Lacey Sturm / Singer, Songwriter & Author

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with Ryan Reese from Southern California this is live with Ryan Reese call now 180 day five sixty four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hash tags live Brian Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook we had some technical difficulties but we are live excellent well listen you just tuned in I don't know what you guys heard but we were sitting in the studio waiting to see what was going on but you we are live my name is Ryan Reese and I have my two good friends in studio two knights and Lacey Sturm you know I almost said strum because you confused me Josh was trying to mess you up on that well I mean yeah you didn't mess up yeah well I'm excited you guys are here in town and we're gonna talked about a bunch of different things tonight we're gonna talk about your new book yeah we're gonna talk about the mystery the mystery the new book that's been out for how long it's been out for the lines yeah it's been out since October okay so that's new we're gonna talk about that we're gonna talk about your album you guys just got off tour you have that song wrought out which it has a pretty interesting video it's pretty cool has our friend Annie Lobert in it as well yes and I want to talk about all those things so we have already have phone calls coming in so before we get into those phone calls let's just start with the book what you already had one book that came out was called the reason yeah and that was epic my wife personally read the whole thing quickly I think you sent her a copy of it and she read it she loved it and then what was the whole theme of coming out with this new book a mystery well it's about it's really meant for really people dealing with questions about relationships and I don't think there's a lot of content out there about emotional purity I don't even think that I don't know if that's a word I just kind of made that up but but but if you can have an emotional affair they need to learn how to have emotional purity and I think that people know what emotional Affairs are sort of maybe they don't I didn't really know and I was involved in one but I talked about this subtlety of just being exposed and out there and wearing your heart on your sleeve and saying whatever you feel and whatever you think and being led by our emotions and letting that tell you what truth is and and how it got me tangled up in the in an emotional affair and how it was very destructive in every way and I ended up in the same place I was in the first book I was more suicidal in this book than I was in the first and very much closer to to committing suicide and again the Lord you know showed up and rescued me from that moment and I write about that and and the most important thing to me in the book is showing the process of first helping somebody feel understood who has found himself in that situation because I didn't I mean if I had heard somebody was in an affair especially if they were Christian I would have been like well you're just wrong you know just like and I'm not talking to you and maybe that was right some of my friends did that and I think to me in that time and and that was what they should have done maybe but after my experience when I see somebody who's going through that my heart just is like you know just once the best for them and wants them to have the fullness of life and doesn't want them to get ripped off at all and or I don't want them to be deceived in any way and and for me I was totally deceived and I thought I was falling we needed to see if you don't know that you're following a lie you think that it's right you jump off a cliff for it maybe like I would you know right and it was totally a lie and so when I came out of this place of deception and realized I don't know right for my left I don't know what's right or wrong anymore I thought this was right I almost died for it and here I'm realizing it's wrong so how can I know right from wrong and I questioned my faith in God if I don't know this is true then how do I know that's true and and learned a lot about how to how powerful my choices are that actually have choices and a lot of times we feel like in our addictions or in our mess our pain our you know just dark hole that we feel like we find ourselves in we don't feel like we have any choice in the matter I don't feel like we have a choice to get out but I actually realize I have a choice in our unbelief even my struggle and doubt with God can I just choose to believe and I didn't realize actually have a choice and it's like similar to when you're in a marriage and you don't know we don't have the feelings you had before can I choose to honor what I said in the first place and you know even in the on the record on life screams I talked about a lot of this stuff that I wrote about in the mystery I talked about that choice on the song faith having to choose what I knew was true at one point you know when the lyric says my heart's a liar but I used to know the truth I've decided I'm gonna follow through I'm gonna gamble and fall in love with you and that's about my choice to faith even I didn't feel like God was close or didn't understand if he was real anymore if I just made it up in my head all along I think a lot of people actually I know for a fact a lot of people struggle with that with that doubt even a longtime believers it's like they start getting that and deceived and they don't even people don't even know it but like you said like like he broked it down you're like I was feeling to see if that means like I was believing the lies and so many people struggle with that but there is there's a choice you have to make is that you have to press into God and have him well it is the most humbling and it makes me tremble like what kind of fear God in a way to think that I could think a hundred percent it's right and realize in a moment I was wrong all that time it makes you tremble and humble yourself and say can you please tell me if you see anything that I don't see because I'm gonna listen to you even if I don't want to because I'm neat you know and that's what I go through in the book I I get into a relationship with a pastor and his wife who were like a mother and father to me and I asked them for that right and I say look