[Vinesauce] Vinny - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron compilation

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one of my favorite n64 games no volume good here we go yes middies [Music] i loved factor five's intros always [Music] there he is okay now i have to configure a couple quick things there's that theme welcome to star wars rogue squadron it's been a very long time since i played this i played rogue leader last year um there's mark hamill voiced by farkhamel a fake mark hamill how do i milk an alien um smooth cow with four tits okay cool um so yeah i i didn't want to play the pc version because the pc version is a bag of tits i don't mean that in a good way subtitles we gotta get subtitles sorry everybody we're gonna get this thing started it's gonna happen i swear to god for a long time this was one of those unemulatable games and then they they cracked it finally so feels pretty good considering i don't know where my n64 is nor do i want to set it up and like capture it this was the best option the pc version was just a a tit show sorry i don't know why i keep referencing four titted alien cows that's [Music] weird what should the name be well now i don't think we have a choice oh i am an adult take an early morning run over moss island oh is that what that is okay so yeah this is probably like one of the best star wars games ever made in my opinion i've played quite a few of them um it just stands alone as a great game like you don't even need to know star wars or care about it i told you there's a non-spoiler for the game for the last jedi movie people didn't believe me you didn't believe me but the spoiler is that there is a four titted um alien cow giraffe bird with smooth skin that gives like greenish milk [Music] oh jeez how do i play this game oh that's a missile whoa jesus the c button is a missile that's not good okay right that's how you close the s foils are closed well let's fix that luke [Music] and again wasting my proton torpedoes that's that's so good r2 i think r2 just said [ __ ] yourself but yeah why do we care so much about tatooine that we keep coming back to it like why am i saving tatooine also since when did probe droids become like an imperial attack force i've talked about the factor five thing where they were going to um [Music] friendly say oh man really i was one away from a silver [Music] okay so this is what the hell button is this this is this just camera oh yeah yeah yeah camera but factor five definitely managed to make some like amazing stuff fit on like discs that didn't have enough room um and even this like the fact that some of this stuff is like the amount of voice acting in this game is really [ __ ] impressive for an n64 game yep okay sorry about that i'll i'll be with the supply vehicles right yep yep yep you stay with the supply vehicle luke skywalker [ __ ] breaking the law luke skywalker never plays by the rules [Applause] [Music] yep sorry about that there's your cover look i need to just a little bit of speed there we go i'm figuring this out in order to shoot a proton torpedo i have to pull the right analog stick left it sounds intuitive right too many goddamn face buttons on the n64 [Music] [Applause] high bombers i'd say when i was a kid the space battles were my favorite part of star wars like even more so than the lightsaber stuff [Music] i'm also in a bit of a food coma at the moment [Music] so i'm trying my best to stave that off and really figure out how to play this game at the same time and not fly into wedge thus murdering him oh we're getting some crackles oh yeah i got silver prince kush says just pause the game when you need to how hard can that be that's it wow i didn't realize you just pause the game and get rid of all the audio crackles thanks mate race against time to recover the crew and cargo of a down rebel ship before the imperials beat you to it [Music] suddenly full volume if i do that after every mission that's the spider we have capable of matching a tie interceptor in speed twin j77 event horizon engines power the craft twin blaster cannons provide offensive weaponry however what we gain in speed we lose in defense the deflector shield capability is significantly less than the x-wing so make sure you use your speed to dodge lasers rather than relying on shield a-wing is the [ __ ] [Music] it's got an event horizon engine which means it's powered with hell energy the doom marine fought for many many years to get this thing working it was carrying a team of rebel soldiers and stolen imperial equipment yeah it just uses a little bit of argent energy just gonna use a little bit of urgent energy stan i don't know how to speed up [Music] this supposed to be this fastest ship in the fleet and yet i can't speed up control uh rogue squadron booklet [Music] this is what happens when you don't have a booklet on hand a button is thrust oh no [ __ ] it's extremely obvious now that i think about it now i just have to lead my shits one of the things that happens if you do the missions well i believe there's a bunch of hidden like upgrades for missiles and stuff i think there might even be a laser upgrade too reporting that they're under attack that's what's happening did you know that luke originally had a robot in a new hope called like treadwell and it was basically just like johnny five it was a treadmill robot that was a useless piece of [ __ ] they cut treadwell i think it was called treadwell they cut a lot like luke was originally supposed to be introduced really really early on in the original movie but um it [ __ ] with the flow of the movie so they just damn it they just cut all that [Music] so c-3po with a treadmill hey 3po is versed in over 6 million forms of communication you take that back you [ __ ] yes i'd say the shields are a little weak it's an a-wing it's made of aluminum foil god damn it now this is still a really really fun game i don't think it aged quite as well as um rogue leader but it's it's great [Music] like rogue leader plays better but