[Vinesauce] Vinny - Axiom Verge 2 (PART 2)

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well hello there listen it's a little late for me as you can see there it's 11 44 p.m this is pretty much my bedtime by now but welcome to the video this is axiom verge 2. i couldn't um get something to work and therefore i couldn't figure out what i wanted to play so i'm defaulting to axiom verge not that i had a bad time with it by any means [Music] so uh [Music] okay we're gonna continue this i need to probably lower the volume again i'm currently generating some scummy ai images that i may go back to uh while i'm doing this i'm just trying to do an ai thing vq gan plus clip it's called there were people that submitted this stuff to me um for other ai showcases if you're out there and you're watching this right now and you want to submit something to an ai showcase send it to the contact form [Music] i think this volume should be okay my um hang on i might want to lower this a little bit more my microphone may sound a little lower or a little different and well that's because i have some new fun issues [Music] not issues of magazines either [Music] but let's let's get into the game a little bit and i'll tell you about that as long as i can be [Music] as long as i can be heard wrong button [Music] all right i can crawl i uninstalled my sound blaster audigy drivers and removed the card and i'm trying to use my um on board card like my onboard audio stuff and um essentially it made my microphone only like go through one headphone speaker and uh i can't play front and back panel at the same time so i'll take an uh sound card recommendation if anyone knows of one that can play front panel and back panel at the same time uh it's yeah just tech problem after tech problem really and i think when my pc exploded it up my sound card so i guess i could just get another audigy [Music] so those are my requests to the audience how are you out there [Music] power and being independent uh okay so so i'm not really sure where we're going next tree beard but we're gonna we're gonna find it [Music] we'll get there eventually and hopefully i won't mute myself for 17 minutes [Music] that would be bad [Music] right so we're going to be running into a lot of stuff like that [Music] i've had people tell me that they um you know comments and um people have reached out via contact and i will say that um it seems like this game has been received fairly well but also maybe not it's as well as the first one which is what i said that's kind of how i feel about it so far not sure about that optional boss thing it's an interesting idea [Music] but again this really works well as a stop gap between metroid dread and oh [Music] and uh and now and considering hollow knight silk song doesn't exist [Music] oh god what have i done [Music] oh okay okay good um all right now i need to play better i need to get what do they call it get get swell [Music] that's just swell golly i uh i have some duck news [Music] the news is as follows they are still hiding they're not hanging out like they were bold now they're kind of still just kind of hiding but i know where their island is and i know that i can get some oats to them and some of them will even come to the oats so i'm aware of these these things [Music] god [Music] okay what was the point of that that's uh okay yep that did nothing for me [Music] so the yeah i mean i i definitely miss when the ducks were babies i they still they make peep noises they're good but they're um they're still they're still interested in eating and i'm sure they're being fed lots of scummy bread too [Music] so there's that um what else is new just some stuff got some hopefully interesting things for you gearing up for the charity event allows you to store and use healing energy oh it's another power matrix okay i see interesting things and good footage clip channel is going well big shout out to john fulsos for doing a great job with it thank you everybody that submitted clips for the clip channel it's nice that we can archive some of this stuff which has brought i don't know up up roris applause is that a word uproaris and laughter uproaris laughter and applause to so many like dozen of fan no i really do like this stuff though because re-watching some of these clips can sometimes put a smile on my face too [Music] level three i guess i can't open that until i hit level three [Music] yeah like i didn't even really i don't watch my my stuff if i can help it i really don't like editing my own stuff anymore just because i'm so sick of hearing myself by the time i'm done editing but watching a 20-second clip minute long clip kind of a little bit nostalgic for me maybe not as much as some people that watch it but it definitely has an effect and sometimes i'm even just like it's like i'm watching it for the first time because i am but also i don't remember the event happening so it's it's good it's it's sometimes it's pretty good i get more nostalgic listening to old songs which is a very rare event for me it's an occasion maybe once every couple years i'll go and listen to something from an older album i used to be able to remember exactly who played what part and who you know how we recorded it and i'm starting to forget some of that stuff [Music] but when i hear the songs it kind of brings me back to a specific like place not [Music] anything too specific but just a general vibe of what my life was like at the time oh god ironing an iron is harming me [Music] let's go nope can't get up there [Music] the new warzone update i still haven't checked out but i am still very curious about it i haven't played it in a while so that's something that i downloaded and i'm like just waiting for the uh the opportunity but i have many studio days this week and i have some stuff that i'm working on in related uh relation to uh the charity stream and my own stuff so i'm gonna try to play it this week but i don't know if i'll be able to [Music] i haven't really had a chance to do much sunday type content as not as much as i would like to even if it's like once every week just something weird it's kind of like my tradition and i like that you know not to stick to a strict schedule and i'm the only one who holds myself to these schedules truthfully like i'll get a little bit of anxiety about something that is 100 in my own head [Music] i'm like i'm not being pressured by anyone but myself and i got to work on that like that was partially the point of me slowing down [Music] and i'm you know trying to figure out how to go through um my life without feeling the self-imposed anxiety damn it [Music] [Music] i have to be a little bit