Vision Mega Prayer Night 2020 | Brian Houston and Rend Collective | Hillsong Church

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[Music] joining us across the card we're gonna praise and worship God with [Music] [Music] it's [Music] every son [Music] sotto [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's called the way [Music] nation seeds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see the stronghold see the lost it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to be silent don't you [Music] there's a world outside you window [Music] which is creation [Music] [Applause] well the stage is opening up underneath me and I can see what is really a watery grave because old nature's have been left down here a man in the water and people are coming up identifying with Jesus Christ here at Hills campus we're going to continue to worship but as we do you'll see on the screens we're about to baptize something like fifty five people maybe more tonight and every one of these these lives and if those of you have been baptized if you have not already come and just line up here and get ready there's gonna be powerful we'll keep worshiping but also let's lend our faith and give that sense of celebration about people connecting and identifying with Jesus that's what what about ISM does hey shush only room for one person to talk right now and that's me else I'll be chucking you in these waters who got that and so I'm such a gentle pastor well listen to me friends I really do believe that what's happening now is got spiritual power that's what people are doing here tonight they're identifying fully with Jesus Christ so father I just pray for every person now who goes through these waters and I think you and your mighty name Lord that old nature's are being left behind and we come up identifying with Jesus we thank you Father that you lord you showed us the way when it came to water baptism but we're not just baptized into the baptism of John we're baptized into the baptism of Jesus and we thank you for it in your mighty name amen amen come on this keep worshiping Jesus [Music] [Music] gracious you call me come on church you call aha they have to [Music] [Music] come on touch yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] great [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You Jay [Music] for the grace of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] did [Music] come on you sing it again you did forgive [Music] [Applause] [Music] depression [Music] what three embrace oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while I sings together some please like please like river wash you murrs meeting water is deep as sea [Music] I'm in love [Music] he's like the river wash over me worship you worship your majesty [Music] Jesus my [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's hear [Music] [Music] no survival loss and now the move of your spirit have been pretty come come you've done it would you do it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is America hello--hi maker of the earth is Lord of heavens key God Thursday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the truth [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh you hear that and the brains go up the walls [Music] these geezers come on up just what we keep worshiping we need you guys to go back to your seats now to me it makes you sane [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Matalin gypsies exclusive kek [Applause] that's in his future put your hand towards all these prayer requests some of them will come up on the screen behind me we're a praying Church let's all lean and let's believe God this year it's going to be a year of incredible miracles and father right now we thank you for the work that Jesus has done right now we've seen over 80 people make a decision look father leaving their old nature behind and coming up cleanse that's the miracle our Baptist and the miracle of salvation and love that same miracle you're working in homes and families you can work miracles with our physical body Lord on the internal parts of our life lord I pray that this will be a year of reconciliation a year of marriages restored a year of incredible answered prayers we believe you given a story a story the points to the goodness of God and we thank you for answered prayer in Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well welcome to vision Sunday we dis linked all the way around Australia and of course in Bali in Indonesia an important part of our church it's a happy vision Sunday take a moment tell someone beside you happy vision Sunday tell them you're glad to see them in church [Music] 2020 that sounds powerful sounds significant 2020 bigger dia to get married early wouldn't know amazing we're excited and the other end of the service after we've had a powerful time praying and being inspired by vision we'll get a great group of Irish guys they're called rend collective they're actually over here just stand up so people can see your smiling faces yeah amazing and well they tour in Australia we're blessed to have you here tonight as part of our vision Sunday so Christopher Christopher and Gareth Gareth is that Irish Welsh yeah who knows it's all mixed blood over there who knows that's all yeah well listen to me we're really blessed to have you here in fact Chris Sund one of their worship songs in the five o'clock service fantastic it's gonna be incredible incredible end of a service and we're really glad you're here we had a really really powerful pop one of vision Sunday this morning many of you would have missed that of course cuz your Sunday evening people but I really do hope that somehow you get the chance to have a look at the vision and listen to the message from this morning get it in your spirit because I believe God's giving us a firm direction for this year and we want you to be a part of it and you know what last year we had a faith decree render giving and I'm gonna believe this year with a new faith decree 2020 that we are you gonna see people be able to testify that they're being able to see that happen in their lives and so we're about to receive a tithe how offering the course it's something we do every weekend and it's a big part of our worship it's an important part of what we do that I'm gonna ask everyone in a moment with me I just hope you can read it all the way up the back there to read this decree your faith decree our faith decree if you just like to get ready of course there's all the ways that people love to give it's not up there right now but people can give through the app they say that's the easy way and obviously you just give the way we're used to old school let's just put something in the container that works pretty well as well but what I do know is we're blessed to have the opportunity and the start of a new year and you're setting your own personal vision for the year I pray that we really do set plan and a vision when it comes to putting God first in our lives so I want everyone to stand together if you're preparing just keep preparing keep getting ready or if you're obviously getting you know you've ready to give electronically you'd be doing all that stuff but as much as we can read it I'm gonna ask everyone to join me ever going to read this decree hands up if you can't read that hands up if you can't see you can all see it everyone can see it man you guys got Bionic eyes that's pretty awesome pretty power but okay then you can read it with no excuse we're gonna say this we're gonna declare it together everyone but speaking just speak it over your own life and let's believe it together here we go I am a child of God a new creation made in His image and committed to his cause in 2020 my faith is in Jesus and my hope is in your name Lord you are Jehovah Jireh my source my deliverer and my supply you are all sufficient you never fail me