Virtue Girl Talk 2018 with Jill Briscoe - Telling the Truth for Women

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- Man, wow, thank you, band. Thank you Brittany and Mary and Jake and Zach and Steve. Would you just praise the Lord for such gifted musicians. You may have a seat. I was just sitting there worshiping the Lord and I was just thinking about His faithfulness to every generation. as I look at this crowd tonight, I see just a broad demographic of ages represented and I love that because it shows the faithfulness to our God that it isn't just about a single generation. It's about that passing on of truth and that's what this Virtue ministry desires to do for all of us. And I look at Mary and Brittany who are both extremely active in the Virtue Bible study. I've sat in small group with them as we've studied the word of God and they've shared form their hearts and the wisdom that comes out of their mouths. It is not just about older women teaching younger women. It's a mutual supporting of one another because the Bible tells us that. God has equipped and given gifts to the body of Christ and that goes both ways. It goes up and it goes down and it goes up and it goes down. And it's so wonderful to watch this happen. I mean, Zach and Jake, I know Steve's been here forever, but I know the four of them, the younger ones on this platform have been raised in this church and God is so faithful and we have seen this raising up of another generation. It's just awesome. But speaking of another generation, I posted this on my Instagram today. I said, what does the Blitz that happened in London in World War II have in common with C.S. Lewis, Cambridge University, the Beatles and Liverpool in the 1960s and a woman named Jill Briscoe? I mean, this woman has lived a life that is so fascinating and that's just one little snippet. She's going to tell us more about her testimony and about the journey that God has taken her on, but how she has stayed the course and how at times when it's been difficult, God has equipped her and given her the strength and the courage to do what He's called her to do, even up to her 80s. She's 83 years old. And we are so blessed to have a message from Jill tonight, but I have to tell you that I was inspired to invite Jill. Jill has impacted my life from the time I was a young girl in my 20s. I think I heard about Jill Briscoe from Kay Smith who poured into us pastor's wives and pointed us to other women of God from another generation. People like Jill and Elisabeth Elliot and Ruth Graham and reading biographies of Amy Carmichael and I think so much of that is lost sometimes in our desire to hear what's the latest and what's the most entertaining and who's the youngest person out there preaching and there's gifts coming up as I say but there are still those who are from this other generation that have such a wealth of wisdom and experience and I wanna learn from them. I wanna hear them and see them in person before they're in Heaven. And I am so... I'm happy and I'm sad at the same time because I have to tell you last week, actually early on Monday morning, we got a call and Jill has her daughter, Rae, who we've been in communication with and we got a call from Rae and she told us that Jill was very sick. And she was so sick that there was a slight chance that she might not make it to speak to us at Girl Talk this summer and I was like, no, no, Lord, this isn't gonna happen because I heard Jill speak at the IF Gathering and I heard her give a message and I said to the Lord, and I told Tiffany, I said, we've gotta get Jill out here and I want her to do that same message. And I was praying and I was saying, Lord, I really hope that this message isn't gonna be any different than what she said at that conference. And we got this call and we started to pray and we thought we better get a backup plan. And I sat down and I talked to Tiffany and I talked to my daughter-in-law, Brittany, and most importantly I talked to Greg about it and I said, Greg, there's a chance that Jill might not make it. And Greg says, "Well, you better get working on that message." (laughs) And I said, I need more time than one or two days to prepare. And I said, and not only that, Greg, this message that she gave that I heard on this video was so powerful, that's what I feel like the Lord wants us to hear. And he said, "No, Cathe, you don't wanna start "your conference with a video." And I was like (sighs). So we actually had a backup speaker, a wonderful author, we've had her before, she's amazing and she was willing to step in and we just took a step back and just thought, okay, let's pray about this and here's what we felt the Lord wanted us to do. And we showed the video from the IF Gathering last night in Orange County and I am telling you, every single woman in that room was profoundly challenged and blessed by that message. I'm confident that we made the right