ESP32 - 3D Object Representation Using MPU-6050 Module #ElecrowMaker

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hello iot magicians welcome in today's session let me quickly first share my screen and let me show that what i have for you today i think you are seeing my screen let me just quickly see if i am live welcome into today's session let me know on youtube now so we are good to go for today's session so here first let me quickly show you uh what will be the outcome or result from today's session as you are already see i have a gyroscope and accelerometer sensor here as i explained in my previous demo that we will be representing a 3d object using our sensor and esp32 on a web page and when we move our object then we can see the similar representation on our web ui so this is in the continuation of that and today we will be seeing in details how do we use our gyroscope and accelerometer sensor to represent any 3d object on a web page okay so before starting the session let me quickly demo this how this will look like and what will be the end result after today's session okay so this will be the program which i will be going through and let me quickly open the serial monitor and let me press the reset button of that so now as you as you see in my screen that my sensor is now found and i have got uh ip address of my esp32 so this will be the ip address where i will be hosting a web page rather esp32 will be uh hosting a webpage on which we can see the activities that will be happening when we rotate our object so let me quickly copy this and let me minimize all the screens so that it will be easier for you and that will be my webpage and this uh it will be the camera screen where you will see the rotation of the 3d object so let me quickly go to the url which i had got it so you are seeing that in webpage i am started getting the value of accelerometer this is some default value which i am getting when my sensor is still in static position so but if you want you can simply ignore these accelerometer readings and you are seeing that gyroscope is still static and temperature also it is showing as 39 29.89 or around 30 degrees celsius so let me now quickly rotate this object and let's see how this is shown in our web page so you are seeing if i rotate it slightly uh so you are seeing that my object is also rotated on my web page so let me try to rotate another direction yes so you are seeing as i rotate my object which is having gyroscope and i can see the object is also rotated on my web page if i rotate it fully so you are seeing this the object is also getting rotated on my web page so okay so this will be the practical and this will be the outcome of today's session so without wasting any further time let's uh get started and understand how do we program our sensor using esp32 or you can program it with esp8266 also okay so let me now minimize let me close this webpages and let's start with the document that i have for you today so this will be the document i'll be covering in detail uh i think you are able to see my screen yes okay so this is a 10 pager of documents which i am i'm covering today if you need this document and the program that i have written for this module you can ask me for that you can ask me in my facebook group or let me know in my whatsapp or just ask in the comments my whatsapp number is already there in the description of this video okay so let's get started magicians for today's session esp32 a 3d object representation using mpu6050 module so this module uh is called let me open my camera also okay so that you can see uh here with the camera so okay so this is the module i'm talking about this is mpu6050 module known as gyroscope module we'll get to know more about this module today's session okay so our aim is uh the representation of a 3d object on a web ui using mpu6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module and on rotating the 3d object the corresponding changes should be visible on the web ui okay assumption so i am just making a couple of assumptions before starting today's session or project so make sure that you fulfill all these assumptions if you are following me on this session today the assumption one is you already have installed spi ffs uploader plugin for esp32 as explained during previous session if you have not gone through my previous session where i had explained how do we install spi ffs uploader plugin for esp32 please go to that first understand that and install that because we will be using this plugin in today's session and another assumption is you already have installed below three libraries async tcp arduino underscore json and esp async web server so these are three libraries i assume that you already have installed it as i explained in my previous session again if you have not installed it please go ahead and install this or if you need this library you can search in the internet or github or ask me i will give you these libraries but make sure that before going to execute this project or before proceeding for this project you need to have these two assumptions fulfilled okay so now let's go ahead and try to understand before developing this project let's understand how this works so that it will be easier for us to understand that what we are going to do okay so the web dashboard will display the gyroscope values of x y and z axis as i already shown you we will have we will create a dashboard where we will display the gyroscope values the gyroscope values will be updated by esp every 30 milliseconds so this will be the esp which will send the gyroscope which will read the gyroscope values and it will now update the gyroscope values every after 10 milliseconds to the webpage okay the ui will also display the accelerometer value as i showed you xyz value and those values will be updated every 20 200 milliseconds so accelerometer values i'm sending after even every after 200 milliseconds from our esp to the webpage to the client and the mpu sensor library modules it also measures the temperature so the beauty of this module is it has three features one is gyroscope another is accelerometer and one more is temperature so it has temperature sensor also input so you can calculate the temperature also so we are using that also and and it will send