more health conscious right now [Music] i believe uh quakecon is happening this week and they're celebrating the 25th anniversary of quake and or something like that i don't know if it's the 25th anniversary or something but i'm really interested to see what they're doing [Music] that's this thursday i believe after quake champions i don't really know what we're gonna get [Music] but i would like something quake related but a single player quake game but no strong that would be my main hope so i don't really expect anything but like go back to the gothic horror like the weird cosmic horror gothic dark industrial setting of quake one and i'll be happy [Music] hello [Music] wonder if that was an optional boss well yeah must have been [Music] i mean i guess that was a boss [Music] okay i can't get up there anyway [Music] [Music] now i have to be really careful [Music] [Music] as scary your drone fires a hook that can slingshot it oh [Music] really makes you feel like spiderman.jpg [Music] okay [Music] this is gonna sound dumb but i'm not sure why i died i wasn't looking at that exact spot [Music] just testing some stuff out okay [Music] [Music] yeah there's a little bit of finesse here it's finesse some penis [Music] god uh jeff showed me this this video oh oh man i don't think he wanted this to become a meme necessarily and i don't i don't need it to but it was this channel 5 that dude from channel 5 went to these pickup artists and uh he was just just talking to him you know like uh anyone remember the pickup artist show it's basically a like a dude in a fedora and like coats and like he just picks up chicks but that was the show so these guys are like following in that dude's footsteps or something like that [Music] and it's hilarious they're dressed like final fantasy characters and uh one of the main guys is holding like what what he does is he has [Music] i'm going to lower this [Music] and i'm also going to pull up a clip how is this game this loud at like 20 percent volume [Music] so this dude has like a thing it's called pickup artist boot camp and you could spend money to get in there and uh he'll teach you how to how to pick up chicks all right check this out listen to this guy probably be in front of you at a time when you don't expect it the blocker we gotta watch out for is ourselves that's really good how much do they pay for that advice ultimately we think it's the girls we think it's the time we think it's us we think it's that it's one thing it's what we think wow this guy has fantastic advice it's what we think that cox cox blocks every hot girl that you see at some point was a little baby wearing diapers and at some point will be an elder woman you gotta see the dude's face like it cuts to his face whenever he says this and the dude who's like interviewing and exploring this topic it's just there's a look of disgust on his face right now simon is to shift our mindset when right here right now you're watching channel 5 lives matter rally vince aka the kelvin a pickup artist that's his name it's vince the kelvin who holds the get over five mass hundred and uh lobby of the mirage i need today hey hang on hang on i need to get to one specific thing i need you to hear this he's a singer that dude i found it those size matter i deliver what balls penis height arms bank account if you think it matters it does there you go easy oh he's got balls i have lovely testicles but you know actually i don't even know if they're that big i don't think so i don't think my balls are very big so this is the dude you got to pay to really know how to get like chicks i'm telling you he he this dude just spend like 899 dollars to go to one of his lessons that's all you need to do and then of course you'll be guaranteed success okay let's continue the game bull's penis [Music] this [Music] hmm the the attack power on this thing sucks [Music] we'll just start with that [Music] okay [Music] i do like the spider-man thing [Music] pretty good so i've probably missed something i don't know if i missed anything important but i want to go take a quick look balls okay okay so what other things um yeah just trying to think of some things [Music] well gear made me a guitar pedal and then actually i found out he streamed himself making the guitar pedal it's an auto pedal and it's cool as but i mean making a guitar pedal [Music] it's like how do you even begin to learn how to do that i have no idea but that's you know what that's also with like a different type of skill set and interest set so i can't really imagine it but that's just because i don't do like that but gear is really good with that stuff and the pedal is cool and i'm gonna try to use it [Music] try to sneak it in a couple songs on the next album [Music] so that's a cool thing um [Music] yeah i'm gonna have to uh you know even if i do return to streaming on a limited basis someday i still plan on making videos but one of the things i can say about that is i like making videos and having something just be uploaded as i've said before [Music] but my memory is so bad that i i not that it's so bad it's just that when i get started with a game sometimes it's like all the stuff i wanted to talk about just kind of fades away i'm like oh i guess i don't remember what that was was it that important but it is good to just be able to have something to upload even if it's not live it'll give me a chance to continue to take days off but um you know there's pros and cons man and the pro right now is that i get to live my life a little bit but the con is that i don't remember what's happening and usually the chat is like [Music] see this game this is what you think of to our best of worst i'm like all right that's what i was gonna talk about and i didn't watch it yet they red letter media uploaded an hour and 40 minute best of the worst that is now feature film length [Music] like they've gone long before but i feel i feel like now they're just toying with us [Music] or they're just testing the limits of what can be done with trash movies [Music] so i'm excited to watch it i also watched the first episode of that invincible show just because i had it recommended it's like all right yeah sure and at first i was like this is fine it's nothing crazy but it's it's okay and then by the end of the episode i was like oh okay i get it i was trying to figure out what the angle was i was like well people seem to like the show quite a bit why do they like the show what's the deal like a seinfeld and then it became a little bit more clear [Music] and i think it's cool and jk simmons does a voice in it and he's cool and bender is in there too you know and he's cool [Music] [Music] so