Pool Repair And Delta P Discussion

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys it's brian again from lake kicker scuba marina and if you are new to our channel do me a huge favor make sure you click this little subscribe button over here and ding that little bell as well that way you guys will be notified every time we upload new content now speaking of content as most of you guys probably know our channel has been very very slow here recently we hadn't had time to really upload much uh simply because we've just been that busy we've been teaching out the wahoo we've had trips that we've been running left and right i've been to florida about three times in the last two months i've got another cave country trip coming up in two weeks i'll be down in the caves down at jenny springs we'll also be doing some cavern training down in blue grotto with some students and so we've just been slammed speaking of being slammed we actually got hit with hurricane zeta or to us by the time it hit us it was tropical storm zeta and yesterday alone we had over 400 call outs in our county alone so most of you guys know i'm a public servant here and for the whole county we had over 400 calls in one day that was trees down lines down uh house fires water-related calls there was a major power outage over 90 percent of the people in our area was without power for 8 to 12 hours yesterday so we have just been absolutely slammed and hadn't had much time to film we are going into the winter months now so hopefully things will start slowing down a little bit and we'll have more time to film for you guys like i said i do got a cave trip coming up i'll be making some videos for you there and then also got some gear reviews coming out as well and i actually got re-challenged yet again in the critter hunter challenge so if you like the critter hunter challenge that's going around we've got another critter hunter challenge that's coming out as well but all that being said we're gonna start uploading some more videos just i hadn't had time to do it here recently but i'm gonna get over the swimming pool and i'll kind of walk you through what i'm doing today and hopefully you'll learn something from it okay so on this particular job we are actually going down to replace string grates and always get a kick out of swimming pools when i get hired to fix them they always have a sign that says no diving and yeah they they mean don't jump in head first that type of diving but always get a kick out of it because they hire me to dive in their pool but the dream grate there that you see below me there's actually two here i'm going to replace the caps the covers that go over them and one of the reasons i wanted to make this video for you is to talk a little bit about what's called delta p or differential pressure and this gives me a great opportunity to do that to hopefully educate you guys a little bit more as well but to start this job out all i'm doing is just making sure i've got each component that i need i'm just kind of getting an orientation of how these components are going to be going together um you'll notice that there's a bunch of different holes there that's actually the internal sleeve that the top cover is going to mount to under the water and there's a bunch of different holes so i'm kind of getting around seeing what all i need to remove to replace the covers and then once i take the cover off here of course it's just simply by replacing four screws removing the cover and then of course i can put the new one on but i needed to see if those new sleeves would work for the same system that we got here but as i start to remove the screws one of the things that you'll notice about these grates is they have a ton of different slots in there and the reason that they're there is if water was draining through here if water was being pulled through here one of the risks that we have when we do salvage work or we're doing underwater inspections things like that is we have to deal with what's called delta p or otherwise known as differential pressure and i can give you a a little bit of an understanding of how this works in short let's say that you have more pressure on one side of a barrier than you do on the other so a great example here would be a water hose if i have more pressure coming through one side than the opening of the water hose then it's going to create more of a suction if you will um and you know as a kid you're spraying somebody with a water hose they step out of the stream of the water you put your thumb over the end it creates differential pressure it creates more flow if you will or a higher pressurization of flow and then of course that stream will go out and hit that person so the same thing here it's just on the opposite side so i've got all the weight of the water and all the pressure of the water trying to push down through this little tiny hole and that's going to create a major suction as it pulls down through that well the purpose of the slots that you see there in the grates is to prevent differential pressure delta p now it's still going to be there we're not going to eliminate it but what it allows us to do is actually in the event that we were to get stuck to this grate as long as i didn't completely cover the entire grate water can still get around me whether it's my hand my leg or something like that water can get around it and still flow through the extra slots there in the grate and what that allows me to do is it takes some of the pressure away or some of the suction away and it allows me to glide my hand over it very easily or my leg very easy as well and i can break the suction there but as i take it off now you can see it's just a hole down there that's all that drainage pipe is and delta p at this point is is very critical at this point because i have no way to stop that flow if i was to get down on there um what i'm actually doing here now is we are prepping the new cover plate uh in the sleeve itself i'm actually going to choose not to use the new sleeves i'm going to use what's already imprinted down into the concrete itself so we're just going to be replacing the cover plate here it's a very simple fix we just take four new bolts stick them down through the top and then replace the grate as well but getting back to the delta p scenario um one thing that you'll notice throughout this video is i'm actually not