[Vinesauce] Vinny - Spooptober 2020: Horror Games Collection #3

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chat yet beware you're in urine listen halloween is a time to reflect upon the darker nature and aspects of life that we take for granted the stuff we don't think about the skeletons inside of us the goblins mortality this halloween i'm here to show you that the true horror is in fact twitch chat hmm i'm reading the chat i see dude get to the good part what do i have to do chat says don't touch the doors you have to touch the doors chat oh yeah fungal funny streamer is mad play something else get out of here chat whatever you do don't enter occupied apartments i'm not sure why but they all seem to hate me did i do something wrong oh there's a bathroom here i've lost complete track of time even as i'm writing this i'm not sure if it's been an hour or a year but what i know for sure is that the voices are getting closer i need to get out of here [Music] the logic of this game sucks oh my god why is chat so mean so impatient to get to the good stuff it's a horror game it's supposed to take its time seconds okay one two three four oh it opened thank you chat member pog streamer [Music] i don't know the red door said chad said go to the red door real fake chat said go to the red door and that door was not red 203 is safe says chat 203 is safe okay s h p e [Music] okay i'm in the bathroom time to take and piss they're trying to find a way out i won't let them i'll tell the things of their plans they'll take them down to the basement and i'll get my reward game sucks huh i locked chang in his room so he wouldn't hurt anyone else but i dropped the keys to the stairwell guess i'll go back to bed trying to have fun golf oh [ __ ] hog streamer how does chat real fake chat know this game so well hope there's health uh i guess we have to go to this floor right i'm i'm hurrying i'm hurrying breach chat member 101 is open says chat 101 is open i know they all think i'm crazy they say that they can't see it they say that they can't hear it and i know but i know i know it's there and i won't leave it alone [Music] i might have read that a little [ __ ] up because chat real chat i mean uh chat in just the the chat was like you read that wrong they gave me like a vine english oh they don't have that in the chat okay oh not another note i'm starting to think it's enjoying this it's whispers have taken on a mocking tone i don't know how i ended up in this place or how long i've been here but i'm not going to let this thing torment me i found them plotting their escape through some sort of ritual in here a bunch of nonsense i'd rather take my chances siding with those things some really interesting spooky chairs oh oh oh being chased ah you are bad stop pretending i can't run there's no run button chat totally real chat you know something is wrong with this chat they think i'm pretending to be that bad at video games [Music] edgy room 102 okay so i just have to be careful not to look at it strange room it all makes sense now it doesn't want to harm me it wants to help me i'll embrace it and accept all of its love since the things brought me here i've longed for this feeling [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh stupid thing i was trying to just you know find the room it's photos one or two maybe we have to turn the flashlight off when that happens what is this mickey mouse [ __ ] chat knows the game so well tell me chat do i turn the flashlight off four boomer is very helpful in chat thank you for boomer what room key did i get chat like actual chat like i mean the chat i mean 102 it was open already though the hell [Music] but this is 102. wait what [Music] the key lets you out there's a note in the bedroom [Music] thank you sick coin i know they think they all think i'm crazy they say that i can't see it but they can't hear it but i know i know it's there okay i think we read that so so i guess this is the way i have to go through this bathroom again go straight no i don't know chat both chats i mean i mean the one chat i mean this is a bad bit oh no [Music] walking backwards tricks it it's not that hard walking backwards tricks it i mean i kind of wish there was more than um one speed of movement movement just a little bit more would be good okay this is good i think it wants to help maybe i just have to go here again i don't know [Music] it's happening boys okay here we go dark spooky basement zone don't look back this is the point of no return found nine of 13 notes never get [Music] out i don't know where to go [ __ ] there's wires i don't know which wires ah i gotta cut the right wires but they could kill me memorize the fuse boxes an actual puzzle i guess this game i guess this is a game after all could have fooled me says chat there was a note on the table this game is so dark i actually can't see it i need to turn my light off no notes here maybe this this table one of these big peepee streamer or small yeah i don't know i don't know which which wires chat pick one oh my god chad you're not helpful note on table they're saying note on table but there's no note on table oh no yeah i don't know which chat's real anymore there was one you missed it other side okay i just wish the movement speed wasn't so slow in this game quote-unquote game um okay so here i'm looking on table oh god it blended right in today it's my turn that bastard from 211 ruined everything if i don't resist maybe it'll end quicker that doesn't help um someone in chat said what's with the other chat sorry other chat i've seen the other being brought down here