choice. We got on the phone, we called Jennie Allen from the IF Gathering. We said, Jennie, we've seen this video, we would love to show it, do you have an even higher quality version than the one we saw that we could play to our ladies? And she was so gracious. She gave us permission and that is what you're going to see tonight. Be careful what you pray for because I really want her to do the exact message that I heard at the IF Gathering and you are going to hear the exact message that she gave because you're going to hear her. I'm glad you're applauding because we know the word of God does not return void and I am always amazed at letters that come to our ministry over people who heard recordings of either Greg or other speakers, myself even on Virtue on the website that say that word was exactly what I needed at that moment and I'm convinced that this message that Jill's going to bring is that exact word that we need to hear. I want you to hear from this woman. And as we watched it, you're gonna crack up in the first opening statements. It's as if without her knowing, the Holy Spirit knew she was going to be speaking to all of us and you're gonna chuckle when you hear her opening words. Greg said, don't show the video and I made him sit down and watch the video and after he watched the video, he said, show the video. He said, that was so good. So I'm confident and I know the Lord has a word for each and every one of us and I wish with all my heart, I can say let's welcome Jill Briscoe to this platform, but she's not here, but we will hear from her nonetheless and I promise you when she recovers from her illness, we're gonna get her and her husband, Stuart, out here to Harvest for all of you to hear in person and that we'll be praying about and looking forward to at a later date. But in the meantime, would you prepare your hearts and I encourage you if you have something to write with, there are so many words of wisdom that she's gonna give you if you can just jot down even a few of them to take home and ponder. Open your heart to what the Holy Spirit is going to be saying to us tonight. And with that, let's turn our attention to the screen. - Pray with me. Give my words wings, Lord. May they fly high enough to touch the mighty, low enough to breathe the breath of sweet encouragement upon the downcast soul. Give my words wings, Lord. May they fly swift and far, winning the race with the words of the worldly wise to the hearts of men. Give my words wings, Lord. See them nesting down at your feet, silenced into ecstasy. Home at last. Give my words wings, Amen. Amen. Greetings, my name is Jill Briscoe. I don't know what yours is, I can't even see you which I don't like. (audience laughing) But that's how it is in this day and age. I know you're out there somewhere. (audience laughing) Count this a great privilege to have been asked to share just a moment or two with you from the Word of God. What else is there? Let me introduce myself to you. I have an outline and being like my husband and British, everything begins with letter C, which doesn't matter. It's nothing to do with anything. (audience laughing) Begins with carnage. I'm a little six year old in an air raid shelter in Liverpool, UK. It's wartime, the bombs are falling. Every night before my dad went off to the War, to the Air Force for six years, he built a little underground hole, a little air raid shelter because it was everybody that had a little bit of land and a house did that instead of us running out and trying to find an air raid shelter out there. And my mother, my sister and I spent all the time I can remember in Liverpool where I lived in that hole. I can't remember ever sleeping in my little bedroom. And unchurched, my parents were believers but not belongers so they never went to church. Then the war came and a country that to a man, woman and child went to church before the Second World War, in case you were wondering, the second not the first. (audience laughing) Before that event, England went to church apparently. I read in my history books in my country. After the war, those that came back minus a million didn't go back and our family was caught in that hole. And so I don't know if my dad ever went to church. All I remember of that part of the war was sitting huddled with my mother and sister crying as we heard the bombs fall and not to see it, not to see the flash is very frightening, to be in the dark and just hear it, that whine and then the silence just before it hits. And there was one particular night that I lost it and I began to scream, "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" My mum got hold of me and nothing worked and they thought well I have to pray but I didn't know to who. Now, I was English and as today, the Bible had to be taught by law in our schools, in our public schools, not applied but taught accurately from Genesis all the way through to Revelation. And