this is this got better missions i'd say or at least if i remember it having really good missions maybe not better but i don't remember if my teammates are useless [ __ ] in this one but there are plenty of games like this where your teammates your wingmen are useless [ __ ] oh no not only do i die but i [ __ ] crash into my own shuttle and that's one of my own dudes oh god i remember this all these missions i've played dozens of times did i get it i got it the shuttle is away rogue leader get your squadron out of there [ __ ] yeah voice acting n64 voice acting four what is that four alien tit milks out of his sith lord master race good job okay then whatever whatever you just said i have no idea what you mean but i'll take it thanks so this is corellia apparently han solo is from corellia even though um they never i don't think they ever really explicitly said he was from corellia but the millennium falcon is a yt something something or other see now this is rich evans would hate me for this but it's a yt something or other i can't remember what it's called and it's a carillion light freighter i believe that's heavily modified right so that then people just assume han solo is from corellia also my left ear is music so um you know speeders as cool as the speeders look i never really understood i never really understood why they would use them outside of just that one time they're incapable of space flight [Music] and aren't they called snow speeders oh right tow cables yep it's weird to think that this game came out before the prequels and then the next game in the series was actually battle for naboo that game was bombarded there is a cheat code for the naboo fighter yeah they like we knew what that looked like ahead of time i believe come on can't use a toe cable on these [ __ ] things [Music] sometimes it just takes a nudge whoa that was close [Music] because the uh c buttons pretty sure i have an adapter for n64 directly to pc but i don't really remember hold on use direct input controller or x input plugin [Music] what are you doing here how you doing kid thought i might give you a hand this is my hometown after all that hey it's me han solo how you doing kid this no it's really me kid i swear this is my hometown i used to live here me and lando used to well you don't want to know what he used to do kid it's not really pc anymore but yeah han just somehow knew that this was happening as cool as the millennium falcon is i always hated flying it in any of these rogue games [Music] cable physics not bad for n64 [Music] is that how you spell that out they got a way better luke impersonator than they did han they should have got mark hamill to do the voice of han solo he does a really good harrison ford han are you sure chewie didn't just say romp no no kid why would i lie i don't think you actually know how to interpret chewie's speech do you speak wookie of course i do then what did he just say now he said he's hungry con wookies are always hungry i i shut up kid hun i'm pretty sure he just said romp okay well what did he say that time he said uh it was a movie what this mission has everything and this is like mission number four and you're already doing this much in a speeder while the speeder's got some good the weapons are good and it can break really nicely and do tight turns it's not that bad [Music] all right han what did he say that time i think he said uh part-time you know because he's only in the movies part-time chewbacca chupacabra chewbacca chewbacca chupacabra [Music] now you know part time harrison can you say that with a little bit more um emphasis you know like you mean it and you're not just like here for a paycheck i'm only here part-time oh what's that whoa no no no i need that i know what that is [Music] that was a weird thing it was two different humans that said that sir we found some advanced proton torpedoes it started as the general then it turned into luke [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] when you beat the game and you go back to the levels you get to do different vehicles which makes some of the levels a lot easier to get gold medals on yes there are platinum right so gold isn't the maximum metal you can get you get platinum i believe my uh my game had all platinum because again it was this turok ii and zelda ocarina of time they came out the same year i loved all three games but being a huge star wars guy i played this all the time the imperial governor is looting the city only gold oh rebel strike has platinum thank you sorry about that so then i probably had all gold rebel strike i probably got platinum i spent like four years on that likely [Music] accelerated many times do i have to hear about everyone yeah of course you're getting hit that's why we've got shields whoops i was wondering about them shuttles [Music] that's why i say hey man nice shot nice shot man porg leader this is porg5 i destroyed a shuttle oh okay they're the shuttles are showing up as red but they're not actually bad guys i like these atat things or what are they called at um atdts something atp they're called atpts also cool in the star wars universe dvda definitely a big fan of that ac dc i don't know what that noise is oh missiles locking on i'm clear you're good turns out you didn't need my help [Music] i just needed the force [Music] [Applause] [Music] working on it [Music] that missile turret seems like it's going to be a huge [ __ ] problem any missile turret seems like it's a huge [ __ ] problem to be honest jesus [Music] oh that that thing that [ __ ] thing right there that turret needs a proton torpedo not even a proton torpedo [Music] no we're good [Music] like shooting y wings do ya here's a little message from gold squadron how is a y wing keeping up with an interceptor it's a modified engine 65 x wing is the fighter that killed the death star almost perfect balance not star fox zero levels defensive shields makes this the fighter of choice for rogue squadron except when the mission profile is disallowed in addition to