[Vinesauce] Vinny - Let's Find Larry!

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all right um here's a game called let's find Larry this is the backup game for the night I always come prepared with a backup game and I think this would be kind of [Music] fun what about a Backup backup game I got those two well hello there my name is findo or findo I love finding people it's fun let me something something go ahead and press a or D on your keyboard okay wow I feel something rotating is great for finding New Perspectives to look from only one more thing one sec down here it's me must be pretty tough to see me from all the way up there press right Mouse button to zoom in now click on me with the left Mouse [Music] button you're a natural well you're all set to go click on the Arrow so chat I think this is a this is where's Waldo but it's Larry what a beautiful day I want to go take a walk in the park and then I saw him I never forgot his face my best friend from high school Larry he's the Talk of the Town we haven't seen each other in years it's great to see you Larry you found [Music] Larry wait what does Larry look like again that's not Larry you found Larry that's Larry night of the consumers and NPCs oh it's the same Dev yeah Chad does Larry move I'm having a little bit of trouble finding Larry he's the only NPC that doesn't throb you had to say it like that right you found Larry I'm looking for him there's no timer or anything so I'm assuming either this game's going to get real weird or it's just a chill game just to spend some time you found Larry find your buddy Larry you know enjoy your time and not stress or it's going to get real fucking weird you found throbin Tim you you found Gollum You've Got [Music] Mail uh still looking for my buddy Larry I haven't seen him has anyone here seen my friend [Music] Larry you found Larry what what happened to whoa what happened to this guy what's what's your problem I'm looking I'm looking oh there he is there he is just you found Larry not doing any throbbin whatsoever instant you found Larry are you following me no on what on social [Music] media it's encouraged in in the world we live in today to follow someone on their social media pages I followed Larry on Myspace for years he had a cool account and he had a custom page he had a script that played free bird when you entered the page you couldn't stop it it was the loudest fucking thing ever um huh what [Music] wait a what the whoa whoa whoa you found Larry he's looking Larry is looking a little bit who's this shadow [Music] creature lar Larry's looking like kind of worse and worse every time I see him kind of looks like Larry hasn't slept in weeks the Lial man is on the building there well I figured it would get weird because you can't really I don't know if you can sustain the Larry concept the whole game without some meat your a little bit of meat on the bone and I feel like like that's what's happening now what what what is this shadow creature I can't okay that's not Larry who the fuck is that it's a devil just like a devil man C devil man crybaby no no no angle reveals the shadow man oh I see [Music] Larry you found Larry hey quit [Music] it are these like [Music] agents oh uh it's getting a little weirder you found Larry stop following me or I'll call the fuzz Larry you got to do better than that you found Larry help somebody [Music] stalker you found Larry [Music] please Chad this game makes me uncomfortable you found [Music] Larry all right let's keep finding our pal [Music] Larry where's our old pal Hello Larry it's me your old pal Mr ding oh I've been trying to get in touch with you for weeks because I've got a great deal did you know that your car's extended warranty is [Music] up let's visit stinky food oh yeah that wasn't in PlayStation Home unfortunately um I can't find Larry looking for him see is that Larry no that's not Larry that's just some [Music] Rando I see you Larry you're not a Halloween mask you found Larry gotcha um is this the bathroom H oh my [Music] God hey can't you see someone's in [Music] here [Music] you found Larry [Music] what wow [Music] you found Larry is he is he in a car okay or [Music] Frogger okay now it's actually going to be oh there you are Larry maybe we shouldn't find Larry [Music] you found [Music] Larry you found [Music] Larry what where is this where is this this like City 17 chat I cannot exit the magnifying glass mode oh [Music] shit laral huh who's after Lal [Music] [Music] old get off my magnifying glass asshole who are who are these people oh God can I help you notice you've been keeping a close eye on somebody we like finding people too recognize this rat nice guy Larry once again popular local middlewood resident being honored several acts of kindness I know he's close I can smell him we would like a little word with him he's a slippery son of a bitch proven to be difficult to track down seem to be just fine I'm not somebody you want to upset stay on his tail if you know what's good for you I need to lower the fucking volume a little bit you'll lead us right to him Larry isn't [Music] here oh God he's living in the fucking trash cans like uh Oscar like Scorch F the other famous New Year's Eve celebrity Scorch Larry isn't here and D denda denda is a great pop star she sang imagine three times for New Year's it was crazy three times in a row denda yep denda Larry isn't [Music] here you saw them didn't you listen they they took them I don't know what they've done and now they're coming for me they're Relentless anywhere I go they always follow me they'll never stop no no no no no no there's no Escape help me please I'm going to die they are here please [Music] come out come out point out where he's hiding he's at the the trip XX porno Club trip x porno [Music] Club don't think I have a I'm sorry Larry I don't have a choice you found [Music] [Music] Larry [Music] oh well here we are at the tri XX porno club with Larry [Music] Larry some Jabron outfits going on over here holy [Music] shit this is [Music] amazing is this sleep no more uh not [Music] really there's no blood [Music] here I can't can't find Larry I thought he maybe was ball gagged but I can't find him where is he oh there he is you found [Music] Larry oh my God the pixel art is so good okay now it's sleep no more Yep [Music] mhm