[Vinesauce] Vinny - The Ascent (PART 1)

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another game this is a different one it looked too cool to pass up um as you can see this is metroid dread just the color scheme reminds me of it um no this is the ascent this is a game that is fairly relevant to my interests and uh i've heard it was pretty good and i wanted to give it a shot i actually bought this one and uh yeah i want to see what's going on i also have a pop filter on my microphone i'm still using an overhead mic well on an arm and i'm still getting used to it but i have a pop filter now and that's good that's a very good thing for you the listener welcome to the ascent let's give it a shot apparently you can take your single player character into multiplayer so i'm gonna just do some um some single-player experience and then i'll see where that takes me and if anything one day i'll check out co-op or something but uh again still trying to get used to the microphone situation so bear with me if i sound a little far away or whatever the case may be um this seems like it's a pretty good spot right now yeah this this works you'll see why this is relevant to my interests shortly i've heard mostly positive things about this game how you doing out there in tv land okay now you know why this is relevant to my interests okay so there's cycles there's planet fall there's flying cars very nice [Music] hmm indents that's not good it's not good you are an indent within a with the ascent group largest corporation in vellus now what are the things in your teeth are those indent indentures stuck in the deep dank bowels of their massive something all right i want by a little quick some good color good neon led [Music] in a world where leds are so good i don't think neon really needs to exist anymore i get there's an aesthetic and like a kind of a feel you can only get from neon but man i've seen fake neon that's just great it's not hot and doesn't burn out and break as easily i saw the word groin your name is scum this is a world of filth [ __ ] you that's how the game starts okay a bit fast i don't know i i'm kind of um content to make my character fairly scummy little do marine green going on there oh my god um wow i hate all of these options man bun mohawk long mohawk short for those that don't even know what kind of game this is i'll tell you what this is probably not even going to be all that relevant i guess we'll find out though i finished my character yeah sp wondering if i should use a controller for this it's a twin stick shooter but like diablo waste management isn't that just tony soprano's job let's see what's going on with the uh visuals always got to do a little bit of a thing resolution is i don't know why that resolution's like that um that should help resolution not that crazy motion blur on for a game like this i'm going to leave motion blur on and see how that works out okay we got um physics objects on of course everything else is ultra display vsync i think there's dslr i think camera shake we'll we'll have that and see what that's like so it's a little bit louder my microphone okay maybe this will make my computer explode i hope it doesn't rain okay i can do that let me open my volume mixer i want the volume up a little bit just a little bit i want to you know get that i also have better headphones now because i'm using my music headphones which are sennheisers and they have a wide range of listenability and bass whereas my other the akgs i was using for years were very toppy and not very bassy so now i get like really good sound in video game okay i love the style so far i mean obviously but still big um hang on a second big fan of the uh i'm i can't get used to this microphone thing big fan of the thing so far of the way this looks okay interact with objects using the f button i too have never played a video game before thank you no that's fine especially for someone like me who misses stuff very obvious stuff press o at any time for objective oh sick okay acquire more map segments as you reach new zones your imp will automatically survey and download the relevant maps okay um augmentations and modules but be mindful um they will drain your energy man my character looks like a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] equip armor anytime by selecting a piece for your head upper body and lower body lose the shorts loadout can be viewed and changed on the fly two weapons one choice of tactical gear okay and the character has the level skills attributes skill points and bounties bounty law so they finally sent back up i guess the problem was to reach the stop top so boom would have left the air to be scavenged his eyes locked itself into a recursive void loop like this thing that caused this beyond that door together with a whole lot of ferals who came out of nowhere took a fat bite out of my thigh that's all i could do to crawl in here and put the room in lockdown right another one oh my character's packing all right there's been some strange power searches the deep stinky is this the boys that's what they call the superheroes and the boys the you know the caped crusader complex [ __ ] now we're talking way back's clear now right right i'm going to hobble back upstairs find cheap soup well i guess i'll wait through [ __ ] me you were right i should have shouldn't have fallen for it a new life get a job with the ascent group trip to velas and everything's set up all i have to do is work of the debt as an indent oh my god work of the debt it's a little wacky watching your character twirl like this but that's also what a twin stick shooter is and again this isn't another this isn't a triple a game kind of like chernobyl light looks amazing but you can tell where it isn't fully where it isn't fully budgeted [Music] okay i want to see just how how good this looter shooter is i'm ready to shoot now i want to shoot some scummy things slimy scummy whatever hacking environment hack everything with cyber deck by holding c okay so you can just hack everything look at that lighting lighting in video games is just nice i thought there was dlss various not that i'm using it [Applause] well we're using my sennheiser um headphones i can really feel the shoot i had no idea how much i was missing playing video games with sport caster headset i'm still looking for a headset that has good headphones and a good microphone that has um a good condenser mic but i don't i don't think i'm gonna find that i i would like the freedom to still be able to move around and crane my neck like a weirdo but i um yeah i just don't know if i'm gonna find that i got some suggestions but nothing's nothing particular to what i was looking for i wonder if i have infinite ammo for this particular weapon i aim you also inflict more stagger while lifting your gun okay did that thing just say bird hello gentlemen welcome to the money plane i'll be your cause concierge s-i offline as protective measure current repair protocols invalid and report this is poon we're