four blaster cannons the x-wing can carry a number of proton torpedoes it's powered by four fusion thrust engines and requires an on-board astromech droid for peak performance as a loyal soldier for the empire moore witnessed both its cruelty and hypocrisy in the destruction of our homeworld alderaan [ __ ] star wars nearby it's an inventory hub for the local basis in the system okay we're getting crackles again [Music] luke it says here use trench to avoid missile turrets locate the stray shield generator okay so i have to go off and do some stuff i have to go into the trench this is the first time this x-wing has been on a trench run [Music] so and that's what they call it you know trench runs you know what i mean [Music] i get them trenches did skywalker make that shot that was me then i thought i was the best hey okay rose we're not done here let's clean up the remaining imperials and go home the luke voice alike so [ __ ] good in this game but wedge sounds nothing like wedge and then in the next game like they rectified that they were like yeah our wedge sucks they got they actually got dennis lawson to do the voice acting who is ewan mcgregor's uncle by the way [ __ ] missiles please [Music] should have stayed in the trench there's a power up on that level advanced bombs there's advanced shields on the jade moon i kind of want the advanced shields that's going to come in handy i should go back i'm going to do that mission again real quick before you you ask such a dumb question that is 100 valid okay maybe we should use an x-wing there is the v-wing which is a cool [ __ ] ship the a-wing is not is not a good choice for this level mistakes were made i wish the prequels were better but i don't i don't really hate them they're fun to make fun of they're fun to watch i don't love a lot of the ship designs my favorite ship design in the prequels is the jedi star fighter i would say like i like the original trilogy's hardware better it just looks more shitty and lived in and i kind of like that you know when you get to the prequels everything's like shiny and stupid there's a couple things like the proto-x-wing in episode three looks kind of cool you know i'm a [ __ ] huge nerd when it comes to like like uh like i love the enterprise star trek ships i'm you know i love that [ __ ] all right so i need to um it says here follow the white area past the two missile turrets so there should be in these trenches here somewhere there should be uh like a here we go oh boy yeah the a wing would take one missile at least r2 gets to repair this there it is advanced shields that's going to help later on it's kind of hard to talk about some of the stuff i want to talk about in relation to like star wars ships and stuff while i'm playing the game but i think you pretty much that that that's a hack that tire interceptor is hacking thing just went through a [ __ ] building look at these it just it okay [Music] it killed itself i thought it was hacking it was lacking a good pilot this is one of many small factories where the empire produces its ties and walkers also a squadron of ties are out on a test flight so don't waste any time they could be back at any moment geez someone in chat just said this this level took them a month to complete the face is alerted your security is compromised abort the mission so i played a little bit of fortnight tonight and uh me norix gear and jeff we we kind of we we did it we had a good strategy we almost won with the strategy too we went to a basement and built floors or like ceilings over us and just waited there for like five minutes and then when the circle closed in really small we left the basement and then we tried to kill everybody we failed but we you know it was a good strategy we we just hid in a basement no one knew we were down there it was the cheesiest like easy cheese like polio string cheese cheddar mozzarella [ __ ] i've ever seen in my life but it [ __ ] worked [Music] where's chewie i need some chewy noises [Music] instead i just have rogue squadron making chewy noises did my team just get obliterated just luke is left time to use the force [Music] locate and destroy the atst factory and the atat factory atst atat [Music] whoa that was some [ __ ] accurate are we sure those are imperial troops because [ __ ] imperials do not have aim like that too accurate for a stormtrooper obi-wan kenobi lying tell me sweet little lies obi-wan [ __ ] if you think about a new hope obi-wan pretty much lied to luke just the whole time why are they spent sending speeders on an obvious bombing run asking the important questions big ziggy i don't know dude but that is a very good question as cool as the speeders are i feel like the rebel alliance is over using them in this game a little bit perhaps they should modify the speeders to have bombs then maybe we would have some hardware we can use but you know or whatever whatever it's got a tow cable it's fine the face is alerted your security the mother [ __ ] as long as i can wrap up an atst and some saran wrap and floss then we're happy it's all good so i had chinese food tonight i want to tell you it was amazing right hot and sour soup is my favorite right got that i got this pork chop with salt and pepper that's just the name of it and it's ever so slightly spicy like pork chops with um amazing taste i don't really know how if it's just salt and pepper but there's also like you know scunions in there there's it's it's good it's really really good right pork chops is what i'm trying to say the thing is this chinese food place that i like has really bizarre like simple names for a lot of their food so i like the pork chops with salt and pepper mike likes the chicken with three peppers can you guess what's in the chicken with three peppers i bet you can they don't exactly try to dress up their names like you don't get like um the grand pork chop buffet dish oh god damn it likes szechuan pork chops hong kong chicken none of that chicken with peppers pork chop with salt and pepper that's fine at least