Primary Donate Alternate Donate Long Hose Short Hose

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what's up guys this round a game from Lake kicker scoop and ran today we're going to talk about donate your primary versus donate in your alternate and which one you should actually be doing and the value behind it so this is a huge controversy right now especially here on youtube as far as primary donate you know donate in your alternate long hose short hose there's a big controversy going on right now and if you follow other youtubers you'll you'll know what I'm talking about here and also on some of the major forums like scuba board it's a pretty big topic right now so let's address the fact of donating primary donate an alternate list look at the value of each and then we'll discuss a little bit about should you really be learning both or just one or the other so typically with a primary donate what you're gonna do is your buddy's gonna say hey help help help out of error share error and all you're gonna do is donate your primary go to your alternate secure your buddy and you to come up together doesn't really matter if you come up vertical horizontal none of that really matters especially at the recreational level but this is typically what's called a primary donate now in an alternate donate basically you're gonna keep your primary and you're gonna donate your alternate it's a more traditional way of doing it and of course it's the way I was raised to do it but there's also a very specific value behind doing that as well so let's take a look at several different examples and see which one would work better whether a primary donate or an alternate donate would work in each of these situations so wearing what I've got now let's say that I'm diving with my buddy and they swim up to me and they say hey help help help out of air share air just out of Basic Instinct I'm gonna go ahead and give them my primary and go to my alternate and there's several different reasons I do that one it's easy to do right number two it's a psychological factor to it that my buddy is more than likely going to remain more calm or start to calm himself down if he knows that the situation is not really as bad as what it seems and he's know that simply because I'm giving him a known air source that he knows works and that I know work because it's obviously the one I'm breeding so from a psychological standpoint donating your primary is gonna be a lot better now let's also look at it from an emergency situation or a panic diver in a panic diver scenario he's just gonna come up to you he's probably gonna rip it out of your mouth really quick once again because he knows that it works and it doesn't matter your training yeah we want to train a certain way we want to get develop a muscle memory I tell you right now when panic sets in that fight-or-flight response kicks in and you really truly lose all every bit of your knowledge just goes out the door so it doesn't really matter how you train when a panic diver panics and trust me as an instructor and someone who's been in this industry for 31 years I have seen panic attics worse I see it routinely with fresh students I've seen it with my professional students so at the same time panic affects everybody and in that situation I can promise you there 9 out of 10 times gonna take your primary so if you build up the muscle memory in yourself losing your primary and go into your alternate then it's just gonna help you out now let's also talk about a different scenario here let me put a very specific system own and hopefully this will help you understand why donate in the primary is actually a good thing like I got spider webs all over your control integrated inflator octo some people call them air 2 if you die the scuba program that was the minimus version from Sherwood there's many different manufacturers out there that make the same thing but all it is is just an integrated octo that has got an inflator and deflator built into it and so in this particular situation you would actually have say this yellow hose here see if I can get it set up for you it'd be more in this particular situation and so when you donate to an out of air diver this hose is way too short to reach out to give to your buddy so obviously that primary donate will be the best option here and I'll show you a couple examples of this if you are a travel and diver and you're trying to eliminate hoses with your setup that primary donate is going to work here and we're starting to see that there is a consistency with primary donate now we can actually take this one step further as well even if you don't have a system like this let's say that you're diving in a mixed group of divers which if you dive long enough you will your buddies will want to do some different type of diving than you or don't want to do this and you'll want to do that and obviously they will have a different setup than you well especially if you get diving with tech divers or even side mount divers now one on side mount dive I've got a long hose so let's talk about the long hose because divers are always comparing hoesley it's for some reason can't really figure that one out well let's talk about home hose so whether you're in back mounted doubles or you're inside mount when I saw him out dive I'm in a long hose okay and basically it looks like this this is how it goes across you if it's back mounted doubles this hose is gonna come up and go into your first stage and a side mount situation it's actually gonna be cooled up along the tank right here and here's your long hose alright so even in this situation you're still gonna be donating your primary in short your buddy runs out of air your alternate which is only much shorter hose by the way see if I got a short hose here to show you and I don't have one but your alternate is gonna be on a shorter hose usually a 22 inch hose that's gonna be here around your neck and so you're still going to donate primary it's a very simple procedure there's no entanglement hazards it's really easy to do and then you simply switch up to your shorter hose so it's very consistent if we trained to always use a primary donate method it's gonna work across the board it's gonna work say in a long hose scenario it's going to work and sidemount scenario it's going to work in the air integrated octo right air-to-air control will depend on what manufacturer you dive no matter how you die it's going to work but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't give your alternate to so now let's kind of reverse everything I just said and let's look at actually donating your alternate and when that would be even better so if you saw my stressed diver video that I did a couple years ago where the gentleman's running out of air is during the safety stop and I swim up to him and asked him if I could help him you will notice in that video that I specifically attempted to donate my alternate and not my primary now there was a reason there obviously that diver was in distress and he needed help he was running out of air but he wasn't panicked he