[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda II: Randomized ~ 2022 Thanksgiving

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chat welcome to this year's Zelda 2 randomized 2022 Edition Happy Thanksgiving we're gonna do this five palaces out of six needed to complete [Laughter] otherwise I have some new stuff some new options this year um encounters are shuffled on the Overworld we got some random biomes we've got community rooms from the Palaces [Music] randomized boss item drops we've got um enemies are shuffled HP and large and small enemies are mixed in so they could be anywhere it could be a complete nightmare chat so enemies could be a nightmare but also attacks could be randomized and they could be good if I'm lucky my attacks will be better um randomized spell enemy replaced fire with Dash um but also experience could be good I got experience drops increased a bit so I tried to balance it but also we'll be playing as taco foreign let's get into this what is Taco that's taco oh great we start in a fucking graveyard [Music] oh and there's a palace right here okay [Music] oh oh boy things are already wacky um yeah okay chat well here we go foreign oh well that's a quick level up um the name this is nestopia and I've been using this CRT filter for years this is I've had the same filter for like eight years um God I don't even know how to get it I'm looking for the options I don't even see them but um yeah [Music] I think this one's pretty good because it's it's not too overpowering it's just enough it's like just crusty enough oh 150 wow [Music] well again it's nestopia all the options are there in nostopia [Music] oh god oh man oh god oh man [Music] it's a good amount of pee but [Music] oh Jesus this is already Death Mountain oh God uh chat what are we doing [Music] well the Overworld sucks but we're getting some extremely generous um experience drops oh this Overworld is trash [Music] I'm so dead Thanksgiving is ruined I agree [Music] okay I have to find a way out of Death Mountain because this is not a great place to start all right so this is okay oh fuck okay so we got a raft here [Music] I need that I need that thanks [Music] okay so my question earlier was what is my fastest Rando time from previous years thanksgivings does anyone know [Music] I guess if anyone would be so kind as to to actually look that up Vinnie why are you Caillou oh fuck you just ruined it for me [Music] this is all swamp this is all swamp and graveyard chat [Music] 3 29 26 from 2020 that is my fastest run 3 29 26. okay you controlled link to kill Dark Link oh I would hope so [Music] thank you then if you pronounce swamp like clamp it's funnier swamp so this seems like it's quicker because I also played um hover bats Zelda like Advanced special edition earlier this year [Music] and there are some improvements from that that I'm going to be missing while I play this because they were really really good by the way that's still being updated so I don't know when hover is going to release that but there is a new version of it um hover if you're ever listening to this or watching this there are chat members that want you to release it it ready oh well there there he is hoverbat hello oh hammer really good first item to get chat that opens up so much of the world [Music] it released oh okay it released I don't know how to fight can you post it on the you know the Forbidden Reddit so people can find it foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well now hover bet you just need to put a randomizer in it you know no problem right that would take that would take years so just to get all the logic to make sense and B is fully featured as this I would never expect that but your version almost kind of spoiled me [Music] okay magic will go up all right chat so yeah I'm really happy about the hammer drop [Music] this world map is trash [Music] thank you so I don't know what we're gonna do about that oh there's a town okay finally a town jump town well all right well we know what's here Chad it's jump oh I can't do this unless I get the letter right foreign [Music] I'm not going to put the ducks in the window because I don't want to distract people years from now sorry chat you're being sacrificed for the future [Music] ducks are still running I have a personal rule to not make a post about it about its release okay if I make a Reddit post about the Discord yeah that's fine whatever I mean just any way for people to check it out so they can enjoy it [Music] and not one of these not right now oh those are easier okay well the randomizer made those easier at least they're worth less they're not worthless they're just worth less [Music] [Laughter] [Music] motherfucker foreign [Music] [Music] there should be oh the raft [Music] oh nice emotes however are those your emotes oh yeah you got some nice Zelda emotes there okay so um we just got the most important Mobility items [Music] so we can pretty much go almost anywhere now especially hell Vinnie my dad says hi he's a big fan uh tell your dad I said there's better content available out there and also thank you Dash town all right so this this is going to be one of these you can't see the enemies here yet big bucks no whammies that fucking game show oh God it's really expensive Vinnie you could be some chat member's Dad I know I'm okay with that I've accepted do you know what comes with age experience and wisdom so I'm okay with it [Music] right [Music] yeah this town sucks I don't think there's anything else here but I just wanted to check I always forget if this town has like another thing in it [Music] [Music] all right well the good news is now that we have the raft we're not stuck on this God forsaken continent we can check over here okay speaking of continent that's another thing age brings incontinence Chad I pooped myself four times since we started the stream today I love it [Music] a new high score [Music] this is the little the fecal funny for you uh we don't want to be here definitely not this is another shitty continent oh boy [Music] uh [Music] ah all right we're getting the worst world generation of pretty much any randomizer run I've done I think [Music] Vinnie is this tears of the Kingdom uh no this is tares of the Kingdom I mean it's a small consolation that I now have the hammer and the raft so there's at least that great great is this beatable [Music] I mean yeah it is it's gonna suck but it's definitely beatable all right fuck this continent [Music] any meat is beatable with enough patience remember that Chad that's the wisdom I was telling you about [Music] from no priest wait yes you do ah foreign [Music] just gonna ignore the chat outrage um yeah that this is I don't know who this is it's Taco I guess whoever the fuck Taco is [Music] [Music] oh uh good this is perfect [Music] good find [Music] oh another good find hey yeah not really never mind good pee though [Music] foreign [Music] God all right let's go back to the town I watched more Andor I finally got around to watching some episodes and I'm really enjoying it it's the best Star Wars stuff in terms of writing and restraint that I've seen like that I've seen that has been made since the original trilogy in my opinion [Music] it's maybe not as fun but it's really well written really well directed really well acted I'm enjoying it a lot it's um you know I read it online someone described it as it's like walking into McDonald's and getting a two Michelin star meal [Music] I loved that comparison but I'm really really enjoying the show foreign I wasn't sure I would and I had no interest in this character what so I can't even use these spells holy fuck is this a bit no I'm serious I listen I thought the Obi-Wan show had some fun moments but overall it didn't really do a whole lot for me I thought it was very trashy I thought book of Boba Fett was the best Mandalorian side season and I thought um Mandalorian season 2 was fun and pretty good except it was just all fan service at times well mostly fan service Andor is a show about things foreign and with really good writing and acting I can't believe it I can't believe it it's not gonna change the world I mean it's not gonna do it's you know it's not the best thing I've ever seen or anything like that but it's very good so yes color me completely shocked that that show has been as good but again it it's not um your normal Adventure