you know what it is you know what you're getting these little little stormtroopers are so ineffective on the ground they're great whoa whoa whoa i just went through the bonus or rather the bonus went through the floor you only get two lives on this mission huh you lose a life off your pool of lives after failing the mission oh i see i see i didn't remember that so if you fail the mission then you start the next segment with or the next time you play it with less lives are my wingmen going down already starting early huh guys yep they're done and i'm pretty sure it was this goddamn atat that did that [Music] can i use them now please here it is the factory oh no wonder this dude took a month to complete this [ __ ] oh bombs or missiles rather [Music] jesus you imagine being a storm trooper on the ground in a [ __ ] speeder aims specifically at you like [ __ ] that guy in particular kind of [ __ ] i just hit a nice invisible wall there's there's one thing poor son of a [ __ ] that could have been finn that could have been the next like key ally of the rebel alliance to take down the empire [Music] good [Music] look at this [ __ ] i need a bomber okay silver i'll take it for a mission i struggle that my accuracy you know why i tried to kill too many [ __ ] storm troopers you know at least we um killed a bunch of stormtroopers that'll help overall [Music] finally the y-wing one of my favorite star wars ships you know what else is one of my favorite star wars ships the a-wing the b-wing the x-wing the workhorse of the rebel fleet not quick or flashy but it gets the job done the armor on this ship is extensive the shields will protect you from just about anything which is good because you won't be going anywhere fast the y-wing is used mainly as a bomber because it can carry a heavy payload of missiles torpedoes and bombs the other important weapon is the top side ion cannon rather than destroying it target can disable it for later capture the r-wing that's pretty cool how about the sch wing like teddy and chat just said the schwing they're all cool for different reasons the cadillac is definitely one of my favorite ships too yeah come on come on please don't [ __ ] me please come on [Music] you know it might be a better idea to take out the goddamn turrets before i start doing the bombing run [Music] vinnie is your ship powered by two red [ __ ] no no i'm shooting two red [ __ ] [Music] okay oh what the [ __ ] my own bomb [Music] how the [ __ ] i can't shake this goddamn tie fighter locate and destroy the sensor array does this count as that what is this they need to use a noise gate on your microphone i do i use a limit i guess it turned a little bit too hard left [Music] officer tit on his job [Music] yeah yeah whoa little too close couldn't we have like gotten a couple of x-wings to help with the goddamn [ __ ] tie fighters [Music] gold squadron squadron has a hard life they make gold squadron go on missions alone just just y wings or turtle wings oh right so before i crashed into that thing earlier uh i was saying that i do have a limiter on my voice i have a compressor and uh a noise gate and the reason i do all that is because well it makes me sound better for one and two it also it helps with any weird background noises or any like breathing and if i uh if i scream let's say because i die in a video if i die in a video game i you know i make duck noises and i scream because i'm i think i'm like i'm damaged um having a limiter and a little bit of gating goes a long way just evens it out and if i'm really quiet you can still hear me [Applause] yeah i feel like i wasted those bombs i know there's a power up somewhere around here maybe here [Music] oh [ __ ] dumbass why are these bombs so strong [Music] i'm gonna try to complete the mission let's clean up the remaining imperials and go home no no metal for this one yeah is the castle run this is the spice mines of castle this is where you make the um the castle run in under five parsecs or something like that chewy i don't know what that means should be able to take this building out this entire massive building with just lasers right there it is how do they have like i feel like that's a very convenient thing that they use for some stuff in the star wars universe but not others [Music] look we're not gonna make it the harbor train will escape like if you can do a life form scan from that far away that would eliminate a lot of problems for the empire a lot of imperial spies would be caught very very quickly it was the will of the force oh you mean how like um palpatine was able to mind control all of the jedi yeah sorry wedge wedge felt that one i can't wait to see spider-man on the train do you think we're gonna get because marvel um and um lucas arts and film rather uh star wars are disney you think we're gonna get at some point you think we're gonna get a crossover between like spiderman and like luke skywalker han solo in a music video it's a short game but it's very replayable and there's a lot of bonus missions and cheats and everything it's great it's still really good but i found a meme relating to uh finn pretty good right all right welcome back some more rogue squadron but yeah this is this is part two of rogue squadron over my rogue squadron streams last time i rescued wedge pigs wage and i also dealt with some crackles which i'm getting right now too there's always a problem also i don't remember yoda [Music] down twerking rescue i don't know you know i had this idea one day i'd like to tell you about my spoilers idea of how episode 9 could start i have a pretty i have a pretty good solid foundation i'm gonna email jj jabraham abrams and hopefully maybe he'll figure something out because i think i think i got a good story oh this this is a secret there it is nice i needed those [Music] i don't think they're seeking missiles yet i can't seek my accuracy is to be garbage on this mission but yeah this is um this is a wonderful game still i was thinking about it last night after i finished playing it i was