Voices Feat. Jill Briscoe | Soul City Church

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I think it was Paul said to somebody or other I have no greater joy than to know my children his spiritual children walk in truth and you can't buy that and those of you that are here in the family ministries I'm so excited you have a church like this that reaches out to families and shows us how to pass on our faith give them a legacy to the next generation and God gave me a verse when I was 50 even when you're old and gray do not forsake me O Lord until I have declared your power to the next generation your might to all who are to come when I was 70 I was teaching in secret in Vietnam all those good things and police founders and all of this exciting stuff and I was thoroughly frightened after that and a young woman from Hanoi hardest place in the place to have come to be taught the old testament they didn't have an old testament in 1970 communists came in before Wickliffe had even got the New Testament done and that's what we were doing with pastors wives from all over the country through groups little groups and she said to me you're frightened aren't you and I said yes I am and she said you must come back you must come back tomorrow because we've this we can take this and tell people all over all over the place and I said I'll do exactly what your leaders say and she said I have a word of God for you from God and I could see where she doubt in the Bible and she said God told me to tell you even when you're old and gray do not forsake her O Lord until she has declared you're part of my generation you might that's when I was 70 and when I was 82 not long ago in a sense God gave me some of that that came true and yeah so that's why I'm still here I guess and I'm thrilled to be here and what I love about this church is this is the next generation and God is doing mighty things here and we pray for you diligently very very excited and as Jude and Greg and the kids three my grandkids are here as well can't buy that guys I have no greater joy than to know my children walk in truth said Paul about his spiritual children and so yes just come on in and bring other people and know that God is God of the family in this place I'd like to share a few things from Acts chapter 1 thank you for the light by the way I couldn't see this very well there are problems about being 82 I fell in the parking lot when I was about I don't know 80 going home from church and it was we have our church in Milwaukee Wisconsin and black eyes you know what that's like and my feet went from under me and there was just my husband my and one young man in the parking lot and anyway I knocked myself out and my husband who is not attached from every hole in his head to this satellite so he didn't have anything with him is praying about what to do looking at me and fortunately there was a young a man left in the parking loss and he was attached to the satellite and Sarah and I came to hearing and say an elderly lady has just born in the parking lot and I was coming to and I thought how amazing somebody else the Jesus part of you never ages and outwardly we diminish but inwardly were being getting younger and younger and younger till one day Lorie and forever so with all that which has nothing to do with what I want to tell you let's look at Acts chapter one and this is a passage of scripture you probably know well but Jesus cross resurrection and he hangs around for 40 days before he goes back to his father's house how is that and why is that forty days well we're told he had to make sure that they believed he had risen again and he had to make sure that he spent time convicting those that still doubted if you read Matthew 28 Jesus in his resurrection body is about to go up to heaven and he says I'll meet you in Galilee this is after the forty days is over he gets there and he's about to be ascended and he's got his eleven in front of him and it says so he said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and it says some doubted have you ever heard this some doubted what doubted was garroted it was Jesus in his resurrection body these are his leaven what what were they doubting were they I don't know I looked it up the word means stood divided they had a divided heart interesting how could you have a divided heart how could you say what do you mean go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature they crazy stuff what do you mean and some believe in some doubted read Matthew 28 so I think what it meant by reading about it is they doubted it was him how could that be well the women doubt it at first didn't they and Jesus appeared to Mary in the garden and she got the message he thought he was gardener she says she doubted and then Jesus said no it's me Mary and then he said to some of the other women that came to the tomb go and tell the disciples and they doubted it says the women sounded like they had idle tales and they didn't believe and Thomas doubted how can we guarantee for believers about the resurrection about acts 1 how the Holy Spirit came well it's very easy even if we believe it up here we can stand divided in our lives and then we don't make very good disciples and so Jesus stayed we believed for 40 days before he went in the ascension to heaven to make sure they believed he was risen from the dead that was one reason why he hung around don't you think he wanted to go home at once yes telling me want to come home father can't I come home now but never he had to make sure and so it says he appeared in Acts chapter 1 it says he appeared many times in many formats format being where people where one point it says in the Acts of the Apostles to 500 disciples at once Wow did you see that in there and then he appeared to his brother James who hadn't actually believed in him before the resurrection his own brother I'd love to have been a fly in the wall when Jesus in his resurrection body appeared to James who became the head of the church and then the first martyr if you remember and Jesus big and to make sure they knew I am Jesus yes me me me Thomas put your hands in the holes in my hands if you have doubts stood divided do we believe