waiting around in feces up here and you send me reports about your writing energy fluctuations you have one job get it done i've uploaded the s i access override codes don't ping me again until it's done damn alternate system access code downloaded installing done revising work order task list done tasks replace external interface circuitry purge memory all right um real quick one of my favorite recent shows i've talked about is how to with john wilson if you like the nathan fielder show you would enjoy this it's insane but conan just interviewed john wilson just for those of you that have seen the show and have interest in it it's pretty good interview never expected to hear it but i liked it conan's podcasts sometimes there's some some good stuff speaking of i do have another recommendation and i will drop that on you in a minute i just want to get into the game world a little bit and then i will tell you about an audio book i've been listening to that i would recommend but first i want to explore the scum drenched scenery the scum encrusted [ __ ] zones you cred picked up i don't think those robots are my enemy they don't appear to be doing anything particularly villainous yeah they're just trying to exist i like the return of simple genre games that look amazing this kind of reminds me even though it's a completely different game but one of the first things that came to mind was shadow complex not because they're anyway near similar but like that took the concept of the 2d side-scrolling metroidvania and gave it like beautiful graphics for its time and this is like hey twins twin stick but it looks amazing with a cool setting that's really the only similarity between the two that and i just wanted to drop a reference to shadow complex because that game was cool i think a little underappreciated as well [Music] but yes let me be your guide on this journey of this game of this of the scummy futuristic game and i'll let you know if i like it and maybe you'll like it too that's what i'm here for sometimes sometimes i'm just going to play the game anyway other times i just want to find out if the game is any good and then i can give a recommendation or not turbo thugs the grunt runts of the turbo vipers they'll come after you with whatever they've got around be that a pipe or a gun most are stemmed out and itching for a fight some come from the hibabs high high hobs they're just looking to have some fun others were reared in the back alley have gangs i think they have something to prove all of them are looking to kill really i mean yeah this is cool codex a lot of polish on this game a lot of effort i watched hateful eight finally i did it first time loved it i think i talked about it in a previous video if i did i'm sorry yeah i think i did but if i if you didn't catch that i'll just say once again it's i need to watch jackie brown next um but yeah i really enjoyed hatefully that's that is all i think i already talked about it [ __ ] it's hard to remember i will do when i'm done with jackie brown i'm gonna do a tarantino movie ranking like my order of his of my favorites of his just because i've been enjoying his movies re-watching them lately the high hibabs okay complete missions collect black bounties blounties and defeat enemies to gain xp sounds about right whoa got a little bit of uh slowdown there my computer was almost grinding to a halt i get a little nervous when that happens determines the amount of tactical charge gained for damage inflicted associated with cybernetics attribute all right uh i still you know i can't help but kill those robot friends just so much fun jan i thought i saw a ladder there there's a ladder but it's not working pretty cool though bringing me um some memories of again not the same thing but like baldur's gate dark alliance which i was going to pick up the re-release of that but i have not done so yet at some point because they released it on the switch it's an old ps2 game like hack and slash like diablo and i have some fond memories of that press and hold f to equip the thing immediately all right all right very nice supervisor hat good i yeah i need this to cover my my face what's wrong with your face wrong with your [ __ ] fur memory purge initiated purge complete resetting to defaults done ready for reboot it's trying to repair the exploded explosive barrel a valiant effort a worthwhile cause well there are ladders there but i don't think you can actually climb up them sorry worker robots i've killed thousands of your kind thousands and one i will switch to a controller at some point and see if that also because i mean a twin stick no mouse and keyboard is usually good for a game like this but i'm just kind of curious to see if it fits like a little bit more chill that way where you just like sit back be a lazy [ __ ] like myself and play the game where am i going i don't know and i see the objective i just i don't know i just figured let me go down this way and see what's up nothing's up there i have um a thing with a lot of games where i feel like i'm missing something and i have to like search and scour but it's like in the first hour of the game and you know the stuff you're gonna find in the first hour will be outclassed in an hour and a half but i have to find it anyway fix the problem today huh i've recovered enough to hobble out to you thanks mate let's have a drink when you get back upstairs i'll be at the punk blood okay pump bladder got it [Applause] it's um the prometheus core wmd system operational waste disposal fully functional report sent about time i know i promised you a bonus but you know how it is revenue is below targets quotas haven't been met my hands are tied yeah yeah to take your pick now get it back here there's a lift and each stack attacking up ah i almost forgot if you run into a workshop kid named drummer down there you can tell that slackhead what did i just pick up a shirt skin or i don't maybe i read that incorrectly attention emergency protocol 2 delta 8 0 active in compliance with the arcology general contingency registry proceed via emergency tunnel bypass the [ __ ] emergency tunnel bypass also there was an item up on like a catwalk just looking around just checking some stuff out also those those look like treasure chests on the map i want to check those out [ __ ] is your problem was it my bullets yeah that what the [ __ ] is that how do i get that it counts as a treasure chest on the map that looks like a good item it's highlighted and [ __ ] there's one there too one there plenty of items i didn't get kind of wish the character was just a little bit faster so i didn't have to roll all over the place check something out here there is one down there too i'll take a look well while i'm doing this i will tell you that the audiobook is andy richter's audiobook actually he had several writers write chapters of his life that are just [ __ ] like just none of it's true and it's amazing it's actually genuinely really [ __ ] funny i was actually um i heard it was good checked it