I i deceived myself and I pushed every good voice out of my life and if you tell me something in my life is wrong I'm gonna listen to you even if I don't believe it right then or if I don't feel it understand it I'm just gonna listen to you and there were so many miracles that happened in my life of peace of of just blessings that came when I humbled myself and listening to what they were saying even though I didn't get it all the way especially when I met Josh so I'll talk about meeting my current husband Josh of eight years Josh yes my my husband sitting here absolutely right here and he couldn't talk about this time as well but I talked about how we went through our dating with with these people in our lives helping us walk through it with emotional purity you guys want to talk about dating well I think I don't think a lot of people people don't know how to date guy I didn't know yeah Christian dating site yes crazy it means the whole different thing did the world's dating the complete opposite actually from the world dating yeah well let's talk about it well for me Josh you're gonna be in on this guy I'll be in please we talked she we talked about this last time yeah we did we did callers last time okay what's that just I mean it doesn't show up I just talked a couple minutes we did talk about it in the book and and we talked about how we had people in our life that we just like we're we me I was like 26 years old I've been married and divorced before and in an affair obviously and I didn't you know to have somebody tell married I was married 14 and an affair yeah I was married at 19 I was divorced at 21 I already had emotional affair even beginning before I ended my divorce and ended up you know leading into all this destructive thing oh these destructive things but the thing is you know when ever and even before I got married as a Christian I I was in romantic relationships thousand physical relationships before that and so when I'm 26 years old and been through all this and there's this pastor his wife's like I'm gonna go visit him and I'm like what should I do and and his Sara her name is Sara Sara Patrick she's like a spiritual mom I talked about her in the book she gets a little note in the book as well to the readers but she's like well you know this time is when you go see him it's really about you getting to know him and how he is around his family and his friends it's not really about being along together or holding hands or whatever and I'm like wait I can't hold his hand and we can't be alone together 26 years load me up my my mind starts runnin like why am i listening to you telling me this like and I said and I just like mind calm down you know because you asked her for this and she's not telling you not to do anything but you wanted to hear her advice so you just need to just listen take her advice and just you know humble yourself and it was so amazing and I talked about this in the book when I went out you know we honored that Josh had all kinds of like stuff for us to do so we didn't have like you know nothing to do and he had stuff for us to do with his family with his friends and we're always doing stuff like that was so and I got to see him interact and really get to know him around his family and his friends and who he was in that context and we didn't hold hands but every time we turned around it was just super romantic and it was such a thing like it was is interesting because when you withhold the romance on purpose it sort of intensifies it a little bit it keeps it yes it makes it more exciting wait well when we're older I because you know I've jumped into romance as soon as I could you know I felt when I was younger but even before romance came in to my life you remember those times when a a guy you like what sitting next to you like oh my gosh she's right there oh my gosh corny as it does sound that's kind of the way it is when you grow up older you don't ever experience that because when you when you want to be romantic you just sort of go for it yes but so for us it was like we're like getting to know each other and we think it might be that way but we don't know yet and so he's just sitting by me or he's just sitting like two people one person away from me and I'm like oh my gosh she's so close to me right now and that feeling is there constantly and it's the most amazing like romantic without any romance on purpose from either one of us it was a super romantic and it was like so the tension the tension there was something that you get robbed of when you just go straight into romance I feel about that Josh is that on your side one of the things I remember Erica right before she came out to visit me she was on tour so I wouldn't we wouldn't see each other for like two months at a time and so obviously we're together we want to like spend as much time as possible and we're still getting to know each other one of the things that he said to me you're attached against the spiritual dad that passed ago one of the things he said to me was this isn't about trying to make her fall in love with you and I was like what do you mean he's like like what she said you know this isn't about trying to do romantic things and make each other fall like fall in love because you can make anyone fall in love with you and when I heard him say that it was just such an interesting concept because like that is kind of what we want you know I mean but the problem with trying to make someone fall in love with you it's more about the game of getting them to fall in love with you you only know if you're in love with them if you're just like I just want to know if I can get him to fall in love with me and then they do and then all of a sudden the game's over and then you're like you know it was a mistake and I mean and so that was kind of a cool way that we I don't know it wasn't about that it was about hanging out her getting my family getting do stuff together and see yeah I was really it was really like in my mind I was like I I do not want to manipulate something to happen that's not that's not what cement to be and I know I can do that you know I just have a strong will and I know I can try to manipulate like you said and make somebody fall in love with you but I was like please God don't let me do that so like I didn't I was like not doing my makeup like I