Virtue Girl Talk 2015: Lacey Sturm

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how many of you were here for shine bright at Christmastime oh and how many of you were not here a lot more of you what you are not going to be sorry you came tonight I guarantee it it is just so so great to get to know Lacey every time we do this interview I feel like I get to know you better and better each time and I just wanted before we again just ask you for these ladies need to know how are you doing you are a busy girl you have got you know your two little ones and you're married but you are writing music and touring and speaking and doing all kinds of crazy stuff yeah have you been well it's an adventure with Jesus really it's like it's really one day at a time and trying to remember to be present you know and so it's it's busy but hopefully we're appreciating the moments we do have you know and being present and that's hard to make yourself do sometimes but yes I'm glad to be here you shared something um the other day about your little guy yeah my four year old yes we talked two nights ago and um he was he was crying it was like mom come get me because he's at his grandma's and he's been there for five days now he was like brokenhearted and I said you know mommy's gonna go tell the ladies that Jesus loves them and and if you let mommy go tell them about Jesus then Jesus gonna bless you and give you a special blessing for that he said okay you tell the ladies that Jesus loves them and not don't disobey Jesus and and then you come get me oh it's amazing it's like the eyes of a child he's got he's got his priorities right tell them what Jesus wants them to know and then come and get me Oh Lacey you're a good mom you know I love him a lot hey you're just an absolute miracle you know when um when I read your book the first time I was I would cry as I would read of your childhood because it was so so sad so hard I mean you have a way of expressing yourself that is really special you really bring us if you have not read Lacey's book you must pick up pick up a copy and read it for yourself because I could be present with you in the circumstances as you were experiencing them as a young girl and you know I was refreshing myself on the details of your story which you know really were unforgettable they really made an impression on me the first time and as I read over them again from the very beginning of your life the moment you were born the situation the scene in the hospital that you paint for us in the book if if you wouldn't mind telling us a little bit what that was like was 15 when she and my brother and she'd had complications when she delivered him and then 16 when she had me and they had counseled with her not to have another baby to have an abortion so she kind of went against their advice and it was really a scary when I was born we both almost died and so but but God rescued us and my grandmother was there and she was trying to make sure everybody was taking care of my mom and she was costing the nurses out and you know telling them take care of her and you know she was she was trying to be helpful but sometimes you know our prayers in our most desperate place even no matter where we are sometimes we just cry out to God and I remember my grandma said in the end she just cried out to God and yeah I talked to her about it not too long ago actually is that right and she had said I just cried out to God and this nurse actually came to me I didn't write about this because she just told me this so this nurse actually came to me and said honey you need to pray and I've already prayed for your daughter she's crying and like okay this came back to her just recently and yeah she will see you about it what we talked about it race you know um he didn't mention the fact how old your mom was and how old your grandmother wise my grandmother was 29 when I was born so she was young she's probably my age and your mom is she was 16 when you were 16 I was born yeah grandma was 13 my dad this was your mom's second you were the second mm-hmm maybe she had you had a little brother who was 10 months older mm-hmm then you were I mean seriously the the childhood of the home into which you were born mm-hmm I don't think you would mind me saying that it was really a situation of poverty right I mean you were really poor and with your mom being just 16 and having a little baby already and then you were a miracle because you were two months premature mm-hmm and so you were released from the hospital miraculously really like days after you were born which is like so surprising but you had sort of a failure to thrive or something and they ended up inserting a feeding tube in you hmm and then your what happened with your mom she was here a ten-month-old and a baby and she's 16 I can't imagine number I was 18 when my oldest was born and I just sort of felt like I don't know what I'm doing I feel like I'm gonna break I'm gonna do everything wrong and in 16 it's just unimaginable to add to and then to have to grapple with the with a feeding tube and a little girl who was just so tiny tiny yes she decided that it would be best to put a Tim Fitness in foster care and put me in foster care for that year while I was recovering that was a hard decision for her a really hard decision for her and you know as as you were born into all of this I'm you use a phrase that I think was pretty amazing you said in the chaos God was working and you also used this term you said better means less hmm and so in that world where you were growing up where you may not have had enough food to eat at times you were dependent on the charity of others you learned some really amazing lessons that you've carried with you through your life haven't you yeah what do you mean by better means less well it's the it's that it's in the hard times that you really know who you are and you really find out what faith means and you find out just you know we feel like we're in control of everything and it stresses us out and makes us heavy and all this because truth is when life happens circumstances beyond your control then you realize I'm not really in control and I have to depend on God and you just it makes you realize you know who you are and it runs so counterculture and counter-intuitive to say something like better means less or that in the chaos God is working because you know Jesus