out was laughing out loud several times while listening to it nick offerman reads it and it's it's really stupid it's really stupid but it's well written stupid and each author brings a little something different i will give you an example okay here check this out chapter three andy goes to college written by mike reese as andy richter's legion of fan is well aware andy possesses deep psychic power this first manifested itself when andy was just 15 years old he woke from a dream drenched with sweat and screaming his father and stepmother raced into the room andy's real mother died when he was born due to baby's adult head size and surprising weight 162 pounds his mother literally exploded during childbirth his father after a decent interval of mourning married his second wife at his first wife's funeral is the matter my son cried andy's father a humble woodcutter with tenure at the university of indiana mia bambino what's wrong said his stepmother who spoke broken english with a heavy italian accent even though she was born in oklahoma your bed she is soaked but not with the customary urine i had a vision that i would spend my life sitting on a couch laughing at the jokes of a man who wasn't all that funny gasped andy the man would be tall and skinny as a matchstick with hair as red as a flaming mashstick and his name would be conan enough of this nonsense cried his father no monsieur said his stepmother who was suddenly french he has is a shining yes his father agreed the shining is strong within this one and so they set andy to work shining shoes okay i don't it's just i don't know what it is about this that makes me laugh but there you go that's a preview i enjoy it's just so stupid and it just continues to up the stupidity and um just completely relentlessly makes fun of andy richter and then he shows up at one point he interrupts the recording session with nick offerman and actually says nick what the [ __ ] are you doing that kind of thing so it's good there's some fourth wall breaking a little bit of monty python as kind of [ __ ] going on and it's i've never heard a biography like it before so that's good okay tactical equipment yeah it's there's there's like i mean norm mcdonald's biography is in the similar vein of just ridiculous and factually incorrect and stretched i feel like this takes it to the next level not sure if it's better yet but i like it just something dumb to listen to while in a car for a couple hours there's a cameo from the ghost of ed mcmahon which also made me laugh so there's that yes sir johnny you are correct oops didn't uh through the grenade too soon hey robot maybe don't run into the combat zone oh okay running from from lads oh the recharge on that grenade is a long ass time oh i think you have to kill to get recharged as well oh yeah it's definitely a twin stick shooter thank god for explosive barrels even outside of first person shooter games upgrading weapons all weapons can be upgraded if you have the required components visit a gunsmith to upgrade any weapon currently owned to the next mark level all duplicates of that particular one okay so if you sell all currently owned p1 protector the game will remember your peak uh your mark if you get a new one that's cool the [ __ ] is going on here was that physics i thought that was like a star wars like um eye penis creature from the water that made mark hamill burst a blood vessel everything is functional at and broken at the same time the soups are doing their job okay sorry yeah walk away from the mission objective yeah probably have to go back that way later anyway some cool [ __ ] scenery look at this look how dense this is so every frame is so dense man game like third um isometric games like this where you don't have to like display everything all at the same time can get really [ __ ] detailed these days environmental detail is good i am a fan maybe not as much of a fan of it to like buy a new console for 500 or more from scalper but in general it is nice again when it comes to ps5 one day there's just the games aren't there yet it's a couple cool it's sony's fastest selling console and i say this with all love for sony meaning very little love because you know i've had issues with sony but as someone who's had playstation since the first one 10 million units sold since release what are people playing on this console [Music] okay there he is 20 mctwat face america's choice do marine nice it's the troll from the minds of morya oh waste of a grenade hell yeah all right okay got it despite having wasted a grenade papa feral okay but yes i know the console wars it still enrages people like you know you can [ __ ] on the switch as much as as much as you'd like at this point i'd probably agree with it but with the ps5 i just don't understand it like i get that it's a cool thing it's rare it's hard to get if you get it you feel lucky i almost got one i was really seriously considering getting one when someone sent me a link to a sony thing that ended up not working anyway but augmentations new abilities right right right and and there's energy there's an energy meter let's take a look at this hydraulic slam punch delivered with massive hydraulic force propels enemies away from you okay cool down three consumption 60. yeah that's cool q and e all right so yeah i guess the the couple games on the ps5 are enough maybe just old games maybe future proofing but you know it happened i got burned so many times with the nintendo consoles where i bought them like within the first week and then i'm like not playing any video games for a year just a couple of launch titles and even the launch for the ps5 i don't know what what was so compelling about that launch that people had to go mental for this thing sure it's a cool system and can do lots of cool things but i'm just you know again i'm not seeing it not yet at least demon souls is all well and good sure ratchet i hear is very short but also very good and spiderman so yeah there's a couple things but the fastest selling sony console yet i know that the market's expanded and more people you know play games but like [ __ ] man for a console that's that hard to get i wonder how much of the scalper numbers account for that you know what i mean like just because they're sold and someone has like 100 ps5s in their basement but i don't know um like i said i would like to get it one day i don't want the xbox series x though i'm not really feeling xbox at the moment but ps5 maybe another six months to a year if i can get one without a hassle sure hopefully by then there will be some more titles that i'll be interested in and not just like a dlc pack for final fantasy vii remake if final fantasy 7 remake 2 was announced as a ps5 exclusive then yeah i'd probably have no choice i'd i just have to hedge my bets that it'll get more exclusives you know that sony will throw massive amounts of money at a developer to acquire or a publisher though microsoft does have bethesda at the moment which um i like buggy games that never get fixed