Emergency Tree Removal To Save A House - Bigleaf Maple Logging

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there she [Music] goes right welcome back to my channel um I've got kind of a wild one today you probably can't tell but this is like crazy steep otherwise I'd have my bucket truck out here but uh it's too steep look at us this is on uh Mercer Island Washington just all the driveways on this island are just crazy and it's steep so we've got a big Maple it's probably 20 in or so so it's snapped and it's laying on the roof and there's this other tree underneath it it's kind of a wild one we've got to get this off the house and you know the tree is not super big but we've got to get this out and I was looking at this job I was trying to come up with the game plan and to get this tree down and look at this other Maple that I found this thing is totally Hollow and it's filled with water I mean it's just nasty tree and every branch on it leans over the house so we're going to take this one out too we've got Isaac Kevin and Randy around here somewhere so anyways I told her look ma'am this tree needs to come down too I mean this thing is going to fail so we're doing this tree as well it's about the same size as that Maple so it's not super big but it's in a crazy spot it's over the roof it's steep it's up in this other fur so I'm going to have I ISAC is going to climb this fur and set a block in the top of it he'll uh he'll use Spurs cuz it's safer and it's got really thick bark I'm totally confident on using Spurs but the maple has thin bark and so Kevin's going to go up that one spurless that way Kevin can swing out there and tie that thing off and then we're going to we we'll address that tree first and then from the same rigging point we'll get this tree down as well Randy's going to be running this you know yeah I'm also be timing Isaac yeah so Ry ry's here to time Isaac and grill for us we'll probably just have to rip like cut in half the lower 8 ft or so on both these trees cuz my chipper is 16 in you know what's crazy is I bought this dump truck it's so steep I couldn't get the truck up here the hitch just smashes the uh the driveways but we've got a winch so we're going to make piles and just winch them down may even use the winch for rigging I don't know but uh this is the marar bvr 16 it's a 16inch chipper so this will actually chip most of those trees we might need to rip the bottom section of both um I bought this dump truck for wood and you know what's crazy is I chip into it like every day I'd like to find some sort of cap for it to hold the chips because they they blow out the side a lot and I'm getting ramps built it's got to get some Fab work done I'm getting ramps built so I I want to be able to drive my Avant and stump grinder into it that's really why I bought this truck I can take the Avant stump grinder and chipper all in one truck Randy setting the grcs on that tree which you can buy at sabys supplies.com you buy all the stuff we're using today at sabys supplies.com really so I'm going to go get my helmet on and yeah I'll see you guys in a minute wonderful M thank you Isaac headed up he's got man what an animal he's carrying his climbing line and the block and the riging line and the zip line he probably just doesn't know any better what you talking I wanted to heavy hul drop it down yeah just had the whole bag on he's still so it's so nice he's so young and spry and he's excited I'm like hey go climb that tree he's like oh okay being timed so I's excited up that guy are you going to access the tree from the roof yeah oh nice some clean up to do real quick I'm going to go up there too check it out oh the roof's nice and flat oh shoot I can cut a bunch of stuff but I don't know if I can get it down there though all right dude I'm like 35 ft up here crazy this house is [Music] wild so in this predicament here it's like this this tree is resting on the house you know but I still want to clean up and figure out what I'm doing so just a little simple shake you know figure out what's actually holding the tree up you know like just grab it and shake it if it if it doesn't move that much then I don't want to cut it cuz it's loadbearing but if it if it Jiggles a lot then I know I can cut it look how high up this is this is crazy it's not even the top of the house I'm cutting a [Music] stub they're like skylights up here and stuff you got to be really careful it's kind of crazy this tree is like uh none of these branches are holding the bulk of it they're all just holding a little bit of it [Music] yeah anything I can get that's not supporting this thing oh yeah see that one's like stiff so I don't want to cut that but anything I can get that's cut just makes this whole thing easier easier to understand too like you just cut what's loose and then everything else makes a lot worse [Music] a [Music] [Music] might even like uh maybe even two Manning this up here like what yeah what do you think about coming up here Randy I'm really scared ladder I got it buddy if you cut I'll check oh wow this is kind of wild isn't it dude we're like high up here oh man this crazy and there's like no good place to throw stuff what's over here I'm kind of like I mean it's right here may I please yeah yeah I'm going [Music] just D look how high up we are D this is like this is like 60 ft up like imagine the bucket truck this is like how high the bucket would [Music] be see the whole thing shift you C that this is like the highest dude this is the highest roof I've ever been on this is crazy