ESP8266 & Finger Gesture

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hello iod magicians hope uh you are able to see my screen and i am live on youtube let me quickly just see if i am live on youtube as soon as i am live on youtube yes since i am live on youtube thank you and welcome magicians in today's uh another interesting episode with uh i am edge and uh hope you are enjoying the sessions that we are having on regular basis and those may be useful for you in your future projects so magicians let me quickly share my screen uh with you and let's see what all we have today for you okay so magicians uh today i will be going through uh the hand gesture or the finger gesture control from esp8266 so yes today session is something special and we will understand how we can identify or how we can control our esp8266 from just from our fingers so before uh going into detail let's just quickly see that how is this session uh going on how will be the result for that and what we should expect from this so let me quickly show you the demo for this so here i have let me first quickly start demo here looks like my bottom screen is freeze let me try to get it again okay [Music] let me open my camera and let me open the pie chart where we will see the result okay magicians so magicians so here i am live uh in front of you and hope you are able to see my screen i am sharing my screen fully now so magician so here you can see me and here you are seeing that i have two leds connected with my esp82 and uh we will see how do we control uh esp through our finger so as you see that i have a pinky finger up so you are seeing that leds has going up and when i put it down you can see the leds are off now so let me do it one one more time finger up led up finger down led your finger up led on finger down led off so this is what we are going to learn today how we can control esp8266 from our finger gesture so magicians let me first quickly close all these applications and let me start uh the pdf or my document which i am uh going through in today's session okay magician so hope you are able to see my screen here uh where we are showing you how do we uh read hand movements from esp8266 so our aim is esp8266 should switch on and off the lights based on our finger movements so our prerequisites uh before moving for this project or before implementing this project there are a couple of prerequisites that are required for this one of them is you you should already have installed python on your laptop so actually we will be using python uh in our laptop and we will be using the ino code or the c code in our esp8266 so the first thing first you should have python installed on your laptop if not you need to do that first you can download and install it from here i have given the link from where you need you can download python and the install steps are self explanatory and you should be able to install it like you do with any other softwares all right and the second prerequisite is you should already have pycharm which is python ide for your laptop hope uh you are familiar with pycharm python ide if you are not please uh go to this link from here you can download the pie chart which is the python ide where we can write the python code and we can execute that code in our laptop so these are the two prerequisites that are essential uh you know before you move on to this project the again for pie chart uh the install step is again self-explanatory and you should be able to install it like you do with any other softwares so magicians this is just a nine pager of document where i have covered each and every aspect for executing this project or completing this project how you can switch on and off any relay or a bulb or anything just from your fingers if you need this document or the code which i have used in this document if you need that let me know connect to me in my facebook or my whatsapp or just uh give comments under this video so that i can contact you back and i can provide you this document and the code for that okay magician so without wasting any further time let's get started now hope for you are uh okay with the prerequisites again i'm telling you the first prerequisite is the python and the second prerequisite is the python ide so in this case we are using pycharm as our python ide okay so let's follow this document uh step by step it will be easier for you to follow this document we will be using below connection scheme as you are seeing that i have used two leds connected to my esp and this is pretty straightforward uh how do we connect our esp's uh esp to our pins so the led1 it will be connected to gpio16 and led2 will be connected to gpio5 pin with our node mcu or esp8266 so here you can see that i have not used any um resistor but yeah for for the sake you can use registers in your real scenarios or you can connect to any sensors or you can connect anything which you want to actuate based on your finger movement okay so this is our freezing diagram and then our physical diagram which i have already shown you this is our physical diagram okay so first first thing first we will create the ino code which we will upload in our esp8266 as i already informed you there are two pieces of code that we have to uh execute or we have to write the one is the ino code which will be the c code and that will be installed in our esp8266 and another code will be the python code that code will be installed in our laptop okay so let's follow the below steps to execute this project first first thing first we will write uh the ino code and install or upload it to our esp board okay so we will connect our esp to our laptop we will identify the port mine is com4 and then we will open the arduino ide we will choose the board as generic esp8266 module and the port has com4 so the step one is pretty straightforward that we usually do for each for every program we write uh for our esp and then we have to copy our code esp8266 hand detection bulb on off dot ino so this is the code that you have to use and you have to paste this code in your arduino ide so and then you have to save it there is no need to make any change in this code so again from where you will get this code yes of course i will provide you this code if you need this code let me know in the comment section of this video or connect me connect to me to my whatsapp or my facebook group