I am so grateful to God there was no separation of church and state for me. Where would a little British schoolgirl like me have ever heard of Jesus if it was not in my formal prayer every day? It did make my six year old mind reel when our headmistress would say things like, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in God, but we need to say the Apostles' Creed together. (audience laughing) Six, I'm thinking, there's something wrong. Yes, but I knew it. It was the only prayer. It didn't sound like a prayer but it was a prayer we said. And that night in total panic, not knowing how to pray, I began to pray through the Apostles' Creed and I prayed to everyone I could find. I prayed to God the Father and I prayed to God the Son and I prayed to God the Spirit and we called him the Holy Ghost in those days. I prayed to the Holy Ghost and my little mind stopped and I thought who is the Holy Ghost, how do I know. And I looked at my mum, did she believe, did my sister believe and a bomb fell and I prayed to the Holy Ghost. (audience laughing) And I prayed to the Holy Catholic Church, everyone I could find in the Apostles' Creed and I came back again to the Holy Ghost. And prayer was very simple, stop the bombs, stop the bombs, stop them falling all over my mummy's sewing machine and my sister's doll. Stop it, stop it, stop it. And into my hall came the Holy Ghost. I can only explain it physically as to say my heart calmed down and I literally, it was so physical, I looked around. Just my sister and mum. But I thought and I totally misread that. I thought the peace that passed understanding which it was meant He'd heard and answered my prayer. I mean, wouldn't you? Oh, good, it was going to be alright, that's why... I don't know who the Holy Ghost was but He said, it's alright, I've heard your prayer, I've heard your prayer. So I just relaxed and then in the morning couldn't wait to get out and when I got out and looked at my house, a bomb hadn't taken but it had harmed, marks the back of our house. The windows were broken, etc. And at six years of age, I remember looking up and saying who are you? Why would you tease me like that? You just told me, yes, yes, it's alright, it's alright, little girl. And then you let that happen. Are you saying, ha-ha? And I began a search for God at six years of age in wartime Britain. I couldn't find anyone to answer my questions but this scream, this cry started in my heart. If only someone would tell me, if only somebody would tell me, if only somebody would tell me. I get to Cambridge not because I deserved it, but I went to a very expensive school. They took one student every year and I was the only one that applied. (audience laughing) So I got to Cambridge. And I began an education not what to teach but learning skills which was my seminary and preparation for work God's done with my life. Who's in front of me, how do they learn, my job to teach how they learn. Wonderful missionary training for a woman that has been on every continent. Who are they? Are they illiterate? How do they learn story? How do they learn art, how do they learn drama? Incidentally, I did learning skills and art and drama which God knew I would use for the rest of my life. Everything that has made you you, your color of your skin, your skills, whether discovered and used and honed or raw, everything that you when you get to my age in my 80s, you'll look back on your life and say God has used every single one of them if, of course, you've given Him permission. How can that be? If you've said yes. Just say yes. I mean, yes to everything He asks you, everything. Everything. So, I'm at Cambridge, I'm asking people questions, God questions, nobody can answer me, I get sick. Now, I have to add here that C.S. Lewis had just got saved at Oxford and he came to take the chair, we say, the Department of Medieval History at Cambridge at that point. So for two years, he was on the BBC trying to explain to a very puzzled Britain who was listening to the History Channel which he was on, what does he mean? He's been telling us he's an atheist, there isn't a God. Then he told us he couldn't be an atheist because to say there is no God means you've gotta know everything to say there isn't one. And I don't know everything so I must be an agnostic which means I don't know if there's a God and now I'm an agnostic and he put it into his lectures and Britain began to listen. This brilliant marvelous professor on the BBC, what's he talking about. And then, no, I'm a deist now. A deist says I do believe in God but you can't know him. He's a noble. And then one glorious day, guys, C.S. Lewis who changed my generation for God said I am now a convinced Christian. And everybody began to listen. At Harvard and Yale, they began to listen. Yes, they did. At every university post-war, Lewis began to explain as only C.S. Lewis can, who God is. And people listened, wrote