said a lot of the same things he said blessed are those who mourn blessed are those who are poor in spirit and the the promises that he makes and the lessons that can be learned in those places I think there's a lot of women today that are in situations or fearing to end up in a situation like that but you can say that even in the midst of the chaos that God can be very present and it is more present it feels more present because you just have to say well there's nothing I can do so what else can I look at what else can you do but and it's funny because when you come from a place of faith and belief in God you see how he worked you want but when you come from a place of not of not believing you almost say you can't caught up on how hard it was and you miss the fact that you got through it you know so there's that blessedness it's funny because my mom was such a she she was not a complainer like she was always like see how he fix me helped us you know it's awesome she was one of even though you had your issues with your mom later on especially as you were going back into your teen years you you were blessed with a mother who despite the fact that she was just a human being and made mistakes that God really used her to instill in you some really valuable lessons he also used another woman in your life that you mentioned for such a brief moment in your book and her name was Maureen and you you said this in your book that she she came to you at a time when you were being bullied at school and it was really intense and and so you would talk about this with her a lot she was a safe place for you to open up and and she says to you that she told you the story of the ugly duckling and and then she said lacy you are so beautiful but sometimes it's hard for others to see past the outside or to see the potential for the future but one day you will be a lovely swan and everyone will notice your beauty but because you were once thought to be an ugly duckling you will be able to see the beauty and others that the world thinks unlovely and you will be the one telling them that they are beautiful the way I am telling you I know because I was an ugly duckling - yeah I wouldn't it's again it just so counter-intuitive - to have somebody who has suffered you think well no no no we should fix that suffering we should stop that you know no one should feel that way about themselves but as she processed that and came through it she was able to see in you when you were going through what she was going through in that face you hadn't come to discover you would you were a beautiful swan yeah but she spoke that into your life and what an amazing gift that was to you at that time yeah it's funny you mentioned that because we don't see how the suffering is important for who we turn out to be and I think about you know this there's a lady I met last night who has a daughter she says she's deep and she's complex and just don't I just wanna I just think that your book is gonna help her and I'm just not sure if I I always have the right resources for her and I just wanted to encourage her cuz I'm like listen God knows who who she's gonna be and he's trusted you and picked you to be her mother and I think about my own mother and how you know I knew that she could have put me up for adoption later on I knew this story and I would often think well why didn't you do that things would be a lot easier you know it's hard but it was it was something that God picked my mom to be my mom he knew the he knew where I would end up he knew the glory that could come and so he he didn't shield us from the suffering it was like he's like the suffering is gonna produce your character it's gonna produce wisdom it's gonna produce that strength and you know it's like he was with us the whole time like helping us through it that's so amazing it's so encouraging because we get stuck in the midst of our mess and we can't see beyond the corner we can't see around the corner and we're just saying God where are you and all of this but like you said in the chaos God is working if you will entrust your life to him and you will just place your faith in him continue to do that next thing that God can work miracles and he did in your life but you were beginning this journey as a young person you had this bright light and your mother and in Maureen but then you you experienced something so tragic and obviously God allowed this tragedy you didn't didn't cause it didn't will it to happen but it happened and you were in fifth grade when you were picked up at school by your stepfather and and he told me that I had a that my cousin who was like a little brother to me his mother was a teen mom and she lived with us when she had him and he was the same age as my own little brother who's three he was my stepfather told me when he picked me up from school that Kelly was dead and later I found out that he was beaten to death by his stepfather and just processing that and that age really put me in a position where I had to either think that God was terrible or there was no God and I behind my own you know trying to process and I just decided I was there was no God and stop believing and it it produced in you a a sadness and a grief that was so profound and deep I mean I'm thinking you're how old you're in fifth grade and ten years old but obviously you were created with a certain disposition and temperament and artistic perhaps a melancholy side yeah but you you went so deep into grief and so deep into anger that it turned into hatred and it was hard for you to process anything outside of that anyone who was happy anyone who was enjoying beauty or enjoying life or laughter you felt that in order to honor this little boy's life that you you willed yourself to be sad yeah in his number in honor at him yeah and that that's that's hard to understand and of in such a little girl if it's greater you know I can't you know I it was funny because when I was writing the book I was really trying to was really trying to to go back and remember that first moment when I made that decision and I do remember being very conscious of like the song came up and it was at the time it was the same song I heard at the funeral and I thought is this supposed to be comforting was this supposed to be supposed to send me into a meltdown and I and I asked myself in my head which way am I gonna go and I thought I have to