Vision WKND with Benny & Wendy Perez | 9.4.21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey welcome to the vision weekend saturday night signing with us i want to invite you to come on out of your seat come on join us here at the altar find your place in the sanctuary we're gonna seek the lord together [Music] listen wandering into the night calling a place to [Music] [Music] i just can't win the fight i'm slowly drifting [Music] and just when i [Music] met a ran [Music] come on put those hands together all over this place [Music] got no choice but to believe my doubts are burning you can't just keep it moving [Music] this way back [Music] [Music] because he healed [Music] i thank god [Music] i am free i am free i am free and lost another one i am free i am free i am free come on lost another one i am free i am free anybody free in the place come on lost another one i am free i am free here we go i am [Music] free i am [Music] i am [Music] [Music] change my i thank god [Applause] [Music] get up get up get up get up out of that grade get up get up get up get up out of that grave get up get up get up come on sing get up get up get up get up down [Music] here we go [Music] i i thank [Music] god you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] seek your face [Music] the moment that we see we are changed show us your glory show us [Music] show us your glory show us be holy girl [Music] [Music] but only by the cross oh [Music] lift your hands to dance and show us your glory show us [Music] show us your glory show us your glory in water we fall down show us your glory show us [Music] let every heart be holy ground we invite your presence we invite you jesus [Music] before in fear come on sing it out jesus you change everything in life [Music] and fall and [Music] jesus you change everything [Music] [Music] you change everything [Music] is [Music] [Music] you change everything [Music] jesus [Music] show us your glory show us your glory [Music] [Music] [Music] come on the bible says what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven come on let's loose some things tonight [Music] oh jesus you change every day [Music] here [Music] show us your glory [Music] [Music] show us your glory show us your glory and wander and surrender we us follow glory show us let every burning heart be holy holy ground [Music] i've lived stories that [Music] [Music] there is beauty in what i don't understand jesus is here jesus it's you [Music] and i believe you're the wonder working god you're the wonder working god all the miracles i've seen too good to not believe you're the wonder working god and you heal because you love all the miracles we'll see too good to not believe too good to not believe too good to not believe and i can't resurrect a man with my own hands but just the mention of your name can raise the dead so all the glory to the only one who cares jesus jesus is [Music] all the miracles [Music] [Music] all the [Music] [Music] all miracles the miracles [Music] i've seen your goodness every season of my life you're good you've always been good [Music] i've seen cancer disappear i've seen metal plates dissolve don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen real life resurrection i've seen mental health restored don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen families reunited i've seen prodigals return hey don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it i've seen family don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me [Music] [Music] all the miracles [Music] come on friend this evening i dare you to believe that god is as good as scripture says he is and he can do everything scripture says he can do and i just i'm just crazy enough to believe tonight that the power of god is present to heal to save and to deliver this evening come on if you need a touch of god in your physical body tonight you came to the right place not because there's anything special about us but because there's everything special about him i'm struck by the story of the woman with the issue of blood in scripture and she had spent all she had on physicians until one day the great physician was walking in her city and it doesn't say that jesus was having a healing crusade it doesn't say he made an altar call for people who were sick all it said was jesus was walking by and a woman with an issue made a decision on that day it was my day for healing and as she pressed through to touch the hem of his garment jesus turned around he said who touched me the disciples say jesus everybody's touching he said no they're a woman with faith who put a demand on what only i provide i felt virtue come out and he sees a woman with the issue of blood and he says your faith has made you well come on could it be tonight that the spirit of god is inviting you into this place where it would be done unto you according to your faith scripture says this is impossible to please god without faith and tonight i will dare you to believe we're going to add our faith one to another and believe that god the miracle working god friend he has not lost one ounce of his power the blood that was built on the cross is just as efficacious today as it has ever been and by his stripes and by his wounds you and i come into divine healing it is part of who he is and guess what it is not based on how good you've been it is not based on how righteous you've been it's not based on your history or your past or how many stars you've got on your bible reading chart or plan it's simply a reflection of the goodness of god in the land of the living friend god is better than you think and he's closer than you think come on it would be foolish to sing about healing and to prophesy about healing and not invite people into healing that comes from god alone friend tonight's your night tonight's your night come on would you just raise your hands all across this room come on let's invite jesus to be everything scripture says he is and that he can do everything scripture says he can do we call the great physician this evening we say god now begin to work in minds bodies spirits come on we declare in the northwest that cancer still bows at the name of jesus hiv still bows at the name of jesus mental health still bows at the name of jesus come on blood disease still bows at the name of jesus come on broken bones and tore muscles still bow with the name of jesus and so god tonight we pray that you would lose healing in the northwest like we've never seen before that it would testify to the greatness and the goodness of god that it would testify to the virtue that still flows from the hem of your garment and so god tonight we press through and we put a demand on what only you provide and we say your kingdom come and your will be done in snohomish at pursuit in the northwest even as it's being done in heaven god right and beyond us according to our faith come on friend we're going to sing this again [Music] come on [Music] reunited i've seen return yes i know that he can't do it yes i know [Music] [Music] [Music] working on the miracles [Music] all the miracles [Music] to not believe i believe held my own belief i believe [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] just like you said you your word is not in vain our hearts reaching heaven [Music] [Music] open come jesus [Music] [Music] our [Music] unleash a fresh [Music] glory this earth [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus comes [Music] [Music] we need a fresh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] calling us [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] we need a fresh [Music] [Music] come on all over this room lift those hands oh he's pouring out his spirit it started in this in the book of sex it started in the first century and he hasn't stopped he's pouring out his spirit on all flesh those that are hungry those that are thirsty oh come on long after him cry after him call after him breathe after him love after him come on call on his name [Music] we need more we know there's more god we know there's more for this region we know there's more for our families we know there's more god for our church we know there's more [Music] [Music] is [Music] calling us [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] i need a fresh fresh [Music] [Music] [Music] i just wanna move i just wanna love [Music] i just wanna touch [Music] embrace you i just wanna [Music] see everything [Music] i just [Music] is [Music] em [Music] is [Music] you're [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] and i just love [Music] you are just [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] everything you is [Music] [Music] you fulfill [Music] my heart [Music] is longing after be so moved by your worship come on keep singing [Music] my [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you i just love you [Music] you watch us [Music] come on fred it's not a waste it's not a waste to spend hours and days in the presence of god lavishing your love upon him david the psalmist says it like this one thing if i sought one thing of i desire to dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to gaze upon his beauty fry when you gaze upon his beauty you are transformed into the thing that you gaze upon as you gaze upon his beauty and his brilliance what you find is transformation in his presence and in worship we say our soul will magnify the lord my heart will worship the lord i will engage with my creator and my maker because he is worthy of all praise and adoration come on this is the most significant message of john the baptist it's not repent it's behold behold the lamb is worthy behold the lamb who was slain to take away the sin of the world and friend when you behold him you become like him and that's what we do in worship we behold him in his beauty and in his majesty come on friend you're not going to realize how significant these moments in these days are until many years later when you look back on another awakening that god is stirring even now in the northwest fred you are a part of the harvest and there's never been a better time to go all in on jesus it's not just an event it's not just a weekend it's not just a conference it's an invitation to give everything you are for the sake of everything that he is that's why paul says in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being even as your poets say we are his offspring come on friend get caught up in the existential reality of who christ is kabal refused to compartmentalize this jesus to just a spiritual part of your life no it's a total reality it's an absolute invitation [Music] father tonight we