[Vinesauce] Vinny - RimWorld: Season 2 (PART 3)

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I'm just glad he's back in any capacity. From the way he talks in the video, sounds like he needed a break from streaming even if all this hadn't happened, and this is what made him realize that fully. Dude's been streaming very consistently for a long long time so absolutely can't blame him for wanting to step away for a bit. If/when he does return to streaming, I'm sure the core community will still be there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 657 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fraudhoward66 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I donโ€™t think an era is ending, this is just the progression of our favorite paisano. Cant wait to see what the future has in store that we may never have gotten to see if he never took the time for himself.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 358 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SagaFraga ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The last 15 seconds lmfaao hahahah

I'm gonna miss Vinny a bunch.

I've consistently watched Vinny's stream for about 5-6 years now, but I've followed Vinny on Youtube since like 2011 I think, so I've been watching him for pretty much a decade now.

I'm just really happy we got a video :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 196 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zyxos2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think I posted the link right but just in case, skip to 2:44:38 if you just want an update.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 117 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/yoitsfrogbuns ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

A bit sad that both Vinny and Jerma both have had to cut back on making content currently due to personal/health issues, but if it keeps them healthy it's 100% for the best. Some content is better than none.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 327 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/green715 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I've found myself in a similar position, where I didn't realize how much something was negatively affecting my life until an obstacle happened that forced me to slow down. You kind of get tunnel vision when you're a creature of routine, and you forget what it's like to do something different. I can completely understand if he's done with daily, scheduled streaming and wants to switch to something more casual now.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 97 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheImmunityOtter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Lmao those comments about KH/Undertale at the end.

Sounds like heโ€™s taking a real break, which I think was much needed. As he said in the video, 2 days off is nothing in the face of streaming for almost 10 years straight, and Iโ€™m glad heโ€™s taking some time to center himself, I wish more streamers took bigger breaks now and then.

Hope he enjoys the time off, and Iโ€™m looking forward to whenever he comes back c:

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 81 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GLTheGameMaster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

To be honest, I always wondered how he managed to stream so much. Glad to hear he's fine and has support. I'd send him a Meat plushie but I don't know how he'd feel about that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 155 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Akesgeroth ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Posting this comment again since it tripped off automod for some reason.

I'm not going to lie, Vinny saying he's not streaming for the foreseeable future did make me feel quite sad. I never knew how much his streams improved my mood for the day.

I'm glad he's taking a break from all this. It sounds like he needed it.

EDIT: This whole mess hit me like a truck when it happened. I was having a good time, I started to chat in Vinny's chat (I have watched for years, never chatted until recently), and I sent some cool vinesauce related AI images to vinny.

Suddenly, this thing happens, and it really turned everything upside down for me.

In time I felt better, and I also learned not to take anything for granted.

