[Vinesauce] Vinny - Spelunky [Vinesauce Mod] (part 13)

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all right so spelunky has come back again it's not too soon or not too long since the last spelunky stream and I really wanted to do some Indies tonight and I couldn't think of a better one death roulette is available check the chat for your link you might hug the [ __ ] site to death but yeah check the chat all right and you can I'm sure you'll figure it out you can bet on where I die it's good it's a lot of fun the height of narcissistic narcissism I have to play as myself site died okay people are betting that I'm gonna die in the mines most people are betting mines I'm gonna play extra well narcissus system [Music] wrong button this is not Wow because it's not the biding of issac I just pressed the wrong button twice [Music] goodbye bombs [Music] oh okay hello out some other bums alright I'm gonna make sure you [ __ ] lose your money I wish the site was a little bit more stable because we are killing that site really badly butts are still open okay well we'll lock bet - no - remember to do that so this is again spelunky Plus vine sauce mod that was made by not so serious like four or five years ago now and time goes by quick doesn't it this is the best vine sauce related mod I think for an indie game I've ever seen still all right 12 bums I like that after wasting a couple bombs I am now ready to not die on those spikes [Music] bombs are even more important in this game than they are in Isaac I would say [Music] puck bros down there I can bomb my way to pug bro I'm gonna do it extra health men [Music] [Music] [Music] vini are you smoking in this game or is that a toothpick that is that is smoking yes because I still smoked when this was made and I would just feel like [ __ ] it is free real estate that's correct can I ask you guys a question when did I first butter free real estate because I know some people claim that's their favorite thing but I don't oh god damn it I don't remember where I first said it [Music] [Music] it's a tim and eric' meme is it [Music] so [Music] what was their context [Music] man here I was thinking this whole time that that was me that invented free real estate [ __ ] I really didn't know that I didn't you know it's free real estate we're giving you land it's free we're giving you a house it's real estate free it's a free house for you Jim this is free real estate but you got a print furniture but the house is free two bedrooms no rugs it's free you unlock the door to your free house we got you the real estate it's a two-bedroom house it's frees got pool in the back real estate I'll pee my pants just come get you I stole my stole to me totally stole it dude I'm wondering if I was playing a game like a strategy game or a building game I want you to know that that blue thing there that blue thing is 100% kosher and is actually just a gun it's free real estate it's free real estate that you wanted me to finish the video so that's that's the end of the video I think yeah maybe chat was saying for your real estate and then I adopted it and then somehow thought it was my own yeah that's exactly what happened that's that's almost certainly I came out by the shotgun however I can kill the shopkeeper it's free real estate [Music] Vincent Vaughn sauce proprietor of stolen memes and free real estate it's a blue it was a blue gun chat it's a blue gun it shoots sticky white spiderweb substance it's a web shooter [Music] I dine in these mines [Music] [Music] what are you doing a pug bro what are you trying to sell pug bro I'm not taking any chances there you go I didn't die where you thought I was gonna die [Music] so I have achieved some level of success [Music] everyone's poor now your junkies bastard [Music] I know people want me to go into the worm I am [ __ ] trash at the worm [Music] [Music] finally Jesus that took that took way too long [Music] someone had a suggestion about bringing the shopkeeper body which is not a bad idea you don't get as many points for dead people but it is probably worth it especially because there's a couple things that I can sacrifice here couple there's a couple things oh there's another thing that was sacrificed is there anything else that could be sacrificed probably not no I don't think they're oh wait wait wait wait wait the dog yes the dog [Music] hmm Oh waste is a waste of a bomb our pug bro you stay up there [Music] kind of made my life a lot harder by killing the shopkeeper I don't like that [Music] of course mental all right all right yes yes I will deal with the shopkeeper in in a brief moment that was a little dangerous wouldn't you say [Music] dog will die unless I kill shop captain I cannot have dog died I've already killed one too many dog in the video game [Music] [ __ ] yes very good I'm gonna need a lot more [ __ ] bombs I don't know if I've come across the black market just yet [Music] not worth it [Music] rip died twice [Music] all right there's Rev [Music] the crown of Rev [Music] Shh [Music] that's right [ __ ] your shotgun yeah you dead [Music] I have to probably explore a little bit to find out if the black market is is nearby I want to pass that up [Music] Spike's always make me nervous Stig damn well should um well I don't see or hear anything so the black market the head jet you get from the key and the treasure chest gets you the thing you need to discover the black market it like starts making noises you already missed go to the castle [Music] where's the castle again I actually forgot where the castle is Vinny that's the eye not the head jet sorry the eye it's under Rev you don't have enough bombs for it I don't have enough time for it either so screw the castle totally forgot the castle even existed thank you for the help chat okay let's let's hope the