all right i'm being hyperbolic come on [Music] they get fixed apparently fallout 76 is wonderful [Music] cool noodles two two four action cloud punk deep stink oh so it's elizabeth new jersey got it [Music] i'm just curious about something here um all right so i did that i just want to check something out here i want to see if the dl ss actually works dlss on quality let me get real close to the screen i i can't tell truthfully i just can't tell um still looks good i mean i had to increase the the size of the window maybe i don't fully know how dlss works maybe i'm just like that kind of dude i don't know oh it already increased the whole thing all right yeah i don't know maybe i thought maybe there is a way to uh to get better frame rates with dlss i there might be i just don't know how to do it it seems that when you full screen the window it automatically resizes the resolution frame rates are good though i mean it's it's mostly just loading all this stuff holy [ __ ] by the way that is a lot of stuff and colors just light being thrown all over the place i just wasted money to buy health that i don't need those are little health vending machines all right definitely enjoying the atmosphere as i figured i would just also enjoying taking in all of the the sights and sounds especially with my new headphones move along citizen get a maybe i need a lilu dallas multipass to continue i am corbin dallas i i am corbin dallas sean batista manuals are looking for the stones [Applause] pod lot oh one of my nicknames this is a bunch of people and then giant alien like rhinoceros elephant monster friends jesus [ __ ] christ this lighting and yet it's intense but i like it it's it's cool [ __ ] recycling some of the cutscenes get a little uh crusty you see like the people populating like a second after it cuts the next scene i mean it happens [Music] you know what they say no matter where you go there you are oh whoever said that obviously never took the orange snooze was that a brady bunch movie reference because i think it [ __ ] was here's the thing you'll think it's all real you get to live another life was that a rick and morty reference here we go bounties four to something will you well i got no such bounties right now look at this guy who is [ __ ] guy how much puke does this guy have and how much of a [ __ ] does this guy not give keep puking drink more puke more do it i'll give you 10 seconds also where's the shrimp lady i stopped puking i bet if i come back in five minutes i'll be puking again it's more like insurable i cannot afford this i cannot afford this gunsmith the mark two goes to three to seven i'll upgrade the pistol i don't know why i upgraded the pistol i just feel like i'll probably get another submachine gun soon browse chrome oh augmentations deploy a companion drum drone to help you collect loot from the ground lock on fire perfect accuracy extra efficiency these are expensive biology oh this is where you uh oh i unlocked that shirt that's the shirt i unlocked this is a cool way to uh change your um initial character choice oh we don't want to do that nope that's that's how you get in trouble even in the future then again who knows what kind of future we're in for there are so many potential futures open to us and i'm thinking less and less every day that it'll be a star trek future and i'm an optimist sometimes i'm an optimistic pessimist clone oh i can clone dream again ready to jack in i'm ready to do something else man look at look at you dude jack all right frag grenade sweet justice shockwave grenade stasis drone armor rating every piece gives individual defense rating for each damage type so you want something suited for the incoming damage and you want protection from most keep up with the quality of armor you start counting enemies of higher level so like an rpg wouldn't want to be late at a party jordy leforge visor yeah you get to live in vr in real life this does boost to health vital signs spread reduction evasion critical hit rate this increase is critical here right tech best this is just body energy increase but has a lot of defense i'm gonna get this be nice if you could see the pants that you were about to buy but otherwise cool okay now we're ready to start shooting oh i just picked up new pant see now i really look like the doom marine like really budget do marine but still basic leg protection they um they seem to decrease fire like fire resistance and they make you sl the evasion goes down but you get physical let's get physical be nice if you could press space or another button to um this is just little quality of life things that i i would suggest but um like a button to go to the next piece of dialogue or log good chat well they'll invent teleportation yet cyber deck upgrade city kicker huh the game is so dense every frame has something happening yeah you really want to know how i am well the creditors are after my ass my partner just left me and i'm considering drinking myself to death this door is locked it's an item up there look i'm gonna have to shut this place down any cycle now zero business after the collapse i'll send you something if i had any worthwhile stuck but i don't [Applause] why the [ __ ] did they get out there [Music] immediate default after the corporate ai filed for bankruptcy one subcycle ago all attempts to contact the corporate board has failed and we've yet to receive an official statement the ascent group arcology on palace has shut down with some claiming it's gone into default mode if this is true without ag security corporate grab teams will already be moving in all the luck to them as i always say one beans ill fortune is another's opportunity stay tuned to all hammers in cluster 13 this is [ __ ] as you probably noticed our deer archaeology faulted i don't give a feral's ass about the wise and where force business will go on there to use you all that means no panic no whining and certainly no slacking off business as usual understood wow i gotta level up i guess i completed a mission the [ __ ] i got a shotgun all right level up receive shotgun i'm fine with this evasion cooldown speed i like that two of those determines max health determines weapon spread recovery rate yes we'll take that too love this mech dude they don't mind that i'm stealing their [ __ ] oh locked ice three okay i'm assuming i'll be back here at some point so [Music] pretty cool game so far i still need to get really into the the the meat and potatoes of the game but definitely cool um i don't traditionally play a ton of twin stick shooters but i have enough interest in the genre that was a missed cut scene from earlier upgrade the shotgun chrome itch data burns look at this dude in the back just went through the [ __ ] thing it's going through [ __ ] going through [ __ ] again cyber cyber invis invincibility no uh what what is it called transparency um ethereal whatever it is hands can truly help your stim stims themselves something you can do for hans instead feral testicles they're balls they possess