i'll probably watch it it's only six episodes it's just there's so now there are so many shows with a group of superheroes that are not the popular ones but are an approximation of like the bitman superman hang on it's my brother ludari have we all heard of anser ansur spadix spat yes paddocks from which the fruit of the world grows but have you ever thought of the meaning behind this decorative speech yesterday when i thought to be asleep when i was thought to be asleep i overheard two umiyas discussing what sounded like an apparent trip to ansur my brain is being destroyed by these this language um by which i mean they have traveled there and returned using a special machine if anser were truly a holy place do you think one could travel there by something so base is a machine i'm telling you brother there's something they're not telling us is it stupid for me to ask but i suppose mother still has not returned has she no love for her own children [Music] well well-being to you elution [Music] so there's the boys that show which has the the superheroes so you got them and then you have this invincible show where it's like oh homelander is the superman and this show it's the omni man is the superman then there was the show there's some with some shitty beards there's uh what show is it on netflix [Music] with the another ex like concept that's basically exactly this [Music] i can't think of it now i didn't watch it i've only heard of it but it's the exact same type of thing [Music] and they kind of uh go into they go into detail of of what it would be like for the superhero next generation to take over for the other super it's just so many superhero things and now the big thing is subversion of the superhero genre by taking the piss out of the superheroes but now there's like four versions of that i mean even the suicide squad is that to some extent if you think about it it's really just a bunch of like people are sick of superheroes kill them and i think it it mostly succeeds uh for me at least and that's the thing like i'm not really gonna i'm not really watching that black widow movie i'm not not really interested enough to watch it [Music] i just want ant-man that's it just ant man [Music] do [Music] hmm [Music] can't go wrong with more health points [Music] so yeah even the the superhero genre and this has too many movies now but it's just funny how the subversion of the genre also now has too many properties to check out it's like you can't keep up with this i guess the fascination with superheroes is gonna be here for a lot longer it's my guess at least i thought after avengers end game this stuff would start kind of like ramping down a little bit but i think we got plenty more i know that that's gonna piss some people off like man i'm sick of superheroes man yeah me too a little bit and yet the invincible show was it's animated pretty good i mean i don't know where it's going but the first episode was at least enjoyable enough to just sit down and like mindlessly throw on until you like have to pay attention a little bit [Music] i like this little spider ability it's good ability [Music] [Music] definitely getting um [Music] some for the whatever that instrument is i i wish i could just tell you what it is but i don't know but it reminds me of some of the micro tonal stuff that king gizzard has done oh by the way they're finished with another album [Music] so they just announced they're done with another album it's like dude i'm all for more king gizzard they are one of my favorite rock bands happening right now is are they over saturating the waters where they released like two albums already just this year and then one late last year back in my day you had to wait six years for radiohead albums oh wait you still do [Music] which i'd rather wait and get good music and you know when they're inspired they do something interesting but i do feel like the gizzard stuff there's there's filler there's definitely filler i feel like the kg and lw albums are cool really enjoyed well most of them you could combine those two and make one great album called kglw and then do a bunch of b-sides but i hope i'm not coming across as hypocritical because people are going to listen to my next thing and be like hey wait a minute that's a lot of filler vin i don't i personally don't think there's any filler that's just me though but you know i'm a little bit biased because i'm i'm enjoying what i'm doing i'm only ever enjoying what i'm doing until it's like just about done or it's been done for like a week and then i'm like yeah next maybe more than a week i might need like say two three weeks [Music] but i definitely get to a point where i'm like yeah that i want to just make another and better one but that said i think even with the crazy like amount of stuff they put out it is still good like i don't think there's any bad songs on their most recent album butterfly 3000 there's a couple that felt like i wouldn't even say filler but i would say that it sounded a little to me like they're using the same synth same same general riff and that's kind of what they they did with that album the motif of that album was the synthesizer pattern and it kept coming back and i thought that was cool [Music] but some of it wasn't as strong as uh as it could have been i think and maybe if they you know spent more time filtering through the ideas a little bit and then doing like some b-sides maybe more solid but you have a band like this that just has you know very creative members and they love to record you're gonna get a lot of music and that's what we've been getting a lot of music especially now because of the pandemic i'm assuming since they're not touring they're just gonna make whatever they can even though i think they are touring again soon king gizzard [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my favorite song on this the soundtrack so far though [Music] it's just the right amount of you know that eastern influence but also [Music] weird just like this game and yet it's really cool to listen to [Music] and i like um different styles of strumming and guitar [Music] like ways to strum a guitar that i can't do which are very many ways [Music] [Music] that droning sound is cool too [Music] even if it does sound like the melody sounds a little like painted black from the rolling stones i gotta be honest i have a recent thing that sounds a little bit like painted black as well so i'm acutely aware of that particular song at this moment i mean there's only so many notes in the known universe so finding like a completely unique and original melody it's possible but you know it's a little harder than it