was taken away I was taking it over tell me all the time I saw those pictures I was like purposely like I was because I really didn't want to get married and I felt like God was leading me to that and I had this thing in my head like well if God's gonna want you to get married to this guy you can't mess it up alright then I'm just gonna be myself that's that's a lot of stuff that goes on even with Christian dating is that people manipulate situations and they jump into it they jump the gun and they don't wait to see if it's even a god thing and then they get into the situation where either their they end up in a sexual relationship or they just you know they're dating but they're hooking up and it's just you know it's not of God and then they rush the whole thing and then they waste more time and they get wrapped up in this relationship that wasn't even of God yeah and I think it's just because it may be even age with people they just think I got to get married or you know maybe the girls are getting the girls getting older like she's in her 30s or whatever but um the best thing to do is just sit and wait on God and let him and just date and hang out as friends and let him do the that work like he did with you guys well I I heard this girl tell me on tour when Josh and I were dating she was like I explained her because we were they like we were dating weren't we we knew her on tour and and uh she was asking me something and I said well he's never kissed me and she's like what I was like she's like you've been together how long and I was like I know it's been a couple months and she's like and he never kissed you and I was like no we want to wait we don't want to sleep together to get married and I'm super passionate so I don't know where kiss thing is gonna go but I gotta be careful and she's like what you're not gonna sleep together before you get married that's dumb she's like what if he's not passionate at all what if he's bad like that's a big I'm glad you brought that up because that's the big that this big question in the Christian community really yeah and when I talk to people I mean even my friends and different people work because I obviously didn't have sex till I got married yeah I did and then I stopped yeah but during that time when I was a Christian I was telling back nope I'm not gonna I'm not having sex till I get married and they'd be like wow how do you know if you know yeah if you don't want to what if you don't want what if it doesn't work out yeah you don't want to like be married to this girl you know not like dude if God confirmed yes relationship then it's gonna be all good but that's a huge well there is the faith aspect which I think is so important in marriage no matter what absolutely and the other part is the sex the sexuality should be an outworking it should be the result of all of the other things that are so rich in your marriage you know it shouldn't be that oh well let's see how we work out physically together it should be a natural progression of how you work out emotionally and spiritually and you know as humans as human souls and spirits that you like I can see he has passion when I see him play guitar when I see him pray when I see him you know like I can tell in certain ways there's things you can just see you know and you know that's just - me too - you know that part of your life is something that's vulnerable and it's something that needs to be worked out in the context of I'm not leaving you we're working this out together you know because you're just and that's what's so beautiful and pure when you're in that situation is that there's no shame or embarrassment there's a lot of laughter and concealing this in that area because you know you're forever you you know I'm gonna stick it you're gonna visit nobody's seeing this like but us and and so even no matter what you go through in that air of your life to continue on and to be like you know we're committed I don't know it makes it different everything to see everything's backwards in the world yeah so what you do is in the world is you go and you sleep with it you see a girl she's hot you sleeper there and then you're like okay sex was great now do I like her yeah you know and and I've had many of those stories you know and then I'll send you're like wait this chicks crazy like oh no now I got this well you know or vice versa yeah a girl seems are the guy and then I'll send the guy is a stalker yeah I mean I've heard them all I've heard little stories and you do it backwards well when you when you do it the right way you put God first you let him well I think part of that is like say that you sleep with a girl and then you say she's crazy or you see some through the guy he's a stalker there's some part of sleeping with somebody that makes insecurities come out I mean it makes you insecure to say I gave you this now what you're gonna do with it and not know and so what's beautiful is when you sleep together insecurity it's like you don't have to deal with that Trump that anxiety it's it's it's what the bonding - it's a bonding - so that you get there's that attachment it does something in your soul yeah attachment there's a soul attachment that's what the craziness is because you know I mean there are like lunatic people but then there's like attachment that you're sleeping with someone and that girl becomes attached yeah and then God can totally heal all of that and obviously I've seen him do that and he can restore all that and Josh and I both have our stories of got her story well tell me this how'd you know how'd you know that he was the one or who found out first from guy I mean there had to be some kind of confirmation and it had a pretty clear confirmation what happened I tell the story yes what's in your book hey if you just tuned in this is live with Ryan Reese I have Lacey Sturm and Josh term in studio C I keep wanting to say the other one don't say this one strum the guitar please no anyway how'd you know well it's gonna sound like a stalker type thing but he was great I had to know had a dream that uh that we were married and I didn't even really know who she was we had played a show with Flyleaf a long long time ago and I had this dream that this girl rolled over and kissed me and said I love you and then rolled over and say goodnight you weren't even dating no