Star Wars it's like kind of tonally somewhere between a good Rogue one and New Hope it has some fun stuff in it but not a whole lot I mean there's Tie fighters and blasters but again the restraint is just kind of you know you might go several episodes where there's a lot of talking and not a whole lot of action [Music] I want to get to the right dungeon before we go to San Diego chat foreign [Music] I would rather have listen I like slow paced things because obviously I'm into Blade Runner I hear what you're saying it is a very slow paced and there have been times I conked out a bit but I would rather have a show like this than schlockfest 2021 2022 2021 2023 2021 2022 2021 2023 [Music] foreign [Music] needless to say I am completely surprised and I'm happy it exists it's like the Star Wars universe is just kind of a backdrop for a good story which is like a character-based story which which is fantastic for me I'm also again I like slower paced shit I like movies with lots of talking so I'm okay with this Guma sits on the trophy oh you need the trophy okay [Music] but Vinnie don't you like Picard oh yes Picard is my favorite show what a beautiful show that is [Music] me oh I love Star Trek Picard [Music] is he being sarcastic no no I love it it's great [Music] okay where's this why is this place just a big wide open oh God [Music] uh this needs hover bats this engine [Music] oh God yeah [Music] it's like I'm really playing Pokemon violet [Music] oh chat made the joke first well they are my writers after all except they pay me to write for my streams oh weird fucked up dreams I've had recently well I mentioned the Snoop Davis stream right foreign I had a dream [Music] that um I don't want to ruin the fun but I had a dream that kind of um I woke up with extreme existential dread [Music] and uh that was that was a weird dream sure was fun so uh yeah I'm not gonna go into it too much it was just a very oh okay jump is at least affordable yeah no it was just a fucked up dream that's all it was it was just a fucked up dream what would happen if you went back to Death Mountain um well chat member it would it would be Death Mountain have you ever had weird dreams about bathrooms I mean not really however after I did the getting weird with it where we went to the toilet rooms I had a number of people leave comments and also email me telling me that they have had dreams about toilet rooms so [Music] it's just weird I don't know people have had some weird shared hallucination dream of going to a place where it's just nothing but toilets and urinals I haven't [Music] the Snoop Davis dream I talked about the other day but I'll tell you again because the chat member wants to know I'll just give you the rundown it's a quick one simply put I had a dream that Snoop Dogg and I were hanging out and he was rolling some blunts and stuff as you you know as you do and at one point he told me that his name was Snoop Davis and that all y'all motherfuckers I quote have been calling me Snoop Dogg but it's actually Snoop Davis and has been this whole time I have no idea what that dream is supposed to mean but if we have any Mystics in chat who are interpretive you know if you have a little shop in a mall or at like a seaside boardwalk town where you read people's fortunes you surely know better than I do we all need to write a class action apology for Snoop Dogg two Snoop Dogg [Music] at least he was being blunt with you haha [Music] [Music] dude six reference to Snoop Davis smoking weed I can't believe you're so clever you were clever enough to bring up Snoop smoking you're on your stream we because you knew that's no snope Davis smoke weed and smoke Davis see it smoke Snoop and you knew that if you brought up the smook Davis smoking David that you people would know that and they would clap [Music] that's that one's free chat next one next one's gonna cost you [Music] [Music] foreign about 13 Roblox [Music] [Music] all right chat member you didn't actually have to do that Snoop Davis would not approve if it's anything I know about Snoop Davis is that he is all about altruism [Music] it's not Temple I think that's Temple number two oh there's a whole other Temple here oh okay Shields town all right we're actually getting kind of good luck with the towns at the moment normally I would have to go through a lot of hassle just to find the right location but we have we have jump stick them with the pointy end Arya foreign that's also a very very good thing to have early on like that okay we need medicine to get Shield [Music] foreign [Music] San Diego it's not South Detroit [Music] I can tell by the tiles I want to get dungeon one or Palace number one it's kind of like Mambo Number Five oh now we can use the shortcut foreign [Music] oh wait never mind this isn't wait is it Maybe [Music] it is but Rando just made him funny foreign I just want to let you know that next year Zelda 2 Rando 2013 Zelda 2 Rando I will have played Zelda tears of the kingdom and finished it [Music] yes 20 23 sorry yes 20 what year is it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I want to hear Matthew McConaughey say the word Smurf Smurfs [Music] Smurfs [Music] drive a Lincoln down the highway do it my way [Music] some Smurfs in the front seat [Music] [Music] foreign yes oh wait that's the medicine [Music] I could smack the Rock and Death Mountain chat member Smurfs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there we go Vinnie what's your best song and why is it subtle for Less I'm glad you like that one most people say in the garden or vomit in the ball pit these days uh it's one you haven't heard yet [Music] it's any of the 20 unreleased ones because that's how I always feel about my stuff [Music] ah what's the best Beatles song oh for fuck's sake [Music] oh man well I think my top three are on the White Album which is why I love it so much so I'm gonna say Dear Prudence Mother Nature's Son and uh foreign Happiness is a Warm Gun I don't know if those are my actual top three but [Music] I just I just like those who is Pete best the worst Pete [Music] okay we got all the movement items now [Music] do you have a public playlist of your favorite Tunes man all these paid chat members today want to hear about music all right I'll tell you what on Spotify type red Vox this is what I tell people past all the music scroll to the bottom and you'll see favorites a playlist called favorites that is my playlist of all my favorite shit [Music] no I'm glad people like my stuff and my uh you know asked me for I listen music is so subjective and I'm not making music for everyone nor is the stuff that I listen to necessarily going to be what Everyone likes but I'm glad that like-minded people have um found me and like to hear what I have to say about music that's all oh [Music] Vinnie did you know that I can sub to vine sauce for free with my Amazon Prime account why no chat member I didn't know that tell me more I swear to God a chat member said that pin it mods do we have a mod that can pin that I'll do it I'll do it [Music] gone now too late [Laughter] [Music] foreign so here I am over oh wow look at this I found the location in Death Mountain [Music] okay so there are things about this run that are terrible but there are some that are very good we've had some good luck [Music] foreign [Music] just really hoping I can make it through this without dying it's okay base [Music] how many lives do I have is now that one that means I can die one more time right [Music] I should know this but now I'm like second guessing you know when you know information but you'd second guess yourself [Music] this is your last life I have one life of God foreign [Music] yes okay all right well that's not bad it was it's you know it was just extra Magic [Music] all right great slide chat [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I never have to go back to Death Mountain again [Music] Palace one I mean at the very least there's a palace right by the great palace thing so that's easy [Music] thank you [Music] I actually really need to find Palace one [Music] so we can go to San Diego okay well we get the flute foreign [Music] doesn't have the beginning stuff [Music] dungeon tiles may not be the same maybe not but when you attack the statue and they drop magic that's a sign that you're on a later Palace so the colors are randomized but I think the tiles