i've seen them pass through that door and i've heard the horrible sounds that follow i like how the fake chat is now wondering about quote-unquote other chat that's funny okay maybe this chat will tell me which to cut it's the blue wire and yellow wire [Music] chat told me the the the helpful real chat told me [Music] oh [ __ ] the monster is reading chat blue and yellow get out oh chat [ __ ] trolled me i i can't outrun this monster get out [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cut the blue wire done [Music] pull gas chat we're trying [Music] stop well it didn't work [Music] just a red wire in the top left [Music] so there's five okay i thought i did all five of them okay i got it this time chad i got it this time stop [Music] [Music] okay blue stop stop [Music] green wire red wire yellow [Music] that's what i missed before yes ah the real chat helped me thank you real chat deep dark fantasy i thought that was the finale the pacing of this game is whack oh there's more okay well i guess i can do a little bit more of it you're almost done okay you're being hosted by your remote who the [ __ ] is this streamer who is this streamer don't eat chips on stream that's that's bad you don't do that that's like bad form mute that [ __ ] is this dude reacting to my stream [Music] yo imagine this was a feature on twitch that you couldn't help like some rando could just watch your stream and everyone would have to see it huh [Music] know how your vinny is your daffy pals i don't know who this guy eating chips is okay well that was called re-streamed that was uh interesting it's nice to not have to deal with two chats though i'll be honest chat you were always the real chat just as predictable but better chat pet the meat nice good meat all right uh let's play a game called sinister halloween it's the demo i've got a lot of not a lot but you know couple different types of uh spooky games before we do ai dungeon and more so here's a little something that jeff found that seems pretty interesting a little halloween themed game not just spooky but specifically halloween so it looks like we get um abandoned house you and your friends explore a creepy house in the neighborhood i'm definitely a fan of the just the the vibe of all this doesn't that hurt your eyes but yeah look there's actually like you know decorations and stuff there's pumpkins we're going to check out this place real quick that's just a person making a crow noise boys let's just go to the party oh i love this already come on wait for us fine i will wait here i will wait here so will i keep out the true spirit of halloween is encapsulated in this video game i like that it's a good decoration no way we're getting in there this game is very well thought out very nice i can read all of this no [Music] oh there's a spooky person there's like a goblin it's the amnesia goblin i think haunted house enter here hey let me go see all the cool decorations i want like no clip out and and see this this house that looks like more fun what are we doing here well there's actually people trick-or-treating this is cool lip's moving no words spoken how far is the cemetery ah what are you doing up there i'm trying to find a way in let's fill hey i found something this is nice let's just break and enter on halloween that's cool in search for paranormal activity inside a house north of the city after an an anonymous call police investigated the house of one of our eldest members of our community couple barely got out much anymore just for the basics in the beginning month of halloween neighbors heard horrendous screams very unusual coming from the elders place couple are usually very quiet due to themselves this comes not long after the seventh person in town has been reported to gone missing professional newspaping chat what is going on here what's happening this game is so [ __ ] janky okay it looks like when you press the button the paper look at it look look chad have you eaten your pustured today great now i'm stuck in this oh i can't exit the paper i can't exit the paper it won't let me i'm hoping that this will eventually just stop on its own sorry check just just give me a minute here i'm i'm dealing with haunted paper yes yes can't read that i'm done reading papers and stuff this light is way too bright like this does not need to be this bright oh you know dead bird everything here is so surface level it's amazing [Music] hello hello spooky at least they get into the spirit of halloween like they didn't have to do all these jack-o'-lanterns [Music] oh i'm sorry what the [ __ ] kind of shotgun is this oh this is this is definitely the jankiest game i've played in a while what's the point of this it does nothing oh oh i need it i can get out of here yes i need it to break wooden something boards in there what are you talking about followed me and then it disappeared like a ghost oh my god what happened i'm not too sure what happened i'm probably just tripping out i'm getting scared let's just go just get out of here now oh my god oh my god there's a vr version too oh my god i'm gonna try a survival in the slaughterhouse real quick [Music] this is great [Music] find a way to get help and escape treats equals medics shoot butchers all right all right [Music] groovy i love this game i love it i don't know just fall backwards no problem [Music] yeah it just takes one shot that's it play cemetery map jeff played it ten thousand percent jank i i don't have it this is just the demo this is the equivalent of just like a schlocky horror movie but even the game mechanics don't work all that great i do kind of