in the resurrection do we believe the story I mean it is a ridiculous story it's you know um do I believe in it I come from England have you noticed how so and even though we've been here for 270 years I think you can notice and grew up in wartime Britain and we charged the second World War six when it again twelve when it finished Liverpool bombed every night all that stuff and my dad went off to the war my sister mom and I spent most of the time not in my little pink bedroom when I was growing up but in the air-raid shelter my dad had dug for us before we went it was in those childhood days that in my prayers at church Church of England we must say prayers and the Apostles Creed every day in every public school and thank God there was no division of church and state or I would never have heard of duty as I did and the Apostles freeze pretty good theology by the way and so I knew it off by heart and there I had my first God moments in that shelters screaming or crying as the bombs were dropping night after night after night who's driving Kimber's Grace's mummy Dadda Dadda and stop it stop it stop it stop it don't let the bombs touch our house all that step and one day the Holy Ghost I was praying through the Apostles Creed it sounded like a prayer and I prayed to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost we called him into my little how open the ground came the Holy Ghost in my heart calm down it was physical I looked up literally to see no there's no one there except my mom and sister and I prayed that God would stop the bombs falling and not touch our house and all of that when I got out in the morning looked towards the house scrambled out and I am relaxed after that a bomb had not taken but touched the back of my house and that young child looked up to heaven and said who are you why do tease me like that I misinterpreted the piece the past understanding as a yes little girl I will not allow the bombs to touch you and I'd relaxed and my search for him began then actually I didn't really want to search for him I didn't know as CS Lewis said whether I liked him on earth and searched did until I got to Cambridge and it was a cambridge that for the first time I met people who believed the gospel believed this incredible thing that Jesus was God God in embryo growing to birth size a baby boy became I believed it people believed it I believe the words even though I didn't believe isn't it funny you can believe the words you've grown up with if you've any church background at all or any God Brack but background at all but you don't believe it somehow and here at Cambridge I found the best of the best I was playing tennis for my college my captain was one of these Jesus people I met Jesus people for the first time who wouldn't shut up they just talked Jesus uses and I thought how weird and then one day somebody asked me to take a note up to the head girl we would call her I'd even voted for I was irritated and found out she was acquitted and I'd voted for it and so her she was and they said where did I take this up to grace and so I knocked on the door I'm very rudely burst in before she said come in and she was on Enys with a big Bible on the bed and I thought oh how embarrassing for her and I honestly imagined that she would get up and hide the Bible and historian barrister and she stayed just where she was and gorgeous beautiful girl I voted for I was very annoyed actually when I found her in front of her Bible and here she was saying this is who I am Joe this is who I belong to you take it or leave it Jill yes Jill she said with a lovely gorgeous smile irritated me she was beautiful and I threw the nose at her and I went outside and I didn't know what was happening to me but I was angry it was cold conviction actually beautiful girl and unnies saying I can't yes and I went to my room and had lunch and lunch believe it or not see as Lewis was on the radio I was saying things before his conversion on his walk towards God as he preached on the History Channel and people were writing them down and in the lunch line I'm doing something making a fuss and somebody put some of those answers Oxford Cambridge the people in England were scribbling down CS Lewis's comments as he walked towards God and then a glorious day when he said I am now an evangelical Christian remai Thea isn't God and I left the lunch line and I went for my little cambridge room and I read heaven hell because somebody had dust shortly professor Lord you don't believe in Li have you big what do you mean and he had answered in his History talk after his conversion what he believed about heaven and hell and one famous Lewis quote was on there wasn't famous then he hadn't been a Christian more than a year ah and it was there is a door opened in the pitiless walls of the world and one day we shall follow our great captain inside very famous Lewis quote there is a door in the pitiless worlds of the world and I left the lunch line and I'm reading this in my little Cambridge room and a great cry goes up it is time I tell me what is this door is it a death's door and who will get in will I get in well my mom will my dad and and and grace what was that about something in her face and God read me if you don't know what to say especially if you're in trauma don't say anything kneel down and say to God read me okay that's all you need to do he has anyway I am a prayer and I did the same I didn't know what words to use and I didn't say read me I just knelt down and helps us Lee Anne but it was if only someone would tell me prayer and within three weeks I got there first into a hospital and put next to the first person yeah I think I'd ever met him so called Christian England who you've got and she was a nurse who was sick herself and a new believer in Jesus and she had been to one class on how to lead somebody surprised and I was the experiment and she did a great job actually ah and she told me about Lord Jesus and the gospel and he was revelation 3:20 which we use out of context but it worked those of you who are believers know what I mean it's really about Jesus knocking on the door of a church that needed waking up but she applied it to my heart Jesus is