avail ourselves to you we say come and do what only you could do come on we know what scripture says if an evil father knows how to give good gifts to his children how much more does the heavenly father know how to give unto those who ask and so we ask and we seek and we knock trusting that the door will be opened unto us come on fred we're gathering the region once again to knock on the door of heaven we're believing that our best days are not behind us but ahead of us we're believing that god saves the best wine for last we're believing that the reign of the latter in fact is greater than the reign of the former come on we're stirring ourselves to believe that our best days are coming that god is in the midst of the turnaround that he's going to do something in this region god has not forsaken us he has not left us come on fred if you've got a heartbeat tonight you've got a reason to live you've got a purpose in your life come on god's not done with you and we're just gonna believe that god by his spirit once again is breathing on this region because there's unfinished business in the northwest say god breathe on this place tonight breathe on this place tonight we'll give you all the praise of glory and honor in jesus name amen amen would you take a minute say hi to a friend all the way back to your seat man thanks so much for joining us for church [Music] [Music] [Music] hey friends thank you so much for joining us for vision weekend we wanted to keep you guys updated about what's coming up here at pursuit we will be hosting our membership sunday september 26th if you call pursuit your home church and would like to become a member you can go to our website and fill out our new membership form membership here at pursuit means you are joining yourself to a church family and committing to a healthy spirit-filled life alongside other believers if you have any questions regarding our membership please visit our website do you want to take the next step in your faith through the expression of baptism to sign up text pursuit baptism as one word to 94090 pursuit night is returning this fall september 20 these twice monthly events are hosted here at the church these nights are for those looking for community developing personally and growing spiritually we can't wait to see you for our return of pursuit nights on september 20 from 6 to 7 30 p.m you can find out more about all of these events by checking out our new church calendar at the pursuit calendar and that's all the announcements that we have for you tonight thank you again for joining us here at pursuit stay connected with us throughout the week by following us on social media by searching at the pursuit nw where you can find more resources like sermons ways to become a member or learn about other ministries by going to the the pursuit is a place where anything can happen anyone can belong and every person is welcome we are living in the reality of what other people have prayed for there is unfinished business in the northwest and we will live to see revival in our day and reformation in our lifetime this is a place where families are transformed this is a place where miracles happen this is a place where the presence of god is honored [Music] it has never been more important for every believer to have a church family we are inviting you to call this place your home the pursuit exists to glorify jesus and in doing so bring people into an encounter with this presence this is a place where the word and the spirit change lives awesome hey thanks again for joining us for uh vision weekend i know there's a lot of places that you could be and we appreciate you spending friday night and saturday night with us just as a reminder tomorrow morning pastor biddy's also going to be with us 9 a.m 10 30 in noon we're going to encourage you to be here and show up for that we know there's a lot of folks coming to the 9 and the 10 30 service both of those services are just about standing room only and so if you're planning on attending either of those please be here early we want to make sure you get a parking spot that's within at least 12 blocks of the church that would be helpful for you in just a moment we're going to receive the tithe and the offering we want to thank you for investing in revival here in the northwest we couldn't do it without you and even if we could we wouldn't want to you're a part of the team you're a part of the family and it's our privilege one of the things that we get to do on this side of heaven is move the heart of god through investing in finance and investing in treasure you know in heaven there's no offerings you can't text to give in heaven you won't even have a cell phone there's no offerings in heaven so i know some of you are tired of him here but there's none there which means this you get to do something on this side of heaven to bless his heart that you don't get to do there that's why this is significant and so we want to thank you for giving and thank you for partnering a couple ways to give on the screen in just a moment i'm going to take my giving envelope place it in this bucket on stage and that'll signify an opportunity for you to come forward and give with us thanks so much for partnering thanks for your generosity let's do that today god bless [Music] we are in the midst of another great revival here in the northwest we aren't simply praying for awakening we're living in one this church is a house of miracles where we see the god of the impossible show up time and time again every week we see lives changed bodies healed families restored it wasn't just for marysville it wasn't just for redding it wasn't just for toronto or brownsville or lakeland or even azusa friend it's for us and there is unfinished business in the northwest and if not us then who and if not now and when these are the stories we will tell our grandchildren these are the moments in which books will be written about it is not four months and then the harvest the fields are right revival isn't an event it's an inheritance it's passed down from one generation to the next its impact is compounded by how we tend to the fire that is already on the altar it's what we owe the region and this is always who we've been and from snohomish to seattle and from seattle to the nation and from this nation to the nations of the earth jesus is lord and to the increase of his kingdom his government and his peace there is no end also awesome hey it's our privilege tonight to be joined by one of our friends pastor bitty perez we wanted to announce this evening that pastor benny is also joining our at-large advisory board here at the church which i think is super significant and uh [Applause] i i don't know how many of you caught this but uh last night pastor benny said this you can't take people where you haven't been and one of the reasons why i believe god is partnering us with pastor benny and wendy in this season is because they have been where we're going and they carry a legacy of revival in this region and they're even experiencing it in las vegas as well just by a show of heads how many of you were either impacted or had friends or kids or neighbors who were impacted by the marriage marysville revival just to show our hands all across this room it's important that you recognize that we live in the wake of what other people have stewarded and i think so often in our culture we think of ourselves as self-made or like god must be really impressed with our resume that's why he's showing up and i think god just universally responds to people who are hungry and if we can stay really not impressed with us and really impressed with him i'm telling you in 20 years people will talk about what happened here like we talk about what happened in marysville come on would you stand to your feet help me welcome our friend pastor bitty prays [Applause] come on let's give jesus a big hand clap come on you can do better come on pursue northwest i think we're streaming right are we streaming are we streaming online come on ken welcome the whole world stay standing stay standing you're going to be uh sitting for about an hour and a half with my preaching thank you for being so kind uh russell you and your wife are incredible people i'm grateful for your for your friendship but it would not be genuine if i if i didn't tell you the reason why we have to move a god in in mary's will ah it wasn't really because of me i would tell you it was in spite of me but it would never would have happened if i didn't have a pastor again squires i know you don't know his name i know he's probably not watching i don't get brownie points because he's not my boss anymore but i'm determined to be a man of honor to honor even those you don't even know because if my pastor wouldn't would have never said benny do whatever you need to do but he told me this build me the largest youth ministries in in the nation i said how about in the city so wherever you are pastor ken and i know he's not here but you always have to honor because he opened up a platform for me that catapulted me around the world so can we just give a big handclap come up for pastor ken squires you know i i do sense something and i don't just say that and i was sent something to my wife and and um i was in i was in with with wendy because we get to travel together and i was preaching in dallas and we had these meetings and i said something's happening and we extended the meetings and the crowds began to grow and god began to move powerfully pursuit northwest i think you have to be ready because when when god hits in an unusual way your schedule's going to go out the door but it'll be like heaven on earth it'll be like you have strength you have grace that's given to you there's many years ago that you talked about marysville but you don't even know about another move of god that took place in a place called cedar woolly i was there and they called me and they invited me and i was still a youth pastor and i went there ross saw his youth pastor marzo first and i drove up and i'd preach on sunday night monday night tuesday i was on speed there for just one week it turned into 11 weeks i went i went sunday monday tuesday and then when i would drive home every night and then did marysville and i did mayors on the weekends and i came back sunday monday tuesday and and god shook that that that little city up there how did i know that would be the pattern that god would use for me and wendy as we would go all over the world and see god begin to shake cities and begin to shake churches and begin to shake nations i've been to australia 48 times some of the leading worship leaders