used to be hell most pop music doesn't even try it's just canon and d and then get a couple really easy you know three chord structures and you you good [Music] i do find music fascinating though because that's the stuff that seems to appeal to most people like if you do that particular chord structure that's been done a million times you're gonna get people's attention even if it's you know just people who wanna dance you might call them drones i wouldn't drones fly around take video footage or they shoot missiles but i do think that pop music at the moment it just sounds like other pop music at the moment and i can't tell some of it apart i mean i'm sure people have said this about rock too i'm sure every generations pop was you know there's that argument but i guess um the thing that's fascinating about music is you can have that same three chord structure and what you do with the melody on top of it could be endlessly unique and just completely original even if you change one thing and it's still like say 55 similar to something else that's it's now your song dog that's your song dog [Music] so yeah i guess it's kind of interesting but i try to find as much as i can i try to do some interesting stuff with chords but i i still like to do simple i don't think i'll ever become a prague musician where i try to find something ev every single time it's completely 100 original that's cool but again you can still do some simple stuff and have it be your own especially if you mean it oh when those enemies attack you you can't attack it's like the things from zelda oh good back up here great and rhythm completely uh can completely change a song too [Music] hearing stuart copeland talk about like a reggae drum beat as opposed to the you know the usual rock four on the floor drum beat and how that was like the secret trick and you know emphasizing the two and the four i really uh learned a lot from hearing him talk about that stuff but you can still do the same structure but keep it interesting i gotta be honest and this is gonna be old man yells at cloud level or out of touch boomer but yeah a lot of content like a lot of extremely popular um music that's played at like stores or or bars or any of that stuff the stuff that's mostly being played i don't hear too much that sounds particularly interesting or unique that's a huge generalization but i can't help but pay attention and while there might be something cool in there or like a cool i can recognize cool instruments or cool like moments yeah it's it's not really for me and uh lyrically it's usually just about having a good time i talk about having a bad time so maybe i'm not one to talk i got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a bad night tonight's gonna be a bad bad night [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] filling up topping off though i do have my guilty pleasures and a lot of the pop music i like is from the 80s you know i do like some 90s pop that i grew up with of course but usually pop with guitars i like [Music] i'm not above guilty pleasure like junk food music i really like some of that stuff it's especially it's dependent on two you know you're you're not gonna go to a club and dance to like deep introspective songs like um i hope you had the time of your life not that one my radio isn't working so i hope you guys find this the kazaks are tracking me i was going for a long hike through the urum valley when i decided to visit their research station so past the waterfalls i don't know what's going on up there but it's definitely weird they aren't dressed the same they have automatic weapons and fired at me if i didn't hear them shouting in russian i would have thought they were different people entirely did they think i was going to break in or something they do know we're all trapped here together right they've been chasing me all the way i don't know if i can make it to the landing site so i'm leaving this here i hope i'm worried over nothing and we'll see you all soon hallelujah [Music] [Music] you know it just it's it's sad because i love this genre and uh i always enjoy playing quality games of this ilk but man do i miss castlevania the eaglevanias bloodstain was good don't get me wrong had a lot of positives really really enjoyed the out of that game but man it wasn't castlevania [Music] what a run that was six games what was it like six games in seven years and pretty much all of them were good in my opinion i think many would agree with this sentiment but those eaglevania games were phenomenal i always look forward to them and then when mirror of fate on the 3ds was announced and i saw that it was a different type of thing altogether with light metroidvania elements but more like that god of war thing that they were doing with lords of shadow [Music] i was worried and yeah i played through some of the game and just didn't retain my interest enough but that um that run of those six games [Music] i'd argue that circle of the moon was the weakest for me at least just because they were still finding their footing [Music] and also i like games well harmony dissonance was also a little bit rough too because you know there really wasn't a ton of stuff to get [Music] like you had whip upgrades but it wasn't until aria of sorrow that those games became like next level like on the same level as like symphony of the night almost but even so circle of the moon was a great launch title for the gba [Music] and harmony of dissonance was cool it's just the music kind of sucked [Music] they like used all their memory or something i forget what the story was on that game but i think they they use all of their available resources for graphics and then the music just was i don't know kind of lame not that it was composed poorly it was just it sounded like [Music] it sounded like game boy and not gba a little bit better than gameboy probably more channels for people [Music] there's a a mobile game that's coming to apple arcade it's a castlevania thing with alucard and simon and chanoa and charlotte [Music] and i didn't hear much about it it's the only castlevania of course it's like a gotcha castlevania game and it's coming to apple arcade and not steam it's like all right well good luck on that i don't even know what apple arcade is you have to pay for it [Music] [Applause] i saw um the speculation that that game would have if it's coming to apple arcade it'll have less monetization but my response to that is konami you think they would have their games make less money no no no no you see it's about the money [Music] i guess i just randomly found a secret area green this room's green [Music] it turns out konami is