honor him I can't you know I have this mourn for him and so I decided I would mourn in that moment this is amazing that thinking that God would help me remember that moment you know like when it began to just I began to look for sad things and just stick to stay sad for him and being distrustful towards people who were happy because the world's messed up and either you're naive or you're messed up to be happy in a world that's so messed up yeah that the choice is either to be in denial of the reality of the world in which we live in or to go deep deep deep into it and feel the tragedy of it and never never come out of that you know you have you found yourself with those two choices you don't realize that there was a third choice that there's a third way to process because that's not to deny it that's to see it for what it is but to turn it into a prayer turn it into the thing that God wants it to become and use it in your life which he did ultimately but you you wrote that that at his funeral this was so amazing to read how you felt they said that you looked into his coffin that was his little beautiful boy surrounded by his toys and his ninja turtle stuff and and and when you went to kiss him you wrote that it felt like you were kissing a sidewalk in winter and that's what you knew when you knew what death was mm-hmm that's profound Lacey I mean there's a lot of people today a lot of adults today that I've never had to experience that you know and its death is a tragedy it's in Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus it's not like something that we can just brush off lightly and say well he's with Jesus he was with Jesus there was a place first there was a place for sadness but not to be consumed by it because I felt like bodies where our bodies you know I mean like as a 10 year old you're you you're your body but in that moment I knew this body was not my cousin it was just a body and I understood that was just a shell you know of who he was and that he wasn't there and if he's not there and that's his body and I have it feels like a really unstable place we live in you know it just was scary yeah I'm sure it was really scary you said that you remember you couldn't remember a time where you were not crying yourself to sleep every night and you had this hate and this anger and this grief and what state were you in mentally through those years was it was it progressive it was it just you know it began in fifth grade and it just continued on yeah I remember it was that same year I started to write down the things that negative things that people told me about myself what is a weird thing to do but it was part of that it was from the enemy like I'm sure the enemy taught me to do that because holding on to all the dark things and all the bad things because my because the Bible says that were to meditate on whatever is pure and lovely and righteous and you know good we're supposed to meditate on those things and so the devil you can only pervert what God says to do so he like taught me in that way how to meditate on everything that was negative and ugly and sad and it's really it's really I was teaching myself almost how to read it for us how to meditate on those things and that was very destructive in every way never could see the good and other people any more because I was looking for the bad so so it life became pretty awful at this point for you you were going into your teen years I'm sure that's the rough time for a girl to be processing all of those emotions but here you are you know angry and hateful and hating anybody who was happy and beautiful and enjoying life you felt that it was shallow and stupid and they were living in some sort of a fantasy well they weren't dealing with reality like you were that at some point you became self-destructive you said that at one time you even you burned a smiley face into your hand mm-hmm yeah was there something in the pain something in the I think doing that that was helpful to you well no it's not helpful at all but in the end the the logic behind in your head I guess is that when you are constantly fighting and you're constantly in violent situations really like violently and I was I was we fought like there was fighting all the time going on around me and I was always fighting and if there was no fighting I would actually like stir things up without even realizing I'm doing it and like pick fights and it's almost like I got addicted to the chemicals that you're releasing your brain whenever you're hurt physically or that violent happens yeah rage and so when nothing's happening you get so like addicted to the strong feelings that you're numb when nothing's happening and it makes you like feel so empty and just so in so that hurting yourself makes that release happen again I think in your head where you feel more like in your normal space which it's very destructive I feel like it also is very spiritually destructive I think it opens you up to attacks like from the enemy that that is just you know tears you up inside you know so it doesn't help really the one thing that you said in your book that kept you sort of a little bit grounded was feeling you know that it was up to you to sort of be responsible and to care for your your little brothers and sisters that you you were six now in the family there are six of us children at this point and and all living you know in this tiny little house and trying to make you know ends me and your mom's trying to get an education I mean she really was trying to do what she could do to help you and yet you know here you are in this position to where you're you know you're you're bearing the burden trying to protect and keep your little ones your little brothers and sisters going but at the same time so filled with anger and hate I mean you must have been really difficult to live with my kid I love kids it was funny yeah and we were we did fight a lot you know I had a lot of bitterness I felt like towards things I'm I'm about my mom you know like normal but then also just the circumstances I didn't understand about what she was going through I didn't talk about that for just a minute now that you're a mom yourself and and you have some years and some perspective on that you know they're they're girls here maybe that are thinking about their moms and saying yeah she's just totally doesn't understand me she's you know