extraordinary potency due to the tough environments they grow in hans expect you to get your hands dirty ah but hans will make it worthwhile so is it hans or hands hands solo a hand old buddy that's the solo movie was was perfectly competent it was fine i didn't hate it didn't love it but one thing i liked about it was that lando was joshing by calling him han just to be like a jerk lend atticus a hand [Music] used to pump yourself up build yourself out now everyone wants instant results in like weeks they want the pump because pumping is like coming you know what i mean this is right yes very good coming if the customer is always right maybe a little chemical enhancement might be just the thing awesome bro you're a lifesaver i need you to pick up the shipment of steroids i mean chemical enhancers for me this is the most cyberpunk 2077 part of this game so far the workout area god i still [ __ ] have such fond memories of playing cyberpunk on day one going to the workout area look at this you get stuck over here oh man and then um just watching all the glorious glitches it's my favorite memory of that game actually that's sad it's a little [ __ ] sad actually but i like it you know there was some fun there sure um bacteria modifications but i am having trouble growing my samples okay i'm just accepting whatever the [ __ ] balls deep recommended level what was the recommended level for that seven i can do this one this one's easy that's one thing we have cool leds but we don't have holo advertisements i i don't want more advertisements i just want holographs i want holographic things that can be projected into the sky like i really would love that that would be so cool checks my name we're trying to do teleportation i have a new field generator more information uh i accept that's fantastic my boy real time combat data put some baddies into stasis keep rolling rolling rolling so fred nursts there's a um lollapalooza and fred durst is like burt reynolds now he's got like a a long white mustache it's like so [ __ ] weird i don't know what's going on but apparently that was news enough that the internet made me learn about it oh anabolic express i want to do that one clone [Music] oh that one's unopenable at the moment right i don't understand it says there's my my mission is supposed to be here on the map it's that i don't know i'll just keep going this way even though there's on the mini map there's a red red there's a yellow diamond over there but then over here there's the green one and then they're on the world um boom bap access to other tiers all right well i'm just gonna go this way anyway y'all got any of that fast travel oops me yeah hell yeah level 10 enemies get [ __ ] oh it was i who got [ __ ] so wait i have a level three thing that wants me to go over there i'm [ __ ] confused out okay still confused yeah over there is the thing okay that's that's my main mission recommended level two recommended level two and yet there's level 10 enemies guarding the level 2 quest it's cheesy but someone's got to do it [ __ ] [ __ ] also i have um hydraulic slam shockwave grenade oh it's gonna say i have the thing that can put them in stasis for that other quest but i don't know where that is most of the enemies are dead by now uh i mean yeah they're dead now so [ __ ] it just keep moving because why not level two quest just over this one over yonder go over yonder get in the bucket do the level two quest over yonder go away i'm gonna do the quest it's not that hard you know it's still doable yeah you just stepped in this didn't dodge i'm not playing this game the right way am i okay those are level 19 enemies no cheesing got one but yeah this is gonna be a difficult cheese very difficult cheese i did just pick up a dread though locked ah here we go here we go where are we going where are we going nowhere we're not going anywhere there's no quest here what are you doing what are you doing there's no quest go to the node and find merle all right [ __ ] that side quest oh i can already see the chat messages and the lulls yeah i can picture them in my head for the replay i mean it's experience points at the very least does that just mean i have two of them i think it means i have two of them anyway um main mission we'll do that kill enemies using stasis overcharge stasis overcharge oh my god nice took a [ __ ] missile to the face good job mate yeah i don't know um i'm sure someone will tell me that i didn't read the mission closely enough and there was another thing i had to do but that's weird that it would put the marker there and there were way harder enemies than i could fight even though i managed to get this cool dread weapon so anyway about that fast travel no fast travel shoot enemy in town get turreted is speak with stack boss poon i am looking for stack boss poon of things that look to kill your lurking man plenty of [ __ ] up okay yeah that yellow marker on my map i still don't understand there's always gonna be a bar or several bars or a cantina in this case it's kind of both it's cyberpunk bar plus cantina alien and weirdo look when we need a company rally or inspirational calf mugs to hand out i'll let you know is this a weirdo or an alien all i'm saying is that we should stick together in a time of crisis and that we're here to help in any way we can all i'm saying is that i don't see how you can help right now the ascent group is gone and the board has gone quieter than a null-spaced car maybe you people should start looking to what's next the ascent group is not just the board poon it's us all of us united around an idea the corporation can only collapse if we allow it whatever an idea won't feed my indents or provide security when corposic gets wise to the fact that their paychecks aren't coming now you'll have to excuse me my next meeting just arrived fine we'll talk again later hey jenny all right chum welcome to the bar my i worked with poon for a long time hell i even tangoed with poon a couple times but let me tell you chum we gotta take down the corporation idiots my keanu is turning into a weird jack nicholson oh look at you positively bristling with ambition and a taste for mindless violence just what i need my pa performs pure [ __ ] this is a crisis supernova the ascent group has collapsed our ecology's gone into default and we've lost contact with the board not that i expect those sleek suits to be able to unfuck this situation in any meaningful way no one is getting paid and corps sick will soon really work second they're risking their necks why is that familiar we can expect security to implode before the cycle is over the ascent group agi suddenly went quiet that's never happened before so the market went apeshit and forced the ascent group into immediate bankruptcy star wars i just looked it up local sis are operating independently hundreds of optimized corporate sectors fighting for the safe scraps we got to see nutrient and energy shortages within just a few cycles thousands of hammers here will suffer am i painting a bleak enough