want to know what the other scenarios are like like is it the same kind of like hey we're at this haunted house we gotta get out of here oops i entered the midnight meat grinder game just froze i guess you could say it broke me down for it wow i can't even exit this game all right let's try again definitely worth playing the demo for the schlock i don't think i i don't i'd have to look and see if it's like as funny you can jump off the roof of that other house in the first part i need to see that real quick we're going to go trick-or-treating i don't have my vr set up right now so i wouldn't want you know i wouldn't want to do that excuse me what are you doing up there i'm trying to find a way in oh we're out hey we're going to check out this place real quick oh my god look at this little ghoul children let's go to the party hold on wait for us oh it's so good i will wait here it's so good this is kind of scary it this is almost the troll it's like the troll two [ __ ] eyes mask but devil i mean we can see the decorations there's probably not a whole lot to do but it reminds me of swiss cheese halloween in some ways and that's a good thing but the block only extends this far that was the devil model for tony hawk's existential dread i've been told all right well we're just gonna break some boundaries this is a gold game uh let's see how much this game actually is it is 10 bucks asylum dlc in development right now jeff is saying it's 100 worth it how about this let me let me think about it and then maybe we'll continue this at a later date if it's gonna be like complete halloween schlock just do it don't think all right give me let's uh let's hold off on it for a future day i i might be down to play more of that nonsense it was it i gotta i listen i got some good laughs out of it that's worth 10 bucks right so here's a game called this house looks familiar [Music] ah yes anything oh okay good [Music] apparently this music gets claimed oh cool [Music] too late nothing we can do about it now yes i used to have dinner with my family here yes [Music] help [Music] pick up pick up the item ping [Music] okay get ready to move your finger i still have a a cold sore i mentioned it yesterday so i'll be doing ai dungeon and you know reading a lot good choice of game tonight vin [Music] is it a cold sore or a canker sore i think it's a canker sore the streamer has herpes bro well yeah you do too [Music] statistically pick up i i don't know if i'm supposed to utilize this this menu i wonder if i can do sv cheats one all right never mind then [Music] weird i thought the key was in the main [Music] entrance oh it was here all along the music is kind of getting like crunchier i don't know if you hear it it sounds like it's being played through an aluminum can now loop estoy [Music] i mean this seems like it won't get claimed now maybe this is the bare minimum for claimant based on the the system's automatic detection algorithm i swear you grabbed the key [Music] bye i like bit crushed music it's fun um pick up the item pick pick up the item won't let me pick up ping pong ping pong [Music] oh oh okay yeah that that tub is like [ __ ] massive that's like two full humans back to back tarantino could have someone like all the way in the other side of that that's it i'm just using him as an example that's it [Music] it loo's kind of familiar [Music] don't just stand around at the sky all day [Music] oh sensitivity oh god [Music] [Music] error the kitchen does not exist [Music] what is this room have i been here before why do i feel weird suck them someone just said bethesda kitchen [Music] so watching for objects what is your name cannot remember object stack overflow delete all objects yes deleting 102 objects [Music] fps 300. [Music] did it delete the key [Music] and now it's just corruptions [Music] help [Music] best music of the night so far luigi i don't know how to tell you this [Music] oh no mario what is it terminal oh what about it log into the terminal luigi there's a computer right there okay which had to type end alright so be it hoppo geist is next [Music] this game does not want to capture [Music] now it does [Music] okay so here's the story five years ago hogo building six abruptly sank to the ground all contact with everyone inside the building was lost now five years later the empty abandoned building six has mysteriously returned you've been hired to search the building for answers retrieve something of great value lost within [Music] okay elevator's still working i'm glad it didn't drop you to your death you're entering at the top floor there's a ghost here preventing the elevator from descending any further you'll need to de-energize it to continue remember the black box you're looking for is on a lower level ready to go or do you need a reminder about how to use your ghost zapper okay there was a ghostbusters reference in there real quick the faster it blinks the closer the ghost is okay oh sorry this is spooky skeleton you probably realize that zapping a ghost doesn't destroy it just makes it angry like really really angry no worries just run for the elevator before it gets you i don't like that that's that is so lame so please do not remove this decoration it is here for everyone to enjoy there should be a smiley face at the end of that try to attract the ghost into the elevator then shoot your zapper while you're both in there okay yeah okay it just floats you need to hit the elevator button to leave oh thank you as soon as i figure out how to do that um activate space oh my god but are they ghost skeletons or skeleton ghosts de-energized that's