ESP8266 Interfacing Multiple ADS1115 #ElecrowMaker

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hello i already magicians welcome in today's session let me first quickly see if i am live on youtube if i am live then we are good to go yes looks like i'm live on youtube so let's get started magician so i i hope you are seeing my screen and here on the screen uh you will be seeing couple of analog to digital converters that i have so yes today's session is especially for that where i will teach how can we interface multiple analog to digital converters as you are seeing i have four adc here one two three and this is the fourth one and i have the module is the model that i have is ads triple one five so i will teach how do we interface all these four ads triple 1 5 to our esp board but before that let's try to quickly see the results that we are going to achieve at the end of the day okay so let's get started and this will be the program that i will walk you through first let me share my screen so that it will be easier for you to understand that uh what i am going to show you on my screen okay so i am sharing the screen this will be the program that i will cover today and let me start the serial monitor looks like com4 is not available so i need to connect my esp to the laptop so i have connected it and let me open the serial monitor now so now esp is trying to connect to wi-fi it has already connected and you are seeing that it has found all the devices so i have four ideas as you are seeing in my camera i have four ideas already explained so all these four radius are now found by esp and i have received the ip address so let me copy this ip address and let me open this ip address in a web browser and on this browser we will be seeing the results the outcome from all the four areas and from all the pins a0 a1 a2 and n3 as we already know that we have four analog pins a0 a1 a2 and a3 and we can connect uh these pins to uh to any our analog cell sensors output pins so that we can easily read the result of those analog pins using a0 a1 a2 and a3 since one ads triple 1 5 is having only four analog pins a0 a1 a2 and a3 if you need more than that in that case you can interface more than one ads as i have done over here so without wasting any time let me quickly show you the demo so this is the pin which i have connected to the potentiometer so here is the potentiometer if you see my camera so you will be seeing that this is the potentiometer i have here let me first quickly just stop sharing and let me explain you so this is the potentiometer that i have and the middle pin of the potentiometer is this and i will connect this pin to a0 a1 a2 and a3 of first of the ideas similarly i can connect this pin to second areas and then third and fourth so similarly you can connect this pin to any of the pin any of the a0 through a3 pins of any of the ads and you can see the results on your web ui okay so let me share my screen again so this is the web ui and you are seeing that currently my red box uh is under a0 of first areas triple 1 5 so it means i mean if i connect this potentiometer pin to a0 of my first ads so i have connected to the a0 pin of first ads as you are seeing in the camera and on the web dashboard you are seeing that the bulb has got some brightness so now if i will rotate the potentiometer you can see the changes in the brightness of a0 there so you are seeing that there are changes in the brightness happening for a0 let me again rotate the potentiometer in another direction so you are seeing that brightness is getting increased this way you can say that esp is now reading the a0 uh result of first ads similarly you can connect to any of the pin let me give you one more demo let's try to connect to uh the last fourth areas and let let me connect to the a1 pin so here i have connected uh the fourth radius and the pin i have connected uh the a1 so now potentiometer is connected to the even of fourth ads so let me first quickly go to that section so here you are seeing this is the fourth radius and this is the a1 the red color box is now indicating the a1 pin of fourth area so if i will rotate the potentiometer now so i am rotating the potentiometer and you can see the changes are happening on the web ui so you are seeing that brightness has been reduced to zero let me again make it more bright so you are seeing that brightness is getting increased so in this way now esp is reading the output of a1 pin of the fourth radius so using this interfacing scheme you can easily read 16 different analog results by esp8266 right okay so this is what we are going to achieve today and i will show you how to interface it in detail so stay tuned with me and stay till the end so that you will have the complete understanding of this project and you can implement this in your future sessions or in your future projects okay so this is the document that i am going to cover today and as you already know that uh the document that i have for you these are very basic and very simple documents to implement each and everything is explained in very much details step by step process and with enough screenshots so that it will be easier for you to follow this document if you need this document and the code that i have written for this if you need that let me know i can provide you you can ask me in my whatsapp or you can ask me in my facebook group or just ask me under the comment section now my whatsapp number is already there in the description of this video you can connect to me and i will provide you this document okay magician so without any further delay let's try to understand this how do we interface multiple areas with esp8266 so this is a six pager of documents as you are seeing here i have six pages for this and our aim is we will need to interface 4 ads triple 1 5 with esp8266 and observe the output