and even in my darkest hours my confidence is in you I give you first place in my life Lord and I choose to live generously and in obedience to your word I believe your favor and fruitfulness are on my life on my heart and on my endeavors I believe the wind of your spirit and the fragrance of heaven are framing my year I believe you have been generous to me you are working significantly in me now Lord use me and do something significant through me this is my decree can you say Amen amen so with that let's be seated again and father I pray that over people's lives Lord I pray that that won't just be words on a screen that'll be words written in our hearts and in our spirit your father we know that you enter prayer so Lord as we decree that as we believe for that and as people are obedient to your word I pray your word we'll be constantly working in our lives and we thank you for it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen amen amen come on let's pass the containers let's receive the giving you look all pretty squished in tonight I like it I like it fantastic and so we're gonna be watching the screen Tuesday night of course big night here in Australia a heart and soul let's kind of let part three of our vision gives me the chance Tuesday night to unpack a whole lot of the stuff that we just touch on we're get a whole lot more things to talk about I'm gonna talk about my personal goals for the decade for the 2020s so we're looking forward to that come on let's watch the screens together [Music] meet somebody new boy welcoming we welcome news now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit but I just pray in Jesus name that the presence of God people's house the Holy Spirit's never found [Music] hi [Music] right [Music] well listen we are handing out right across that church or locations these little magnets they can go on your fridge on the refrigerator Holy Spirit significance wind of the spirit fragrance of heaven and that's what really we're wanting to see happen we're believing for the the fragrance of heaven really to bring God's Majesty into the lives of people and for God's Majesty to blow and breathe on our lives bring fruitfulness bring the fragrance of heaven do you know in Acts chapter 2 it talks about like a mighty rushing wind it's talking about the church of course and 120 believers up in Jerusalem and in that upper room in Jerusalem listen to what happens it says when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all they were all in everybody was in they were all with one Accord in one place that's what the scripture says and then in verse 2 suddenly listen to it suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and listen I loved the fact that it filled the whole house where they were sitting a mighty rushing wind filled the whole house was listen to me friends I believe that when the Holy Spirit truly is here he visits our so powerfully done just visiting bytes with us obviously but the manifest presence of God that literally like the scripture says it fills the whole house no spectators nobody looking on everybody engaged when God brings one of his sudden lease maybe this things you believe God for for a long long long time but yet you're not seeing them happen in just a few moments after a vision presentation we're gonna be praying we're gonna be laying hold of God but right now do you have expectation 2020 like a mighty rushing wind for God suddenly to fill the hole I love it when God takes hold of a service and bang suddenly you can tell it becomes intense the presence of God is moving in Isaiah 6 verse 1 Isaiah he's envisioning and he talks about the year when King Uzziah died listen he said in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up that's what happened to Jesus of course on the cross he was high and lifted up high and lifted up and the Train of his robe filled the temple listen unbelieving this year for services where the Spirit of God fills the temple where the presence of God amen the trade of his temple feels the temple that means that all of us we want to have that spirit but we can't get here early enough and we hope that it never ends because like a mighty rushing wind we're about to stand we're about to sing I surrender like a mighty wind and like I say in a minute will receive this video but I want to get you filled with anticipation for the prayer time the bigger prayer time were happen come on everyone sing to sit and faith in Jesus name like a rushing wind [Applause] Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and father like a mighty rushing wind you come Lord we say Come Lord we say come Holy Spirit invade our lives invade our years and made our church we pray Lord we just thank you in Jesus name for all we're about to receive and Lord before the service is over I know before you call we call you answer Lord before we call Lord you even go before us you're already there you're already in the miracle and we thank you Lord we're about to see the miracles in Jesus name Amen amen please be seated for a minute we'll come right back in and singing like a rushing wind but right now many of you saw part one of our vision this morning it was so beautiful so inspiring I'm gonna ask your whole church now to enjoy him to be response fired by stories as we look at part two amen there's some vision 20/20 do some church but it's 100,000 weekly attendees spent in 25 countries clips on the outside of here a little overwhelming what does it look like on the inside to the person attending beyond the large-scale numbers a few other people that keep coming back week after week for starters I'm one of them my name is Ashley John Baptiste I'm a presenter reporter and investigative journalists at the BBC in the UK and I'm on a journey to uncover some of the stories from across the global reach of this church that I and so many others call home so far this journey has taken me to Australia Berlin and Barcelona but I'm far from finished I'm about to cross the Atlantic and visit some of the campuses in the Western Hemisphere [Music] I'm in California a sleepy town and howl and a half away from San Francisco to visit Shawn Claudia and their son Jackson who I'm told recently experienced something quite special [Music] they're what I pictured an American family to be Shawn coach is the local baseball team that his son Jackson is on he played majors this year really there's a 10 year old are you coach yeah I'm the head coach for the students I'm gonna show him how to hit ya gon okay [Music] not long ago did you in practice one day the family's world was turned upside down and Jackson suddenly lost his hearing Jackson's you know he's not listening to me he's not doing the drills and what is this kid doing I think he's just not listening because I'm his dad I'm the code so I'm yelling at him and I'm yelling at him little louder than the other kids right cuz he's my kid and he turns around he's like I can't hear out am i right here and I just kind of like pause for a second and I was like what do you mean you can't hear out of your ear he's like I can't hear out of this ear [Music] he's always had normal hearing tests ever since he was a newborn so when he told us he lost his hearing we were like what is going on audiologist did three different tests the prognosis was sensory neurological hearing loss so the left was gonna be a little bit and then the right was a lot of hearing loss we went to another doctor and they said the same thing going from Doctor to doctor seeking second opinions the diagnosis remain consistent the prognosis described in the significant hearing loss is irreversible leaving no room for any hope of recovery you know you got five doctors telling you that this is it we're always gonna believe like when a doctor tells us right like you're sick you have the flu you have strep though whatever you have you believe they say to accommodate