there i am easily available and my whatsapp number is already there in the description of this video and if you need this code and the document please go ahead and let me know okay so up to step number two i think we should be good enough and there should not be any confusion or any issues or in doubt let me show you uh the arduino ide and the code that i am talking about so when you will open your arduino ide and then the next step will be uh you are you need to connect uh your ide to your board the board which you have so still it is opening up so okay so you see that my id is up and running so from uh here i will choose the board which is already selected as generic esp8266 and the com port which is com4 in my case and i have already opened the com port and the second step was you need to copy our code and you need to save it so okay so this is the code that you have to copy here and you need to save this code so that's it there is nothing much need to be done as of now third step is now you just need to click the upload button at the top left to compile and transfer the code into your esp8266 simple pretty straightforward nothing special nothing much to be done here so you just need to click here to upload your upload this code to your esp8266 so once you have uploaded i have already uploaded this code in my esp so once you have uploaded the code now you you can easily move to the uh step number four so i hope till step number three you are pretty much clear about the steps and all the procedures and all uh the steps that i have mentioned are pretty much clear so let's go to the step number four now you have to test this code if you want to test this score at this moment and before uh using before actually using your hand gestures you can easily uh test this code so let's let's see how can we test this code at this moment so you need to open the serial monitor and you need to provide this as an input string so the input string is dollar zero zero zero zero one so four times zero and one and then let's see what happens when you provide this as your input in the serial monitor so okay i will go here i will open the serial monitor and there you need to provide your string as 0 0 0 0 1 and let me open the camera so that you can see what's going on here so let me open the camera also it will be easier for you to see what's going on with the leds here so right now you can see that both of the leds are off state and my esp is already connected and from the serial monitor i am going to provide the string as dollar and then followed by four zeros and then one and as soon as i press enter you can see the leds are going up now so it means whenever i am providing a string 0 0 0 0 1 from the serial monitor our leds are growing similarly if i will provide the string as dollar and all zeroes all five are zeros and then if i provide this as a serial string then you can see our both of these leds are off so it means if from the serial input if the input is coming as zero zero zero zero one then our leds will become on and if our uh input from the serial is coming as dollar and five times zero and if this input is coming then it means it is switching off my leds so let me quickly uh explain you what uh what does this mean so dollar is a special character spatial symbol that we have used in our program to identify the starting of our input string and after that all these five numbers are basically representing our five fingers the first the first digit is representing the thumb the second digit is representing the index finger the third digit is representing the ring finger sorry the middle finger and and the fourth one is representing the ring finger and the last one is representing the pinky finger and in this program or in this demonstration i am only uh i have only programmed the pinky finger the small finger the last finger that's why whenever you will provide as one then you are it means it represents that i have my pinky finger up so it represents the pinky finger is up so whenever i will provide as one it means pinky finger is up and it will glow the led similarly if i will make it 0 over here it means now my pinky finger is down and when my pinky finger is down it will uh switch off the leds this is what i have coded in this ino program so hope you are able to understand so far again let me just show you when you will provide as pinky finger as one and you will press enter you can see your leds will be glowing and when you will provide your pinky finger as zero then you can see your leds are turned off so this means now our program our esp program is at least working with our serial command whatever serial command we are providing from our serial port okay so now let me close this serial monitor and let me close this camera as well okay so let's follow the document now so you will see that you see here like to test the code at this moment you need to open the serial monitor and you need to provide as dollar four times zero and one so this should blow both the leds so as you are seeing there in this diagram also both of these leds are growing as we just saw and now when you will provide dollar and all four digits as zero then you can see you it turned off both the leds as we just saw so if we are getting this desired behavior as above let's we can now go to proceed otherwise if we are not uh if this code is not working as expected then you need to recheck your code and the wirings once again it means that you have done some mistakes and somewhere whether in the connections or in the code or somewhere so but we are good so far and it is working as expected so whenever our pinky finger is up it is growing it up and whenever pinky finger digit actually the last digit is zero then we see that both our both of our leds are switched off okay so now if we need to write the finger detection code in python so now if somehow we will be able to write a python code which will send uh this string like dollar zero zero zero one or dollar zero zero zero zero if the python code could send this kind of my string after detecting my finger then our pi then our uh problem will be solved right so uh we have to now write such a python code which will detect my finger and my when my pinky finger is up that python code will send dollar zero zero zero one to my esp serially right and when my pink pinky finger is down then this python code