[Vinesauce] Vinny - Zelda II Randomized: 2017 Run (part 1) + Art!

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um where is the rest of the stream I'm looking for it I got it here somewhere okay one of the most underrated intro screens in video game and Zelda history because it looks good for the NES doesn't it [Laughter] sounds good I really like the way the song goes so great all right so let me tell you what's going on here this is Zelda to randomized it's been over a year since I streamed Zelda to this is a game that I have a strong affinity to I love it I know a lot of people give it but I've been in the mood for classic gaming lately I've been really dying to play this and so we're gonna do something a little different this year it's gonna be sell the two randomized [Music] it's gonna get weird now I'll tell you all about the randomizer but let's jump into it and then I'll start telling you what's different everything is different basically so as tradition from when I was a kid we're gonna go link this week there's gonna be a little bit of classic gaming you're gonna you're gonna see this Mario world on Thanksgiving because that's my Thanksgiving game and I've been looking into Goldeneye on the PC the 60 frames a second patch with the mouse and keyboard thing so it'll be we did Sonic we're gonna have all that stuff it's gonna be good and this is Wow so enemies are randomized oh my god oh this is already enemies are randomized towns are randomized the only thing I have is the candle experience is randomized cave positions are randomized palaces are randomized yeah so we start in the palace of the swamp and I already need health experience points well that goes fast Animal Crossing mobile well it doesn't work with boot BlueStacks and I haven't tried it yet and I don't think that's a game I would actually stream but considering it doesn't work with BlueStacks it's probably gonna be that's encouraging considering it doesn't work with BlueStacks it's probably not gonna happen so sorry about that most of this advice is actually just useless except this one this one's pretty good [Music] how about you what do you what do you need Korea of tentar East old our trip okay woods so this is the town that we have to bring the trophy to now I'm using the settings in the randomizer I'm gonna link something in chat so if you want to see what kind of options there are check the link I post in chat all right now let's let's talk a little bit about what's going on here this is not the beginner version of this this is the the next thing over so the beginner randomization makes the game a lot easier or at least a little easier this one's a little harder but you know item positions overworld is random palaces are random the Great Palace is shortened a little bit you can restart when you game over at the palace you were at which is great it's like just a quality of life improvement levels and spells are random including the amount of MP that you need enemy health experience boss experience which enemy steal experience all that is randomized [Music] oh yeah flashing if you have epilepsy Irish probably should have warned you this game is notorious I don't even get the experience for that so yeah this is gonna be a bit of a nightmare if there's any mercy in the world there will be something good in this cave and its peak it's a bag of piss all right will do life will go up there probably are many people that have not that have not played zelda - and this game is a little different than most of the other zelda games what you you could probably see that just by looking at it but there's experience points there's magic there are there's platforming it's extremely different to the point where people give it a lot of but I think it's great I just I understand why people don't like it Oh oh this is an interesting encounter okay okay I see how this is gonna go [Music] notice I did not get experience for that I killed the red jelly and I got nothing so okay we've got that all not these oh no no no no no no no Jesus I [Music] really need to level up before I die [Music] good okay magic will go up our life let's do life what we're gonna need a lot of resistance and resilience because these they're throwing enemies at me that you don't see until like two-thirds through the game or one-third through the game okay I don't know if this is a palace one or what I really don't know what I'm doing or what I'm in for [Music] but yeah we have a light-blue palace there was no light blue palace and excellent a locked door immediately so I may not be able to finish this in one stream that this may be a multistream affair and I might actually just take time to play something else later I don't know what yet but we'll figure it out I'm gonna spend some time on the overworld exploring leveling and figuring out what the is happening I guess for me part of the reason why I don't find Zelda 2 is difficult as some people is because I kind of know where everything is I still have my problems with the you know combat but generally I kind of know where to find stuff what the the raft really that's a palace item by the way that's something you normally find in dungeons so if that's any indication of how this is gonna go we might find some pretty intense on the world map just randomly and again for anyone who is unaware this is my first cell the two randomized stream I've done a number of I hope I get that 70 I don't get the 70 just want a level before I die or heed that that's magic I don't have any spells level where I again don't know where I am nothing makes sense oh my god what have I done to myself why am i subjecting myself to this well I guess we could go to the next continent there's a town darunia empty house okay empty house house has a false wall this might be a town that has monsters in it I could really use some health where's that where's the health lady tell me there's a health lady okay kidnapped child okay so powerful night lives in this town okay so I kind of I know where I am now like generally yes the health lady it's a bit of a euphemism but no one needs to know that the new splatoon to stuff we can talk about a little bit what is this oh we found the maze Billy Corgan would have a field day but no seriously this is I haven't even done a single palace yet and I'm already in the maze like all right I'm trying to keep like a mental map of everything that's happening then where I am where I'm going okay these lizards again these are enemies that don't show up until until way later oh my god [Music] kill kill lizards with a level 1 sword that would have been pretty decent experience [Music] all right so I guess we'll continue exploring to figure out where everything is it would be great if I could find some health power-ups like full full HP alright so I don't know if there's any magicians in that town again I guess there's no going back you need um there's a sandworm in a cave that's not in zelda ii at all ever yeah this is this is gonna be weird this is gonna be really weird [Music] just randomized caves and everything I guess I kind of wasn't expecting this level of randomization and you can control it like there's options I don't have any magic so why would I want to go for sword so again if you don't know how this game works you get to choose which based on the amount of experience you have you get to choose which thing you level up so you don't get new swords in the game you just level up your attack power there's another Palace we need the hammer to get past that stuff okay the randomizer has glitched I was quick [Music] it's a one-off I probably shouldn't have gone that fact I definitely shouldn't have gotten that I should have saved that for later but there's so beer maybe maybe there's a wizard in this town if there's a wizard than Alleluia only thirty experience for that orange thing that sucks the heads I think 70 originally all right attack - what is this one water town of Sariah you may recognize some of these names from ocarina of time good town only townfolk may cross this river hey me mikuni mikuni says that the animal crossing game on the phone is pretty cool but not necessarily stream worthy I figured like it was like kind of basic I [Music] should subject a mikuni to this after the Sonic 3 stuff we did but specifically a randomized version so it's even worse oh that's cool [Music] 50 all right let's get the magic these values are also randomized so experience seems to be going up a little bit more erratically than usual Vinnie I love how this game punishes failure with epilepsy indeed it does indeed it does [Music] no I like Sonic 3 I thought it was pretty cool overall definitely a good choice for a first Sonic game now entering the desert get I especially like when Knuckles and Sonic got married that was my favorite part so [Music] I can't even hurt these dudes I need down down thrust and that's the name of the attack actually down thrust now I'm not gonna get that I'm gonna save that if anyone come remind me later on in the playthrough cuz God knows I'll need that reminder that there is in fact a thing there that'll be they'll be great okay so this is the other continent again [Music] part of me wants to do that palace but another part of me wants to just kind of keep going okay now I the most basic cheese of zelda 2 is the attack cheese this is how you get through shields how many hits they take [Music] life will go up definitely life will go up really another town look at all these games this is crazy welcome to neferu okay I'm really hoping we can get an old man so he could take a look at my life and see I'm a lot like he was I am thirsty okay this is an easy one [Music] got some water that this is a queston zelda to actual quests i am thirsty but she cannot go to the well to get the water herself you get the water and then you get magic I can give you most powerful magic thunder really okay we're starting with thunder first of all I can't even cast that I don't have enough magic to cast that alright second it's so limited you you can barely use thunder you that's not what I needed [Music] then you are persistent find heart over ocean it's interesting that they put a house after the welcome sign what what oh instruct about the blue things are indestructible what the are you you're kidding [Music] and there's invisible enemies [Music] I think this is the cave I was in earlier right oh my god oh my god use this lizard to level up no I need 550 which means I could use one more lizard [Music] yeah they don't respawn like that okay I hope there's no invisible enemies in here okay just need to not die on this lizard and I get extra attack power there we go alright great now I'm slightly better equipped to handle whatever how many continents are there yep I don't like those right guys I would not recommend the red guys I can kill this one but did like 75% damage to me last time 150 okay so the orange boys are still worth a little