you found [Music] Larry you found Larry sorry Larry you found [Music] Larry good job the fool has ran inside a building up ahead we got him trapped on the rooftop this is the night boys you'll be able to get a nice clean shot on him from up up there take this you found 50 caliber sniper rifle oh thanks uh how do I I vny there's an Easter egg here click the donut what donut I can't move the camera I don't want to take the shot I don't I don't want to do this toar maybe I can save Larry can't save Larry I don't even try the game didn't even let me try that sucked you bastard nice one kid you don't know how long we've been after this motherfucker we got you trapped now no Escape you've been hiding for long enough wait he's not dead I dedicated half my life hunting you down times up wiie Mac but I'm just Larry cut the shit take it off you son of a bitch I heard the fuzz caught you and put you behind bars it was the worst day of my life cuz I thought this moment would never come the moment where I put a bullet through your sick skull the [Applause] fuck oh my God oh my God are you kidding me that's what this game [Music] is holy shit Larry was not friend he was wearing a face and a mask that he kept by the in a jar by the door no yeah I don't I don't [Music] know oh shit couldn't just leave me alone could you Larry Larry it's me your friend from high school I had a good thing going to you came along and ruined everything looks like I need a new place to hide oh holy shit that's [Music] amazing distressing news coming from the quiet town of middlewood this morning where a dismembered body of a man was discovered today in middlewood Park the police cordoned off the park and discovered trash bags that had been buried underground trash bags containing severed body parts attempts to identify the body have proven difficult as the authorities state that the face of the man had been removed coin Dexter the police are asking for anyone to step forward with any information or anyone who might have seen or heard anything in middlewood park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the extreme graphic nature of this crime Bears an uncanny resemblance to the wiie mack murders that haunted the town for many years Willie Mack notorious for the murder and mutilation of 17 people between 1996 and 1999 some of the most graphic of the murders committed in the town of middlewood in the year 2001 he was apprehended and sentenced to life in prison although only last year Mr Mack was presumed dead when a prisoner transport vehicle relocating him crashed and burst into flames the middlewood police will be issuing a statement shortly but for now we go over to Tom for the weather take it away Tom oh thank God for that I fucking hate this job uh Tom oh yes thanks Jerry it's going to be a beautiful day folks Sunny spells all [Music] around [Music] okay yep all right well there you go uh I guess you know H happy New Year everybody uh first technical full game of 2024 so far we found Larry and now let's play half swword for another half hour okay that'll be that'll be enough for that well thanks everybody thanks for spending New Year's Eve with me and uh that was fun kind of crazy okay [Music] now I hope I hope you enjoyed uh I will not be live every New Year's Eve I haven't been for a couple years just if the situation arises and or I don't feel like going out but I'm I'm happy this happened this was fun and uh yeah take care I'll be probably live tomorrow tomorrow for New Year's Day considering doing something randomizer related maybe again or if not then uh I have a number of different things I could stream but might be fun to do another like kind of randomizer run of something I'll think about it but yeah thanks everybody here's to a good 2024 I can't thank you enough for the support for how kind you've been to me and my mods as well I want to thank and anyone who's helped out on any any of the segments people who submit games for me to play people who do Corruptions there are a lot of people over the years that have made the stream what it is and have continued to improve it and uh especially for Sunday stream because I could just play any old video game but actually getting like submissions for stuff and help putting stuff together is invaluable so thank you and just again people watching and still being here and still supporting me in any way shape or form even just watching with ad block on I don't care if you do that that's great it's um it's incredibly nice of you and Incredibly um it's incredibly generous especially because time is so limited on this planet so here's to a good 2024 and um I hope you all have a good year I hope you all have you know lot of success and you know happiness and I think just in a general sense as someone who continues to strive for you know whether it be doing more streams or writing new songs or like wanting to do more with my music if you really I hate to say this because it's cliche if you do set goals and you have things that you work towards and you just do a little bit each day things do happen really they do and you get better at these things got to put the work in but even a little bit it really does work and it's basic I'm not going to write a book about it and you've heard it a million times it's it's a cliche but it's it can it can work so I just want to say for those that do have New Year's resolutions my resolution is to um uh find out who scro the famous pop star is but it can be done it can be done maybe not scr but everyone else maybe there's something that you can accomplish so I hope you do I'll probably see you tomorrow and uh during the week I'll be streaming some stuff too maybe we'll finish Ultra kill and I'll also consider um the next long form stuff but for a while I'm just going to do a bunch of random shit please wrap it up God damn it Jeff kayy all right good night thank you everybody Happy New Year we did it it's over 2023 fuck [Music] youy Happ this is the best day of my life happy New Year Happy New Year
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 85,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Lets Play, Gameplay, PC, Let's Play, Stream Archive, VOD, Full VOD, Full Stream
Id: nkTV0qprMZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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