and I didn't know her name because I was recognized it was it her in the dream I just woke up and I was like Lord that was my wife and I was like I think that was the girl from Flyleaf I even know her name so I literally googled girl from Flyleaf so I couldn't remember her name and I'm like I mean there's a lot of things in my life that time were God is speaking to me but there's a lot of things who were wrong to that like I feel like it was hearing him say they were just so far off and so I kind of took it sort of with a grain of salt I guess really quick though but have you seen that because of God's grace even though when we're our life sometimes isn't lined up or there's things going on in life he still works absolutely he still speaks yes I think people I want to touch it with quick people think that like their life has to be perfectly lined with God that's the only way he's gonna speak to you he'll speak to you in the middle of your sin oh yeah halfway through it he'll he'll be working here he is showing you your wife when your whole life is still out of whack I'm not saying they live a life of sin or hell no but as you're working out your your faith yeah God still he's he's speaking you yeah the way absolutely so what happened so you had this dream yes I had this dream and then it turned out Flyleaf was coming through town like three months or something from then so I was like all right God we'll see if this is gonna be my wife and so I hung out at the show and hung out with her guitar player and you know mostly and and then I saw her and I kind of quickly said something but she ignored me or said i warped or and they didn't play worked or she could never played Warped Tour and those yeah I was like hey he worked up the courage to come say hi this is the what he told me he said I dressed up because I know you're gonna be there and I was like okay God are you gonna do this and then he saw me come across the stage after the show is it over he's like okay I'm gonna go talk to her and he was like talking to himself into it he goes and says hey so I saw you guys have you played work for her and I was like we never flamewars or dis them straight out the gate so I went home defeated well not defeated cuz it wasn't like I mean I wasn't it that was the but I wasn't a fan of like Flyleaf right Leslie didn't like music at all actually so like it wasn't this like starstruck thing is just kind of like okay God you said this is my wife it through a dream you know and it felt kind of real you know I feel like I can hear your voice clearly so we'll see if it is and after the night I was like all right it wasn't so I ended up dating someone and like a year later I saw Flyleaf again you know and lacy was there and I saw her and I was dating this girl and then God reminded me when I saw her like I gave you this dream and I'm like if you had this other girl sitting on your lap what's going on she like fast for another year ahead so now we're at three years three years ahead at least I wasn't I was single and I was kind of just I don't know it's just kind of a hard time in my life and I was just felt really lonely and a friend of mine wanted to go to go see Flyleaf in Cleveland and I'm like I don't really feel like going she's like begging me to go to the show so I went and I was talking to their guitar player again cuz I I love gear and guitar and lacy came over enjoying the conversation she asked me about my tattoo and I'm telling her about it we started talking about him did you recognize I just saw his tattoo and wanted to know what it was what it meant yes we're talking about tattoos and we started talking about Pantera and then we're talking about Jesus and I'm like she's really cool and like as we're talking God's reminding me of this dream he gave me and so anyway that that night is kind of what started our actual talking to each other and we kept in communication and then all this stuff about dating but I didn't tell her that I had a dream that she was my wife until I asked her to marry me because over the course of that you while we dated a lot of people told her they had a dream if they were crazy like yeah but it wasn't that I was just I was like okay God you know when this thing actually is fulfilled is when I'll tell her that and so during my proposal I actually told her the story for the first time how many years ago was that from when you we dated for a year when do you have the dream how many years before that it was probably like three years two light years till it actually happened dude that's insane but God's faithful you know I met crystal my wife on the beach ten years before she didn't remember meet me I met her okay so she was she was I was coming back from surfing down in San Clemente on Cotton's point and then her and she was actually hanging out with one of my brother's friends at the time and they were walking down the beach and I was coming up and I walked up and I'm like hey what's up Brandon how you doing and she was with him and he said yeah this is this is crystal on and I said hey you know hi or whatever and then we cross paths Wow and ten years later when I met her she has she has nobody has no recollection to meet me but I met her on the beach ten years before like a split second well isn't that weird that's crazy that's crazy that is pretty cool so here you guys are same kind of situation three years you meet her.she yeah I guess we're not very memorable right that's not well I am sorry on the other side so what happened you yeah well I I didn't want to get married I had my heart broken obviously and I was like thinking part of it was I had been married before and I thought which I didn't realized till later I was didn't think I deserve to be married again sort of which I didn't realize that was the thing but there was some a little bit of religiousness I think in me not wanting to get married but I thought I was just being you know radical and saying I'm gonna do something crazy for you God and I'll never get married because I was just love that idea you know this life is so short is so temporary and and I just want to spend it going after Jesus and I don't want you know to get caught up in things over the world and we're not gonna be married in heaven so why should we get married here like I'm thinking this and and I was thinking this way and