a cute little game so far but they um this this this uh walkie-talkie doesn't stop big pippy this skeleton ghost is big peepee not the small people but the big people hugo os computers i hope you don't mind that i'm not reading all this oh yeah no the big peepee jokes are funny i enjoy that joke that was that was my favorite joke did i win the radar is funny like just so many chance that this game would scare the [ __ ] out of me if i was two years old so i give it credit for that pray eliminated i don't know how much of this game there is but uh there's something different it's not just a skeleton this time i don't think this is a game that actually gets horrifying i think this is just cute is this one of those spooky games that starts out innocent and gets increasingly [ __ ] up i i don't know why is this happening the [ __ ] oh oh it's a different ghost zuckerberg [Applause] ghost don't know where the elevator is i don't remember where the elevator was uh what happened did i get it fine did you get the ghost just disappeared still out there somewhere it's unusual the ghost did seem to be more aware of her surroundings than the others so maybe she saw something different when she looked at you what if she recognized you as an actual human was reminded of her own humanity these damn humans i'm not going to play this that much longer it's it's cool for a little bit just you know very simple vinnie stop trying to act cool you seem terrified by this game this game is just door puzzles i figured it out [Applause] i just gotta top that all right yeah i don't know i i guess this is just for like um oh god it's kind of it's bad b games a little bit it's it's peppy games let me check the store page one user review uh yeah it doesn't seem like there's too much more than that just some different ghost types some different types of environmental puzzles dlc release halloween decoration hunt so if you find halloween decorations you get like bonus content all right and here's here's one more game something a little different just oh something a little different for all of us i think we need it after all these spooky games including the skeleton spookies we don't want that that was too much spookies so check this out it's called self checkout unlimited and hang on a minute let me just get this in full screen vinnie why do you play games that you know you won't have enough time to get to the core concept of the game so it's called sunday stream and on sunday stream we like to play a variety of games all my icons just got moved that's super cool all right we'll just stick with this resolution that's fine [Music] so the other kind of horror is shopping please all mall mistakenly areas a personal item inside the hall please contact the security team at the number listed by the entrance thank you for choosing wilson center mall we hope to see you again soon uh yeah the resolution's a little too crusty for me see if i can boost it that's a little bit better a phone cord what's it doing here vinnie i actually got stuck in a massage chair at a mall and was there for more than 15 minutes after it fully shut down oh my god anyway welcome to bright sun films or sal on youtube we're gonna be checking out this abandoned mall god that smell seems to be locked by a word mouse not locked in game this game is very poorly optimized trying to um oh oh you feel it's watching you okay that's right let's figure out what to do you have a feeling it's watching you okay i can use the nerf gun to protect myself it's missing a cord well i saw one of those oh yeah it's totally safe this mall is abandoned it's the american dream mall it's a caucus new jersey that poster wasn't here before i wouldn't have noticed that i'm sorry there's a poster it's just nothing it's darkness the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] protected or wilderness [Music] i'm not okay what the [ __ ] is this game sometimes i don't even know what i'm getting myself into on sunday stream i really don't okay well that made perfect sense glad that happened hmm mobos coties it rebots no this is jake thank you for choosing wilson center mall we're always delighted to have you with us did you know our first holiday sale is happening this weekend don't forget to stop by the wide selection of stores and attractions we have for you we also invite you to visit our newlyweds located on the ground floor grab some of your favorite comfort food and make yourself at home here at wilson and remember if you're ever experiencing difficulties inside the mall contact we hope you have a wonderful shopping experience thank you cedario [Music] chad had a suggestion i want to try it [Music] i'm alive i'm i'm rebores never mind [Music] build i love build toy board game find them warning the circuits evolve puzzle [Music] some good toys color cube that's like the original brick my favorite game oh my god it's brick [Music] rewire yourself rewire you found a phone cord inside what but we already [Music] had oh rats birthday conquer think again theater new adam good [Music] why stores take a load off your feet and visit our all new tetrawork rides what did he say their favorite character from the cartoon series which teaches real world social dynamics eagle lion bull or angel who's your favorite [Music] thank you for tetramorse with us all right chad what do you want i'm looking for borglar they don't have borg could you believe a food court with no [Music] borg check over here no no borglar god damn it [Music] resistance is futile captain can i use the restrooms tasty drank [Music] classic i don't know what aspects of this