announcing a castlevania moba [Music] it's called curse under nighttime you know how like a lot of um the mobas have a really good acronym like lol or dota yeah so curse under night time that's their that's their moba [Music] good acronym good acronym strong memorable [Music] you can buy um richter belmont for uh at least at least 15 castle bucks here's the thing though 15 will get you the base richter if you want the richter with better stats and a blue bow tie that's going to cost you 30 castle bucks for 45 castle bucks richter gets four new dances gets a bowler hat and his muscles double all right that's for 45 bucks 60 bucks you want to know what you get for 60 bucks you get this this seems like a pretty big oversight [Music] oh um for 60 bucks you get richter sexy dance you get richter double muscle you get richter with the golden whip you get richter with the golden gun [Music] you get an additional sound clip from charles martin a himself okay and you start fully powered up like fully powered up now if you want to know what you get for a hundred bucks you get richter belmont and richter belmont two of them you can it's a good deal because you can give one to a friend [Music] oh you also get a cracker jack cereal prize oh wait cracker jack says it's here wait i've been eating cracker jacks for breakfast every morning for 35 years and you're telling me it's not cereal [Music] now cracker jack cereal would be i'm surprised that isn't a thing because cereal comes with prizes and to think i like those cracker jack prizes this is it if you can get it working this will allow your human body to defend itself when you are using the drone so instead of just sitting there in a fugue my body will get up and fight yes your body will remain conscious [Music] when you return your two halves merge and your experience is combined sounds terrifying but too useful to pass up [Music] i can make that work [Music] reducing damage by 15 cool cracker jack prizes are one of the most disappointing things about time like you can tell time is moving forward by how terrible those prizes got it used to be like a whistle or like i don't know like a physical object of some kind finally i breathe again that doesn't sound like something i would say indeed you are no longer in control of this body i'm sorry to have deceived you but now i must go bloody hell wow what a twist she straight up just stole my body am i stuck like this really sorry indra i had no idea this would happen so you're still trapped in here with me it's just us now i'm sorry i'm not as strong as the others if i was stronger i could turn you back into a human i was supposed to be able to transform things is there a way to power you up well maybe they used to have arms that basically add to existing arms but it's been so long well that's still plan b plan a being to take back my damn body somehow [Music] i want to do a little a little experiment here i want to discover something oh thank you palpatine i got permission from palpatine to do it hang on a second [Music] do it [Music] okay so i just looked up cracker jack prizes from the past there was a tiny little pocket knife i mean we're going back years now but like a little book with just stuff in it um i thought it was a pocket bible a top a uh secret code cracker several tops a little dude on a horse a fork and spoon like a mini one a cracker jack dude that you could like play with um a little boxing glove what the hell man there's so many like little like a little rifle a key animal figurines buttons pins um military men a little game with water and you you push the ball into the the slots rings um figurines now it's just stickers apparently the most valuable cracker jack prize is a set of baseball cards from you know like a hundred years ago so that is that is the conversation about cracker jack i hope you enjoyed it oh hmm it's just really it's just i don't know man konami is the cracker jack prize of video games [Music] tom happ likes this kind of music i mean it was in the first game too there was a couple songs that had this kind of kind of thing going on my lord melon anna the you doug come from beneath the waves of a great flood their powers allowing them to enter our world through storms of fire that appear in the sky until now the u-dog have seemed almost casual about the danger these storms pose to us of flesh and blood they are doorways and nothing more to them but yesterday a storm erupted with such violence it was seen to wipe out an entire village i fear we may have been too successful in our deployment of the wielders where the u-dog once brushed us aside like flies they're now hunting us like poor we must find a way to fight back i read lugol too my boy aaron lugo [Music] done allows fast travel to save points done how do you get from one save point to another you go into the map you press the button going to save point done [Music] you think this person singing the song right now is in pain [Music] okay i'm gonna bring up a movie that you would never expect me to bring up but the blade runner soundtrack has vocals like this so that that instantly is a great association for me [Music] hmm [Music] becoming an arm to my brother loudari have accepted the nsaids offered to become an arm [Music] that's right i am now someone else's arm i know you are against this trust me i have no interest in the you dug bore myself but i felt i had no choice over the years it's become clear to me that the supposed celestial hierarchy represented by the lamasu is a farce answer which it explains is our mother is a shackle or rather a giant stone that we're shackled to dragging us into the depths there is no ercala after death there is nothing not even blackness the arms and wielders at least the potential for eternal life they say only a storm bomb can fully destroy them once the ceremony is complete i will be joined with magisketo magisk get them a like-minded scholar from our group they will anoint me a mashallama after the after the goddess i wish you would join me there's no telling what may happen to any of us in this war i do not want to lose you hey luke till please [Music] [Music] i like that this song is a little jazzy [Music] [Music] so i actually don't know how to transfer from one save point to the next [Music] some creepy weird jellyfish things enough bs hammond where's my daughter in detention she needs you go to upstream port sector 4320 you've got some nerve using my daughter like this she is safe but needs something someone's really asking for an ass kicking sorry someone [Music] uh what curious creature is this uh yeah i used to be just a normal human i had an unfortunate encounter with