A Conversation About Race In America | The Third Option, Part 1

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racism is tearing our country apart and the church is sitting by watching sunday morning it's the most segregated time of the week blacks go to church together whites go to church together cubanos go to church together but the kenyans go to church together and we don't mix why because that's what they do and and the world's looking at us going now that's supposed to be the people of god and we have all our reasons why not to do it and that's only sunday but what you do on sunday impacts what you do the rest of the week so i want to talk to you about how we got divided i wrote a book called the third option i'm going to talk this one we'll talk about how we got divided but more importantly how we can come together these principles are going to be stuff on the screen please take pictures of the slides on the screen these principles will help you be more fearless when it comes to having these conversations because if we are not willing to have the conversation i'm talking about not only have a conversation where someone talks and you listen where you get in a conversation and you actually change the way you see people treat people talk about people the way you see the news because the news is training you how to see people media the politic politicians are telling you how to think about other people and we need to get our cues from god not from man can i get amen amen so there is a us vs them culture everyone say us say them say us say them we live in a us first them culture and the devil by the way the devil's the enemy not man man is not the enemy we have us for them culture it's whether you are uh republican or democrat whether you're black or white four against the police you are cnn on fox you're on one side the other and the devil says you have to pick one of the two and once you pick one you're the enemy of the two now the other one and that's the culture and so as we as the church we buy into that we go which one am i gonna pick the bible the problem is there's a third option the third option is that we honor what we have in common because we are more we have more in common than the differences we have every single i mean we can talk about we all bleed red we all want to sleep at night when we eat our food we all want to have a family we want a no purpose and by the way we're all made in this image of the same god the image of god in me is no it's not inferior or superior to the image of god in you and so i want to talk about not only how we got divided because it's very important to understand how we got divided but i'm gonna talk about six ways we can actually be united we have things to do and if you learn these things then practice these things you can become more fearless when the topic comes up because you don't have to buy into what the world what the world's telling you can i get amen turn to joshua chapter five joshua chapter five and a little background on on me y'all thinking well what is he black is he puerto rican what's he getting where am i where are my puerto ricans in here anybody can say hey what's up i ain't puerto rican okay if i tell you something i'll tell you something i love me some puerto ricans let me tell you something when i was a kid what the true story true soy i have all my grandparents from jamaica where cindy's i have two okay got some jamaicans got curry oh my i have two black grandfathers one white grandmother and one half chinese black grandmother my half chinese black grandma so a man from china mr wong came from china and got jungle fever and started messing around with three women had babies with three women in jamaica so so my grandfather my white grandmother my white grandmother was sent to jamaica queens from jamaica west indies so she wouldn't marry a black jamaican jamaica queens to montana those senators jamaica queens she meets my grandfather my grandfather can't go in the front door of a house because he's black he got to go around the back door of the house they get married when they married her family cut her off we never met them they lived 15 minutes away from i lived in nassau county they lived in queens we never met them no never knew they existed all we knew we had all these light-skinned brown people and white grandma dorothy we didn't know where she came from we family right we family right my father my father all grown up my father told me i was adopted from puerto rico true story not lying no lie so i'm like okay so i got to learn how to spread spanish so on my life i actually preached uh sermon in spanish my church in san diego's mostly mexicans because it's a west coast thing even though we have 15 countries 15 latin countries but i'm learning spanish and i did i did a sermon in spanish so i i went to i lived in a black neighborhood and went to school in the white neighborhood i got harassed in the white neighborhood because it wasn't white i got harassed in the black neighborhood because it wasn't black enough white people there was a thing called not being black enough and so i was dealing with that in my neighborhood and in both neighborhoods but when i played football our huddle was diverse when i went to my house i had the united nations so i was confused i'm not confused frustrated and then when martin luther king died i was eight years old i remember feeling it was unfair and i remember thinking what do we do i want to talk about what we can do joshua chapter joshua chapter 5 joshua chapter 5 