game could be considered horror but there is certainly an existential dread that i get from walking around this mall being the only shopper i have a a weird fascination with malls reality reality that's a code word later and my my fascination is only probably because of nostalgia from going to malls as a kid and yet at the same time i enjoy them but i'm [ __ ] repulsed by them and i almost never buy anything [Music] it's i like to go and and walk and and look at the stores and sometimes i look into the hot topic and i'm like oh yeah that's a hot topic [Music] or i'll go into the um you know the stores that sell the uh the candles and and the incense they it's like um the purity store bro [Music] you know i go in there i take a look it's always the same nirvana shirt and it's a shirt of like um the grateful dead and then like a bunch of turtles like little ceramic turtles and like wizards that like contain weed [Music] up to 80 off that's a good deal i don't even wear this stuff but i go in there and check it out i can't though we go upstairs we don't go upstairs never mind there was a combination thingy at the theater window okay why are you repulsed by malls i guess i don't know like uh i don't like any of the stores it's like fake and bright which i like but also i don't like it's hard to explain [Applause] yeah it's a combination thingy but i can't actually use it i do like watching um the abandoned mall stuff on youtube though that i enjoy and i enjoy seeing different like types of malls like what they look like their design every now and then i'll find a store i like but and it's just kind of something to do just some place to walk around do you watch dan bell sometimes [Music] [Applause] are these radiohead lyrics i'm okay you're okay i'm okay you're not okay i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing for this quote-unquote puzzle but three lions and an eagle well it's two la there's two eagles there's two lions i'm not really sure cats count as lions [Applause] [Music] top vinnie flip it 90 degrees [Applause] [Applause] [Music] god damn it um doesn't trust others doesn't always trust himself untouchable like air um fluid like water regal like fire earth air water fire [Music] do you remember he doesn't trust others but he doesn't always trust himself either [Applause] [Applause] [Music] angel um they change they don't like to take charge but they they'll support a good [Music] leader oh it's the bull that doesn't trust others the bull in the lion i need to [Applause] switch [Music] [Applause] our newest clothing store whether your style is elegant casual rebellious or just whatever's in fashion we promise we've got the right choices for you so stop by today and find your place clothes are all strangely labeled dad boss children partner best friend mom me government everyone else what [Music] well i have a phone cord i was thinking i could use the clothes should be organized first organize the clothes to fit your self-perception oh my god mate that's not enough your character is a child the labels represent what what he thinks of each piece like mom and dad maybe are like the text size might be a clue i don't know about that aren't most children selfish at first maybe [Applause] i don't know i mean it's very subjective [Applause] okay drank oh it's the cup it's the cup static welcome to the social river finding your place in the world isn't easy society's just full of expectations and power dynamics and one wrong turn can mess you up for the rest of your life that's why i'm here to guide you so sit back hang in there and we'll make it through here together all right [Music] this is now just uh vine realms i want to go to drank yeah i thought this was a horror game i was told it got spooky it started spooky this is an important moment in your life maybe one of the most defining points of all you'll want to go left here interesting uninformed decisions made for the sake of being stubborn don't usually work out but that's alright the world has plenty of rivers i just don't like that the the voice was like you have to go to this place it's like no i go to a different spot [Music] oh this takes forever doesn't it oh how do you trust this this voice sounds nice and friendly but you don't know that who is this someone else's ideas or our own gut instincts but no matter what you choose and whether or not it's the right answer you can't be blamed for anything it's just how you were programmed as a human being oh you should go right [Music] here it's the stanley parable [Music] listen i'm sorry to do this chat but i'm going to role play as contrarian full contrarian mode no matter why someone disobeys authority it always boils down to a single reason they want to prove to themselves they have a choice yes the next branch attention to what you choose and why you choose it yeah what makes this guy authority i didn't vote for him who is this guy the end of the social river you'll find your place in life primates have hierarchy he's not my king and you're either silently satisfied with where you are or you're staring at the rungs above you [Music] so on a ladder that stretches above and below into infinity are you closer to the top or to the bottom what is it in monty python the lady who pulls the sword out of the [Music] river [Music] a moistened moistened bent is that what they call her in the movie watery tart oh okay that's in the script isn't it all right um left or right i'm just gonna randomly choose whatever random random writer random right away whatever's click bad and first isn't always good but patterns are hard to fall out well