was still breathing to some extent and so I really tried my best to evaluate that situation the best I could to see if he truly needed air for me and in that case he didn't specifically need air at that time but I was prepared so anytime that you see a situation and you kind of want to predict what's gonna happen you want to be prepared and you want to be proactive when you're trying to help somebody so in that situation it is a good thing to take your alternate maybe have it prepared ready to donate at any given time and keep your primary but there's even a better reason to actually donate your alternate than your primary let's say that you're diving let me get this er said let's say that you're diving in a situation like this you're diving in a full face mask there's many different ways to donate air while diving a full face mask but guys I'm gonna tell you the most simplest and easiest way to do it is to donate your alternate because obviously trying to donate your primary ain't gonna work and if you've ever seen the movie sanctum you'll understand why that don't work so in this situation and no full-face masks are not that common especially not with open water divers but here in our area it is we teach a ton a full face mask classes you guys know that we are big in the public safety field all our employees are public servants and we teach a ton of public safety classes I actually teach a lot of open water courses in a full face mask with the students in a full face mask because they're part of a team so ya know in in general the full face mask is not something that is a global thing as far as being popular but here in our area it is and in this situation we still have to teach donating the alternate over donate in primary so once again my question to you is is it better to donate primary or is it better to donate your alternate well I think it really depends on the situation that you're in I think it depends on your gear configuration I think it depends on who you dive with who your buddy is what type of diver your buddy is you know insta buddies on boat it's a real thing if you ever go out on a boat your buddy can't go with you more than likely they're gonna put you with somebody you've never met before it is so vitally important that you and your buddy sit down and discuss prior to getting in the water how you're gonna handle this out of air emergency and you know because it's important if you've never done with this person and maybe they're used to donate in primaries you're used to donate and alternate you guys need to discuss that you need to do a thorough pre dive safety check and briefing before every single dive maybe you're in an area where they don't use the integrated off codes I'm gonna be honest with you maybe one out of every 200 students comes through our class with this we're just not that big of fans of them so our students don't necessarily get to practice with it now they see it they're in class we have it hanging up in our classroom we show it during presentations but we don't really sell them that much and our students don't typically wear them so they don't get the practice with it and in that scenario you and your buddy needed to do a good thorough briefing before the dive to discuss how you're gonna handle this situation to throw my personal beliefs into math i perfer the primary donate I think there's you know a thousand times better reasons of why you should always do it but I'm also a firm believer and giving you multiple tools for your toolbox to handle a problem what do I mean by that and show you a quick analogy here got a screwdriver we all know what that's for right but it has a very specific purpose this screwdriver is meant to screw screws in maybe do a little bit of pride get some a crosshead with whatever right let me show you another screwdriver that I always carry with me and I'm gonna show you the pros and cons to each so I carry this little multi-tool I've carried one for many many years if you're a pro in the industry pick you up a multi-tool because they work great to work on gear at any given time I got two screwdrivers they do the same thing but they both have very practical purposes are you gonna always carry this with you always carry this with me I always have one now here at the shop I don't use this I use this but they do the same thing same thing in and out of air emergency it does the same thing whether you choose to give primary or you give alternate I think it's very important that you practice both and that you get used to doing both that you get confident doing both but be consistent whatever you do be consistent with it the primary donate is gonna be a little bit more consistent with the exception of course if you're in that full face mask scenario so there's still a purpose in practicing about it because I hope you like this video you got to understand as instructors we were brought up a certain way of doing things and sometimes we get caught up doing things a certain way and it's hard for instructors especially open-water instructors to really sway from that because we kind of get in our groove but even as instructors we should strive to always learn to always grow and truthfully we should be open to other ways as well you know I learn from my students just as much as they learn from me and I'll learn something new about how to teach so I believe in having as many tools in my toolbox to solve a problem and I want to be able to teach my students that as well so primary donate alternate donate guys that's it you decide which one's best for you I've showed you the pros and cons to each and depending on what you're wearing it is important that you understand how to do both and once again that out of air diver doesn't really care which one you give him he just cares that you giving there so guys please be safe out there practice these skills practice primary Dont'a practice alternate donate and good off and have fun guys if you like this video simply smash that like button from definitely share it as well as always guys make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pins on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business gals we really appreciate you watching our videos if you liked it make sure to give us a big thumbs up if you're not a subscriber simply hit that subscribe button for us and make sure you hit the little bell to turn on all notifications if you want to see some other cool videos make sure to click these links here they could be scuba tips they could be diving videos search-and-recovery videos or gear reviews once again guys we really appreciate it
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 5,569
Rating: 4.9293284 out of 5
Keywords: Primary Donate Alternate Donate Long Hose Short Hose, Alec Peirce Scuba, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Bryan Stafford, Recreational Diving VS Technical Diving, How To Donate Air In An Out Of Air Emergency, What Happen When A Scuba Diver Runs Out Of Air
Id: LxWzx2gNHIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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