from all the analog pins through the web dashboard as i have already shown you the results from all the pins from all the areas we will see the results on our web dashboard so a couple of assumptions that i have here so you have to fulfill those assumptions if you are going to implement this the first one is you have already gone through our previous ads triple one basic session and able to interface that with esp8266 in my previous session i had shown you how do we interface how do we connect one ads to our esp board right so if you have not gone through that please go go to that session and understand what is ads triple one five how do we interface it with esp how esp reads the four analog outputs of ads and all such things so you can understand that and second assumption that i have here is you already have installed esp8266 sketch data upload plugin this is especially for spi file system spi ffs because we will be using a web dashboard so though all those data files all those index all the javascripts files html code everything will be inside the file system so for that we need esp8266 sketch data upload plugin as i had explained in our previous session if you don't know how to do that please go to the that session and first try to upload this plugin or install this plugin before moving ahead okay but if you have done all these two steps if you are done you are fulfilling these other missions you are good to go ahead okay let's understand how do we interface four ads triple one five with asp a two double six actually in my last uh session when why when i was explaining the basics of ideas triple five there i had explained and given you hint like if you use some different schemes for your address pin if you connect your address pins if you change the connection scheme for your address pin of your eds board you can get a different address for your eds board yes so once you get a different address for your board then it will be very easier for esp to recognize a particular board so you are seeing that i have four areas over here one two three and four as you are seeing in the camera i have four ideas and i have given separate address i2c addresses for all the four areas so this edius will have some different address this ads will have some different address this ads will have some different address and this fourth ads will also have a different address once all the four areas have got a different address then it will be easier for esp to recognize any of the ads and then it can send or receive a proper signal from any of the desired eds of course other pins like scl and sda pin will be shared by all these four areas so let's try to understand how do we interface it as i explained the previous eds basic session that using below connection scheme we can achieve different addresses for our ads so this is our main purpose actually the basic idea behind this is we need to get different addresses for all the four areas and how do we get that here here is how we get that if you connect the address pin of your ads to the ground pin means if you connect these pin all together then you get the address as hexadecimal 48 for that abs if you connect the hddr pin the adjustment to the vdd of the ads board then the address that you get is hexadecimal 49. if you connect ldr pin to to the sda pin in that case you get the address as hexadecimal 4e and if you connect the addr pin to the scl pin then you get the address as hexadecimal 4b so this is how we get different addresses for all our four areas so let me explain it once again so if suppose this is the first abs okay if i will connect the addr pin of this ads to the ground pin of the same ads then i will get the hexadecimal 48 address for this abs similarly for the second eds if i connect the address spin of this ads to the vdd pin of the same ads then i will get the address as hexadecimal 49 for this okay so let's go to the third radius so if i will connect the address pin of the third ads to the sdf pin of the same third eds then i will get the address as hexadecimal 4a for this third abs similarly for the last ads if i will connect the address pin of this to the scl pin of the same ads then this avs will get an address of hexadecimal 4b so you are seeing that now i have four areas but i have got four different addresses for all these so the first radius will get hexadecimal 48 second radius will get hexadecimal 49. third ads will receive an address quesadilla 4a and the last ads the fourth ads will get the address of the decimal 4b okay so i hope now you got how do we get a different address for a particular ads so using above connection scheme let's connect our areas with esp8266 as shown below so we are seeing that as we have four radius so this is the connection scheme for the first abs let's try to look at that first and then we will move ahead for the second so you are seeing that vdd pin of first lds is connected so this is our first if you are see the camera so this is our first radius okay so the vdd pin will be connected to 3.3 volt to the esp pin and the ground pin of this will be connected to the ground of esp as you are seeing here the scl pin will be connected to d1 pin of esp and sta pin will be connected to d2 sda pin of this ads will be connected to gpio4 which is d2 of esp and you are seeing there that the addr pin the address spin of this we are connecting to the ground pin of the same radius and rest of the pins you can leave black so this is how we interface the first eds with our esp okay so far so good now let's try to understand and let's see the second lds connection so you are seeing for the second eds the same thing for the second area so if you see the camera this is our second radius the vdd pin will be connected to again 3.3 volt the ground pin will be connected to the ground to our esp the scl pin will be connected to