Hillsong Church - Don't Look Away From Jesus

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good morning everybody welcome to Hillsong Church we've had an amazing weekend at color conference with the girls we're gonna start out with start off with something a little bit different this morning [Music] [Music] teach me how to love show me how to trust you more than with my words or with the song no it's not been easy to live live down on my knees but with faith I know I carry on but fear sometimes can leave me I really good it is a win I saw the enemies against me arrows all around me never knew the fight that's won its seasons of depression I plead for your protection made me right I'm tired of being wrong [Music] [Music] the voices [Applause] everything assets yet it is well with my soul [Applause] with my soul is where it [Music] my he's late with my soul my son Oh [Music] [Music] it is well with my soul with my my solo despite of me it's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me you make it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it wasn't that amazing chat come over to give them a hand that was incredible [Applause] [Music] we've had two incredible color will cover system in the last couple weeks but don't worry if you missed out on color courage he did know because the same persons a Godman was their ministry to all those women [Music] Oh see time losing rear the rear this a moment-by-moment beat by beat roll into devil kick and snare no rebel PS keeps his feet it might show [Music] chases [Music] the bitchiness myself [Music] where we stay distant from this [Music] but you wonder just as easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] so we're doing here this morning magnifying his name come on chance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on look Jewish front to back but I think we're finished with this question I can see people in the back we're gonna finesse treant Church but this is a pedestrian judge this is praise the launchers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 7:55 it says cast your cares on the Lord he was sustained here he will never let the righteous be shaken morning's like these when we come into church we need to lay hold of that that we can come to God we can cast our cares we can cast our burdens we can cast our worries upon him he will sustain us through our tribulation he'll sustain us through our trial and he will never let the righteous be shaken amen dear faithful this morning [Music] amen [Music] down down upon me Mayo [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're burning down come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first illustrate free [Music] hold on my god when I mean door cylinder consider the workstation I see the stone I hear the Rolling Thunder through the years [Music] portraits lift your boat [Music] [Music] change my son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] yes that's very soon see I squeeze kids [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with shouts of acclamation and take me what you shall feel my come on child [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we say that you and you are greatly to be praised [Music] [Music] a big warm welcome to church this morning it's great to have you in the house after color conference which has been amazing and we are blessed this morning because we have Lisa Harper who's going to be speaking to us again and we're excited about that but right now Pastor Brian is gonna drop in and say hello to us across the Lync father was so grateful to be in your house today and lord I just thank you very person take your time out to be in church this morning oh what a beautiful name you have what a wonderful name what a powerful name is your name the name of Jesus the name that's above every other name look we're grateful have your way I pray in church all the way across today and Lord not only here in our church but in your church all around the world father we thank you in Jesus name and a faithful people said together said together a man how good to be in this city Jedi say good morning good morning all and big high two hills and Brisbane central and every other place we gather Southwest wherever you guys are and what a great color conference are all the women who went to one of the two color conferences give us away fantastic well thanks for you commitment into support and praise God for the conference so many great stories already coming out of color conference and huge thank you to all the people who helped to volunteer did whatever you could do amazing really it's great in here it's great like I'm used to being out there a hills where grant Thompson is you know compare with you guys but stodgy out there looking how do you know what we're gonna have an incredible night tonight in church and cellar revival prophecy 9 how great Sam we're gonna just really believe God that is something incredible in our evening so so whatever you do don't miss tonight all evening services revival prophecy night and I hope you guys will come and we're really bright sure we're really brush out it's a prophecy shirt all right so wear something luminous you know something bright yellow bright pink bright purple you never know it might work now we are going to have a great night so I'm kidding obviously about there but we are gonna have a great night I really hope you guys will keep leaning in to our available nights praise God for all that's happening hello Chelsea everything that's happening here in the city and the good news is the best users the best is yet to come [Applause] how gives it here from pastor we love pastor Brian and Bobby yeah we are blessed well some people have taken some time to fill out some praise reports and someone here is thanking God for an amazing color conference and why wouldn't you someone's thanking God their hand is healed someone's thanking God they got a permanent Australian residency and a great job that's pretty cool I I walked out of the L a.m. service and I said hello to a young father carrying a little baby and he's holding this little tiny baby in his arms and her name was Eloise and she was asleep and he tells me she's a color baby I'm like what do you mean he says well this time last year we couldn't have a baby and Bobbie prayed over a whole bunch of us and color this year is holding his brand-new baby and I think that's an awesome mirror that's one of many that Bobby's been praying or I think it's pretty awesome someone else is thanking God for healing in their right hand someone's thanking God for a new job someone's thanking God for His faithfulness someone's thanking God for the rain in Darwin that's pretty awesome and so many good things but we're gonna believe God people have taken some time to fill out the red forms and they're the prayer request forms and so we're gonna be believing someone's praying for the salvation for their