for the new reality adjustments were made to Jackson's everyday life including special treatment in school and hearing aids to try to counteract the hearing loss but Jackson remained unwavering in his faith and his commitment to attending church remember one morning you know waking up and yeah we drive an hour and a half to go to church and so I was like hey let's just stay home and have a lazy day and he's like I'm not skipping it he's like you can skip it but I'm still go this is the type of kid he is so you know inspires you know inspiring to us the family attends Hilsum San Francisco which is part of Hilson California locally headed up by Brendan and Jackie Brown the Golden Gate Bridge Golden Gate Bridge up there alcatraz just over to the right Union Square where we have church is kind of just down through these buildings to the left down here how has it been starting Church out here I think the biggest thing that we've realized is that people crave community yeah you hear testimonies and stories all the time of people saying I've met family here I've met community here we're praying for for just friends for the boys you know pioneering church it's been one of those things that's you don't always have young families to start with and so we're praying that young families would come in and these this family rocked up one weekend and just have such a beautiful presence about them and Jayden and Jensen and Jackson just connected straightaway and basically it was almost like they knew each other from from years ago and it was awesome when they became friends straightaway on Friesians Sunday a few years ago Brendan and Jackie shared their story of how their own kids are faced with a rest skin condition and are still believing for a miracle but while waiting for their own breakthrough they've continued to believe for the healing of others our boys with their health challenges they know what it's like to pray and believe for miracles and look we're still believing for a miracle we are kids so there's that tension of a faith in reality than now and they're not yet you know you're looking at that and you go well what are we gonna believe are we gonna believe the facts or we're gonna believe what that God says think I can heal and so as a church we all prayed and anointed Jackson with oil and I guess it was just a normal thing for us to go right well let's believe that God can heal Jackson's a year and we'll find healing and God's miraculous power Brenden like he went like out of his way and like you know he was always hey let's program like everybody prayer ever lay hands on them like after church having you know somebody there that's encouraging you and saying hey some things like that you might not think are possible are possible and giving you that hope and that faith that you know and it can't happen after years of believing God for a miracle Claudia and Sean started noticing that Jackson didn't want to wear his hearing aid anymore I was telling my Kate why you're not wearing your hearing aid in class like they're supposed to be wearing it he was never wearing it and the teacher was like he's not worried and I said why aren't you any hearing he's like I think I'm my hair he's getting better you know it's like when he first told me I can't hear this they'd say it's so like simple and matter of fact I can't hear out of this ear like I think it's getting better and I'm like thinking to myself like it can't really get better I just like felt like a lot clearer I could I could hear better in my right ear and in my left in order to find out what really happened and to try to get some medical evidence they took Jackson back to get his hearing tested again they were shocked by the results so I made the appointment so check this out so this is the same place it shows here he had a moderate to severe Sun so neurological hearing loss in the right ear with a low frequency hearing loss in the left the latest audiogram here all of them are matching up she's like I don't I can't explain to you medically how he got his hearing back and here it says because Jackson teen is significantly improved it is recommended that he not wear his earring yourself I can get teary-eyed but I just know that it was because if she was as christ-like she made a miracle for us I prayed over Jackson every night for two years for him to be healed and then when it actually did happen it's it's overwhelming man here in this story and seeing these medical reports in person is yet another encouragement that God is on the move in his church and that miracles do happen in our day and age and it's clear that the role of community in Jackson's close-knit friendships with other kids in church has played a big part in the journey what's amazing is that speaking to these guys earlier they were preparing for a life of their son not being able to hear but you guys were adamant that Jackson could get here at a new will train of these guys will end the sleeve for maybe a yeah well over yeah yeah I mean Jesus is the Bible talks about how he went around good and healing people and the Bible says he's the same yesterday today tomorrow and watching Jaden and Jensen like we would offer pray for Jackson at home often I think children experience faith through their parents but I feel like this is a touch for them a touch of God that they got to experience God doesn't give kids that you in your Holy Spirit it's the same Holy Spirit oh but anyone you know this same Jesus it's the same message for every generation he voice thanks hey Jack somebody can ask you a question this may sound like a bit of an obvious question but some people would ask you I imagine is God really on the move in our church I look at natural things but realize they're supernatural because there's no way it could be happening we're 13 us not us why can a church go into a city like New York and from the very beginning have several thousand people turn up and I think the way our worship has not only for a short time impacted virtually every continent of the world but over now twenty five years and it's still increasing and growing this note there's no way that could be marketed it makes no sense that's why people sit back and scratch their heads and the truth is it's it's a spiritual work it's it's it's the hand of God I'm so excited about this my first time in Brazil in America I have no idea what to expect well one thing's for sure off camera latin america changes your life yeah something about the culture that just gets on the inside yeah I've arrived in são Paulo the largest city on the South American continent [Applause] people from Latin America are known for their passion and Brazil is no exception when Hillsong UNITED started solving here many years ago they noticed that the ceiling of the crowds was extraordinary [Applause] but is this passion just type and sleeping famine for a band or does it go deeper I've come here to find out as Hillsong UNITED a back in town for the first time in six years there might be a misconception of it's just the bare hype you know it yeah it's it's a crowd it's you know you hear about Brazilians absolutely you know fanboy and a fangirl and / he'll soon unite but there's something so much deeper what I think people are capturing is the this isn't about a band that everything flows out of a strong local church yeah the hype and all of that can only ever last for a while the emotion of it but the stories that come out of nights like yes absolutely amazing we've got people on our staff here in our church in Sao Paulo that got saved in a United many many years ago you know so now to the fruit of nights like tonight yeah but before I go to the event tonight I'm off to me Eloisa whose life has been greatly impacted by the music of Hillsong Church Wow look at this place right in the heart of the city she's invited me over to have some of her story and how the culture