some nanotech i'm trying to find my way back to antarctica i see my name is zanzaya horshanova but you can call me druschka a lot of names to remember in this game a lot of names what is this place we call this place emergence most of those from the station migrated here unfortunately the portal you took here is not physically capable of returning you to earth there has to be a way even if i have to build a whole new portal we found evidence that the people of pine gear the world you came from were not alone there are some ruins in the east that are so advanced as the defy explanation if you can find your way in there perhaps there is something that can help this looks a little like something from axiom verge one like an area oh yeah well this thing that looks pretty axiom verge one-esque but um again i don't remember it's been a while so i couldn't tell you if this was exactly that or if it was just this is just vaguely that [Music] looks cool hold the button to charge your slingshot when hooked released to launch at your foes ah spine shark what i mean by that is it's it's a skill based move that you can probably do some cool with if you know what you're doing that's interesting that's not what i expected with this kind of uh block destruction which is a good thing too because you know missiles are great that's fine we've seen it a thousand times [Music] tom happ knows how to make a good metroidvania even if some stuff doesn't some stuff may not check out 100 for me but i'm still in awe that one dude makes all this and that it's good even better than good when you think about the first one like that was phenomenal this so far definitely holding my attention i have no problem playing this game whatsoever i love this genre search search action is the name of the genre according to mark brown which i think is actually a pretty decent name for uh metroidvanias instead of just calling them metroidvania a search action game you search you find stuff it's and there's action that checks out for me it's never going to catch on but it is something that i remember hearing him say i was like wait a minute that's like calling uh you know something a soulsborne metroidvania yeah you're right mark brown we should call this a different name altogether [Music] [Music] this is cool music too question is how much backtracking do i now feel like doing as a spider okay never mind that that answered that question bund up does technology weaken us sophia i understand your point if there is one overarching rule for all life one thing that could be considered our purpose it is undoubtedly evolution evolution excuse me the simple hang on the simple mechanism where beneficial traits propagate while detrimental traits wane is built into the fabric of the universe it's the only thing that makes our existence possible but what made things beneficial what parameters what set the parameters i don't even know what i'm saying one should wonder then of the role of human knowledge and technology play in evolution does the development of say antibiotics mean that we have thwarted natural selection altogether preventing our further improvement of our species it is a worthy question but upon our discovery of the emergence i think the answer must be an emphatic no on the scale we could previously observe we were limited by the length of a single lifetime often itself emitted by necessarily subjective point of view but now we have the capacity to observe or take and ben benefit from the same processes that shape us now how many generations before a new medicine result in a weakened immune system how many further generations lead to improved intelligence leading to even better solutions in the previous century mathematicians spoke of a singularity of advancement that would alter human affairs forever whatever they may have imagined the emergence dwarfs that exponentially it's not a danger it is our salvation [Music] we humans we have the uncanny ability to really get in there you know just just really try to figure out even in our like rudy tooty shooty video games we gotta like ponder the nature of existence and human purpose a bit weird bit weird [Music] floppy [Music] i'm weirdly opposed to technology as much as i love it it's a hard thing to explain i'm not going to try our next project is to be a large bridge allowing for the transport of machines and weapons to and from what is the workshop of sorts to be a workshop so it's in the east hamasu tells us that we will need godly materials that can only be found there i'm very curious as to what they may be more machines like the lamasu itself for surely they are not of the gods what will we learn from them getting some sonic the hedgehog vibes from this environment [Music] [Music] nope we are not getting in there the scorpion was kind of spinning [Music] [Music] like i do feel like technology got us into a very big mess but also i've always been a huge proponent like i was on the internet probably too young truthfully and um it definitely kept me company and i don't regret playing tons of tfc and counter-strike growing up and warcraft three i really don't but i also kind of feel like yeah it definitely did having the internet when it first kind of started like from 1997 which is not when it first started but when it first became like really big with america online and like everyone had america online from that time whereas before that like 94 was still like what's internet 95 was like okay internet 96 was we should get that internet 97 was we need to have that internet [Music] so i guess i was a product of the advent of the internet and i regret i regret that but also i loved it because man you could connect with people people didn't really understand how cool that was like finding just as much as you wanted to based on your interests however most people's interests were just porn at the time and therefore you could say that internet was a porn machine but hang on a minute there were also jpegs that took five minutes to load [Music] so yeah there was there was definitely there's pros and cons to having been on the internet from that young and without really fully understanding what it was [Music] and uh [Music] gotta be honest i know it's cliche at this point to say that social media bad i know it is almost so much so that people have come around on it again because of the irony of it but yeah no social media listen i know i know personally that humans one on one can still misunderstand each other but it's a lot harder to i feel like it's it just that connection that you can have with someone the connection that you can get with someone one-on-one versus um versus you know just