picture for you you're mutually dependent on the neighboring clusters for food energy and other essentials it pains me to say this but it looks like we're gonna have to cooperate our way out of this epic mess the other stack bosses we make the voices louder and the gun shots a little lower but i don't see any other options and my amp won't shut up about this being the only way forward i want you to handle security for the moot in a crisis like this you can always expect to see a few witness wanderers stepping up the bat the turbo vipers are already trying on a protection racket questions shoot you know i know some people play games for the story i do to some extent yeah sometimes i just play a game to shoot the [ __ ] things in the face you're threatening to attack the meeting and i want you the latest cream of the scum crop out there with everything going on there all right enough questions i kind of want like a show don't tell approach and there's just a lot of you know here's this thing and here's this thing and here's this thing yeah and that's all well and good but i'm just gonna go through it quickly so i can shoot and just absorb the world and make up my own mind which is not the way a lot of people play games i get it's a little dumb i get it but you know i i just want to shoot right now well that mission's completed because i already did it the music is even vaguely star wars cantina vaguely [Music] i really should have the fart with reverb sound on hand at all times because that was an opportunity right there to play some nice some nice fart with reverb [Music] need you to find a kin of mine last seen in transit to the morgue of course she's dead what do you think i'm stupid she's dead and her corpse is gone and it's a [ __ ] tragedy all right first my buddy tim joins apeco i've never seen a sorry ass again then when dina goes and [ __ ] crooks on me it's going very very quickly here recommended level one wait huh me do this already i'm assuming some of these will just like happen naturally anyway but i'll tell you what this game is sure nice to look at it i mean i'm gonna go speak to the people even though i've done this already [Music] [Music] there's one yeah and that yellow diamond over there is probably another quest giver but i don't know where they are they're somewhere around here but i don't know exactly where maybe underneath well that that should be a quest completion hmm okay now it's quest completion you actually have to go into the shop all right critical hit rate up on this one yeah look at my [ __ ] that's not an out of context clip i meant my character who is an [ __ ] that's what i meant of course you knew that you absolutely knew that look at my hooves okay that one's complete kind of hope i don't have to go back to the dude in the shop [Music] mission complete mission reward 600 xp europe is done okay good i don't actually have to return for that it's gonna go complete more of the main story or the main missions or whatever the [ __ ] is going on or sec all right good good progress [Music] and this is why we don't have flying cars you know that would happen you know that would happen a ton people wouldn't be flying around racing each other like they do in the [ __ ] bqe in new york they'd be like cyber texting while flying they'd be zerking while flying getting zorn jobs while flying i mean people would be so distracted and there would be lots of problems make my day green green light i like green light green lights is good it also means go when you're driving i like that better than the red light [ __ ] i i just incinerated that dude's soul oh wait that was not an enemy that was that was not an enemy the atm doesn't actually even do anything does it wrong button and the men backpack picked up this is um basic torso protection but it's got a couple boosts spread reduction and vital signs i'm gonna keep my current one weapon skin csm three still want to see if i can do this um kill enemies using stasis overcharge cool atm would you like a receipt [Music] no deal level up tactical charge gained for damage inflicted more grenade sure yeah the tunnel the turbo vipers are cool but tunnel snakes way better [ __ ] let's pick up harness no i'm good getting lots of shirt skins weapon skin uh skims skins seem a trifle unnecessary when you're this far away from the character though i mean even the shirt you're not gonna see a whole lot but you'll see it a little bit more i probably wouldn't stand anywhere near that bridge after that particular accident access denied axis denied more access tonight [Music] quest marker confuses me [Music] because it was in a totally different area before i guess it assumed i could go around the other way but all right this is fine so this whole city is pollution i don't know what do you mean rising levels of flu were they building more [Music] oh it's a temple where they express their appreciation for the cosmos having allowed them to exist here they also meet to exchange near-death experiences and marvel at having survived another cycle good cycle citizen laser still going after death [Music] moving to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches whoa what ah uh so you know the quest marker it was leading me back this way the [ __ ] maybe up this way it's kind of hoping i can push that guy over the edge yeah some weird quest marker stuff um you can crouch oh you can crouch that's a mechanic to um take cover it's like action xcom still kidding you make me feel better okay so i got this shotgun and i didn't really use it i didn't really like it truthfully and i upgraded it it's a little too inaccurate for me even even for a shotgun need a shotgun now like you gotta get real close with this particular shotgun holy [ __ ] kind of a little disappointed that the weapons don't have their own unique attributes like diablo problem with diablo is that you spend a lot of time in the menu comparing but i can auto compare is nice so okay well that was weird uh you can go through the elevator be careful confirmed [Music] i mean the simplified weapon system is better for a twin stick shooter and not a looter shooter which this is more of a twin stick so i get it and i think it's there's still a lot to engage you and collect but you know part of the reason i like games like this where you have lots of enemies to kill is that you get a lot of cool [ __ ] from them and sometimes the rarity of that [ __ ] is really good and that's like a little extra burst of dopamine oh look at all that trash oh man it's the [ __ ] staten island dump before it closed and is now a park safe for children just avoid the syringes it's not like that at all actually it's actually really cool they did a good job with it and they spent many many many years making it into a place where you could go and not worry about syringes i thought that was a boss [ __ ] poor bastard i was like oh it's it's got a flamethrower i'm gonna have to shoot the flamethrower pack on his back now that's always health i guess digging the game so far