husband someone needs healing from cancer someone needs freedom I read about a court case here that someone needs God to intervene in someone is believing for a friend's salvation we're gonna be believing for all those in everything that's written down here and then the blue forms are forms that people have taken the time out to write down and believe for God to save their family and friends it's a prayer of faith I'm gonna be believing for all these so if you would could you stretch out your hand if you feel comfortable it's just an expression of your faith and beginning to pray out loud in your own words if you do speak in the language of the Spirit let's not be afraid of our own voices and let's pray with the fervency the Bible says that the fervent prayer moves God it's O Lord we believe in Jesus name that you will have your way we thank you for the name of Jesus we thank you for the promise of God we thank you for your goodness and your kindness and your grace what we can't deserve it we don't notify we come to you Lord and believe for healing miracles salvations we believe you'll have your way in Jesus name Amen amen come on let's sing Jan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen good morning Church how are you all he give someone a high five a hug a kiss whatever you like this morning and you may be seated let me encourage you around out giving this morning my name's Lee burns I'm the well I'm the executive vice president of Hillsong College how's that how's that and one of the pastor's here of church and so you know I carried you around you're giving those of you online this morning yeah welcome to participate in this area of worship as well and for those of you giving those of you from Hillsong Church you'll know you can use one of the ways here behind me I used the giving app I find that easy and so are so I gave on Friday but let me let me read out of Scripture I'll explain it than illustrator the poll talks to the Philippian Church in chapter 4 having just received an offering from them and he says this about the offering he says that it's a fragrant offering and acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God then he puts in this little reminder before he finishes he says in verse 19 and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory basically what the Apostle Paul is doing here is reminding the Philippian church that yes you have given but don't forget where the source of your giving comes from where the source of blessing comes from and I learnt this early as a new Christian when I came to Bible College and in 1998 I remember I had $20 to get me through the week and I had it in my pocket and a student came up to me and was telling me about the week that they had and that I'll probably have to finish up college because they can't afford their fees and I felt the Lord tell him to give me give him the $20 and I'm having that argument with bull with them what have I got left and and you know I was basically okay well I'll fast for seven days and so I pulled the $20 out of my pocket I said here take this and at first he said no I can't do that and I said go for it there's plenty more where that came from thinking it's not in my bank account it's not in my pocket it is a supernatural source but this guy thought that I had played one of twenty somewhere and so we ended up taking the $20 well by the end of the day I was in class and a student came up to me and said hey I really feel like the Lord told me to give you this and they reached into their pocket and pulled out $20 now in my head I'm thinking Lord I'm a hundredfold believer isn't that meant to be two thousand dollars and I really felt the Lord say this there's plenty more where that came from he supplies all our daily need according to his riches and glory amen amen so hold your offering in their hand this morning and let me pray over it father we thank you for the honor it is always to sew into the kingdom father I pray that you'll take what we saw this morning and see your kingdom established and extended here on earth father I pray that you continue to meet our need according to your riches and glory in Jesus mighty name amen amen host you may pass the containers as they do that checkout the screens find out everything that's coming up oh hi firstly so glad your church and your being here makes a big big difference and that's kind of what I want to talk to you about we thank God for the people who attend our services and people come expectant and I want to encourage people to understand that coming early coming on time taking time the other kids in the program and being in that place early really makes a huge difference to the services in the atmosphere and also staying to the end if you can stay you make a massive difference and we're trying to build the kind of culture in our church where anything could happen now I encourage you to just stay right through to the last prayer and then you're welcome to head out straight it makes a big difference and I know you can help us to take the church forward I want you to lean in the big Cooper's bay to the right I want you to really have an expectation we're gonna believe that the gift of prophecy will be an operation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen everybody say irresistible Amen that is the kingdom of God in these days the irresistible beautiful kingdom of God the house of God what God is doing on the earth good morning are you good are you alive are you well are you driving for Jesus amen good morning I am like so happy to be here amongst my family and you know what obviously you should have seen that on the big screens down in the ICC downtown spectacular and I'm I just want to say thank you Church I know Brian gave expression but I want to say thank you so much for being the remarkable church that you are allowing us to host an event that I believe and I say this with humility of heart has blessed the body of Christ and has changed lives forever believe miracles have been set in motion and it's going to be found and heard in the days that are here amen so as a praise report amen a praise report before the Lord there were over 17 almost seventeen and a half thousand involved in color this year which is testimony that Sydney alone Amen there were 42 nations represented there were 21 denominations represented which actually speaks of the beautiful diversity and unity across the body of Christ exciting here's the best news in a three-day conference that has closed a paying conference actually like a conference there were over 1300 decisions for Christ amen isn't that awesome means that people are confident to labor and compel and bring friends who don't yet know the Lord and it was awesome so thank you again it was incredible and of course 2020 is on the horizon as always and it's gonna be wild and bright and there's gonna be no end of awakening in Jesus name so here is the deal with that there