like wow that was a great that was a great experience it held up so much better than torok2 holy [ __ ] [Music] i just atta i just attacked a tie fighter shadow and they had a chance in this movie to do something a little different but they did but um you know they don't ruin movies for me oh no [Music] republic commando i i've never played republic commando but i wanted to check it out one day someone in chat just said shut the [ __ ] up about star wars please i'm playing a star wars game why are you watching this what are you doing with your life so this is an x-wing all right and the x-wing it's got four wings it's like an x but when you close them and you make them into like a line they're no longer an x [Music] there's plenty of in-universe explanations but i can't remember any of them but did you know that the millennium falcon can make the castle run in under seven parsecs or whatever whatever number of parsecs that is that i always forget [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] out of there oh this missile turret though doesn't need to be here see you later like i'm a purist to a certain extent but i'm willing to um like when i stream sunshine with the texture pack i love that [ __ ] i think that's great i love how the communities of these games come together to improve improve the experience what we got here we got um atsts atscs atsts atsts damn it i ended up wasting the missile anyway oh that's one way to take out a tie fighter i had a lot of faith in my lasers just then that poor son of a [ __ ] just doing what palpatine told him i love the star wars because emperor the people thing is good it's my favorite character yeah our boss is like a monster his face looks like like the bubonic plague got to him are we the baddies no we couldn't be the baddies but there's a skull on our hat that's why i like the character i like finn defecting i like that we were seeing like people defect even though they are traitorous rebel scum it's an interesting facet like i thought the clone wars was gonna be completely different before the prequels came out i thought clone wars was like like jedi versus like sith lord clones or something i didn't think it was going to be like stormtroopers that was always weird to me just graze the top of that thing holy [ __ ] atst please [Music] i had no choice are you how clear are you though there's still [ __ ] tie fighters which are magic by the way that can that can do defy physics and do like 360 degree flips without crashing into the ground like where is this tie fighter going you know i don't really love the direction disney took this stuff in but before disney we had sand it's coarse it's rough it gets everywhere i hate you why ain't you me some people gonna die i know all about how the clone wars show redeems a lot of the schlock so this this isn't bespin not based baseband welcome to basement why does that pilot have four legs oh my god with the rescue of widgeon with which i'm just eating cereal very close to the um it's a beauty in rose squadron 2 in in rogue leader you're not supposed to destroy these oh okay i see i see what's going on here nice of them nice of the empire to label their gas containers for us hey luigi [Music] oh jesus and i like that it is a very well optimized game and anyone can play it like it's really [Music] holy [ __ ] this reminds me of my squadron started it once for a night [Music] i almost crashed into the blockade runner vinnie what's your first experience with star wars um it was a chewbacca pez dispenser and well it got stuck in an orifice and i had to go to the hospital no i really um my first experience with star wars and why star wars is a thing that i like so much is because my aunt got me the trilogy on vhs and up until then i really didn't love movies like i enjoyed watching them but star wars made me a fan of like movies i got the vhs and i wore those tapes out i was [ __ ] captivated and then i saw a documentary on tv about how the star wars movies were made and that blew me away almost almost as much as the movies but i would come home from school and watch the trilogy in order like so one day i would watch a new hope the next day i would watch um it was the leonard malton interviews yeah the next day i would watch empire then the next day after that return of the jedi and then i would start them over again it was bad um i played a bunch of star wars video games like super star wars on the on the super nintendo i've got a couple of the books i became a pretty [ __ ] huge fan i loved it actually it kind of was like my thing and at the time there wasn't like an you know you couldn't get lost in it like people do now there was just a couple of books there was three movies and some video games some of which weren't so great then the n64 came out and shadows of the empire came out and that game was my [ __ ] for a while little did i realize that the game actually was [ __ ] so you know yes i am luke skywalker hi welcome to best pin but no it's not base pin it's a little smaller wow advanced lasers i need these like i kind of really need these right now and i want to i want to keep them so i have to finish the [ __ ] mission and i have one life yeah i'm still alive i don't know if there's any more missile turrets over here one more oh my god hey it is me luke skywalker i'm here to pass shoot down the back the tanks hey it was just bad accuracy otherwise there would have been a silver but yeah that worked got better lasers now this is a fake hoth level report oh they even get the hoth music too standing by you know you could take those down with just blasters it just takes a while so yeah this was um this was my favorite star wars game for a very long time and then um the gamecube version came out and then that became my favorite star wars game did you hear that again how the voice changes it goes from like rando to luke rando calrissian to luke skywalker fluke skywalker sorry it's not a real luke it's not mark hamill it's far camel oh wait those were the oh i don't know guys