were in my meetings when they were kids some of the leading pastors today were in my meetings when they were kids and i tell you that because if god could use come on a guy like me he's just looking for somebody he can use who's just willing to say god whatever you want to do come on you can do it with my life and i'm grateful come on that he's found a pastor come on are you grateful for your pastor his beautiful incredible wife come on how about the the team here the worship team the pastors the leaders the volunteers i couldn't do what i do without windy she is the second greatest thing that ever happened to me was jesus was number one and then my wife was number two and my wife was number three and my wife was number four then she gave me five four she'd be five six and seven come on my kids amen that's the order because my kids are gonna be gone one day and i'm gonna be married to her the rest of my life so you know i know the order and plus she's gonna take care of me in my old age because i'm a little bit older than her hey man let's go you gotta you gotta you gotta be careful man because you gotta treat i gotta treat her good right now because when when i'm older and i can't do nothing you remember when you're treating me mean i ain't changing your diaper are you ready for the word of god i said are you ready for the word of god who's hungry for the word of god today i feel something do you feel something moving it's only saturday i think we need to go sunday night too how many would come back on sunday night if we did a crazy radical sunday night how many would come back on monday tuesday wednesday oh he's preaching a lot every night come on pastor yeah you had a break you're not you're preaching a lot now i love that i'm i'm i'm a revival rat i told my wife just fly home i'm just gonna get a condo somewhere and then i just i just got to stay with the littlest they have a spare bedroom i'll just go there i i preach on sunday night monday night tuesday night wednesday night let's just go let's just blow this place open that's what i'm talking about okay let's stay standing for the word of god we're gonna we're gonna guys if you can queue up the prayer i'm gonna preach on prayer i was torn between two things two messages um this this this this evening um and and i might even preach honestly i may preach four different messages so if i were you i'd double dip no listen to me i know you got you i know some of you got to quit complaining about your parking issues i could tell you about 10 other churches where you can have all the parking you want you complain about what other people are praying for we complain when god's blessing us and we forgot we kept praying for the blessing that we have right now you got to be careful that when god blesses you you don't forget what you were praying for because if you're freaking it turns into a burden no blessing from god is a burden give me a church where there's no parking give me a church where there's no more room give me a church we got to turn people away give me a church come on when heaven is invading earth give me a church a little comfortable give me a church where i got to get there early give me a church that's not ashamed of the gospel give me a church that says give to god's kingdom i want to preach on prayer when you guys got it you guys are awesome in the back i want you to look to the at the book of luke chapter 11 verse one i'm going to read a few verses it'll be on the screens for you man i look good in this outfit today sorry i just every once in a while hallelujah glory you should have a good self-image about yourself imagine if i said oh my gosh look how ugly i look and man i look so old no that's what you say about me but you are blind all right luke 11 verse 1 says this now jesus somebody said now jesus stayed stronger now jesus was praying in a certain place a certain place yeah and when he finished one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray as john taught his disciples now we're going to go to the book of matthew chapter 6 verses 7 through 13. and jesus now is uh is answering the same question about teach us how to pray and he says i want you to pray like this our father somebody say our father now to say our father in the earth or our father where in heaven thank you hallowed be your name right keep going verse verse 10 if we get going all the way i think we're gonna keep going and maybe i didn't do that uh verse oh i said i'm sorry matthew chapter six verse seven through 13 is my bad oh there it is and when you pray do not heap up empty phrases gentiles do for they think they will be heard for their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him verse 9 pray like this our father in heaven hallowed be your name i feel like i'm in a catholic church i don't know how to just all right oh god and also with okay here we go your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and he goes on to say other parts of that prayer i want to i want to talk to you literally on this simple subject of how to pray how to pray father i just thank you lord for this moment that we have in time pray that you speak and give us revelation god not just information lord don't just illuminate our minds but illuminate our spirits our hearts we thank you there's an open heaven we don't pray for one we're living under one we thank you lord god this is a special place god like it said in the bible we didn't even know but but this is the place this is stairway to heaven and we thank you for it right now thank you that every demon devil principality of power has already been bound we thank you jesus is ready on the victory and we thank you lord god for his finished work and we stand in that in the number of this mas poder mas amor in the nombre de jesus and everybody said come on a big amen amen you may be seated it's interesting to to note friends here at the pursuit that if you were to ask jesus to teach you something what would you ask jesus to teach you i mean i personally would say jesus teach me that like take one loaf of bread and multiply it over and over again come on i'm starting a business low investment low risk high return hey jesus can you teach me how to walk on water i want to i want to do a show come on the las vegas strip hey jesus can you teach me how to cast out demons i i know in in the year 2021 there's going to be a lot of demons both politically come on religiously come on say amen right if you think about it you're asking jesus to teach you something what would you ask jesus to teach you and yet we see in scripture that the disciples asked jesus something very important they said jesus we want you to teach us how to pray could it be that the disciples observed that out of jesus place of prayer and intimacy and communion with the father great miracles took place could it be that we're so encapsulated we're so over overwhelmed and we're so in awe of the fruit that we realize that we forget that there's a root that miracles is the fruit and all the manifestations as a fruit come on somebody but there is a root there is something that the disciples knew and i believe that they're asking jesus something that we need to ask jesus the same thing and he said teach us how to pray i think most of the world knows what prayer is you don't have to be a follower jesus and people have have prayed prayers you know oh god help me you know that's usually a student who never studied suddenly the religious is asking god to give them the answers that was me i remember my scantron god i know there's a code to this a c d and god give me the code come on somebody look at me right you know what i'm talking about we all we all have pray prayers in and some of us know prayers like this prayers like this say god if you get me out of this one i will what never do it again god if i will god if i will the problem with that kind of prayer it is contractual and that kind of prayer is not really a biblical prayer because the biblical prayers are not contractual they're based on covenant they're covenantal but the world will try and teach us this contractual prayer right in fact can i tell you marriage is not a contract it's a covenant can i tell you that your relationship be jesus is not a contract because god will still be who he is regardless if you are who you say you want to be that god because of who he is he is bound to his word he is bound by his character and god yes yes god moves by faith no question about that yes we have a part to play but can i tell you something we have a covenant with god himself so much so that god now affirmed the covenant with abraham and he cut the covenant because there was no one greater than our god when jesus died on the cross it was a covenantal it was a covenantal sacrifice it was something that god was cutting with you and for me and i am grateful that we have a god that we serve out of covenant not contract and i love this because it's important for us to understand that this prayer this prayer life pastor what is prayer prayer is simply very it's simply this it's you communicating with god in the simplest form and i'm not the smartest man on the planet so i'm kind of just uh just a simple guy but i can tell you this what is prayer it's me talking with god it's not these and thou's it's not it's not some kind of come on old king james it's literally my heart's cry to him and i know there's ways to pray and i get it and there's intercession and and there's deliverance i get all that but the simplest form is prayer is simply this god i am communicating with you so jesus asked this question this question that his disciples asked him is so important because they were followers of jesus how many followers jesus do we have tonight i'm raised in my hand and even people all over the world and maybe you're not raising your hand but before the night is over you will become a follower of jesus not just a normal one if you come this church they are old school cray-cray i mean people are singing and they're dancing and they're shouting and and i know it's a little bit a little bit for some of us a little bit wow what are they on do you understand they were on something before when you were on some drugs or you were addicted some alcohol or you were on some substance and god delivered you from that now you're gonna shout now you're gonna clap now you're gonna worship be careful that you don't judge somebody's worship until you know their story be careful that you don't judge somebody's exuberance come on somebody until you know their story oh i know some of you i'm a little bit much for you but you don't know my story do you you didn't know that i