here has affected her my whole life was a dream for me to be part of a church I always had tattoos I always had piercings we had here in Brazil a lot of people judging you how did Christians respond to the fact that you had tattoos they make the cross title for me certainly a lot of times is like oh my god the way they said that to you yeah I never thought I can be neat and be in a church on top of the rejection from other Christians eloise the suffer some anxiety through their teenagers until one day when she started finding comfort through worship music every time that i hears their worship song it was really inspiring when I have a really that anxiety crisis worship is something that settle down they'll relax me so it's really important for me to dealing with anxiety if you extend the useful music she will see are a real relationship it's about having a personal relationship with God the gospel is compelling it's not repelling each of us have to really think of that way we we portray the gospel if we are people in love life love people a hope filled or filled with the message of Christ and the words of Christ then people will be attracted to that the night starts five hours from now and you see these people lining up for hours waiting under the Sun and it's absolutely amazing there's individuals in that crowd that are broken yeah there are there's gonna be individuals in that crowd that don't know Jesus there's gonna be individuals in that crowd that are disconnected from a spiritual family from a church and so the potential that is in a night like tonight arrival is looking at these thousands of people already lined up it's hard to fathom the impact that this one night might have on each individual life represented [Music] my first time culture united concert was in 2006 my relationship with God changed the way that I seek out the way that I had talked to him changed completely before I saw a God of judgment that pointing my mistakes and now a God of love with only hours to go until the start of the event I can tell that the expectations are building but within the people attending as well as within the Hillsong UNITED 15 why is music an important part of outreach when it comes to our church in places like Brazil I think that it is one of those critical an outreach virtue that God has blessed us as a church to be able to do it the reason that we do everything that we do is so people can encounter the truth of how great God is and yes what would be distinctive of you know here Brazil was just they've got that Brazilian passion and so just that plate and the way they express it being such a passionate people you see on the TV the soccer fans in South America and exactly how they out the church and here with the background now I quit 1/2 away from starting and they're chanting you've got crazy people today we missing him saying what waited 14 years to see you guys don't think about that [Music] how long have you been wait since the Hillsong UNITED to come to Brazil six years God is gonna be here [Applause] with mr. geysers be far too licensee to witness out that will say they were avoiding hometown and the spirit of the Living God is here you should be that was Phoebe sake we know that because he inhabits the praises of his pts I've just been happy that was before so for every single life here had that via ducky every story had the Sparky it matters to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] standing in this field of 20,000 people in Sao Paulo seeing our worship to God under an open night sky I realize this feels like home like that feeling of home that I've experienced but with my church family at Hillsong in London and yet to countless here tonight this is a rare experience Jesus gave us the strategy it's called the Great Commission go you into all the world and preach the gospel it's doing everything we can to reach people you know that certainly have a 7 billion people in the world they all need Jesus and so we're quite intentional about where we go and where we start I've always found that if you have the right people in the right place at the right time that God seems to bless it [Music] without missing a beat your song shall Paolo gather for church many times over the following day many who volunteer until late last night at the event spend their whole Sunday here serving those who've come the lines go around the block and the expectations are high as people attend from far and wide is your best tire are you from South Holland I need parts of that it's your first time service your second side but read eBooks of my earth sometimes we plant a new location and people turn up they come to see but then there's a process of that volume of people becoming a family becoming a congregation becoming an influence in that selena takes time I have no just a new friends but I have also a family and they support me every day I really feel that I can be Who I am I believe the welcome home is one of the most important messages that we deliver as a church it's the kingdom culture and kingdom works River goes [Music] as my journey comes to an end here at Hill Sansar Paulo I can't help but think back on everything of experience visiting these global campuses my experience of our church was always informed by what I'd seen at my own local campus and whilst I've always known that we're part of a global church I could never have anticipated just how significant what we get to be a part of really is from the student in Moscow to the mother in Johannesburg so many people across the globe have the chance to experience the meaning of welcome home I've seen that when God moves he transcends time culture histories and geography I can see that God is on the move binding us together under his banner doing something significant as we gather under the name of Jesus the Spirit is present in our midst everything I think about we never think of 20 20 years well this is a significant year and it's kind of what I'm feeling you know let's really believe that what God does in people's lives this year is significant and I think about the fact look if we can just really awaken even an inside our own church have a spiritual awakening a renewing and really believe that these are significant times what God is wanting to do yeah and so I pray that we are people who really believe for God to do something that is wonderfully significant in there powerful come on let's stand together across Australia we're gonna sing together like a rushing wind the next few minutes of this service we're gonna lay hold of God we're gonna pray we're not just gonna pray from the platform I pray across all locations that we all lean in and we all pray together this is the powerful time a mighty time we know that God answers prayer we are believing like a rushing wind the Spirit of God will come and fill this house with his glory fill your house your life with us glory so everyone together let's sing this begin to lay hold of God in Jesus days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight we got five prayer points we're gonna lead it powerfully to these five prayer points the first thing we're gonna pray for it's a prosperity of Australia and barley you're praying for Indonesia we're gonna believe that just like we saw a start of last weekend that God is going to trench this country with rain and all the places where it's needed that all fires are extinguished that the drought comes to an end I mean I asked Steve Dickson our pastor up there in Queensland in the Northern Territory Steve I'm going to ask you to lead us for these next few moments we're praying for Australia in Bali one more time you pray for your country but together let's pray think Steve thanks Brannon is great to see you and Bobbie back as well and thank you for the whole day it's been fantastic we appreciate you I love you being here you know when people are thinking about