[Vinesauce] Shitty Sonic Fan Games - The Supercut

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[Music] [Music] I'm not really a Sonic fan and I know people are very rabid Sonic fans so keep in mind these are fan games these are I guess you know creations of people who maybe don't know how to make games very well or if they do maybe are severely misguided in in their attempts so if they suck sonic doesn't suck they suck and Sonic's are too but anyway um program can't start because C&C 32 is missing from your computer off to a great start crazy cabbie CNC s 32 DLL so I guess I'm downloading that I'm so sorry okay so the name of this game is called chaos and I'd like to show you the resolution of this game do you see that that's the resolution of the game isn't that cool our story begins on floating islands with no more dr. Robotnik the island was a peaceful once more Robotnik was defeated after his plans for stealing the Master Emerald failed miserably I was peaceful till one day when the island shook and deep within the ground emerged the most evil creature ever to exist [Music] kaitlin's pas used to be a god of Mobius before he turned evil the hell was that oh [ __ ] we're getting edgy it's not like the Saint hell must have been an earthquake the text is only here okay I'm pretty sure in the Sonic games I'm not entirely sure if Sonic can turn fully and maintain the speed I don't I don't know for sure okay okay so we're off to a great start and I'm really enjoying this [Music] whoa that music that sound effect sounded very out of place I can't come down you know how when you press down with the sonic games and you can get that extra speed that doesn't work here guys I don't know how much longer I can play this yep yes yes let me go ahead and copy cncs dll and put it in crazy cabbie prepare your ears okay you're five seconds three two one okay there's no oh my god have you ever thought about mistakes and what they mean to you it's almost sounds like a Smash Mouth song have you ever got feeling that you were in enough if you would cab it around named anta well um why did I lose so the game is actually taking up so many resources that it's freezing this is as fast as the game is running right now guys I won again knuckles knuckle blast it guys it's called knuckles blast you know it will be better if maybe it was just let's just leave it like that is that okay alright let's play knuckle blast guess what dll's missing oh it's getting hot in here so take up all your clothes so it's the same program it's the same I think developer mushroom zone oh look look I can I can do the same things I did in that other game why is the window so big if it's just gonna be small Knuckles the Echidna itch kid look do you guys see that sticky keys this level design it's like a maze of ass now I don't want to turn on sticky keys yeah enjoying the ass maze asparagus grows as tall as the skies I think this was when John Lennon wrote Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds he was seeing this and flowers towering over your head that grows so incredibly high no I don't want to take a case alright well that was um that was knuckle blast this next one is called knuckle racer up and right oh come on I was so close what is any of this anymore [Music] all right all right that that's episode one racer knuckles maleta guys I'm getting I'm getting severely scared each time I play one like another knuckles oh sweet God no I keep your volume low guys you know what could happen can you see this I don't even know if you can see it Marine Bay's own one act 1 why is it so small I can't window it it's shift button again same engine yeah same engine same lovely engine that was never fixed except the graphics are better we're not doing knuckles millenium anymore guys we're done with knuckles millenium Wow I control all deleted knuckles millennium and the music is still playing so which of these sonic quote-unquote Sonic games is going to end up being spyware this is knuckles treasure hunt [Music] I managed to lower it just in time blue hawk gaming studio I wonder what blue hog is up to these days okay really floaty controls it sounds like the committee is trying to be a song but can't be its whole life it's been told it can't be a song but it keeps trying anyway MIDI kun dad won't let me dad won't let me be a song no it's not because of your dad it's because you don't know how to be a MIDI son who knuckles has more inertia problems than Luigi does in Lost Levels I'm not even sure what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to be doing here but let's hear that guitar riff one more time shall we [Music] metal sonic quest special edition guess what DLL was missing what was that you don't know you just don't know God look at this long ago the planet Mobius was peaceful paradise a scientist named dr. Ivo can tow bar to surge all the evil on the planet into the seven legendary Chris Chaos Emeralds eventually a hedgehog named Sonic dug into Kanto burrs underground lab this too soon became fast friends this ended with a machine called rock sonic was using his incredible speed to run the machine overloaded while transferring the evil six out of seven Chaos Emeralds off [ __ ] off I'm done [Music] what what's it what's this music [Music] hello is there anything any gameplay this is still a cutscene [Music] this is par for the course from Sonic games okay okay so tails is my enemy all of the tails the many tails that there are I'm not disabling stickykeys on the principle of it is this [ __ ] music [ __ ] do you advance it's the keys yes leaving it on Mottola is conquering the planet while he is really fast he as the night-light park zone at my mercy I think he will take out the rest of the zone then that rodent sonic is at the end of it goodbye Hedgehog pit knuckles just flying around just like wow wow what is it with things exploding in these Sonic games yes fun time guaranteed for all that came fast delight' pillar and in the end stickykeys was the end of me killed by stickykeys game all I could just see like sonic saluting looking into the