was a official beautiful invitation to you on the seats for all the women I gave you didn't receive us at color take this as yours and want you to open it read it think my gosh who can can I be there next year or can I give this to someone can I entrust it to someone it's gorgeous but I don't know if you've noticed we have an amazing guest coming and Vause camp who is a renowned author and speaker and woman of God Justice advocate we have Leanne Matias from California who has just drop-dead gorgeous you're gonna fall in love with her but next year we are downtown in the ICC yet beautiful venue that seats 8,000 and then we are here the second week which in essence means we turn this place into something quite magical and wonderful but it means that we have 4,000 seats less at conference next year so I want to encourage you not to dilly-dally as I say I mean if you know you're gonna be there and you're gonna be friends you need to get in okay is that awesome how good is God he's so good you're a beautiful church thank you so much for all you do we are so blessed this morning because Lisa Harper is here as grant said and she has been preaching her heart out down and she is let me just like brag on you you are no come don't get shy don't fight we can see you we can still see you you are magnificent you're a beautiful woman of God you're beautiful mum you're great friends you're a loyal follower of Christ yes I'm gonna make you and we love you because you're actually family so thank you for being here [Applause] [Music] thank you for lights being up so early this morning this is your food service [Applause] what is in I truly it is please please sit down and those of y'all who were not at color all you testosterone representatives need to apologize to you because I am a spitter and so this is like baptism row but I can't even tell you what an honor and a joy it is to be with you huge privilege deeply deeply deeply respect Pastor Brian pastor Bobby y'all's ministry of course now you're a global church but back when you were just in the eyes the echoes of what Jesus did here made their way to Nashville Tennessee and I have been kind of a product of your ministry even though I live in Nashville where there is not yet at Hillsong campus I keep telling Ravi I don't have the gift of prophecy but I want it so we can get a Hillsong in Nashville anyway I am just I feel like I'm really indebted to y'all because my walk with Jesus is deeper because of the way he has been reflected two three you to me so to get to be here is just I mean is unbelievable love so many of your leaders I would give castling Dan a kidney if she needed it and so to get to be here this morning it's just a huge privilege nan do you need to tell you something that happened at color at ICC on Friday to set up where I want to go before we go into God's Word and that is one of these beautiful Fujian is at Fijian Fijian Pete okay beautiful island women came up to me and she said you should be from Fiji and I was like I should and she said yes because you are so filled with joy and you jiggle well there you go there you go I thought I had it kind of kept in you know I tried not to stand next to lore I did my best to look like a slim one but evidently I am the Fijian among you not tell you that story I tell you not that all four genes are pudgy it's just I'm a happy eating Fijian kind of a girl and and I tell you that story because I filmed a Bible study recently and they when they were just starting to shoot realize when I put on my outfit the producer looked at it he said Lisa wear your Spanx I'm Jonah what Spanx are do you sell them in Australia from the pit of hell they're basically gentlemen forgive me y'all need to just look at Chelsea scores right now but they're there I call them Python panties it's it's just it's kind of like a new fashion girdle we're gonna get to the Bible in just a minute to stay with me anyway I was supposed to wear Spanx to keep everything in so people wouldn't be scarred by this video Bible study and I had forgotten them and we were just about to go to camera so we didn't have time for somebody to run get any Spanx and they were like what are we gonna do now it's like I don't know because I had brought a shirt that I always think I'll lose like 40 pounds before the event in like a week and I hadn't and so I brought a shirt in and the belief that things were gonna change the next week and the shirt was kind of geometric and and rather snug and so instead of a muffin top I had kind of the whole bakery right here and the producers said kind of their version of cats of cat Outkast said the only thing we know to do is we've got gaffing tape you know the camera guys we've got gaffing tape and they said are you okay because if we don't tape you up it's it's going to be distracting the things that are poking out and so I said yes all for the kingdom and so I raised my arms and from about here to here they taped me with gassing tape and y'all what's so Valerius is when I watched the playback I was teaching on the Hebrews and I actually think some of the teaching is decent but I had to talk in really short sentences it was like and then Jesus came and he because I couldn't take breaths because I was just taped all the way down when they peeled that tape off after the sting it was like oh this is glorious I felt kind of foggy and again I was like I am ready this is incredible bangers and mash here I come y'all have feel like as a cousin because I'm totally claiming y'all as family as a cousin in America what I see from the cheap seats is that God has just started to unwind the duct tape from around Hillsong I know amazing things have been done in the past 30 years I feel like what's ahead is gonna be an explosion a revival of such epic proportions y'all did you know could be that free we didn't know there's that kind of efficacy coming I really believe from the distance I'm watching this thing just kind of go and I feel like the word God has given me to bring you and I understand I'm a guest so I understand that this is pretty presumptuous for me to bring basically the teacher a word being the student is fix your eyes on Jesus you fix your eyes on Jesus do not tear your gaze away from Jesus those of you who were at color know that I brought my daughter home from Haiti five years ago I am single my husband has lost has not stopped to ask for directions so if you know someone between 55 and death is employed and totally up for that especially if he's an Islander but anyway throwing that out there and faith anyway kind of like your hundredfold Lee whoever Lee is I'm just trusting God's gonna bring me a fijian me in any way I know are there any any anyway I brought my little girl home from Haiti as a single mom five years ago the year I turned 50 I brought my little girl home from Haiti she was four and a half years old and my little girl Missy her first mama Marie died in Haiti of AIDS and my