Tank Stickers

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what's up guys it's run again from lakeya course Katrina I'm sorting my layout with several visual inspections I had a friend of mine bring me some used cylinders that he had just purchased he'd send them off for Hyde Road and problems me for the biz but I'm gonna take his tanks here I'll make a quick video about his tanks in particular just because it's a cool thing first of all it's an aluminum 100 I'm not a big fan of 100 I like to steal 100 however it's a cool tank because it's customized it's got a lot of neat stickers on it and what I mean by neat stickers it's stickers from where he's been or the previous owners been and so I see he's been the Grand Cayman he's been to the Florida Keys the mine from mine candy whatever that is so it's really cool he's been all over southeast Aruba so he's been all over and that's really neat that he's kind of customized a cylinder but there's an issue with it the issue is all these stickers have to come off their individual inspection process and though the current customer who's a friend of mine is not going to get upset for me taking them off some customers do when they bring us their tanks for visual inspection what part of the 18 step protocol or process we go through requires us to do an external visual inspection order for me to do that properly I have to take these stickers off so I can see underneath them and I compromise you guys in the last 30 years I've seen a ton of damage underneath stickers and usually it's where somebody's damaged their tank that could have sticker on it to hide it so for us to catch that we have to take these stickers off and I've had countless of times people have got very upset with me over the years and it's not a good thing for them to get upset it's actually bad on their part you know we do these visual inspections for their safety and our safety and spill operators and so I try to explain everybody when you bring me a cylinder it's got a sticker on it it's got to come off there in the visual process and I'm okay with you putting stickers on your tank it's a good thing that you want to customize your cylinder just understand they do have to come off during a yearly inspection even these stickers right here if this tank has an on/off sticker on it and we do have is we take it off and we charge them to put another one on now the stickers are not very expensive just a couple bucks but they still have to come off guys so please don't get upset with me if I'm your visual inspector or if you take it to the visual inspector he takes your sticker off we're actually required to let's talk real quick about visual inspection stickers because I do have a pet peeve with them as well as far as where you put a visual inspection sticker to me it doesn't really matter there's no real requirement just has to be visible some people when it's very popular for these curve style stickers to be up top and that's actually okay as long as it doesn't block any of the numbers that are important to us meaning the data was made the hydrator stuff like that the serial number whole nine yards so as long as it doesn't block that I'm perfectly okay with it going up there I don't mind it going down here towards the bottom which is typically where I put it but please don't put it on the bottom I don't want to have to pick up your tank like this every time just to see the visual inspection sticker put it where it's visible one reason that I put it towards the bottom down here is simply because if you use a tank boot I usually put it right up above where to take videos but as you slide your BC on your cam straps will not scratch it up as they would appear so that's one reason I like it down there but it's perfectly a fine up here as well but I will stake this because this team's a prime example I got a visual inspection inspection sticker there I've also got a visual inspection sticker there and there's another one on the other side make sure your visual inspector takes off the old stickers every time you get a visual because if you bring me a cylinder and I see a visual inspection I'm gonna look at and say hey you tanks out I'm not gonna worry about looking for another one because it needs to be visible and then if you say well there's another sticker on it I'm gonna say I know it's out - I'm not gonna waste my time guys going around and looking at all those stickers there needs to be one visual inspection sticker on it and I need to be able to see it when I got the tank in my hands so if it's up here that's great that's fine if it's down here that's great that's fine but take one of the other ones off you don't need multiple inspection stickers and we get people who get upset well I want to know the history of this tank okay you don't need stickers to do that if you're using your cylinder you're getting it inspected every year and you bought the cylinder obviously you know the history of it don't get upset because they're gonna come off as well but guys this is my little rant this morning I just want to talk about that I've got to get these done for the customer I got to get these stickers off and I hate to do that to him but because they're really cool stickers I really like this southeast aruba sticker that's pretty cool it's got a female diver going to die flags really neat but yeah I wanted to make the video and stickers it's okay to customize your tanks just understand once a year stickers got to come off anyway so please don't get upset with your original inspector if I'm your visual inspector please don't get upset with me I'm just doing my job but guys I really appreciate you watching this video let me know down in the comments section below I know a lot of technology they don't like any stickers on here they just want whatever they're bullying Diaz whatever their oxygen blend is but yeah let me know down the comment section below how you feel about tank stickers me personally I think they're cool I like them I just hate the fact that I've got to take them off but yeah let me know down in the comment section below what you think about the situation guys are really appreciate you watching this video if you liked it simply smash the like button for me and definitely share it as always guys make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business gals we really appreciate you watching our videos if you liked it make sure to give us a big thumbs up if you're not a subscriber simply hit that subscribe button for us and make sure you hit the little bell to turn on all notifications if you want to see some other cool videos make sure to click these links here they could be scuba tips they could be diving videos search-and-recovery videos or gear reviews once again guys we really appreciate it
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 2,486
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Tank Stickers, Visual Inspection, How To Perform A Visual Inspection On A Scuba Tank, What Is A Visual Inspection, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Bryan Stafford, PSI, PCI, Professional Scuba Inspectors, Professional Cylinder Inspectors
Id: 7ZJdnWIRTn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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