I'm like I'm just gonna stay single for you and I sort of made that decision on my own and then I kept reading the scripture kept coming up of this conversation between the Pharisees about divorce and usually when I read it I saw oh your divorce she could you shouldn't get remarried yeah today it says a the Pharisees are like so who can get divorced and he or something he's like he's like well Moses he says why did Moses allow her say we should get divorced he said Moses permitted it because your hearts were hard yeah but that's not the way it was from the beginning and then he explained you know a man God created man woman and then he'll leave his father and mother and clinging to his wife and to what become one flesh therefore what God has joined together let not man not separate and they said they said if this is the case then it's better for a man not to get married and Jesus said this is the part that kept coming up I remember jesus said to the Pharisees this is a hard teaching and only those who had been given to can accept it and I was like okay so I'm I being a Pharisee and in some way saying I shouldn't get married and am I am I given this is this a gift to me or am I just taking it for myself because if you're called to be married and you try to stay single your life will be harder and if you're called to be single and you go get married then your life will be harder you know which vice versa did I say the same thing twice I don't know um yeah but so I was like so I was like should I get should I get married I need to ask God if I should say single so I started to pray about it and um really felt like so I just started to pray about it and really felt like God and that's okay or a few seconds or something like that and then let's get back and we'll keep talking about that okay thank you back from the break so I'm sorry when we get back we will continue talking about your dating relationship with Josh more live with Ryan race coming up 180 days 564 61 73 or post your questions using the hashtag live Ryan riess on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook I think I speak for the entire administration when I say you now back to live with Ryan Ruiz a few technical difficulties right before the break but we are back and on point as so Lacey sorry had to cut you off but what were you saying right before the break you were talking about this confirmation that God was giving you to know that Josh was the dude well I just started praying about whether or not I should be married because some people have that gift and some people don't and I think that's something we don't always say in church either some people have the gift of singleness I meant I know two people personally and both of our beautiful women that are amazing intelligent talented women that are called to single life and they're doing amazing things for God so they've never been married or right ones in a missionary to Thailand and she's just brilliant she speaks three languages and she's she's just awesome and she knows that she's a half she's a happy single woman that knows God's called her to to help girls in sex trafficking know that's her mission so anyway so I'm just praying about whether or not that's my call to be single and um and I'm fasting about it and and every day seven I break my fast before I eat I pray and until I feel the presence of Lord in his peace and so I was praying and I was like Lord teach me about how to be pure in my relationship with guys if I'm gonna be single you know and um I need a book about that I don't know how to be pure with a brother you know like how does it not get weird you know as a single woman and and I found a book called the bride wore white and some other books I read a lot of dating books just to find out about purity in relationships I wasn't talking about romantic relationships just purity in general actually helped breathing dating books to just know how to be good friends without crossing the line or whatever and so in the bride were white they talk about a list some of the dating books are awful and but there's good things in all of them there's some little goodness there you can just take the goodness but that one you know this part I didn't want to do it I was like that's dumb I don't wanna get married so I kept I'm not gonna make a list of something I want to marry I won't get married no ok scuzz I heard you say this before did the dating book say to make a list yeah for like a guy that you're looking yeah what you want I made a list too after I heard you say that you did and it worked but go ahead and tell me your list well it's a lot of things it was just like 60 things I was making 60 I was making fun of the list I was making fun of it I was like I don't want to get married okay farmer because because I kept feeling like God was telling me you need to make this through different things you know I like one of the things is I opened the book the next day trying to skip the chapter and it opens to the chapter and the first sentence of the chapter is from a girl's testimony I didn't want to make this list cuz I don't want to get married I'm like okay chapter and so I just made fun of my like fine I'm a realist I'm gonna make the it was hard thing in the world like you can't answer it unless is a miracle and so seriously every time I look at Josh I'm like you walked off that page it's the weirdest thing so that was the miraculous thing that I mean one of them was meaningful tattoos and when I saw a - that first day I was like hey what's your tattoo mean it is like tells me about the symbolism of the Pelican on his arms Catholic paintings the mother Pelican at a time of famine uses her beak to open her stomach and feeds her babies for flesh and blood so she dies and they live in it's a symbol of Christ really pantera he needs to like metal music and Jesus we start talking about you know all kinds of things that are just making me think okay well you look pretty close yeah so anyway so that was the that was a confirmation we just got a question right here says how did lacy make sure Josh was the one well I'm Cathy in Texas well I didn't want to manipulate and so my biggest thing is from Cathy Texas as a city is from Tracy hi Tracy I think Oh Kathy okay yes Katie not in Texas that's a city at the I'm sorry help me okay so hat so the the