mostly little minor things that are just personal choices but it's mostly pretty functional and it feels like the game it set out to be if that makes any sense and there's like a decent level of polish obviously i love the setting in the atmosphere so that was nailed kind of wonder what it's like co-op now though i do appreciate not having to do like insane inventory management a little bit great like a weight system is fine until it starts for me like skyrim and like anything bethesda it's just too much and i start just getting bogged down and i enjoy the game less but something like this where it's just yeah you can just collect whatever you want and sell it later it's more arcadey which is what this game is going for it's rpg plus arcade arcade pg it's good [Music] i hear that synthesizer i hear it i know what's going on there one of their rising stars they think this thing will blow over and the ascent group will be restored jokes on them that was cool well i like it better than i did at first the shotgun but i like this one a little bit better oh we got a cute ai too that does cute cute little sentences please kill with extreme prejudice food really enjoy that punch it's a good punch ah the grinder is no [ __ ] playground oh eat creeps and that all of them armed to the teeth hmm my critical hit rate for sure those bugs are rats like giant cockroaches rat roaches yes approaching tranquility last quarter neuroglobules well you know what they do they form a protective bubble around your cells totally healthy totally safe oh it protects it protects your cells from other cells of course try some neuro globules today tasting very nice they're only 45 46 credit yes the person reading this advertisement had a small stroke while doing so and yes that's the take we kept most talked about advertisement of all time best advertisement of all time in terms of success hey did you hear about the neuro globules guy the guy had a stroke while delivering the air breed oh man that's awful why did they keep that take i don't know just wasn't even that good of a take level 20 enemies okay didn't even see them i don't know but i kind of want that neuroglobule [ __ ] now stuff sounds pretty interesting patches to yourselves sounds like a bad improv [ __ ] uh well good item good item good item cyber deck upgrade i don't know if i just picked that up and it just equips and upgrades automatically or if i have to upgrade it later but i have it now i'm not gonna go back down there there's level 20 enemies down there why are there level 20 enemies down there maybe i should go back down there no really why are there level 20 enemies down here we got one if they were guarding something good for me now they wouldn't be level 20. that's a little ridiculous that's one hit kill from yeah that's that's just later let's go back there later and kill them for something different because sometimes you know one of the cool things about video games is sometimes you can kill the enemies that are harder than you they're harder than you wait a minute what no no no no i didn't mean it like that i meant like sometimes you can kill enemies that are harder than your current level and then you get like something cool early i like stuff like that and video games maybe you know this maybe you're a gamer if you watch but i enjoy that sequence breaking they call it [ __ ] is going on here hey developer if you're watching how you doing cool game so far can you put a skull above enemies that are like 10 levels higher than you so that from like a really quick glance from far away you can know not to go over to them if not a skull like a dong a red dong really just something i just want to know if there's gonna be a one-hit kill that's level 18. hmm it was time for some health upgrades so level 17. just that's my fault too because i'm fighting the harder enemies knowingly and not dodging their bullets is okay nice grenade dick okay okay i'm a little bit outclassed here [Music] okay difficulty has increased a bit no more um running and gunning without thinking fulcrum in any given group there's always one guy who takes things too far one guy a full chrome is that guy little remains of their weak flesh if not for the occasional patch of skin and steroid pumped muscle they'd be considered full cyborgs new pant unlocked this was old pant never mind ah whoa big lead with a rocket launcher oh my god homing rocket launcher [Music] while you are at it can't join me at the mood almost dead there's no health potions or as in bloodborne blood potions not ones that you can use on command so far maybe later but right now you just have to kill enemies and hope you get one cat this guy cat eat the [ __ ] okay it check pointed me away from the enemies this might be a little bit better in some ways it's not as good against fire but it's better against um electricity it's better against digital yes and tactical sense goes up i'll throw it on of course it's better against digital of course it would be we all know what that means i see you there already thank you okay i missed the big punch new weapon shotgun damage type what is the damage type well it's not digital i'll tell you that much oh yeah no it is digital i think they're great aren't they well i don't know if i like this shotgun better so far it's a different one hammer hand brawn over brain as everyone knows a larkin with a power hammer can easily destroy an entire hab should they want to and they often want to because what else is there to do ha wide swings ground slams charging tackles make the hammerhead an enemy best dealt with at a safe distance new grenade just dropped those weren't just some random songs did you see those orgs raging success the subsurface scattering on this dude's face makes me uncomfortable redistributing vital supplies in a few hours we still have plenty of work to do but this is as good a start as we can hope for but who the flaming [ __ ] were those amped up flatliners damn it i need more problems about as much as i need a rectum on my forehead and yes i know there are a few evolutionary dead ends like that around but you get my drift someone's paying me hang on pony here yes yes no [ __ ] that was admin danker while we were splooging all over ourselves here someone went and grabbed a whole bunch of hammers my hammers seems the attack here was a diversion for the kidnapping i got to get back don't stray too far i have a feeling we'll need your help again soon whoa big level up all right yeah i like this game so far it's cool it's nothing terribly complex and i mean a couple things that have some complexity and depth to it but i like it i think it's cool i think mix is a good uh good bit of the arcade style with some some more modern stuff and and the dungeon crawler loot stuff and i'm gonna go ahead and say that this game so far is pretty legit i mean in my two and a half hours with it navigation data indicates an interlink station cells within i need cells and your taste for murdering mayhem to come and see me at the serenity stat um