on the bottom i have zero weight on right now yeah i've got my scuba gear on but i'm in a dry suit and the water is shallow enough that i can actually reach uh the grate from the surface and it's very important for me to do that because the last thing i want is for you know my big old belly to get down there and suck down against this so i'm actually doing all the work basically from the surface being positively buoyant and i'm just reaching down with my arms but that's why these pool grates that you see have those slots in them uh it just prevents delta p from being able to take effect and kind of hold you there uh now there there have been times when people and children and adults are in a swimming pool and they're going down they're playing with these grates and they get sucked to them and their whole entire body covers the grate and of course bad things happen at that point they get injured they drown but that's the purpose of these drain grates as well plus it does keep debris and stuff but there you can kind of see the sleeve that's up underneath it i'm just going to leave it in place because it's already imprinted down in the concrete itself it's nice and solid and all i've got to do at this point is just line up the new grate uh screw down the four bolts in each corner and then everything should be good to go now as i'm doing this it's kind of like when you replace a tire on your vehicle or a rim on your vehicle you want to kind of do the corners first and then go around and secure each one so you'll notice i'm just barely getting these bolts started to begin with and then i'll move over to the next corner and do the same thing and i want to try to keep them as even as possible because if you don't you can get one side too tight um and that will allow it to protrude up on the corners that are not tight enough and then as swimmers and stuff are in the water they can actually kick it up they can break these grates um so i'm gonna try to make sure i get everything nice and secure make sure everything's nice and flat um and that way we we kind of prevent that as well plus you're not putting any undue tension on the plastic itself because that's all this is is basically plastic so i want to make sure that i'm not cracking it i'm just going to get everything started get it to where it's just gently snug and then once i've got all four bolts in i'll go all the way around the corners and actually secure it down and tighten it down as well then as i'm getting finished up here i'm just going to make sure it's good and snug on all four corners making sure there's no rock in it as you can see i'm just kind of rocking it back and forth tighten it down rocking it back and forth tighten it down just making sure everything is good to go because i don't want no kids or or even adults kicking this up with their feet but as i start to get finished up here i'll just put the last few little turns on the bolts there just to make sure everything's good and then i'm gonna go ahead and move over to the next one and get it replaced as well uh but to try to keep this video a little bit shorter for you i'm gonna start to speed up the video here in just a second and just kind of walk you through the process one more time kind of give you a little bit more information there on delta p or kind of recap on what delta p is which is you know it's nothing more than differential pressure on one side of the wall you got more force than you do on the other side so i have all the weight and the pressure of the water trying to go through this little hole that's going to create differential pressure if anything gets down there on that hole of course it can create a suction and without the grates going over that hole then that water is not going to be able to escape around the object and of course it can create a suction that i won't be able to get out of but uh i'm gonna go ahead and replace this other grate real quick and on this particular one you can kind of see that sleeve now that's kind of imprinted in the concrete i'm actually tightening it down it's actually kind of loose so i'm gonna tighten it down for the customer and then replace the new cover on top of that sleeve there and then same thing just going to tighten it down corner by corner kind of going opposite of each other to get to begin with make sure everything gets nice and secure that it's not loose that it's not going to break and i want to be careful as i'm tightening it down just so that i don't break the plastic as i'm screwing it down so even once it's snug i'm going to test all four corners give it just a little bit of torque but not enough that it's actually going to break the plastic as i finish all right so there you go guys very very easy simple job um not too difficult basically remove four screws take a grade off put the grate back put four screws back in we do quite a bit of pull repair i know i've did some videos in the past about uh patching liner pools and things like that this is actually a lot easier than that um but yeah we have been absolutely slammed guys i promise i will get some more videos up for you here soon uh just give me time to get something shot and edited and then we'll we'll get them uploaded for you uh still got another critter critter hunter challenge to do uh mr church over at uh rest and wreck re-challenged us to go out and find a bridal zoen so our lakes full of them should be pretty easy to do i've got some gear reviews coming out flashlight reviews and then of course i got my trip down to cave country with some students so i'll show you some cool things back in the caves but yeah guys i really hope you enjoyed today's video i apologize once again for taking so long to get one out but uh we got some cool ones coming up in the future but if you liked today's video hit that thumbs up button for me definitely share it as well as always make sure you follow us on instagram and twitter like us on facebook pin us on pinterest subscribe to us here on youtube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 1,317
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pool Repair And Delta P Discussion, Hurricane Zeta, Tropical Storm Zeta, Underwater Repairs and Salvage, Pool Repairs, Lake Hickory Scuba Center Inc And Marina, Instructor Trainer Bryan Stafford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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