it down on a little piece of paper and in my case, I was playing up in the lunch line and I don't know what I was doing, just making a noise and fuss and I went like this and somebody put in my hand a piece of paper with a Lewis quote on. To this day, guys, I cannot remember a face. I don't know, was it an angel? I didn't know any Christians, I can assure you. And there it was and it was his quote actually... This is difficult in your 80s. If you bend down, you can't get up again. (audience laughing) It's from Weight of Glory, one of his first sermons actually. And it's about glory and describing it, but it's about getting into Heaven and the quote, very famous quote is, "There is a door opened in the pitiless walls of the world and one day we should get in." And I read it, I left the lunch line, I went to my little Cambridge room, my 17th Century room, nobody there but me and I read it again and again. What is this door, who will get in, is it God's door, is it God's front door, does He ever come out and sit on the steps? No wonder that one of my devotional books is called The Steps of My Soul. Two weeks later, I got sick, rushed into hospital, Cambridge Edinburgh's Hospital, put in a bed next to the first Christian, actually, she was a nurse who was sick in that hospital, Janet Smith. Thank you, Janny. Incredibly ill, she ignored it. All she did was look at this pathetic, desperate, frightened out of my mind very sick woman, nobody could find out what was wrong and she'd taken a class. She was six months old in Jesus on leading someone to Christ and I was the guinea pig. (audience laughing) So she goes very gently and says, "You know you could die." (audience laughing) Gee, thanks. And got my attention because I could've done. They couldn't figure it out. And she quoted Revelation 3:20 out of context, but it worked. (audience laughing) Behold, I stand at the door and knock. It's a picture actually in Revelation of Jesus outside a dead church trying to wake him up and get back in. But she applied it, my heart and Jesus was knocking which is fine. (audience laughing) And she quoted it and I said, hey, we're both flat on our backs, I know about the door. How do you know about the door? I mean, God's door. Do you mean God's front door? How do you know about God's front door? And I said there is a door opened in the pitiless walls of the world and one day we shall get in, right? Where'd you hear that? I don't know, Lewis. "Oh," she said, smiling a little secret smile. (audience laughing) Yes, she took a risk. That door and I said can you take me through the door, I mean to meet God, can you, can you, can you? And she said, oh yes. She did, she did, she did. I was 18 years of age. I'm 82 and I want to tell you something, it's all true. It's all true. (audience cheering and applauding) It's all true. Okay, now then, let me fast forward. Carnage, Cambridge, conversion. She was also in my seminary. I've never had that opportunity. She said, "Now, I'm praying you won't get better quickly." (audience laughing) Why? I've got a lot to tell you and I know what you're going back to at college. I've seen your friends. (audience laughing) I thank God He answered that prayer. They could never figure out for another two weeks what was wrong and then suddenly I got better. So He obviously took me in to get me saved. So, one thing she said is from now on, the orbit of your life, the place between your own two feet at any given time that's your mission field. I said, what? She said, who's the head nurse? Tell her what we just did two days ago. I said... Tell her. I did everything she told me. The woman rushed away, true story, and got the psychiatrist. (audience laughing) He sat on my bed. "I hear you're having religious thoughts." (audience laughing) Is that what I'm having, Janny? Yes, tell him yes. He rushed away, I never saw him again. (audience laughing) Seven nurses the first day and each time I didn't know I was a living example of a verse in the Bible. It says, if we confess our lips the Lord Jesus, if we believe in our hearts He raised him from the dead, we'll know, right? And each time, what did I know? Just share the little you know. You do not need to know more than you know if you know Jesus. If you know Jesus, obviously, let me clarify that. (audience laughing) If the Holy Spirit has come into your heart and you've no right staying where you just know. You've gotta grow and we all know that. So, what happened after that? Conversion, well, then I learned about the story of the acts of the apostles. Verse one, where after the resurrection, He did not take the first plane home, which he'd wanted to do. How long must I stay in this earth, He said at one point in His ministry. Father, I wanna come home. And he hung around 40 days after the resurrection, chapter one. Why'd he hang around 40 days? Because he wanted to give the disciples infallible proofs that He'd risen from