having a social media conversation quote-unquote it's huge and the internet maybe was a little bit better in some ways without it not like you know there aren't other things that are better like there's there's there's definitely benefits to social media but it also i think has turned the human race into like i don't know the connection it's too much like i don't think we evolved properly to have the the connection that ants have telepathically i know i'm just talking understand this it's also late and i'm a little tired but that doesn't mean that ants aren't telepathic you know what i mean so i don't think we were ready for social media and the fact that you can have an equal voice with everybody and not have any idea what you're talking about on any topic of value that's a little scary because you know that changes the way other people think [Music] and then it's really easy to get into misunderstandings and then also just have one of the things i learned from years of doing what i do this is a personal lesson i'm still learning it i'm still recovering from it and i'm still trying to figure out how to downsize my life right and i'll tell you in just a moment hammond for the long for a long time the breaches temporal discrepancies confounded us until one day mauka pointed out to me that the strange blue terminals everywhere appeared dimmer on some days that or others on a hunch i recorded the changes over a period of a month and what do you know without fail the dimming of the terminals corresponded with the slowing of time in the breach it's only conjecture at this point but do you think there could be some undetected radiation from the breach interfering with the terminals perhaps more worrying that these terminals have some kind of control over time flow in the breach what i've learned is that human beings cannot keep up with hundreds of people on an equal footing i really believe that you just start to know too many people and then you neglect people and then some people who don't have that many people start to think that you hate them so that's been the thing i don't know how unique it is to my life or if other people have experienced this because of social media and but i can tell you that i i'm still learning how to i mean most people that do what i do understand but then i also feel guilty and then um it gets weird so that's a thing that yeah i've definitely and then i just kind of start to retreat more because i i suppose when you have that many people what can you do you can't talk to everyone all the time can you i mean i guess that's what discord groups are for but uh even that too big of a discord group and it's like nope i feel like there's a balance that has to be attained that can be tough to fight it can be tough to find that balance and social media has made it way too easy to just have hundreds of people in your corral and um i don't know maybe humans even though we are social creatures like ducks maybe the best thing for us to do is sometimes spend some time alone and reflect a little that's my thought and when you have a connection to everybody or anybody in the world on your phone at all times that definitely changes the the course of humanity i think and it's still so new we haven't even seen the effects of it over a generation yet mental [Music] wielder it is i the lamasu have decided to stop trying to kill me unfortunately that directive must still remain but recent events have caused another director to take priority you mean ashilama taking my body indeed the consequences of this are dire in the past ashilama was one of the more troublesome arms after the wielders defeated the udog it was necessary to restore and rebuild society to how it was prior to their introduction though most wielders complied faithfully amashamala [Music] music amasha lama and her wielder resisted creating a new conflict i complied faithfully you mean by any chance they killed themselves destroyed is perhaps more apt as nothing less than a storm bomb can completely dismantle the arms nanotech so you asked amashalama to nuke herself and she declined can't say i blame her nevertheless you and i have some common cause i have reason to believe she is headed for a suspension bridge at sector 33 26 destroyer and i will endeavor to return you to your human form [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] is that a boss [Music] yeah i don't know about that and i don't know i kind of [Music] i don't know yeah the first game didn't have the best boss encounters but at least they felt like a thing like getting rid of bosses all together for this optional like bad boss thing i'm not sure how i feel about that [Music] and that was just go into enemy and hit hard lots [Music] nice song this song is very interesting to me because you have guitar which for me the reason i love guitar is that there's just something so human about it all the little inconsistencies and imperfections and how much you can influence a guitar you can play it as a rhythm instrument a lead instrument you can do so much with a guitar and it is so different from player to player and it's a direct connection between your fingers and the listener that's a little weird to say that but it's true but then you have a little synthesizer going on here too and they work together in perfect harmony and that's what i was saying before about technology versus not technology love technology [Music] can it coexist with humanity and and it can i really do think it can i just think we if we don't completely screw this up we gotta do we gotta find a way to make that balance work we gotta voice crack our way to victory [Music] great [Music] maybe maybe we'll find a way out you know maybe maybe we'll figure this out no one said it was going to be easy [Music] [Music] [Applause] the song is trippy [Music] i feel like the diva from the fifth element is singing this [Music] nice flute [Music] i'll tell you what i don't love every song on the soundtrack but it is memorable as i'll probably never forget it at least i might forget some of the songs but i'll never forget like how interesting it was is that a death star oh that's supposed to be like land i watched more of the matrix reloaded just because it was on you know like i said on the pluto tv thing which by the way the ign gameplay channel is trash the quality of the video is so bad it borders on unwatchable i don't understand how this oversight was allowed to happen [Music] not like i'm gonna be watching gamer channels anyway when i could just throw on like youtube but it's there and it's really unwatchable so that sucks but the matrix um i kind of understand now more why the matrix um reloaded