If Vinny ever streams again, I will be there to watch. But until that happens, take care Vin, and everyone else.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 157 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BurningRetrograde ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so hi everyone this is rimworld i'm very rusty with rimworld and i'm gonna hope for the best i hope everyone's doing okay um if you want an update on what's going on in my life uh stick around for the end of the video i have a little thing i put together the short of it is gonna make some videos from time to time um not really gonna be online very much and you know just gonna focus on on the games that i want to play a little bit at a time every now and then um thank you for the well wishes and support but if you want um more info that's at the end of rimworld i hope i remember how to play this it's something i've missed and i'm also playing this now because i open cards i was very excited about these cards people had sent me a ton of them and i was opening them and did like two hours of of card opening and then the audio was robot see this video nothing i could do about that we tried there's no amount of decrustening or noise removal or eq that can fix that [Music] so i'm recording commentary on top of it and that will be out at some point but instead i will present uh some rim world will continue where i left off and i'll be terrible but i actually have today a little studio audience i have um some couple friends some mods and they're just gonna help me out and if i am terrible you know i'll be able to uh hopefully get some advice and information because a game like this requires a little bit of interaction but mostly if i do videos a little bit here and there um for the foreseeable future it's just gonna be me like if i do pokemon snap or something alright so i think we're good let's go back in and see what's going on uh-oh there we go okay um oh man well it's been it's been a little while so i don't know what the hell is going on in my colony um how many people do we have so who's milt we have dreeb shrimp ayla el nubnub den and milt wasn't milt like incapacitated for like a month 23 days okay okay um we've got dreeb and el nubnub going out with guns right now i don't know if i should be afraid meat there's the meat milk i remember the meat milk uh ayla is just chilling here uh there's puffs of smoke meat just went yow okay so um good i don't know what's happening great that's nice what am i learning smithing yeah i'm learning smithing right now okay good so that's good um we're in winter right now in rim world now clearly you know this is something that you should probably be aware of parts one and two if you want to know what the hell's happening but um i remember making a base in the mountains and people were like vinnie there there be um there be bugs in the mountains and that i'm a little bit worried about because i want to expand my base but i also don't want to dig too much more into the mountain because bugs check work assignments for your colonists okay check your work assignments all right so um i got dan on cleaning and hauling and plant cut all right but this place is a mess and i see like meat squirts and blood everywhere it's a shame i can't train meat to like clean up the the stuff okay so dreeb is is bringing a squirrel back look at that ah there's some food for the winter i'm very very proud of you dreeba okay so we're hunting over here what's ayla doing i want to find out what are we oh we're we're cutting plant okay why is ayla cutting plant and not researching that's the work order problem that needs to be looked at so ayla plant cut 2 research yeah so we need some research we need people on research right now um let's take a look and see ayla is intelligence 5 melee 15 okay that's good um hey is there a way to easily check your other colonists from this menu right here just that right that's easy what do you know um is ayla the smartest even though ayla is named after the unga from chrono trigger well milt is the smartest so ayla is and dreeb is second smartest so ayla is basically just for now on intelligence duty we have um some iced coffee here smithing has been finished all right great so iced coffee we got a hotel here if anyone wants to um pass through the region where the did they get iced coffee well you see when you're starting from zero in a survival situation there's a few necessities you need food warmth you need water iced coffee uh weapons you need deer carcass pizza sure speaking of al nubnubs what the hell nubnub um speaking of i had a sausage roll for dinner and that's like a stromboli right i told you guys this but it knocked me out i was like i had a food coma i had the pizza sweats i didn't even eat pizza and i fell asleep watching a two-hour retrospective of the jedi knight series like dark forces into jedi knight it was a good video fell asleep for like maybe 45 minutes and i woke up and he was just reading names for like 20 minutes and in my mind in my stupor my meat sweat stupor i thought he said that i'd rather read a telephone book than play jedi academy but he didn't he was just reading his patrons but that's what my fever dream brain had dreamed up really weird okay now i got to do some some actual work here i want to i want to expand i want to expand a little right so in order to expand in a place like this we need to build bridge that's the thing and in order to build bridge we need to cut wood unfortunately we're gonna need all hands on deck for this [Music] who shoot why shoot who what are you doing oh el nubnub is shooting a rat slim pickens this winter huh [Music] we'll get there no you'll just don't worry you got this [Music] oh we're eating now okay that's fine [Music] okay so el nubnub is gonna kill that rat and then we're gonna be all fed for the winter and it's gonna be great um [Music] until then we we need to there needs to be some more wood chopped but everyone's sleeping right now so we'll let them sleep [Music] got plenty of food just gotta cook it i don't know who the cook is is it riker nice jeff didn't someone get sick last time um someone got everyone sick last time yeah do they ever actually like succeed at horseshoes i've watched this happen a couple times i've never seen them actually succeed there's no obs crust yeah shrimp is cooking quest available royal ascent um except for passage off world you need to satisfy someone's royal needs for 12 days during his visit you must keep his mood above 25 percent so that's like an end game thing and i don't want to have anything to do with that i'm gonna save some meat milk maybe they'll um they'll enjoy but right now it's not it's not a priority uh i think what what should be a priority is cleaning the house because this house right now is is stank bailiff failed while constructing a bridge all right we will chop wood we will um build the bridge down here and then