but then i started getting excited like i remember um i had a magazine i forget which magazine like a pc gamer magazine and on the cover [Music] when i saw episode one in the theater i didn't hate it i felt instinctually that something was wrong and then finally years later i was able to articulate it but for a while i loved that [ __ ] because it was like fight there was fight lightsaber but jedi power battles i thought was kind of cool [Music] oh my god oh i should have taken this thing out way ahead of time yep that's going to be a restart and we get to watch it explode in real time we get to get some secret protons new battlefront 2 his original battlefront [Music] the atpgs have been destroyed um the original battlefront 2 still playable online on steam i know i did a stream of it not too long ago and then i downloaded it again and my blasters fire to the music [Music] i'll never get over how much i love that that voice change i say whoever did the music for this game did a really good job at translating the star wars soundtrack into midi for the n64 surprisingly good and the voices don't sound too compressed like i know they're compressed to [ __ ] to fit it on an n64 cartridge not too bad what are these things like rob the robots oh [ __ ] that [Music] you need to go now [Music] wow this mission sucks [Music] why why are we doing this camera angle i don't like this camera angle okay yeah the turrets need to go the turrets are what killed them last time i could probably hold off on the tie fighters for a second okay all right all right i don't know why i'm doing this but i'm gonna go do something real quick i'm gonna leave the atp's undefended even though i have an entire squadron of dudes that could help me where is it where's the facility i don't know what that facility is the shielded facility oh here it is come on what even was that no explanation one atp remains somehow another one was destroyed on the way i mean i'm not totally surprised i left it i destroyed a trash production facility [Music] they just kind of appear out of nowhere wow and thus luke skywalker and wedge antilles died by crashing into each other sneaky bastards [Music] jesus could you imagine you become a fighter pilot in the star wars universe and that's what you see just a head-on collision with another x-wing great just crash into the train why don't you [Music] talks are you so like calculated and calm about it like very proper uh well still got it thank god for r2 repairing the damage or thank the force for r2 i guess rebel scum i like i saw that i saw that happening i just let it happen someone gave this one atat the order to take out this whatever the [ __ ] this is oh good [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] i i have to feel bad for r2 you know what i'm just saying there's like a very sad scene everyone cares about a [ __ ] soccer ball these days but r2 is the true hero of the star wars universe you know r2 is best droid i don't care i don't care how much a ball gets paid to show up in this new movie and how how fancy this ball tech is r2 will always be my trash can yes he said it again rebel scum but but seriously what is this thing doing here oh it's not a good time to be out of torpedoes and remember they're not photon torpedoes they're proton torpir see i can bring star wars and star trek together too original concept original franchise do not steal i can't wait i really can't wait to get the v-wing v-wing is the best ship in the game that's something i wish was made canon six seconds god damn it [Music] how does the game's volume keep resetting [ __ ] hell like i had this thing down at like you know 25 and then it was like a hundred percent r2 see what you could do back there the volume's too loud r2 welcome back to rogue squadron i'm upset i'm almost done with this game so tonight rogue squadron as tit flight leader this level kind of sucks if i remember correctly ben swolo is here gotta use the y-wing which is by a shielded central capacitor but inside the volcano several transmitters of the feeding thermal energy to the capacitor casen uh your audio a little crackly can you can you get your droid can you get your r2 unit to fix the audio oh my god yeah i remember this level uh oh everything is attacking me r2 we're dying r2 is like i do not know death [Music] this is this is just painful this level is just [ __ ] disgustingly hard okay well there's a thing [Music] again the voice goes into luke voice for no apparent reason starts at some random dude's voice and then it turns into luke okay yeah this is gonna be a bombing told you star wars well it's like poetry so that it rhymes someone uh just said that the y wing looks like a backwards pod racer where am i hitting this thing i would imagine in the glowy bit but now i feel like maybe it's not the glowy bit oh it's these bits i feel like that's going to be a death right there [Music] mother of [ __ ] all right [ __ ] the tie fighters oh vinny if you don't hurry star wolf will show up and you'll have to fight them too fluke skywalker see if you can find some advanced proton torpedoes okay let's go to a game looking there's terra system warfare and it ah [Music] how many games or like bad ports like gex was guys i i didn't my hitbox what what's going on with my hitbox and i get right the [ __ ] out of there come on i always thought that the laser sound what in god's good name let's get out of here before the volcano destabilizes should i win [Music] the that uh rotating platform thingy was was very janky that was those jank megank i mean the x-wing is the all-around you know workhorse it's amazing i love it it wasn't my favorite when i was a kid felt like it was a little like vanilla there's the argument that the reason vanilla is used like that is like kind of a misnomer vanilla doesn't mean bland it means it's the standard it's so good that it's the standard vanilla is amazing i love vanilla but i like you know i like my vanilla oh my god i like my vanilla ice cream with a little bit of flair so