Safety Stops To Do Or Not To Do That Is The Question

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what's up guys the Sprunt again from lay kickers good Moran today's video is gonna be on safety stops and we're gonna discuss exactly what a safety stop is how it differs from a decompression stop we're also going to discuss how to conduct it and whether or not we should be doing safety stops after every single dive so let's take a quick look at several sources here and we're going to use of course Wikipedia is one source we're going to use one of the larger and most prominent dive training agencies out there and then we're also going to look at a gear manufacturer and we're going to look at their computer manual and see what they say a safety stop is and how we should be performing it so according to Wikipedia it says the safety stop is a stop and depth anywhere between three to six meters or ten to twenty feet and they are usually done during no stop dives now no stop dives of course are non decompression dives or within our decompression limit it simply means that whatever depth we go to and however long we stay we do not exceed the recreational limits which allows us to make a straight ascent to the surface no faster than a foot every two seconds and we truly get rid of where we eliminate the the most we can the risk of that decompression sickness setting in so does that mean according to that that I should always do one or I shouldn't always do one well it's very vague it doesn't really say so let's look at one of the training agencies of what they say a safety stop isn't how to perform it so according to the training agency it says a safety stop for three minutes at 15 feet is required any time the diver comes within three pressure groups of a no decompression limit and for any dive to a depth of a hundred foot or greater now according to this it's saying or this agency they're saying that it is required but only when the diver comes within three pressure groups of the note decompression limit so does that mean that we don't have to do it if we're not within those three pressure groups and it also says any dives deeper than a hundred feet well what if we make a dive to forty feet or 70 feet does that mean we're required to do it well cording that training agency were only required if we come within three pressure groups of our maximum limit or no decompression limit so it's a little bit more detailed there as far as when we're required to now this of course is being based off if we use their tables for plenty let's see if we don't use the tables and we use a dive computer what again one of the larger gear manufacturer says about making safety stops so according this gear manufacturer here in their manual it just simply says a safety stop is generated as soon as the depth of the dive exceeds 10 meters or 33 feet it also says it has a duration of three minutes and is carried out between the depths of 20 feet and 10 feet or 6 meters and 3 meters at the end of the dive prior to surfacing such stop is not mandatory but highly recommended so it's pretty consistent with the other ones as far as depth how long do we stay but even the gear manufacturer says it's not mandatory simply highly recommended so what is the difference between a safety stop and a decompression stop and why is 1 mandatory and one is not well remember the safety stop is simply more nothing than added conservatism built into the dive to bleed off a little bit extra nitrogen and they're also designed to be used on any dive decompression diving recreational dominant doesn't matter but now we do have depth limitations there that would sit in just like the gear manufacturer says their computer will not kick in the safety stop mode until that depth of 10 meters or 33 feet has been exceeded so does that mean that if I make a dive to 20 feet I don't need to come up to 15 feet do a safety stop well once again if I do not exceed my node decompression limit then no technically you don't have to do one so what's the difference between that and what's a decompression stop or a decompression stop is when we do exceed our limitations our depth limitations or no decompression time we've exceeded that we have super saturated ourselves with nitrogen and we do have to bleed it off at a certain rate so we need to be making them deep stops or decompression stops to bleed off that extra nitrogen and then of course we would continue to do a safety stop on the way up prior to exit the water so one we're required to do it simply because we exceeded our recreational limitations to wear the other one we did not exceed it now whether or not you should be doing a safety stop that is completely up to you I will tell you right now that I always perform a safety stop anytime that I'm deeper than safe 40 feet for any reason on any dive now let's talk a little bit about how our performer safety stopped because there seems to be some confusion as far as exactly where you should stop how long you should stop should you not be moving should you be hovering should you be swimming so if we think of a generalized definition of the safety stop it's a stop at 10 to 20 feet we will average that at 15 feet for argument's sake it's a stop at 15 feet for no more than three to five minutes for added conservatism meaning I'm bleeding off just that extra little bit of nitrogen given that I have the air supply to do it just so that my surface interval is a little bit shorter and I'm helping my body out a little bit better so how do we actually perform it does that mean that we've got to come up an anchor line and hang on to the rope does that mean that I've got a hover in one specific spot for three to five minutes or does that mean I can actually swim around that 3 to 15 foot depth well me personally I do all the above if I'm in a strong current in the ocean and I'm coming up that anchor line if there's not a hang bar below the boat I will actually just hang on to the anchor line at 15 feet or 10 to 20 feet if you will until my three to five minutes have it has expired and then I'll make a slow safe ascent now I do that of course because there is a current I don't want to get blown away from the boat in the event that I do I can shoot a surface marker buoy and the boat can actually follow me deer in that safety stop so how do I do it here in the lake or even in our local queries to what I'm not having to stay still on one spot well it's very simple all our training areas whether it's here at our local shop or here in our lake or even the quarries that we use that's what we call the playground areas has plenty of structures to look at that's any anywhere between that 10 to 20 foot mark and we always come back through the playground area Deardon the last three to five minutes of our dive so that we're not sitting in one specific spot just hanging out three to five minutes we can actually continue to move ourselves under the water and swim along those objects still enjoying our dive but we do it at a consistent depth anywhere say 10 to 20 feet or average of 15 feet and we do it at the last 3 to 5 minutes of our dive now once again are we required to well according to the definitions both by the gear manufacturer and one of the larger training agencies you're not necessarily required to but they are both highly recommended to do so whether you decide to do one or not let me know down in the comment section below if you're a recreational diver do you always make a safety stop when do you not make a safety stop and I'd like to know from you guys what do you think in the matter guys I really appreciate you watching this video if you really like to hit that like button for me if you're not a subscriber please subscribe to us if you got any ideas for future videos or other topics and discussions you would like for me to talk about simply put it down in the comment section or send me a message but guys as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here 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Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 14,187
Rating: 4.9871383 out of 5
Keywords: Lake, Hickory, Scuba, Marina, Taylorsville, North, Carolina, Alexander, County, Diving, Drysuit, Wetsuit, BCD, Regulator, Fins, Mask, Snorkel, Public, Safety, Under, Water, Criminal, Investigations, Mares, OS, Systems, Ocean, Reef, Full, Face, Training, XS, Trident, Charter, PDIC, PADI, SEI, CMAS, Educators, International, Docks, Search, Recovery, Specialty, Night, Drift, EFR, First, Aid, CPR, AED, Emergency, Oxygen, Provider, Divemaster, Assistant, Instructor, Trainer, Board, Discussion, SSI, School, Commentary, Treasure, Hunting, Stop
Id: -sT-SYnbzDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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