little girl was really really sick she has HIV at that point she had tuberculosis and cholera and the doctors in Haiti said she was only going to live for two months and so it was pretty precarious health situation by the time I got her to Nashville she was getting better because I had started her on antiretrovirals and within three months her health had stabilized and so praise Jesus but a year after I had her home she got sick and for those of you who may know people who have compromised immune systems it's a huge deal if a child with HIV gets the flu with a normal kid a high fever is no big deal a little break with tylenol but with a child with HIV there's a possibility that that innocuous seeming flu will very quickly become pneumonia and then oftentimes it leads to death and a child with the depressed immune system so she was home for a year when she got sick the first time and it scared me to death I went to pick her up from school about morning when I dropped her off she was all happy energizer bunny I came to pick her up six hours later and Missy had just changed dramatically she's kind of hunched over it's like she could barely carry the weight of her backpack her face was chalky which is a big deal when you have a beautiful brown kid so much cuter than yells pale children and she just you know her eyes were glassy I know I'm all up in it this morning aren't I but I could tell she was really sick and so a brought her home started doing what I know to do I started pumping her full of fluids gave her Tylenol alternated with with ibuprofen and I took her temperature about two hours after I started this protocol and it had actually spiked she was at 102 degrees which just scared me too and I thought I'm just gonna Bunder bundler in a blanket and take her to the ER but first I call the dear friend of mine who's a surgeon and I said Cathleen because I live way out in the country so I said which hospital should I go to two hospitals about 30 minutes away I said which one will be able to see Missy the fastest which one do you think has the best pediatric pediatric trauma and she said lease hang on just a second don't put her in the car just yet she said I'm talking to you as your friend and as a surgeon and as a mama she said let me ask you a couple of questions she said I want you to press the skin on Missy's arm and tell me if it springs back or if it stays depressed and I said no it sprang back and she goes okay that means she's not dehydrated she said is she going to the restroom and I said she she is I said I'm have the carrier to the potty but she is she's going to the restroom she said okay that's wonderful she said Lisa here's the deal after a few more questions she said I will gladly meet you at the hospital but I can tell you almost assuredly this is not a big deal this has nothing to do with Missy's HIV this is a very normal childhood fever very normal you keep doing exactly what you're doing with the fluids alternated the tylenol and the children's ibuprofen and I bet you within 2 to 3 hours Missy's fever will break she said now still meet you at the hospital you can call me every 15 minutes but I can almost promise you this is no big deal she said now let me give you one warning because her fever is elevated there is a chance Missy will talk out of almost delirium she said so if she wakes up and says something that seems like she's not completely coherent don't panic that too is very normal call me immediately but don't panic and so I got off the phone I said okay I was trying to calm myself down maybe 15 minutes later Missy wakes up and she leans forward in bed and goes mama I see Jebus I've been in vocational ministry for 30-plus years have been to seminary twice have a wall filled with commentaries in my home back in Nashville do you know how I responded when my five and a half year old said she saw Jesus read the books and seemed like the podcasts of when you go through a bright tunnel and you see the face of Christ you're going to die and I was like don't look at Jesus get away from the light get away from the light panicked I was like I'm not ready for my little girl to go y'all the message I feel like God is telling me to tell you is don't look away from Jesus you focus on Jesus her fever broke two hours later we had breakfast two hours after that sausage and biscuits our version of bangers and mash and I said baby we need to pray before we eat and then I went dear Jesus oh dear Jesus said I am so sorry I just counseled my own kid to look away from you I know better than that y'all sometimes when we're in crisis sometimes when our emotions are skewed it is very easy to get distracted by our circumstances and take our gaze off Jesus the revival that God has begun at Hillsong that God generated will continue if you keep your eyes on Jesus when you take your gaze off Jesus you're gonna lose the momentum of what the Holy Spirit is stirring up so my message to you this morning is really simple fix your eyes on Jesus and don't look away don't look away from Jesus if you brought your Bibles turn to mark chapter 9 I love the Gospel of Mark you know it's actually the first gospel that was written the first literary compilation of the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ they can and I scripture a fancy word for putting it in a list they listed Matthew as the first gospel but mark is actually the first gospel chronologically first written compilation of the life and Ministry of Jesus Christ and I love this gospel account and you will know this story even if you didn't bring your Bible it's a very familiar story in the church mark chapter 9 beginning with verse 2 and after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves and he was transfigured before them and his clothes became radiant intensely white as no one on earth could bleach them and there appeared to them Elijah with Moses and they were talking with Jesus and Peter said to Jesus rabbi it is good that we are here let us make three tents one for you one for moan one for Elijah for he did not know what to say fluor they were terrified and a cloud overshadowed them and a voice came out of the cloud this is my beloved son listen to him and suddenly looking around they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only now if you study this part of Mark's Gospel you know that the mountain that they're talking about there that's mark and then Peter narrated Mark's Gospel so it's mark and Pete telling the story that mountain is a mountain on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee where about 85 percent of Jesus recorded miracles the ones we read about in Scripture took place a lot of scholars think it was Mount Hermon dr. Robert Wood could probably tell us exactly which but it was Mount Hermon or an adjacent Mountain and so Jesus and the three closest to him Peter and James and John hiked up this mountain they get to the top and when they get to the top