are the same I could be wrong I might be wrong okay we're gonna all right we're gonna do the palace we're gonna do a palace [Music] so we still don't have the glove and um sometimes in these runs I've gotten the key that opens everything the skeleton key or magic key really early so this time no such luck but at the very least at the very least we don't have to go continent hopping to try to find a pair of boots so that is a really really good thing foreign all right well now I have to make a decision oh the medicine I can turn the medicine in um I guess we'll go here I think this is number three [Music] someone said my favorite Roblox song is Bomb it in the crombit [Music] [Music] in San Diego [Music] should be able to I know there's a way to do this [Music] no glue all right I don't have the glove I forgot about that [Music] this seems like Palace number six or five or something this this is there's Community rooms here too so uh yeah I don't know about this one I'm not sure what it's supposed to be I guess it doesn't matter as long as it's doable which ah fuck [Music] oh we're already getting blue darknut if your nut is dark see a doctor the palette for this dungeon looks dope I agree actually I think this is the best looking palette we've ever seen randomized [Music] [Music] I think I got kind of Lucky with my attack damage because [Music] I'm actually doing pretty good with my damage like I'm killing things in uh shit I'm killing things in relatively few hits [Music] okay the glove is going to be a huge problem someone please tell me about San Diego in San Diego [Music] in San Diego Dave wrote the rest of the lyrics but I don't have those at the moment I just as a kid I remember listening to this game's music and thinking that the melody sounded like San Diego [Music] foreign [Music] what's the worst randomizer look you've had [Music] um I'm sure chat would be able to recall better than I but Zelda 2 has had some pretty nasty randomizer moments [Music] cheers was pretty bad was it [Music] I mean there's also the one rupee 10 arrows incidents [Music] I feel like the Majora's Mask run probably took way longer than it would have normally but I also don't know the games as well as speedrunners so there's always going to be a disparity between me and someone who knows the games well enough [Music] the dead end stick was pretty good [Music] well I know this game fairly well but I still don't have the the speed run shit down and when it comes to like Ocarina of Time or even linked to the past which I know better than Ocarina and this well rather I know this better than link to the past but I know linked the past pretty well foreign ability to really think on my feet with that game I need the map [Music] emo tracker I believe it's called [Music] oh boy oh what's that oh no shit [Music] did I saw it lock in here [Music] the run is kill [Music] Ed foreign [Music] taking the death and unfortunately I'm leaving here because I don't want to deal with that again right now so [Music] if any would you stream Zelda 2 Redux oh boy that's a lot of times you've asked that um I mean I played the one that hoverbat made I'm good with that version I don't know what Redux is but I might have played it if not then I played the one that hoverbat made last year and it was really good [Music] new spell I went to college for this [Music] one second chat I need a breather there are now two spider ducks Whoa man whoa look at this one metal dock in the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to see all right everybody now it's with peace and love that we're gonna sink to the bottom of the ocean oh oh it goes underwater it actually is like a yellow submarine best duck in the game all right now it is with peace and love and violence that I will be promoting my new record by showing you my feet that's right so Ringo apparently showed his feet in one of his um like posts online or maybe it was Twitter I'm not sure and uh people were like dude you need to get a pedicure and then when his new album was coming out he posted a picture of the album but also his feet were in the shot but they were pedicured like [Music] and you know what that probably like increased his album sales by like 200 percent meme that was like meme advertising foreign extra life [Music] oh this is gonna be something [Music] oh the cross [Music] he posted a picture of Brussels sprouts today yeah uncooked brussels sprouts foreign [Music] that's right I eat them raw that's how I get my powers [Music] the reason I look like I'm in my late 50s while I'm actually 80 years old is because of Brussels sprouts raw brussels sprouts for everyone [Music] here in San Diego [Music] well we went from the best looking Palace to poop and I am going to need that glove [Music] foreign [Music] this bridge [Music] some of these Community rooms look really good [Music] that is awful this is also a new room well we're done here [Music] [Music] yeah so Palace one is Con conspicuously missing [Music] it's not South Detroit it's not Amsterdam it's not Vietnam it's not something else it is here in San Diego [Music] San Fernando [Music] reaction to people joining and saying what in God's name is your link is almost as good as people saying what the fuck do you mean San Diego and why do people keep spamming it might have done this cave already but we're we're already too far I think I did [Music] yeah I did [Music] someone said everything here is a rabbit hole that's kind of the vine sauce lore thing is you say one dumb reference and it's like five layers it's like a five layer cake you know it's just 12 years of one reference evolving into another reference into another reference and until finally you have just shit just pure brain mush I guess that's just the internet in general I wouldn't say that's necessarily unique to my particular brand of nonsense it's just that's just nonsense the internet has this tendency to like kind of morph and evolve references and and people's sense of humor eventually just turns into like surreal memes [Music] Vinnie remind us of your jar idea well the jar idea was just a roguelite idea I had where you were a little person inside of a jar and the levels would morph in the jar and it would fill with a liquid and you have to defeat the enemies before it fully fills with liquid so like you know there would be liquid dripping from the top of the jar and you'd have to like kind of adjust your play strategy because the bottom platforms would be you know immersed in the liquid and eventually you know you would take damage if you were in the liquid and you'd unlock different characters and stuff what is the liquid I don't know sorry do I look like a game designer yeah liquid yeah [Music] yeah I'm not meowing well this is actually I forgot that I had the boots this makes life a lot easier oh foreign [Applause] snake walks into a dirty restaurant [Music] Colonel this Chinese food restaurant only has two stars [Music] try the other content oh that's right the other continent will be good because Boot make easy [Music] it's a miracle it's a Christmas miracle meaning that jar idea exists as a mobile game I've seen many messed up ads for it huh well I feel like that should be covered on one of my segments [Music] I'm kind of surprised I hadn't seen that people stealing my goddamn jar idea yeah if you can find Those ads Jackal I'll include them or at least one of them foreign [Music] sorry Chad I have um I have this Disaronno and I may have had a little bit extra a little too fast because the uh the Disaronno tastes really good so if I can't stop doing it's probably because of that [Music] bet you wish this was down stab when I got that already I'm good upstab down step up stab down stab up step down step up stab down step say that fast chat up step down stab up step down step up step down stab upstep Funk will funk you up [Music] little man tell me what you know nothing foreign [Music] [Music] how do I kill these if Fire doesn't exist [Music] oh that's a problem [Music] shit [Music] yeah since fire was replaced with Dash where uh We're not gonna be able to kill some enemies 28 deaths according to a chat member Vinnie can you do snake changing a poopy diaper I say let's let's hold a poll for it but I think people would probably just vote to hear the bit so I'm I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go ahead and veto that bit oh god oh