Australia around the globe over these recent weeks and months the name Australia's become synonymous with the things that branch to Brian has just mentioned a place of drought a place then of floods a place of fires and even recently the danger of you know plagues and viruses and all the rest of it it sounds to me like some Old Testament issue that we've got to overcome but I reckon we've got a New Testament answer because when the Old Testament finished with curse the New Testament began with Jesus stepping in and we gonna believe that Jesus is gonna step in again and we're gonna believe for a whole eastern empowered Church to be the representative of faith and of Jesus in this place I love the verse that Brian mentioned this morning in Exodus 10 he says the Lord responded by shifting the wind and why don't we believe that what we are about to pray into Australia right now the Lord would take hold of it would turn things around would shift the winds to go from where they're coming to go to where they need to go and we'll do it together and before we pray let me also read this to you some 91 Brian talked about of it the no plague will come to your house but if you carry on reading this is our promise that we're gonna pray in - from verse 14 of the same chapter II says the Lord says I will rescue those who love me in Australia I will protect those who trust in my name when they call on me I will answer I will be with them in trouble I will rescue and honor them I will reward them to reward them with long life and give them salvation in Australia so come let's believe across let's start to pray they start to believe for the nation where Lorna's places in Jesus name Lord we come to you tonight with the United heart and spirit and voice because we believe that you are our God and we place our trust in you and we place our trust in your word and we pray right now for the protection of the nation and the people of Australia we pray God that nothing would overcome us we declare our trust in you we declare our trust in your word that no harm would come to our household in Jesus name blood we pray right now for the prosperity of this nation we pray Lord for the favor of God we pray for the blessing of God to be evident named Australia is mentioned in days and weeks and must occur around the globe it would not be because of plague and pestilence it would be because there is something incredible that has filled the the trap would be gone that the fire would be quenched and that your spirit would be doing press and you and so we pray right now for an outpouring of the holy spirit upon the nation of Australia may this be known Strauss man and trust the nations of the world in flakes of government in the media [Music] from Australia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna pray for significance Jesus told the woman who brought the costly perfume what she had done was wonderfully significant to him God can work through you and do what is wonderfully significant to the kingdom of God we're believing for the Lord to do significant things in our lives but right now in every location but you guys are in church and we're up and down and around the country right now I'm gonna ask your local lead pastors or rather location pastors there I'm gonna ask them to lead your prayer we'll take just a few moments all right here at the hills I'm gonna Sam and Carly yeah our location pastors and Oregon Nathaniel Beck you guys should come up as well and we're just gonna pray here and so we'll join up again in a few moments before ever you guys are in every place right now you pray for your location your pray for your place are we up for this Tim in Melbourne are we up for this absolutely Pastor Brian we're absolutely up for this okay is that it well fantastic and credit he needs to preach on Sunday nights he's quick I think the most significant thing that God could do in our lives is to work with us and use us to see people come to know Jesus like we've come to know Jesus you know the day of Pentecost it says as Pastor Brian talked about says 120 in the room generally 120 he had been meeting for probably fifty days and it never grew but when the Holy Spirit came the Bible says that hundred-twenty turned into three thousand and I want to say to us I want to say to us what is impossible for us is possible when the Holy Spirit comes and fills us oppressed and I believe I believe I believe that this year he's flung wide the doors he's rolled out the red carpet and he's inviting us into a fresh new powerful relationship with him so that he can partner with us to see those people in our world saved and set free and come to know Jesus in a powerful way amen and that's what we're going to pray for and that's what we're going to believe we'll say hey we come running up the carpet where you come through those doors will you say yes to the surrendered way to him and fresh amen so father we thank you and Holy Spirit we do take up your invitation and we do run to you in a surrendered way and we do ask that you would fill us afresh with your power and with your love and with your mind thank you thank you thank you for the freedom that you bring our concerts although we are believing for salvation we are believing that you would uses the fresh in Jesus name Lord we just thank you Lord for every single person who is he and I Lord we pray that as we go out into our workplaces as we go out to our places of study and as we go to our own families Lord that you will use us to bring the power of the Holy Spirit we will see salvation but I thank you that you are with us in every single sphere of our life pray for boldness as we go to work tomorrow I pray for boldness as we go into our schools in our places of study lord I just pray that we will see salvation in our city that we will see hundreds Lord just like a tire kenny cause that hundreds will come through because of salvation that they will meet you individually and that people will be saved love in a mother's heart what I just pray that family to backsliders will come home that people who've never heard the name of Jesus who here if you and their hearts will be opened in the mighty name of Jesus we pray for salvation and revival amen amen amen you know I was looking at your shirt tire the back of your shirt says raise your voice our presume it's talking about standing up against human trafficking or against human trafficking but we're gonna raise our voice of praise and prayer to God in Jesus name said come on everybody everyone here Jacob Arvin you speak your language of the spear you pray in your voice to the Lord miss lay hold of God let's raise our voice let's believe for God to do significant things in and through a house in and through this year boys right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little things I'm believing for this year I feel like Lourdes put it on my heart is in intensifying of the changeable presence of God yeah I talked about it here already in that house in Acts chapter 2 the scripture says the whole house was filled the whole house it says they all it was all in they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and like a rushing wind like that that powerful powerful anticipation that we have in our songs we're gonna believe I'm gonna stretch and cast to come they're gonna lead us and we're gonna believe across at church right now there will be a greater sense of the services in our own lives that maybe God will come alive in us like maybe he's never been for a long time or he's never been before and it one got faith for that for that sense of God's presence to be on the rise come on let's believe together in Jesus name Amen you know church and pastor Brian talked about acts 2 where the day of Pentecost happened and I believe that we need a Pentecostal church that's what we are we believe that that the Holy Spirit is moving and active today and I don't