black market is somewhere around here do you see what I just did I have to trade a bomb for a shotgun and hope I get more bombs that is the stupidest thing I could have done [Music] [Music] [Music] I think I missed the black-market [ __ ] well I don't have bombs for it anyway so nevermind I guess yeah [Music] [Music] that's a shame I guess this won't be a hell run but you know small steps first let me not die in the jungle you know that would be a good like step if I can do that you know you work your way you work your way to hell there we go Vinny everything good are you my deli guy [Music] you junkies so then you have world 3 which just opens things up this is a good time for an item that like slows you're falling like the Cape or a jet pack you know usually you want a jet pack around now [Music] oh thank god a lot of bombs no jet pack I don't know where the Pug is but let's just keep going this [ __ ] music [Music] well what's this new character it's [ __ ] rest in peace this whole time I didn't unlock that character I played a lot of this game on the Xbox 360 actually [Music] some sassy trumpet going on here [Music] most saxophone rather sorry [Music] [Music] rest in peace pug bro I am so sorry that was just too dangerous I couldn't manage I would have gotten myself killed [Music] [Music] shopkeep you still alive you know you bet yep is death by saxophone and option it could be is need to develop our own okay so that normally is where you'd want to go by dying you just you just die and takes you there those go off those are very scary actually I'm surprised they manage that yeah so that's the item I need in the black market would take me there this pug is is probably gonna just be problems I didn't I'd listen I didn't actively try to kill the pug it just happened you can believe me or not but I didn't know if the mine would kill the pug I thought maybe like I was like oh it's a possibility but you know juggling a shotgun and a pug is probably not gonna help in my bombs no longer going an arc because of the catcher's mitt that I have here now [Music] [Music] I'm like getting mini heart attacks Vinny's deli guy in chat just says you disgust me but you're not the real deli guy real deli guy says how's everything the [ __ ] are you what [ __ ] are you [Music] and I do something very silly I'm gonna do the UFO but no one had me dying at the UFO sorry not so serious I don't have what you need I don't have the key [Music] [ __ ] I forgot about that all right I'm on the page let me do the payouts who wins let's see there's plenty of people that are gonna win here I think let's do the special places the mothership and I died too I know if it counts as an alien head that counts as an brain fried as I count as an accident now those are moving platforms traps perhaps whoa voice what are you doing forcefield turret now that that counts as um that counts as alien Lord nobody absolutely nobody got it since I've been doing this which is admittedly only one other time nobody twice in a row not that has not happened yet this is amazing you flat chat you flat I need to bet on myself how do I do that let's see I have no money I can't even place a bet I can't bet against myself either I just mad about two dollars that's as much as I can afford maybe add the link to the title someone says the problem is it's quite like the [ __ ] site is like overloaded again you would think I would stop pressing the wrong button after having made it to the mothership but nope [Music] so place your bets and I will turn this off in a minute I'll lock the bets in just a second [Music] [Music] the UFO is just the worst but you get a really good weapon if you do it and I just didn't remember that that purple stuff was there so I was looking up and I should have been looking down there's a parable in here somewhere [Music] the warm is even worse I think questionably good weapon while it's extremely dangerous that's true but you can like blow up everything and then we have to wear the shopkeeper isn't the most dangerous in a world where men and men become men fight infinite [ __ ] and fight starring in fight [Music] sorry bets are locked bets are locked hi Fred is it real money that's being bet no no no no no it's fake money on the site on the roulette site but I think it's it transfers to other games so if I played like another game is crypt of the necrodancer that it works with so I could play that do death roulette and the money would carry over I believe scorpions kind of a [ __ ] isn't it [Music] this is not going well [Music] [Music] I didn't see any treasure chests or keys that's nice that's nice looks like people are gonna get paid out real quick so many [ __ ] scorpions you can't kill scorpions with fire [Music] no I don't see the treasure chest Mauro my voice got really horse for some reason in a land where men and fight become [ __ ] in a fight where [ __ ] and men become world this summer world and summer fight until they [ __ ] in [ __ ] [Music] I can't wait to see [ __ ] is to make a movie and luck when they fight but if annual it's rated R [Music] you can't see that okay you can see that eath annual no problem whatever you want whatever you want [Music] in a dude doing other dudes this summer dudes two dudes in dudes doing dudes coming soon [Music] what is this layout it's alright no I'm sorry and I mean to do that chat I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'll be good please oh no I can't get out of here unless that the bombs I can't get out of here Oh No Richie what are we gonna do Richie [Music] thank God for that bombs a rich Jesus [Music] [Music] yeah got you down to one HP yes that is a pizza boomerang it's not a shotgun but it'll it'll do [Music] [Music] this is just a mess [Music] [Music] that was the worm which again let me allow me to say [ __ ] the worm sorry pug bro no you don't ghost no you don't ghost monkey fellas [Music] well that was easy I'm gonna take some time to look for items in the black market however I'm scorpions surprise scorpions boy I found it it's here somewhere [Music] but there it's not quite there got it [Music] no I either have to buy or steal couple kisses [Music] of course I'm going to steal oh I think pug bro probably died may he rest in peace with plenty of beef sausages oh no pug we're still good [Music] you stay there pug bro Oh God that boomer I really [ __ ] me up and I left the shotgun on the thing [Music] yeah okay yep you run at a jet pack don't want to run on a jet pack highly not recommended oh okay they died Triforce is mine there's more bombs down there quite a few more bombs [Music] [Music] I think he got stabbed no hug bro cannot be saved I'm sorry chat [Music] come on pug bro let's go home I can still win I bet on myself remember all I have to do is win and I win the bet how lucky am I just found a [ __ ] shotgun in that box [Music] [Music] [ __ ] shopkeeper like I knew the shopkeeper I thought he was dead I thought he was impaled but I had this sneaking suspicion that I was wrong and boy was I wrong [Music] and through that you okay good okay well not all hope is lost I have a jet pack I've got a shotgun I've got a pug bro I've got a friend I got a good boy by my side we're gonna go to the warm because [ __ ] it [Music] [ __ ] too late well at least I got to go to the warm with a jetpack and a shotgun that's helpful so this is this is this is awful on its UFO worm I didn't know there was a distinction actually where I didn't remember the distinction at the very least yeah those those little glob lots of spike seemed pretty invincible don't they [Music] oh this is so much worse with UFOs all right let's see who won and we got some winners plenty of people said spikes plenty of people however three people said the worm all right new round [Music] I love the [ __ ] instruments in the soundfont I just love the [ __ ] vibe of the music specifically for the caves that bass [Music] alright voting will be closed in just a moment [Music] vini do you prefer the HD music are the freeware original I've grown to like more songs on the HD soundtrack but there's some really good ones on the on the original locking bets changing 500 that was a painful last death I knew that the worm was gonna give me problems but I guess I just didn't I didn't feel that the worm was going to give me problems [Music] probably not my best idea but see what happens sometimes the boulder can do miracles and sometimes it can be the worst thing ever it almost it almost helped me out tremendously I am going to I'm going to need those bombs [Music] all right Annie's dead so I got a shotgun and 51 bombs total now which is great [Music] there we go good [ __ ] mice Chrome [Music] oh [ __ ] pug bro forgot about pug bro okay I'm gonna try to save pug bro I don't need the shotgun [Music] I might not be able to get back up I'm wasting a lot of rope [Music] all right pug bro come on for you not because there's an incentive of extra health but because I actually genuinely really like you pug bro I bet pug kisses smell like fish vaginas so did I tell you guys about Avengers a fin fit the infringers my favorite comic-book movie of all time the infringers affinity bore Vinnie why whoa why bring up the topic of the infringers [Music] I'll stop I'll stop I'll stop I don't want people to yeah it was just a good movie I really liked it that's really all I can say about it even though I said ten minutes worth of stuff earlier I really enjoyed the movie [Music] and I still haven't seen ready player one and I probably won't until it is available on computer [Music] we're gonna tussle we're gonna toss old man oh there's two old men okay we got anything good here not really [Music] I like the part where grimace snapped his fingers oh that grimace I Squidward was in the movie someone said I hear they're outsourcing the PC port a ready player one movies are still a very very powerful medium they're like non interactive video games but they are not to be discounted movies are tremendously powerful at stirring emotion and and at eating your whole scrotum but specifically the emotion thing oh I shouldn't have done that I just realized something I might have destroyed the key [Music] I might have destroyed the pug let's see ki destroyed probably probably pug is still I tear the pug heard the pug I don't have any items to climb the walls though so I'm pretty much stuck without a key that's very unfortunate [Music] don't be here that was just dopey alright so shop keeper on caves you got it you won most of you guys won at least something we're gonna start a new round [Music] go ahead and place your butts firmly great first wasted rope [Music] [Music] [Music] all right locking the bets in three two one lock bets bought RC says the website is werewolves I guess it wasn't designed to handle a couple thousand people it's amazing though even though there is a lot of people here I still feel like it's a very very tight-knit number of people like it's a very tight-knit large number of people and it doesn't feel nerve-racking or weird it's like just it's chill of course the downside to that is always no matter what I say there's gonna be at least like five to ten percent of the audience that just disagrees entirely and will make make sure I know that that's been probably one of the most challenging things to adapt to over the years which is learning that you're not exactly preaching to the choir at all times and you have to take into account other viewpoints and it genuinely made me a more open person and I figured out more patience and understanding for other viewpoints and people like I'm willing to listen