there it is chat there's the fucking key it was just there you know what this is not the worst seat I've ever seen this is actually a very generous seed very generous loads of items [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Magic [Music] foreign [Music] melts and it returns to room temperature that's when you can taste the burn and then it can't fool you anymore it's like that who song Won't Get Fooled Again [Music] [Music] mix it with nog you mean the Ferengi dude from Deep Space Nine where the fuck am I gonna get eggnog at this point at this time I was actually never an eggnog fan believe it or not was never I just stopped the stream go to the store get eggnog return um yeah I don't know I think it's fine I've had it like one or two times where it was pretty good really you know what chat this is actually an amazing seed the child [Music] no seriously this is like with the boots this world map is not a problem we'll see how the dungeons go but in terms of world map I thought it was going to be a complete nightmare it's actually not to it's not too bad there will be torture make no mistake but I don't think it's going to be world map torture you were complaining about the world map just 20 minutes ago okay so the East continent is all water and bridges the boots totally trivialize that so you know that and the fact that um oh I can't do this and Death Mountain I don't have to go back to so that's great I need spell once I get spell I can go back here and I can use it to grow the tower like one would grow a tomato plant or something [Music] look oh no I'm trying to do they're not fungible that's the worst Quark Jesus [Music] [Music] there we go Quark had a little too much to drink he can't talk well so here's a funny thing Quark returned chat did I do this cave I think I did right Quark was in an episode of the the animated show and um arm and shimmerman the actor who plays Quark returned to do the voice roll and he had to use in order to get the voice right he had to put in the prosthetic teeth because it like kind of affects the way he speaks and it allows him to do the Quark voice properly and he kept the Ferengi team from DS9 so that one chat member who wanted a bingo you got it because I just talked Shrek so there you go what else were they gonna do with them well that's like the hobbits in Lord of the Rings keeping keeping their um hobbit feet [Music] did you know that lower deck stolen idea from redletter media uh not off the top of my head but no [Music] [Music] okay even though the seed is very generous uh there are still some some issues [Music] I can't find I can't find a bunch of palaces lifetown like this has been almost all world map and no Palace Ian McKellen kept the prosthetic cock he used for Gandalf you know I think that's nice I think that's really cool to do prosthetic cock [Music] his wizard staff [Music] okay we can restore Health now foreign [Music] because Gandalf was a chicken farmer he wasn't now Gandalf was in Middle Earth so long that really all he did was just smoke pipe weed and hang out with Hobbits like silly little fellas like that's pretty much what he did because he was I'm pretty sure he was like Immortal right I mean I think that's a great idea what a what a cool life that is like oh I'm gonna hang out with fucking Bilbo Baggins and smoke pipe weed and light off fireworks [Music] this is another awful color palette this is puke palette foreign [Music] okay that's nearly half my magic worth it but oh God [Music] so I'm hoping this Palace will not have any blocks that I need to destroy because glove is still missing [Music] infinite key amazing really good find but uh no glove is a little scary [Music] [Music] also all bets are off offs off when it comes to items locations because the rooms are randomized and Community rooms so they could be usually items are in um rooms you enter from the left well I think mostly anyway uh the point is you basically have to explore the entire Palace in this randomizer [Music] yeah do you ever think it's weird that [Music] there's like a stadium almost a stadium amount of people here right now but yet I'm kind of like there's a part of me that just feels like it's one person one person and I'm acting as such [Music] yes [Music] foreign fool me once shame on shame on you fool me twice shame on Shimona fool me three times four twice but we three Can't Get Fooled Again [Music] stop that [Music] I wonder if there's like some kind of lore Behind these dudes that are just like throwing themselves into the lava [Music] they're listening to your streams as a chat member oh yeah yeah yeah why didn't I think of that one [Music] I mean we're kind of still on track to breaking my randomizer record chat but you know I haven't completed a single Palace yet [Music] oh blocks are gonna be falling from the sky and I can't break them I can't break them just have to keep going [Music] Vinnie is Ganondorf of boobs or ass man I think Ganondorf likes a dirty ass [Music] anyway next question [Music] I can't go that way [Music] ham or turkey don't make me do that don't make me do that chat member because you know what it's when turkey is cooked to perfection it and has good gravy turkey but that doesn't always happen I feel like my thanksgivings Over My Life 50 50 like there's been a 50 ratio of failed turkey however ham is usually pretty reliable the problem is with ham I love ham but sometimes it could be a little too salty [Music] but I do oh man that's a tough question [Music] foreign I couldn't answer one over the other so but I'm gonna say the highs of turkey surpass for me the highs of him by a little bit why not both well it's like the Ganondorf question why not both [Music] what about on a sandwich on a sandwich I go for ham [Music] Jam or jelly chat member my chat member in Christ what the fuck is the difference [Music] like seeds and stuff all right how about this peanut butter and Jello sandwich that's my answer delicious [Music] clown food jelly is juice juice based Jam is the fruit I I the chat is too fast but I think I know I know what you're talking about chat which way oh fuck I don't know yeah with Jam I guess you have like more um like like the the meat of the strawberry or whatever right and the seeds someone said I can't jelly a dick in your ass wow wow this chat member is stealing jokes from the internet I've never done that a day in my life [Music] all right this dungeon also sucks [Music] what a big surprise [Music] ah [Music] and chat was worried this run was going to be too easy [Music] Vinnie can you pray for me tomorrow I'm going to make croissants excellent I'll pray for you [Music] layers chat member layers layers upon layers um I'm gonna try one more thing in this Palace but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it to the boss or the item but yeah foreign do you remember that guy that came into chat and told you he wasn't here to listen to you talk and just play the game I think about that once in a while well how about this have you considered that there may be chat members that are here not for my commentary or the game but just to complain not even about me [Music] like that chat member whoever that may be or whosoever the multiple chat members may be that do that they're on some new level foreign they just want to find a location to vent and the chat is big enough that they can they feel they can do so without but also I think it's a little foolish to try to hold like a a conversation in a chat that goes this quickly but people you know people do it people attempt it wall skeleton [Music] foreign but yeah I mean people have very many different reasons they watch and sometimes reasons are to abuse the streamer or to chat with the fellow chat members to complain about the rain [Music] to have a good faff a bit of a moan foreign I use you as background noise on my second monitor to be honest then no that's not a problem chat member you're sub to me why are you sorry [Music] this Palace sucks [Music] oh I see what you're doing chat member [Music] uh this is this is an awful okay so the seed may be good the seed is strong however the Palaces whack [Music] I mean we'll just keep trying I only have to defeat five I only have to finish five palaces and I can like choose to not fuck with one of them [Music] that's been my um my yearly tradition because otherwise I like to try to knock these out in