temperature every 1000 milliseconds or every seconds you can say all these readings will be updated using server sent events so here the concept we are using is called server send events which i had explained in my previous session again so if you want to know what are servers and events you can uh go through in my previous sessions or just let me know in the comment section or ask me in my whatsapp i can explain you in more details there will be a 3d representation of the sensor on the web ui we will create a 3d representation on web ui the orientation of the 3d object it will change accordingly to the sensor orientation the current position of the sensor is calculated using the gyroscope value so whatever the position of the object that will be calculated um by this gyroscope okay the 3d object is created using javascript library call 3.js so we have used a library called 3.js to show a 3d representation of any object so these are the steps or you can say these are these are the ways that we are going to implement in our project today so if you want to see at a very high level you can understand our uh session uh whatever we are going to implement today it should look like this so you are seeing we have uh mpu module here so this is our mpu module and this mpo module is sending gyroscope accelerometer and temperature values to our esp32 using i2c protocol because this module is an i2c module so there we use i2c module to read gyroscope accelerometer temperature value in esp and then these three values is sent to our client our web client it could be any any other client using server and events okay so this is the high level overview how we are going to achieve uh this functionality today so let's try to first understand what is mpu6050 module this is a three axis accelerometer and three excess gyroscope it looks like this so this is its uh physical image that it looks like it has couple of uh iterations you are seeing that all these are i2c pins over here we will see here the pin out soon for that the gyroscope measures rotational velocity that is the change of the angular position over time along x y and z axis which is also known as roll pitch and yaw this allows us to determine the orientation of an object so the the gyroscope is actually measuring the rotational velocity like uh how many radians per second our object has been rotated along x-axis y-axis or the g-axis which is also known as raw beach and yawn if you want to know more about what is raw what is pitch and what is your you can understand it uh from this diagram or if you are further interested in seeing it in animation mode so you can visit this url youtube url so there you can see a very nice animation uh what is about what is uh raw what is pitch and what is your but these are nothing but these are just rotation along x axis y axis and the g axis and this is what this gyroscope is going to give us it gives us the rotational velocity again i am saying it gives us the rotational velocity rotational velocity is radians per second that is the change of angular position over time along x axis y axis or the g-axis if you will see your gyroscope here also let me show you in the figure here so here you are seeing that this is showing me the x-axis and this position is showing me the y-axis and perpendicular of this will be the g axis so this way we can we can see that this gyroscope can be rotated along either x y or z or n along any axis okay the accelerometer now so the first thing was the gyroscope which i already explained next is the accelerometer it also measures acceleration so what is acceleration it is nothing but the rate of change of velocity of any object right so it senses the static forces like your gravity or dynamic forces like vibration and movement this is the beauty of this uh sensor so this sensor measures acceleration over x y or g axis so how much rate of change of the velocity is there for any object x axis y axis or the g axis so it gives the that change of the velocity means the acceleration along x y or g x of course ideally in a static object the acceleration over g axis is equal to the gravitational force because g x s is the perpendicular let me show you so for this sensor for this gyroscope the g axis is the perpendicular to that so if it is on a static position so the acceleration will be equal to your gravitational force and it should be 0 along x and y axis so this is just information about acceleration and using this we can so using the values from the accelerometer is it possible to calculate the roll and pitch angles using trigonometry but it is not possible to calculate the yaw so as you are seeing here so the yaw which is along x-axis rotation so accelerometer using this accelerator we can calculate the uh roll and pitch but we cannot calculate uh the yaw so but uh since this has this this module has gyroscope as well as accelerator so if we combine both of these two features so if you combine the information from both from both the sensors to get the accurate information about the sensor orientation then we can get the information about the correct orientation of any object so in short this sensor has accelerometer uh this sensor has gyroscope so using gyroscope and accelerometer sensor we can easily identify the rotation of any object and along with that we have temperature sensor also inside this so we can calculate the ambient temperature also okay this beautiful sensor is very very helpful for in many of our projects so first let's try to understand what is it spin out how it looks like so it is an i2c module as i already explained so it will be having your clock clock pins the data pins scl and sda so here you see it has these many pins the vc zip in the ground pin the clock pin the data pin and we have uh auxiliary serial data and auxiliary serial clock also and then we have i2c address select pin and finally we have the interrupt page so these are the pin that we have in this sensor uh we'll just see uh soon we'll see how we interface this with our esp32 but before that you can you can have a look uh how the x-axis rotation looks like how y-axis rotation so this is a x-axis rotation when we rotate our sensor along x so if you want to rotate along y so you can rotate along this axis and this perpendicular axis is the