number one thing was if he fit the list I wouldn't chase him and so like I said if I didn't manipulate and it still worked out then I knew it was God I knew if he pursued me and then any fit the list and and my spiritual parents were on board then I knew would be safe and God was leading it how come she didn't ask how did Josh know that lacy was the one did you already talk that's a good question it's a good question what is it you already said no I did I'm sorry I'm just teasing well look we got some phone calls let's go and take these calls cool let's do this we'll start with that one here we go from the top hello oh can we hear her she's from Worcester we can see her question do you mean to read it oh yes oh there she is how you doing hi good how are you doing good so you're on live with us go ahead and give us your question tonight so I wanted to learn a little bit about the whosoever's I've been a huge fan of ladies ever since I was a teenager sixteen actually well racy years your suicide story has really really inspired me I'm actually I'm going to school now to see Tom I am mental health counselor wow that's amazing I'm due to your story I and then your music just really really touched my life um so I see that you're involved with the whosoever's now I was wondering if I could get a little bit more information on that as well as if there's anything that I could do to join that community like within my own area and Wooster there's something that followers can do outside of the whosoever's that can support group the way the way to hide this run the way the movement was started was just a bunch of friends that God put together we all came together and we just kind of stopped started telling her story and then from there just started evolving and then you know everyone started going back out on tour with their bands and you know the whole theme behind the who soars movement is that everyone is just living out there call that God's call them to do where they're at in their community so like we have I mean I get will get direct messages from like whoever's in Columbia they're they're seeing you know what Lacey and Josh and Sonny and head and all these different dudes are doing just work how God's using them in their life wherever they're at and then they're just seeing what God wants to do with their personal life in our personal life in in their cities so like whatever you're into like so like you're you're out there in your in your city and you're going to school to to help you know people that are suffering with suicide you have your story well pray to God to open up doors and then you are whosoever's because you believe you believe in the verse that John 3:16 that whosoever calls on the name of or I'm sorry God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life therefore you are a who silver we are that whosoever's it's a movement it's a worldwide movement of people from all walks of life all around the world just living out their faith wherever they're at because sometimes we get calls like we want to come over and join the movement it's like dude we're just doing what God's called us to do you could do the same thing in your community and that's that's how the whole the whole movement works but like as far as like the Home Office of the who stores right now where we're doing high school tours and we're planning to go all the way across the United States so when we go across the United States we're gonna be reaching out to the movement of people and whatever cities were going to to come and help out you know do these high school tours but it's it's pretty much just been like catching on fire and going out and living out your faith yeah and you can support the whosoever's by buying their merchandise off their website and and then you know if you really want to support and you have people that you know could be a part of your community you know living it out in that way then you can get them shirts and get them gear and stuff like that and it's just sort of a way to represent and that's how they kind of get supported instead of taking donations they actually sell merchandise and yeah gets the word out in it and it helps you to remember who you are too so that's why I love the merchandise I think it's cool to wear that and know who you are and and people ask about it you know what is that and they start seeing the shirts everywhere at concerts and you know different places you know on the street and you were like what is that is that a new brand you know and then you get to talk to him about what whosoever is I got a rad story about oh yeah cuz so when you buy the product you basically funds our high school tour so we can go to public high schools for free and do a full set up we do a full concert we have a band we have free pizza we have even bought a cotton candy machine it's like a beam on it we're being like the Vans Warped Tour to to you know public high school but there was this dude there was this dude that was in a bar and his friend it was basically fall he's part of the movement he was wearing one of the one of the t-shirts it was like a hooded sweatshirt inside this bar they were seeing a band and this friend goes hey what is the whosoever's it was the Eagle teacher said saints and sinners diesel what is that he's like eight just go to their website go check it out right cuz the guy was a believer so his friend wasn't believers like just go to the website check it out well he went to the website and then he saw and he started looking up YouTube videos and basically what happened is he ended up finding the Lord through that because if you look us up on Instagram or if you look us up on YouTube you're gonna find all we do is talk about Jesus pretty much but he found this guy ended up finding Jesus because one of his friends was wearing that shirt in a bar he found Jesus started reading the Bible went to Bible School and now he's a missionary in the Amazon she showed up at a whosoever's event two year ago two years ago walked up and said hey this is my story this is how I found about the movement and now I'm a missionary in the Amazon if you ever want to come Wow and it's so in full circle of what you said now what is he doing he is a whosoever he now a missionary in in the Amazon reaching out to the Indian community he's just living out his faith and