there's us first damn culture joshua chapter 5 joshua's leading the israelites into the promised land and the he is going to ask the commander of the army of the lord's army and us first them question he says it came to pass when joshua was by jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went to him and said are you for us or adversaries everyone say us say us say them whenever you decide that this is us and you refer to anybody as them or those people you just identified your enemy there's people in your church who don't believe what you believe politically that makes them your enemy that's really a kind of a question statement there's people in your church who come from different uh ethnic backgrounds is that us first name question if it's us and them you made them your enemy so joshua says to the commander of the zombie look are you on our side and if you're not on outside you are automatically our enemy so whose side are you on and the commander-in-law's army gives them the third option answer look what he says no are you for also them he says no that's not an answer he's like he said commander you might not i understand the question are you for us or them are you for us or our adversaries he says no you want a hamburger a hot dog no he says but as commander of the army of the lord have now come and joshua fell on his face and worshiped and said what does my lord say to his servant he says take off your shoes for you and you stand as holy ground and he worshipped him here's what he said he's joshua this this promised land thing it ain't your idea i didn't come here to support you this is going to shock you guess what god didn't come here to support you god's not around to to serve you we're here to serve him so he said joshua joshua this whole promised land thing is my idea and if you don't obey me i'll smoke you i will beat you down i will send you into slavery so you need to obey me and so this whole us verse them you can argue all you want listen i know a lot of y'all are democrat republican whatever it is that's garbage that's the world system i'm not saying don't vote i'm not saying don't get involved but don't let that be your idol that is never going to save anybody it is a and you watch fox you are cnn let me tell you something as robbie said last night which i thought was ingenious it's not news it's views they're giving you a they're giving you their spin and they're trying to get you to to create an us first them culture and you get so caught up in fighting that battle trying to win those arguments and miss the whole point of the gospel third option third option is that we honor what we have in common so how do we get divided sociologists called how we place ourselves in groups they call it grouping everyone say grouping every single one of us are in multiple groups all the ladies in the house say hey that's a group i'm not in that group i love that group but i'm not in that group if you're a mother say hey that's a tired group can i get any man ladies hey man so so he's so you got you got you got women you got moms you got single moms you got divorced you got employed you got managers you got unemployed all men and women all in groups we're all in multiple groups whatever group you're in that's your in-group everyone's saying group whoever's not in one of those groups that's an out-group so i'm out-grouped to a woman to the women's group i'm not because i'm not a woman can i get amen no i'm not a woman say amen okay so so it's not a question it's a statement and so so every one of us are in groups there's a thing called the homogeneity effect where when you look at groups that you're not in you tend to generalize about them because you don't know them you'll you'll trust me if it's not your in group you don't know them that's my definition what it means that's not your group i was on a vacation once and there was a guy uh in the gym and i walked in the gym he had shorts on and i looked at him and i said that dude is an athlete but he's not a football player now three things here one you can tell if you're an athlete people who are in the gym who just work out or who are athletes because athletes have different bodies than people who just work out it's just it's not a question it's just it's just a fact okay so i walked that said okay that dude that dude he's he's he he does something and then i said he doesn't play football because he didn't have football legs what does that mean okay because the front of the front of his legs will over develop and i've never seen those legs in the locker room and i've been in locker rooms for 15 years i've never seen those legs so i was like what did he do so i went to him say yo man i know you do something what do you do he says i play hockey for the nhl why would the front of his legs overdevelop because he skates and he doesn't run so now we were in the in group of athletes i was the out group of hockey oh you'll find i'm saying i don't know anything i know three things about hockey that they play on ice they got like five black dudes that play that's what i know and the puck that they hit is black i'm just saying that's all i know that's all i know that's all i know so we spent our whole vacation together almost every day educating each other about our ingroup but by definition because he was on my sport out group i don't know what he is when you meet people who are your ethnic outgroup you have to know you don't know about them you don't know the experience you don't know what they're like whenever you find yourself