me too this house is just straight up Wild [Music] that's clever to get in the what's that that was clever of Kevin to get in from the roof what about like a t-shirt of like two guys with a pile of Rush this say drag racing and like running that be cool I'm thinking we should tie these like together like both of these yeah and not like half it one and enti other but actually clip both together that way it lifts evenly you know what I mean like one big loop yeah you know what I mean cuz if you just do one and then the other it's going to it's going to tilt but if you do both of them it'll pick up straight you see anything that I should get rid of in here like I get rid of this St right here oh yeah the lowest three branches just raise the whole canopy they already kind tore up too you see that one's missing out I mean it ideal yeah cut that whole thing out yeah and then this whole thing yeah [Applause] yeah got it uh just I I'll catch it just just throw it to me or or do the swing one more one more got it if you need me down there for anything Isaac I might ask you guys a few questions in a second just about placement of everything I'm really not here for questions I think we're done on the yeah I think we're done on the roof other day my wife was asking me a lot of questions about our like my life insurance policy was making me uncomfortable I'm like why are you asking so many questions about this did you want the block on that side put it directly on the side between the fur and the maple right here okay it's kind of a crappy angle but there's no good angle here anyways and then I think what we'll do is probably have the speed line lower down here so block here where it is yeah and then the zip line right above [Music] it got I got you you got me I got you is this a Lou I'm having like PTSD back in Florida you know how be with me dog I've always sketch you going up the ladders I'm going one day you're going to come show up my house I'm going to have a big ladder truck like the fire department has you're going to go up that and do the tree ride I got it for pruning perfect I'm going to flick this line to you ready this a 300t stable braid is that available with a SPL it is available side supplies with a uh I splice this one myself I don't splice the ropes at sappy but you have eyesa set up the J see yeah help in the tree down your eyes we need you hello sir looking good Isaac here I'll hold it you put the strap around this is the first for me I was telling Isaac how much contract climbing sucks to on the way here yeah he was convincing me to go contract climb are you telling how Goody's got it yeah dude you just show up you go home you just crack open a nice Cold Mountain Dew Mountain Dew whatever you you people drink yeah struggle dude you want me to get it tight you can from there I thought you were going to be able to kind of a climber are you can't even set up a grcs in the tree I thought you were going to be able to do it faster like this is I've never set a JCS 15 ft in a tree before [Laughter] what first time [Music] w [Music] it goes in only one way yep the top top oh I didn't know it said that that's that's amazing amaz all right let go put this in a little hole oh nice all right all right you want to toss that Carabiner out at Isaac's face wait isy turn your face towards Kevin so he knows where to throw it yeah let me see that beautiful Money Maker all right Isaac you're going to take off you're going to you're going to climb that Maple now the broken one oh that broken one over there and you're going to set a block in that one too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah yeah keep a hold of one end of it though yeah I'll have in I'm just going to throw it back to you yep ready for it that too far oh it's good yep all right we're all together now in your in your Loop are you coming down probably do you want me to take your saw yeah I just wanted to fall into your arms oh here it's going right underneath the broken butt and this this top is secured though just for what it's worth I'm going to just tighten it up a little bit all right so Isaac is going up this tree he's going to cut off all the limbs he's going to set a block up there and basically we're going to cut it there and then we'll be lowering it from that point and lowering it from that point right into here and then we'll winch it down to the chipper and then from there we'll keep we we'll uh kind of lower the wood down so yep is's going up this guy now [Music] [Music] yeah ISAC [Music] aome head up yeah it's pretty I mean it's almost off it's just this back little strap like that much it's not not much is on okay so Isaac yeah you're I'm going to tie that one to the butt yeah you're going to do your thing like normal but in addition after you tie that to the butt pull this line up I'm going to give you and put it a little further out like just past the ran line on the butt if that makes sense okay yeah take a step up man take a couple steps up it's kind of hard it's on this weird swoop you'll be happy you stepped up I am happier now yeah I am happy okay you're good Randy all right cool let me uh I'm going to tell tell me if it gets out of control for you it's like a tiny branch I'm going to cut real quick so don't don't pull yet okay now that should be totally cleared you can pull that tight hey Isaac yeah you got to stop dropping the branches down the hill I don't care all right I'm going to pull pretty tight and you're not okay strong guy all right one two three and wrapped around down and knocked off