one night because there were a couple years where I ended up taking two separate streams well why does this dude look like this whoa well the new color [Music] and I feel like it just flows better having at least the choice to disregard one Palace so this will not be counted for any world records by any means but I'm here to beat my own record [Music] and I've got like what two hours and 10 minutes to do so ish Christ all right [Music] now [Music] goodbye [Music] thank you oh look at that finally oh wait what was this it's just an item oh okay this is a weird community room I mean that's cool I can get a new spell from that but I thought that was gonna be a boss [Music] someone said I don't shit with these Community rooms that much and you know fair enough however I just I like the spice of it having played Zelda 2 many times over the years I I like the idea that we can see something new and I can still be surprised by it I just lost 300 points [Music] foreign [Music] which Spice Girl would you be I'd be I'd be Italian spice [Music] which one was pizza spice oregano foreign Jeremy Parrish did a good video on Zelda 2. [Music] video series is called NES works if you want to learn about this game and its history there are things that even I didn't know no not germa perished germa didn't perish I think he's live right now [Music] foreign [Music] but yes good video informative 20 something minutes long very concise and I I thought it was interesting because I learned many new things about Zelda 2. [Music] and how this influenced games that came out later like the game was delayed it came out in Japan and then came out in the U.S I think like a year and a half to two years later and in the meantime there were a number of games that actually released before this in the US that were influenced by Zelda 2. so the influences came out first like Rambo right yeah Rambo so that that's like extremely interesting to me because I don't know if that's happened a whole lot with a whole lot of other games but really really cool [Music] but yeah Hopper bat made this game better because this needed a map desperately [Music] something just to help you figure out how to navigate these fucking palaces [Music] [Music] okay I'm pretty sure we've had loops and overlapping rooms by now so this Palace is a complete fucking mess of navigation Vinnie please stop my cat is freaking out [Music] why do I get blamed for all the cat problems [Music] still going this dungeon is still going my chat members in in uh [Music] oh [Music] well we just went back outside foreign [Music] do the nut voice with Echo asking for a friend [Music] I'm gonna give you a hint chat member your friend is not actually your friend [Music] is you foreign which is something that I think is really cool you know in the teachings of Christ we must acknowledge our own faults and the best way to do so is to make friends with ourselves [Music] so if you're like yeah We're looping We're looping bad so if you're friends with yourself that's already half the battle that's really cool foreign [Music] this is awful this Palace is absolutely fucking horrendous [Music] I don't I might have gone this way already [Music] I mean there's going to be repeating rooms so I can't even really use them as landmarks I definitely have been here uh [Music] yeah this is going to be a dead end [Music] la la la la la la la la la [Music] la la foreign [Music] [Music] we are now in non-euclidean Geometry land everybody we have been for a while but we're especially there now Euclid blown the fuck out please have more like fuck no foreign [Music] foreign [Music] there are too many Sprites on screen right now [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know if I've gone this way but it's something different at least [Music] just want to fight the boss [Music] oh I know where this is okay this is maybe a good thing because I don't think I've gone in this direction [Music] but mercifully the enemy Health randomizer has been very kind to me on a lot of these enemies not all of them but there's been a chunk that have been a lot easier than I expected foreign [Music] for now oh God damn it more of this could be the boss right here Chad this could be it this could be our first palace boss we're over up fuck we we are like we're like an hour and a half into this run and I have not defeated a single boss yet [Music] foreign oh no I feel like I've been down this corridor oh no [Music] oh man I'm going back this way chat [Music] chat room hey [Music] someone said how does one squeeze hog and game at the same time but I read that in a way of like how do you squeeze the game Chad imagine if there was an alternate Dimension where instead of pressing a button you had to squeeze like a shaft in order to make a video game character like punch shoot jump or whatever [Music] like controllers were just like shafts [Music] nope [Music] index controllers oh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] wait I've been here before too [Music] God [Music] should have waited so I got that experience at the very least I should be able to level up [Music] I'll take it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a lightning must be drawn here this is awful can you stop you're scaring my grandparents put them in the litter box now [Music] foreign [Music] we've been here before too oh no [Music] ah Gordon Freeman have you submitted your reports to the administrator today [Music] go back up and left from that elevator no no that that leads to where I was before [Music] that's a part leads to the thing I've been there I have been there I've been there [Music] I've been here too [Music] Vinnie go to the room where the boss is [Music] thank you do not shit for you do not shit for me so let's shit [Music] hug the left wall okay which one which way now we've been here [Music] down let me do this this way peace yes [Music] thank you there were so many times that I could have gone in in this room and I didn't [Music] oh finally oh man foreign [Music] we don't need to go into that now we can just avoid that all right Chad I have the statue so I I need to give the statue to someone now don't exactly remember which Village it was spell town no they need the child for spell town so there's another town that needs uh Vinnie you have the child did I turn the child in foreign yes the child is an item that link or whatever this thing is holds over its head so disregard for life and limb hold the child above one's head you think link could like like save this child without having to celebrate you are hero [Music] only know one spell yeah it's spell okay now we can go to the other town and use spell right spell right yes oh God I need to stop with this uh Disaronno yeah that's um I just have a couple sips left no I'm not zooted it's been like enough um uh I had food and then I had like I've been sipping I haven't been chugging or anything so I'm I'm fine I'm not Suited [Music] someone said rip a bong load and I thought they said rip a bongaloid and I was like what is this new Zoomer phrase [Music] yeah bruh welcome to the Mixology Bar rip a bongoloid in the back room foreign yeah which animal crossing gyroids are those chat [Music] this could be the glove could be the glow it's p and it was bad p [Music] just needed to sit back and relax while I do this chat [Music] my nerves afraid [Music] they're fine what are they afraid of I can't think of a witty retort dumpling juice is chat also zooted yes I have the statue so I could also turn that in but I need to find the maze Island [Applause] I'm actually going to be traversing this um with my right hand on the d-pad because [Music] weirdly enough I've been white knuckling the controller [Music] I already got life so that's not this town foreign oh there's the mate oh look at that Trixie Trixie Hobbits [Music] [Music] there should be another item here like another uh thing [Music] then you ain't got the ferry [Music] do I need that for this Palace it's gonna be um the rooms are going to be brand randomized I have to say I do like the word zooted I think that's a pretty good word [Music] nope foreign [Music] astute quoting the hoop you ever hear about that band chat The Hoot [Music] the humps [Music] well we're here we may as well try this Palace can't be any worse than the last one right I mean yeah I don't have the fairy spell yet which I can get [Music] because