i may enjoy like vanilla ice cream but i like it with like chocolate syrup you know you can add a little bit so like the x-wing is cool but if you give it like secret proton torpedoes then you got a winner i realized that an x-wing discussion turned into a discussion about vanilla ice cream but i mean i'm always down to talk about vanilla ice cream maybe not in the winter okay i'm jesus i'm down to talk about vanilla ice cream any time but the winter generally all right at the moment i kind of want vanilla ice cream so i'm down to talk about vanilla ice cream every time except the winter and maybe now because i want it but i don't have it so me talking about it now would be fruitless and very dumb okay so i'm down to talk about vanilla ice cream anytime except the winter except for now because i want it but since i don't have it i shouldn't be talking about it because it just makes me want it but i don't have it by wedge i just watched wedge crash land he's okay though apparently luke skywalker is the only one that can't crash land and survive he he dies his x-wing explodes anyone else on the team they get to land they skid a little bit they get a little rug burn whoa [ __ ] off that thai interceptor is a [ __ ] hero of the empire rebel [Music] i love the sound effects of the tie fighter what wasn't like um didn't ben bert use the sound of like a like a seal screaming and combined it with something else to make the tie fighter sound holy [ __ ] greetings commander skywalker so you're the young man who destroyed the death star the first death star do you wish to surrender now or shall i destroy you but you're you're in a shuttle that's not off seared and that's not that's not a vehicle that you want to go up against the next wing in you're a very talented pilot you have learned much skywalker i don't even know who i am i pull up the [ __ ] death star oh here i am trash talking your mother's dude has me bested mother of [ __ ] i don't know i mean the dude the dude was in a very heavily modified and armored uh shuttle already i i just started i got hit with a [ __ ] missile already i can do this better and quicker you son of a [ __ ] they're good they got better do you randomly lose him um no what happens is you take a certain amount of damage and if you get if you get too much damage i believe r2 just dies like he's forever dead in the star wars universe forever [Applause] this annoying [ __ ] thought of a tie fighter get out of here so yeah if you if you lose r2d2 then spock has to compensate thanks [Music] okay just bombers and fighters left yeah i guess that'll do okay so the problem here is i have no health for this my missile's not attacking what the [ __ ] [Music] you're a very talented pilot you have learned skywalker this [ __ ] dude's voice though [Music] please yes i got it the torpedo hit i'm gonna i'm gonna do a spoiler for the new pokemon movie you ready pikachu talks english pikachu say english and there's a video i know i probably talked about this a little bit but there's a video of um of uh to the moment when pikachu is like it's because i peek at you and uh fast light and unpredictable the v-wing carries two blaster cannons which can be fired at a normal rate or in the rapid fire position rapid fire is useful for scraping ground targets but it overloads the cooling units and can often cause a complete burnout and yeah i watched the video again today there's a dude like when that happens in the theater it's like a dude like my age or maybe even older or maybe a little younger he's like yo what a [ __ ] it's like what the [ __ ] but his voice is really deep i'm like oh [ __ ] there's gonna be like 70 year olds watching poke pokemon movies in like 20 years the rebel alliance has managed to control three quarters of the galaxy boy while this got thrown out the window i added too much milk to the serial audio [Music] [Music] oh they have new tie fighters yeah i forgot about that squadron we are coming to your assistance kind of wish wedge was in episode seven i think dennis lawson was just like nah i'm out but wedge was like one of my favorite peripheral characters in all of star wars yep rapid fire mode is kind of amazing the only problem this this vehicle is like unbelievable oh this is mon calamari this is where like akbar and the fish people live they live in like little fish houses with domes and stuff [Music] let's take out the lake jet lag jets you said no propulsion okay and tell me again how this is more tell me again how this is more dangerous than oh my god i forgot about the secret missiles look at that those cluster [ __ ] missiles yeah this vehicle you got boosters you got rapid fire you got [ __ ] missiles you got admiral ackbar's home hanging out somewhere around here in fish village whoa whoa what kind of physics is that these are alien spacecraft in the star wars universe defying physics [Music] okay still got three [ __ ] missiles why doesn't this shield generator protect itself whoa whoa oh that was good good job these new tie fighters either border on miracles or the dumbest [ __ ] in the star wars universe [Music] oh no the calamaris i would have loved if the v-wings were in the following games if that last building didn't explode at the last second like that i would have gotten the gold so um there's a couple bonus missions you know some things went tits up get rid of it you know i feel very secure unwrapping the salad very secure i also have a couple cheat codes this game had some amazing cheat codes it's a really bizarre moment in the opera scene where anakin's face like morphs into a different pose all right i actually remembered this cheat all these years later this is one of the few like cheats i remember so obviously konami code i remember on the eighth day god created torak [Music] okay that one works this is a bit of a morbid code [Music] so you got beggars canyon death star trench run and the battle of hoth which was admittedly done better in later games but it's still pretty cool [Music] it's just a race yeah luke is like