all right go ahead and tighten that up Kevin here we go in fact if I cinch up the winch right now it's going to be less likely to kick back into Isaac don't you think I yeah all right hang on for a second Kevin yep yeah something dropped I didn't see what it was but yeah just close your eyes brother this is one of those close your eyes and cut situation anyway I don't want to see what's coming all right pulling the Wich tight oh you you stopped yeah you're you're good it was pulling the tree oh wow okay all right so now Kevin pull yours a little more here we go it's got a it's collapsing or it's bringing both of them together here I was going to say it's it's it's Wishbone in it a crazy shot of you Isaac just totally oh wa something Gabe probably just slipping a little just it might have been a fur branch it might have just been slipping on the maple a little bit just all right we're going to keep going what do you think you think it's time time to cut it Randy or or pull it tighter I mean how's the Rope feeling like above it Kevin is it pretty tight um it does feel tight just keep going Kevin really Crank That Thing fine okay I I think I think you I think Isaac can cut it now don't you don't you guys I think so I think get off the yeah okay just stop so Isaac just really slowly cut a little bit at a time we don't know where the tension is yeah okay trim this butt so it's not a bunch of knives yeah I'm just cutting this just in case it peels down unexpected there she goes all right you all good Isaac yeah I'm good all right winching in I'm going to keep an idle low so we can talk are you lower in your end I'm lowering mine as he's going towards the chipper I'm basically letting him drag it yeah yeah hold yours Randy and then yeah okay now pull winch it in a bit Yeah you can let it down Kevin a bit yeah let yours down cuz it's almost good place to just sit it down yeah there you go yours is well it's pulling hard yeah I'm trying to get you to not uh cuz he's pulling on the winch that's why I wanted to get in the I know you're in the rigging so that's always sucks yeah it looks good all right we're down one sec look at that yeah bu W I'm dropping mine to the ground yep you're all good I'm going to get the rigging undone and I'll re I'll take off all these ropes nice job boys that was awesome okay nice job down there Isaac thanks we all pulled pulled straws and then we're like why don't we just have Isaac do it perfect thanks [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] beautiful hold it hold it Kevin should we put the the Wench line on it right now will it reach you think yeah I think it'll reach nice dude let's do the same thing but from the ground we'll use this line as the Wich you know what I mean I got a I got an idea get close I'm going to pull on that you're keeping it's going to hopefully lift it up I'm feeling strong I [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I see half itch and running bowling yeah you said card I tried to do it and I got all messed up [Music] there we go yep just hold it Kevin we'll put the winch on [Music] that all right Isaac you can let yours down yeah yeah I'm good on the count of three we're going to drop it all right [Music] one 2 three oh nice [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] M that wind side is not very good I don't know what that [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] premium all maple wood chip perfect for a playground all right yeah I need a cap for this truck so this I I really like how I don't like how the winch doesn't have a uh this has to be engaged which is the same on the bandits but the bandits have an extra button that you push it'll chew for like an inch which makes it nice to get it in there get it started then put this way then choose this doesn't I have to lift the thing I have to shove it in and uh so I wish it had something where I could just chip a little bit I don't like how it has four settings and but I do like how the the feed wheel opens really slow and it closes really slow so I can open it and I've got like 5 Seconds by myself I can put a piece of wood in there before it closes instead of trying to have two people or trying to do one with each hand I can lift it come over here and I've got a few seconds so but I do love this chipper but it has a few porks that I don't really like like the winch uh setup and um and this four stage reverse bar is kind of weird time for my favorite part of the day [Music] [Music] super sketchy ah man hard it work look at you slaving away oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] these are brush bues available at sappy supplies.com they're it's all wood so if it goes through the chiper it doesn't dull your blades pretty nasty piece of Deadwood here Isaac all right I'm going to cut this hanger stuff out of my [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you headache yeah how easy is it going to be able to get it to me oh sweety yeah that was freaking awesome how' you pack this bag man just W it up it puts a knot in the zip line so that the piece can't can't come flying at me can't come flying at them guilty of trees and shirts available at sappy supplies.com America thought you said cheap insurance cheap insurance guilty of trees and shirts cheap insurance I should start selling cheap insurance cheap insurance yeah Saddles ropes cheap insurance t- shirts zip it zip it [Music] [Applause] good nice how we going to get the rest away the chipper Isaac's here where you at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Isaac