we're almost there and i feel like we've learned a lot about them today even though you right after you learn to walk talk and crawl you learned the meaning of power this guy is a sheeple this doesn't even work anymore so maybe i got this right i don't know or maybe i just this was just like a choose your own adventure kind of moment there's no right answer kind of thing by the way yeah that's right i am a taurus uh i am the most philosophical of all the signs but i don't believe in any of that [ __ ] there's a moment of where jim morrison at a live show is talking about his uh he's like i am a pisces or whatever he is i don't remember and it's a uh it's a recording and there's a lady in the audience like me too jim yes jim absolutely jim most philosophical jim and he's like i don't believe in any of that [ __ ] me neither jim me neither cd reads a new iliad narrated by hector lagrasso i'll check out a little bit more of this but then um i'd like to get to my other games so i'm not gonna i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna be able to finish this i don't know how much there is but this would definitely delay ai dungeon and goosebumps unfortunately confused about reality we have a solution for you build your own mental map [Applause] everywhere you look you find all around me are familiar faces in your eyes the world is unknown when you die you will be i'm not sure yet you believe most people will or most people it's too black and white i mean it's just not it's just not that it's just too there's no good answer here and and chad's gonna judge me on my answers in this baby video game well most people in chat probably feel similar to to me because they are watching my streams and they like the same stuff i do generally kind of a little bit so i'll just keep it at that edgy i know i can't believe this shitty mall game is getting me to reveal my deepest darkest fantasies to chat what exactly is a map is it reality can it lie or does it always show the truth if the map calls a swimming pool an ocean which one reflects reality the map or the territory good your map starts in the past when you learn to label good and bad light and dark happy and sad this is where you created the most crucial component bullying [Music] yeah i guess this i was told this was a horror game i i guess the the only dread is that of your past and and your future and and mortality and existence and and malls stretching to accommodate unending information every new point is labeled forming a world that you can navigate and understand yeah we already lived that and malls aren't doing so great right now human minds map out territory they haven't explored yet drawing a future based on the past and present but if they arrive in the future with a misleading map how can they ever reach their destination the real monsters are ourself says chat well said chat member another person in chat said this is a scientology recruitment process in our heads and fill it with labels so that things make sense but those labels are fluid even if the territory never changes the map can be rewritten at any moment so too will the satans grab a hold of these electric dildos in your world you are what you create and yet on any day at any moment the very fabric of your world could turn into something unimaginable because the map is never the territory it's too sunday for me to fully get anything from this chat and i'd like to apologize for that there's probably some cool stuff happening but i don't i don't know yeah i mean look it's life at the bottom there you can see it good afternoon let me try the angel fountain see if anything cool happens yes i don't have any coins i don't have coins i'm sorry i wish i could throw that in this was a coin thing it said change change try sitting at a bench oh that's a good idea i got an achievement it says do you even bench you can't toss this coin in the fountain you need it for admission to the movie theatre check out our newly renovated theater today located on the first floor all right let's see what's going on in the theater and then if if it's not like blowing us away then maybe i'd consider like you know not doing more of this because i i do want to do ai dungeon [Music] and that goosebumps game i think will be perfect halloween fodder [Music] they're showing the lighthouse vinnie you got taller wait am i taller am i not baby anymore [Music] i thought maybe i was destined for bab there's a bright spotlight on one particular seat oh man it's the star war rise of the jedi skywalkers alright here we go let's let's watch it somehow palpatine's returned and then jj pops up in the bottom of the screen okay what you need to play fortnite if you want to get that information [Music] thank you for choosing live cinema jj pops up he's like at all times in the lobby help us keep our theater clean by disposing of waste where it belongs in the trash all right shut up everyone if you notice any suspicious behavior or individuals please report them to our staff and remember please remain silent and courteous to others during the movie thank you and enjoy this show like pretty decent production values for all this stuff okay chat is silent we're all silent now good be unique but normal yeah yes confined to the social norms but be unique chat do you feel this is a good movie so far don't think too fast find your bibles labels [Music] but what do we wash i have just returned from the white house where it has just been announced that the united states is now using an atomic bomb the most powerful explosive yet developed the most powerful explosive with the power of