z-axis if you want to rotate your sensor along z okay so now let's talk about the interfacing it with esp32 we use below connection scheme to connect our mpu sensors to esp32 so vcc of mpu will be connected to 3.3 volt of our esp ground will be connected to the ground of our esp the scl pin you are seeing the third pin is sclp in this one the serial clock the serial clock pin will be connected to gpio 22 of our esp32 and the sda pin the serial data pin it will be connected to our gpio uh pin number 21 remember these are these pins are corresponding to my esp32 which is a 30 pin header esp32 so this esp is a 30 pin header every sp if you have some different esp then you may have some different pin for your scl and st8 so you need to connect these pins according to your esp board okay and rest of the pins you can simply leave blanks so effectively you can say we are just using these four pins the vcc pin the ground pin the cl pin and the sda pin and rest of the pins i am simply leaving it blank okay and if you want to see the fridging diagram i have drawn that also for you so this is the fridging diagram where you can see vcc has been connected this wire red wire is connected to the 3.3 volt this black wire is the ground wire which is connected to the ground of our esp the green wire is scl and this green wire is connected to gpio 22 here and the white wire is the sda pin which is connected to you are seeing gpio21 in my esp32 okay so that's that's about the phrasing and this is our physical excuse me these are the physical connections that you can see here now before moving ahead we need to install the libraries which will be required for our project so installing the libraries for mpu6050 in arduino ide so please follow the below steps to install the libraries we need for this project so again i have given all the steps with screenshots so easily you can easily follow this and execute this but still if you have any issues any problem let me know i can help you on that so let's go ahead and try to install the libraries so first you need to open the arduino ide connect your esp board identify its com port and select the com port and the board in your arduino so let me show you here so from here you will open arduino ide and then you will connect to your board mine is esp32 dav module i have already selected from here esp32 dev module is selected then you will select the com port so okay mine is com4 i have connected already connected to the comfort okay com 4 port is connected now go to sketch include libraries and manage libraries so you need to now install the libraries called adafruit mpu605 so you need to go to sketch include libraries and manage libraries let me show you so inside sketches menu you will go to include libraries and there you will go to manage libraries and here you need to search for adafruit mpu6050 library that you want to install for this project so let me go here and i'll search for this adafruit mpu6050 and you are seeing mine is already installed but for you the install button will come you just need to click on the install and then it will install your adafruit mpu6050 so this is one of the library you need to install second you need to install adafruit unified sensor library so again you will copy this sensor library and again you will search for this library and if you will come at the bottom of this you just need to scroll it and till the bottom until you reach the bottom so here you will find the adafruit unified sensor this library also you have to install in my case it is already installed but you will get install button you just need to install that also and finally you have to install one more library it's called adafruit bus io so for that also you will search this library here in the library manager and once you will find the library at upfront bus so you need to either install or you can update also i you can see that i have got an update of this version i have installed 183 but you are seeing that they have come up with the newer version 190 and then you can update it if required so i don't want to update it right now so just want to close it so once you have installed all these three libraries then uh our next task is to find uh gian gyro x error 0 y error and 0 z error of your sensor so what are these error values first let's let's understand that so i have given all this information in detail in this document you just need to follow step by step and once you will follow these step by step it will be easier for you to implement to execute your project okay so once we have installed all these three libraries we are good to go ahead and we can now use our sensor in our project but before actually writing our code we need to first find out the gyro x error the gyro y error and the zero z error so what all these errors means let's first try to understand that and then we'll try to find out what are the values of these errors okay the xyrox error the y error or the z error these are known as gyroscope offset values these are used to prevent small oscillations of the sensor so if you want to if you will see in the static position of the sensor if your sensor is not moving and it is in the static position and still if you are getting some x values or y values or z values from your sensor or your sensor is reading these values it means like uh at this stable condition also it is having some error values it's getting some values along x y or z axis and those are the values that we should know should ignore during our program and that's why these are called the error values so we'll first we'll try to find what are the error values for our gyroscope for each x y and z axis and then we can simply ignore those offset values during our program okay so zyro x error it is the rotation x value produced by gyroscope when the sensor is placed in the step suppose your gyroscope is placed in the static position and in that case whatever uh x value rotational x value or you can see you can say the gyroscope value along x axis in this static position it is known as the zero xl and the xyro y error is the same when your sensor is placed in the static position and whatever y y value is provided by your gyroscope that y value is known as gyro y error similarly the rotation z z value produced by zyroscope when