do we want i'm going to give him 50 gigs to start out with and then for storage crap oh i missed something okay okay we're gonna back out of here real quick i missed one key thing it's my fault sorry guys so we're gonna go back up here to data center just one small adjustment click on data center this might have scared you if you went there go to data center we're already at storage click on local and we're going to click on edit now with proxmox for this directory here you have to specify what type of content can be allowed in this directory so right now let me select this all we have is iso container and vz dump backup we don't have disk image selected so we need to select that to make it happen so it's highlighted it's good click ok and disaster averted okay we're good so let's go click on create vm once more i'm not going to bore you with the steps again so let's click on next and select my image next next 50 gigs and thankfully storage is already selected so we're good there whoo that was scary for a second don't scare me like that and then click on next cpu i'm going to give him a couple cores we can always increase that later click on next memory now i have 32 gigs of ram in this laptop you may not have as much so two gigs might be fine for you i'm going to increase mine to 4096 because why not and click on next network now by default it will be bridged to your actual home network so it'll receive an ip address from your router which might be what you want if you don't want that you can change that i might cover that i'm not sure yet so let's click on next here and that's all we need review your stuff and i'll go ahead and make sure i start after created i'll click that check box and then click on finish we're done and there he is right there oh voldemort just hanging out on the side let's click on him he feels lonely click on him and we get a whole new set of menus you can look at all the stuff that's going on with him you can add notes that's that's all cool stats cpu usage he's fresh nothing going on yet but we do have to install cali on voldemort here so we're gonna jump into our console select the console and bam just like that we got a nice little gui here let's do the graphical install and i'll go through all the basic like let's set up your operating system stuff i'm not going to bore you with that but it's it's pretty simple pretty straightforward if you click continue and just close your eyes you'll be fine most the time so i'll let that continue cooking i'm gonna go ahead and create a few more vms just for fun i'll do a windows one windows server 2019 and we'll do all his stuff select his image he has indeed a windows server which by the way you can download windows server for free you get an evaluation for like 30 or 60 days one of those two i'll change my type to microsoft windows and get this party started and i'll throw ubuntu in there too why not chibuntu so now i have all of them cooking right now it's ubuntu windows server 2019 cali over here mr voldemort let me switch to him look how easy it is to switch between these guys that's amazing and right now we've got a lot going on like if i click on my proxmox node right here i can get a good summary right here and kind of see what's going on yeah i'm using some ram here about 36 cpu is doing pretty good i can take a look at all the stuff going on i mean this is this is pretty right oh i love this now while our virtual machines are cooking we can do something a bit faster that'll be spun up in like seconds a container yeah proxmox natively can do containers now not docker nah you know i love docker i can't do docker it does do another type called lxc linux containers let's try that out right now now first we do need to get some linux container templates or lxc templates so i'm going to go back to my storage right here by clicking on local and you may have noticed just under iso images we have ct templates those are container templates click on that you could upload your own or just go browse some templates and we have all the default ones let's throw in i don't know ubuntu 20. let's get that sucker i can't see what i'm doing with me there we go i'm gonna download that one it should download it pretty quick and if you have no idea what containers are you should definitely watch this video to learn about these they're awesome why well because you can deploy them super fast watch this i think it's already done it downloaded it oh yeah it finished so now instead of creating a vm like we did before i can go up to the top here and click on create a ct or create container create i'll name it fast ubuntu put a password in click on next choose my template which is this guy right here ubuntu next storage eight gigs is fine oh oh man i've gotta go change the storage setting again it must need more access let me go back to our data center options and storage and let's edit our local directory here what else can you not do container okay there we go to begin with okay now let's do it again create container name it again fast ubuntu password next now we're good let's click on our template ubuntu next storage is good cores are fine memory's fine it's a container it's quick i'll give it dhcp on ipv4 next next we're all good start after created and finish this will be super fast it's done i'm going to close this and over here on the side i should see