was a wallflower in high school i was insecure i couldn't talk to anybody i couldn't look anybody eye to eye because of the diseases i went through with bar fans and graves disease and hyperthyroidism and all this stuff rheumatoid arthritis supposed to be in a wheelchair at the age of 25 and i was so shy and withdrawn but there came a day when jesus touched my life in 1986 and my whole life began to change and then i began to get bold then i began to get out there and people what happened to him i met jesus when i when i went back to my high school union they go oh my god it's you benny what happened to you i said i know how look at me no no no we we remember you in school man you were you're a little bit withdrawn you be you're without your you're you're almost dead you were like i know and this was a christian school you know i learned a party really hard at a christian school listen just because it's a christian school don't mean a christian in fact that christian school party harder than not christian schools because he said god forgive us haha and they will go crazy they say jesus teaches surprise so let me let me just cover this really quickly for the sake of time jesus says this and he said i want you to pray like this number one he says our father our father say it with me say our father point number one write it down prayer always starts with the who first not the how we are so intrigued in america to teach me how to and how and and we have all these formulas but jesus says well i'm going to teach you how but it always starts come on with the who first notice that jesus talks about watch this our father he didn't say your father he didn't say my father don't miss the point don't miss the words of jesus please don't don't just rush over and say okay he wants to pray to the father no he says i want you to pray like this he wants to say our father why is this important because this is not you just praying to your father it's praying to our father which indicates we must be in community are you to push back against the american church right now are you going to push back again against this well it's just me and jesus that is not biblical i'm going to push back while my religion is personal that's not biblical are you pushed back by all the culture that is coming into the church and trying to redefine everything it is not biblical jesus said i want you to pray our father which indicates that he's not just my father if you're a follower jesus he's your father he's our father which means this you're my brother you're my sister you may be black white brown confused male female but that means now we have our father which this is significant because that means we're part of a family that means i now have to work out relationships we are now connected by something greater than contracts we are part of a covenant with god made by jesus held together by jesus himself he's our he's our father he's our father and there's nobody that fights more than family right now there's family issues in this room i could feel them no nobody gets me more mad than my family okay you don't want to talk to me let's go over here i don't care about a stranger i don't care about a friend oh yeah i love them but where's my familia it's it's my sister's you got it up did you get it if you said it like that i'd punch you in your face it's my brother it could be your mom your dad there's nobody that gets you more mad come on work with me come on somebody then your family in fact you could talk about your family say my brother's crazy and you're maybe you're talking another sibling and i know he's this way in that way and it's all true but when somebody outside of the family starts saying things come on it may be true but you're not in the family i'll punch you in your face i know what you're saying is true but you're not part of the family you know what that means that means we gotta deal with stuff in here we gotta quit putting up on social media we gotta quit doing what the world does no we're family if i got issues with you your family i either go to you and talk to you oh you don't like me now you don't like me now do you this is so imperative because we prayed this prayer when i was a catholic our father and i didn't even take into significance because i actually believe every word every word in the scripture every word is there for significance and we skip it over and jesus wanted to let us know he's our father so the people the person you're sideways with is praying the same father you're praying to the person you have unforgiveness against is praying the same father come on you're praying too you know what the father says the father says you're my son you're my daughter work it out and you're praying crazy prayers kill him i can't kill my own son i can't kill my own daughter he says our [Music] father so point number two point number two go back point number two is jesus is trying to say this to us jesus prayer starts with uh prayer starts i mean i got that wrong jesus says prayer starts with relationship not trying to establish one if we come from a posture of prayer trying to establish a relationship that you missed the point prayer now is like i'm not trying to establish a relationship i have one why because he says i'm praying to our father you are praying to your father it's important because how you view our father or your father determines how you respond to him let me say something about god the father he is not an approved version of your dad on earth and some of us i had a great father he is not a better version he is a perfect version of your father we we have this heavenly father and jesus is trying to get us to understand something so that when we begin to pray to our father we have to now have the right view of who our father is what kind of father did you have when you were growing up were they generous were they kind were they forgiving or were they harsh we're always looking for what's wrong believe me when i say this the way you deal with your earthly father if you don't get watch me healed up you don't get restored you're going to deal with your heavenly father the right the wrong way also so we think god's looking for what's wrong that's not biblical the way jesus the way god the father looks at us is he looks at us as he sees his son jesus you are justified you are now the righteousness of god come on somebody in christ jesus but if you grew up with the father it was always okay hey dad look what i did and it was a little piece of the lawn that the grass was still too long and instead of saying man you did such a great job son i'm so proud of you look at all this hey son you know what when you get a chance can you just kind of clip this a little bit no they could flip it and say man look at it's only like like like a little bit but but they they focus on what's wrong instead of what's right when you understand that god the father come on loves you unconditionally see then you get out of performance okay god i'm serving okay god i'm giving okay god i'm doing all this and instead of watching me now serving out of acceptance we're serving for acceptance this is so good i'm preaching ben and you're saying amen he says he says this he says our father you know what kind of father we have this is the kind of father we have that when adam and eve sinned we know the story in the garden of eden we know that story right it says when adam leaves sin it said god would come every time into the garden my question is do you believe that god knew that adam and eve had sinned can i say can you can i remember you said yes i mean god knew before he came back into the garden that day that adam and eve had sinned this is this is pre-new covenant this is pretty old covenant and god in the very first interaction with a fallen man and a fallen woman what does he do he comes back into the garden why is that significant because god is the one that is always closing the gap it wasn't adam and eve trying to get to god come on somebody god was coming back to adam and eve and he comes back and he says hey adam adam where are you now how many know that god knew where he was how many have ever raised some kids can i see your hand wave your hand at me raise some kids when my kids were small we play hide and go seek come on somebody and when when when we played hide and go seek and we live in in in seattle excuse me in las vegas and and so it was i think it was cross coast one of the homes that we had and we had these big old long curtains when they were in like like wendy's always with the trans man she's she's always so i know what i'm buying today is gonna be out next week so i gotta i gotta i gotta keep on keep on the trends right and these long little massive curtains are there so i didn't go see cause okay i gotta start counting guys okay dad close your eyes for a count okay one two three four and they would always run to the curtains and there's like these two bodies because the curtains instead of just being like this they're like so what i would do is i like oh man where's bj where's bella can't find them there's a big old bulge in the car in the in the curtains i know they're there but i'm playing the game i can hear b.j big brother it's always a little little sister's fault right quiet that's gonna find us where are you don't know i'm like lying you know and also they go ha ha we're here i could have told them i knew you were there the whole time you think i'm dumb you think i'm an idiot no because you're primal in nature because you have no intellect at all you keep hiding in the same place every time if you were smart had any kind of intellect you would go someplace else but you come right to the curtains every single do i tell them that no so i play the same stupid game for years and then they find out dad really knew where we were why did he play the game because i just want to interact with you i just want to get with you i just want to connect with you that's why i do the game and you ruined the curtains and it cost me money please pick someplace else here's god where are you adam they're behind some fig leaves fig trees where there's adam eve you already blew it well i tasted it and i gave it to you and you liked it too i know but you were first they're they're arguing right where are you adam god knew man god knew it i'm trying to give you a picture of the father and he's there and and adam adam comes out right and and and he says he says here i am god ask him another question did you eat of the fruit i told you not god knew god knew like some of you got to quit playing these games like oh god you know and i don't want to come to church because if