know about you but I've lived a life without the Pentecostal thing and I know what it is to have the spirit moving and active and and the difference it actually wasn't about him it was actually about me this James 4 it says that if we draw near to God he draws near to us and sometimes just sometimes that means you have to forget about the person beside you and you need to cry out to me so right across the church right across our church let's cry out to the Lord Jesus we need you Holy Spirit to be alive to be active [Music] quick we seek you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you know Steve Dickson said we have Old Testament problems that we are a New Testament church but we are Pentecostals and the Holy Spirit wants to stir gifting within you he has pulled out of gifts so that when we come face-to-face with the world we have worlds of knowledge we prophesy we lay hands on the sick and they do recover we have answers and hope and faith in Jesus Christ the church whether you lift your hands to heaven and begin to pray that the Lord would stir the gifts and he has given you by the God right across your church now for the individuals are from Bali to Brisbane would you scare off the gift to your foot on the paper the agents of your holy [Music] something in its time we believe that your spirit is tangible that your church is about to come our services will be dynamic and faith pass out buildings and come in because you are here amongst us and so God we step out with Cara do we stir up the gifts of the Spirit in us in Jesus name in the lenghtens you know I love that words suddenly and suddenly suddenly like a mighty rushing wind the whole house was filled with the presence of God Robert Ferguson he's gonna come with you to lead us in prayer we're here to believe together for some of those Sundays when when Pastor Brian taught about suddenly this morning suddenly the Holy Spirit left within me and I believe God is preparing suddenly for 20/20 revival sudden le'ts miracle suddenly families suddenly calling suddenly provisions sudden leaves but every time suddenly is appeared in the Bible the people reacted immediately and they were prepared in the Old Testament when suddenly he came on the temple and filled the place the whole place with the glory of God the people were united and ready in Acts chapter 2 they were united and ready so are you hungry are you hungry in all the canvases he promises to fill the hungry with good things are you united are you united he promises to command blessing on the United are you expected he says according to your faith be it unto you are you expecting suddenly why don't we write around all the campuses raise your raise your hands but this time hold the hand of the person next to you so that right around this thousands of people hold it up hold it up thousands of people we're gonna believe for suddenly we are expectant united and hungry father God I pray the human - as you have promised you have said you will fill the hungry with good things you've said if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink and out of his belly will flow rivers of living water you've said when your people unite together in one Accord you will command the blessing you've said as we pray in faith you will act accordingly and you have said according to your faith be done to you well we are praying as a church for journalist of God miracles we're brain through a playful we're praying for air pouring we're praying put healings in the name of Jesus come on church raise your voice together [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heavens breaking out [Music] God will do all these done before but we're believing you do what we've never seen before in Jesus now we're gonna take a moment now we're going to take a moment to pray for you that there's suddenly you'll touch your life that you'll get your own miracle the areas where you're being crying out to God and those things that are deepest in your heart coming into this year we're gonna we're gonna conclude this part of our service right now because we're going to pray for you we're gonna believe for miracles and the lives of all the people of our church Lord Tong in a bowl a very beautiful girl it's got a very beautiful mum come on case you don't know it's my daughter I'm proud of her I have a very beautiful father as well yes I always thought that yeah hello church um you know as I was standing here on the side I looked over and I just want to say that no one of you amidst in this place God sees each and every single one of you and he knows the deepest prayers the deepest desires in your heart he sees your dreams he knows exactly what's in your heart and what you're longing for and you're not missed tonight and before we pray together for for your personal needs for what for what you're desiring for I want to inspire your faith in Ephesians 1 verse 15 it says this I pray that you would experience the immeasurable power of God that is invested into us that is made available to us through faith and we have a choice right now as we pray together we can we can sit back and we could be timid or we can lean into the power and the authority that we for the name of Jesus we have the power through the name of Jesus we have authority and we can believe the miracles we can believe but breakthroughs we can believe for the impossible to be made possible we can believe that you will find your husband this year we can believe that you will find your life this year we can pray and believe in somebody you begin to speak at the name of Jesus come on lift up your hands to us heaven make your requests known to God make your requests Berger God you are a heaven presentation time of need you are available you are here you are now god we keep we grant you our request log on and we can we speak I press you knowing that you guarding you and then you are faithful to the ones you love oh Jesus have your way Lord Jesus have your way make answers be healed in Jesus name may you provide Lord Jesus video miracle working power be made available to each and every single one of us look God may the longings of our hearts look God may you meet us right there in Jesus name and everybody said amen [Music] just stuff still for a moment in every location is everyone being still you know salvation is the most powerful thing in that people surrender their life to Jesus and whether you're joining in from any of our other rooms in the parenting room or in this room right here it's a simple question and it's this do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior it's not by accident that you happen to be here it's not by chance but it is by the divine appointment of God there is anything that I've caught from this vision weekend it is this God is into your story you see God doesn't just call crowds thank God for the crowds thank God for a congregation but he calls individuals he calls you he calls me and I don't know what people have said about God but he is not standing back with his arms folded friend he is arms wide open the Bible even says that he is near to the brokenhearted and you might be standing in this room you might be standing in other rooms and you might be here and you might have been brought by a friend and you don't know this god I'm talking about well friend he knows you and he knows you and he gave his life for you and maybe today's the day will you turn around and you give your life to Him maybe at one point you made this decision but you know in your heart you've walked away well friend today is the day where you can come back home and you can give your life to Him and you can surrender to him he has a plan and purpose for your life and today is that day where it can all change and you draw a line in the sand and you say today is a new beginning today is gonna be different I'm walking out of here knowing this person that you're talking