whoa i mean if you watched you know what my little complaints are there's a couple just some some things that easy patches i doubt that i matter that much in my opinion but you know it would definitely streamline and smooth out the gaming gamer experience a little bit [Music] okay there's a weapon the stash that would be a good um mission to do the stash now hmm oh it's worth exploring there's one more over there i mean i missed a bunch of stuff actually like throughout this whole map there's a bunch of um points and components that i've missed [Music] again [Music] just a little bit faster movement speed would be that would be helpful there is something down there i guess i'd need an elevator [Music] dude was doing a little dance there's the elevator [Music] okay never mind ah more way over leveled enemies for me oh they look like little gremlins uh ah i have monocle okay head it makes you your skills at head go up so that's good so that's pretty much better overall i do like the shotgun better all right so there should be another um treasure or thing of interest somewhere um i'm gonna go back down here for just a second see if i can find it i wonder how you upgrade that hmm [Music] nope so all right bye see ya [Music] um cloud listen up there ain't no getting off at this train we on just want to let you know that cloud so this is this counts as the warrens i actually should have gone to cluster 13 because that's closer to where all the stuff is [Music] it's convenient of the train to arrive exactly when i need it so this is the fast travel it's like hyper realistic visual not hyper realistic stylized realistic and then dude walking backwards like this uh locate the hidden stash if you've got them big difference okay i like the dread okay got my three favorites upgraded sidearms the hc3 goliath that could be fun flatliner looks like a [ __ ] nerf gun this has lightning damage or electricity damage so is the flatliner it is a hand cannon i bet it's cool is it 8 000 worth of cool yeah i think it is did that say i'm a connery man through and through did he just reference james [ __ ] bond no no way slam yeah they're expensive well the game's a little addictive um i wouldn't mind i need to probably eat food but i wouldn't mind finding this hidden stash linus pizza palace is the resting place of the relic okay city kebab so where the [ __ ] is this place um should be over there okay because it's green if it i think if you set it as a mission on your um ui then it becomes green i think so i'm over here that means if my calculations are correct should be this way here and then down that way around there one more step excuse me yeah so that's my it's basically uh like an electric rail gun where am i i'm over there i'll just try that real quick cool weapon needs to be upgraded but i always like um using pistols in games where you can use everything i kind of like the limitation of the pistol it's fun oh the reload on this thing it takes a while too that person just get obliterated axis denied i thought i had ice level one okay i'm a little under leveled for this area but i think this is where the stash is i get oh oh the game crashed unreal process has crashed ue4 the ascent i hope it auto saves i really hope it auto saves that's a feature that you can't afford not to put in your game these days especially if it's like early access or a 1.0 release and you're not sure if it'll crash [Music] seems okay to me tech pants basic leg protection added knee pads um this is good i'd say that this is this is more of an upgrade [Music] we're approaching two treasure chest areas so [Music] this the game the game's combat loop is satisfying especially the more you play flatliner combat hood i have one of these already this is just good against physical but it sucks for everything else i think this is the place [Music] hmm it's real scummy up here oh here it is [Music] old gun engraving iris plus old gun speak with iris iris is back cluster 13. so don't okay i wonder if there's another train station near here yep there's one right over there i'm gonna go to that one and then head back there's also more things to find but i'm gonna just it's gonna head back and then go get something to eat in real life [ __ ] i just jumped into the middle of a [ __ ] war zone with no no regard for my own safety oh [ __ ] it i'm here already i may as well look for that thing electrode oh this is a completely different area bye-bye all right leveled up and i got a new thing another hand cannon that shoots fire was that the thing that was the thing oh there's metro right here too okay good we're specific okay it's right right there cool yeah the the metro system definitely helps a lot and is pretty much exactly what i wanted i mean you know it's easy to get spoiled by fast travel and video games i admit i am spoiled by it but i like it and not having the ability to just warp wherever you want i can deal with it as long as we get a little something and that was a little something and i like it so i gotta speak to iris well it's really easy to get stuck on those weights iris is like right here [Music] that's not iris oh that's literally right in front of my face what's this piece of junk wait my dad gave this to you the engraving says iris he named it after me [ __ ] all right i'll take it i guess you want a finder's feet is what i can spare or i can trade you for this hold out piece never used it i'll take the weapon please go scorcher mission reward it's a shotgun that shoots fire so now i have a fire like hand cannon and a fire shotgun i want to get into club rats it won't let me well i really enjoyed this i'm going to say that this i like better than chernobylite in regards to the the new stuff that i've been checking out and just and they're very different games but i like this one just i think it's better overall and uh i think this is cool it's it's a good concept it works it could use a couple little minor quality of life things like maybe letting you know when enemies are going to one shot you but other than that and some of the other stuff i mentioned um maybe some fixes and patches this is a cool ass game it the combat just gets better and better and there's definitely more strategy than i expected it's not as brainless in regards to twin stick shooters go i feel like you have plenty of ways to dispatch your foes that's how they say all right well i hope you enjoyed thank you for watching this the ascent it's pretty good love time since last save always always a good feature so yeah i'm gonna play more of this at some point both on and off video recording and um thank you for being here and checking it out oh by the way blade runner
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 30,980
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, The Ascent, Doom, Cyberpunk, Twin Stick Shooter, Schmup
Id: KhcbV4YxQsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 19sec (10399 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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