the dead, okay. And they got it. He walked through a door to talk to them. They got it, He'd risen from the dead. But 40 days He took before the ascension. And then there came a time when they watched him go into Heaven and angels appeared and it says they were staring after Heaven when He'd said to them, go into all the world, start at Jerusalem and then Judea and then Samaria and then the uttermost parts of the earth. You know that wonderful passage in chapter one. And so they're gazing at him, don't go, don't go. An angel said, quit looking up in Heaven and get on with it. And I want to say something. Do you think I don't wait for the coming of Christ? But I hear, get on with it because it isn't finished yet. You have not taken Matthew 28 seriously. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and there are parts of this world and I'll tell you because I go around it once a year and they're waiting and God is giving visions and dreams and saying, Jesus walked, they accept. Most religions accept Jesus as a prophet or a good man or a guru. And He's the one coming to the lost world saying I am Jesus, this is my book, someone will come and tell you nobody's going. Nobody's going and they're saying, well, who's gonna come and what's the book and Jesus and they're waiting and they're waiting. At the moment, they're getting slaughtered in those places that they're waiting and saying but we had a dream. We said somebody would come, etc., etc. And what we've got to do is go where we're sent, stay where we're put, unpack as if you're never gonna leave and give what you've got and He might move you on and you say it again. Maybe circumstances will move you on, but until you are moved on to whatever, you give everything you have between your own two feet, whether you're in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria or the uttermost parts of the world. Now, I'm privileged to have been taught that in the first year of my conversion. So if the mission field's between my own two feet, you're talking about calling Jill. I was in the seminary in Ukraine about a month ago and one of the students asked me, Ms. Briscoe, where did you get your call to mission work, where did you get your call to ministry? And I said, I got saved. (audience applauding) Okay. I am not one who's had the clouds part and I call you to go to Africa. No, all of us, all of us, if you are saved, that's your calling. What is the calling? Matthew 28, go into all the world and make disciples and teach them to make disciples and teach them to make disciples. That's what we're supposed to be doing between our own two feet now. Don't worry about Judea and Samaria, guys. Where are you now? You start in Jerusalem. And so, my story is very simple. I've gone where I was sent. I stayed where I was put until He said move on. And it has led me literally around the world and it's not a glamour trip. Well, you know that because He said take your cross with you, you're gonna need it. You're going to have to die to yourself, you're going to have to die to your choices, whether I get married, whether I don't. You're going to have to die to your prejudice little mind. You're going to have to die to what you'd like to do whether you're going to be single or married. Really? Really. Read I Corinthians 7 where Paul says because of the present crisis, those that are married should live as those that are not. Have you ever heard a preach on that? Well, you will if you've been around me. (audience laughing) And those that are single have the advantage. He was talking about the persecution of being thrown to the lions at that point that was coming from Rome to Corinth, to the new Christians. And he said, this time of crisis, if you're single, you have the advantage because you won't see your children chewed up or you won't see them beheaded. And if you're single, you can attend upon the Lord with devotion and tell them about me. So, I happened to be single at that point, ended up in the back end of Liverpool teaching. Around the corner, the Beatles were playing. They were 17, nobody knew they were the Beatles. (audience cheering and laughing) I didn't but their friends were in my classroom. And they were the best thing going because the drugs and everything were not in the cavern. I'm high born, small Downton Abbey, small, very small for those of you who know what I'm talking about. (audience laughing) Only God can take a snob like me and put me in a classroom in the red light district of Liverpool and break my heart for my kids. And the headmaster would say to all of us that tried to resign every week, no, you cannot resign. Because I am English, I didn't. I thought, why wasn't I American? What do you mean I can't resign? (audience laughing) I'm resigned. No, I was taught to respect authority and do what I was told and so all of us teachers, (audience laughing) all of us teachers were trying to resign but it