should be able to detect my pinky finger and at the same time it should send the string dollar zero zero zero zero zero to my esp8266 serially so we will see this soon how do we do that how to write a python code to detect my finger and send the appropriate command based on whether my pinky finger is up or whether my pinky finger is down okay so now we need to close the arduino ide serial monitor so you you need to keep this in mind make sure that you close it otherwise our python program won't be able to communicate serially with esp8266 remember that if you have open your serial monitor with your esp8266 then our python code that we are now going to write that will not be able to uh communicate with c communicate serially with your esp because the com port is already occupied by our uh arduino ide so so make sure that you have closed your serial monitor which is already connected to arduino ide so you can see that i have already disconnected my uh com port and now i can follow step number six so now you have to open the pycharm and then you need to click on projects and then you click click on new project so let me now open the pipe in this first let me close uh uh close all the projects uh so that it will be easier for you to see okay so now i have closed uh everything now what you do you will open the pie charm okay so i will go here i will open the pipe pie charm so once you will open the pie charm it will open up a screen something similar to this so you are seeing that already i have couple of projects here but in your case if you are doing it for the first time when you will launch the pycharm it will open a screen without having any projects but there will be a button called new project so you have to just click on this new project to create a new project so you will click on this new project and then let's follow the document what what we need to provide what all information we need to provide on this so in this once you have clicked on new project and you go to the step number seven you can choose the project folder name as esp project so this is just the name that you have to provide or you can say the location in the location field you have to provide the location as esp project or any other name that you would like so let me copy this since i already have a project called esp project so i can just make it psp projects one but in your case uh you can directly use esp projects because you will probably most probably you will not be having the project with the name esp projects so here you have to give the location as this and uh the thing is the next thing is new environment using you don't need to make any change on this and you don't need to make any other changes anywhere else and make and you don't need to use the main.5 welcome script also so then once you have provided the project name like this esp projects one then you can click on create so once you will click on create so it will the file charm will do some background processing it will be creating some virtual environment it will install uh some libraries or it will it will do all the configurations that are needed for our projects so these are the this is the screen that you will see once you have opened on your projects okay so what do we do from here let's follow the document so now our step number eight so this will open up the new project dashboard that looks like below so i have i already shown you this is the project dashboard of empty project dashboard will look like this and now the important thing the step number nine so where all the magic will happen so in order to write a code or a python program which uses our hand movements hand gestures finger gestures so for that we need to install couple of libraries there are these are some third-party libraries and we really thank to those guys developers who develop such a nice beautiful libraries which we can use in our written program just like charm they work just like a charm and just writing couple of lines of code everything will be there in front of you yes so now what all libraries we need to install we need to check on that first and then we will see how do we install those libraries the steps are pretty straightforward and those are very easy steps i have mentioned each and every step here in this document again i'm saying if you need this document or if you need the code which i have used here the python code the ino code so if you need those let me know in my whatsapp group or in the facebook group or ask me in the comment section here i will provide you all these details okay so let's follow the step number nine now we need to install three main external libraries so the first one is cv zone the second is serial device and third is media pipe so these are actually used uh like cv zone and the media pipe these will be used for our hand detection or our finger detection our hand gesture detection and the serial device this library will be used to send any data serially to our esp8266 so this is what our purpose is so we need to install these three libraries so for that you need to how do we install these libraries these are pretty straightforward let's see now you need to go to the file and then you need to go to the settings there then when you will go to file and settings and then uh under projects esp projects you will see python interface and then you there you need to click on plus button to install any libraries don't worry about all these things i will just show you where do we need to go so okay let me uh show you what i have uh given in the document you need to go to the file and from there you need to go to the settings and one in this will open uh a setting uh window something like this for you and inside that you will see projects esp project one so you need to click on this so that it will open python interpreter and the python structure so you need to go to this section and under this you have to go to the python interfacer so but here you see that i we do not have any interpreter yet but don't worry about that you just need to uh wait for some time or you just need to click ok or here if you will go here if you create any uh raw file if you will go here you will just you can just create any python file and let's say test dot pi so simply and if you will just write any python code so still we do not have any uh python interpreter it is saying that no python