about Jesus friend today have you surrendered your life to Him because if you haven't I would love to lead you in a simple powerful prayer of asking him into your life can I've ever head bowed every eye closed everywhere and if that's you if you're saying yeah Peter would you lead me in this prayer you're about to pray asking Jesus into my life at one time I prayed that prayer but in my heart I walked away the good news is he never walked away from you maybe you've never prayed this prayer maybe you just turned up tonight friend today's the day give your life to Jesus He loves you he loves you he loves you it's not about rules and regulation it is about a relationship with him a friendship with Jesus friend for the Bible says whilst we were still sinners Christ died for you for me but even when we missed the mark he still gave up everything for you I'm gonna count to three when I get to three if that's you and you're saying yeah lead me miss pray about to pray what I want you to do is raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to sit wherever you are and I'll include you in this prayer I'm about to pray you ready one two three all over this place raise your hands right now if you're saying that's me yeah people raising their hands come on why don't believe is just be believing for this moment if that's you if you're saying yeah lead me in this prayer Peter people up the back there I'm showing in other rooms right now people are responding come on young and old front to the back anyone else that wants to respond and give their life to Jesus over here on the side throughout the floor beautiful beautiful come on church let's give these people around to applause you may have raised your hand just then and that's why we're applauding you but you might not have this is what we want to do the moment the team's going to begin to lead us in a song of worship and wherever we can in our locations wherever we can I know some of us don't have that that ability to do so but wherever we can in all our locations what I'm going to ask you to do is the team are going to lead us in a song of worship if you raise your hand just then I want you to do something I want you to grab your belongings come with a friend come with a family member and I want you to come and meet me down the front here because I want to shake your hand and in all your locations I want you to do that as well if you didn't raise your hand but you know that you should have this is for you as well so wherever we can the team are going to begin to lead worship come on why don't you leave your seat even if you didn't raise your hand come on come down the front we're gonna applaud this day we decided to follow Jesus say come on come on team let's import them church people get in their life just Jesus patients come [Applause] [Music] keep coming judge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've showed people down the front and many of our locations and the people down here come on church let's give these incredible people and it's never too late to come down the front so whenever you want to you come down and look even if you didn't come down the front that's so fine because God saw the change that is taking place in your heart and there's already still people coming down here and it's absolutely beautiful people making a decision to follow Jesus this is absolutely amazing this is what we're going to do is one big church family those down the front those maybe still in their seats in our other location I want you to pray this prayer to me it's a beautiful prayer simple powerful prayer of asking Jesus into your life and don't worry as one big church family we're gonna say this together so say this with me dear Jesus come on dear Jesus today is a new day I'm choosing you I surrender everything so come into my life Lord forgive me give me a brand new start I need you now and forevermore in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen congratulations to everyone and whether you're up the front in any of our locations look once the service in your location dismisses out in the excess in the foyers there's gonna be someone waving this around they're actually trying to get your attention because we don't always see all the hands and we don't always get everyone out in the front so we want to make sure we start a conversation with you and we want to start it with a beautiful gift on behalf of our church this vision Sunday to mark this day where you decided to follow Jesus and I would love to help you from here on out so come on one more time Church let's congratulate everyone big congratulations so makes you you'll get one of those New Testaments and I pray you really go on from here and serve Jesus you're a man that God can do great things with in Jesus name don't underestimate what God can do to turn your life radically upside down in a beautiful in a powerful way God is on your side in Jesus name Amen well listen as you can see we're taking a moment here we're turning the platform around it's only going to take what I've got told 90 seconds and so we're just gonna keep on going Ellison if some of you guys hear you need to to head out for whatever reason you're welcome but I pray the many of you will stay and I know what's happening and the other into the other locations at all but I don't know whether you stayin whether you're going but you're welcome to stay I guess so whatever you want but listen Tuesday night 7:30 p.m. 7:30 we gave you an extra half-hour to get here 7:30 we'll keep it sharp but it's really important to me that you come there's so much now I want to unload on you when it comes to specifics and the practical side of a vision it's not just for leaders in that church or for volunteers for whole church or visit us you're welcome as well and it really is that the family together it's kind of got a different tone to us that'll be very very powerful so wherever you are wherever you're part of that church make sure you do everything you can you and your husband or your wife will have programs for the kids and will have a phenomenal heart and soul night really speak it into the heart and the soul of our church amen how are we going we're nearly there you know what these guys ring collective I'm really excited about it can you explain to them are you Irish are you Irish can you explain to me why the Irish are always so good at music and writing songs in well look what would you put it down to the fact there's nothing else to do there oh they're sad there's not much other than just a singing song and a Friday night you know that's about all we've got singing we saw at a Friday night that seconds pretty tell but hey come on church are we ready ready let's give these guys a huge welcome to Hillsong götze I'm feeling up for a celebration I'm feeling like that's appropriate to be fully honest with you Irish people always think it's a good time for a celebration so on it's not unusual for us but God has sent some special things in this church you have an amazing church folks if you don't know it already we have a faithful God tonight he's worth celebrating he's our light and our salvation let's sing together my house [Music] [Applause] [Music] my trust draw Karimi say to shoot [Music] a future gotta say to you say Touche [Applause] [Music] in my dolls in my face you walk you great love will lead me through you are the piece in control Lucy or you are creeps in my true [Applause] [Music] [Applause] easy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] my I will trust the promise you carry me [Music] Oh [Music] Oh each [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're the brightest you lead us through the storm before us you're the brightest leaders [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dancing is david - in the thrill of a while i'm in love i'm not ashamed those of fire won't be tamed whoa my soul was not