wasn't working. No, we've got to find something. I remember my atheist headmaster in that place. We've got to find something. He was nearly in tears. We need a community center. There wasn't a community center of any sort. We need an alternate instead of the drug places. But if any of you teachers find something that transforms, I will give you anything you ask me and my ears were attuned and I went home and I got on my knees and I knew what transformed only Jesus and I got back on the bus. I didn't tell my parents where I was going and I went down and I found or begin to find my kids and I began to hang out. First, they were suspicious. What are you here for, miss, are you come to tell people where we are? No, just want to see what you do. I'm paying for coffee, anybody want one? That's the way in. (audience laughing) And that's the way to look for me. Are you coming tomorrow night, miss? Yes, I'll buy you coffee tomorrow night. I think it took three months, three times a night, two in the morning and Trevor the leader of the gang in my classroom looked over his shoulder and said, "Are you coming tomorrow night, miss?" and I said, thank you Lord. I came, his face was all bashed up, he'd been in a fight. I said, who did that to your face? He said, my dad. I heard myself saying, could I come and talk to your dad and I prayed, let him say no. (audience laughing) He said, you'd come and talk to me dad? I said, come on. Well, both of us got thrown out which didn't matter because Trevor looked at me, tough kid, chains on his back, there's broken bottles in his pockets he puts in people's face and he said, nobody's ever come to talk to me dad, miss. Nobody ever tried to do that. And Trevor began and became the first convert and there was a little miracle happened and the headmaster came to me and he said, Jill, what do you want? I said, what do you mean? He said, Trevor, transformation. So I said, I want a Bible for every boy in the school. Now, I'm a new believer. I didn't know there was Bible societies and I didn't know where to get it, but there was a Roman Catholic priest as the youth pastor out there in the streets and the Salvation Army lady. We were the only ones out there, I assure you, three of us. And my Roman Catholic friend, this young man said, I know where and my church down in the slums will pay for 800 Bibles for these kids. And that's what happened. And God began a work not least in this teacher's heart. Mission field's between your own two feet. Calling, we're all called. Community. God gave me a community where they taught me how to pray. Taught me to have the conversation on the steps of my soul and the deep place where nobody goes, right. And that's the key to a life of serving Jesus. It's the key. To sit on the steps of your soul and let Him come and sit down there with you and have the conversation. But this is the problem. I ran to the deep place where nobody goes and I found him waiting there. Where have you been, he asked me. Well, I've been in the shallow place where everyone lives, I replied. And I knew he knew, he just wanted me to admit I had been too busy being busy. And I'm running out, I began. Of course, he said. I haven't seen you in a while. And he sat down on the steps of my soul and smiled at me. An angel sang and a shaft of light brightened my darkness and I smiled back. I'm such a fool. Shh, he said, putting his finger on my lips and he touched my hurried heart and startled it, skidded to a near stop. My spirit nestled into nearness in the deep place where nobody goes. So my soul spoke then and he answered with words beyond music. Where on earth had I been while Heaven waited? Such grace. And I was in closed country not long ago, two years ago in hiding five days, windows blacked out teaching the New Testament. 35 leaders' wives who had come at great cost for example we prayed that their children would still be there when they went home if the religious police found out. And for five days, we were learning the Bible. One of those young pastor's wives in the worst part in that country came to me during the afternoon when we would pray and worship but always in whispers. Somebody might hear. They could never sing a hymn out loud, of course. And she came to me and she said something to my interpreter and my interpreter said, would you pray that her children be there and I said, oh my word, yes of course. And then she said something else and the interpreter said she wants to hear you pray. I said, why. She said, then she'll know how well you know God. Now, think about that. If that was you and you bowed your head to pray, why would your prayer tell her? Well, a Greek philosopher in my philosophy class at Cambridge, I still remember, speak the time I see thee not hear thee. Because what comes out of our mouth tells the person next to you who we are. Think back to your last conversation. Was it I, me, my, mine, huh? Your word betrayeth