god knows god knew when you did it like for real i wonder if god if your girl finds out are you on a crack or what there's stupid things that people say well if god finds out he knows bro and he says adam says yeah god the woman you gave me now adam is crossing the boundary he didn't blame the woman you gave me we were cool me and you like like i didn't have to ask what do you want to eat i don't know adam she drives me crazy i said how about the apple no i don't want you said you didn't care i don't want apples today you haven't been married long enough get married okay it's not all sex all the time it's confusion a lot of the time about what you're gonna eat i got one come on there's an honest man right there yep have fun on the couch tonight sir that's all i got to say sometimes you have to be that honest just to aim it underneath your breath some of you should laugh it makes you look younger why would god why would god listen to me why would god come into the garden with fallen man because he's showing us a covenant he's showing us something that god is the one that will close the gap god will keep coming after you and me you didn't find god come on god found you god wasn't lost you were lost and i'm grateful that we have a god that says i will go after humanity because i love them that much he says pray this prayer he says i want you to pray this way he wants you to pray our father our father he says something significant listen he says in verse 9 he says who art in heaven in heaven jesus found something when he says in heaven their perspective now is based on something greater than what i could feel what i could see or when i could fathom we are praying watch me to a father who is in heaven prayer is not just words spoken but a perspective i have as followers of jesus we have to understand that we have prayers that are now to a father in heaven which means i have a heavenly perspective when it comes to my prayer not an earthly perspective when it comes to my prayer let me say it this way it's heaven to earth prayers not earth to heaven prayers it's me praying heaven to earth not earth to heaven it's not me informing god about the problem it's me declaring the promises of heaven over my problem come on somebody's got to help me preach this right now because my prayer watch me excuse my perspective will determine the posture of my prayer earthly perspective is one of begging pleading bargaining that's how i know you're having an earth to heaven perspective but now a heaven to earth perspective not an earth to heaven but a heaven to earth perspective i come not begging i come not pleading i come believing i come as a son i come as a daughter i come now and instead of telling god how big the problem is i start telling the problem how big my god is why because we have a heavenly father come on somebody who is in heaven give god a five second praise break right now all over this place somebody say heaven say not earth see there's two people in the bible if you could boil the bible down to two people and the the two people would be the first adam and the last adam theologically speaking every one of us were born in the first adam we're born into sin fallen nature that's why jesus is called the last adam because what the first adam lost watch me in a garden see what happened is the first adam took from a tree and man fell but the second adam climbed up on a tree and redeemed mankind the first adam watch me fell and a perfect garden the second adam defeated the devil in a wild wilderness when you understand that now we are part of the second adam that heavenly man is corinthians says adam was the earthly the first time i was the earthly man and we got to be careful we're not praying in our first adam nature but we're praying come on in our new recreated nature understanding who we are so now my prayers are now heaven to earth not earth watch me now to heaven i i fly a lot obviously i travel a lot i'll be flying back on wednesday after i do sunday monday and then he finishes off on tuesday i'm just saying how hungry are you we want revival no you don't because it's it's messy and it changes your schedule but when heaven really begins to evade even greater you can't wait to come back to church you can't wait to invite people you can't wait to see more things happen neighbors are going to get saved drug addicts are going to be delivered people are going to get healed demon-possessed people are going to be set free real life miracles will take place and this whole region will be shaken again by the power of god but when we fly and somebody come back to the keyboards i'm almost done you say oh my god it's a miracle i told you but you know what's so interesting about the las vegas strip you ever made there how many been in las vegas raise your hand okay you're not a sinner raise your hand so i do have some churches like if you raise my head if you raise your hand i'll raise my hand always bet on red the blood of jesus number seven the number of completion then throw a little bit on five grace spin that reel tie to your church and give ten percent come on offering to church lv in jesus name amen now i know what i'm gonna happen somebody's got some troll is gonna get on that i can't believe he's he's promoting gambling i can't believe he's doing this i can't believe oh shut up i didn't promote gambling because to appear all things are pure i wonder what's really in your heart i don't think about that you do let me get back to my point if you're walking down the las vegas strip those hotels seem huge i've had people say i'm going to start from mandalay bay walk down the strip because because because on the ground it looks like it's it's like and you guys oh my gosh that's so huge and it's so long and because you're on the earth but when you're getting ready to land in las vegas and you're in the heavens you realize that that hotel looks really small did the structure change or did your perspective change it's the same hotel same size hasn't changed the length of the strip is the same but where you are sitting determines what you're seeing because where you sit determines what you see and what you see determines how you respond when you understand that i am praying heaven to earth then i recognize the things that are big for me come on he's already got taken care of so now when i face situations without facing in my life when i face situations dealing with with maybe millions of dollars when it comes to acquiring new property and and doing things and it looks impossible and god how are we going to do that maybe it's a diagnosis maybe it's an issue maybe it's a family issue maybe it's a marriage i don't know what it is but all of a sudden now i understand something no i am praying i am praying and i could believe god now god i thank you that i pray in heaven to earth prayers that's why knowing the word of god is so important i listen when you first come to jesus yeah do those prayers from your heart but you've come to the pursuit northwest long enough you're going to learn the word of god you're going to learn the promises of god and you take the promise of god you begin to pray over those you begin to pray over situations oh by your stripes i am healed you because you know devil but the devil meant for evil come on god's going to turn around for good you begin to pray and make declarations and begin to say things and things shift in the heavenlies before they manifest in the earth our father who is in heaven in jesus we can see everything from heaven's perspective which is based on trust not understanding listen to me this is a big point because some of you are trying to understand it when god is asking you to trust him understanding is overrated i don't even understand my wife yep you're gonna be on the couch for sure still didn't learn no no let's be honest women you don't get men my wife goes why are guys like that all the time why are they always posturing why they always like that why they so competitive you're not a you're not a man wendy that's why i don't understand i said when i understand you you ladies like how do you have multiple conversations going on and you stop talking to one friend and answer the question of another conversation in the room with the other and you come back and everything is seamless look at ladies are yeah that's normal and for years i went to my counselor my counselor says quit trying to understand her the only one you can change is you and you need a lot of help benny thank you randy because the devil watched me i'm almost done the devil will trip us up because he wants you to lean on your own understanding the bible says to trust what in the lord with all your heart lean not on your own in all your ways and he will your understanding is based on your experience your expectation and your culture your understanding is limited your understanding this is is only in a few years that's why that's why shadrach meshach and abednego says you know what no no we we're not going to bow and even if he doesn't deliver us we're still not going to bow what's he saying i don't understand how he's going to do it he may not do the way i want to do it it may not happen the way i want to do it but it doesn't matter why because i'm trusting in god's plan and no matter what happens his plan is still going to come to pass i don't need to understand you want to know something i don't understand i don't understand why we went through two miscarriages i don't understand when i almost lost my wife she's bleeding out in in my in my garage real stories she's bleeding out i don't get too graphic but it was pretty horrific and i call 9-1-1 and they say they say you gotta you gotta keep her awake talk to her we're sending help right now i don't even know why i had a cell phone but i ran to it i had a landline back then cordless one i called on that that's i was like in trauma i'm praying in tongues they don't understand what are you saying i'm sorry what and and all this stuff started hitting my head is this what you get for serving god you laid down your life you started the church with hundreds of thousands of dollars of our own money we were all in las vegas style bluffing the house when they had an ace in a king and i had a three and an eight that's your problem you think a three and eight is better than a king in an ace or something no listen to me and all hell was raging against me and i had to make a decision when my father-in-law died and we were gathered around his bedside at st rose hospital and he wrote a book on healing he wrote a book on faith i'll never forgive my mother-in-law said to win the window you can go home now and we