always on my case all she sees as a negative than me and and are the feelings of hatred I'm a knight you know I can understand how hard that is for the daughter but at the same time now that you look back as a mom how what how do you feel about your mom those years when you were so angry and fighting and reaching at her I love my mom so much and I just AM amazed at some of the things when I look back that she was able to handle and she inspires me because she never wanted she was always so strong I barely ever saw her cry she like I said she's not a complainer and but the thing is she's also very hard you know just very like wanted us to be strong and like very harsh in some ways to make us strong or whatever and didn't want us to be naive or but yeah when you were writing about the death of your your little busy her husband mm-hmm that some of the adults your granny was trying to shield you from it not tell you really what had happened but your mom just she just told you flat-out what had happened yeah so she really was feeling that that was the best way to prepare you was to just let you and that through everything she I mean I I never didn't know I mean it was always like that I mean my mom always talked to us like we could comprehend those things and and that you know I appreciate that about her and I try to keep that on with my son like like we said I tell him what what's going on and but the thing is like what I didn't realize when I was younger that I think would have been helpful is to look and to understand that my mom is she's a person she has a history I don't know about she has things that she hides for me so she can be strong for me she's dealing with troubles too she's not she's she's upset with herself when she makes mistakes but she's still trying to maintain you know her presence as a mother and she wants to do better than she can and she makes mistakes and she needs grace and it's so beautiful and you know yeah kudos to to you for saying that and to all the moms out there that are second-guessing themselves you know when when things are not easy with their kids yeah it's hard isn't it but it's silly she was resilient yeah you know I mean and she did raise you guys is the best she could she knew how to do it and I mean she really was trying to she's going to school she was working she was trying to parent you and and then it just got really hard you know you had these little brothers and sisters and your your mom is you know trying to make things work but you're causing a lot of drama so what does she end up doing there's a lot of drama in general definitely in the middle of it but but yes she well the police were called her house several times because there was so loud fighting and screaming and and she she said they both said that they thought it'd be better if I went and lived somewhere else and so I went and lived with my grandmother and Mississippi me and my older brother actually went and lived there Wow it was really hard to do that and I had my little brothers dad who was like a dad to me the closest thing I had to that at the time he he I was really hard for me to leave my brothers and sisters and he said you know sometimes you can't help somebody until you help yourself I need to get better so he sent you to live with granny yeah and she was quite an amazing person as well dad would love to meet your mommy and your grandmother but and she sends you to live with granny and it's okay for a while right mm-hmm but I mean it's always okay when things have change and it's new yeah but then you're still there with yourself yeah you've got yourself with you the change of environment didn't change the inside of you inside of Lacey so you're you're back in school and you're you're dealing with all of that and your grandmother is trying to cope with you Wild Thing and and then you have your grandfather has a heart attack how does that impact you well he was such a source of stability in our lives and for him to have a heart attack ways besides the fact that I was always looking for something sad and drama you know anyway it was really hard for me to think about him you know in the hospital and maybe not making it and all that and my grandmother was upset and trying to explain to me in a loud voice about how my actions were impacting the house you know just like you're not obeying your rules you're disrespecting us you're not you're getting in trouble at school you're doing things that are illegal and there's so much stress here and in what she was trying to say was it you need to think about more people than just yourself and that's really good advice for depression actually and to actually look outside yourself and how you can serve other people and just see what you can do to help if you don't want to live then live your life to help others you know I mean like it's there's something you can do to help you know I mean there's people who you can serve and love and but she's trying to like wake me up and but I twisted what she said because I was looking for an excuse to take my life for a while you know you had been having it the this inflicting pain on yourself grew to such a point where it was more than just wanting to hurt you wanted to end your life you wanted to ya old were you well I started thinking about that when my cousin died and I always wondered why he was a lot dead and I was alive I just felt unfair you know I wanted to I don't know I wanted to suffer with him kind of it was kind of a fils but it you know my cousin like you said he's with Jesus and he's full of joy and he would never have wanted me like that's not really honoring who he was it's really just a knee-jerk reaction to something that I should have probably learned how to heal from right it never did so it was it was - I had suicidal thoughts since then yeah and then you were you know we're at school one day honey I mean you felt that I think you said in your book that because your your your brothers and sisters were one reason like that was kind of what was keeping you going and gave you a reason to live then you were moved away from them no longer had that and then your grandmother says you're causing so much drama that it's actually putting your grandfather under stress he has this heart attack you decide this is it yeah I twisted what she said into saying life would be better without you and so I thought okay well I'll