you says a Shakespeare character and I realized if she was listening to how I was talking to God, she would know about my relationship with Him. And I remember one of the hardest things I've ever done was to try and block all that out, sit on the steps of my soul, you can you know, wherever you are and block everything out and simply have the conversations I had learned to have in the deep place where nobody goes. I didn't hardly dare open my eyes. What had that told her about my relationship with God? And she just went... And I said, what's that. She said, that's what she wants. Now, I want to tell you something. At the end of your life, if God graces you with enough time to serve him forever it seems, what will happen was people will judge your life by how well you knew God. I served World Relief for 20 years and traveled worldwide for them. I've been to the killing fields of Cambodia. I've stood there with the glass monument with 3,000 skulls in it and talked to my interpreter who's whole family was in there. I've been to the worst places on earth for World Relief. And all they want to know is how do I get to know this God. Help me in prayer. Prayer and this, prayer and this. And in your Jerusalem or Judea or Samaria or to the uttermost part, I don't know where you are, but go on knowing it, learning it, please memorize it because once you get after a certain age, that's done. (audience laughing) My glasses come in handy, my hearing aid is fine, my false teeth are just dandy, but I sure do miss my mind. (audience laughing) Go learn. I think my time is up. Where should I end, Lord? I think I'd like to tell you that you're looking at a woman who's a very fearful person. I've always been frightened. Maybe it's being bombed every night and that was it. So, how does somebody like me get himself in danger and difficulties? Scared, I've gone scared, I've stayed scared. Well, doesn't God give you peace in those moments? No, He gives you courage. Well, what is courage, isn't it peace? I remember standing outside a very wild dance hall when I was learning these lessons. And incidentally, my first child didn't speak till he was about two. I'm an educator, it should've worried me, but it didn't. And one day he spoke. I put him in the pram and rushed up. By then, we were in youth work reaching street kids and stuff in a mission. And I rushed up to him, my husband was in the office with three ladies that weren't married, and I rushed in with David and I said, "He spoke, he spoke!" Of course, everybody knew he didn't speak. I had not noticed actually and Stuart, he's a bank inspector, he always asks the obvious question, what did he say? And I said, he said, oh dear. (audience laughing) Where had he heard that? We lived at the gatehouse at this castle, this mission. He only had me. Mr. Oh Dear. Always fearful and I stood outside this place and I could not for the life of me get the courage to go inside. I got everybody else doing it. I'm very bossy. I took Bible students down, you go over there, go in the park, go, go, go. I'll pray. Nice of me. (audience laughing) And I was left outside the Floral Hall, 1,000 kids in there, Beatles era, screaming, bashing their heads on the concrete trying to touch their gods, right. I didn't have it. I prayed, I prayed, I went home. I had to go back next night because if you're beaten, you go back till you get it. And on my own, I stood there, which was even worse than it had been and I started to pray for the courage and suddenly sitting on the steps of my soul in the deep place where nobody goes and you can anywhere in the world having the conversation. God said to me, Jill, will you go in without the courage for me? I can do that. You mean, will I go in frightened out of my mind? Yes. I will. And I left my emotions outside and I took will by the hand and somehow got myself in and listen to me, after obedience, the courage was waiting for me, okay. (audience applauding) Okay. And you are to say, big bouncer there, who are you. You from the, you know. No, I just want to say I'm a teacher in the area. I wanted to see what was happening to my class kids. And then I heard, take me to the manager. I said, Lord, why do I want to go to the manager? Seemed the thing to say. Well, alright, come on. So I found Alan in this grubby little office, 1,000 kids, music and screaming at him. He said, who are you and what do you want? I said, what happens when this din stops on the platform? And I couldn't know where this was going and I was thinking, oh Lord, help me. And, what do you mean, what happens? I said what happens on the platform? Will you give it me just for 10 minutes? What do you want it for? Thought I'd make sure he wouldn't give it me, I said, I want to tell them there's a God that's real, a Bible that's true and a way off drugs. He said, no, I won't. I said, can I go home. No, not yet. (audience laughing) Not until, Ms. Briscoe, you've