we'll have another full wing ready ready to go we're shooting we're shooting dreev is shooting what stream using oh like a semi-automatic okay everyone here has warm clothing we got a minor break risk el nubnub well uh your your every need has not been tended to el nubnub oh ayla rebuffed him how about recreation unfilled unsightly environment awful bedroom awful bedroom what do i what no it's you got a there's an end table all right let's build something here what would be a good thing what what is an item here that would help like a plant pot yeah we'll get like a plant pot plants statues and dressers well al nubnub is grumpy so we'll get him a dresser too i understand i wouldn't want to have to just store my under the bed you know you have to have to have some quality and uh dan cleaned the entire place feels uh feels clean man a group of tri travelers from roclusia are passing by okay do you what do you lads want grump roland chewie wires these names cherry elk revenge oh no dreeb an elk versus someone with a machine uh sub sub machine gun all right dream you can stun right no yes you can how do i make dreeb stun again does he not have the required amount of his psi focus is there why can't i stun i'm not getting an option to use the stun maneuver oh i have to draft oh shoot yeah kill kill kill yeah shoot [Music] why is this elk like this jesus and yet that had me at the edge of my seat and totally emotionally invested in the character of dreeb way more than i felt for any character in star trek picard yep that's still happening still complaining about star trek picard i don't know if if you knew this viewers but uh but i watched i've watched the star trek television series don't worry you'll be able to complain about season 2 soon can't complain if you don't watch it life lessons major break risk dream oh but i hear the lincoln park playing in dreeb's head please dream get back get yourself warm and get yourself some meat milk all right raid the crusher crew dr crusher wash visco and michael it's a shame the other colony has left because they could have provided like some good distraction we're gonna have to draft we also should build some battlements but i didn't even consider that just for situations exactly like this okay you gotta wake up everybody there we go wash shared a word about breakfast cereal with michael good priorities you know writing talking about cereal i wanna uh how do you capture i guess you have to like eh let's see the stats maybe maybe it's not worth even nah nah you die you can just die that's fine all right ah well mel well let's see maybe viscu viscu what what skills do you have incapable of none likes to jog as a fast learner quick quick sleeper um i don't know do i want any of these scummy people i don't even know if i like i need these slats oh is that drugs oh um i think we have someone who likes drugs in our uh in our group i think i'm just gonna kill them [Music] shrimp you'll get your revenge now major break risk shrimp lady [Music] they'll just die they'll just die it's fine all right who who do we have on medicine [Music] quest available except for five honor lend one colonist to serve him for seven days [Music] good will psychic harmonizer nah eat not right now i like how this dude tried to attack my party with a steel pickaxe [Music] really not doing so great in regards to um weapons are we lads [Music] anyway um doctor dreeb and shrimp both of whom are injured do we have any other people capable of medicine milt yeah melt is is in a coma for another month so okay [Music] i might want to butcher the corpse by the space heater it probably smells really good in there they'll get this eventually all right we got a medical emergency shrimp [Music] okay you're good you're good right shrimp blood loss extreme consciousness 10 [Music] son of a good music major break risk shrimp again shrimp chef is no longer incapable of walking maybe you should chill the out shrimp and sleep shrimp is just in intense pain right now [Music] how do i get shrimp to to butcher this thing too heavy all right that's fine i like how this uh colony of people here they're visiting so we have some people here at the hotel they've given us silver they're just talking about terrorists you know some light conversation i'm gonna prioritize bed rest for shrimp because i think she's probably in some intense pain right now and could use bed rest go back to sleep shrimp you've earned it oh you're playing horseshoes never mind minor break risk well that's an improvement at least [Music] chocolaty i just wanted to double check that i'm recording still i am i am [Music] i feel like uh dan's room they also need a wooden dresser because they don't really have anything in here we can get them a nice plant too we want to make their mood we'll make their mood good what am i gonna do with this this wake up [Music] this will allow it just don't want anyone to do the drugs maybe these visitors can take the corpse they're discussing cannibalism [Music] i will begin new research soon but but now that i have smithing i can um i can make like a station for that but i want to do it down here i want to make a workshop down here so we you know what let them build they need to build how shrimp's health is getting there a little bit at a time i'm gonna have dan haul these corpses or not there we go first corpse got to be careful not to click consume body psychic soothe female when i played uh rimworld last year i believe there was an obvious joke about the psychic soothe and you know what i'm gonna make it again i just made it psychically what is dan doing picking up a dead critter oh oh oh burying someone else okay um shrimp is still kind of out of commission for a little bit longer okay dreeb is doing some cooking while dreeb can improve this was a dream was making people sick i think but dreeb has the propensity to learn how not to be a terrible cook this storeroom is not going to last for too long like it's it's kind of already getting full so i'm gonna need more storeroom okay where's the drugs drugs here not allowed nope no one allowed to do [Music] drugs how much food we have we've got enough food for a while i think i think we'll be all right they're drinking their iced coffee they're gonna pay us nicely uh-oh animal disease flu oh meat has the flu [Music] caffeine tolerance the wait is meat drinking iced coffee owl made a comment about jaguars to shrimp absolutely fascinating [Music] okay so uh medical we need who's got the good medical again uh almost no one again milt we're waiting for milt to wake up that's that's the meta prioritize tending to meet we need to tend to meet now i think slaver from ratucia you can attack them but this will anger their faction vu talked about entertainment with jesus i guess privately like [Music] do they have a jesus i don't see a jesus or jesus or anything like that oh wait hey zeus there he is all right never mind i didn't realize that this