sunset while a helicopter like an AC 10 or an Apache vietnam-era I don't know what I'm talking about but it's flying off into the sunset sonic with an eyepatch a grizzled veteran single-tier runs down his cheek for he knows how many have been lost in the war salutes the helicopter as the last survivors are brought out of Ho Chi Minh he knows he must stay he knows he must he knows he must close the game next is neo sonic boom let's press fire 1 to start let's shift so I guess you can count on sticky keys happening again ok is that an evil asteroid potato with a mean face video games [Music] okay at least this time we heard the full word over sonic Matt venture is next you're gonna see this warning warning this game contains harsh language and immense flashy lights what may cause seizures before you play make sure children have left the room and that they may never see the horror you were about to play you have been warned good day in a nerdy 2001 RPG was beginning star trek music deep deep in the great unknown region of the great unknown presents where I want them all sorry about that only one can save the world etc its first contact music from the first contact movie blahblah Sonic the Hedgehog dammit I can't believe how cheesy this intro is blaze Hedgehog yeah blaze I can see the string that this thing is hanging on bad special effects Mario joshi's competing suppose I better go along with Reds idea sonic RPG sounds bloody stupid but hey might as well go on with this first things first I need a quest you [ __ ] what the package says no you run first oh I had to go back to [Music] what is it with everything exploding in the Sonic games Sonic and Knuckles flicky panic Sonic and Knuckles flicky panic is not responding Sonic and Knuckles flicky panic is in full screen full screen mode it just [ __ ] my resolution up completely that's what flicky panic has done so this is Sonic and Knuckles double panic oh my lord thanks to these stupid courage shutters I can get busy with that damned Hedgehog from Loyola where all the channel of the resort I don't know sanic mr. Sonic know what they sound like [ __ ] where I don't know sonic suddenly disappeared all of them I scared that some kidnap but why I bet there's an egg man behind this let's go tails sonic us here let them I don't know anymore I'm the fastest there is look at how fast I can go at max speed yeah maximum fine babies Papa baby [Music] [Applause] next up sonic jr. bad news doctor abet Nick is back and he's coming fresh Oh No what are we gonna do I'm gonna stay here and protect our own it's down to our [ __ ] wait caption guess what button it is to jump yeah you guessed it shift guess who can get stuck on ceilings same engine same engine so Sonic's jr. is just Sonic that's it there's no attempt made to conceal the fact that this is Sonic next infinity Halloween Sonic infinity Halloween Sonic infinity and infinity Halloween the name of this game is Sonic infinity Halloween [Music] are you kidding me oh is this suggest vania music and but Megaman okay okay okay all the controls are so bad they're so bad it's a shitty version of Mega Man X mixed with Sonic and Castlevania music I don't understand why Mega Man can't shoot up like that how is you know what this great song somehow it was possible to make this song even worse did you hear that guys my last life was taken from me and the game just closed itself the game just shut down and ended that is amazing every game should do that like you died and the game just ends itself this is called Sonic battle 3 it's pronounced kum Fong all right it's Slovak again the resolution is so small [Music] maximum volume it maxed out my sound completely okay now this is so [ __ ] fast I don't even know what's happening guys tale of two Sonic's that's the name of this one okay really you know you can see when it's made on the same engine just based on the fact that I can do that but that don't worry about it that's that's part of the experience thanks knucks thanks Moose knuckles he transforms into a moose and becomes Moose knuckles well that's officially the end of that one sonic web access in parentheses Vista compatible jogar let's just click access because that's the only word I understand when I clicked on that it opened four pages in my browser it's just links to sonic websites that's all it is em tempos remote dos sonic era el borracho Prospero own Falcone a sec sip sex symbol does that mean what I think it means where's the Flintstones music so you're playing through web pages of the forum I hope the game didn't just imply that Sonic is a sex symbol because that that's weird probably one of the higher quality ones so far maybe the highest quality so it's not a very good sign when you spawn in the ground again no sense of speed you when you land all your momentum is killed so clearly they don't understand what Sonic is about gets stuck in the level sticky keys like I said I'm not turning it off I'm gonna be stubborn about it he just said in chat Vinnie I sent these please play egg man hates furries there is one called Eggman hates furries the best-looking one so far I'm is it and there's voice acting the [ __ ] does this have to do with furrious this is actually really good well not really good but it's it feels like a game I don't know what's happening in the story here I'm trying and I'm not getting it I don't really feel like actually playing a game right now to be honest I won't deny that this is actually really high quality I just don't get anything about it like in terms of the title [Music] okay so we're running away from Circular [ __ ] bots really really bad idea for me to do these today almost no enjoyment was head sonic origins let's just hope [Music] full volume nice resolution we got okay controls are worse than a hookers chlamydia it's bad you can barely control sonic when he's in the air this is mind-blowing to me that I'm able to even able to play this game somewhat and yeah it's not the worst fan game I've ever played I've played worse you've seen it you know I played worse next is Sonic racer best racing effect Oh um