Shazaam Jesus is transfigured and he turns brilliant white and then suddenly their peers on either side of Jesus Moses and Elijah and they y'all tell me what's wrong with the story don't talk back what's wrong with this story they've been dead for a long time a really really long time Moses and Elijah I mean they have been stone-cold dead for centuries and suddenly there they are resurrected next to Jesus Christ who is illuminated has it bugged any of y'all that Moses did make it in the promised land let's just be straight up let's be family does that bug y'all there's always stuck in my craw that Moses didn't make it in the Promised Land he'll remember the story in the Old Testament he's leading the Israelites three million of God's people they're a bunch of fussing ingrates and he's leading them toward the promised land and Moses gets ticked and he hits a rock with a stick I'm taking the tiniest bit of Liberty with Hebrew li can fix it in Hillsong College but he hits a rock with a stick and God says Moses because of your anger you don't get to go into the land of milk and honey you are quarantined from Canaan you're actually you get Mary buried here on Mount Nebo you'll be able to see the land that the Israelites are gonna inherit but Joshua is actually an elite of men you get buried here on Mount Nebo y'all that has always driven me nuts because I so identify with Moses and I would have been much worse than Moses you know Moses was patient he was kind he was a great leader and the people were such boogers I mean they were always that's not a bad word and Australia is it some of our words don't translate well here and some of y'all's don't translate well there so I was hoping I didn't just use an expletive anyway they were they were stinkers they were rebellious and all he did was hit a rock I would hit his realize I would have been like some like goodness that seems kind of punitive I mean Moses was a good guy despite the murder rap for the rest of the time he was a really good guy so for him not to make it in the Promised Land just seems it seems harsh to me y'all we tend to look at scripture through this very narrow grid of time and space we forget that our God is not bound by time and space there's no duct tape around our Redeemer he is perfectly free to work outside of time and space if we had a little interview this morning and pastor Bobby was up here in one of those cool chairs from color and Mo was right over here and she starts interviewing Moses and she says Moses would you rather have gone into the Promised Land in your jar clay sweaty body or would you rather the first time you set foot in a promised land you're standing on top of Mount Hermon you can see the entire Sea of Galilee and you're standing next to a radiant Redeemer which would you choose you know Moses would say door number two I could not have dreamed that big our stories are not limited by what we see y'all God operates outside of time and space that's the first good news in this little first part of mark chapter 9 the second bit of good news has to do with Peters fear they're on top of this glorious mountain Jesus is radiant and Peter gets scared why do you think he was scared think about the Old Testament for just a second do you remember the last time a cloud came down and the voice of God came out of the cloud on top of the mountain do you remember it happened to next to this right after they got out of captivity in Egypt they get to Mount Sinai you remember Moses hikes up and God comes down and he says hey Moses I'm gonna come down I'm gonna reveal myself to my people in a theophany that is a physical manifestation of God it's gonna be in the form of a cloud this isn't a normal kind of cumulus cloud this is a cloud containing all of my glory so this is Shekinah only they weren't allowed to say Shekinah out loud in Hebrew that is that's holy yeah because Shekinah was the glory of God so God says to Moses in Exodus I'm gonna come down but before I come down y'all need to erect barriers around the base of the mountain because when my power comes down it's gonna be so strong so holy that it will kill anybody who gets too close to it you've got to erect a barricade this is gonna be like an MC Hammer moment nobody can touch this you got to stand back from the base of the mountain Peter remembers that y'all he's a good Jewish boy he has heard these stories so he gets to the top of this mountain Shazam Jesus is glorified he sees Moses and Elijah resurrected and all the sudden there's a cloud with the voice of God and he's like oh crud we are just about to die we're not supposed to be up here we can't get this close to God's glory and suddenly the voice comes from the cloud and you went the voice says look at my son you don't have to stand back anymore this is the new covenant son I've sent Jesus and he is made a way for you to be reconciled with me you don't have to stand back when my holiness comes down you move toward me you look at my son yo that's where we are we're in the New Covenant it is glorious that we don't have to stand back from God he's not a far away Redeemer he's an up-close personal Savior and that's what God is saying to Peter and James and John look at my son gaze into his countenance she have this incredible revival that takes place on top of this Mount of Transfiguration and you know what happens next she won't typically happens after revivals there's a valley there's a valley there's a hard part after the pinnacle and it happens next verse 14 of chapter 9 and when they came down the disciples they saw a great crowd scribes arguing with them and immediately all the crowd when they saw him were greatly amazed and ran up to Jesus and greeted him and he asked them what are you arguing about with them I think that's one of the saddest questions in Scripture because he's speaking to religious people and the question he asked them as why are you fussing why are y'all disagreeing with each other see it happen all the time in the body of Christ you know it's not enough that were attacked by the rest of the world but Christians tend to shoot their wounded Christians tend to stop to side talk instead of going I'm going to gaze on Jesus we'd get distracted by gossip that's what's happening here they're just cross talking Jesus cuss why are you arguing amongst yourselves why are you getting distracted by all these innuendos all this gossip he says how long am I to be with you Oh faithless generation how long am I to bear with you bring him to me because they've told him they're arguing over the fact that a father has brought his sixth son to disciples and the disciples aren't able to heal him so Jesus says bring the boy to me and they brought the boy to Jesus and when the spirit saw him verse 20 immediately it convulsed the boy and he fell down on the ground and rolled about foaming at the mouth and Jesus asked his daddy how long has this been happening to him and the father