hello guys I got it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it free I got to let go ready on this piece wooo [Music] yeah nice that was awesome [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we've got it tip tide to that fur and then Kevin's going to cut it right there and he's uh we've got it then on the zip line right there so it's going to just it's not going to fly down the zip line cuz Isaac's going to lower it but Randy's going to hold this line tight he's got a montrous hitch on that sling and this is going to just slowly control basically he's lowering it down but it's going to slide down the speed line and it's going to lower to right here rather than that crazy [Music] Hillside all right Kevin's got a second side got Randy one up [Music] there oh there we go we're good we're good we're good is there still wood there lift it up a little bit Isaac wow that thing's tall okay I'm lifting oh yeah dude this is great now that's a good angle there we go okay what's that look like up there I don't want to bust anything else out I think that's good can you cut the rest of it Kevin I think that's solid dude that's awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice there we go this is a crazy tree dude this tree is in a crazy spot how's that feel Randy feels good all right go ahead and pull up Randy all right lower it Isaac keep going Randy keep going Isaac it's fine don't freak out it's fine I think I can get it back on the ball the right way it's slipping back on the right way okay I got it back on help me out here hold on it all right uh I think we're going to take the zipline off he yeah wow quite the task getting this thing out yep keep going Randy you hold it tight Isaac hold it Randy lower at Kevin yep all the way Kevin all right Kevin you're good all the way just drop it all right you good everybody just we're we're there right in the road woo right in the road the whole top of the tree those snapping you were hearing were the tops pulling together that's what I wasn't sure if it was that or coming from the fur but I was just yeah I just like didn't want to be in it anymore chip it for me Randy [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah keep cranking [Music] [Music] oh yeah kind of crazy like it's a lot of money worth of just gear to get the these trees down you know yeah like how many ropes we 1.4 I'm going to even count his rope and we were like five ropes yeah five times something just round up two that's five * two is $1,000 $2,500 worth R oh these are like 300 ft like this is like $1,500,000 to $1,500 in rope grcs is$ 3600 so we're almost like us for like 10 million dollars a piece yeah we're like five grand and just roping the grcs truck and chipper that's like 140,000 how to use it yeah the saws that's how many I don't know thousands it's crazy you got to break it down like customers why is it so much well I have $200,000 worth of equ GE I'm just on here I got I got more gear I got more home too yeah just here about 300 bucks you know yeah D my I had this guy pulled into my driveway the other day like a neighbor of mine he's like hey I got some branches just how much to cut them off my tree I'm like I need to look at it I was like I'll just follow you I'll go look right now and I go look and he's got like a few trees I'm like yeah I do this for like 500 bucks like 500 bucks and I was like what were you expecting he said 100 bucks and uh with my bucket truck and I'm like well I can do this tree and this tree for like 200 bucks but I'm not going to do it any cheaper than that and he's like well my nephew did this tree for me for free but he won't return my call the only reason I said I'd do it for 200 is cuz he was just like a few doors down from me you know like yeah like I thought I was doing him a favor where we going to put this stuff back of the service truck yeah you see a Scabbard any oh almost lost my Scabbard yeah I put a SC somewhere it should be down there oh it's on theer oh yeah I find the bucket truck not getting used much these days like it's pretty much exclusively a bucket truck now you know great job guys that was a hard hard one scoundrel you know what's so crazy to me is like as a contract climber I've worked at so many tree services that have crappy blowers and it's so crazy to me because like there's no better way to waste everybody's time than to have like a really crappy leaf blower on a job you got everybody waiting on the guy blowing like guys with handheld ones instead of the backpack ones like it is so worth the money to just buy a big blower like like the I like the br800 but you know the big red Max big rusky big still it's got to be a backpack it is such a waste of everyone's time to not have a good blower nice job man that was some kind of advanc crazy stuff what that was some kind of crazy stuff that tree you did yeah it was pretty narly hey nice job Kevin oh of course thank you hard yep oh yeah those some nice chips hard these are some nice chips almost all wood keep going yep good
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 3,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, arborist, tree work, logging, logger, tree felling, tree topping, wood, wood working, construction, demolition, blue collar, manly stuff, wood cutting, chainsaw carving, tree, trees, dangerous jobs, extreme jobs, climbing, climber, Landscaping, arboriculture, send it, sappy supplies, sappy, tree removal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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