update came with catholicism it it didn't it it doesn't [Music] kermit please [Music] i'll figure this out eventually i know it's here somewhere here [Music] [Music] they're leaving the map because of dangerous temperatures um damn i was gonna at least send someone over and too late not worth it not worth it okay so they enjoyed the hospitality they'll visit again in a few days steel 63 so we got um some silver and some steel [Music] it's pretty cool shrimp chef is fully healed brilliant now we can get back to business still got quite a bit of wood to be hauled out back to the base whoa unfortunately this place gets filthy very quickly so we're gonna need to prioritize back to um some um cleaning i don't want to mine too much into the mountain from here but [Music] do a little bit i wonder if anyone's ever going to build this furniture we'll deconstruct this i'm gonna build like a little um defensive position here just like a sandbag over here okay milt how many days you got 18 days oh right we didn't we removed milt's leg oh yeah peg leg so milt is going to be kind of slow but that's okay because we can use milt to do research and medical and that'll be fine and he can shoot if need he can shoot he's beautiful let's take a look at milt's face beautiful giga chad yeah that's him marriage is on dan proposed to life uh a a lifelong commitment to ayla ayla agreed and the two are now engaged that was quick like didn't they just arrive there we go now we've got the lights in the hallway here [Music] eventually they'll even build the furniture [Music] oh strip mine that's an interesting thing that's probably that's gonna be a mod [Music] what um material so if i have limestone chunk that can be turned into wall right or just like a granite wall just from the chunks or no those have to be like you need the stone carving table wooden wall it is for now okay we're gonna need a heater in here too and some electricity [Music] flirting frenzy ayla thanks to high mood ayla has experienced an inspiration she will be much nicer to others in social situations aren't they getting married um those more sophisticated and romantic interactions okay she would like to be engaged in some lovin well she's engaged all right i gotta figure out how big this room is gonna be i wanna make sure we have enough for a big workshop seems pretty good okay progress is being made i remember how to play the game again vent requires terrain that supports medium oh that's interesting some things cannot be built on bridge huh well i can build a heater in each one for now i mean that's extra that's extra energy can you build workshops on them i guess that's the question um what stone cutter electric smelter right now i can um do this smelter what was the other thing i needed smithy right or fueled or electro electric smithy that's fine um but you know in terms of building a bridge with more support i know i can do that um i can't even build sandbags is any cloth hell we get all that wood from up there yeah [Music] okay we need some orders to chop we need more wood smoke leaf production yeah there's expanded smoke leaf so in terms of bridge there's wood there's no other uh bridge [Music] hmm yeah i don't really know how to build a more reinforced bridge so that i can build heavier i mean this could be fine for storage probably need to research stronger supports maybe all right let's take a look at the research oh my god it's a little overwhelming mixology hey my dude it's me brian with a q electricity here smoke leaf drug production um bridge no research found b-r-i-d [Music] supports no [Music] i don't know if there's enough research or there is research for better supports nutrient paste um liqueur tools long blades could make a piano modern furniture artisan furniture any recommendations [Music] [Music] machining guns improved bridges might only be in mods so i could probably get those oh you can only do one wall light i see and cloth too i need to make some cloth do we have the materials for for any kind of cloth we have some right we've we've got this stuff uh i don't remember how to turn that stuff into cloth though sewing machine oh they have to mine through this to build the wires i forgot about that you need to grow cotton otherwise and you can make leather with the skins gotcha so i guess i can just do barricades for now or i can do sandbags of like box fur what do i have the most of i've got plain leather i can make some plain leather [Music] or yeah plain leather is fine i'll make a couple barricades real quick [Music] or are the barricades better than the [Music] sandbags i guess it doesn't matter probably a decent enough formation just to get started friendly prisoner makarov's dokid has been caught in bed with the wrong person uh oh he imprisoned the inappropriate lover in a show of rejection now he wants you to keep the prisoner poopy hoover poppy hoover caged until the scandal blows over in 15 days okay what do we do with poopy hoover [Music] you need to build a prison i i mean [Music] could can't change your hospital bed because of milt it's true okay i'm not going to worry about that for right this moment [Music] i could build a prison down here though like i can have um hmm [Music] just trying to figure out like a partition in my mind here heater is in here though so if i build like a hallway [Music] and just build another heater yeah it's extra power though i guess [Music] the prison doesn't need to be huge right like i can make maybe just this area of the prison prison is here then or we can do less probably does not need to be fancy at all so we can have this beast extra storage one can be a bedroom for one mil for milt when he wakes up oh yeah i forgot about that um well what about poopy hoover hmm god i wish i could build a friggin vent so we didn't have to build so many goddamn heaters so all right so bedroom um bedroom i mean i could even make smaller bedrooms like i can how big do the bedrooms have to be in this version or can i keep them kind of small oh yeah that's right hold the doors open that's not a bad idea for some of the like not all the doors need to be open but these can be open and that means i can then relocate one of these heaters [Music] did you install either of the bedroom mods i added i don't know but i should save [Music] [Music] so sandbags have been built so that will provide some protection [Music] food is you know there's we've got some food we've got plenty of meat milk [Music] so this will be for prisoners [Music] so this this is the temperature here is [Music] 69. so temperature in here is a little cold hmm i mean because this could be like a really tiny bedroom actually that's kind of dumb because then someone has to go inside someone else's bedroom to go into their own bedroom [Music] is there a way to if i just oh i can paste the settings for like a minor storage area timberwolf hunting dreeb again me [Music] wait why is the iced coffee going here whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] so oh the mouse is being recorded it's fine timberwolf hunting dream what the [Music] dreeb is trying to meditate and he's getting hunted by wolves [Music] come on dream you got this you got this hit oh gotcha okay how's milt doing 14 days and what can we do what do we need maybe we can make a gun of some kind smelt metal from slag do forever i don't even know if anyone's gonna end up doing that but the winter has has come just like that tweet from hbo for the game of thrones 10 year anniversary and that everyone was like does this mean season 8 remake really botched that up [Music] we make some blocks [Music] question is where do we store the blocks also slightly running low on battery power at the moment [Music] mad caribou there are many caribou [Music] i'm going to build another windmill [Music] oh geez okay here we go caribou [Music] oh dreeb we need you it's one caribou god how rescue caribou no no no my friend more meat for meat transport pod crash oh nag whoa this person can do almost nothing 57 is incapable of skilled labor incapable of intellectual incapable of crafting is an undergrounder fast walker bisexual uh good great social eight medical four animal nine melee five this character is just you know live your best life until you can't anymore and thus the power thus the power goes out [Music] manhunter pack man hunting boom rats oh these things are not pleasant this is very bad how many are there it's just two hmm what's the best way to deal with this do i just leave people inside wait for them will they go away or do i have al-nubnub try to shoot them al nubnub shooting is 10. oh i'm getting some varied opinions here there's three of them i need to increase the home area i don't know how to do that i forgot i just want to increase this area you know what screw it i'm just gonna attack them if i manage to shoot one then the others will blow up okay here they come oh god oh oh man oh man oh god come on nub nub you gotta hit we got a hit it is now time to run shrimp no [Music] uh-oh [Music] yes okay one down one one left one left come on i wonder wait wait wait wait wait wait will it maybe if i walk by nag run away dream what are you doing dreeb we we need desperate amounts of electricity right now and have dream go up and around back to all nub nub where el nubnub will will fight and save shhh come on [Music] oh that was close jesus so this windmill is not really happening right now huh i'll just go for another generator then spring has begun yeah this one's running [Music] don't the boom rats have um an army sergeant they have like chem fuel an army sergeant from rostusia is visiting the colony his name is scott nelson okay thanks uh dude died i mean it sucks i wasn't really doing anything to help but i was also dealing with boom rats and bad stats combat supplier from rostusia now they join where were they when i was being chased by explosive rats [Music] so uh what do we have here [Music] so i have what i have 290 can sell some stuff for 72 cents [Music] hemp biocomposite hatchet [Music] hemp crete it's hemp crate everybody once once a month you get some nugs in the mail [Music] i'm gonna sell the drugs too i don't want that i mean they have weapons i don't really know if i want to buy any of them but they have them [Music] medical emergency dreeb how's wrong with dreep oh from the boom rat okay dream is no longer incapable of walking i still want to build another windmill geothermal is a ways off and actually literally a ways off quest available low shield pack skill trainer artistic skill trainer plants so it seems they need a monument sandstone granite you have to protect it for 28 days if any piece is destroyed then a pack of two man hunting elk will arrive the they're gonna send elk also i can turn this smithy off for now [Music] so need warm clothes ayla ayla have clothes [Music] meat skin you got meat skin it's spring anyway [Music] it's like 74 degrees fahrenheit indoors [Music] [Music] cut [Music] okay good now we can build more [Music] [Music] it's a nice song too [Music] okay now the batteries are filling up we can probably even build another battery [Music] rainy day battery [Music] raid domino pact it's four of them they got weapons i wonder if they're going to go for my windmills let's see who else has shoot dreeb el nubnub dan ayla can shoot but ayla not have shoot weapon so if we were to make ayla a shoot she could help shoot she could learn it too i wonder if this dude will help this dude's got a shotgun all right here we go no the not the new guy just some guests staying at our hotel has a shotgun here we go it's good target practice there we go there's two left and they're what the are they doing gooder oh gosser he's what are you doing man those are ancient ruins jade times seven times 17 excuse me so we got rhino here hey all rhino here neurotic um no this no here we go they're coming back around visitors from rostusia are leaving help nelson help us shoot dead vulture is dead i think that's it i think the last one probably just off [Music] should be a large graveyard [Music] so [Music] vinnie the youtube stream is down thanks nary i'll look into it [Music] the twitch stream is down yep that's true uh we might need we might need some more meat there's only one ram animal starvation meat meat why are you no [Music] eat eat a meal the oh meat wasn't allowed to go into the the food area normally i would just make some kibble but so area one i don't remember how to do areas hang on zone oh right zone no i still don't know you can eat now me sorry about that i i set meat to area one instead of home earlier i thought i was sending that to a person it was me [Music] can you name a rimmer after me but backwards [Music] kittem kidamo reeg [Music] moraine chula [Music] the kidamariga chords i wonder if any of this leather could be um is there a way to combine like leather so i have like stacks of stuff that's not combined let's see i could make a um shrimp helmet no smelt weapon no i thought i was able to make guns by now maybe i need more research gunsmithing and a smelt weapon so melee weapons inequality awful to poor that breaks down weapons that's correct right this is this is good just make sure you keep the quality low it is okay melt is 10 days away shrimp ladies busy keeping everyone fed and yet also finds time to um use the stone cutters table it's quite amazing [Music] also i think they combine the leather automatically okay so i need someone to be assigned to crafting [Music] dan you want some more work [Music] cannot smelt weapon need material oh because the quality is is pretty okay [Music] they won't melt down their own weapons right harsh spring we're having huh it's kind of like that in new york anyway though we had snow not even that long ago [Music] [Music] i've had a couple good days definitely it's been just weird though it's pretty late snow and then like really good weather