d1 as i am i have already informed that all the scl and sta pin will be shared uh with esp so all these four areas will share the same scl and sda pin with esp you are seeing the scl pin is connected to d1 in our esp and sda pin will be connected to t2 which is gpio4 in our esp8266 and this is the main point here i am connecting the address spin of this second radius to the vdd pin of the same abs okay so add and are short here or connected together and rest of the pins you can leave blank so this is how i have interfaced second radius now let's try to see the third radius same the vdd pin of our third radius so this is our third radius the vdd pin will be connected to 3.3 volt the ground will be connected to the ground the scl pin will be again connected to d1 which is gpio5 in esp and the sda pin will be connected to d2 as you are seeing that all these sca and sda pins in all the ads's are connected to the same d1 and d2 in our esp the only difference is here is the addr pin so now you are seeing in the third areas i have connected add r pin the address pin to the sda pin of our third ads and rest of the pins i am leaving blank okay so this is the fourth actually not third this is the fourth radius so for fourth radius uh the vdd pin will be connected to 3.3 volt the ground pin will be connected to the ground the scl pin will be again connected to d1 so this is the fourth radius as you are seeing the camera and sda pin again will be connected to our d2 and here the distinguished factor is addr pin so for this fourth radius the address pin will be connected to ascl pin the clock pin okay and rest of the pins we will leave blank so this is how we interface all the four areas to our esp hope this is clear if you still you have any doubt any confusion let me know i can give you a little more details uh you can directly ask me and then we can take it offline but there should not be any confusion or any issues so far because it's all the connections are pretty straightforward you just need to uh keep in mind that my address pin should be connected to the ground address should be connected to the vdd for second address pin should be connected to sda for the third areas and address pin should be connected to scl the clock pin for the fourth ads okay of course we have one potentiometer also so how do we interface potentiometer the left leg the one of the leg the leftmost leg you can connect to the 3.3 volt and the right leg you can connect to the ground and the middle leg as you are seeing here this is the middle sorry let me take let me use this middle leg so here is the middle leg of potentiometer v so this is the middle leg of the potentiometer which uh you can connect to any of the analog pins analog channels of any of the areas you can connect to a channel a0 a1 a2 a3 of the first areas or any of the areas and any of the channel through a0 through a3 okay so now let's uh i have made a fridging diagram also for you so that it will be easier for you to understand and let me just to quickly show you the threading also so here you are seeing this is the node mcu and we have uh first ads here we have second areas here we have third ads here and this is the fourth avs so now let's try to see how we have connected the first ads you are seeing the vdd pin the red pin is connected to the 3.3 volt with our esp the ground pin is connected to the ground to our esp and you are seeing the scl pin the green if you will see the green wire which is the scl pin so you are seeing that green pin is the scl pin and this scl pin is connected to d1 here and the sda pin you are seeing the orange pin sda it is connected to d2 here in our esp and if you are see if you will see that for all the four areas the green pin and the orange pin these are shared so you are seeing that the orange pin is shared by uh all the four radius and the green pin is also shared by all the four areas the only difference you will see here the for the first eds the address pin the yellow pin if you will uh if you will observe the yellow wire you can see that for this first ads the orange the yellow wire is connected addr is connected to the ground here and for the second radius you will see the addr pin is connected to vdd here similarly for third areas you are seeing that addr pin is connected to sda if you will see if you observe the yellow wire you can see the addr pin is connected to scl pin for the fourth abs [Music] and here i have a potentiometer so you are seeing that the left pin one of the pin is connected to the positive 3.3 volt and another leg is connected to the ground and the middle pin of the potentiometer you can connect to any of the channels so here i have just shown you the a0 channel with this pink wire you can connect to any of the channel to any of the areas so this is how our simple interfacing looks like when we interface it with esp and hope this freezing is clear to you and there should not be any confusion on on that and here i have just shown you the physical connection how does this look like okay so once we have made the above connections let's follow the below steps to execute the project so once we have done all the connections now we should be ready uh to execute our project now let's try to do that so first of all we need to connect to esp8266 to our laptop and then we have to identify the com port yes i have connected the esp to the laptop and i know the com port is com4 for me and then you have to open arduino ide and select the board and port okay i have already selected the board as you are seeing generic esp8266 and the port is com4 is already selected so the first step is okay now second step we have to follow is first and foremost let's make sure that all our areas are connected properly and our esp8266 is able to detect all the four areas since we have connected all the four radius as per the