the sensor is placed in the static position so like that you will find out what is the zero x error zero y error in the zero z error for your sensor remember while programming gyroscope we should neglect these changes that are less than or equal to the gyroscope offset value so if there's any changes are happening in your sensor which are within your gyroscope error values or gyroscope offset value so we will neglect those rotations or those oscillations this means we will consider the rotation only if the delta changes more than the corresponding offset values right it makes sense if there will be any change uh corresponding to x y or z excess if those changes uh are more than the offset values then only we will consider those changes otherwise we will simply ignore those changes so how do we find those values so to know these gyroscope offset values please follow the below steps i have shown you the step how do we identify our x y or z error values of this sensor so first you need to connect your sensor to your esp32 as described above so as i have explained of course you need to connect your sensor to your esp32 using i2c protocol vcc pin the ground pin the clock pin and the data pin to your esp32 once you have connected it then you need to go to the file examples and then from there you will go to adafruit mpu 6050 and then you need to open basic underscore reading so this is the sketch which will give you the x y and z rotation of the object when the or when the sensor is placed in the static positions so let's try to first see that i will go here examples and under examples you can you can check the mpu error from mpu 6050 and inside this you can open this basic reading sketch so this is the basic reading sketch if you see here this is the sketch which gives us the gyroscope x y and z values and if you will keep your gyroscope in a static position then those xyz values you can consider as the offset values or the gyroscope error values along x y and z okay so once you have opened that sketch you just need to upload that sketch to esp32 and then you need to reset uh you need to then you need to press the reset button to re-execute the program okay so first let me try to upload this to my esp32 so i am clicking this upload button and you are seeing that it's already started compiling and here the compilation is in progress so let it compile almost compilation is almost done and yes the compilation is done now uploading started so uploading is also finished done uploading so now you can open the serial monitor from here and i can it it is saying that failed to find an mpu605 first let me try to reset my esp32 so okay you are seeing that as soon as i reset the esp32 you are seeing that i have started getting accelerometer values rotation x and the temperature values so as i already explained in my document you need to you need to consider the values of your rotation along x y and z axis so since you are seeing my gyroscope is in in the static position it is not moving it is in static position and at this position still i am getting some values around along x y and z axis so along x i am getting an average value is equal to zero that's okay means i do not have any error you know offset around along the x axis and along y axis i am seeing some rotational value is 0.01 radian per second and along z axis i am seeing an average value of 0.02 radians per second so these are these i will consider as an error for my gyroscope and gyroscope x error will be called 0 0 and gyroscope y here error will be known as will be equal to 0.01 and the gyroscope z error will be equal to 0.02 radians per second okay so once you have uh identified your xyz error you can just make a note of that so like that i have made a note of my x y and z error so we will soon use these error values when we write our program because remember we need to ignore these rotation chain rotational changes in our object great so now we have achieved one of our milestone now let's proceed to complete the this project now we'll create a new program and copy our code esp32 gyroscope three dot ion so yes so this is our code so if you need this code let me know i'm providing this code ask me in my facebook group or let me know in the comments video comment section of this video or ask me in my whatsapp my number is already there in the description of this video if you will ask me in the whatsapp that will be the fastest approach that i can approach you or provide you because there i will be easily accessible in my whatsapp so just ask me over there so now you have to open let me first close this basic reading program so now you have to open your arduino ide and paste our code which i have written here yes for the code is esp32 gyroscope 3d so this is the code that you have to copy and paste there you have to provide your wi-fi values and zyroscope offset values as noted from above step and save it remember we had already noted down our gyroscope xyz error values here so now we have to copy these values and we have to provide in our program esp32 gyroscope 3d dot io let me open it and show you so in this section you need to provide the wi-fi credentials and if you scroll down at this position line number forty four forty five forty six around somewhere here the variable zero x error zero y error and the zero zero so here you have to provide your gyroscope xyz error values which you had already copied hope this is all clear and now you are getting how to implement it it's not that difficult i i believe if still you have any issues any any difficulty in implementing it just let me know i can help you more on this okay so let's just follow the document this is pretty straightforward document easy document and nice to follow with all the screenshots and the steps so next we will have to do sketch and show sketch folder once we have copied all the gyroscope xmyz error we have updated with our wi-fi credentials in the iono code and we have saved our i know code the next step is we need to go to sketch and click on show sketch folder when you will click on this show sketch folder it will take you inside your current sketch folder and you need to there you need to copy the data folder there so again data folder you will not be having this data folder with you so i will provide you