saying those people shut your mouth whenever you started applying stuff that you heard on the news the new listen even if the news told you the truth if they can only tell you two or three four things but that two or three four things don't apply to everybody so by definition if someone is in your outcome you know there's 150 kind of muslims do you know that people who speak spanish when i when i did my sermon in spanish we had a pre-sermon spanish sermon just for the for the spanish speakers and there were 15 countries there 15 kinds of spanish and and if you puerto rican spanish you're like whatever [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] mexican spanish like they're they're like they're singing it's like and cubanos are fighting and then they're just asking you for dinner and they're just trying to beat you up can i get any man my puerto ricans and it's just passion right it's just passion but sometimes i when i spoke i spoke like two months ago i did this message in spanish at a spanish conference and it was in san diego and right before i got up this puerto rican guy got up and he did an announcement for 10 minutes and my brain was trying to keep up with him i was like i need to get out of here and the mexican guy next to me says i'm not i don't i can't understand them either is it now the only reason i tell you that story is that when you assume that all spanish speakers are the same no now once you define your in group you apply ingroup bias i'm gonna put some on the screen please take a picture of this ingrow biases your tendency to give preferential treatment to people who are in your ingroup i'm more comfortable those who are like me i'm more inclined to spend time socially with those who are like me yeah keep it up i'm gonna read the whole thing don't worry i am more patient with those who are like me i get the benefit of the doubt quicker than those who are like me i express more grace when mistakes are made by those who are like me it's easier to communicate with those who are like me i assume that i will get along easy with those who are like me i am more willing to go out of my way to help those who are like me i possess more positive assumptions about those who are like me can i get amen you walk in a room and you identify someone as your in group that's in general you are going to do that over the people who are not in your in group does it make you a racist no not necessarily i say not necessarily the opposite is out group discrimination let's read that it's just the opposite i am less comfortable with those who are not like me i am less than spend time socially with those who are not like me basically i avoid you i am less patient with those who are not like me i give the benefit of the doubt less to those who are not like me i express grace less when mistakes are made by those who are not like me it's more difficult to communicate with those who are not like me so i don't communicate i don't assume i will get along so i have negative assumptions about getting along with you i am less willing to go out of my way to help you and i possess less positive assumptions about those who are not like me now you don't have to be racist but let me tell you something that's what it feels like you walk into a room and you see people let me tell you i give you a perfect example i walk into the room and there's baseball players over here and football players over here i'm giving these guys in group bias now because i love people i'm probably you know i'm gonna talk to everybody and be friendly all kinds of stuff but you just naturally attracted to people who like you the problem is if you do that in certain situations you could be blowing people off someone comes up to the desk i i was i was i was with a pastor my staff and i said we were talking about racism this is like 30 years ago and he he didn't see it he's a white guy he didn't see it i thought okay watch this and we went up to the desk at the airport we were going some place together and i stood here and he stood there lady was behind the desk she talked to him she never looked at me i said did you notice that he said yeah that's that and group bias outgroup discrimination it's very subtle now why is that important you need to think about it with you you know the bible says love your enemy and love your friends how about this love those in your in group and those in your out group the same because that's something you can control so how can we change this six ways let me give you six things very good number one acknowledge that you have blind spots what does that mean acknowledge that there's things you don't know you don't know you have to admit that just things you don't know that you don't know did you know that you could be racially offensive and not be a racist let me say this way you don't have to be a racist to be racially offensive let me say in another way you could not be a racist and still be racially offensive and the reason this is important is because i've had thousands and thousands and thousands literally discussions and arguments with people and what hit me when in the middle of reading this book after all these years i'm 59 years old and i've been having discussion since i was a kid it hit me when i was writing this book that people if they can't separate being racially offensive and being a racist in other words if they think if i'm racially offensive doesn't that mean i'm a racist if they can't separate those two things they will not accept that they what they say is racially offensive