atomic bombs we can use it to get to the moon and do the other things [Music] uh all right okay pour in the chemicals now okay so we're gonna go [Music] yeah yeah that's good all right good cycle citizen [Music] right am i done society membership oh this is about society all right everybody hello i want to introduce you to nyunjokar this is the new joker game i've played new joker for a year and this time i put in the truck it's time to put it in the dryer what am i doing this is i like the idea that people are gonna join off the twitter or front page being like oh vinnie's playing spooky games that's cool i like spooky games and then it's just me doing laundry has anyone seen a dryer email me at this web zone if you've seen a dryer anywhere robot level bad or good i don't know what that means entirely so have fun with that [Music] 12k people watching laundry stream listen any laundry could be the imposter okay one of these machines will ruin your clothing an unconditioned consciousness can be molded to play any role in society and the most effective form of brainwashing is to be born yeah but then but but you won't know what brainwashing is unless you're born so you're it's a catch-22 because if you were born in a vacuum then life would suck [Music] hey that movie that movie was pretty bad i don't think i would watch that again it made more sense than tenet to be fair but yeah i wouldn't go see that movie [Music] but you need to again the time just head to one of the convenient clocks located around the mall you can find one outside every restroom including the central one by the food court thank you i mean there's probably still at least a couple stores left someone who has played this how much more of this is there this is the last store says chat member all right i'll just take my advice from a random [Music] person sometimes we all need a moment to relax especially after a long day of shopping so why not pay a visit to new adam our latest multi-media store you can indulge in your favorite music movies visual arts and more find it today on the second floor of wilson center mall okay this might be the final space the final frontier let's take a look new adam did anyone see this store anywhere there it is okay this is a nice place because there's lots of uh cds there's paint aesthetics vhs rapture oh [ __ ] this is a bioshock sequel yama breathing isn't that kind of a meditation okay looking for more things just want to find the things that i can interact with check the seats there's more cds all sickness is fear kinoko no tenshi oh that's i remember that one mohammed i was in that matsumoto you need a canvas okay vinnie it's the four chairs i see be here now kind of a mediocre oasis album there we go need some paint but for some reason your mind is filled with a radiant blue simple ramdas wrote be here now wasn't that a movie too and george harrison did the soundtrack for it or a song called be here now george harrison ford that's him actor musician pilot [Applause] underneath her of the floorboards [Music] i will say this game has some pretty nice post-processing effects [Music] you can't enter the water here it doesn't seem ready for you yet [ __ ] [Music] why is it so deep [Music] rapture is deep and meaningless it's deep no goal no sense of time right now you are my voice this space this presence of light there is nowhere else you have to go nobody else you need to be yep it's definitely scientology i agree when you hear the duck you will wake up and you will be overwritten are you ready you will find your way to your nearest never mind the water doesn't seem ready [Music] but when you stop breathe in and let life happen you become your rapture [Music] all you have to do is stay still breathe this game is teaching me how to drown myself very good game thank you i'm just gonna stay still as [Music] is no told fear you are what you experience beyond all shape or form the joy of simply being alive and then after this the cult leader has a giant bed he opens the door and he's like all right now nine of you will join me on this bed uh and and this is this is how you complete the initiation into the cult of course and they just play twister that's all so good uh did we win stop by the expansive wilson center food court located on the ground floor with our wide variety of restaurants and cuisines we've got something for everybody here at wilson so what are you waiting for take a break from shopping and join the crowd for a delicious meal today join the crowd huh all right i'm here for my meal i feel like we're two in deep and now i can't quit i need uh sabaros did they have that here sabaros or my favorite like roman delight pizza from within your mind no one else can find the life that you inspire from another place not from outer space but from somewhere even higher big fat [ __ ] have you ever felt lonely before a feeling like you're isolated cut off somehow just because of who you are in our vast accelerating world everyone is connected information can travel instantly from one mind to another anywhere in the world like synapses firing in the brain and yet for some reason we seem further apart than we ever were i mean yeah yeah phone bad which i kind of agree with i'm not i'm not like the biggest different directions i'm not the biggest fan leading upward to infinity but as we move upward and outward forming tightly knit clusters away from the center i think we just need to learn how to adapt to it better myself included i i absolutely need to learn how to adapt to this technology much better having it all there for you at all times it's crazy