interpreter configured for the project don't worry about that it will be done soon and it will be done uh once our internal background processing will be done for this project so it might take couple of time and you need to wait uh wait for some time for that to be configured because it is still uh configuring as you can see that still it is still uh installing and it is uh configuring our interpreter and installing couple of another library so let me quickly show you how it will look like once all this background processing is done and it has installed your needed libraries so let me quickly close this and i will open the project the project will look like this so here you can see when you will go to the file settings and here under project interpreter and then here you need to go to this plus sign so once your now complete environment for your project is done and all the background processing is finished then you can easily see a plus button over here which is used to install any third-party library for your project so how do we go about that let's try to follow the document so once you have got this plus button then you need to go to the step number 10 so here you need to inst first you need to install cv zone and then uh we will install rest of other libraries so first let's try to install cv zone so for that you need to just search for c zone and once you have found the cv zone you need to click on install package so let me show you here so once you click on this plus button here so here it will show you all the available packages that are available and you can install it so here you need to search on cv zone and you see that you will get a cv zone over here and then you can click and install package over here since i already have installed it so i don't need to reinstall it but for your case you just need to click on install package and once you will install this you will click on the install package the cv zone package will be installed for your project okay and then once you have installed cv zone step number 10 then step number 11 is once cv zone is installed it will show the success message also so you will see a success message saying your cv zone has been installed successfully now you need to press the escape key to exit this window so you are currently seeing this windows you will press the escape key so that you will return back into this settings screen and now you are ready to install another package so we have to install now media pipe library another library was media pipe so you will go here again you will click on this plus button to install the library and you will search here media pipe so you can see we have found its media pipe library here so you will select this library and just click install package so this will install the media pipe library also similarly we have to now install our third main library which is a serial device so let me show here if i uh yeah media pipe and then you need to install i think serial device i i think i have missed okay so looks like oh here it is that was the step number 12 to install serial device as well because serial devices must if you want to do the serial communication between your python program and the esp so you need to install serial device also so again you will go here you will click on this plus to install the library and here you will search for serial device so you will get the serial device here you will select this and you will just click on install package at the bottom and it will uh once the serial device is installed you will get a success message saying that serial device library is installed successfully and then you can safely click or press the escape key to come back to the settings screen so once you have done all the three libraries installed and you will see your settings screen something like this so you will see that couple of libraries have been installed for your project so if you will go here uh you can see that we have got cv zone here we have got media pipe here and we have got serial device here and apart from this you may see all other some libraries are also been installed those are the supporting libraries or the dependent libraries uh on which uh cb zone media pipe or the serial device may be dependent on so those are also installed by default by our pycharm so okay malicious i hope you now now you know how to install a library in pycharm and this is pretty straightforward you don't need to write any command like unix or raspberry pi where you need to write pip commands or the sudo apt-get install commands or something like that uh to install any python libraries but here in pycharm you can do the same thing using just couple of clicks okay so once you see this screen you can safely go and click ok and then you can you you will return to this screen like this okay so now let's let's see magicians how do we write the python code here and what code we need to write so that it will so that our python code will detect our hand movements or our finger gestures and send the string the needed string to our esp so let's do that now you have to right click on esp projects then you have to click on the new and the python file so when you will right click on the esp project and then new and the python file in it means that you are going to create a new python file and the python the name of the file will be provide the file name as hand detection esp8266.5 so you have to give this name and uh you have to create a new new file called hand detection uh esp8266 dot pi let me show you you will go here you will right click on this and then you will go to new and you will go to the python file and here you have to give the python file name the name that you want to create so let me since already i have this python file with the same name so let me just give underscore one but in your case you can directly use the same name because you may not be having that python file so then you have to just press the enter then you can see our new python editor the file editor window has been opened here here you can write your python code and on the left side also you can see that my file has been created and that you can see that the original file which i have it's already there here okay magicians so once you have completed uh step number 16 then you can easily move to the step number 17. now once your file editor has been opened then you