bit more that's invincible is this randomizer guaranteed to be completed I believe so I'll tell you what if you're interested in more if you want more information about this randomizer check the chat I'm gonna post the link to the wiki a number of times so please check it out and see what you think cuz there's a lot of cool stuff that I can with a couple other options that I didn't do or I could make links to Nick a different color I can have link shoot like weird objects from his sword at full health I could have it so that link always shoots even when he's not at full health you know cuz that was the thing in his ins LD games for a little while [Music] okay my thumb hurts already either playing this game for ten minutes and well it's about a half hour now ten full half-hour minutes nice nice yeah the nes can handle this sure use thunder that's a good jape excellent Jay plaid is a town in the middle of a graveyard oh I got really lucky did you see that Watertown of sarria this is the other half of the water town which is great there should be a wizard in this town you have wizard I lost my mirror okay this think it's just in a house I don't know if the randomizer is going to the mirror out of my game got it thank God double sorry a town honey graveyards are there in this world many is a deadly and dangerous world please be life please be life please be life please be life use this magic to survive it's shield and it costs 30 - don't remember my shield costing 32 alright so shield is it shield makes you shield makes you a little bit more resistant to attacks but it's a little bit more expensive than usual so can I even cost cast it yeah I can it's doable [Music] this town is all-inclusive there are jellies just hanging out ready to mate [Music] just like in the Orville episode when noir McDonald's character has well let's say relations with the doctor spoilers she said spoilers first still one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a television show I'm not even gonna go into any more detail eyes again or everywhere but yeah that's um that's that town still looking for any kind of hearts or life up that's why before I do the pals first of all I need a key if I'm gonna be able to do the palace for one and two if I can get some like extra life that would be they'll be choice there could be life in these bushes here I don't know never know you gonna check them all [Music] so yes splatoon I don't really know what to say about it I'm gonna stream it but there's a huge update inbound and that includes new weapons for new levels the levels look cool as one of us like a giant like Costco it's like a squid Costco and the just like for new weapons or something like that too maybe four maybe more new items new hairstyles and you can switch your weapons out from the menu finally or while you're waiting for the match to read to reconnect or to go on to the next level you can switch your weapons out which seems kind of obvious I'm surprised it didn't make its way into the game before the levels aren't coming all at once the stuff is distributed in a series of updates that's cool and it's it's all free Nintendo has been very good with giving me free splatoon whoa hell oh there's a swap town here me to get to the swamp town yes yes Ruth Benny they do so much with splatoon but nothing with Mario Kart 8 deluxe I mean they supported MK 8 deluxe on the Wii U and we got all of the DLC on MK deluxe so I kind of understand it like they're supporting their newer games I guess but it would be nice to have a little bit more Mario Kart action remember the magic word I've got spell another useless piece of magic well it's not useless it's actually really important for a couple of things but just like two things or is it like one thing spell spell and somehow spell costs more than thunder anyway welcome to the lime-green palace this one looks like it's gonna be a nightmare and I can't even get that key unless I have upthrust this is definitely not Palace one yeah we're gonna oh my god the palace is sock [Music] yeah cloud I like the way you up thrust [Music] please I feel like some of these randomizations are gonna be the death of me like in real life I'm pretty much I'm not ready for any of the palaces yet I don't think whoa wow it's a lot of experience 70 experience yet that makes shield cost a lot less some of these values are bizarre spell went from 71 to 78 like what like throw me a bone Jesus [Music] [Music] nothing it's nothing new that was gonna happen [Music] how much um how much are you worth five five versus 70 the randomizer knows no balance okay I'm assuming link just fell into a grave and I can't get up there I need the fairy spell I'm beginning to think that the randomizer does not have a dedicated QR tester Oh we're here again okay use that I don't think or QA e naught Q R QR code quality reassurance tester have I been here no this is dark greenie I've only been to lime green I'm a little bit worried by the fact that the statue had full magic that usually only happens a difficult Palace so let's see what's the first enemy we get and it's this hey how you doing nope [Music] this is like a nightmare [Music] Sunday's Curb Your Enthusiasm was amazing by the way if anyone hasn't seen it yet see it it's great might oh there's some characters from old seasons too it's it's great it's just really good I love how the show's quality just stayed the same yeah this is a Harbour Town right in the middle of the swamp and I need I need jump to get up there I do not have jump you know like extra jump not regular jump don't you need something now you need medicine okay so this is why it's worth it to go to random caves and early on but I need a hammer for that one this one is this gonna make me fall no this is Kings tomb alright thanks good info I feel liberated knowing this they built Kings tomb in the middle of nowhere someone in chat just said thanks crazy lady yeah there we go progress a Link to the Past randomizer I would consider it I would look into it and see exactly what kind of torture I'm in for cuz this is a nightmare in a good way kind of maybe I mean I'm confident that I can do this eventually [Music] Tic Tac Toe randomizer lttp randomizer is sophisticated and fun that's all the assurance I need that sounds good oh god death Mountain well we found death Mountain so yeah deaf man apparently there's two items in Deaf Mountain - guaranteed items so we have to we have to get these or is this Death Mountain this might not be Death Mountain this is this just looks like a sonic Mountain it's not I think I saw a little bit of it but that wasn't it [Music] [Music] yeah it all looks the same this is where I got the heart I know what I have to do so we're wait a minute right no this is Death Mountain I just went the wrong way before okay now we're now we're in the right spot and it's horse lava pits my favorite thing ever [Music] not much of a mountain kind of just a series of graveyards interconnected by a couple caves but I guess cave yard grave mountain doesn't sound quite as good [Music] [Music] take those blue spiders are the most insidious because they you don't expect them to do what they do and then they do it [Music] I mean I'm killing them at least a little bit quicker now but we've got some problems it's problems here the problems include no life and no lives so I need to level up really quick [Music] that helps no more Mario Odyssey tonight or it could be maybe wait wait a minute watch oh that's confusing I keep accidentally backtracking [Music] was this the one yeah this is the light blue one I can't go in there I don't have a key so this is gonna take a while this will be a multi-part stream for sure you know if that's the first dungeon and it's locked it's like blocked by a blocked door that would be some that would really really be some that would just just that would that would just grind my pickle to a to a stump aren't the keys always you need always in the dungeon you need them in in this game you can bring keys to different castles but or palaces but the real problem is it's a randomizer so it seems that logic has been thrown out the window and pain is all we have left so go this way I feel like I'm never running out of world map then traversing the world map 34 years 34 years and we're still going okay now I definitely have been here right Rudo I think I would have remembered reading that out loud you could find the big key in a bush somewhere if I found the big key that would mean [Music] that would mean I never have to find another key in the game for the entire playthrough alright yep yep this is a backtrack the magic key oh yeah that's the very beginning of the game isn't it yep that's the palace that's the palace that I start at Wow I am so confused these like everything the bridge is the tunnels everything is leading me back to the beginning I guess the good news is if I really wanted to I could just farm those boomerang this is a lime green I've been here I have to have to start building because these caves don't make any sense to me so I need to start building like a mental note of where all the palaces are [Music] maybe there's anyone in chat that has like a really good photographic memory that could make a map I'm kidding don't actually do that help right Watertown I need health isn't there a thing you can you can put the ROM into and get a map or is that not a thing [Music] the ramen ramen - yes ramen - my favorite video game about food don't remember going through that cave oh found you brew okay now we can access the river man for a shortcut which is kind of totally unnecessary [Music] oh wow I actually killed that thing I guess it jumped at the right moment oh I can actually they made it easier to kill them the randomizer has fixed the game game saved bet you five bucks this cave leads nowhere or back to the beginning and we're back here that's where you fall fall into that one I mean I need your I need your blood my quest for blood has brought me back into this release of death I'm gonna need some like stress pickles I have a couple left I just need to surround myself by them and feel inner peace oh we got the note that's the thing that will help quality enemies [Music] yeah I'm a little greedy I really want the experience so I keep going after the boomerang and know this for this bridge no no it just keep going okay now I've definitely been here before this is where I just died I do have shield magic and I'm gonna use it but let's go down this way nothing yep actually I think you could do that in the game always forget to do it hit it's like a kind of almost pixel perfect trick oh I know where this this is taking me back to the beginning this is the most confusing world map I've ever experienced yep it's a randomizer but you know I have to like go through each area three times before I figure out where the I am like I don't even remember where this would take me maybe this is take me to the maze