said from childhood and it is often cast him into fire and into water to destroy him but if you can do anything Jesus have compassion on us and help us his mama didn't even come this morning because she's so devastated by her son's sickness our whole family is just ripped up over this we're scared to death that our boy isn't gonna make it Jesus if you can do anything please help our family and the Son of God he's just come off the Mount of Transfiguration to a bunch of fussing religious people who don't believe who are distracted he says if if I can't yeah have you so quickly forgotten that I was just glowing if I can all things are possible for the one who believes immediately the father of the child cried out and said I believe helped me in my unbelief y'all I think that's the holiest profession apart from what Jesus says in this passage when my favorite scholars Tim Keller says this he says it is helplessness not holiness this is the first step to connecting with God it is helplessness not holiness I'm certainly not making light of sanctification we are supposed to be growing in Christ's likeness but we are never supposed to get apart from the cognizance of I can't make it by myself I believe Jesus I'm here twice a week at Hills at the other campuses I'm in I'm all in I'm studying my Bible but I can't do this by myself helplessness not holiness is the first step to accessing God I would say it's also the second step of continuing revival let us not be confused that we can carry this thing on our shoulders aren't wide enough y'all the revival God is generating at Hillsong as God generated and it will be carried by the Holy Spirit not by us if we take our gaze apart from Jesus this whole thing is going to go south he says you keep looking at me the man confesses I need help if I'm gonna keep looking at you and when Jesus saw that a crowd had come running together because crowds are drawn to noise not necessarily because they trust in Christ but they want to see what all the drama is about this is just for the women guys shall can completely ignore this difficulty is inevitable y'all it's inevitable Jesus said that this world is broken that you will have difficulty in this world he said I've come to overcome the world take cheer he said this world is difficult difficulty is inevitable drama is a choice girls you hear that drama is a choice don't put on the duct tape you stay free don't listen to the voices of other people telling you this isn't possible you keep your eyes on Jesus and when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit saying to it you mute and deaf spirit I command you come out of them and never enter him again and after crying out and convulsing him terribly it came out and the boy was like a corpse so that most of them said he is dead hear what they're saying he's gone from bad to worse he did just have a serious case of epilepsy but now your boy stone-cold dead look what you did dad you got all fired up about Jesus and you hedged all of your bets into Jesus you cashed in all your chips you should have kept some out because what if this revival isn't really gonna work what if this isn't really a miracle what if this is just I don't know caffeine maybe you should have come you know it kept a couple of chips back I've heard essential oil is really good for healing epilepsy you know instead of focusing so much on Jesus you could have rubbed him with some frankincense maybe you could have gone to another another kind of a church good night why did you put all your chips into Jesus because there's that guy between the Spirit coming out of the boy and Jesus raising him up we don't know how long it was could have been five minutes could have been five hours but in that gap between the boy looking as though he was dead and Jesus raising him up obviously alive there's a gap and y'all I'm telling you there are always scoffers waiting on the curb ready to speak death over revival there will always be scoffers on the curbs and really really did that really happen at color is that really happening at Hillsong are you sure there will always be critics we cannot get distracted by the critics we've got to keep our gaze on Christ that's what this passage is all about you fix your eyes on Jesus I started the adoption process when I was 40 and I thought I'm just gonna tell a few girls in my small group that I'm praying about adopting I'm not sure if that's what I'm gonna do but the Lord is just stirring my heart up and I need people to help me carry me to the roof and lower me to Jesus so I can hear from the Lord and so I thought I'm not gonna tell a whole bunch of women because I know y'all don't do this in Oz but in Nashville to the see where I live sometimes women disguise gossip as prayer requests I thought I'm just gonna tell a small group of women and so I told four girls I was in a Bible study with three basically said Lisa we've got your back we'll pray with you and for you about whether this is what God has for you one of them said Lisa if you've got time later on this week I'd love to meet you for coffee and process this further I went and I met that woman at a coffee shop this is totally free but if a really grumpy unsmiling looking woman comes up to you with a quilted Bible cover and tells you she needs to meet you by yourself because she has a word for you from the Lord y'all need to play dumb and take a friend just trust me on this but I've never been the sharpest tool in the shed so I met this woman by myself and over coffee she said you at least I just want to be real straight with you because the Bible says the lens of a friend are better than the kiss of an enemy here's the deal y'all sometimes words of death can come from people who quote scripture sometimes words of death can come from believers she said I just want to tell you I think you have shot sabotage the right to be a mother she said you have told our small group that there's sexual molestation in your backstory and I know you've been a Christian counseling but just in case you weren't fixed you might unwittingly transfer some of the trauma you experienced as a child onto a child of your own so she said I know you want to nurture my advice to you is to go to the Nashville Humane Society and adopt a dog because you really with pets and y'all I should have known as a 40 year old woman who walked an eye on a church much like this not quite as alive but they loved Jesus I walked in I when I was 5 years old I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 5 years old my father had left our family and pastor was preaching that warning on how God is a father he doesn't turn his back on his children and I walked an aisle because I wanted a daddy who wouldn't leave so as a 40 year old woman I'd spent 35 years walking with Jesus don't you look at that mama I told them in the last service if you give it a dirty look toward a mama or daddy with a new baby I'll pray you get hives