need to copy our entire code uh of hand detection esp8266.5 of course magicians you must need this python file and where will you get this python file and i will inform you uh how will you get this python file and uh same new python file you can get from me from my whatsapp or my uh in my facebook group or you can ask me in the comment section here okay magicians so uh just a second magicians sorry about that so uh once our editor has been open then you need to copy our code hand detection esp8266.pi so this will be the code that you need to copy and you need to paste it in your file where you have created uh this file on this editor so and then you need to save this uh for you you need to provide you need to just make a small change in this program and then you need to provide the com code in the program as below so in this uh section on the line number nine as you see here there it is asking for the correct com port uh for you uh where your esp has been connected since mine is com4 so you need to provide your com port another section so here in this program you can see at the line number nine here if you will see so here you have to provide your com board okay so let's follow also the step number 18 is also note uh the line below now if your camera device is not working for zero then you need to try to provide one for me i for me one did not work so i use zero so if you see here uh when you are making an instance of video capturing device here you need to provide the index for your video capturing device it could be one or zero or anything which is working for you now for me one was not working so my video capture device is connected to the index number zero so i provided zero over here so these are the only two changes that you have to do in this code so magicians hope you are uh able to follow uh up to this point and you are uh getting this project um soon this will be done and you will be able to execute this let me first close this dash one version because i have the original hand detection esp8266.5 so this is the program and this is the file which you have copied and saved in your machine okay magicians so let me just give you a small note here uh the library cv zone internally supports serial communication so the beauty of this cv zone library is it has the capability of sending a serial message from uh python program to our esp it has inbuilt serial module uh module that helps sending serial data to external devices like esp raspberry pi etc it has a method called send data which is provided by cv zone dot serial module dot cl object so if you will create an object of this class and using that object you can call the send data function then you can send any data or any message to the serial device which you have connected and one good thing is that it sends data by appending dollar at the beginning as this is what we required in our ino code also if you remember in our i know code our our string our main serial string which we were giving from uh as an input that started with dollar sign so that indicates the incoming the start of the the starting point of the incoming data or incoming message so this [Music] this module the cv zone modules send data function uh internally appends dollar at the beginning of our string so now it is useful for our ino code so that is why we have written our esp8266 code exactly to accept and interpret such data okay magicians uh so before before moving ahead or before moving to step number 19 first let's just uh try to see if i execute this code what uh what do we get here so when you just in order to execute this uh this project you need to go to the run and from there you need to just click on the run here and in this run if you have you have got hand detection this and then just click on the run command so when you will click as soon as you click on the run command then you can see me over here then you can see our camera screen has been opened here and now now the python code is detecting my hand movements if you will see here let me show you let me show you the output here so if you will see here if i'll do my finger little finger the pinky finger up you can see the pinky finger up is showing here and pinky finger is up and you you can just see all the results here on the serial monitor so you can see all the fingers which i am making up or down so let's see if i will make it my index up so you can see the output as index is up index is down index is up index is down so similarly i think you can see actually it is recognizing thumb also so okay so it is saying pinky is down now pinky is up so pinky is down pinky is up so you can see now my python program is interacting with my hands and it is able to identify my hand movements so one let me just try to quickly show you if you want to see the hand points also that is also possible here let me quickly show you if you if you want to if you want to see all the landmarks all the drawing areas of your hands that is also possible you can just simply comment this line and you can uncomment the line up which is up here 17th so if you will now execute this let me show you and let me execute uh the command now so now you can see that uh now it is showing all the points on my handle so now it is showing whether i have the right hand or i have the left hand so currently in my program in this python program i am only making one hand at a time if you will put your second hand it will not detect the second hand right and at a time it will detect only one hand either left or right so you can do like this it can detect the right hand and it can detect the left hand also if it is detecting the right hand if you will place the left hand it will not detect the left hand so if you want both of these hands to be detected you can make a simple small change over here in this program let me show you in this program here uh here is the max hands so if you want to use two hands so you can provide as two here on the line number six 16 where we have created uh an variable uh the detector variable and here now in this case it will detect our two hands so i if you will see here now and if you will execute this project again now you can see now it is detecting both of the heads the right hand and the left hand and so based on that you can see the results on the serial the output in this command command window here in the command output now which you