ESP32 Glowing RGB BULB on Hand Movements Detection

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hello every magicians today i am here for you to demo our hand gesture control so today we will learn how do we do the hand gesture control i will have a detailed session soon on this but today i am here just to show you demo how this hand gesture works so you are seeing that whenever i am moving the bulb it's glowing there in different different colors so this is a concept for hand uh detection and i will explain this in detail uh in our future sessions but today i'm here just to show you the demo how does this work and what you should expect from this so as you can see that i have uh captured or i have detected created as a program which will detect my head and in that in this program i have just uh controlling my bulb using my hands uh basically using my index finger and my little finger so whenever i uh put my little finger up you will see the blue bulb going up and when i will put it down the blue bulb will be off so again you can see as soon as i will put it up and you can see that the blue bulb is up so whenever i put my pinky finger up you can see the blue bulb going on and whenever i put it down then you can see that blue bulb is glowing off similarly for my index finger whenever i put it up you can see the red light is up and when i put it down you can see the red light is off so i have made a hand gesture in this case so that my esp is detecting my hand movement so here i have programmed my esp32 to grow my rgb bulb in that so in in the case if i have index finger up it will glow the red index finger down red bulb will be going off so again pinky finger up blue finger finger down blue of red on red off red on red off red on red of blue on blue off similarly i can do with the other hand also red on red off red on red off blue on blue off blue on blue of red on red off so you saw friends and iot magicians how we can control our esp32 using our hand movement so red so this will be for blue this will be for red blue red red blue red blue so i will teach this in detail how can we do this kind of uh detection in my future session till then just go through this demo and if you have any issues if you want to know more about that before i set up the session please let me know in my whatsapp my number is already there and i will definitely help you thank you magicians and arigato
Channel: IMH Videos
Views: 11
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Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, IOT Course, Online IOT projects, Online IOT session, Amazon AWS IOT, MQTT IOT, Wireless IOT, XBEE, Home Automation, Learn IOT Online
Id: HebwzbLADRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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