I encourage you to do the same God has a plan for you he saved you there's no coincidence that you know you came across the movement and it's it's there's there's no spotlight on anyone we're all we're all ambassadors I'm an ambassador you're an ambassador at least as an ambassador what we are in the days were ambassadors for Christ is what it comes down to but whosoever's there anybodys the whoever's that's our flag that we wear that we identify by great thank you so much right on well nice to meet you online that's cool here we go let's go ahead and take Jennifer from juicy Jennifer from reading whose members of counterculture counterculture Curt Church mm-hmm they are it's crazy what God's been doing the movement how he's just kind of really been expanding it because it started off obvious with all of us but now it's it's expanding into different genres of music mm-hmm I mean even now with you know ally reaching the valley and will and the whole pop world and just it's just awesome the art world surf skate world it's just those branches that are just going out and reaching those those communities so that's pretty epic let's see if we can get this Jennifer on the phone here yes hey how you doing Jennifer I'm doing well thank you nice to hear from you what's your question tonight well you know I've been a dialysis patient for three years your music your books have helped me along the way because I thought that once I got that so it was like a death sentence but you helped me look at it's God's purpose for me but I was wondering how do you how involved do you have your cancer the church they go to church every Sunday do you read them the Bible like the kids version how long you have a new church well can I ask you before I answer what what why you're asking me about my kids you have kids is that why oh no I've just I've seen how involved you have your kids in your life mm-hmm like on tour because I've seen you before you ever had kids and mhm and now how you're able to involve your kids in your music with your music use your I've seen how you know you can bring other shows and stuff like that how well do you have them so you're wondering you're wondering if I'm bringing them up to love God yeah yeah I don't think we can avoid that but because we live that way every day and we you know I know that church as far as it being a building when we're we do bring them with us and they're there three and five and when we're and I want to encourage any moms that might be listening to have three and five girls sometimes it's really hard to figure out what to do with your two three and five year olds on Sunday when they don't want to go to children's because they're freaking out and they don't sit through the service very well I want to encourage those moms that there are seasons for when you get to be fed in a certain way from the church and when you just need to pour into your kids with love and that is the way you worship sometimes you worship God by learning how he loves you by loving your kids and um and I've had to do that you know I've had to go take my kids out of church and sit in the parking lot and watch butterflies until it's over and let them you know throw throw rocks into the bushes because and just let them know I love you and I'm not gonna be religious with you you're more important to me than than me you know you're my first call before before trying to you know be involved in some other ministry you're my first ministry and so just to say that because yeah I want to take them to church as much as I can but I think we are the church too and in these seasons of life we have to figure out what that looks like and what works best for us and what's the most loving choice for everybody people that go to church but they don't want to take their kids because I have God kids and their parents they don't feel like oh well get to church when they feel like it I don't think they learn that way well the thing is you know everybody has a different you know a different story and and you know sometimes it's hard to tell what they're going through but I think God is so faithful he's so good and he's you know my mom didn't get us in church hardly ever he took care of us and that was just circumstantially hard she's a single mom with six kids it was just hard and so so I know it's different for everybody but anyway right on well thank you for calling Jennifer go ahead and take this burg Ashley how you doing Ashley so I wanted to be God together well it's gonna go right well I think the first thing you need to know is where you end and they begin you need to know what your call is personally and then be would have faith for God to do what he can do and the people around you and that's a really hard thing to differentiate when you're family and you want to you know pull them along and you want to always help in any way and sometimes God calls us to just and I think this is was really hard for me to figure out um its how to figure out well what is God calling me to do and and how can I find my peace in him apart from what anybody else is going through I mean this is something I learned daily in my marriage you know is there a way for me to have peace and joy when Josh is having a bad day or when bad things are happening around me when my kids sick or my my you know how can I keep my peace and joy and know that there are things that you know I can weep with those who weep but then I also have to keep my joy and stand up and keep my peace and follow peace in my life and so when things are happening we you know the Bible says when we're anxious to be anxious for nothing but to pray and that sounds like such a simple cliche thing but I think when you actually press into what that means like it is a lifestyle you know of taking your thoughts and saying I'm gonna put faith over this I'm gonna choose to have faith over this fear and I'm gonna you know what Jesus did is whenever there was a temptation to you know he spoke the scriptures so there's there's all kinds of ways to feed your soul faith and feed your soul life and there's also ways to feed your soul fear and feed your soul death and you know sometimes that means like for me I I can't listen to certain music or I can't watch certain movies or I can't you know and I just happen it's a sad thing because sometimes I can't hang out