maybe it'll take me to Death Mountain I don't know and if I use shield now it's probably would not save me from instant it would have it would have [Music] yeah my greatest hope for this playthrough is to find the magic key early and then cheese all the palaces I believe you know I love one when you're having like a good day and you're watching some YouTube videos and you just let it kind of like go on random you know and when YouTube just starts choosing videos for you and you get a couple good ones and then you get a video of James Corden doing karaoke with a Jonas brother in a car and then you just want to turn off YouTube and report them to the CIA anyone else got that experience [Music] yeah autoplay has definitely got its disadvantages I'm learning earth what is this oh I thought I said earth down well check this out Benny I was no joke once recommended a man pissing in a diaper but I'm sorry what'd you say that is that what autoplay is giving you how about baby finger mommy finger a [Music] No you know you know YouTube they've got some real problems on their website James Corden being the least of them and they need to take a closer look at some of the stuff that they're putting on their autoplay or rather adding to the recommended and somehow promoting maybe not promoting but the algorithm is certainly favoring brother finger brother finger where are you and obviously that that needs to be looked at but remember guys there's a lot of big youtubers that say poop they can't get monetized you will want to say bad words you can piss into a diaper all you want but don't you dare talk about it you can show deadpool and spiderman giving each other injections you know and and and and on the pavement but if there's a nipple anywhere near your video terminated like you're not even supposed to have seen a nipple if you're a youtuber [Music] oh good right now I know where I am it's awesome I wouldn't recommend I wouldn't recommend talking about knuckles and sonic getting married by the way I've already received 14 cease and desist notices from both YouTube and say gawk oh yeah the naked cooking lady yeah yeah that's that's a it's cooking you want to learn how to make a grilled cheese sandwich well there's no better a person then someone was exposing 85% of the side of their breasts to show you how to make a grilled cheese sandwich you put butter in the pan and then you put the cheese on it and then the bread in whatever order you you so desire [Music] yeah well watch the lathe okay for those that don't know what I'm talking about watch the most recent h3 video it's just a thing that there's this trend of obviously there's always been this kind of thing but its YouTube is a strange and confusing place and I don't fully understand it I don't think I ever will [Music] but let's just say that me getting recommended certain YouTube videos can either make or break my entire day oh maybe not my entire day at least like 20% of it strange and confusing place just like this world this is YouTube you don't know what you're gonna get and when you do you can't learn the patterns I have made so little progress in this game that it's actually kind of disturbing like I've been in this cave we've learned that there's nothing in this cave see I'm getting salty I'm getting salty at things because of because of this like I can't find I had some hot chocolate too I had some hot chocolate just a minute ago cuz I got this like awesome double hot chocolate mix which that's kind of inane to me cuz how do you double its the same amount that you put in normal hot chocolate but the advertisement was that it was double hot chocolate like wait a minute couldn't I just use that like a double amount of the regular it's at least it's not kylo Ren hot chocolate [Music] [Music] alright guys I don't know what the to do anymore I am officially I'm officially a spent force in Zelda 2 random rice have no idea what's happening all the temples are too hard everything sucks I'm just about to get some life that's gone like I remember stumbling into a cave that actually gave me aids no it gave me the ability to good it brought me to Jeff Mountain another one brought me to a maze there was a raft there were field hockey players there were rumors [Music] I would have remembered being in here I haven't been in here so good just use chilly but a good time to use shield here let me use my spell spell oh no okay well there's progress that item allows you to see anything invisible [Music] so yeah progress finally something [Music] I'm gonna go back into that to that palace this was start a lime green wait a minute there's two lime green palaces or are there [Music] oh yeah this one I need jump and I need upthrust so this is probably not gonna go anywhere productive look at that look at that oh yes [Music] this palace hurts my eyes [Music] thirty these randomized experience amounts are going to give me a conniption [Music] 10:11 hits all right that was 150 at least that is worth the effort I don't have glove meaning this is going to be a dead end likely good farming over here I can cancel that and get attack that's good I can die now these heads are not supposed to be 2020 is extremely high meaning farming here could be very very very effective I mean I'm effectively trapped in this palace I can't go any further I'm gonna farm a level here cuz it this is a safe way to get my level up yeah I can't get that key I can't get the other key in fact I don't even have gloves so even with upthrust there's no way I'd be able to do this so remember lime green I need jump up thrusts and glove [Music] as boring as too but just gonna brine for one more level Wow I might actually die then the effort will have been wasted excellent play it safe all right shield is now ten which is really great spell went from 70 down to 51 so I can use that Thunder is still 63 though so the good news is I feel like we're finally making some progress things are happening I've leveled up a lot of stuff there's definitely potential in this run [Music] those things go down quick now what was light blue we have to fight it let's find out what light blue was I think this was the one with the locked door no yep wow this isn't even the first palace there's a blue darknut which is the most difficult dark nut to defeat great this game just wants me to suffer [Music] those are going down a lot easier I think I can do the maze now so I guess it's time to find it so where's that maze I would ask the chat but I have a feeling yours lost as I am if not more so [Music] North right of spawn use draft North right like do I have to use a cave to get me there [Music] I remember I took the maize or the raft rather but I just don't know how to get back to the raft whoa did you see holy that's the coolest thing I've ever done until the two bar none I want a clip of that then slo-mo by the end of the stream it's the only thing that's keeping me going that one moment also I'm a level again very soon try not to die so for those that want to know what the I just did that didn't see it I basically killed the boomerang dude blocked his boomerangs and then stabbed the the pee bag that he dropped in midair just as he dropped it which was an accident but it looked awesome [Music] [Music] here's this town again I need to at least it wasn't a colostomy bag um I I know I know it's in a cave I know one of the caves is gonna bring me to where I have to go also these do not drop any experience so that's cool I [Music] should be using shield on every like different gold screen it's cheap enough [Music] [Music] like I can use it here while I grind my experience why is this one yellow I what is the yellow was the yellow one I'm doing what magic will go up Shore sure maybe spell will be ten now spell is still 51 that was nothing changed worst level up in the game nothing changed yeah the benefit to me doing this is that I've gotten really good at killing the boomerang dudes but this is boring as and I'm sorry that I'm wasting your time but we're gonna do this we're gonna do this and I'm gonna beat this game eventually [Music] [Music] how many Couric's are in this game oh you didn't you have to purchase the Korek DLC if you want to get any of the khorog sorry yeah this goes other places I love hearing weird noises outside my my house at 1:00 in the morning that's always a reassuring and fun thing to do here I look around for a weapon and I see that I have an empty bottle of Gatorade which as you know will do nothing against an alien but maybe like a really small like dude I think it will be okay [Applause] [Music] I've probably been in this palace like three or four times this is a dark green one right I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to come in here let's do it there's like a really hard fight right off the bat but I have to do it so let's do it [Music] again for anyone just joining this is the randomized version the actual game is way more forgiving people people like kind of demonize this game for being too hard I don't think it is I think it's balanced pretty well it's just you have to get really good at the combat it's still a difficult game by Zelda standards but it's not too difficult this is balls I would call this balls hard but mainly because of the confusion [Music] lot of hits have you still going [Music] finally alright the bad news is I don't have gloves so I can't break my way through a block prison [Music] my skeleton 2 is the blue darknut not a knife no darknut not enough not a knife it's not a knife of course I have three spells two of which are unusable [Music] I've also never pushed a dark nut off the level like that before leave oh this is nice yep [Music] nice ceiling skeletons good is better if they're up there leave them up there leave them up there we have a lot of nice keys what no the blue slimes can turn into those things Wiz Rose [Music] that is just not cool I have enough keys though for a while I have one more key but there could be a ferry in one of these hallways [Music] [Music] this is the next half-hour of the stream please sit back and relax okay please don't drop the wizzrobe [Music] this is not the kind of palace I want to do without the life spell and it's confusing too that's the other part it's it's like a really long palace [Music] [Music] this could be the item could be the item this is the item it is the child wait what ah oh that [Music] it's baby locked in a palace so okay for those that don't know you have to rescue a baby at one point in Zelda too but it's just in a random location in the maze it's not actually it's it's not a reward for a palace usually you're supposed to get like an item that'll help you get to the next area or the glove or candle or a key that opens doors forever [Music] it really does want me to suffer that's proof very [Music] I love that they ah come on I love that they're getting stuck in the ground that's amazing I guess it could be worse that goo could