because for them to admit they offended you they're admitting their racist oh yeah i'm saying now some people absolutely racist but let's put that aside if you say i don't want to be a racist so i don't want to then accept that you can be racially offensive and not be a racist give yourself room to be wrong and then say i want to learn it's not it's not that complicated trust me and we'll get to this in a minute people are very forgiving if you would just be humble about it um there's a thing called social narrative social narrative is a story that shapes how you see the world it's the information you got when you're a little kid from your parents your family your neighborhood your school and all that information developed a prescription through which you see everything it taught you who's safe who's not safe it taught you how to interpret the news it taught you which news station to watch and believe it taught you what political stripe you should have it taught you who is smart and who's dumb all that information as a kid went in your head and said this is the perspective of your life and most likely the people you are around what they call social reinforcement they believe the same thing you believe and so all y'all walk around thinking we are right because that's the only perspective you had guess what you are one seven billion social narratives i have two brothers and two sisters my two brothers we slept in the same room growing up and my brother and i slept in the same bed the night of the first exorcist movie you all remember linda blair's head went 360. that that was a scary movie i don't watch scary movies anymore period i don't go to none of that stuff it's satanic straight up i didn't know that then so i was just you know and then we were back to back in a bit i said mark you watch that side of the room and i in the middle of that i was like mark and i'm like my brother has a social narrative i have a social narrative they're similar but not exactly the same you have blind spots there's things you absolutely do not know and there are views and opinions you have that are absolutely wrong is that there's a uh life coach in san diego he wrote an article called the right hand of privilege how many of y'all are right-handed just raise your hand up if you're right-handed keep your head up really high and by the way in our church we and i know i'm not in my church but tim sorry we put an elbow above our ear so none of this like t-rex thing right so put up it keep your hand up okay look around the room look around the room all y'all right-handed now keep just keep your hand for a minute this is why you need it by the way that's why you need to work out because we're trying to worship god y'all like after 10 seconds oh my arms are tired [Laughter] the world was made by you and for you same man if you don't talk about put your hands down why we shake hands right handed i'm left-handed if you're left-handed raise your hand there's special people come on now come on now give your hand up these are all the most intelligent good-looking people in the room left-handed in school the desk was made for right-handed people you can elbow braced right and talk to the girl next to you at the same time yo what's up because right i'm left handed so i'm out here hold up girl i gotta disadvantage if you if you want to get golf clubs and you're right-handed you go to any golf shop get your club right now i got to order on amazon and when i was a kid there was no amazon just the amazon river that and whatever down in south america if you want to get a catcher's mitt you can go to any sporting good store and get a catches bit i'm going to drive the 10 stores maybe i will find one and while you're home playing with your kid i'm driving around looking for a catcher's mitt and then you say to me what's taking you so long i got mine because you never had to be left-handed you don't know the disadvantage of being left-handed doesn't mean that you are prejudiced against left-handed people no not necessarily but it doesn't take away the disadvantage it's called right privilege [Applause] some of y'all think should i be mad right now no no you have an advantage that you grew up with and never knew was an advantage because you never had to be disadvantaged and when someone tells you have the advantage you say you don't have it because you're so used to it and then when then when someone wants to make you share it you say no you know the bible says if you have if you have the ability to bless your brother and sister you should bless them it's called right privilege you have a blind spot you don't understand and don't know what you don't know there was a lady who was we were talking about this and she told me to just get over it i said you know what you need to do you need to go someplace white ladies you need to go someplace where you're the only white person not africa by the way stop going to africa on your missionary trips go to down the street for real for real i'm not saying don't go to africa but i'm saying you don't need to spend two thousand dollars if you want to minister to people who are poor enough color just go down the street there's a there's a principal in in in the 50s they call it red line and banks would take a pen a red pen and draw around a neighborhood and say we're not going to lend into that neighborhood minority neighborhood it's a real thing called red lining you can look it up and they would take a red pen or say this is the neighborhood it's a minority neighborhood and we're either