born becames [Music] there is liver you where you are how you freedom unchain my heart I love the one love what I'm living my spirit soars [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you staying tonight you feel like maybe you're even more Irish than you were when you first came in service hoping for some Irish wildness so uh I feel like there's nothing more on dignified on this earth than Irish bouncing [Applause] huffing on your right foot will take a gentleness target that's not hoppin folks or to out for me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well folks you guys are wild I'll be honest with you I wish you had worn the Fitbit before I got on here so where are we bound all the way from a little place called Northern Ireland what you just want to say it in case it's not immediately obvious we didn't come here to sing or dance for you as nice as that might be we came here to worship with you use up for worship tonight if you're looking for rock stars tonight Northern Ireland is not the place to go look and go to California you'll find one on every street but tonight we just want to sing the truth about who God is and what he's done for us is that sound good let's sing it we Irish him together does that sunken [Music] [Applause] Wow ah oh he's fearing [Music] we have tried to see the county but released there Missy we [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Music] unleash your key see [Music] me the [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the sarcomere Julia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I gotta be honest with you I still feel like we could go a wee bit Wilder you believe in the night-time ourselves good ol is gin think why don't you get your arm around your neighbor who ever that is hey good studies have shown that this is the most effective dating service on the planet what we just done right now so watch are you alright he's up for celebratin tonight alright from the front to the back let's see everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well folks instead of enjoying this place tonight we believe the truth of Scripture we believe the joy of the Lord is our strength let's make that around them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before sunrise tomorrow [Music] this graph in my lungs [Music] this whole field is fun singing for joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with rice and mercy ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so you are the seal around me always you my [Music] Jesus [Music] all right this is the bowler choice where she always begins with a choice it's never all about it we have to choose it tonight our circumstances might tell us to keep her mouth shut tonight but our God is worthy and this in every season the truth [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know tonight I know that this is a celebration but I also know that we're real people we come in here with real scars and real struggles so sometimes maybe it doesn't feel like the most helpful thing in the world is for an Irish bond to take the stage and force you to do I respond sit and stuff but this is the truth there are a lot of times in our lives where if we're fully honest we don't feel like bringing our all and worship and you know what with the nicest possible freezing nobody cares what we feel what we care about is that our God is worthy of our he's good when life is not he's perfectly life's not perfect Church Oh compromise we're not singing of what we feel when we're singing of what we know to be true and eternal denied then he's June will be our strength in the sir [Applause] he's my straight in the sorrows is my strength he darn a solid in the showers I'll see a dick shine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Applause] [Music] okay I don't know about you but the first thing that I do in the morning is I reach over and I grab my iPhone I'm pretty convinced it's not healthy and I think I might be doing it for emotional support but that is the first thing that happens in the morning right and I pick it up and I have a look at the notifications and at the minute I'm reading Apple news because I'm over 30 so those are the first notifications that come up I Honda you know it used to be a while ago that it wasn't so bad but uh no I Oppel news is turning into kind of like some pretty dark reading it's pretty much equivalent to reading The Walking Dead but just it's real um and it's kind of terrifying to me and I think sometimes if we keep listening I guess to this kind of negative media narrative that's all about finding a way to get us to click something because at our heart of hearts were all kind of miserable if we do that we're gonna be dragged on when the truth is when we open Scripture instead of our iPhones for we change what we find is that we've got a God he's still seated on the throne who's still powerful he's still in control he has plans to prosper us and not to harm us to give us a hope and a future and we want to put our trust in the name of Jesus tonight his name is par in this please [Applause] [Music] you're the only answer to the dark you're the only ride [Music] you're the only world come on Akane you are the words to cross me on louder than every lie i sorry Jews don't race away [Music] is your name [Music] your names [Music] [Applause] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see sky darkens light arrives in there well this feeling that I see me when you speak [Music] who's me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus's flowering at the end the night your mighty to save strong enough to heal you care about us in this place the king of kings and Lord of lords get your near to us tonight so we worship your name's five over darkness freedom for the captives mercy for the protein and the whole where's your names faithful in the batter for in the struggle mighty evil lettuce or favors your name is power over darkness mom [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raid every chain break every chain [Music] we believe there is [Music] break every chain [Music] see it on oh don't you had an incredible evening with you thank you so much for having us let's sing a victory song tonight that our phrases remind ours buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] we [Music] see back [Music] [Music] [Music] the cancers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the crisis it's promised the tribes status the Psalms belonged at the heart right we are the prophets my castle is a sin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] amazing time with you guys thank you so much for having us good night vote oh that's amazing come on let's give ring collective a massive hand did you like that have you guys not done enough singing already [Applause] but that was amazing thank you so much young guys hey Church I want to remind you Tuesday night out hadn't so night I think that's something that we all need to be mindful that's something we all need to be at I hope you've had an amazing day a vision Sunday let me pray for you as you leave Lord Jesus I thank you for today I thank you for what you're done what you've imparted and lord I thank you that as you spoke to us today your birthing something real something special something to encourage us and something to to carry us into next week and into this year we put our faith in you Jesus and we thank you in Jesus name everybody said amen we love you chance we love your church have a great week [Applause]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 38,754
Rating: 4.9221792 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Brian Houston, Vision Sunday, Mega Prayer, Rend Collective
Id: 7Y3lSCyWQEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 12sec (8232 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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