it start to turn play button cool go on fast ubuntu don't make me look stupid go faster oh he's done let's jump in there go to console ubuntu is ready log in dude containers are so cool and i love that this hypervisor this type one hypervisor proxmox it's free and you get quick access to virtual machines and containers perfect it's perfect for a lab right anyways let's go check in on our virtual machines they're still cooking we'll wait and boom check this out man okay voldemort cali fully functional i mean it's it's all here dude man i love this uh windows server 2019 let's quickly go there fully functional windows server it's actually valid for 180 days that's a killer trial man and of course chewbacca over here bam bam bam bam bam and my container is still there just hanging out not bad for a laptop that was just collecting dust in my closet good job guy that's awesome now last thing real quick if you have a laptop like me you may want to be able to close the lid and the server stay up right you want to like throw that back in your closet and you still have an awesome virtual machine powerhouse how do you make sure it won't turn off a few things right here a few commands we're going to get back to our proxmox node here and jump to the shell once more click on the shell here we're going to edit one file we're going to use vi the vi editor because i don't think nano is installed let me test it real quick oh wait nano is here okay we're going to use nano it's a lot easier nano for slash etc or etsy forward slash system d forward slash login d conf now we're going to scroll down to find some options real quick first right here we're going to uncomment the handle lid switch and change it from suspend to ignore we'll also do handle switched or handle lid switch docked we'll uncomment that and change that to well it's already ignored we're good ignore it and that was it pretty easy right we'll do ctrl x to exit hit y to save and hit enter to confirm it we're solid now we're going to restart that login service and then we're good command will be system ctl restart yeah system d login d service service and hit enter done now let's see if it actually works hopefully my system doesn't crash and die that would be bad let's see don't die on me are you still here it is it's still active okay okay whoo that scared me okay we're still good if i open them back up it should be no change yeah yeah yeah we're good and then i lied one more thing the screen doesn't turn off when you close the lid we may want that to happen don't want your screen to burn out you might want to reuse this laptop for something else one day i don't know so again we'll get back to our proxmox node here click on the shell and we're gonna edit one more file so once again nano forward slash etc default grub and we're gonna go edit this option right here grub underscore command line underscore linux and between those parentheses we're gonna add console blank equals 300 and what this will do is it'll say hey after 300 seconds or five minutes the screen will take a nap go to sleep so we'll hit ctrl x to get out of there y to say yeah i want to save it hit enter and it's saved we're going to type in update grub to update grub and we're good now i'm pretty new to proxmox but so far i'm in love i love it now i've been a long time user of vmware's esxi because i used it in the corporate world i still run it in my environment right now the only reason i don't have it on my laptop is because it wasn't compatible with my hardware now if your hardware is compatible with esxi try it out but proxmox is more than enough from what i can tell so far so anyways what do you think of this did you do this did you go through and actually set up a type 1 hypervisor on some old hardware if you did kudos like this is a cool thing to do this is a resume building event sure you may not see proxmox on too many corporate servers but i'm telling you man if you know how to use proxmox you know how to use esxi in fact i would wager and i actually i would say so that proxmox is more complex which means in my book more fun more things to go in there and figure out it's got a rest api i can't wait to play with that anyways let me know what you think of the video in the comments below and if hey hold on have you hacked youtube today let's make sure you do and by hack youtube i mean the youtube algorithm that's it so make sure you like this video comment below uh subscribe notification bell let's hack youtube today ethically of course the only way you can do it anyways that's all i have thanks for hanging out with me i had fun i hope you did too and i'll catch you guys next time 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Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 411,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtual machine, virtual machines, hypervisor, proxmox, how to install proxmox, how to virtual machine, type 1 hypervisor, type 2 hypervisor, virtual box, vmware, esxi, vmware esxi, home server, homelab, virtualization, linux, proxmox install, proxmox tutorial, proxmox ve, vm, homelab setup, vmware vsphere, learn linux, virtual machine tutorial, vmware tutorial, how to set up a virtual machine, hypervisors, proxmox getting started
Id: _u8qTN3cCnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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