be out like dark nuts or the enemies from the great palace or something I mean the wizzrobe suck but they're it's doable right let's see this randomizer okay well at least we're making progress I've got keys I've got a baby I just need to level up before I lose my experience points [Music] then I watch that h3 video you mentioned earlier and I had to see a grown man blow a carrot y-you do oh sorry about that I forgot yeah he does some interesting things from time to time apologize on his behalf that wasn't the part of the video that I wanted you to see however not even is like a jape no at no point cuz I don't have the glove I can't get past there so there's no there's no reason for me to even be there because there's no way I can defeat the blocks my greatest threat an enemy yet in Zelda too are those blocks [Music] something I'm done here as far as I can tell I don't have anything else to do there's no other there's no other path [Music] I've been here right [Music] I've been here chat yeah right or no [Music] there is one others the darknut room no I haven't been there okay well let's do this first I turned away from the darknet room wait there was a dark night in here last time right Oh a fun here's the boss all this this could be great I can knock your endless palace now [Music] sweet baby Jesus we're gonna level twice [Music] nice and because I have so many attack power like power level ups I was able to take them down pretty easily that's it I don't have to come back here I mean it's still open if I need keys I guess but that's done as far as I'm concerned I don't think there's double items per Palace I don't know maybe someone can confirm me but I have I have a key I have an extra key now so I can go to the blue palace this worked out like fairly well that dungeon I thought that was gonna turn into a major disaster but I was able to destroy the blue dark nuts destroy them hi hoody oh one of jump men did something cool was this this is my cool moment this is my cool moment from earlier he slowed it down okay so here it is in slow motion my finest moment this dream has been so depressing that anything even remotely cool is getting me excited including this I remember I took the maize or the raft rather you know watch this watch this alright jump p-block would look I'm so proud of myself I'm so proud of myself would pathetic [Music] watch out speedrunners coming for you your record is no longer safe [Music] okay we're gonna find out we're gonna find who needed the baby where's that babe that's our dad that was the I said it wrong Bab is now canon to Rooney is on the other continent well shiver me timbers way we can get in there anytime soon [Music] or maybe it's death melon again there is some hope there is some hope that the the life spell will be ridiculously cheap thanks to the randomizer and that would be amazing [Music] so the shield spell is really cheap right now for me which is great but if life is cheap then we're set there's always supposed to be one of those you remove it with the flute why is there so many [Music] [Music] it's like an army this is amazing this randomizer has not failed to surprise me this has not been a disappointment at least those go down pretty easily I'm looking for one of two items I don't know what the items are but there's two guaranteed items in Death Mountain back in my day when the game was the game [Music] I played an hour and a half and there's still no life spell so please no please please do not let me die too oh come on I was searching for it like a hidden tile but it doesn't appear to be the case I'm gonna lose 500 experience no there's no hidden tiles but there's I again there's the army of that weird cat monster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these are the most like clenched moments in the entire game for me [Music] [Music] try to take mental notes so when I do die and come back here and nowhere to go [Music] she loved that beeping sound you know you could turn that off with the randomizer and for some unknown god forsaken reason I did not turn it off it was one of the options I was like but that's part of the experience I need to lay I need to have the beeping for what I'm about to die it makes the game much more tense should it turned it off and this will be my death I see that raised eyebrow Ganon this is what Ganon used to look like [Music] I need to all right we need to get this child back home [Music] babban old T Fairfax needs to go back to his home planet the question is which cave takes us to the other continent that's the thousand dollar question that we've all been asking think it's somewhere up here but I'm not gonna do that palace yet because I want to return the báb because there's a chance that the báb will the báb will get me the life spell [Music] alright so only I've been asking that question it's not up here the randomizer tried to do a little too much here okay it's good food grinding good experience it's gonna be 200 kill the frames [Music] maybe it's the swamp cave no this took me to the other thing we're sure this isn't the báb drop off his own right no I got this one already he belongs with the movie with his Bab crew and beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to just kind of review the footage and find out where I went to get to the raft spot because there's definitely someone has a clip of me taking the right cave vertical seafood taco but zelich tropical hotdogs night two flamingos and a fruit fight here it is it was the bottom okay remember this bottom right it's the very very bottom right of the map so if I forget where that is you now know how to tell me no wonder I couldn't find it it was in a very very specific hidden location all right let's hope I think this is Bab drop-off zone actually have to give my thumb arrests every now and then I'm going left with my my index finger because after all that sanic yesterday I mean it was it was just too intense I'm ready to deposit the báb there you go Oh our hero for saving my child come please be life please be life you can jump very high [Music] you know what though that's okay that leads to a couple of other things I get down stab I can get access to a different Wizard dump thrust there we go there's another spell right there [Music] oops here's upthrust [Music] hey progress so down stab I know where that is so I need medicine and I need I need medicine and I need the the idol that was stolen from the village and then I can get all the other spells if I just find the right villages so we're making progress it's just very slow I think I'm ready to tackle the maze again this batch job is a botch kabob small mercies this one ground lizard is a small mercy look two palaces in a row no [Music] alright so which one is this wouldn't even be able to venture a guess but I'm gonna check it out how great would it be if I just go right and there's an item that would make life so much easier I think this is easy palace because it's it's got like really low-level enemies there's the ferry from Palace 1 I probably shouldn't have gotten that I do really like this color scheme which is randomized we've got ceiling skeleton well it's funny how the only mercy this game is showing me our glitches and here's the boss yeah this is the first Palace I think I reckon doing this boss this early I could have leveled twice you know what looks level and then I'll go back [Music] so yes now things are kind of gelling the frustration of the first hour man that was rough scooting along at the speed of quack [Music] then I'm thinking of getting a controller for a PC gaming and emulation what would you suggest I use the Xbox one mini controller I also sometimes just use the Xbox one controller wired but the Xbox one mini controller has got a really good deep pad it's got a good feel [Music] I like it I've been using it for years I've had zero issues with it and it's cheap well cheaper and now have four keys ds4 works natively with steam - yeah yeah the mini controller actually is just picked up most seeing games immediately recognize it it's a really universal versatile controller that you don't have to around with too much and it'll just work you know every time I say something about like just working images of Todd come to mind and I start to regret my words as poor skeletons every time I see them I just my heart bleeds for them for they have no blood of their own [Music] five keys skeleton space program started early trade didn't I go I officially have 0 HP we're in the negatives [Music] [Music] [Music] so we still have to find the item if you're wondering why I'm still here after defeating the boss the palace item has not been acquired yet and I also need to level so I can get the double level which will be tremendous [Music] so no item bridges just a pure concentrated dose of anxiety okay but we found the item I think [Music] and it is extra magic I guess I'm okay with that but again not something you'll ever see in a palace in Zelda 2 the spell costs remain the same you just get an extra bar of magic [Music] still needs level so how am I gonna do that I could farm a little bit also I'm not doing another palace until I get that down thrust next time that's gonna make a lot of this much easier why aren't these things not giving me experience just like five minutes ago how did their experience value change what is going on with this randomizer [Music] boss now this is the boss room [Music] so Ostrom is bottom right I think I can I could just yeah let's just go this way I'm gonna use the use the bones this will be my grind [Music] now that they're actually giving experience that gets stuck really easily Oh please that's the good stuff [Music] how much pant do you consume to stream so much I I consume pant before every stream that's my ritual some people have rituals before like they they have a sports game or they go on stage for me I consume at least three pant and then I begin the stream I just mentally prepare myself that way i devour lower garment I say a prayer to the God of pant and then I begin [Music] [Music] it's really wacky values nothing that I have has gone down what dungeon is this I don't know how every well you know what no not yet not yet see the lizard value what is your value lizard [Music] hidden town of Kazuto okay there's two items here if I'm not mistaken right you deserve my help so there's more there's two spells there's there's a spell and an item I don't know in any case this is very good and I have spell so I can actually get the item whatever it is there's the glove I may be able to do this tonight if I keep up this pace [Music] right here's the thing [Music] make your sword shoot fire well it's not life but there's three things in this town hey I'll take it fire is good and it's cheap [Music] this is how you make it grow visa this could be anything okay all right so that's another that's another thing could done so that's the idle that you have to rescue