then really weather and then really good weather and then really weather [Music] we're gonna get some um metal now we'll complete that bill so we can start getting some metal so we can smith some weapons [Music] start getting rid of the stockpile of blocks too which is helpful [Music] i wonder if there's any other stuff on the map that i haven't collected yet definitely use some medicine but no medicine plant will grow yeah inside growing would be good group of visitors two visitors that that counts as a group right can't believe they burn those ancient ruins they're just sleeping on my floor oh okay gunsmithing has been researched we're going gonna do this and then gun turrets wait can we not with the smithy make gun machining table all right [Music] [Music] well i can't really build it down here i mean i could there would be overlap it's gonna look [Music] gross it one day i can fix that [Music] i mean i can make uh bolt action lever action that can be cool make one of those give it to dan who only has a shitty revolver at the moment sci trainer is available um it's a collection of valuable items worth 850 not far from metropolis there may be an unknown threat so this is metropolis right here there's the item stash i don't have any um pack animals i've been saving it auto saves too yayo is it drugs drugs who keeps bringing drugs to my base there we go lever action colonists are gathered to celebrate the wedding well here's my wedding gift for dan a lever action rifle yeah the red writer yeah they're married congratulations [Music] [Music] marksman rifle precision rifling oh yeah that's that's some of the good stuff gas operation shotguns lmgs trench warfare the snow has finally melted wow i looked away for a couple seconds and now there's no snow one week until milt awakens and becomes the savior of the colony [Music] we're gonna hunt some muffalo for some more meat okay seems like the lever action rifle is pretty fast cougar is hunting dreeb how does it even know dreeb exists it's fast too nice good job dreeb you did it dream is pretty it's actually pretty awesome [Music] so now we get to see with this lever action rifle it seems kind of fast like i said so maybe maybe it's not as powerful but it's a little faster never mind dan decided against it [Music] everyone's working together [Music] [Music] uh [Music] build a grow zone over here for uh heel root if we can even plant that flirting frenzy dan they're polly i think that's fine gun turrets soon the weather will be nice enough where i don't have to use the um the heaters as much how do you make components again i forgot to do that so i'm gonna run out of components soon have to mine them wasn't there another way to get components just mining hand cannon that sounds like fun semi-automatic rifle combat handgun semi-automatic pistol for personal defense be fired significantly faster than the standard auto pistol fabrication bench okay that's how you do it hand cannon large caliber projectiles over longer distances but it's very slow [Music] i will make combat handgun for ayla [Music] compacted steel there's um machinery here [Music] we could just start finding some components here and then yeah we can strip mine if we need to how long have i been playing this almost two hours now a little bit more i've been going to bed quite a bit earlier well not quite a bit like two hours earlier even that though it's been a huge difference well yeah i guess it is quite a bit in its own way [Music] oh muffalo revenge don't melee the thing just keep shooting put the gun in its butt no bad words only but damn it all right all right uh it's injured but dan's also injured i don't like that oh you son of a we have to rescue dan don't bring the muffalo back and dan does so much work around the colony god damn it ayla's gonna be pissed okay yeah we are rapidly running out of medicine five days on melt gonna be really careful with the hunting from now on more visitors i'm up to the sopranos episode where um there's a bear in their backyard and tony assigns someone with an ak-47 to just hang out in the backyard just in case the bear shows up it's just funny to me that of all the weapons to use it's like a loaded ak-47 i mean hey better hedge your bets if it's a bear fair enough if it's a bear it's fair [Music] i get the picture quest available there's plastiel um harassing caravans antonia asks that you send them a challenge message attracting them to attack and eliminating the threat yourself what do you guys think could do this for the plastil and the harmonizer i'll maybe wait for dan to recover before i do that we kind of need everyone we can get then again we do have people staying with us to help out maybe they can shoot for us i don't know if they will help i'm going to accept the quest [Music] they will be here soon [Music] milt won't be up in time inspired creativity melts milt has experienced an inspiration [Music] all right [Music] that's just called a dream yeah growing season here now [Music] okay who can who can do this bro ayla [Music] shrimp i think we have enough food for a little while where shrimp doesn't have to cook and we can just have shrimp focus on shrimp lady that is focus on the um the growing operation [Music] dan's okay i need shrimp lady to make a gun real quick before we do any planting shrimp ladies also got a weird set of skills you know making forging guns planting weed jim henson frog please very good [Music] brightly colored felt that stimulates dopamine please [Music] gun turrets you know could do a gun turret right about now too that would really help [Music] [Music] so [Music] i love that they got david gilmore jr to do the guitar solos for this game it's my favorite part gun turret dan you need to re-equip your weapon there we go okay things are going quite well in the colony we haven't had a new member there was one potential new member but pretty much the only thing they could do was like exist and breathe and eat food so just didn't seem like a great idea did they leave their drugs on the counter god dammit these people bringing drugs into my house disrespecting my house foreign stenwall is visiting these people really love hanging out at my colony i think i'm gonna build another turret because of the lack of taming maintenance meat has returned to the wild [Music] what no no no [Music] i didn't even know that was a thing [Music] where even is it i can't like my brain is not seeing it warden handle tame train uh [Music] i can't believe no one tended to meet [Music] meat may attack cannot tame meat no usable food well what what do you what do you mean kibble [Music] i don't have the option for kibble oh wait it should be here right [Music] [Music] we're gonna get meat back goddammit the visitors left and we still have a raid on the way [Music] i mean meat hasn't fully left our zone yet [Music] oh here we go they'll pound you with mortars from a distance [Music] [Music] i built a turret specifically