though there's buildings in the road that's nice that's convenient to have a building in the road and spiked you who who is making these roads I just want to know who's like who's urban planning is this like what's what's the deal with this fun and what's the deal with buildings in the middle of the road Sonic search this sounds interesting okay nevermind CNCs 32 DLL alright I'm just going to download this vibing this DLL quit install I just installed sonic search guys even though I had it installed it is now an application on my computer I would love to show this to you but I can't yesterday you said today just do it this better be worth it yes it's all working to plot this Chrono Trigger battle music who's that guy yes sir all systems are operational it hurts to hear Chrono Trigger music in this Wow after all that build-up and this is what the gameplay looks like oh it's terrible oh my god the controls this is for rendus oh it's so bad why am I in a filing cabinet world just endless filing cabinets best level design best-looking level filing cabinet world Wow sorry let's take a moment to analyze what this creature could be it has wheels it seems to be some kind of alligator it's got a overbite it's got a large tooth and fires coming out of its [ __ ] multiple music tracks yeah doesn't make any sense yeah this game hurts my life a new area what is that what is this guy what the [ __ ] was that what is this thing boss blue pink barriers excuse me I don't know if there's a way to interact with the switch I don't know if I already did I don't know I don't know what's going on but that worked what I have to [ __ ] bash my head against it sorry for wasting your timing you know what no I'm sorry for wasting our time oh now I can't control myself in the air guess guess who's stuck I'm literally stuck listen that's me pressing the directional buttons I'm stuck on the spring I can't move I can't get off the spring oh thanks for [ __ ] my resolution of sonic search so you notice immediately there's something wrong Sonic's feet are going into the ground controls are slippery and weird rings are placed at random the tiles are all weird look a little bit the tiling what the [ __ ] just these these bang games have such good level design always but this in particular the chili got Mobius this is Sonic ultra the return [Music] it's it's good next is sonic world planner okay this looks like a real [ __ ] sandwich I don't want to do two-player mode I can't even see this it's so [ __ ] small oh I can stretch it look good alright this is good that's a acceptable resolution don't you think someone explained what the [ __ ] is happening anymore you know it's because I can't see what's going on working next is sonic world 3 which is the secret sonic sonic world 2 which is what we just played plays like a wet dog [ __ ] on a summer night whatever it is when you press down so where am i guys have we figured it out it's amazing how intense good very good very good this is sonic y2k special edition it's giving me a lot my stomach Wow Final Fantasy 7 music except worse no I mean there's nothing I love more than when someone remixes a Final Fantasy song in their own style within shitty MIDI silver Sonic oh man I'm it's a shame I'm not a Sonic fan I'm missing out on some high-quality characters I wonder what Wednesday Nigerian prince gonna donate $40,000 to me I wonder so am i alright so I have a relative that you know was in Dakar Gambia that got killed in an automobile accident and sure so so Lord banana Goku needs my my social security number to donate that money into my account okay next is Sonic SV there's a part of me that really feels deep down inside that will I miss the experience that you and I are having together right now just kidding I [ __ ] can't wait to finish for this holy [ __ ] no it's talk sonic who stalk he's the darkest of all stars great controls oh man you have as much control over your character as a pinball seriously if I was playing pinball right now I would have better control over the pinball sweet God sweet God ed Murray oh look I could turn on a dime Oh No okay good no game can't it's look I get it it's a tough game it's a very advanced game and and therefore has to freeze because the game is very advanced I can handle GTA 5 almost on maximum settings but I can't handle this game guys I think I know what's happening I think my previous two Sonic's didn't really they didn't die they're still down there I'm a clone they're still down there dying infinitely infinite copies of Sonic are being spawned right now guys they're on the spikes dying right now as we speak and this is only a clone a mere clone of the previous somehow I'm in the wall somehow I don't know how I got here this is tails race this is the final one good morning tails my name is jinxed ochita and I'll be your advisor this season you'll skip information for space couple time a long probably also hard competitions ahead of us let's do our very best show the others were a team produced chalkie's here's instructions for the race rather easy surrogate many straightaways which possible get fast speed feels located from curves to the right press space to race it is that [ __ ] is it dog [ __ ] this is this is I don't know I don't know it's the best controlling one at least the problem is you get stuck on everything but it's precise could you believe that this is the best controlling Sonic fan game I've played tonight I'm not even kidding by the way I mean that I like the instrument in the back you know that one that goes I always wonder what that was [Music] it's 2:30 a.m. and I really I thought there's I can't talk that I'm gonna [ __ ] off into the night and try to erase something about the memories of the things that we have seen this day [Music]
Channel: Sponge Magic
Views: 183,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, shitty sonic fan games, highlight, ear rape, sticky keys, sponge magic, destroyerofcomedy, bad midi, cncs32.dll
Id: T3fnoKJCpiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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