not going to land or we're going to hike the rates because of the people of color it's a fact you could look it up please look it up but church's redline churches say well we're this kind of church so they may not actually do the red line but we don't go to that neighborhood and i'm talking white churches black churches puerto rican churches hispanic churches asian churches in other words if you're a black church do you minister to mexican uh hispanic neighborhood if you're asian church do you minister to the puerto ricans we stick to our own what's up what's up with that i'm so g i'm so glad jesus didn't just stick to the jews i'm so praising god number two number two um rename those people brother sister or neighbor the greatest commandment is love god with your heart mind and soul and love your what as yourself i mean this is like the greatest command you should know this one okay let's try it one more time love god with your heart mind and soul and love your what is yourself okay let's say with more some some more convictions this is the number one thing that summarized the whole bible we should know this one everyone say the word neighbor when i give you a prompt okay you shall love god with your heart mind and soul and love your what is yourself very good am i talking too fast for you i'm in new i'm in the east coast y'all should be used to this the bible says before you do anything if you learn one thing if you learn one thing love god and love your neighbor as yourself and those two things are just about the same are you of all i'm saying so why do we have so much discrimination here's why i'm talking about the church here's why i'm talking about people who go to church i'm talking about y'all who go to church and you go home and talk trash about other people in your in your house when no one's around i'm talking about y'all who'll go to church and go home watch the news and just say about those people whoever those people are you know exactly who you are if you're racist then you know it say amen i almost got you almost got you here's how we justify it the bible says love your neighbor as yourself right so here how do i how do i create a loophole here's a loophole i just relabel you something less than neighbor give an example if you're a democrat you are free to hate republicans if you're republican you are free to hate democrats i'm not saying that's true that's how you think because well they're a democrat well they're a liberal or whatever if you are against the police you say well they're a cop my son's a cop my dad was a cop 30 years in in new york city i love cops but they're people remember you can love cops and at the same time have issue with what some cops do why because they're people you don't want to have this us versus them it's either all or nothing because if you have us first their mentality once you agree with them you are a sellout that's the problem with the system the third option is i'm going to honor what we all have in common and guess what we all have a whole lot more in common so we're all an in-group but the pro so so once you once you label someone lest the neighbor you give yourself freedom to mistreat them or allow them to be mistreated because they're not on your level now when i was a kid i watched cowboys indians love cowboys and indians and i loved the indians why well they were brown the girls had long black hair they rode our horses with no heart with no saddles they could they were just the indians were bombed but they were savages they weren't people they were savages that's what the television taught you label everybody you know neighbor next time you see someone that has nothing in common with you so you think that your neighbor that's what jesus said good samaritan jesus said who's your neighbor and once you put them in a neighbor now you can reinsert them back into that verse and now you can love them by the way when you label some whatever you label someone you can't see anybody anything outside of that label in other words if you call someone stupid you apply everything about stupid to that person and you can never see anything intelligent about them if you call them ugly you apply you apply everything about ugly to them and you can't see anything pretty about them you limit what you can see but if you call them neighbor son daughter forgiven heir to the throne then you can see all this glorious thing about them so you have to decide that you label them neighbors so when you see someone that you may be scared of where does that fear come from and ain't god he don't give me the spirit of fear the devil lying to you why lying to you because you heard something on the news or from your uncle because he had one encounter maybe he was a knucklehead in the incident and he told you to spun it around and you apply that to every person who was like that person and that's your out group so you don't even know anything about them step back and say that's my neighbor oh y'all follow him saying number number three uh give in group love to your out group this is real simple jeremy if you have that picture of oscar and angie you could put that on the screen when people saw this picture for the most part these are the people who were trying to cross the river and get into america right and san diego most people saw that and which were broken some were saying well they're immigrants right label ethnically they may not be your in-group they you may have a whole lot of labels that distinguish them as your out-group but what if you just looked