that is the sound of glory that's revival right there in shirt thank you for bringing your baby to church thrills me makes me want to have another one somehow anyway be a little bit of Sarah action if that happens I should have known as a 40 year old Christ follower that this woman speak in those words of death over me she was a crooked little tree somewhere in her backstory she'd experienced such a a drought or such a serious storm that it bent her trunk and she wasn't bearing good fruit what was fallen out of her mouth was not congruent with what is in God's Word because Jesus does not eat same as a motivational tool but here's the deal the enemy doesn't distract us with things that we obviously recognize he usually distracts us with lies that are woven with just enough truth that will swallow it because it smells familiar and so as a 40 year old woman you know what I did I took the adoption application I printed out I put it in the very back of my file drawer at church where I worked and then the next afternoon I went to the Nashville Humane Society and I adopted a chocolate lab named Sallie with water control problems and she was a sweet dog a little dribbly but sweet she was not God's will for me that season y'all I got distracted I got distracted when somebody said are you sure I went no no not sure I took my eyes off Jesus at the end of the story the disciples say to Jesus how come we couldn't heal the boy how come we couldn't help this family and you know what he says to him you forgot to pray you forgot to pray you forgot that your power has always been from me you can't do a single thing by yourself if you quit looking at me you will lose all power all efficacy you will not change the world around you you have got to fix your eyes on me y'all that is the message God is bringing us on it's the message okay y'all can come up with the band we're gonna have a different kind of response I'm gonna ask the band to go ahead and come up and I want to just have a time where y'all go ahead and stand if you're physically able and I think it is prudent I think it's right for us as a church that's right at the beginning of revival you're in the first chapter of a new season an incredible new season God is stirring God is beginning to bring about phenomenal things at Hillsong and y'all now would be the time that it would be so easy to get distracted they had just come down the Mount of Transfiguration they forgot his glory it is so easy to take our eyes off Jesus it was seven more years before I started the adoption process seven Lost years you don't want to lose a day of what God is doing at Hillsong this season you don't want to lose a week you certainly don't want to lose seven years of what God is stirring so I believe what he's calling for in us is the posture that this daddy exhibits in mark 9 Jesus I believe helped me in my unbelief where there is any place in my heart that I don't believe in what you're doing right now would you circumcise it Jesus I believe please forgive me for the places I've been flippant please forgive me for the places I have gossiped about the leaders in our church please forgive me for the places where I'm not totally focused on you and I've looked at the rider to the left if God right now is stirring in you the posture of confession and if he's not somebody needs to punch you in the throat because we are always supposed to be in the posture of confession we are always supposed to be cognizant the fact that I can't make it by myself I can't make it by myself Jesus believe me would you if it's possible where you are would you get on your knees especially those of you under 30 you're over 30 you're gonna pass but if you're under 30 get on your knees and we're gonna have a time of worship and as we worship would you just cry out as a family Lord we believe but help us in our unbelief put your hands on the side of our face turn our attention back fully towards you Jesus have your way in this revival Jesus carry this revival Jesus keep my heart tender Jesus keep my mouth holy Jesus have your way in me my gaze on you the author and the perfecter of my faith helped me to not be distracted Jesus may it be so kid Oh [Music] so here's the hi [Music] so [Music] he loved [Music] she has no the crazily for [Music] she there's no [Music] [Music] you should use here stay [Music] gee if you want we can stand to our favor just to this motion come on let's go see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know it's no accident you here this morning it doesn't matter how you came to be here the truth is then the reality is that God loves you and God knows you and God has an incredible plan and purpose for your life God sees you my friend the Bible says that in a right relationship with God you can know forgiveness for your past meaning for your today and a hope for your future but to become right in our relationship with God or to get right that doesn't come through religious observation it doesn't come through trying to observe rules it doesn't come through trying to be a better person that comes through being right in our relationship with God's Son the Lord Jesus Christ because it's Jesus that connects us to God and it's Jesus that connects us to God's grace and I'd like to pray right now specifically for two groups of people the first of those who are here and you've never made a conscious decision to surrender ownership of your life over to the Lord Jesus Christ and the second of those who are here and at some point in the past you've done that but you're a long way from God could ask for every item eclose and every had to be bowed and every Christian to be passionately but quietly praying for those two groups of people and if you say grant when you count to three in just a moment and you pray a prayer that is all about people giving ownership of their lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ I want to be included in that prayer I want to make that decision then simply right where you're standing I'm just gonna ask you to raise your hand and I'll acknowledge it and we'll include you in that prayer I don't want to embarrass anybody I just want to know who I'm praying for you ready Christians are praying one two three lift your hand if you would say include me in that prayer I want to surrender ownership of my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ I want to get my life right with God lift your hand if you say include me in that prayer I am making a decision for Jesus thank you god bless your hands being raised thank you god bless you can see hands being raised Christians are praying people are getting in a life right with God thank you hands being raised god bless you god bless you fantastic god bless you fantastic beautiful beautiful beautiful you know what put your hand out if you raise your hand you raise it for a reason and really it's about you surrendering ownership of your life over to Jesus and I'm