explained that to me. I run this place, I could never go to church. I've waited all my life for someone to explain. If you can explain that to me, you can have my platform. Took about eight weeks and Alan came to Christ and he gave our Bible school that platform. So you go where you're sent. And you stay where you're put. And you give what you've got until you're done. One last poem. Fast forward all these years to India three years ago. One of the hardest trips I've ever taken. Orissa was on fire, Hindus killing Muslims, and of course, the Christians got in the way, too. Pastor and his wife and their nine year-old boy on their knees being told to recant. Try that. We were in the Bible school, 800 gorgeous young 18 to 22 year old women and men but the women are the evangelists. They won't kill them first. If it's the men that go into those extreme villages with the gospel, they'll kill them like that. The women have a chance. Stuart and I have trained in that particular place for 10 years, every other year. And now there's 800 of them. Their parents are in Orissa. They don't know whether they're dead or alive or have run into the forest and are safe. Police were brought to keep us safe and I have had it. I'm done. I knew I was done but I didn't want God to know. (audience laughing) Stuart finishes. Well, what they did is they just canceled everything and Stuart and I did a Bible school for them for seven days while we're in this situation. But this was the last and tomorrow I was going home, home to the kids and home to my grandkids and home to a free land. I was done, I mean done. I wouldn't be back to India and maybe we wouldn't go to some of the other places on our schedule and Stuart's giving this beautiful thing at taking up your cross. Yeah, yeah, Lord, look, it's their turn. I've had my share, Lord. I think I've done pretty well. Keep going like this. I bowed my head. I don't get visions, but I get pictures sometimes in my mind and here it was and the Lord was there on the steps of my soul and we began the conversation. Jill, what do you see? I see a wall and a cross against it. Is that your cross? Yes, I'm done. I see that. Jill, who do you expect to carry it home for you? All the way home, Jill, all the way home. All the way home, Jill, all the way home. Shaken, drained, discouraged, sickly, tired and troubled and depressed, glad the time of serving over. Now, I've gotta go home and rest. Hot and humid was the weather. Sad and needy was my crowd. Feeling I had done my duty and the time of rest allowed. Soon I could return to family, yes, tomorrow I'd be gone. Sitting in the last hot meeting, I tuned in to what went on. Listen to my husband's preaching. My, it was a great last talk all about the call of Jesus, all about our life's faith walk. Stuart opened up the scriptures, talked of Jesus' pain and loss. How he who was our great sin bearer bore our guilt upon his cross. What a great word for the students. Hoped they had listened to heal their hearts. They were young, their lives before him, now their turn to do their part. Time for prayers of dedication. I was tired so late at night. Shut my eyes and wished it over when a picture sprang to sight. Soar across alone discarded, lain at rest against a wall. Who'd lain down a such holy symbol? Who'd abandoned life's faith call? Then a voice so dear familiar asked a question, pierced me through. Who is that that you're expecting carrying it home for you? How could I lay down that cross beam? How to think that no one saw? Who did I expect to lift it, carry it to Heaven's door? Jesus, Jesus, please forgive me. Carried thou your cross for me. All the way to Hell to save me. Help me carry mine for thee. I'm no hero special woman, just a lady old and gray. But my Lord, join me. But my Lord, I will carry home Lord, home Lord all the way. Spoke his voice so quiet but clearly then. All the way home, Jill. All the way home, all the way home. Don't put it down. Pray with me. You said it, Lord, you said it to Peter. You said it to the first 12. And down the centuries, you have said it to every simple single normal ordinary person like me, all the way home. Take up your cross and die on it, Jill. Die to your hopes and your dreams. Die to your ambitions. Die to everything else but to me. And Lord I know, though I know not one women except a few in this place, that there will be times in their life when they will put that cross down. If there's one thing you brought me here to say, it's this. All the way home. All the way home. All the way home. Hear us, Lord. Hear us. Amen.
Channel: Harvest Virtue
Views: 19,609
Rating: 4.7609563 out of 5
Keywords: Virtue, Girl Talk, Jill Briscoe, Cathe Laurie, Harvest Riverside, Harvest Orange County, Bible Study, Womens' Bible Study, 2018, British, Testimony, Gospel
Id: nqjNGcU6k7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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