because i liked it when i was younger for the action scenes but man the the further they get into the lore the more difficult it is for me to give a i have no idea what they're gonna do for matrix four god it's just at this point so convoluted sorry do you speak english yes sorry i've i am ivan you look strange you are from jonestown my name is indra i did come through here i know i look weird nanotech did this to me i'm guessing you are with the um kha'zix strange machines all over here watch out anyway drishka told uh sorry took other kha'zix through breach into next world past breach even stranger there they're crazy so i stay here [Music] yet another world i don't blame you did you see another woman come through here beside me i see many many strange thing robot monster trap but not woman thanks for your help stay safe [Music] [Music] okay never mind the ocean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a cool song [Music] pretty mesmerizing to the progression so [Music] yes the matrix lore it's just the um [Music] it's weird because it takes itself really seriously in the second one that i've seen like there's other things that i didn't really care for but and the fight is fine i mean it's kind of obvious now but like the famous fight neo versus a million agent smiths so i don't know i i think there's certainly still some potential for it to be good [Music] but i have no idea what they're gonna do with the lore i don't know if they're gonna retcon anything or simplify or go back to matrix one and just work from there but whatever whatever the is gonna happen i can't see it being anything less than a convoluted mess unless they figure out how to go about it or if they can just narratively have it you know be told really well which is also not an easy feat because boy some of the exposition in matrix reloaded i'm just like oh oh no [Music] i'd argue that's not as bad as the uh you know prequels i'm sorry to say that prequel fans i'm just talking about the exposition and like the like it's yeah they're fun movies of course but uh the way some of that dialogue and exp the especially the love plot in the prequels like in attack of the clones i i mean if anyone here thinks that's good stuff because you have nostalgia or because the memes and do it and then you can watch the the stuff where anakin and padme are getting together you are brave some of that stuff is tough to watch [Music] [Music] [Music] i had to have missed something [Music] [Music] i i had to miss something because i also didn't get any advancement items here maybe up here more [Music] thing does so much damage [Music] and this little spider friend takes too much damage look around a little bit more and then i'm probably very shortly going to end this [Music] [Music] god it was underground [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i would imagine up there is the progression but i don't know how to get up there [Music] i'll tell you but that's one way to get up there is just just you know go to heaven just die and go to heaven [Music] [Music] not this way [Music] the only penalty of fast travel is you have to watch that scene [Music] no all is still crazy thank you for checking me [Music] okay well i i maybe you know i knew there was a marker here but i i wasn't sure i mean they told me there was a marker here but i wasn't 100 sure if i missed something well i guess i missed all of this [Music] no we're not going that way [Music] all right okay man they make you go a pretty long time just being a spider [Music] wait i don't mind being spider [Music] [Music] i don't know [Music] uh [Music] well that's new [Music] shortcut unlocked um maybe there's an upgrade over here [Music] can't get up there okay fast travel is gonna be great for backtracking and this genre is famous for backtracking [Music] [Music] what a thing it is to make memorable video game music that not only sounds cool but can keep your interest but not too much of your interest and not sound awful when you hear it for the 100th time what an art form what what a what a jape [Music] [Music] we had a lot of skill points there so hmm well it seems like there's a lot of potential let me go back here one more time i just want to see if i missed anything because i can sometimes miss things very easily [Music] but um yeah some progress is being made here right there's that so i don't know how to destroy that but while i'm winding down i'd like to say i hope you can join us for the charity event which is this weekend coming up i just want to give you the exact dates [Music] hang on so please just check the calendar um august 20th to 20 to the 22nd if you would like to stop by check out some streams [Music] and help support a really good cause you'd be doing a really nice thing and we're looking forward to you know doing the stuff i'm going to tell you just now that yes i will be participating and there will be some good stuff oh there's a waterfall oh cool so that will be the focus but i again i really want i really want to do some ai stuff i really have um i have already a couple things that are interesting like i said i was generating some ai i forgot to keep generating it but oh well soon soon the ai showcase will show up whenever that will be and i again i do have some really scummy things to show you eventually i have some interesting video games [Music] um but yeah i'm not really sure where to go next [Music] but i'm assuming i'll figure it out i have plenty of new moves smooth moves [Music] um [Music] yeah there's there's a lot of potential but thank you for watching axiom verge 2. this game is pretty cool hope you all have a good day wherever you may be going and whatever your day looks like thank you continued support thank you for continuing to watch my stuff even when i'm a little tired and uh i'll take sound card recommendations that aren't too expensive that can do front panel and back panel at the same time that would be cool but yeah take care hopefully i get my tech problem solved and i won't have to start my videos with hey new tech problem so all right goodbye everybody see you next time which is incidentally see you next time is also the acronym of the castlevania moba [Music] no actually i don't even know if they're that big i don't think so i don't think my balls are very big it's an illusion what
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 14,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Axiom Verge 2, Metroidvania, Thomas Happ Games LLC
Id: bnwQAxldRFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 32sec (7052 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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