gonna ask you to pray a prayer out loud with me but we're all going to pray as a big family I'm gonna ask everybody to repeat this prayer out loud after me but if you raise your hand just pray this prayer out of your heart to God and I believe he's gonna meet you right way around dear Heavenly Father I surrender ownership of my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and I thank you that through Jesus I can know forgiveness for my past meaning for my today a hope for my future and I commit to live my life for you I'm in do we thank God for people making that decision [Music] I think just about the best decision you can make is to give ownership of your life over to Jesus and hopefully one of our team would have seen you or on the way out in the foyer out there and any of our foyer exits we all have seen them we want to give you a gift and it's this Bible that's on behalf of our church and I pray you would just walk up just take this Bible want to give it to you and it's some amento of the decision you've just made but could I encourage you if you've made that decision two simple things number one take the Bible home and start to read it and what you'll find is God will speak to you and you'll be able to grow in your relationship with God and then make a decision second thing is make a decision but you're going to come back to church and come to church regularly where you can meet people and find friends and you can grow in friendship people who would love Jesus and they can be your friend as well and you can grow in the word you can grow in community it's a really healthy thing do we they go one more time for people making that decision [Applause] Amen that's so exciting when that happens in a moment grants gonna attend to something but I just want to where did she go oh come back just come back yeah be still just stay there I don't often do this but I love Yui and I feel the Spirit of God wants you to know more than you'll ever know how much you are loved of him adored of him and how precious you are and you're in a season of you're in a season of deep study you're a smart cooker youself a face all the time it's part of your delightful personality and humor and gift but you're a deep you're a deep girl and you're in a season of deep studying and you're committed to that and you've made sacrifices for that and I really believe that you're a gift on this earth I feel the Spirit of God would say Lisa you're actually a treasure on the earth because you delve deep into the things that guide you into the deep places of God and you bring it out like treasure and you make it so tangible and so durable with a gift and the personality and the hilarity and the wonder that is upon you and I feel I want to spread the spread across in your treasure in the earth many years ago a man of God came to a land Pastor Tommy Barnett he prophesied he spoke over our church Hillsong conference a lot of years ago in a stadium downtown they said you're a national treasure Hillsong and this nation doesn't recognize that but you're a national treasure and it was so humbling and so beautiful but I believe the Spirit of God would say that to you and he loves your sacrifice he's gonna bless you and we're gonna bless you as a church we're gonna put our hand towards you right now come on family we're gonna pray father I thank you for this beautiful woman your daughter and what Jesus I y'all overshadow her with your spirit and your grace and your kindness in your provision that she will not need to labor for the things that are the promise of God on her life father God we ask that you will bless her and missy and their family that father god what you have purpose and her even in these years and this season father guide that lord you will blow upon it because surely your eyes are upon the lord and he loves you Lisa he loves you with all his heart and all the soul and all his strength in Jesus name and Jesus name Amen amen amen they're beautiful he could be seated you know Lisa obviously she speaks and she travels and we want to bless her ministry so we're gonna receive an offering a love offering just to give directly into her ministries are completely free will offering but if you want to give into that you can do that I would encourage you to do that if you're able to and you can use the envelopes that are on the on the seats or you can give via the app I gave him the 9:00 a.m. service just via the app but we'll take a moment and our hosts will come and pass the containers and just while you're preparing tonight Sunday nights have been amazing and there's been a genuine revival spirit and tonight pastor brands gonna be leading the services and he's gonna be believing for prophecy and to be moving in the in the Holy Spirit and so be great if you can be here and also we have blessed because Brooke phasor and Joel Houston will be leading with our team our worship team so that's going to be it's going to be good I mean they're part of our church but it's great to have them leading here at heels they're not often here together so our church tonight is going to be great if her hosts can begin to receive that giving there to be awesome [Music] who here are just needs prayer for healing I mean you could have a cold you could open up with the flu or you could have something far more serious just boy you said it just just raise your hand just so I know who I'm praying for Lord you see every hand and Lord you know every circumstance and we just believe for healing to be your people's portion father in Jesus name we thank you don't have to strive for it by your grace but lord I believe for healing healing on your people in Jesus name in Jesus name Carl just came and told me that Chris Kane is going to be here and speaking as well tonight so that's gonna be awesome so I mean what a night in church what a night in church you wouldn't want to miss it I think our hosts are just awesome I volunteer their time to help build church [Applause] if the containers are passed you buy you can stand up can we thank Lisa hopper one more time for a beautiful beautiful way [Applause] and lord I thank you that you bless your people and you keep your people you cause your face to shine upon them Lord we walk this week out with our heads held high and our shoulders back because of your grace and your kindness I speak your favor over your people in Jesus name Amen be blessed we love you see you tonight [Applause] [Music] suddenly brought to mind [Music] [Applause] reaching stretch [Applause] [Music] [Music] they just let me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll see you all tonight regarding
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 146,102
Rating: 4.858479 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Lisa Harper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 16sec (5476 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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