VIRTUAL MINI PIANO Using Arduino UNO and Buzzer

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hey hello iot magicians welcome to image so first of all uh forgive me that uh i am not able to record this video using my recorder inline recorder on my cab laptop because uh whenever i am recording it it is not recording the sound of this project sound from this project which i have today and which i am demoing you but the sound is coming pretty much clear but because of some reason the recorder is not able to record that sound so i thought of recording it through my mobile i hope this will be okay for you today here i am going to show you demo how we can create this style of phone or a mini piano using our ai or using our virtual buttons that i had explained in the previous session in this case i am just using arduino you know you are seeing there i have arduino uno and just a buzzer and using these virtual buttons or virtual piano we will be able to produce some sound from this buzzer and using arduino you know so if you have arduino you know with you and you know how to program you know and you have this buzzer then you can easily create this project this will be uh very fun for you and in the the future session i will show you in detail how we do that but uh today this is just a demo and just showing you how we can create how voice or how we create generate sounds using virtual piano so you see that my hand is detected and red color circle is pointing on the screen now so let me just try to just follow the basic circum sorry gamma and let's see how it sounds so i hope that you are able to listen to this uh tone that is coming out of that this buzzer this is the tone that was not getting recorded from the uh from my recorder in my laptop that's why i had to create this video this demo video from my mobile let me show you one more time so that uh you will be excited to learn this soon i will set up a detailed session on this how do we create this virtual piano uh and using our arduino you know we can play at different tones using virtual piano let me do it one more time for you [Music] so you are seeing that how smooth it is all the circums all the saregama's vowels everything is just coming like very smooth if i play like this so all these buttons are working perfectly fine they all are working very smooth so so magicians you can easily create this uh this project and if you want if you are interested in doing that let me know or if you want to know the code behind it before i set up the session let me know also in the comment section or ask me know in my whatsapp or my facebook group i will provide you and i will assist you but if you want to know this in detail stay tuned with me soon i will set up a detailed session a live session on this to explain how do we do this okay magician so till then bye bye take care of yourself and arigato
Channel: IMH Videos
Views: 9
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, IOT Course, Online IOT projects, Online IOT session, Amazon AWS IOT, MQTT IOT, Wireless IOT, XBEE, Home Automation, Learn IOT Online
Id: afyq1J4ITTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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