nothing it's your heart and he wants to come in and he's knocking at the door and I said oh I know about the door said how do you know about the door and I said there is a door opened in this world and one day wishing where did you read that a piece of paper Lois oh she said yes she took a chance that door can you take me through and she said yes to you to me through you know I'm 82 years of age and it's all true and it still makes me cry and God came into my life by his Holy Spirit Jesus without his body Jesus sent forth his spirit it isn't God the Father God the Son God the spirit its God the Father God the Son God the spirit all God in all their godness all God in all their godness and it's take me a lifetime to figure out what on earth that means but as I prayed with you with with Jenny and ask Christ by his Spirit to come into my life to forgive my sin I didn't understand any of this just little bits of it it happened and she said now go to sleep tonight Jill saying all of God is in all of me I said what she said it's only going to get it said that's it can take us a bit of God like and more tomorrow and she said you can't get a bit of a person he's God in all his godness Holy Spirit Jesus without his body God in all his godness third person of the Trinity and of course it takes a lifetime to figure all that out who I received at that age but I did and then she began to follow me up she said I had no idea what that meant but I was to learn and she said go to sleep tonight saying all of God in all of you right I'll tell you about it in the morning I woke up in the morning and I said so what about this is that all it is is that all I'm going to get she suggests he he haven't got all of you that takes a lifetime but you got all of him for all that you will need him to be when you need him to be all that you need one of his name's I am I will be all that you need me to be when you need me to be Joe all that you need and so you have God in all his godness if you had said Jesus I need you Jesus I want you come into my spirit find your home in me and so that's how it began and the disciples had met him in his resurrection body they met him without his resurrection body remember and he made sure that they knew he had risen from the dead and yes even as he's going into heaven it said some of them doubted so don't worry if you are a believer that somewhere in your childhood you accepted Jesus Musil and never really understood it I've grown out of it or I'm clever now and I you know and don't worry about that but I would pray this if you have come in today and you don't know what I'm talking about you'd listen carefully because it's all true it's all true have been a pastor's wife for well I was a missionary wife for an you know 11 years never been able to count and then a pastor's wife for all these years in Milwaukee Wisconsin immigrated in 1970 with three kids eleven nine and seven and have been in the same church and all these years thirty years a senior pastor and then as their ministers at large doing this missionary work these last 17 years and I've had plenty of opportunities to figure out it's all true I assure you I have met people who are being tortured for their faith soon after we left them and they were arrested in Iran and all of that and it's all true those that have escaped have told us their story it's true oh my word anybody should know it would be them and what's or to jail but you found go to heaven without Jesus that's true you can go to heaven what's heaven ternal life what's eternal life forever what's forever eternity new bodies no more pain no more sickness no more death no more no more no more credible and heaven ISM sitting on a pink cloud playing a harp new heavens new earth guys read about it learn embarrassment ask about it so hot true yes it is so one or two things from this passage I hate digital clocks session sorry I'm a teacher I don't do digital I tell people that wherever I go and these young wonderful brilliant young people doing all of this look at me and say she doesn't do digital what should we do with it you know so I do have a clock here and I went over last time so I'll use my good old hands with numbers okay um which part Lord Jerusalem duty yes so Jesus is going home to heaven 40 years they are convinced he has appeared to enough of them and all of them even James his brother who didn't believe in him before the resurrection I'd love to have been flying the wall when Jesus in his resurrection body appeared to James who became head of the church in the first Marvel plane and so they're convinced he's alive he also wanted them to learn what the kingdom of God was and at first the King was important that Jesus needed in his resurrection life within them to be first in their life first before their family before they're everything Jesus first Jesus only right what does that mean that he will take our lives does it mean we will have to leave our families now hopefully it might mean that we'll be separated for a business what it meant for me that's what it meant for me Stewart was a bank inspector catching criminals and the bank I was a teacher in the red-light district by where the Beatles were playing that you'll remember from the sermon and we met in the context of me doing street work at nice after school and Stewart after he's caught his criminals in the bank and he was brought up in a Christian family wonderful Christian family his first sermon was when he was 17 ah and he's in a little assembly where all the men did the preaching in the work and somebody came up to him and said how old are you and he said 17 he said it's time you were preaching and he said I can't preach and he said of year of a tried he said know it I said well how did you know you can't do it good question you will preach to the youth group next week and Stuart's ministry began yeah it's wonderful story you should read his autobiography fabulous and so then he went over time history repeats itself for 70 years and he always has three points he never gets to a third point so after 70 years of preaching our church or were says to him you could do 20 more years on your third point so anyway and here we are meeting in