were singing the song beautiful exchange by hillsong you know what there was no great pastors around there there wasn't a great congregation there was just family that was there i mean i love you all but when i die around my bed it's gonna be my kids and my grandkids and everything was raging against me and he's saying beautiful exchange and i never forget and he breathed his last breath and some people say he he was dead billy graham years ago was asked billy graham was making same he says when you somebody comes he says billy graham has died don't believe them they said what when somebody says billy graham has died has passed away don't believe him because i did not die i just entered into another realm to live in eternity with jesus listen i'm almost done our father who art in heaven i challenge us to have heaven's perspective on everything i still have golf balls that my father-in-law made before he passed and he said this no matter what on these golf balls we win he spent his last six months of his life living with us we outfitted the guest room redid the bathroom for him i'd do it again i do it again pushing around this wheelchair my mother-in-law says don't go too fast so we get out the door he says go as fast as you want i said you're my man going with the kids because hey papa yeah i wrestled i don't understand that since when do i have to understand i just gotta trust i just gotta trust and i'm a little confused because i was a roman catholic then i became a conservative baptist then my parents took me to latin pentecostal church oh you guys don't even know you're tame your servants are short we'd worship for over two hours tambourines sister maria with a long ponytail swinging like a helicopter going around duck jump brother eddie plane now you don't even know the pastor would preach for like over an hour then have an altar call for an overnight so we started like at nine and of course we stayed for lunch because if we went to lunch one service then we we said i will have another service this is not making this stuff up i remember the baptist church we used to sing this song i don't know if we sing it anymore trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to no it's not understand it all understand it all because when you understand it all you'll be happy no you'll be a miserable as hell because misery is this you're judging your life on a snapshot when god's making a full-length movie my last point then i'm wrapping up our father which are in heaven biblically speaking the bible speaks in heaven point number three there's a throne of grace in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 through 16 it says that we can come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy in time of need the word boldly in the greek there comes the word parisia which means to speak freely to speak your mind without fear intimidation or condemnation it means that i can come boldly because the blood of jesus christ so prayer is not a particular place on earth but a place in heaven please hear me when i say this we've made it all about a place and make no mistake about it the altars are a sacred place i believe that but when you begin to pray listen to me you may be praying in your car the location is your car but the place is the throne room okay i may be walking in the park that's the location on earth but the place is the throne room in heaven this is going to freeze some of you up i'd be walking come on somebody down in buckatio i'll be walking at the mall i'll be walking and that's the location but the place come on somebody the place the place the place is the throne room of grace right come and i obtain help and mercy and time of need we find strength we don't find judgment we don't find harshness we find that word fine is is the same word that we get eureka from i found it i discovered it it's it's this word i find what i find i find strength it's a military term in the biblical context there when a fellow soldier heard another soldier was involved in conflict they would go and enter that conflict to strengthen the soldier this is what i'm talking about i'm talking about prayer is that when we pray come on somebody our community our father the way you view your father on earth if we're not careful we view god that way we need to get a redeemed a redeemed a renewed mind towards who god the father is so we can view him properly and now we understand something we can come both the throne of grace and obtain this mercy in time of need and if there's any time that we need mercy come on somebody else right now i'm not talking about the world i'm talking about the church oh god let us be men and women come on that begin to pray and god we have now a heaven to earth perspective oh father i pray right now in the name of jesus teach us to pray more bold prayers teach us to pray prayers that will shake this nation teach us to pray prayers that will loose the foundations bread teach us to pray prayers that make demons tremble teach us to pray prayers god that we will see watch me revival our day and reformation in our lifetime my prayer god as well stand your feet tonight stand jesus we thank you our father somebody say our father i'm gonna i'm gonna ask you a very transparent question how many struggle with understanding come on let's be honest you struggle with it no no i want you to be honest i like you battle with that thing come on wave your hand it's not everybody but how many have had prayers that seemingly didn't go the way you wanted and you battle with it in your head come on well what where are the promises how long did it happen whether to go and why that happened to me you know and i think more believers are tripped up on understanding and you don't even understand how your brakes work on your car i don't understand all these lights work all i know is that somebody understands i don't understand how to lead worship but you understand i just need to find somebody who understands and god understands if he chooses to reveal to me then that's on him but if he chooses not to it is well with my soul it is well it is well no it is really well see how many kids you have five three on earth two already in heaven the last one was a boy painful hurts i trust him what else what what choice do i god get bitter angry mad or say god i trust you can you trust him with your pain can you trust him when you don't understand when he preached a great message last night i think the holy spirit is trying to get us to the place of complete trust with him you know why god heals because he's that good you know why god does something because he's that good dear lady sir he's that good there are people tonight tomorrow i'm preaching all different message i can preach on the anointing of the holy spirit and it's going to be different than you've ever heard before because i didn't steal it most of my messages i steal from people but this one i did not tomorrow it's fresh from god himself i don't steal all of them just a few there's people here today that you need to say yes to jesus you need to surrender your life to jesus you're either backslidden or you've never said yes to jesus you know who you are i don't have to tell you you're not the holy spirit will say hey it's time to come and make it right with god you know who you are you say well i i think it's me listen to me i'd rather have you respond than walk out wondering if you should have responded you're in this place and i don't know how you normally do but i'm just gonna do it as if i'm home since i'm an at-large board member but i'm here now so i'm not at large i'm right here you're hearing this place every head up every eye open oh man i can't we have our eyes closed so i could just do a sneak sneak thing sneak sneak attack no because it says when when one person gets right all heaven rejoices one person one person not 10. you know what the lord told me lord told me this benny if you would get as excited for the one as you do for the 100 you'd see more because listen jesus always valued the one i don't get all weirded out when it's only one person that raises their hand why because that's somebody's son there's somebody's daughter or somebody husband or somebody somebody somebody somebody somebody somebody you know who you are no movie no movie is the best part of the movie you never walk out in the movie you win you like you know who you are okay when i say three could be one it could be none you shoot your hand up say i want to make sure i'm right with god one you know who you are two could be online you know who you are when i say three you shoot your hand up ready one are you ready two and one two three shoot your hand up high say i want to make sure i'm right with god raise it high raise it high raise it high raise it high raise it high raise it high keep it up raise it high one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. hey i asked you to do something really quick you put your hands down oh my god is he gonna ask me to walk forward now that you know the shock factor is over why do i have to walk down there you know something interesting about jesus jesus said hey come follow me and i'll make you fishers of man and jesus turned around and they walked from where they were and they walked to where jesus was well biblically speaking jesus in my road too i know that i know that but there's something dynamic about you moving like like you could get married right like i don't need to walk down the altar let's just do the vows from i'm gonna be up here you're gonna be right down there she like ain't marrying that guy no you could technically get married that way but you you walk to an altar and you come into relationship i might be old school but you raise your hand i want you to get up and as one there's about 16 to 20 of you that's just the first person they're going to start clapping for you the first person makes their way out and i want to shake your hand you come down here right now come on come on let's go come on let's go come on come on come on come on there's no fear come on come on stand right here sir come on stay right here come on [Music] come on come over here keep clapping there's more keep clapping there's more come on this is your moment only god knows why you're coming down okay i feel something it's gonna be a very uncomfortable i'm letting you know right up front i'm going to ask you somebody says already is i know that's how i felt when they told me to go work at the gym i walked in i'm like why am i here listen to me but you know what's awesome i love your honesty i love you say it's uncomfortable that's awesome don't ever lose your honesty don't