that's all but i love the technology i'm happy i'm growing up with it well i'm old now but you know what i mean i like video games i like informations like gps but yeah social media i'm not really crazy about so i kind of understand the sentiment point of the tree is it's so deep though chat it's so deep any moment you could travel to the farthest branch imaginable if only you could restore the connection the connection to every human being out there alive or dead the universal soul that binds us in our dreams and surfaces in the force and like in every soul parts of us will forever pull in opposite directions well i mean today we want to be whole more than separate i don't know who told me this was a horror game but you were [ __ ] right my god for those saying twitch is social media fair you're not wrong here's what i would say the chat scrolls up too quick and it's so ephemeral that i don't have to read every single thing that you type so i disagree that it's social media in that sense it has some aspects of social media so i'm sorry about that chat um it's it's not the easiest to communicate with me but i can communicate with you or at the very least provide some brain droppings but uh yeah that's i'm much more comfortable with twitch than i am most other forms of social media there's there's more of this reality rewire this is it chad whatever happens here i'm closing the game after this oh anal emotional territorial i'm sure there's very interesting information here but i don't have the uh the capacity the brain stem or the time to invest in this so you just take a screenshot if you want this [ __ ] game what is this again i liked it all right this is still going [Music] i like it for what it is but yet at the same time this is not as sunday stream um for for a halloween sunday stream as i thought it would be and and uh i definitely feel like it was interesting but i don't i don't think i have much more of this left in me this is it please listen this is it right here this is it last thing don't look back if you have any doubts even for a second it won't work you won't be able to rewrite anything don't give in to what you see or hear don't give in to the doubts that will try to pull you back down here to stop your evolution just run towards administrator access don't look back it's like the last starfighter where they have the arcade game designed to find a pilot that is like really good so they can live this is designed to just find new cult members [Music] [Music] this isn't the end is it no we'll drive over the edge as many times as it takes until we reprogram or until we restart so wow don't look backwards very literal huh time can't be rewritten [Music] the problem with long games like this is like if they're really worth it that's one thing but i have no idea if this is worth it i mean some cool moments i'm still playing it i chat oh my god i don't know what to do because i know half the chat wants me to play more of this the other half wants me to quit find a tree too dark let's see don't see anything i don't know what to do well now it's spooky um find a light with a tree find the off switch on your pc well that would do it but then i wouldn't join the cult i don't know what's going on um maybe the theater again it's the only thing with lights on vinnie wrong way where are you going bro i don't know i really need to uh the problem with games that actually cost money that i get keys for is that i can't just tell the vetting team oh yeah go buy this game so you can play all of it here it is the end of the game guaranteed this is it luigi this is it luigi [Music] the rest of humanity still hasn't caught up yet you might be alone for years decades or right until the moment you die there's nothing wrong with staying here there are still endless worlds for you to explore no no no no i get it i get it i get it but if you think you're ready we won't stop i get it gotta go back to the birthday store that's where it was all leading back to the birthday store make a phone call no no no i want to go back i want to return to monkey because this doesn't make i mean it makes perfect sense but just walk through the gates no no no no i'm ready for the eighth circuit mario kart super circuit let's do it yes we will good cycle citizens yes but evolution means leaving our old shapes behind us you're right i guess we don't need them anymore evolution means returning to monkey we did it game is over finally oh it's so beautiful so full of stars thank you for playing our game [ __ ] [Laughter] we did it there's a free play mode chat if you just want to walk around the mall [Music] so that was interesting maybe not the best recommendation for spooptober but at least there were some interesting scenarios and things to look at i think it probably could have been cut in half though that's just me trying to rush through it for spooptober and for sunday stream vinnie it's called self checkout because you completely check out of the game within 20 minutes good [ __ ] well anyway those were um quote unquote spooptober horror games thank you for watching we're going to take a quick break ai dungeon up next and goosebumps i'm going to do both so stick around be right back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 68,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, PC, Horror, Horror Games, Scary, October, Spooptober, Spook, 2020, Water Womb World, Spookware, Sentient
Id: sih2qvlVWEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 38sec (8438 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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