this data folder let me know if you need this data folder you have to use this folder because all the web files all the required javascript css files to create the web page are stored inside this data folder so you must need this data folder also let me know in the comment section or ask me in my whatsapp or in the facebook group there i can provide you the data folder so what you have to do first you have to go to sketch show sketch folder it will take you to the current sketch folder and then you have to copy the data folder which i'll give you let me show you first so from here if you will go to here and sketch and then you will go to show sketch folder if you click on this so this will take you inside your sketch folder where your sketch is stored so this is our sketch esp32 gyroscope 3d dot i know and you are seeing this is the location of my sketch and here you have to paste the data folder which i have provided you okay so now once you have copied the data folder let's see what's the next step the data folder should contain five files so when you so if you want to check that data folder what all is there inside that so go ahead and you need to open in the folder open the folder and you need to get all these five files inside that so let me show you i'll open this data folder and here you are seeing i have five files one two three four and five so these five files are there so these are the javascript html and couple of image files which are required to cook our web page or a 3d web page where we are going to show our logo or the gyroscope accelerometer and temperature data values okay so now what all changes we have to do in any of the scripts let's go ahead and see in the file script.js instead of using the binary image image.png we are using equivalent base64 code so yeah one information that i would like to give you here inside our script.js file in this file let me show you so in this file i am not using the binary image file in the form of the in the bio in the form of binary mode i am using base64 code equivalent for my png file okay so let me show you where i am talking about this so if you will scroll there so here if you will see uh the image file which i have i am using so this complete code you are seeing here which i am highlighting so this code is the base64 equivalent code of my image image.png let me show that image also so this is the image i am talking about let me open this image so this is the image that i am going to use in my webpage so this will be the image which will be rotated and it will show the 3d representation and i am not using this image as is as i am already seeing in the binary form i need to take the base64 code for this image so you can use any of your image and then you can convert that image into equivalent base 64 code so yeah how do you convert an image to how do you get the base 64 code equivalent of your image yes that's the next question for you i know so if you wish to use this so don't worry i have given the solution here if you wish to use your own image file then you need to get the equivalent base64 code for that image and you need to put it inside this function so if you are seeing here once you have got the base64 code then you inside the function as you are seeing this is the function three dot text texture loader dot load and inside this from here you need to delete this 64 code which which is my 64 code and you have to paste your base64 code which is which you went to your image file if you want to use your own image file if you want to continue with the same image which i have here you are welcome to use my logo but if you want to have your own logo or you want to use your own image you can do that also so from where you will get this base code yes you can get the base64 code of your image from this link so if you let me show you so if i'll go here i'll go to this link you are seeing inside this link so it asks you to upload a file so let me let me give any png file suppose i am giving this png file so here you will provide any of the png file it will upload and then you will just click on encode image to base64 so as soon as you will click it so it will give you the base64 equivalent of your image you can directly copy this and it has been copied uh in your clipboard and then you can simply go here and delete this and you can paste delete this entire code till here till the end you delete this and you paste your base64 equivalent code for your image okay hope uh that is okay and clear for you you don't have any doubt you don't have any confusion on this still if you have any doubt or unable to do that let me know i can help you on that okay let's follow the document once you have got the base64 code for your image you just and you have provided inside the function three dot texture load dot load and then you have you have to save that script.js next we need to transfer so that's it so that's the only change that you have to do in your file inside your data folder so again and let me recap this data folder is having these five files and out of these five files you just need to modify script.js that also if you want if you don't want if you want to continue with the with my image logo you can do that otherwise if you want to change this is the only file script.js where you have to provide the base64 code equivalent of your image logo okay that's cool now once we have we have our code with us we have already written the code we already have prepared our data file and now we are good to go ahead so now first thing we need to transfer the data file into esp32 again so now our first task is we have to transfer all these five files inside our esp32 okay so how do we do that yes you got it so you have to go to tools and from there you will have sketch data upload so you need to just click on that as soon as you will click that all the data files which are inside data folder those will be copied inside your esp32 file system okay let me show you let me do that so from here if you go to the tools and esp32 sketch data folder sorry spi ffs failed because my com port is running i think let me close the serial monitor so let me try to do it again and esp32 sketch data upload i will start so now spi ffs uploading image uploading started so you are seeing that spi ffs upload uh