I have the child now so I could get it [Music] but let's see maybe we can do it and chat if anything I have the glove so I can always go back to older palaces yeah teleport up [Music] Vinnie what should I name my Animal Crossing Island help you sure you want you sure you want me to name your Island because I'm gonna say smegmopolis [Music] too many characters [Music] well figure it out you got the root word [Music] Vinnie please name my newborn girl are you sure you want me to do that because I'm gonna say Smeg Melissa SM e g m a l i s s a [Music] foreign too many characters oh right yeah you can't put that on the birth certificate of life [Music] Vinnie please lame uh please name rather my left testicle okay your left testicle is now named Bob sorry to Bob's in chat [Music] um Vinnie please name Tommy wizzo's next movie [Music] Mega thrust no the room too considering how opportunistic Tommy Wiseau is I'm surprised he hasn't made the room too [Music] and then try to make it an actual comedy and have it be like unwatchable not funny bad just unwatchable just him yelling throughout the whole movie [Music] pretty sure we've been up there before room Eternal oh that's good oh my God whoever said that in chat room Eternal would be the sequel listen I talked about this recently maybe yesterday maybe the day before but I feel genuinely Tommy should make a sequel to the room where his character rises from the grave as a vampire and he goes to the impound lot or the junkyard to retrieve his famous vampire car and then one by one he gets revenge on Mark on Lisa on Claudia on me underwears everyone except Denny and just as he's about to kill Denny no death is too good for you you were like a son to me and then he turns him into a vampire and then they just like go on vampire adventures together in their vampire car [Music] oh why was the wife looking like that you know what I noticed that that was weird that dark Knot's horse was very strange as you know I I have excuse me allergies as you know [Music] and that's a normal noise don't worry it's chat sometimes the inner duck must retrieve like that's gonna be the movie of my life is the duck escaping from my body one moment at a time um yeah as you know that Dark Knight Rides a Horse but I when I was a kid I was like why is he riding his wife into battle I was a weird fucking kid I'm a weird fucking adult [Music] Vinnie Vine sauce in melting that would be a good horror movie though it's just like a duck trying to escape from a like a man's body [Music] like alien [Music] thank you I mean this really is kind of the best way to do this [Music] this wasn't the best designed Zelda game foreign [Music] bat made that boss so cool I agree like almost everything was so much cooler in hoverbats Zelda 2. isn't it weird that the whiz robes look like clergy it is a little weird though my mind read that as clitoris that's not a demonetized word right like that is literally just the body part that doesn't get you like shit canned on Twitch they kind of look like that too though I have to go through the rest of this maze chat I have to find the the final area to uh fall into so we're gonna have to uh scour every inch foreign what's your problem [Music] Suited [Music] [Music] come on [Music] chat right now my actual face looks like the face of this character [Music] yeah Chad I don't I'm not suited I have a light simmer I'm working on a light simmer foreign [Music] clitoris does sound like a Marvel villain though [Music] it was like something the X-Men would fight [Music] Okay so we've been in in that one let's have to keep searching found it ah it's points [Music] all right chat I need to return this statue does anyone want to remember which continent that was on foreign first continent all right this is the problem continent because I can't I can't cheese it with the boots [Music] foreign um Chad I kind of feel like I kind of want to invent a new form of government tonight hear me up I have a name but I don't know what would be done or how it would be run all right and it'll be called [Music] no no no Chad no no none of you have got it yet oh you got it Chad's got it they got it [Music] chat members got it too well done [Music] democracy no no no no no no no that's stupid democracy um no clitocracy can I help you oh I thought this was the town where you you turn in the thing I don't think I'm gonna drink disarona next year for the Zelda 2 randomized next year chat cheers can be moonshine [Music] I could I could walk a straight line right now [Music] I could I could break a cucumber on my pinky that's how sober I am right now [Music] alphabet backwards go z x y w [Music] v l this isn't the right Town either [Music] chat where the fuck was this town thank you [Music] oh this one yeah it's this one [Music] thank you [Music] LOL my dog just shit his pants says a chat member now that is in fact a classic chat message [Music] that's not real as of today or probably ever but that is a chat message that I have noted um a while back and now I guess someone's someone's Reviving it [Music] I do think that's probably one of the top five chat messages I've ever read foreign [Music] one of them was hey Vinnie you should tell people about the free Amazon Prime sub that they have that was definitely a top five message [Music] [Music] oh one up whoa whoa why are we requesting please stop Crossing also Chad I think I might have I don't want to jinx it but I might have fixed my audio skip issues [Music] it was um on my I'm all right okay I just want to test and see if it would still crust if it got loud um my um it's fine I I got it's just a loose cable it's these heads these cables suck ask Mike he'll tell you all about it but these cables and this pair of headphones are just they are terrible [Music] but audio skip was happening because I was fucking around with settings on my VST host mini host modular which is what I use for my compression and stuff and uh by the way my microphone may sound different in the next week because I'm buying a waves bundle tomorrow and I'm probably gonna try to um I feel like I'm over compressed [Music] so anyway I turned on multi-threaded rendering and I didn't realize that I did that I just figured that was the option that was on already and that was actually causing audio skips I'm pretty sure because I haven't had a single skip today or yesterday after I tested it [Music] but yeah I do feel my audio settings aren't terrible and I kind of like the sound it's just a little hyped up and I feel like with some better compression and a better downward expander like noise remover [Music] um my voice would sound a little bit more natural and also compressed just the right amount [Music] check your DPC latency well I ran latency Mon and it was fine except for NVIDIA just being a little stupid but that's apparently I looked into it and Nary was telling me that that's something that happens even if you just close a window and open it you know and it was not too high so I think my audio skip issue was simply multi-threaded processing on my VST host thank you sorry we went from um kleptocracy to this but [Music] [Music] it's fine oh look at this we got lucky [Music] that was like puppy boss that was like first baby boss we've already out leveled that horse [Music] chat I have about an hour and let's say 15 minutes hour and 20 minutes to beat my record we've got three palaces down we need two two more it's not a two more [Music] yeah real quick foreign real quick we got some some new Ducks I I want to still we got two jeans they're hanging oh no that's the panda and Jean um [Music] we got some nude oh this this duck wow [Music] whoa oh the Ducks are being set on fire by the Dragon flower duck foreign cheese duck [Music] tiger skin duck whoa this whoa Queen duck from deck of cards [Music] there's a duck in the flamingo it's a spotted duck [Music] but you know how did you want me to say it Chad it was from a deck of cards [Music] bumpy pink duck watermelon duck [Music] some good ones here chat [Music] what did you how did you want me to say that it's the Queen card it is playing cards Queen it is Queen from the playing cards it is it is no no it is the queen from deck of cards is a great way to say that [Music] it wasn't even a queen a queen it was a king [Music] oh foreign [Music] anyone named Clint in the chat [Music] no reason [Music] I feel like Clint like kind