early that could lead to life so yeah we're we're doing well now I have to return let's crust the eyeballs a bit enough crusty they are should not have left here you know what take me to the Paradise City do it [Music] [Music] doing right [Music] fail videogame task receive seizure okay you know I'm gonna make a safe State just in case like something locks or whatever so this is where I want to be right now I don't know where I have to bring the idol to so yeah if anyone knows where I have to bring that Idol to please please drop me a line oh here it is the trophy okay good perfect so then I have to go to one more town with the jump get the down for us strengthen a shield kidding me all right great it'd be cool but I need the life spell that's really only useful for a couple enemies and boss it's incident it's useful it's useful it's not garbage but it's like come on so now I just have to find the support town that isn't near water this isn't it [Music] think it's the swamp one right so we still need medicine that could be anywhere then he what is the ultimate pen to consume I don't know and then er the town's themselves not their locations randomized they are or you know what I can't tell I think maybe a little bit but they're more or less intact from what I can remember I've passed by this town like a half-dozen times and now I don't know where it is no are we shorts on this continent then you know that you have ferry you can fly through keyholes I don't have ferry that's the other spell I'm missing I don't know why I was so surprised that there was an orange dude there before okay sometimes there's not an orange dude there [Music] [Music] [Music] do please I've got any fairies polish water pant yeah that's a good one that's a good beginner pant if you wish to consume path circles circle time going round in circles when she comes I'm looking I'm looking at chat I'm looking at chat for info if anyone knows where this thing is maybe its way maybe it's my death melting the do you get to Death Mountain swamp before I guess we're going back this way it's in a swamp definitely in a swamp so then maybe it's somewhere around here [Music] okay you know what I got confused this isn't the other continent because I didn't take the raft over now I have a better picture of what the world looks like but this this lover sucks good it's somewhere around here somewhere around here this isn't the port town man I sure do love video games it's got to be this town it's gotta be this town yeah of course I have to check every area that isn't the right area first this is also the town where I need to bring the medicine back right so if that's the case then I have to remember this town again because I'll be here again [Music] best move in the game yeah I don't think there's gonna be a plus more tonight either because again I might be able to knock this out tonight stop it that's what she said yep you need medicine which means there's one more town that has a spell I think it's like the fuked up ghost town so I'm gonna look for that I'm gonna look for the life spell now because that would be it'd be great there's some really done Death Mountain can I just scratch the surface [Music] I haven't listened to the latest king gizzard album I've been listening to lately just random discover weekly i'm REM since I watched that men on the moon like Andy Kaufman Jim Carrey documentary Jim Carrey was kind of an wasn't he [Music] if you watch that documentary like the whole thing with him and Jerry Lawler like Andy Kaufman and Jerry Lawler were friends and they were just putting on an act I'm a huge Andy Kaufman fan by the way I don't know if I've ever really talked about him on stream but that dude was a genius and um I like a lot of what Jim Carrey does but he was just he was like claiming to be Andy you know and he was like channeling Andy and he was hanging out with the family like Andy Kaufman's family as Andy this is kind of strange I would recommend checking it out it's a good documentary but it's kind of kind of depressing in its own way so yeah anyway that led beat down that led me down in rem I'm gonna say Kay whole not the movie men on the moon there's a documentary on Netflix called Jim and Andy and it's about Jim Carrey's experience of portraying Andy Kaufman and in the movie in the man on the moon movie and there's like footage from behind the scenes that never been seen before and Jim talking about the role and it's just weird and Jim is weird [Music] this is where I want to be [Music] you never heard of method acting oh yeah I've heard of method acting however when Andy Kaufman's long-lost daughter shows up and Jim Carrey is talking to her as if he's Jim as if he's Andy Kaufman that's a little weird but maybe taking method acting too far but it was the Jerry Lawler thing that's that's the most egregious because again if you don't know you're Andy Kaufman history he set up a fake rivalry with Jerry Lawler who was a really famous wrestler I'm sure most of you know who he is or many of you and Andy Kaufman and him had this thing on this feud on Letterman and they they fought each other and it was just this big jape but then behind the scenes they were they were friends and they set this all up [Music] and when he got on set Jim Carrey just kept abusing the out of him like the same way Andy Kaufman did but not in a good way he just kind of like aggravated the out of him it seemed like anyway I'm not taking away from what Jim Carrey did I really like his performance I like a lot of his stuff I like hearing what he has to say about life because he's obviously going through some kind of weird transformation but I definitely felt a little odd about some of the choices he made for the movie fascinating documentary that's just my thoughts on it which amount to zero definitely watch it check it out see what you think about it Jerry Lawler still wrestles like 60 now there's a lot of other reasons for Jim Carrey's transformation there's just Fame the thing with his girlfriend which was a whole big crazy story that I don't know all the details of but it's it's not very pleasant and I could the dudes just in pain you can just see that he's suffering and so I think he wanted to change pretty drastically for better or worse I don't know but he said that his movies really reflected who he was at each time in his life and I definitely agree with that my favorite Jim Carrey movies a Truman Show probably by a fair degree like men on the moon is great all his comedy obviously is a lot of fun but The Truman Show is like a different side to him and the movie is just amazing he is yeah he's pretty nihilistic these days Jim he's not it's not the most optimistic person in the room I don't know how fun he would be at parties these days but I definitely give him credit for attempting some kind of transformation he's clearly in pain but that's a whole different story that's a whole different topic and I'm playing video games well I think I know I think I know where I have to go I don't even have the hammer but there's another item that you have to fall down for you have to fall down a pit so thunder can do that [Music] it's under the rock it might very well be under the rock I think you're right but they didn't give me a hammer so I don't I can't get there yet you mean the hammer to fall down the pit don't you yeah I think you're right yeah so I think we're done here we're done we're done here until further notice and [Music] again for anyone who's never played Zelda - I can promise you Death Mountain the original Death Mountain was nowhere near as confusing is this don't let this deter you away from the game if you ever want if you've ever wanted to give it a shot this is a great game and the randomizer is just taking it to levels [Music] someone just said the hammer is at the bottom of the pit another person said do you smell what The Rock is cooking funny story about the rock I have an image I have an image that I would like to share with you for a brief moment of the rock in two separate films that are coming out I think this year or that have had trailers this year two different films these are two different movies so he's kind of like wearing the same shirt almost and he's in a jungle like in both movies he's a busy guy hustling he's hustling spot the difference one has longer sleeves yeah I like the idea that that the rock went from Jumanji Jumanji to dark Jumanji set directly on to the rampage set like he got done filming 5 you know 5 hours of one movie and then he would just walk on to the other set and do another 5 hours and that would be it CGT sleeves maybe yeah if they can do a CG upper lip they can do CG sleeves easy [Music] yeah it was time to leave okay listen I can beat the dungeons I can do this but what I would love to do first I would love to talk about Pepe Silvia I got boxes that they what I know what I would love to do is get the life spell if I can get the life spell I feel fairly confident that I can go through the rest of the game with some degree of safety and comfort ability where things are still a little bit shitty right now for me it's really good that's a really good year people in chatter typing Carol okay your meme in that Pepe Silvia hard [Music] guys there's no Carol there is no Carol in HR try to remember to get that another time typically typically you want to get your you were one UPS at the end of the game before the final fight against Bowser [Music] [Music] why did it why did my fire spell turn that thing into a jelly you know that's probably where the final palace is it would be pretty heartbreaking if I lost all this experience now so I'm not gonna play around I delivered the Bab Bab has been delivered [Music] it's really nice easy-cheesy XP [Music] one more of those one more of those and they get my level I lost experience yeah magic will go offshore did help fire is now nine fire is is extremely cheap and it transforms enemies into squishies so there's almost no reason for me not to use fire pretty frequently there's still like one town that's missing that's gonna be extremely helpful later on the medicine could be in a temple oh yeah that's true yeah but there's no guarantee that that's gonna lead to life that's just kind of a crapshoot okay there's the hammer more progress [Music] [Music] [Applause] I love that I'm just finding like game defining items and just random spots I [Music] actually avoided the damage there it's fine better now than later yeah who do I know tell me about it dude okay now I can I can do a couple things I can go to Death Mountain real quick I can hammer that rock fall down the spot I can also go back into that cave so to go back to death Mountain which is not my favorite thing to say if it were up to me we'd never go back to death Mountain now I just have to get to that rock [Music] so rock where are you where's the rock there he is there he is [Music] [Music] beautiful and it's just a pee bag so