at it as a father and a daughter all of a sudden that's your ingroup a parent and a child a human being made in the image of god it's up to you to decide what you label people and what if you label them biblically by the way then you will treat them biblically but if you lay unbiblically if you dehumanize them and take someone that god made in the in his own image and there is not one human on this planet that has not made the image of god if you dehumanize them you insult god because god said i made that person in my image who are you to dehumanize them number three uh number four acknowledge your brother's sister's color i remember the first time someone said to me they didn't see my color i thought they had an eye stigmatism i said man that's jacked up you don't see red green blue yellow they said no no we see all those colors we just see your color i said well if you don't see my color how do you know i have a color that you don't see i want you to think i know it's politically correct for all of you who say you don't see color do you say that to people who are like you you only say it to people who have a different color here's what people of color hear several things i'm invisible to you the burden that comes with this color you just ignored and disqualified i hear you don't want to deal with it i hear that you want to put me in your category that i have the same experience that you do when i don't i hear that you're right-handed i'm left-handed but you want to make me right-handed even though i've been living with the disadvantages of being left-handed that's all messed up no you should see color you know that your eye the only visible part of your brain outside your body is your eye your eyes are the direct extension of your brain i'm telling you fact and i asked you a question your eyes are direct extension of your brain your eye if someone squeezed your brain and it popped out of your head to be your eyes your eye accounts for 90 of your brain activity your eye your eye can process 10 billion million million bits of information per second and it processes shape movement texture depth and color without you asking it to you can't not see color even if you close your eyes you will see black me ain't going nowhere i'm just saying i'm just saying i'm saying please don't be offended by the jokes i just like to have fun but you know it's all good and fun just deal with it okay uh see people this this girl this lady friend of mine she was white lady she went to hawaii she got a tan she laid out for seven days got all greased up laid out for seven hours a day try to get brown which by the way to us is kind of funny there's billions of dollars spent to be brown but yet we get kicked down everybody said it's like i don't get it so this lady she got all brown she got all spanned up spatted up and you know and she comes to work with a little spaghetti strap and she was trying to get this guy to call her so she's at work every day with a little spaghetti strap with her little brown thing and she was like throwing them around get no action he wasn't corner no bites he was just baiting them right here and she was like and she came to me crying he won't call me he all called me it's amazing how you get a tan in hawaii and you celebrate it but you when you get a tan in the womb it's invalidated [Music] oh listen listen god made color i was watching stanford son it's a great theologian fred g sanford the philosopher he's a great philosopher he got robbed and the cops came and they and they were talking to him and they said sanford was the perpetrator color he said yeah he was colored white watch this the world says white people and people of color white's a color white's a color with its own burden white's a color with its own identity it's own experience it's all a color it's it's it's a it's a spectrum and by the way white people listen think about it in the spring you're white in the summer you're brown when you get mad you turn red and when you get cold you turn blue so i i think y'all are more color than anybody i'm just saying [Applause] the devil the devils put all these little things that we just trapped that we fall into why can't we just appreciate the rainbow can i get amen number five view every conversation as a race consultation every time you have every every time you have a conversation with somebody you have an erased conversation why because you know what you're looking at if you're black and you're talking to someone who's black you know they're black if you're white you're talking to someone why you know that white you know exactly what they are so you're having a race conversation what does that mean that the person in front of you is either affirming what you think about people like that or they are expanding what you think about people like that when i come up here y'all like oh is he black is he white is he puerto rican is he from the middle east is he where was he and when i told you my my at this you're like oh i didn't know that black people look like that so your idea got expanded by the way all the yellow mix anyway ain't none of y'all pre-order nothing do your 23 and me you're gonna find out it's 23 and we okay when you talk to somebody let them self-disclose to you who they are what they are because remember that's your out group you don't know i was at this golf club and uh uh this kid picked me he's like 25 year old white kid and he picked me up in the golf cart he had a golf shirt only worked there and in my mind i had an image of who he was not a whole