connections i just shown you above but after making the connection you need to make sure that all these four areas have been connected properly [Music] sorry and esp is able to identify or able to read the addresses of all the four ads if any of the ads is having loose connection or any other issues then in that case your esp will not be able to recognize that particular ads so first of all we have to make sure that after making all the arrangements all these connections we will make sure that esp is able to identify all these four um uh all these four eds and it it uh it has um and all these four boards have received the address as explained earlier okay let's try to do that how do we do that so for this you need to upload our code esp8266 i2c scan dot ino so there is a code i have written a code esp8266 i2c scanner.i n i know so this is the code which will scan all the um all the i2c devices that you have connected to espn yes we will read all the i2c devices and it will show the addresses that each and every device has got so if you need this code let me know i will provide you this code ask me in the comment section or let me know in my whatsapp or facebook group my whatsapp number is already there in the description of this video and if you need this code or other code which i have written for this or this document if you need let me know okay so let's first try to upload the code which will scan the i2c devices all the connected i2c devices so our code is esp8266 i2c scanner.ino so i will go to rd arduinoid e from here let's open the code so i have this code here i2c scanner so this is the code you need to upload this code to esp so as i have shown you you need to upload this code to espn execute it then you will see the addresses that all your ads has got in the serial monitor so first let me quickly upload this code so it is compiling the sketch if any of the any of the areas having a loose connection or pins are not properly soldered then in that case the esp may not be able to identify that board so in that case we can say that the board is not readable by esp so i i have just made the connections and i'm just trying to see whether my esp can read all these four aliases or not and what all addresses or our ads boards have received so okay you're seeing that uploading is done so now i can open the serial monitor and as i open the serial monitor you are seeing that it has scanned all the four devices and after certain interval this printing the devices that it had found and the addresses so you are seeing that the addresses it has received hexadecimal 48 49 4a and 4b so for abs it has already identified with the addresses that i had already explained in the uh in the above section right so you are seeing that now all the boards have we have received the particular address for different addresses i2c addresses and esp is able to connect or communicate with all of our four boards so once you see that all the ads have received different addresses and esp is able to communicate properly we can close this and we can close this scanner program also okay so now next step is now we need to copy our code esp8266 multiple adc's dot i know so this is the code that you have to copy and then you have to paste in arduino ide so let me show you so this is the code that i'm talking about you have to copy and paste this code and in this section you have to change your wi-fi credentials and save it let me show you where i'm talking about so this is the code that you have to use and here in this section the line number 22 23 around that you have to change your wi-fi credentials and that's it these are the only changes that you have to do here and then you can next step is you have to click sketch and show sketch folder this will take you to the correct sketch folder there you need to copy our data folder so there is a folder data folder i have i will provide you this data folder you need this data folder because all our web files javascript css all the files will be inside this data folder so you must need this data folder let me know if you need this in this folder i can provide it to you so what you have to do you have to click on sketch and show sketch folder and then there you have to put our data folder let me show you so you will go here sketch and you will go here show sketch folder so if you will go here it will take you to the folder where your current sketch multiple adc's you are seeing esp8266 multiple adc's dot io that your current sketches there you have to paste the data folder as you are seeing here okay let's try to follow the data folder should have below four files you don't need to change you don't need to change any of the file okay so let me show you the data folder how it looks like so inside this data folder you will be having these four files two image files one html file and one the javascript file you don't need to change any of these files this is just for your friends that i am showing you that this data folder will have these four files we will be transferring all these files into our file system of esp8266 so for that we will require the um data upload plugin that i was talking about right okay so now when you have copied the data folder now we will transfer all these data files to our esp using esp8266 sketch data upload plugin okay so how do we do that for this you need to click on tools and then from there you need to click on esp8266 sketch data upload as soon as you will click on this so this utility will automatically copy all the data which is there inside data folder it will copy that into the file system of esp8266 so let me show you let me do that so you will go to the tools and from there you will click on esp8266 sketch data upload so you will click on this and you will see that spi ffs upload image so if it is not responding sometime it does not respond you can