take my life but that's what she was saying because if my grandfather was only stressed over me because he loved me and it would not have done anybody any good if I had taken my life it would have done the opposite obviously more stress which was just it was just a lie that I couldn't let go of it's not true you know and I and I made that an excuse so a lot of times people that are suicidal they're looking for an excuse and it doesn't necessarily mean that that one thing was actually the cause there's other things that contribute I believe to you know to us not part of it is that we don't know that we have a purpose outside of whatever's right in front of us so yeah it was really helpful to read this book for me because I could and I could and I could see it so clearly through your eyes I could see how in your mind and in and in your place and in life and the age that you were how all of this made sense to you hmm you know there was a certain logic to at all but you didn't believe in God you didn't believe there was a reason to go on you had no reason your brothers and sisters your grandfather just everything was just so you decide that day you're gonna kill yourself and you go to school but you encounter some girl at school and it is so random and I think about I mean you're going to school to say goodbye to your friends because you're going to end your life that night mm-hmm and so instead of you getting around to saying goodbye to people you run into one of those happy people that you hated yeah yeah it's she's some kind - and I just after I became a Christian I remember looking at her and just loving her so much and just being in awe of her joy realizing she had actually been through a lot that had come through with faith in God and hope on the other side and lots of people actually that are happy have been through a lot yes and so it was funny because I judge them as not having been through life you know so it's me that was judgmental you know so yeah so you she comes up to you and she actually is trying to be nice she says something to you what did she say she touches she touches my hair and she's like you have pretty hair and I was like don't touch my hair all you care abouts hair and nails and shoes and the outside and you don't even know what you don't even know me you don't know what's going on in me and if my hair is pretty then I I don't want it I took scissors off the teacher's desk and went to the bathroom and cut off my hair and I was you know it was the reason why that's a significant point is because it was the thing that actually set my grandmother when she saw me it's almost like humorous and hey is you it wasn't at the time I'm sure for you well then what God used just something like that to trigger something in your grandmother well so I went home from school she was supposed to be at the hospital with my grandfather she was there she I walk in the door and she's looking at me what are you doing home and then she looks at me and she's like what did you do to your hair something is wrong with you you need to go to church we're gonna go to church tonight so that was my punishment I guess for skipping school so your plans are thwarted or at least in your mind they're postponed yeah and you have to go to church she basically drags you to church I messed up here yeah with her messed up hair sorry and I love this about her she takes you to the church but instead of coming inside the church with you she she tells you to go inside but she sits in her car right there in the big van right by the doors so you can't get out yeah you can't just ditch church have to go with yeah and another just amazing touch point that is God at work again you know this like you use this using this random comment about by a girl about your hair to cut your hair to trigger your grandmother to get you to church go to this church and you know in your book you make it really clear that you hated most men mm and you had seen abuse in men and your mother had warned you about men and you had turned and kind of in your perception of them you had no respect for men outside of maybe your grandfather mm-hmm but you you were you were reached through an older man mm-hmm the gospel came through this man to your soul yeah I think that's really awesome that God did it that way because don't want to tell about ya so I was um so the man started the the preacher started to begin to speak like I was the only one in the room telling my life story and it was really strange to me to hear I mean I was like I gotta get out here this is weird and then you know they he he stops what he's talking about at the end and just starts crying and he says there's a suicidal spirit in the room please come up here and let us pray for you because God has a plan for your life and he doesn't want you to die tonight and I was like there's no way I'm going up there and for molly's people my pride wouldn't let me go it was your pride yeah you knew he was talking to you knew that that the Spirit of God was speaking no I didn't I didn't I wouldn't have I wouldn't have said that I would have said this is really weird and freaking me out it's all I would have said okay but I'm not definitely not going up there I know in front of all these people that are Christians that I judged and hate and I'm just not going like I was embarrassed to go I was like he was and if I had done that I would have already like broken apart everything that brought me to that place and it's just for some reason it's funny because like I said my pride won't let me go publicly at that time okay but when the service was dismissed I went to the back to go out of the church and there was another man standing our white headed man who looked at me with a purity of love that I'd never seen in a strange man's eyes before and broke apart some judgments I'd had about how men look at women and how older like just disregarding the older generation because I didn't have any old people in my life older people and he just looked at me with such love and pure purity and I was just taken back by that I was like why are you looking at me like this and he he said the Lord wants me to speak to you and he wants you to know that even though you've never known an earthly father that God will be a father to than any earthly father could ever be and he's telling me this through these eyes of pure love and through his this