ever lose where you're just being god but thank god you press through your uncomfortableness to let jesus do something in your life today okay watch hurry like i i mean we're overtime listen to me you're gonna ask the person on your right your left oh my god i don't know them oh now you're going through you look at them and say hey listen do you need to go down there if you need to go down there i'll go down with you because sometimes somebody just needs somebody just to walk with them that's all so when i say three what's the pastor i don't know if the pastor is saved or not you gotta ask them something like i've been wanting to ask my husband this whole time yes are you ready you can ask a person right hey you're ready when i see three ask him ready one two three ask him hey do you need to go down there i'll go down with you ask your right or left come on if they say yes come on just bring them down bring them down come on bring them down yeah here they come come on bring them down here they go come on come on come on they're still coming come on we're gonna wait come on come on they're coming come on yeah they're coming come on they're coming let them come i think i looked at you during worship watches how powerful this is you were standing over there i'm not making this stuff up i break out of the they had me contained over there with some kind of thing there i'm just jumping dude my skin moves and i turn around and i lock eyes with this man true and i look at you i like come on and the holy spirit spoke to me he said i have something special for him tonight and i locked eyes with you okay this is going to be a very significant starting point for you what's your name aiden and who's this ariel is she your girlfriend or what huh yeah girlfriend yeah are you sure you kind of like got dry mouth and stuff bro i didn't say marriage oh my god is he a prophet she's like yes what's the lord saying regarding this situation you three guys significant moment for you all in with jesus man all in i got a good word he's not looking for you to be perfected to be perfect to get it all together he's asking you to surrender to yield that's all god's still working in areas of my life he just wants me to yield he just wants me to say okay jesus your way not my way every day god your way not my way because your way is better than my way is there anybody else needs to come quick quick anybody else because you know the crazy thing is god says there's five other people i'm gonna wait for you for one minute i know russell we have to end i know i think we have to end by 8 15 or something like that whatever but i'll wait because you know there's probably some mom or some some somebody's praying somewhere and say man don't can you just wait just another minute can you just wait can you just wait i've had that over and over again with people send me emails saying my god you made another call my son who's been in vegas and he came to church that day and he got saved and thank you so much i've been praying i'll wait [Music] yeah it is probably is yeah i'll just wait for you no just wait uh they're not online but like they could be okay ten nine i gotta hurry but finish just i'm just giving you a moment i just the lord just said there was five [Music] there's one there's two okay there's three more guys just speaking to you hurry we're gonna wait come on tan come on come on i'd be jumping two i'd be jumping two i'd have tears too are you coming down with them okay there's one more there you go there you go give god a praise hand clap right now make no mistake about a pursuit people say i want to see miracles i say there's a lot of miracles standing up here right now the greatest miracle is when one person says yes to jesus my friend and listen the thing that fueled the revival in marysville was young people saying yes to jesus and when we prioritize salvation and lifting jesus up then the miracles begin to flow and people begin to get touched and we got radical he got crazy and people came from different states and the summertime buses rolled up and people came from other states and people came from other countries and they would just show up and they'd go you're the guy that's the revival man your voice is a booming voice but you got a small body is it crazy that i wasn't what they thought i was because god takes the foolish things to confound the wise why is he so silly why does he all go off point all the time that's me be you i rather i want you to be you don't try and be me there was a young lady with the hat standing up here you you're a young lady may be 13 or 14. you were standing up here during worship and the guy with the camera kept you kept going back where are you with the hat is she still here that she's yeah yeah i man you're loud i like you come here where's your little friend you know a sidekick that was with you hey sidekick where are you okay yeah then there was a guy that was standing up here he had cool hair where are you at you were standing right here you had like a cool like hair where are you cool hair guy you were right here in the front bro yeah that's cool hair guy right there come here come here kept standing over here cool hair guy dude if i had a hair i i'd want that right there okay here's what we're gonna do stretch your hands out towards these people you three i'm gonna pray for you in just a moment because you're part of a great youth revival that's happening okay i see i see the youth ministry is gonna pack this building it's going to fill this building just young people no no just young people and there's a calling on your life there's a there's a touch of god in your life already and you're going to look at me you're going to be ruined for anything else you're going to be ruined for anything else anything else i don't know who you are but jesus ruined her god i thank you lord god that you've been with her lord god no matter what in every situation god you're still with her just close your eyes here grab my hand what's your name joshua put your hands up your other hand up stretch your hands out towards joshua we're going to pray a prayer thank you for joshua thank you for his life holy spirit come make a mighty rushing wind use him in his generation god use him god in his generation got a good word for you keep your eyes closed that you're gonna be able to talk to people that have lost faith you're gonna be able to talk to people and because you're just gonna be real and honest and say i don't understand everything but i just know one thing that jesus is real the lord says don't worry about having all the answers to share my love don't worry about trying to figure it all out just yield to me those that up here raise their hands they just say man i want to say yes to jesus raise your hands let's all pray this prayer together say dear heavenly father say louder say dear heavenly father right now i turn to you and i receive of sins salvation through jesus christ say holy spirit come on in i belong to you now change me from the inside out in jesus name come on everybody said amen amen can we welcome our brothers and our sisters come on can we welcome our brothers and our sisters [Music] you turned over just a second tomorrow i'm going to be preaching all three services i'll be preaching on the anointing of the holy spirit how god anointed jesus nazareth with the holy spirit and with power and who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for god was with him very profound word and i believe that's the word for i'm supposed to give tomorrow at least in that nine o'clock 10 o'clock i might preach something else and 12 o'clock and and then who knows what god's gonna do but i'm telling you friends listen to me there are things that are happening that i don't even think you know the significance of what's happening i travel all over the world and i don't say this very many places wendy i said at church 11 32 i know that it's happening at mercy culture church and god's in a move of god there but i've never been there so i'm standing where i've been and i've been a lot of places i don't want to i don't want to be that guy who's sensational just trying to build it up just to build it up but i don't think you really know what you're standing in it's that significant it's that holy it's that real it really is and for you to come out and say yes to jesus tonight for you dear lady right over here did you come forward yes or you're just standing you're sitting there did you come forward for the altar call or you're just standing over there you come in or you know somebody up here you're with them that's awesome beautiful is that your girl beautiful little girl father i just pray for them as a couple too god i pray god in the name of jesus god your grace on them and grace on their relationship that i thank you lord god that he humbled himself god to come forward i don't know why you came but lord god you know i just pray my in the name of jesus for you sir the power of god touching you right in your heart and through cortisone i pray for you i lay my hands and i pray that you have a good heavenly father sir you have a good father who's for you not against you i declare that over your life sir in the name of jesus in the name of jesus what song are you playing michael yeah can you sing it see now turn it over into a second [Music] in heaven [Music] your kingdom come quickly your will be done the same our father [Music] your kingdom [Music] your will be done [Music] on earth [Music] as it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on if you know it's singing with us [Music] come quickly here on earth on earth [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] let her [Music] [Music] let's go left [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] our god reigns forever your kingdom [Music] [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] our god [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus hey [Music] come on just lift your hands all over this room the holy spirit is being poured out tonight come on be filled with the holy spirit come on drink deep tonight oh there's fresh oil from heaven for you come on there's joy oh there's a spirit of joy spirit of lightness putting on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness right now [Music] come on if you need a miracle just reach up and grab it tonight he reigns he reigns in his place he reigns in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] oh god forever [Music] god um that you will be done [Music] on earth [Music] on earth as it is to earth as it is [Music] we need a move of god amongst our young people in this region i believe