upload is completed okay so once uh all our data files have been uploaded to our esp32 file system then you should see below message something like this spi ffs image uploader uploaded so as you are seeing here in my esp32 it is showing spi ffs image uploaded but you are not seeing the progress over here because because of this arduino issue let me show you again close this and let me open my arduino ide again because sometimes if your arduino ide is not refreshed then such kind of issues occur with this ide so let me try to do it again so i will go to sketch and sorry sorry in the tools i will go esp32 sketch data upload then you can see that it is connected to com4 port and it started writing uh the all the files which are inside data folder to my esp32 file system and finally you are seeing that all the data has been copied inside esp32 so now at this at this time at this present moment all the data which i had inside let me show you the data again one more time okay so that's the data so all these files now have been copied inside esp32 file system so what do we do next let's go ahead and follow the document and now finally we have to copy our code and we'll have to upload our ino code into esp32 the code which we had written this gyroscope 3d now we have to upload this code in our esp32 so okay i will go here and i'll click upload so you are seeing the it is compiling the sketch so compilation is in progress so by the time it compiles let's see what we have to do now and finally copy our code and we'll upload our ino code into esp32 yes for this click the upload button and press the boot button if needed sometimes you require to press the boot button to upload your code to your esp32 board if it requires a if it is asking for you to press the boot button just do that and once your upload will be done then you have to open the serial monitor and then press the reset button of esp32 to re-execute the code and then you you should see mpu 6050 device found message along with the ip address of esp32 so once your code will be uploaded and you have restarted your serial monitor then you will you should find the ip address of your esp32 and you should see a message saying our sensor our gyroscope sensor has been found okay so let's see what's the progress here still it is compiling so for the first time if you will open arduino ide so it takes a little bit more time to combine but afterwards it is faster to compile uh yeah so as i just opened my arduino ide so it's taking a little bit longer but yeah that should be fine it should compile without any issues and once the compilation is done we should be ready to open our yes so compilation is done now it's trying to upload the sketch in our esp board so already uh upload is also done you are seeing yeah it's 100 done so done uploading successfully now you will open the serial monitor from here and let me press the reset button so here is the reset button of esp i'm pressing it yes so as soon as i press it it is trying to connect to the wi-fi first you are seeing wi-fi is connected i got the ip address our spiff is mounted successfully and the sensor is also found successfully so so far so good everything is on right track and now we can easily copy this ip address and so let's follow the document what the document says so once your web browser once you have got the ip address you need to open the web browser and you need to go to the ip address you need to type the ip address in your web browser mine is this and then you can do the magic happening okay let's go let's go and do that so let me open the browser here close this and i will open the browser here so you are seeing now the web browser is already there and my image is already there so let me try to slightly rotate this my gyroscope so it's you're seeing i am slightly rotating and you are seeing and the object is also getting rotated okay let me open the camera another view so that you can see it uh more clearly here so now i think you you are seeing it more clearly now the camera or the my gyroscope so you are seeing if i am rotating my gyroscope the image is also getting rotated let me try to rotate in some other angle another axis so you are seeing yes it is perfectly behaving as if i am rotating the object in the real time so you are seeing that it is properly working fine if i rotate it in the z-axis so all the rotations are working as expected okay magician so so you can rotate it faster also you are seeing it is a very responsive working like a charm okay magician so let me now try to put it on the static position so you are seeing now the sensor is resting and i'm not receiving any gyroscope values still i'm getting some accelerometer values because i'm not neglecting the errors for accelerometer you can do the same also so the small changes that you are seeing in accelerometer you can simply ignore those when your sensor is at rest place okay and the temperature also you're seeing is 30.27 or 30 degree celsius which is getting updated every after one second so magicians uh this is what i have for you for the day today and hope you enjoyed the session today and you are going to implement it and if you face any difficulty implementing it let me know in my facebook group or ask in the comments section and or let me know in my facebook or let me know my whatsapp where i'm accessible easier for you easily for you my whatsapp number is there in the description of this video and do like subscribe this and always happy to help you magicians have a great time let me stop sharing my screen and let me close the meeting thank you magicians thank you and arigato have a nice time
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Keywords: IOT, Raspberry Pi, IOT Course, Online IOT projects, Amazon AWS IOT, MQTT IOT, Wireless IOT, XBEE, Home Automation, Learn IOT Online, firebase, Realtime database, ESP8266, ESP32, Micropython, IoT Core, Webserver, ESP Webserver, Telegram, BOT, Telegram Bot, Amazon Voice Service, Smart Home Skill, Amazon Alexa, SPIFFS, ESP Filesystem, ESP FileSystem Uploader, ESP32FS, Interrupts, PIR Sensor Motion, PIR, ESP NOW, ESP 2 Way communication, CloudWatch, IoT Rule Engine, WiFiManager
Id: 5V408EokYsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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