that's wait a minute was that one of two guaranteed items no yeah [Music] good alright Death Mountain it it to hell there's still another rock cave on the overworld where was that pepper there's one more rocks um okay so I have to okay I see what you mean so if I see another rock I have to smell what it's cooking and then destroy it got it well we're gonna go back into this cave and then I'm gonna do the maze and I don't know what I'm gonna do from there but we definitely need the life spell because this game is hard enough without it oh this game is hard enough with it without it it's kind of torture come on medicine come on medicine it's the flute I'm convinced that the medicine is in a palace and this will help me fight the cat army at least I need to I need to take a minute one side let me get something to drink I'll be right back guys stick around [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go in the time I was gone I created a pee bag of my own I also unloaded my nose and got myself a drink a number of confused and terrified people in chat why you tell me about the unload your nose what does that mean pinata I love the I love the sometimes when you tell people that you go to the bathroom they're like streamers don't pee it's like this weird unspoken unspoken thing there's no way there's no way a streamer would have a bodily function [Music] Jemma does he's very loud what do you mean Therma putting feeds on stream does he uh does he create a stream while he's streaming how's that work like how close is his bathroom to his microphone I mean like if the audience can hear him go to the bathroom what what out it's gotta be like right there Oh what this is the great palace wait a minute what that's death [Music] it's an in-joke okay so that it's not real pee it's it's JTP okay I mean of course I Jake peed I'm just trying to be like my friend germ oh I [Music] still find it funny how our friendship started over a fake meme rivalry oh my god that's disappointing [Music] you know what though I kind of deserved that anyway here's the other rocket I know there is another one too right there's another one so once that there was one southwest of my starting location so I have the flu I've no need for the flute just yet but we're gonna find that rock real quick [Music] [Music] there should be one blocking a cave okay was it on this continent or the upper part of this continent I mean it's a vaguely familiar prospect but so have I done this palace did I do this one or did I do the the blue one my memories really garbage isn't it [Music] guys I think I have that Alzheimer's [Music] wait a second mistakes are made okay I'm back [Music] yeah I can do this one it let's do it let's do it make some progress again I have two keys already from the previous dungeon so we can make this work let's go left to start yeah I hope so this this is kind of based on dungeon five or maybe six so this is gonna be a bit of a nightmare like some of the time recognizing some of the tiles and the way they're set up kind of reminds me of one of the final dungeons five all right okay there's a key here this is where I got my experience yeah all these memories so much nostalgia for 20 minutes ago I meant shield not reflect [Music] this is the worst color for a dungeon and I like the color green as as you know there's also a couple spots and I think two of the dungeons where you need the fairy spell to get further so I'm not feeling great about that skeleton [Music] 200 come on get out of my way [Music] are you kidding me yeah are you I this is not the dungeon to be doing without life [Music] I thought we're going to hit the boss room oh god it's the mini boss okay [Music] vini what the hell is your animal crossing' friend number I don't have animal crossing yet on the phone and I wouldn't give out the number because it would just be spam and I'm sorry yeah I thought that was his wife 500 P excellent [Music] Budweiser tastes like an old like shitty piece of metal the king of beers I [Music] hate that room I hate that room so much and that room that room in particular is about 30 times worse with floating heads [Music] bud tastes like someone heated a soda and then let it froze again how about this I'll I'll take that and I'll modify it and say that bud tastes like flat soda that's someone heated and then froze again just had to be there [Music] Budweiser tastes like melted clowns here we go here we go again [Music] shield and jump please even with jump I'm still taking damage oh this is just the worst it's one of these levels it's a mix of a number of different levels and it's just all ass oh surprise but a welcome one [Music] [Music] the best part is not knowing where you're going - endless loop [Music] normally in the dungeon that this was kind of based off of I believe the item would be here but it's not gonna be that easy and you need ferry unbelievable oh boy I want to ride on the Dolphins [Music] this is combining all the worst elements of my least favorite moments from all the dungeons I don't like what this [Music] [Music] you have no choice but to accept the death I don't have the fairy spell which is how you get over the lava pits I was I was boned eyes bone [Music] however however I did see a couple of spots that I need to go to I want to find those spots when you're falling you have to go to the right [Music] that might lead to the item holy [Music] holy the pits were to the right correct [Music] holy fook [Music] [Music] [Music] why is there skeleton up here [Music] [Music] like okay I never have to collect another key again well I do but I have lots of leeway but still [Music] okay I think I maybe didn't go that way last time I think I went this way last time I saw the the room oh come on I think it's directly to the right here I don't know if I can do it without fairy maybe ah yeah you need the fairy spell I got it I gotta come back here I can't I can't do this the dungeons over dungeon is over this is gonna be a two parter stream okay yeah everything I need here I need ferry for was i searching for a boulder like 20 minutes ago [Music] also not a good thing about the randomizer the dirt paths that would normally stop the enemies from going into your butt are placed erratically or are gone that's the biggest problem a zelda 2 is how it doesn't take very long at all for enemies to show up it's extremely annoying okay there's no Boulder here [Music] no Boulder I agree that there was a boulder blocking a cave somewhere but I don't know where it is Boulder was south cave okay I didn't see it anywhere around here so we'll go back this way should take us back to the beginning again I'm looking for medicine so I can get fairy or life at this point I really want the life spell but even fairy would be just fine so I could complete that lime-green visual torture dungeon it's south but to the east a bit I mean I checked I checked all up in here all up in here and it's nothing do you get unlimited continues yes so thank God for that I'm here to provide a service death screams [Music] do this we gotta go down this way again avoid the enemies from the horrendous encounter rate and buy my way through I wish I had more cool stories to tell you guys but I've told you all of them oh here's one if you do highlight videos of my streams most okay so a lot of people have been emailing me saying Vinny there's a lot of people that are using your thumbnail if possible please don't do that so like there are people that are confusing other people because they're using my exact intro and they're using my thumbnail and they're doing like highlights some of which are very poor some of which are okay but generally kind of poor and as a result people are like emailing me in like Vinny who is this guy making highlight videos of yours and why does he suck and anyway so I emailed one person and they said no problem no problem at all but there's a number of people that use the the mushroom logo completely and also monetize their videos now listen I'm not gonna tell you what you can and can't do I'm just requesting let's say you know as a friend that you that you don't do that that you don't use the the branding because it's confusing for people and it's a little like there's you know you're not asking for permission or anything and that's okay but maybe just like create your own branding so people don't get confused and you know I mean it's a pretty underhanded way like the email I got from someone was like it's an underhanded way for someone to get views based on your titles and your thumbnail so again you're not gonna try to stop you not gonna be a dick about it just asking if you could not do that that will be great so you know who you are [Music] this is brand new anything here is new [Music] this could be a very important moment just some random cave bringing us to the life spell [Music] [Music] [Music] this leads to are you kidding me are you kidding me nothing I'm going to explode [Music] [Music] probably a bush hidden on the map somewhere listen dude you're probably right there's probably some bush in the corner of the map that I'm gonna have to go to but yeah this is this is definitely gonna be a two-parter without a doubt for better or worse I'm not sure how people feel about that but I'm gonna have to do it again because we've still got like four palaces and the final palace to go this is a crazy thing I mean randomizers are not even developers they're just they're just algorithms that can do some cool stuff but man is it painful right now okay so this whole area is new I haven't seen any of this down there is also unrecognizable if this encounter rate was just a little bit lower than now those skeleton bird heads are giving two and not 20 okay we wouldn't check the bushes I need that please give please give please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] medicine would be nice anything would be fine even in another heart would be great and where am I [Music] you like I've been here before the town is this this I'm down here I really don't want to be down here yet you're under utilizing the ability to turn your enemies into slimes for almost no magic you are correct you do lose experience though but I guess in a tight spot I can make everything around me turn into slime time guys I've decided I'm gonna be a slime streamer also when I get the boots if I go to that location there's probably gonna be an item here's the thing here's the medicine got it yeah so now what do I need what's better fare your life [Music] could all these like these areas it's gonna be items and all of them someone up and another invisible enemy even though I have the item that makes invisible enemies non-existent really I really cannot afford to die joking you you're joking yeah you gotta be joking japes upon japes upon japes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you just like another 900 to get that level up get out my way oh yeah it was slime time all right