close and open it again so let me try to take that out and i will make it again so let's try to upload sketch data upload let's let's try to do it again it has not started uploading yet so let me try to change the okay the flash size is also okay let me try to reset it so sometimes esp behaves this esp8266 behaves abnormally so anyways but the step is you need to go to the tools and you need to click on esp82 sketch data upload and then it should start uploading uh the image here so if it does not work the best thing is you need to close the arduino ide and then you just restart the arduino ide then this problem will be solved so i will show you as soon as it will open then i will try to upload the data again to the file system so this is the under tools you need to go to the tools and esp8266 sketch data upload so you will see that it is already upload image started and it is writing all the files which are there inside data folder to the file system inside the file system of esp8266 so you are seeing that it has already written hundred percent and soon it will finish uploading the images okay you are seeing there the spi ffs image upload done and it has already left the rts pin okay fine so it means so far we have transferred all the files which are here you are seeing under data folder those have been transferred inside the spi ffs file system of our esp okay let's follow the document now so once you have transferred all the data files so now finally here we need to upload the main code our main code is esp8266 multiple now we will upload this to esp once upload is done then we will simply press the reset button and we'll re-execute the code and then you should be able to see the ip address of esp will see it and then you need to go to that ip address in the web browser and then you should be able to see your web dashboard okay let's do that first so this is the code that i was talking that i am talking about so uh hope you have already changed the wi-fi credentials here and you will upload this code to your esp now so i just clicked on upload button so that this code will directly upload it to our esp board so it is still compiling the sketch so compilation is in progress so let's try to let's wait for some time until it compiles successfully [Music] then it will be uploaded to our esp8266 yes so almost compilation is 50 is almost done and soon it will finish the compilation let's wait for some time some more seconds so that it compiles successfully yes it's almost done it's already 70 percent done and just 30 percent more so once this compilation will be finished it will try uploading the sketch to our esp board and once that upload is done we should be good so yes compilation is done now upload started as you are seeing that uh it has already uploaded 25 of our codes to esp and yes you are seeing that 50 percent uh upload is finished and already 70 percent upload is done and 75 is done and soon in couple of seconds it will upload the whole code yes percent of produced and voila so the data upload is done so means our code uh the multiple adc's code has been uploaded to our esp board so now we have to open the serial monitor here and let me press the reset button in your esp to re-execute the code so as soon as i press the reset button you can see it is trying to connect to wi-fi and let's wait for some time until it connects to the wi-fi yes it has connected uh to the wi-fi you are seeing that and it got the ip address and our file system is mounted successfully and if you are seeing here it has found all the i2c devices also okay let's follow the document now what to do now so in my case the ip address that i have received is you may have got some different id okay now we will open the web browser and visit the url or the ip address that you have received so i have got this ip let me copy the ip from here i will copy the ip address and you can open the ip address in your web browser so as soon as you will open this web ui or this ip address it will show you a web dashboard something like this okay so now what you do so here i have kept a note by using left right up and down keys you can select any of the unlock pin to observe the results so on the dashboard if you'll see here our web dashboard if you if i press so you're seeing that i'm pressing right keys so you are seeing that red box is moving to right if you will press left key the red box is moving to the left direction so current direction is indicating which pin we are going to read currently we are going to show in our web dashboard so that it will be easier for us to understand that our esp is reading all the pins and we can particularly see a particular pin on the web dashboard okay so similarly if i press the down button it will come to down to the third radius and if i press again right so it is moving ahead to the fourth areas similarly you can come back you can go up so you i have made it for up down and left and right so any of the uh channel you can select let's first select the channel a0 or first ads deployment 5 means we are trying to read the a0 channel of from the first ads and the input that we will take from the output of our potentiometer so we will we will rotate the knob of the potentiometer and we will read that potentiometer value from the channel a0 of the first ads so as you see that as you see in the camera this is our first ads and let me connect the middle pin of the potentiometer to the a0 channel of our first abs so this is our first radius and i have connected to the a0 channel of first ads and you are seeing here on our web dashboard that i am seeing some brightness is already there and now when you will rotate let me try to rotate the potentiometer and let me see the effect there on our webpage so i am rotating it and you are seeing that brightness is getting reduced and you can increase the