lot just white kid cool kid he was nice i said yo man what's your name he said my name is deondre [Laughter] i was like by the way is hebrew [Music] your name is what he said my name is deandre and he's from iowa now the reason you're laughing is because rightfully so those two things don't go together i said how did you get that name he said my mom and dad i said your mom so yeah she's like hey she met a guy named deandre when he told me his name it threw me back from what i assumed because when i heard that name i applied everything i know about deandre to him and i thought oh this kid is cool and he was he was cool and i was trying to reconcile deandre and so i had to let him talk to me so i can get to know him and re-educate and and correct all my assumptions nobody by the way by the way by the way when you meet somebody and you and you see someone who's asian or you see someone who hispanic and you and in your mind you have these snap thoughts that's not bad that's normal that's your mind your subconscious mind just telling you something the problem comes is when you believe them so if you talk to somebody if you meet somebody and and and and by the way it may be bad you may say you know get behind me satan yes sometimes you got to rebuke that but sometimes you're just guessing and go but now let me have a consultation tell me tell me about your life tell me about your story where you're from blah blah blah get educated you are missing out on amazing things called people you're missing out last one give your heart to those who are not like you unless you put your heart into this we're just having a conversation wasting our time we're gonna go back and do what we all do and be hypocrites give your heart to the well-being of someone who is not like you uh rock crew panamanian uh baseball player had 325 2328 batting average 18-time all-star anybody know who rock crew is i mean anybody not know who rock crew is okay he's a baseball player 18 he's probably 75 now um hall of fame 18 time all-star mvp rookie of the year all that when he was 71 years old just a few years ago he had a heart condition he needed a heart transplant and a kidney transplant at the same time 27 year old white nfl player the most superior support sport in the world he had a brain aneurysm went to a coma conrad ruling comrade's mother was praying for him come out of the coma boom boom he dies he signed his organs to be donated his heart and kidney go into rock crew a black panamanian when conrad was 11 he met rock crew and he came home and said mom i'm going to be a pro athlete because i met my hero rock and roll and he goes to the nfl now his heart and kidney are in rockford's body comrade's mother calls up rock crew says i think you have my son's heart and kidney he says you want to come hear it she goes over his house their friends to this day she hears her son's heart in his body so if we're so different how does that happen how's that happen you know when a doctor puts you on the hospital operating table i don't care where you're from in the world he knows where your heart is he knows where his stomach is he knows where his liver is he knows how they work because we're all the my challenge to you is one get the not only get the book i don't we don't know a whole lot get on amazon whatever um but do it don't just read it do it spend time talking to people people are amazing we talked about blind spots go ask some of the people in your life who are different than you is there anything i do say that is offensive i promise you and i can't speak for every person of color but i can speak for all the ones i know they're not going to stay there and beat you down they're going to be shocked and blessed you know you'll make a new friend if you could just humble yourself and by the way vice versa too listen listen all you ladies in the house say ladies say amen if you know a guy who's creepy say amen oh hey come on now fellas if you have courage ask the women in your life am i creepy i mean do i you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying and if and and fellas if they don't do this oh no no no if they don't do that if they go well why because you've been creepy for so long it's normal to you why is that why is that woman saying this we all do things that we you know hey i got a black friend so what does that mean that means you have one friend if we can learn to love our group like our anger we can truly live the gospel other than that we're playing church and you know god said he's going to spit you out of his mouth i'm sure it makes his stomach sick to to see us take that word neighbor and replace with something that's dehumanized lord i just thank you for today lord we have to get this right this is the most basic thing you've called us to do we do all have family members who are prejudiced and ignorant and safe stuff all day long first we have to get our own heart right and then we have to begin speaking up for the gospel's sake as we go i pray that we take things that are going to make us better ministers of the gospel that our light would be brighter in jesus name amen
Channel: Liquid Church
Views: 4,784
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: Liquid Church, #LiquidChurch, New Jersey, Christian Church, Tim Lucas, Pastor Tim Lucas, Non-Denominational Christian Church, Christianity, Contemporary Christian Church, Race, Racism, prejudice, priviledge, MilesMcPherson, ahmaudarbery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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