Visual Inspection Mistakes {[That "IS NOT" A Crack]}

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so it's that's time of year again you got to bring your tank in for a visual inspection you leave it with your local dive center and a couple days later they call and they say hey we got a problem with your cylinder we found a crack in the neck of it and we're gonna have to condemn the cylinder well upon further inspection you look at it and you determine it's not actually a crack so how do you handle that let's find out together what's up guys let's run again from Lake Hickory skipper marina and if you are new to our channel do me a huge favor make sure you click this little subscribe button over here and ding that little bell as well that way you guys will be notified every time we upload new content now in today's video I'm gonna be going over some of the mistakes that visual inspectors make when they visually service your tank or visually inspect your tank and I know a lot of times people will call me up and they say hey can I look at the tank before you actually condemn it and usually when I condemn a cylinder if I'm expecting it a lot of times what I'll do is I'll reject a cylinder I won't actually condemn it I'll reject it and I'll let another visual inspector go over it just to make sure that what I'm seeing is a crack in the threads or just you know damage beyond what can be repaired and so I'll reject that cylinder and I'll let another visual inspector look at it and then if he rejects it as well then we condemn it but I'm going to show you a common mistake that a lot of visual inspectors make where they may think they have found a crack but upon further inspection if they dig a little bit deeper they'll notice that it's not really a crack so without further ado let's get started hi guys so I got several different cylinders here these belong to a good customer of ours and he brought them to me and said hey can you visually inspect them can you go to clean them and get them fill back up for me I'm like yeah absolutely so dear my visual inspection process this tank here has an apparent crack in the threads and I've looked at it several times and it appears to be a crack in my eyes or in my training experience I would say that it's crack but instead of just immediately condemning that cylinder what I'm gonna do is actually get a hold of another visual inspector it works here and I'm simply just going to reject this cylinder for now until they can do a visual inspection process on it and see if they come up the same conclusion and the reason I do that is I want to give this tank the benefit of the doubt I want to make sure that I'm doing a good thorough visual inspection because I don't want to be condemning a cylinder that does not need to be condemned now based off the totality of the circumstances here I'm pretty much done with a cylinder however I want to show you exactly what I found and one of the ways that visual inspectors make a mistake by not testing for and show you why a lot of cylinders are getting condemned when they shouldn't be condemned so if i zoom in this is just a optical viewer here that we use and essentially on tanks what we're looking at is the threads here it's just part of the 18 step protocol we go through we're looking at the threads and we're looking for any type of cracking in those threads that's calls from over stress during filling processes and things like that so if i zoom in here and hopefully the lot will work for us but if i zoom in here you'll start to see the threads there and as I turn I can look at each and every thread and I'm gonna stop it just temporarily here and I'm gonna draw a circle around it for you and in short and the camera unfortunately is not showing up as well as what I can see with my eyes but there's a crack right there about right where the glare is there there's a crack now typically when I see this the first thing I'm gonna do is immediately reject a cylinder it doesn't mean anything bad it just means I'm gonna reject it I'm gonna finish the rest of my inspection process and I'm gonna come back to just that part I'm not gonna pass it I'm not gonna fill it I'm gonna do anything and then once I finished the the rest of the visual inspection process I'm gonna get another visual inspector in here and he's going to look at it to determine whether or not what I'm looking at is actually a crack but I do want to show you something really quick if we zoom back in real quick here and we really inspect that that crack there and I'll circle it for you one more time I can kind of see that it's a raised crack and what I mean by that if we look at my fingers here my fingers let's say are the threads and imagine if I drew a line straight across my fingers here that would be determined a crack if you will if it goes through more than say one or two and if I see it raised up like that more than likely it's not actually a crack so I'm going to show you one of the things that we do real quick to help us determine whether it's a crack or not all I need is a little brass pick I'm going to take this little brass pick and we'll come over here and once again I really hope the camera can see it and we'll count down the number of threads that accounted in an optical viewer and I'm just going to kind of go in between the threads and if you look really really close and hopefully the camera see if we can get the camera to focus here if we look really really close at the end of that pic there you'll notice that there's a little bit of debris and that happens to be a little bit of metal shavings it looks like but that's what that crack is and a lot of times when we look for cracks that's what we're looking for just looks like a piece of hair laid across the the threads of the cylinder there so now that I've determined that that was debris in the tank threads and not actually a crack I can continue on by going back with my optical viewer here and actually go through and now I notice that crack has magically disappeared so check that out guys so this is a common mistake that I know a lot of newer visual inspectors make and a lot of tanks will actually get condemned that should not be condemned now I know the certification agency which we use which is psi and PCI there's times when I'll take a picture just like I'm videoing for you guys I'll take a picture of that and I'll email it to them don't say hey what do y'all think can y'all send me another visual inspector who's got more experience than us can y'all come look at this and the reason another reason I want to make this video is not just to say you know we make sure things are the way they should be we do good thorough visual inspections here but we're also a diver divers just like you we don't want to condemn tanks that don't need to be condemned so a lot of times I'll send pictures in the psi on PC I and say hey this is what I found what do you recommend at this point and if all else fails they'll come out and look at it for himself that's one cool thing about those guys but I just want to make a quick video and show you some of the common mistakes that are made and finding debris like that is a huge common mistake I know a lot of my guys here that are visual inspectors they'll reject the cylinder and say hey I found a crack let's look at it and then when I look at it I'll find a bring in it just like that because if you take your tank in before it gets condemned make sure that visual inspector gives you a call so that you can look at it as well hi guys I really hope you enjoyed today's video I hope it was educational for you if you got any questions on cylinders maybe how we visit them things like that just drop me a comment down below and I'll try to go over it the best I can with you if you're interested in a PCI or PSI visual inspector course you can look them up they're local here to North Carolina they can travel pretty much anywhere to teach a class a lot of times they'll go to their local dive centers in their area or somewhere and they'll teach a class for a group but if you're interested in learning that look them up on the Internet it's just psi and PCI comm I'll link all their information down below they're a great group of guys we've been using them for years that's who we hold certifications through to do visual inspection process and we actually did an interview with the owner many many years ago I'll actually link that video as well or I'll put it up here somewhere for you go check out that video because it's very educational as well because I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pendants on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 1,428
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8lSTxxmlWIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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