the context of youth work and putting aside his inspection he was on the inspections that I was in teaching in Liverpool doing the same thing and we meet in the same youth center a big castle with a man who is German English war hero and starts to reach ex-nazi youth after the war bring them to England and amazing story and then adds other european kids after the war and then british kids and turns it into an outreach in a camp and in a short term bible school and all of that and we left we met and left our careers and went to work full-time in that in 1970 we immigrated here as after 11 years in that mission to a church in milwaukee wisconsin i remember coming because the mission wanted us to come and show them how to reach the inner city that's what we've been doing for 11 years and their pastor just resigned and so and the elders said find us the pastor you know people all over the world and he said how about me and they said we knew you'd be a pastor this is a shortened version and so he rang me in england said how'd you like to come and emigrate to America what would we do the pastor at church I said you don't know how to do it you've never trained he said you don't know how to be a pastor's wife let's learn together so we came and that wonderful church in Milwaukee Wisconsin I remember Stewart first Sunday said you're either the most stupid people in America or the bravest that you have invited Jill and I we never trained formally but I promised to do one thing and I always remember he held up his Bible and he said to Ambur church 150 people I promise Anglican prayer book to read learn mark inwardly reject digest this book and teach it and I invite you to join us in learning to do it together and I always remember those 150 people stood up he put their Bible and said we will that was 1970 and they did in God worked in Milwaukee Wisconsin Thank You America for what you've been for us and thank you even though our roots are in British soil they were planted here in America and it's all true it all works it all works it all works and so you go where he tells you to go and you stay where you tell to put these where he put you and you just say the mission fields between my own two feet is any given time that's what that girl in the next bed said to me Jill the mission field between your own two feet has the head nurse tell her about Jesus why what would she pushed me into it I have no idea what I did but there's true story she went and got the psychiatrist he came into the hospital he says on the side of my bed and he said I hear you're having religious thoughts is that what I'm having Jenni yes tell him yes yes he rushed away writing something never saw him again it's crazy absolutely crazy but it's true true it's all true yes it is so how does it work first Jerusalem then Judea then Samaria then the uttermost parts of the world that's what the angel said they're watching gazing up into heaven this same jesus is coming back stop gazing up into heaven get going occupy to like ham first Jerusalem then Judea then Samaria and the as possible so Jerusalem is between your own two feet now wherever you live wherever you work every day if you travel for your business to mission field for two days whatever get that in your head mission fields between your own two feet staff in Jerusalem what's your do dear America what's your Samaria hard places the pubs the area that you're teaching school this area of Chicago actually not far away right at Samaria and maybe the other Marx clouds world that's not our business it's just saying yes so as soon as you accept Jesus by his Spirit he forgives your sins he begins to deal with you so this the end of your life is taken over the whole thing all of God in all of me then you start where you are in Jerusalem and you figure out Judea and Samaria and you go to the uttermost parts of the earth some way most of us will not have the privilege we've had of going to the uttermost parts of the world privilege and the challenge but you can go on your knees anywhere and you have to learn as a believer to be formidable on your knees for Christ from the moment you become to Jesus and Jenny taught me that in hospital I said what do you mean be formidable on my knees she said it isn't prayer that works Jill it's God the work it's because it's who you pray to not the way you pray it's not the prayer you say it's not the clever thing that happens when you pray it's who you pray to that matters right and so you can be formidable on your knees for the other most parts of the world you can kneel down and you can go anywhere in the world you can go to Iran where people I know are being put in boxes as I say in torture because of their faith and you can pray and you can go to your next-door neighbor's you go to your family members those of you who are divorced and broken you can go all over that broken family on your knees go anywhere on your knees and be formidable I remember one of our grandkids saying to me one day and Milwaukee I said where you going tonight we're going down Summerfest and bands you know and all of that stuff and I said which band is playing Stewart had always taught us to be astute he told me I said it's not a good idea wait a few weeks there's a good country-western no no no no nice all right we're all going in a group from church I said doesn't all right look at me Danny I'm going so I said all right Nana is going to pray for you he said don't Nana got it formidable got to get them scared to death of you actually he got sick and when I heard that I thought oh mama huh so I waited for the call which came Nana I got sick I couldn't go I said I did not pray that he didn't believe me but anyway we have laughed he's now 30 we have laughed about that you can be formidable and you can go to the uttermost part stable or you can go yourself if you just say yes maybe just say yes every day yes Jesus whatever and it'll work pray with me
Channel: Soul City Church
Views: 9,330
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Id: RqhsHVKmyYM
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Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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