can see this uh run run window so now it is recognizing the left hand it is recognizing the right hand as well and it is properly recognizing what all fingers are up what all fingers are down and pinky is up and keys down so now it's it's easy for us now to make such kind of uh detection once we we have once the program is identifying uh the hand movements the finger movements it's easy for you now to code as per your requirement okay so let me exit this and let me use only one hand which i needed and i don't need the all the draw points all the all the points and the landmarks and such things so i will comment this line and i will simply open this line okay so once you will open this line this line will not show any finger points or any of the joining edges it will it will show just it will just silently recognize our hands which look uh like a professional it will give a professional look as if now i am just controlling my esp using my hands and on the screen on the image window you will only see my hands going up and down or fingers going up and down so let me give you another another output so here you can see my pinky is up as you can see in the results also it is showing pinky is up but no points no dot points no the connecting points and you can see the pinky is down the pinky is up the pinky is down the pinky is up the pinky is down similarly you can do with the other hands also pinky is up pinky is down think he is up i think he is down so similarly so like that you can now easily identify which finger is up and which finger is down at a particular moment and here in this program i have uh i have used a flag which will be used to send uh our finger finger you can say the status whether it is up or down if the finger is up i am sending one and if the finger is down i am just sending a 0 and you can see that that is done under this pinky if condition so inside this only i am making should send boolean to true and then when it is true in that case i i'm sending from the serial object i am sending the data fingers so it will send all five fingers data either zero or one if the finger is up it will send zero or if now if sorry if the finger is up it will send uh one and if finger is down it will send zero serially to our esp so position so that's it this is uh the program what it is doing here hope you got it and it is working as expected so now what to do and let's follow the next step now we have completed our both the codes ino and dot py we can execute now both the programs at the same time so now we have our iono code ready uh in our esp and we have our python code ready but remember that do not open arduino ide serial monitor because if our serial monitor will be connected to arduino ide then our python program will not be able to send command or send or make any communication with our esp so now in the step number 20 you need to press the reset button of esp8266 to execute the ino code okay so i am pressing my reset button in the esp8266 yes and now i will open our pycharm window and then i will execute the program by going to run and then run and from there i will execute the code so our it will open the run window and we'll just choose the program hand and click on the run to execute our program so okay and then your program or your screen will run the python code as i just showed you it will open a camera screen and it will show the message that it has been detected the serial has been detected this it will display that also and now you can use your pinky finger up and down and then you can observe the leds glowing on and off so let's let's try to do that uh everything now in working so this is uh the hand detection dot python code let me switch off the lights first from my room so that it will be invisible for you so this is the program let me execute it so once you will execute this program it will open a camera screen here like this so now our camera is open here let me open this and next i will open my camera also so that we can let me open my camera so okay so this is the camera which is continuously showing us our led the status of led this red light let me try to hide this light so that it don't disturb us okay so now you are seeing that two leds are here and let me open my hand movement also so now you will see that i will do pinky finger up you are seeing that leds are glowing here so you can see that glowing bring your finger down and you can see that led is now off now pinky finger up leds are on pinky finger down leds are off same thing you can do with your right hand also pinky finger up the leds are on pinky finger down led is off pinky finger up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down up down so magicians you saw it how easy it is now to communicate uh any message to our esp8266 just using our finger gestures or our fingerprints so hope magicians uh you got this concept and the session was useful for you and now you can create some more projects based on that if you have any confusion if you need any further assistance you need any guidance on this let me know i will give you uh the code as well as this document if you need it let me know in my facebook or in my whatsapp or you can simply comment here in this video my whatsapp number is already there in the description of this video for your easy reference and magicians please do make this project and let me know for any confusion uh i will come up with some other another exciting projects and some great learnings again soon so till then just try to make it and have fun have a great time iot munitions and arigato thank you so much magicians i am going to stop my sharing and i am going to close this meeting now thank you so much thanks for
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Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, IOT Course, Online IOT projects, Amazon AWS IOT, MQTT IOT, Wireless IOT, XBEE, Home Automation, Learn IOT Online, firebase, Realtime database, ESP8266, ESP32, Micropython, IoT Core, Webserver, ESP Webserver, Telegram, BOT, Telegram Bot, Amazon Voice Service, Smart Home Skill, Amazon Alexa, SPIFFS, ESP Filesystem, ESP FileSystem Uploader, ESP32FS, Interrupts, PIR Sensor Motion, PIR, ESP NOW, ESP 2 Way communication, CloudWatch, IoT Rule Engine, WiFiManager
Id: gQUnNdIMkyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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