of fell out of popularity it's like Dorothy or Dolores you don't hear a whole lot of Dolores unless you're watching Westworld which you could just stop after season one [Music] you know what's gonna happen right there's gonna be like a movie star named Clint like thrusts and then people are gonna name like names are cyclical so like there's gonna be a movie star or like a you know movie character named Clint and then everyone's gonna be naming their children Clint and I know that there already is a there's Clint Eastwood but that's you know a long time ago now and then there's uh Clint who is the the Hawkeye [Music] but that's all it takes is one like really like remember when people were naming their children Khaleesi because of Game of Thrones oh by the way a title not a name [Music] not only is that just really sad but then the character ended up becoming you know anyway [Music] too close to kapusi that's what I'm saying I'm saying that if you're naming your child Khaleesi think about kapusi if someone named their child after you would you cringe I'm pretty sure it's already happened several times and that's not like some deep-seated narcissism and ego fulfillment talking because that's already there somewhere but I've had people actually contact me and say I've named my child Vinnie more like Vincent so I like I like the name I I like my name I'm fine with it the problem is hey yo Vinnie like people know me as Vinnie and that's like a very oh walk in here so you kind of get an idea in your head of maybe like you know before you even know who I am you just think all right this is an Italian-American of spurious origin maybe he likes to walk here does not like to be interrupted he might like pizza he might like Bagels [Music] but yeah I don't know I mean I don't know how true it is people could just say that I've had people name their pets after me you should if you listen if anyone here gets a new pet and you need a good name gray Leno hear me out Gray [Music] say it's a cat and it's like a gray cat gray Leno trust me on this one [Music] I don't want my cat to be bullied well then homeschool your cat [Music] how to shit on the litter box at home use your grandparents as an example get them in there and then they'll show the cat how to shit in the litter box [Music] thank you [Music] that's not a litter box it's an urn well you gotta earn the responsibility of being a pet owner okay and if you're not going to teach them how to shit in the litter box then your grandma may as well do the honors [Music] okay I'm sick of people getting pets and then not knowing how to raise them properly [Music] and then they can't even talk too many pets going around these days that don't know how to talk [Music] I mean they have vocal cords I heard a dog go once so I feel like if you if you can make that noise you could probably say father me doing it mother you know instead the dogs that don't know how to talk have to like you know go to the door you know and like wag their tail a certain way like like dog that's not communication you need to say it bother shit father [Music] different vocal cords different rules okay well then how is it that parrots can say fuck your own face in perfect English [Music] and those vocals is small [Music] are we Luke I feel like We're looping [Music] foreign [Music] oh God [Music] you still haven't gone right where the key is at the elevator like this one [Music] oh wait no that's a loop it doesn't make any sense chat it doesn't make any sense [Music] that's a dead end someone said I was trying to map this out and it doesn't make any sense yeah because it's it's bullshit this is all like non-euclidean rooms just put together that Loop one room feeds into another room feeds into another room it doesn't it doesn't make any logical sense [Music] tried going this way I don't recall having gone this way oh wait wait I think I did to get the item but then there's got to be more things [Music] there's one chat member who's been trying to get me to say dumpling for the past several hours I finally did it chat member you can die in peace now [Music] dedication to the bit [Music] wait did I go up here [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] okay so this year's randomizer that isn't the problem navigation is the problem foreign [Music] foreign I did this Palace too right [Music] Ben can you say nut with Reverb asking for that chat member that I asked earlier they're my friend I'm confused are you not a person that said that earlier or are you the friend of the person that said that earlier [Music] I can't do that but I can give you a dog asking to take a shit in English how's that good compromise foreign [Music] ER [Music] I combined I combined that with the Walter bit [Music] foreign what like as a masseuse or as a recipient [Music] actual Zelda 2 level design by the way foreign I know there's probably plenty of people who have not played this game or have not seen it in its original vanilla form but I will tell you there is a dungeon where you actually have to walk through a wall hey look at that there's his wife normal this time [Music] wow all right well the attack damage has been absolutely insane [Music] foreign yeah I'm overpowered but that's the beauty of the randomizer you just kind of have to go with it enemy HP might also be just really really low [Music] I could go off to the last area now um the problem with that is that I don't have a lot of Hearts so I have I'm missing like two full I'm missing like two full Hearts I don't know man [Music] pretty sure I did this Palace right you only have 10 minutes I don't have 10 minutes I did the Duck game for an hour [Music] foreign [Music] well I'm missing two hearts but I have full magic so that's that means I can use life a bunch [Music] okay now we just have to find the fucking place [Music] it's probably it's probably here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah oh yep Dash is a smart idea let's use that [Music] foreign [Music] Jesus yeah it's here [Music] foreign okay that sets us back a bit I still have an hour I have to defeat I have to go to the great palace and win in under an hour to beat my record [Music] um yeah I do believe I can do this I I do believe but it's also very great palace dependent because great palace is a huge nightmare [Music] and my senses are a little bit dulled at the moment [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] another mother I need you to stop drinking I'm sorry use your words Fido [Music] Ronald Reagan [Music] foreign [Music] that's just evil [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign we made it [Music] yeah everything except two heart containers and we get an aesthetically pleasing color palette [Music] foreign [Music] someone said Vinnie one time my dog recited the entire King James Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls perfectly and then never acknowledged it thank you and then you know it's funny you're the crazy one if you try to tell people foreign [Music] [Music] generationally relevant bit [Music] oh God [Music] foreign [Music] still good seems kind of linear so far which is a good thing wait what already [Music] fuck [Music] okay Shield [Music] all right okay does it mean the dungeon's over in the Rando that could um you can get Thunderbird early and then the dungeon continues for quite a while oh God ah fuck [Music] can you get Dark Link at the start I don't believe so I think that's the end condition after all that I was killed by a bubble foreign [Music] this is annoying [Music] just leave them in there just leave them in there no need to get them out all right [Music] foreign [Music] I always loved how the great palace had overpowered slimes [Music] you remember slime well here's slime too okay thankfully Thunderbird is well and truly pulped [Music] so oh that was really great it worked out nicely yep whoa cock sucker [Music] rip [Music] no no no no bad room bad room what's up foreign [Music] we didn't even get to the final attack level [Music] another one of these rooms fucking great huh [Music] and finally we're presented with a choice foreign [Music] happy about this because it means that we may have to backtrack quite a bit oh you big dumb bird idiot oh great another fucking four directions [Music] what you doing up there [Music] all right Chad this is this is now very mean because what seemed like a world