man that I wouldn't have trusted a minute ago and my first thought was I don't need a dad I don't need a man and the very next thing he said was and God has seen you when you cry yourself to sleep at night and when he said that it was like showing me how God had been my father all along and he was there to put me to bed when no one was and he was there like why did why did I fall asleep it wasn't because I was stressed out I'm thinking about my pain it's because God said that's enough you can sleep now you know what I mean he was with me and he was showing me through these men that God would be a better father to me than any birthing father they could ever be in and that's amazing it's such a work of the Holy Spirit to open your eyes yeah yeah you haven't had that awareness of God or even of love and that you know really is a work of the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to truth because we are so blinded many times by the god of this world who has lied to us and we bought the line we believe the lie and yet the Spirit of the Lord is more powerful yes and in the love that these men were able to convey to you in a way that you could understand it overwhelmed yeah the power of the darkness in the power power of death in your life and and now you know you you know so much about love and you display it in your music and you are being used by God the gift that he gave you is not being wasted it would have never been realized had you cut your life short this incredible voice that you have that you've written all these beautiful songs and now you are on mission really slyly from your new band that and the new music that you're writing and the stuff that you're doing the book that you've written is is showing that your life has purpose and it has meaning beyond just being alive and being enjoying the a mother and a wife it's really to help other people and I love what you said that you are you are on mission with your life because you want to be available you want to connect and you want to have that common ground and share what you have been through firsthand that that you might tell somebody who feels alone and hopeless that they're really not alone and hopeless that God has a plan for their lives and for you what what would you say lacy what does it mean for you now to be a wife and a mother and and you have daughter on your arm to be to acknowledge that you are God's child you're not here as a by accident I think it's the most incredible journey to find out what it means to be the daughter of the king of the universe the king of heaven it's incredible journey because he's such a good father and when we recognize it all of life filtered through that it's like when you love someone and you know their faithfulness and you know that they always call you back or they always show up or they always fulfill their word and they always are doing good things for you yeah they're always like doing better than you even think to ask then when they don't show up you automatically know there's a reason because you know them because you know their character and you know they're faithful and you've seen so many good things so when you look back and you see that faithfulness it gives you hope even in the hard things yeah that that it's there's a reason there is a that's the title of your book and I read this you know you're such an amazing writer really I I wanted to ask you if you would read something from your blog that you wrote the other day and how you came home exhausted and laid down the bed grabbed your little guy who usually you said you have a million things to do you would have normally as he fell asleep in your arms slipped your arm out from underneath him and just tiptoed out of the room and gone gotten busy with life but you you actually stayed in bed with him and just and allowed God to speak to you about the beauty of family the beauty of your child and your husband and so I printed this out would you read it all right okay yeah yeah it says my heart ached with love for my family my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude the kind that makes you want to say thank you God over and over like a crazy person the kind of gratitude that makes you long for renewed commitment to priorities I longed to give my life to my husband and my son and my new baby in that moment like I longed to do in the moment when I said yes to Josh's question will you marry me the love and invitation was a match to the well of kindling in my heart just waiting to burn for that purpose to pour my heart life and energy into loving my husband and my children to give everything I am to them with the greatest joy a joy I can barely contain without bursting into tears and weaping with confessions and commitments that sound insane forever I will live my life to love you and to love our children however I can it's the greatest joy can imagine in life to love you this way with all that I have to offer and all that I am thank you so much for yeah thanks for reminding me of that moment what you put on the internet I think all of us have those moments and just to remember those moments are the ones that are the true ones you know that we're connected with the true purpose well I think it's so perfectly rats your story because you began you know we were born into this family born into your mother's world suffered so much saw such brokenness it was exposed to so much pain and heartache and suffering and hunger and poverty all of the story that you've been through the hatred that you once felt has been so filled up with love it just exudes lacy when you sing and when you write it just comes out of you I mean I think anyone who's ever listened to you or had the opportunity to spend a moment in your presence really does send the love of God flowing out from you not just because you've experienced it so nice to be at peace within yourself but because you want others to have that same peace and so thank you for writing this book and we're so excited with all that God is doing in your life and you want to sing another song for us yeah yeah all right thank you so much
Channel: Harvest Virtue
Views: 11,952
Rating: 4.888268 out of 5
Keywords: lacey sturm, cathe laurie, virtue, bible study, girl talk, harvest church
Id: AAkzgILJOoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2015
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