now I can get the out of here head to a town medicine was in the port town right but I was in the swamp the port town was in the swamp I believe there's another town yet to be found that's like kind of it's the ghost town I need health I need to get to that [Music] pound town nah man different different thing we are not going to pound townn so I think it was back here help me help me guys help be my navigator North right go south right north left I was unexpected take a left at the next right I'm I'm going to I'm going to unload more than just my nose wouldn't happen to be in these woods right which one was this now find sausage that you should play more Skyrim you're not the first person that's told me that considering how many glitches i found i have to say i've been playing more of it because it sunk its claws back into me it's meaty Skyrim ish claws it's still got its good moments i can't justify the price of $60 $60 60 bones is a lot for a game that came out six years ago yes it's portable yes it has some new stuff in it but it's it's still a game that should have come out for 40 bucks thirty would be great but I mean you know it's it's what it is and I like it I didn't actually I didn't think I was gonna get that addicted to it again but I did I did just keeps coming back just keeps coming back every year Todd brings it back [Music] here it is here it is it's very Vinny can you explain the Skyrim addiction I quit it early because it was so poor yeah well though combat isn't a lot of fun unless you go a sneaky Archer as we've discussed a sneaky arrow man I like the game for the creating your own kind of story as you go through the world I just built my own house which was part of like a DLC pack which I had never done before and I'm continue continue Lee finding materials for it so that I can upgrade the house I'm really enjoying that I like picking a direction and just walking for like 20 minutes and finding weird I like the glitches the glitches are fun I like that there are moments when you get to someone's house the house is all up it's burnt down there's a journal that says we saw a dragon we're not leaving though we should we know we should evacuate but we're staying the dragon won't hurt us and then you go outside the house and there's two charred corpses like that's the kind of stuff that I like I know it's a little morbid but I enjoy that kind of thing like creating your own story [Music] the main story isn't really that a great for me but I do enjoy just exploring the world and turning your brain off for a little bit and just and there's you know what there's this times when the game looks nice like I granted it's a six year old game but the HD Edition for the switch makes it look pretty good but more than that just every now and then like the Sun will rise and you'll look out into the distance and see like solitude and its kind of really nice the vistas it's the vistas road to the West has another Boulder really okay so yeah I mean it's not a great it's not the best open-world game I've ever played it's not even the best elder scrolls but there was a lot of work put into it even if it was buggy glitchy mess work and I have my qualms with the game but it's still kind of addictive to just put it on and level your character however the you want to make your own stories and just you know watch a mammoth go to space oh I did that Boulder already whoever told me to check that one out I did that one justice it's like Windows Vista give any location wishes for a sequel I'd like to see black marsh I think we're finally at the point in time where we can do decent forests and video games for a long time forests we're just like ass far cry had jungles down a little bit but I feel now we finally we finally got to a point where forests can look decent so Valon wood would be kind of my like I like the idea of like a kind of a Lord of the Rings kind of feel to the next one where it's woods you know mainly focuses on the elves and maybe their corruption kind of Lord of the Rings maybe you've heard of it but yeah I would like that and I would like really really cool like detailed forests that have a lot of stuff to find in them that would be my like goal or that would be my wish I should say for the next Elder Scrolls but they really need to fix the combat I wouldn't even mind if they went third-person like if they took I know Bethesda is a big fan of Nintendo and I know breath of the wild definitely influenced them had to have because Skyrim influenced breath of the wild which in turn will hopefully influence Todd so yeah all right got it click in the analog stick yeah but it's not really I mean even though you can go in third-person in Skyrim there's still this huge disconnect like even Witcher 3 as good as that game is I feel like the combat doesn't come close to what breadth of the wild does which is just simplifies everything gives it like physics fluidity and really puts you in the world there's no there's no disconnect between the various mechanics and I feel like Skyrim and The Witcher are great games for their environmental reasons and the world but the combat wasn't what kept me coming back to those games [Music] so but I think first-person combat could happen I could it could be done it could be done I just don't know how but I strongly believe that someone somewhere can do first-person comment like chivalry was pretty good for first-person combat like melee combat but I'd much prefer I would much prefer a [Music] I would much prefer a third-person melee combat game for sure or the option would be nice option now in Skyrim at you you have an option to go third-person but like there's no lock on any of the quality of life things that you would expect or hope for are are currently not quite in the game [Music] problem chat so yeah I'm all about Vallon would and again you know people sometimes get upset with me because I say things that then they have a different opinion it's like well man oh we're not the same person I find it funny that I even have to like say that so often but it's true feel free to formulate your own opinion about what Skyrim you want next do you want Skyrim black marsh do you want Skyrim Skyrim Woods do you want Skyrim sunshine on a beach because remember the series is no longer elder scrolls the series is now just called Skyrim [Music] what palace is this like what what godforsaken palace could this be we know it's not the final even though this stuff right here what you're watching what you're witnessing this is all the lead-up to the final palace of the no really we're doing this - yeah like in the actual game this is the lead-up to the final area and the final dungeon I still don't have the life spell what do you mean that what do you mean that [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a glitch that I might be able to do but this might be a softlock I don't have enough room to do the encounter glitch here we go this might help I was up there before by the way that was the spot that I was at I used the flute to get up there yeah no that's nonsense that's the randomizer at its worst between what we just witnessed and this bat thank God okay I I have to do this dungeon now I don't know if I'll be able to but I have to do this because I do not want to come back here this looks like it's based off of dungeon number four or three but I mean who knows what are you this color does not exist in vanilla Zelda - oh he's easy as and he gives a lot of experience mine sauce the dev is watching and is aware of the thing that just happened oh hi dev you made the randomizer you mean that's cool I like it it's hardest but I mean I like it we're gonna do this dungeon tonight I put all the time and effort into getting here I still don't have a life spell [Music] mario nintendo himself is watching mono be still might be still my beating heart [Music] don't forget to wash your foreskin my whole life I've been waiting for the moment to show off my gaming prowess to mario nintendo now he's finally here [Music] which is very xx fairly cheap Nintendo should do like a promotion with a fast-food joint for like chicken tenders [Music] than tenders No [Music] [Music] if you're watching Bob Nintendo I'm sorry Mario Nintendo then you can keep them have that idea for free I asked but a mere pittance trifle mikeysoft for some of these are not from this dungeon I have to be careful maybe there's a chance I can use up all my keys on this dungeon then when I go back to the other one I'm like boned but yeah this seed has been let's say challenging [Music] what I really want to say is this seed is Satan reincarnate but we can just say challenging oh yeah I can fly through keyholes as fairy forgot about that I really really want that life spells I can't believe the spell I've been asking for since the beginning is the last one I get [Music] so again these are rooms from the lime-green dungeon another key [Music] perfect if I just keep those at the end of the screen like that they will not respawn behind me [Music] vini and I started listening to red Vox and now I'm so addicted that's really nice of you to say you don't have to say that stop it however in a couple weeks I think you're gonna be even happier don't quote me on that a lot of people like to quote me as [Music] if saying words makes you responsible for said words we know better stop it wrong hey a matter of weeks could be six weeks [Music] stop it wrong stop [Music] what is read Vox oh it's a baseball team [Music] not dude it's it's a disease you get the red box from buggery I believe was what they called it in the 16th century yeah you would only get the red box then so we've luckily done away with it it was around just after the plague the Vox spread around and I wasn't fun for anyone [Music] the sport what was the game of Thrones disease called that wasn't in the show [Music] the bloody flux my sixth key sure at least the randomizer is generous with keys [Music] it's played nice it's played nice in terms of keys not much else though well this might be an item that this might be an item yep it is boot I don't know if I'm gonna need this [Music] so it allows you to allows you to go over water and there hasn't been any indication that I needed to get anywhere over water just yet I don't know if the randomizer handled that part of the game there's one water square it's gonna be another dead end isn't it why is the music skipping ready for a heart attack all right crisis averted [Music] oh it's really skipping like terribly bad it's our way to fix that I'm using this topia [Music] did you turn auto save on I'll think so [Music] okay let me check the audio options nothing that I can see you realize I have to like do this boss with one life right oh please let this not be this one ah I don't have enough magic that's been [Music] I was thinking about I was debating rewinding all that nice experience gone [Music] still no life now I'm gonna play legit I'm gonna