record lock you know world record for me uh is no longer guaranteed [Music] and bullshit bullshit oh Beavis and Butthead you you little your little bastard stop that [Music] enjoy your time up that fucking bullshit oh oh no oh no okay one pass down like chat member said thank you [Music] again navigation issues this far in [Music] foreign [Music] someone said I just joined why has link been replaced by Rich Evans [Music] no no like [Music] that was a shame I'm gonna need every single life I can get foreign [Music] to think Thunderbird seems like forever ago now I guess there's a number of new chat members that have never been to my streams before but I I guess let me just point this out um [Music] okay uh good so I want to point this out because I've seen I've seen it a lot more now I know there are new people joining from various places I want to welcome you I thank you for joining you gotta be kidding me why are you wasting your time here but no really thank you for joining and um it's it's nice that people like new people still want to watch my stuff however one thing that I find quite annoying and we discourage very highly here is just repeating chat message until streamer notices please don't do that yes I read the message about the twerky yes I read the message about the dumplings sometimes I see the messages I I just don't want to respond to them so and then if I see them more than once or twice I'm like okay that that's just that's just annoying so for your sanity and for mine new chat members just listen if I if I miss the message and you like it it's farts in the wind let it go it's okay it's not that big of a deal [Music] can you stop this could you stop [Music] I do appreciate that people like my streams enough to get you know they want me to say a thing so I'm not ungrateful or not just say a thing but respond to their question like I I understand the positive side to that too it's just sometimes if I click a chat member's name and I'm like oh God they type the same message 30 times tonight [Music] The Simple Solution is allow each chat Member One message per stream [Music] ah man imagine that then they'd have to have a really really good one it would have to be the best chat message you know what people would do right they would waste it on an emote or they would say like fart [Music] all we are is farts in the wind [Music] please go in there please just go in there [Music] use it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign this one I hate this one [Music] that did sound a bit like the disease gnome fart that was not my intention I I just make flustered weird noises when I play video games and something goes wrong I can't help it [Music] thank you chat Representatives wait you're talking about like every hundred chat members gets their own representative [Music] really like to know feet smell like [Music] dear Mario foreign [Music] not getting a good feeling about this room [Music] but we have to rule out all the other paths so oh it's another one of these repeat rooms but this time with the tit harpies or whatever they are I don't I don't really know what they are foreign that's actually their name isn't it f-o-k-a-s or fuck Guru yeah we're getting a lot of repeat rooms [Music] and find foreign [Music] [Music] this is awful this is an awful great palace it's nothing great about this Palace [Music] God damn it I thought we had Dark Link located [Music] please no more bubble deaths my ego couldn't couldn't handle it please oh that's almost a bubble death right there because I I was careless foreign are we joking with these rooms [Music] I I really hope this isn't the way to Dark Link I mean if it is I hope I defeat Dark Link and if it isn't I hope it isn't wait that doesn't make any sense um oh God another elevator oh geez oh god oh fuck [Music] all right we'll just go this way no yeah yeah I made that I just need that [Music] fucking things ah I thought I could I'd be a little cheesy in that elevator there but nope [Music] thank you [Music] not pretending [Music] three blocks high is doable with a small run-up I know but that this is not enough run-up [Music] and I have no magic [Music] same thing damn [Music] no [Music] but no I don't know how I did that no no no no no [Music] [Music] awful awful Community rooms not all of them but plenty [Music] [Music] this is in a community room that Enemy being there is a little bit fucked up but this is just a normal Zelda 2 room oh man oh God [Music] um okay I don't know where we are so I wouldn't be able to repeat okay hahaha [Music] I have about a half hour before [Music] you know the PB attempt is over [Music] foreign [Music] okay well so far no damage so once said I get the feeling you're not enjoying this anymore nope but that's part of Zelda 2 Rando overcoming the odds and uh dealing with the great palace [Music] but this great palace in particular is very disgusting and I hate it foreign [Music] you're not playing ball on Wonder World right now I'm not that's a good thing yeah no bubble no bubble kill [Music] dude that is that is so bad that is so bad Chad foreign [Music] [Music] not that time I can't believe there is Cosmic radiation that ruined the Run huh [Music] Vinnie it's not worth it unless you make yourself miserable while playing [Music] yeah it was a weird glitch that that was I don't know what that was entirely but we'll find out [Music] there is an option to shorten the great palace in the Rando menu stop leave stop it nope don't eat it don't need it [Music] thank you horrendous [Music] okay we're gonna try A New Path we're gonna go this way [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign ah a [Music] Corner cheese is not the most effective for dark sauce I'm telling you [Music] it could be sometimes you it but there are other ways to do this foreign jumps over you and you hit exactly in the right spot [Music] [Music] come on [Music] I'm lucky that he's not hitting for too much damage [Music] cool boss design you got here Nintendo [Music] in the final battle against evil butt plug must fight himself [Music] time I mean it's invalid it's like three hours and three minutes ish something like that but yeah I did rewind I actually rewound earlier too but that was more to fix getting stuck [Music] but it's done yeah I mean that rewind probably saved me 10 minutes but honestly just finding the fucking fight that was the real that was the real thing finding the fight was the was the battle that was the all the battle but it's over now another year another Zelda too thank God thank God it's done that was um both simultaneously really really generous and really fucking nasty [Music] but we did it in one night [Music] and uh it was fun and I you know I enjoyed it [Music] but got some of the Palace design was horrendous let me check actually let me check the options for the randomizer [Music] palaces chat that was the shortened great palace that option was checked [Music] yep yes it was [Music] mental mental well rando's always fun I'm glad I could do this in one night we're gonna check them ducks [Music] thank you everybody I'm thankful for chat I'm thankful that people are still here watching and that enjoy my stuff I'm thankful for everything everyone has done for me I'm thankful for the amount of support and kindness have been shown and I'm thankful that people have given me a chance [Music] appreciate it foreign glad to uh do another run [Music] just want to listen to the music for a second because we didn't earlier and it's really good [Music] oh Karina Rando next I'm not sure what the next Rando is but I have a couple plans for some Mario stuff and uh yeah I mean the Ocarina of Time Rando just got a big update so Vinnie you know this run doesn't count for your PB as you cheated Right add 10 minutes on to it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] still did it all right foreign [Music] thank you foreign so what Johnny's gonna do I would imagine is just going to cut from the the Zelda song into now
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 166,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, Lets Play, Randomized, Randomizer, The Legend of Zelda, New Year, 2021, Zelda, Zelda 1, Zelda NES
Id: d_PcuTMtZR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 46sec (11746 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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