for this [Music] raid oh i see what they're doing okay okay oh returning shrimp lady you you shouldn't be here truthfully don't eat don't eat shrimp lady go back [Music] melee attack [Music] oh no [Music] so much for the um for the raid [Music] meat no meat is eating ayla or meat is eating a-list food god damn it that's such horse when did i last save [Music] 10 minutes ago the last auto save was four minutes ago i tried to install a mod that would prevent like insta-death i'm gonna i think i want to take a mulligan on that i'm gonna take one mulligan john you just cut this right out don't worry okay here's the mulligan i i have an idea okay so meat is you know gone still so meat uh anyway as i was saying look it's meat everybody meat is going to be tamed we're gonna get meat back i swear [Music] uh oh here comes the crusher crew now i know to be very careful oh just because i have some intuition about these sorts of things yeah they're trying to build a siege again it appears they have six mortars oh we got a whole load of people now oh god okay okay okay why did i accept this quest i was totally totally unprepared for this we have to prioritize the mini turret they're beginning their assault this guy's name riker pillar chief angered i don't know what that means construction skill too low who the has construction skill oh ayla pods have arrived well they're trying to steal my [Music] whoa whoa whoa no no no no no no no [Music] pirates from the crusher crew are fleeing that doesn't include these who just mortared the out of my base whoa oh god where did that hit luckily mortars are really inaccurate [Music] i'll nub nub dead how does this happen when the last time i played this game i barely lost anyone [Music] one more mulligan hang on hang on a second go to the main menu real quick i had a mod that i downloaded deathrattle [Music] it makes it so people will no longer instantly die when their vital capacities reach zero you have a short win the window to get them a new liver before they die i have a very small colony right now and i need as many people as i can get so one more time whatever happens here that's it there's no there's no rewind anymore the the rewind time has has come to an end when you rush them use trees for cover yeah i don't even know if i'm going to rush them i might wait out the mortar this time so they're down here this time they come with a lot of materials scavenger thrasher al son of colonist el nubnub [Music] people that have relationship keep in mind even though they're related they will still attack each other because they're bad faction relations it's al nubnub's child [Music] [Music] shame i can't like bait them back to my base i can kind of get a couple at a time here though using the rifle [Music] ah jesus hopefully they don't get milked well at the very least i got one and injured another they're fleeing including um oh wait no i was going to say i'll neb nubs son son of nup nub here here he comes it'd be nice if i could recruit him but el nabdom's probably gonna end up killing him yeah he's dead i don't really know what to do here um the pods have just arrived might be in my oh well this dude's down it might be in my best interest to just send nub nub because these guys keep getting supplies i'm just gonna snipe and then try to bring them back so here comes nub nub yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll knob knows a better shot [Music] [Music] come on come on oh there's the hand cannon that's what was killing people in one hit [Applause] jesus it's okay as long as people aren't dead there we go there we go they're uh they're on the way now that was all i need to do just bait them now i know bring a sniper bait them back i wish my guests would help nice and we get a flintlock and the rest are fleeing franklin here is a fast learner i might i might rescue franklin some decent supplies too we can uninstall this and reinstall this it's hours now so i need another hospital bed huh well wouldn't this count as prison oh it would be hospital right capture oh i need to yeah i need to do the thing says it needs to be a prisoner [Music] capture and they this place up good though [Music] could have been worse starvation milt oh no one's feeding milt screaming and dancing puppet huh psychic drone low oh there's anxiety and anger now great [Music] so what happened to um hang on i thought we captured franklin [Music] franklin died at my front door [Music] oh there he is all right okay then [Music] [Music] yeah that could have been better could have been worse though i mean i could have in an alternate reality which didn't happen i could have lost a colonist could have lost a pawn [Music] luckily that didn't happen [Music] hey we got a mortar [Music] i don't like that kermit all right i forgot that there was another whole group are they unga bungas that's what we'll find out in a second yeah they're naked they're using bow and arrow to try to defeat my um my turret [Music] hey it looks like an arrow actually ended up hurting yeah yeah they got dream hummingbird has um a good shooting stat i might capture [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay good capture hummingbird well hummingbird we're going to teach you how to shoot mind-shattering pain oh my god the description was just ah ah we got a medical emergency help hummingbird quickly we don't even have that much medicine hummingbirds probably gonna die hmm is shrimp your best doctor uh sadly yes at a medical of four until milt wakes up in 19 hours it's still a medical emergency as soon as milt wakes up he's gonna have to go on medical duty if we want to save hummingbird disease infection oh my god milt wake up 12 hours wake up now [Music] also milt is starving [Music] everyone's fully healed milt will be up in eight hours psychic drone is ending it's a race against the clock to see if hummingbird can live five hours well shrimp is tending now three hours come on melt okay milt is going doctor priority one one hour this is the arc of the episode is milt finally waking up we did it new lovers milt pursued shrimp by impishly questioning her construction skill shrimp became aroused and agreed to become milt's lover what they were talking every time shrimp fed him dude's been up for three seconds i think hummingbird is actually finally living all right i want to see if i can get hummingbird to live and then i'm gonna end and this [Music] wait what can milk do again can milk shoot yeah milk can shoot we can make milt a better gun milt needs a non-shitty gun [Music] [Music] how good is milt's um crafting eight not bad shrimp you should probably stop tending to this dude how can i i need shrimp to not tend to hummingbird it looks like he's gonna be okay though milt made an excellent semi-automatic rifle just before his creativity wore off that was actually amazing you get chad all right meat i wonder what happened to meat i forgot all about me meat is still you know still here [Music] how do we make kibble again i don't remember [Music] one plant one meat oh well we don't have any plant [Music] we got a small raid nothing substantial just bows gonna have to dig a lot more graves than what we already have they brought medicine do they yeah kibble's not going to happen if i need plant so we have to hope that meat survives long enough in the wild you picked up 26 herbal medicine oh yeah great they they brought that that was convenient need material wood wow we ran out of wood later um chat member from non-live chat even though it's live to like 20 people or more like 10. um they just left a bunch of drugs the people that stayed here i guess they think this is a joke [Music] i'm looking for i want to store um shell [Music] this is going to be more mortar shells only okay milk can you build your own double bed now no i can't even right click the oh that's happening already okay so shrimp and melt looks like hummingbirds gonna be okay gonna go back to the shitty medicine now and i guess uh we're gonna recruit it's gonna take a while but it'd probably be worth it two colonists idle well i mean harvest some of this stuff so we can get kibble and get meat back just some early harvests [Music] gonna hunt the links summer did spring even last [Music] spring felt like five minutes [Music] [Music] yak revenge [Music] [Music] careful hunting that links man [Music] desperately need kibble [Music] i'm going to make that priority finally got some kibble [Music] just just gonna click okay um i think dan is going to meet me yep here we go hopefully meat doesn't attack [Music] tame failed 26 chance we'll get you back meat we'll get you back [Music] party shrimp is throwing a party well this is a good way to end [Music] i saw something about the spanish translation of final fantasy vii and how bad it was where at one point um the translation is that the party is upstairs but they translate it to fiesta and you go up there and it's just a depressing scene um they they misunderstood the meaning of the word party and there's apparently a ton of other mistranslations and things that make no sense whatsoever it's just an interesting little video that i saw about it well it's a good thing we didn't lose anyone twice but uh this was i'd say pretty fun return to rim world meat still needs to be brought back but we have uh milt and hopefully giga chad melts that is and hopefully we'll get um hummingbird soon that would be quite helpful and then maybe we'll get some guests that um that don't bring drugs how do i get rid of these bows like i want to can i destroy them or break them down or just maybe sell them because i don't think you can you can't smelt them you can just incinerate them i'll sell them when the time comes oh it's this song it's one of my favorites [Music] [Music] all right well things are going um not too terrible in the colony and uh it's nice to return to rimworld so yeah mods and uh people who i have the my mods and my vetting team chilling out thank you for uh the um the help here and for everyone else that's watching this thank you for your patience and uh if you want like i said if you want an update on what i'm up to and what i'm going to be doing it's um coming up next and you can hear all about it so uh thanks again and hopefully that card video i just have to do some more commentary for it and then there will be card opening and um maybe some pokemon snap as well but no streaming for the foreseeable future and again if you just wait and listen you'll understand why at least a little bit better so thanks until next time hi i hope everyone is doing okay um i just wanted to give everyone an update and let you know that i appreciate the uh thoughts and well wishes it's been honestly kind of overwhelming um which is why i wanted to let you know what was going on with me um at the moment i'm just kind of slowing down like internet stuff in general uh streaming at the moment just does not resonate with joy and i'm kind of just trying to figure out what is next for me and there's other stuff in my life that i want to take care of and get some perspective on and re-prioritize it was a full decade it was over a decade of non-stop streaming and it was fun but i kind of just want to be present in my life like right now uh the streaming schedule was a lot and i honestly didn't realize that it was interfering with my real life stuff and i neglected some important so i just need to slow the down and create some distance time away has actually been pretty good for me and i've found solace in being disconnected and distancing myself from internet interaction and i'm really appreciating the space that i've created so and uh again people have been uh respectful of my privacy and everything and i do appreciate that um as for art and everything again thank you but i am really not on social media don't want to be and i'm not on the guru either and like i said i'm just focusing on real life and truthfully as i've said a lot i'm not really um a fan of seeing art of my myself especially right now so just wanted to let you all know it's appreciated and it's been you know an amazing wild ride over the years seeing the art people have made and i'm sure i'll see it again but i'm not going through it at the moment but i do appreciate everyone i can't say that enough thank you for being kind to me over the years the thoughts the what wishes but honestly do not worry about me right now i have a support group i've been working on music and i've been focusing on the tangible stuff in my life that i like kind of ignored like i said um because i was streaming so much and i never realized that maybe taking two days off wasn't enough um so yeah uh it would make me feel a lot better to know that you're all focusing on yourselves and instead of spending that time and energy on me i'll be okay and um yeah so i really appreciate it you have been a kind audience and very nice people and um like i said streaming is just not joyful right now but i will be posting some videos every now and then on youtube and you know just some games that i want to play some upcoming stuff so it's going to be sporadic and i'm going to try to like i said focus on the stuff that is important to me right now in my life um but i'm also going to play some games speaking of i played through all of undertale but i'm not gonna post it or talk about it ever sorry uh also uh all of kingdom hearts and persona five take care thanks
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 144,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Full Sauce, FullSauce, Playthrough, Gameplay, RimWorld, Colony Sim, Colony Simulator, Base Building, Survival, Strategy, Sandbox, Dwarf Fortress, Dreeb, Shrimp Lady, Elnubnub, Ayla, Milt, Gigachad
Id: aaQi4L0uYh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 48sec (10128 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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