we're having one with pastor alex and pastor bruno just doing an incredible job here at our community come on could you believe tonight for another great revival amongst our youth and young adults in the pacific northwest come on to the beaumont i have pastor benny lay hands on and pray for our youth pastors and ed fred if we ever needed a move of god in our schools and on our college campuses it's now and uh it we're we're not just living for another like nice sunday service we've had nice sunday services and the culture is going to hell we need an encounter with the living god we need a move of his spirit sovereignly like we've never seen before we're not trying to live up to somebody else's story we want a story in our own generation come on would you just stress your hands out especially young people come on would you stress your hands out towards our youth faster pastor biddy would you just pray hey man so you guys are married can you guys hold answers for a second here's a good word for you just once you look at me just look at me just for a second what you see is what you can have i see this this room filled with young people i'm not saying oh in fact i i i kind of shy away from always talking about marijuana but you guys always bring it up forgetting the things that lie behind i stretch forward to the things that lie ahead the only reason why we look back like i look back at the great healing revivals back in the forties and fifties jack coe allen oral roberts okay a lot of i studied revivals i've studied a lot of stuff from azusa street and even before that with great welsh revivals and all that and inside god thank you for what you did then but god wants to do something unique in your generation he really does right so that so that there's young people that never heard of what i experienced and to them i'm a grandfather and that's all i am to them but you're the new generation [Music] and you have great hearts you really do you drove me around one time last time i was here and i i i was really i told my wife i said man i really like that guy he's really got a good heart it's really got a good heart and i didn't meet your wife before yeah that's how good god is look at what god gave to you just saying that's called grace sir you can earn that or deserve that i'll tell you that right now in jesus name i know because that's what happened look at my wife that's what they say to me too you know it's not just for him it's for you you're called you're anointed no it's it's it's strong for you too wanna put a thousand two put ten thousand to flight okay so lift lift your outside hands keep holding hands the two are one father i just thank you [Music] god you're always looking for people who will just believe for the impossible who believe that god you still can do whatever you said you could do and god i thank you lot they look like the culture they're not part of the culture they're fashionable hip that's all part of it god but they're anointed called to see i believe lord god not just hundreds but god bring thousands thousands and people are going to go snohomish is it where the john legend's wife from they just say no that's where revival of young people is shaking the region god let them start coming from the north to southeast and the west let them start coming god from the region let them start coming they say i don't know but when i walked into that room there was there was i felt god in that place god do credible lord god signs and wonders and miracles do something this new generation has not seen before god we pray right now and we lord god will pray for them we'll stand with them god raise up a generation of adults god that says bring in every young person bring them all in god no matter how how different they are no matter what's happening bring in the generation so lord i pray that breakthrough anointing you put on my life god i pray because the apostolic anointing you put on my life for this reaching god i put on them now for young people i put on that pretty young people god i put on it for young people they're gonna give you all the glory and the honor thank you for their pastors that says god we want our young people to know you if you're part of the youth ministries here i'm one like 10 young people that are part of youth ministries just come up here you're part of the youth ministries just jump up on the stage just come quick about 10 of you stand right here with with i love young people they don't they just keep coming they don't even know what 10 is okay i want you to look at me how many have friends that they you know they need jesus come on just raise your hand i know some friends that maybe are addicted or just have some issues going on their life come on raise your hand right okay the issues don't change the age does but when i was a youth pastor many years ago and i would look at young people like you same old problems haven't changed and it's boring it's not homeless what do you do in mary's so they just go party and do all kinds of crazy stuff because there's nothing else to do right but you know god wants to use a whole group of young people so i just want you to lift your hands on the stage here step your hands towards heaven just close your eyes i want you to say this say jesus we want to see a revival like never before use us god as your hands and your feet of compassion love power anointing for our friends all around us now lift your hands high here comes the spirit of god he's going to come on you ready watch this jesus fill them right now with power from one high one two three now boom now now now now pam now pam now pam now boom take that boom now [Music] now [Music] now jesus thank you thank you for that anointing thank you for that anointing thank you for that anointing thank you for that anointing god look at me you don't even know how powerful you are you don't even know what you possess yet close your eyes some people see a shepherd but god sees a king uh [Music] great [Music] [Music] shake him revolutionize him revolutionize him wreck him nothing else would do nothing else would do nothing else would do nothing else would do nothing else would do you don't have a choice you're set apart nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing no darkness nothing from the enemy no all light all spirit of god in you yeah yeah who's that young lady right here just come here young lady yeah come here it's 8 30. where's are we a good russell still we good with what we have to do we good yeah what's your name hannah you're so cool hannah how old are you you're 14 huh your parents go to church here yeah what do you want to do with your life do you know yet doctor lawyer teacher you're not sure here hold my hand i'm a nice guy you know what's so cool about you you have a heart of compassion you're compassionate you care for people you love people just close your eyes got a good word for you compassion is the key that unlocks the door to the miraculous in your generation you're going to be a miracle worker you're going to be a miracle worker you're going to see god use you in miracle interventions i see you helping your generation not kill themselves i see i see you rescuing a generation with jesus love and grace i'm going to push you a little bit encourage you if you're praying in the spirit pray in the spirit right now come on just pray just pray you don't have to scream it out loud just pray in your seat just if you don't pray in the spirit just pray in your own language father thank you pray in english pray in spanish pray in whatever language you have come on just pray i'm telling you there's something i'm telling you there's something stirring not because i'm here because you've been building this atmosphere there's god right now i've seen don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i see he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it cause i've seen family [Music] don't you tell me [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me [Music] don't you tell me he can't do it don't you tell me he can't do it [Music] don't you tell me [Music] [Music] you [Music] all the miracles [Music] i believe i believe [Music] i believe the wonder working god you're the wonder working god all the miracles i've seen too good to not believe you're the one too good to not sleep too good to not believe [Music] i'm afraid if you're here and you want prayer for any reason before you leave i'm going to invite you out of your seat to the altar and we've got prayer workers and pastors leaders who just loved it add their faith to yours to see god do a miracle in your life if you're up here already in the altar and you responded to give your life to jesus or rededicate we got a couple resources we just want to give you for free and one is our following jesus book and this just helps give a couple simple steps on really what it looks like to begin a life of discipleship and there's a new resource we have one i just wrote on the baptism of the holy spirit we're gonna make that available to you just for free tonight if you'd like this is a resource as you continue to grow and develop into a supernatural lifestyle following jesus all the days of your life friend hear me we're not just praying for revival we're having one you are seeing a move of god in this city and it only grows from here i want to thank you for joining us this weekend we're not even done tonight tomorrow we're going to gather but it's not even going to be church's normal i promise you you don't want to miss it we're going to be here at 9 00 a.m we're going gonna be here at 10 30. we're going to be here at noon and we're going to see the continued overflow of what started tonight and last night is going to cascade into sunday god is doing something incredible invite a friend invite a family member come on let them know about what god is birthing here in this region thanks so much for joining us maybe we just keep in the spirit of worship just for a little bit longer spirit of god is still here i can sense it in the atmosphere some of you here you need prayer you need a miracle you need somebody to agree with you in your life for renewal and i'm going to encourage you before you leave get prayer and we'll see you on sunday god bless if you're here in the altar area make sure to get a resource from one of our altar workers we'll see you in church god bless you
Channel: The Pursuit NW
Views: 796
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: 2pkmoWA9VKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 2sec (11102 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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