play legit the rewinds weren't necessary for the softlock but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna use it here [Music] the only saving grace for me is that unlike the actual game okay so for anyone who doesn't know zelda ii when you die even when you're in a palace you get sent back to the beginning to the very very beginning no life but ignore life potion that's not a life potion that's a magic potion there are no life potions [Music] like you don't lose your experience in your items but you have to go back to the beginning and then you have to walk all the way back to the palace so it makes it makes some losing your content so when I say dying I mean three times when you lose all your lives and you have to use a continue you have to go back to the starting palace so it's it's pretty unforgiving I mean it's not the worst thing in the world but it just makes everything so much more inconvenient all right so now this is how you defeat this guy [Music] it's pretty much just random so just stay in one spot you're getting a game over is what I mean [Music] yes dig shake that was very very nice Palace restarts our lifesaver like that's a quality of life improvement that is amazing why are the potions different colors so blue one restores one bar of life and the red one restores the whole of magic and the red one restores all your magic [Music] so one bar is opposed to all bars well this is a to be continued for sure and yes I just died on purpose to warp back here there is no way I was going through that whole nightmare again trying to think I can't even imagine where that last town would be yeah I can't even I can't even formulate like an idea of where the final town would be but we need that final town we need that life spell to be continued [Music] [Music] so three palaces left than the Great Palace we have almost excuse me we have almost every spell almost every item it's still gonna be a bit of an uphill battle but once I find that town it's gonna go a little bit smoother so let's take a look at the art now I'm gonna do a little bit more variety during the week yes there's gonna be more mayro I haven't decided on South Park yet I know I said I was gonna do it but that again is a 20 hour RPG that has a lot of mixed feelings like I'm thinking about it still but let's not think about it too hard because I have some other stuff I want to do I might do some Goldeneye with the mouse and 60 frames a second patch Thursday I want to do Mario World for Thanksgiving because that is my Thanksgiving game I remember screaming it streaming I remember playing it when I was young on Thanksgiving and I want to go through it again and we have more Mario Odyssey hand of fate too and maybe some other stuff too so let's take a look at the art and again guys I know a lot of people want me to stream a lot of different things there's obviously a lot of requests and I get so many more through email if I went through my email requests you'd see about maybe two dozen a week and it's just impossible to keep up with so what I would end up doing is streaming games for the rest of my life but I have to be happy with my choice and if it's a game that is as I've said a thousand times and if you're new to the stream well here you go if it's a game that is longer than like five or six hours that's a pretty huge commitment that's a huge decision I want to make sure I'm making the right decision and it's going to be a game that I can enjoy so the audience can also enjoy it unless it's a Sunday stream in which case you're supposed to watch me not enjoy the games but I can just you know abandon ship pretty quickly but that's kind of my that's kind of my philosophy with that so where were we with art we were here okay so here's the art for the night this one's from so viim and this is from yesterday's stream with a mikuni which was Sonic 3 & Knuckles one knuckle I will have my way and he will be called knuckle great art love it from art Haman remember Luigi you gotta get your prostate checked often of course always this one is from Sam Qi I'm actually a legit Baker for a family-owned bagel cafe and after having introduced the owners to vine sauce they pressured me into making an actual blood bagel and I couldn't be more proud not sure how edible this thing would be with all that food coloring sticking to everything yeah well we used ketchup fake blood a little chocolate syrup some water and I don't think we had food coloring so we also use like cherry juice so it was a weird combo of things and then Photoshop of course helped but it looks like you've pretty much nailed it right off the bat so a good job for that as a weird piece of art I guess this one's from mango bust 45 eat these my safe Matthew I don't know why that's as funny as it should as it is from Vance V video oh god I've seen this the vine sends okay yeah I saw this already I think this was tweeted to me let's just let's see [Music] [Applause] meth-head Marge I don't think but I don't think my Marge impression she might be on meth actually now that I think about it the sad thing is that I'm responsible for this and that wasn't even that funny and it was my fault it's totally my fault but thanks for animating it I guess lord have mercy and now a reading from the book of Korff insults put-downs and slams top ten places john buys his clothes 10 Al's a1 exhumed suits number 2 mr. tackies number 1 geeks R Us number 3 is the clown outfit outlet this one's from primal screen guy yeah I see what's happening and you just vine rising all over the place this one's from Joey won 2-0 for everything is fine yeah it's kind of a kind of emblematic of my streams in my life from Mike Dawson there you go you made me and sonic forces you did it good job from nab man 11 soup super she suck me yeah you're gonna okay so how about this you just keep this one to yourself keep it rare you don't want it to lose its value by sending it to me and then everyone else sees it and then everyone else can get it keep it and that way it will retain its value years from now and it'll be rare it'll be only on your hard drive totally worth to be worth it in like ten years this one's from dark quaza and it's a very edgy lynnie and it's tagged as Dragon Ball Z so you know this one here is from fat gun and it's a BRB true that's cool from mr. fast zombie save net neutrality or this will become twitches most used emote and while I like existing in a world where vine Rison exists I have problems with that idea which is why I think it's important that you do take a look at how you can save net neutrality battle for the Netcom please go there take a look see what you think because it could get real scary and we could be vine rising every night on this year stream from Spain Boober The Adventures of Zords oral Dez - Lai Lee's legend 3 and nuchal yak ok this one is from pajama pants Jack and that's cool I don't know what's going on but it you know good job from Zagat is back goddamn baby jape alright when I rescued the baby from the dungeon yeah from EMH I see what's in the background - by the way from EMH ok some magic thunder seriously from lemon line mortis return of bean yacht I like that I think that's really well done from stray oh here's a get Bab get from internet cracking have some hot chocolate with me no Marge Marge is hot charm does maggots in our chocolate Marge from Salta , vine mock emote for whenever chat wants to laugh at Vinny in an insensitive manner like that doesn't happen every night you don't need any mode for that from it's a good-looking one though from the wiggler hi I'm here for deposit Bab link looks highest yeah he's like Harry he's got hair on his hair for some reason I think this is my favorite one so far of the night it's amazing this one's from me foil based on the link this link from Zelda - oh it's cool it's like the winwaker link mixed with the classic link i really love how link evolved over the years - and how it started out kind of like storybook and almost like kind of if you look at some of the art for like The Hobbit like some of the book covers for hot The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings or like the interpretations of what some of the Lord of the Rings stuff looked like I definitely see some some similarities between that and the original Zelda 1 & 2 art and then even like Link to the Past and Link's Awakening kind of had some of that but it kind of started moving away from that and by the time you get to ocarina then it was pretty much it's you know its own thing and then you go further from that you get Zelda and we're here we are today we have a very interesting breath of the wild version of link which i think is was a good evolution as well but I tend to prefer the classic style I don't know why maybe I just grew up with it like the Link to the Past think so wakening style from G 0 3 9 3 3 good name vine dude emote dude from Tales 1995 The Adventure Adventures of sunk and tail + knuckle + knuckle like there's a question you don't know if the knuckle is actually here and from oak board vine Chen ramen - insert for map this is the most obscure reference of the of the night by far and only people that were at this dream will ever be able to understand it so good job alright that's it that's the stream hey thanks for watching I know this was a little difficult a little painful because it was so difficult to find anything but I still enjoyed it and we're gonna finish it I think if I get it if I do more randomization stuff I'm gonna be a little bit more careful about which settings I check off because I feel like the more the deeper you go into randomization the longer the streams take and it just gets tedious but I'm sure we can scale back on a couple things and there's a lot of other randomizers that I do want to check out eventually but for now I'm gonna go so yeah thanks thanks for sticking around and I guess I'll see you sometime on the flip side with more of whatever the it was that I was going to do next and you can watch the other vine saw streamers in the meantime as I always say joel's live and die er is live so just go to twitch.tv slash team slash vine sauce and you can check them out and you can enjoy other streams you can also go to vine sauce calm and at vine sauce on Twitter thank you everybody and I hope you all enjoy your night and get some sleep or if it's day if you're from Australia then you know do do whatever Australians do run with the dingoes I don't know just have a good have a good son all right so long
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 317,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Randomized, Games Randomized, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo R&D4, NES, Action role-playing, Single-player, Zelda 2
Id: FFRnmo_EHo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 53sec (13553 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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