with my husband bubi are you wants to listen to that song and I'm like maybe I love you I got to go to the other room and he's like I know baby it's okay and it's and it's okay to respect him and what you know how God's made him and to also respect how God's made me and know why I'm getting a little overwhelmed here I feel like I'm taking on the burdens of the world and that's not for me so I have to go the room while you watching news for a bit you know I'm just gonna pray that everything that goes on that screen guys gonna handle it the way he good ways and I'm gonna walk into the room and you know play Legos with Joshua you know so we have to find those moments that we have peace in and pursue those things to know what we're called to and what we're not and then just have decent I think too that uh sometimes those trials come because we're not in the right place where God wants us and we don't have that peace you know we're like why are we going to this but maybe gods like trying to get us out of a situation we're in you know I recently you know the last couple last years since I got married and I had the triplets and I've been talking about lately is that I was teaching two times a week I was going to the high schools doing the movement post a radio show and I was and I was doing all this before we got married and before I got pregnant it it's a triplets and then have the kids so I had all this stuff going on and I didn't have peace I was like I feel like I was in this trial constantly like no peace there was anger coming up and because I was trying to hold the weight of the world and trying to do all this stuff but what God was basically trying to do is like dude you need to like release some of these things and not you can't do everything and my first ministry is my wife and my kids so as one night I was just in my room and I was feeding one of the kids I was listen to Kate wave this radio station and this pastor came out and started talking about Elijah yeah he had to withdraw from ministry so that God could work in MB so he could work through him and God really spoke to me that time too like I need there my life seemed like I was doing everything aligned with God I'm teaching the Bible two times a week to Bible studies I'm doing the radio show I'm speaking at high schools I got my wife my kids I'm like God thinks I'm awesome but really God's like dude you need to like chill out and you need to go take care of your family mm-hmm like that was a season right now I need you to withdraw from those two teaching nights and do this and when I did that I thought I was in this gnarly trial for like six months when I did that all Zen peace just came but then there's also people who are like how could you I mean I'm just saying for my own experience when I had to pull out of relationships that weren't I wasn't called to in that season it's like how could you be a Christian how could you give up this you have so much you know invested in this so many people are counting on you oh yeah and I'm like I was a burden to Mike and I'm like who's God yeah I'm not God and when I learned I can't save anybody I only obey Jesus then I can step away and find my own salvation in Christ I felt like I felt like I need I think all these people were like the pendulum because they were coming to the thing but but the end of the day I walked up on the stage and I said you guys I'm like you need Jesus I need Jesus mm-hmm I'm gonna go follow Jesus and I'm gonna live out my faith everything I always tell you guys when Jesus says to do something do it I go I'm doing it okay so one of the things I want to encourage you Ashley is that this is this very special time in your life and you are young and you're not married and you don't have children and you have a very special gift for this time and it could be you know you could be one of those that's called to be single but if you do have marriage in your future children then this time is probably pretty short and so you might have to just sit still and be like God I mean I know you have a heart for Russia and I have a heart for children and um and then they just have a heart for bands and things like that and so you might just be have to ask just sit still and get away from every voice except for his and just be like outside of all everybody's opinions about what's good and what's not there's good things that aren't God things you know that's what Ryan's talking about all those ministries are good all those relationships I was in were helpful and good they seemed really Christian and I needed to be there but then he was like I didn't call you to that yeah and you're trying to hold a door open for somebody I'm closing you're gonna get slammed in that door if you don't get out there and so I have to so I had to know and when I did that all of a sudden God started moving in the people's lives that I got out of because he's like now that you're not trying to be a savior I can lead them to myself and that's a hard thing to recognize I'm not Jesus you are and so that's where we get our peace so we go to the Lord and we really really you know not just like that theoretical way but we lock ourselves away until we figure out you know find his presence no I want to close with that because we're gonna be ending this okay no no it's perfect I like you Ashley I think you're cool honestly Lacey that is the best advice is to literally kill the noise go to airplane mode yeah here well God has they read the Word of God in Romans it says faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God he speaks that to the Word of God so I have a Bible the life application Bible I talked about in the mystery and in the back of it it tells you all these subjects and so you can look up trials which is what you asked about and you can reverse is about it by the book you guys thank you for being on it was a blast thanks buddy love you guys this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about Ryan click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 10,143
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Keywords: the whosoevers, ryan ries, live show, radio show, live stream, lacey sturm, love story, new music single, author, songwriter
Id: Z6pzWmpFa68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
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