brightness also if you are rotating the potentiometer so this way you are seeing that now esp is reading channel a0 from our first ads so similarly you can read any of the channel you can read a1 a2 or a3 let's try for a3 channel now so if i will connect the potentiometer pin this is the potentiometer pin i will connect to the channel a3 of first radius and then you will move you will you will move your red box to the a3 channel of first ads so that if you will rotate the potentiometer then you can see the values of channel a3 on your web dashboard so you are seeing that the brightness is getting increased and decreased of the a3 channel of first ads triple 1 5. so this way you can see that now our esp32 is easily reading the a3 channel of the first abs and the same we can observe in our web ui also so similarly you can if you wish you can connect to any of the areas and any of the channel of that so let's try to make uh let's say for the second radius let's try to read the uh channel number a1 okay so i will connect this potentiometer to the a1 channel of our second areas so let me connect to the a1 channel so ethan channel is this is the a1 channel i have connected my potentiometer wire to the a1 channel of our second radius if you see in the camera this is my second ads and i have connected to the channel number a1 of second eds and in the web dashboard also i will take my red box to the even channel of second areas now we are seeing that i have already selected the a1 channel of second areas now i will rotate the potentiometer so if i rotate the potentiometer you are seeing that the brightness is getting changed of the even channel of second area so similarly you can you are observing now in this case our esp is reading the channel a1 from second areas so you are seeing that at the at any time you can read any of the channel from any of the abs so let's try let's do one more uh one more run and uh try to read a3 channel of fourth radius so this is our fourth idea so let's try let's do for a3 a380 third areas also so from the third radius let's try to read the a3 channel so as you see in the camera this is my third ads and i will connect this potentiometer wire to the a3 channel so i am connected to the and i have already connected to the a3 channel uh for the third area so i will take my red color box to the a3 channel for third area so you are seeing that currently you are not able to see anything because the transparency is because i think the value from this potentiometer is reading as zero so i will rotate the potentiometer so that you can see observe some brightness there so you are seeing that now it is coming more brighter so you are seeing that if i rotate it the brightness is getting changed off the a3 channel of third radius it means now esp is reading the a3 channel from our third eds so let's try to test one more channel this time let's take the a a2 channel of our fourth ads so for fourth radius i will connect to the a2 channel i have connected the potentiometer wire to the a2 channel of our fourth and last abs and i will take this red box to the a2 channel so now currently i have selected the a2 channel of fourth edius and if i will rotate the potentiometer now you can observe the brightness is getting changed in our web dashboard and you are seeing that image is also affected by the value which is uh which is being read from the potentiometer and the brightness is getting changed so this way you are seeing that now our esp is reading the channel a2 from our fourth areas so this way you are seeing that our esp is able to read any of the channel from any of the areas so this way yeah you are seeing here on the screen also the esp can easily now read 16 different analog signals so as you already know that our esp is originally it can esp8266 can only read one analog signal signal because we already have one uh analog pin a0 in our esp and it will not be able to read any uh any other analog signal more than one right so if you want to read more analog signals so for that we use ads so one from only one single ads you can read up to four different analog a from channel a0 through a3 but if you need to read more analog signals then you need to interface one ads at a time and you are seeing in this project that how do we interface multiple areas at same same time with our esp8266 and we have proof that we can easily read 16 different analog signals using four different areas by esp8266 so magicians so that's all for the day today and hope you enjoyed the session and you could learn something new and you you can use or utilize this in your future projects if you need any further information on that just let me know if you need this document if you need the code that we have used in this experiment please let me know in my whatsapp my number is already there in the description of this video or you can ask me under the comment section or let me know in my facebook group there i can reply you and can provide you this document and the code okay magician so keep sharing keep learning and keep spreading magic okay so let me stop sharing my screen and let me close the meeting so magicians have a nice time take care of yourself and arigato
Channel: IMH Videos
Views: 91
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, IOT Course, Online IOT projects, Amazon AWS IOT, MQTT IOT, Wireless IOT, XBEE, Home Automation, Learn IOT Online, firebase, Realtime database, ESP8266, ESP32, Micropython, IoT Core, Webserver, ESP Webserver, Telegram, BOT, Telegram Bot, Amazon Voice Service, Smart Home Skill, Amazon Alexa, SPIFFS, ESP Filesystem, ESP FileSystem Uploader, ESP32FS, Interrupts, PIR Sensor Motion, PIR, ESP NOW, ESP 2 Way communication, CloudWatch, IoT Rule Engine, WiFiManager
Id: WpjVBCj44iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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