come back to my home [Music] oh this sucks [Music] it's [ __ ] turns man [Music] sounds like something john williams um would compose for an ewok theme [Music] ewok racing i feel guilty beating you guys i used to make this run every day in my old 216. gonna go for some style points at the end i unlocked a very special spacecraft that you'll see special indeed this is a new crap yep it's a new craft it's a special craft and it's new and it costs uh 14 000 battle points to unlock i don't know my favorite star wars movie was the campfire strikes back also this trench is a lot thicker than it's supposed to be and there's right turns more fighters [Music] gold squadron is all dead they're called s-foils i feel like they should be called x-foils but i'm no expert so i guess you have to destroy most of there here we go [Music] not feeling too talkative kid blow this thing and go home run [Music] [Music] still got a silver for as much as i [ __ ] that up yes a highly inferior version of the death star trench run but it was just you know it's fun for the n64 i played the [ __ ] out of this game just for fun i would get all the gold medals and just go run through the levels again it was just a lot of fun all the time every year 100 years fun all the time i have my suspicions that this is in fact a real cadillac [Music] r2 is talking about cadillac's and how much they suck but look just in case you didn't know that that's when them droids that's when them droids the [ __ ] was our pause menu so i have a couple more codes i want to enter tied up [Music] of course the game would have to have the millennium falcon [Music] i think this was the code that happened later i don't remember if this one was available right in the beginning halifax no oh and oh then you have another one okay so yes this one was weird you had to enter two codes so you think you got the first one wrong and then you get this one [Music] uh maybe i think it's good ingredient is the code yes they had to throw you off the scent they didn't want you to know because this game came out before episode one so i unlocked a bunch of new [ __ ] but basically what i unlocked was the millennium falcon the naboo starfighter no explanation for that one this is a corellian yt 1300 freighter i don't know where this ship came from but it is not within the set parameters for a civilian transport it has been illegally modified with two quad guns one mounted cannon several escape pods a completely new sublight engine several stealth and communications jamming additions and a large secret cargo area not the prettiest ship but an excellent choice if you're a smuggler but the question is how how does one a flight of wine oh [ __ ] interceptor bobby helped us decipher its various flight components it's extremely agile and as with the tie fighter completely unshielded yeah let's take a look at this it has no shields so you you die immediately it's got no shields no missiles but it's really fast and it shoots fast [Music] it's also got that fun screeching elephant laser noise [Music] no that doesn't get annoying definitely doesn't get annoying you know every time i've ever flown the millennium falcon in a video game it's always been this like clunky big mess that you can't see over remember it doesn't look cool though i know it's a freighter i'm just saying it was never as fun to fly as you thought it would be let's just say first person mode's a little confusing just a little bit [Music] like oh i can totally make it through this no i can't gun's like rotating really i don't know if you see that it's like twitching out bad we don't want to destroy those doubles that's that's how han solo would do the mission i think just go and shoot everything and then realize what shuttles you know the rebel shuttles now i kind of like the naboo starfighter as weird as that sounds i don't think it's the best design but it's chrome it's not my favorite but i thought it looked cool as [ __ ] when i first uh unlocked it looks like a nose and it's very fast fast and it's got some pretty good firepower [Music] not so sure how i feel about its shields i wonder if the nebu starfighter had become like a huge fan favorite do you think in the following movies they would have like had a scene where they're like our armies have adopted the naboo starfighter design as we liked it so much and it's so good [Music] desert just said naboo starfighters are so easy to pilot even a six-year-old could pilot one that's a neat that's a neat trick boy those battle droids sure seem threatening when that six uh six-year-old child manages to accidentally blow up the donut that controls them he'll be fine you think rogue 10 would know to take cover behind his speeder again you can take out these you can take out these [ __ ] without the toe cables [Music] just takes a while and then hoth was repeated another two times on the gamecube both rogue squadron games on the gamecube had a hoth mission oh oh [ __ ] i only had one life left [Music] corpse or atst corpse proving to be a very formidable obstacle i'm gonna try to take this thing down with lasers i'm up for a challenge never mind it takes about 15 minutes all right never mind i'm good changed my mind very quickly i know it was possible in shadows of the empire because when you would attack them the percentage would go down very and slowly the falcon made it out all right don't do anything foolish like running off to dagon i think that was supposed to be han solo's voice how did they even know about dagobah did did luke tell han he was going to jacob i don't remember now all right well that was rogue squadron i think you've seen pretty much all of it this was great still holds up if the audio wasn't crackly i would say that this was um this was amazing vinnie you should play i'm han solo as the brb i dare you [ __ ] off
Channel: QuasarBooster
Views: 325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PhXUaU9fuZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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