to the other side a lot more because of the streaming infinity war and Blade Runner are bad okay well you're banned permanently and reported to the IRS [Music] [Music] [Music] also I'm not that defensive over infinity worried if you really wanted to piss me off you would say spelunky was bad and then I would say you're wasting your time by watching the stream time that you can't get back time that is precious that you could be spending in more productive ways but you know that's just you know that's easy yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't defend infinity war if people were like Vinnie it sucks Blade Runner I would defend but I even that I understand why people don't like that movie that is a [ __ ] challenging movie to pay attention to and there are long stretches of time where like nothing important happens and it's slow and somewhat confusing but it kind of vague [Music] god I'm wasting bombs [Music] [ __ ] bro I'm sorry [Music] lot of winners [Music] place your bets [Music] that was astonishingly dumb of me but I thought maybe oh this is we're off to a good good start I thought maybe I would have a chance to let the shop keep run away [Music] you know here's the most astounding thing about infinity awarded me when I first discovered the Infinity Gauntlet it was some stupid [ __ ] oven mitt that was given to me by loot crate which they were still sending me loot crate's despite me not enjoying or wanting loot crate but that's a story for another time and I was like this is the stupidest thing it's just a bright yellow thing with gems in it like what it's so cheesy so campy what is this [ __ ] and then when people were like oh that's that's Thanos that's the big bad guy you know she's gonna be so badass and he's gonna have the Infinity Gauntlet I was being teased as the big like thing I was like wait a minute no this is this is dumb no this is really dumb but somehow these movies like make me not care so much about that and like I buy it I buy into the absurdity and and the cheesiness and the kam penis without even questioning it and it's like what kind of mind control are they exerting and I also think about like you know what if you're a kid and these are the movies you're watching not bad you know trying to think like all good good I watched I watched a bunch of a bunch of stuff when I was a kid it's mainly like Star Wars Indiana Jones men in black claw wasn't that young men in black [Music] that's locked [Music] I remember going to see honey I blew up the kids or honey I blew up the kid with my parents which was a shitty like reverse Honey I Shrunk the kids and I hated that movie so much I watched it I fell asleep in the theater I thought it was the stupidest [ __ ] but I was like four or five and that was the movie that my parents thought I would like [Music] and Ghostbusters but that was a little later on Ghostbusters was good I like to Ghostbusters - I saw that in the theater but I didn't you watch Ghostbusters one and it's a lot of like really dry humor and like them talking about starting a business re watching it I was like wow this isn't as kid-friendly as I thought it was like this is kind of like boring at times for a kid and a bat killed me how many people predicted a [ __ ] bat three honey I blew the hooker oh that was a good one that was a good one John Cena is killed dark dark wolf hell fire upon you anything's possible I mean I got to world 3 I'm being killed by bats shopkeepers I got to the worm the UFO I bet you have no [ __ ] idea how to bet based on this dream alone that's the thing see I I this is all intentional it's all part of the plan I'm trying to trick you [Music] not to get killed by a spider Vinnie do you go to casinos at all [Music] not really I like Atlantic City for how shitty it is and for the sights and sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] BET's are locked [Music] Spyder caves pay out of mind oh I'm good yeah yeah yeah I'm good I'm good yeah yeah I'm good no no I'm good yeah yeah I'm good I'm good yeah yeah yeah I'm good I'm telling you I'm fine I'm good I got this I'm good yeah let's start a new round let's do one more [Music] one day I'll make my $2 back [Music] [ __ ] wise pug bro so out of out of reach lately all right sorry pug bro not this time okay bets are locked I'm really really going to put my full attention into this round of spelunky I say as I take Spyder damage to the face [Music] okay we're good [Music] it's a gun it's a blue gun [Music] [Music] all right okay I'm good though I'm feeling I'm feeling good about this if you could just get a bunch of bombs I'd be very happy shotguns also good at defusing defusing the arrow traps [ __ ] you have to be in there pug bro of all places damn it [Music] all right we're good plug bros safe in snake land [Music] but this could get a little dangerous [Music] joke is Boston sigh me Oh towel you [ __ ] junkies good rat poison in your coca-cola right Pisan sick drum fills in that that song there oh god you guys don't know about that you don't know about junkie Joe Joe Joe you don't talk about that junkie Joe let's for a little oh this is a warning to junkie Joe you to please your Giants you don't please boss Yeah right come on you told me you know sent me you told me in habit well you tell me now and add me back to three times the one night and you cry didn't move without his face he would marks from the second time he pinches a box he cried outside Longford I was in my mirrors I wasn't worth it rightly to be child come right the bride he's poor he's five his life I'm alive I know chooses their Davey first and then John Alice kalonzo its own keys to his bath mr. open your eyes Sarge I I get energized Jamaican and the DVDs is Jamaican Kseniya team is the king of that you're the king at all shine hey junkie spot yeah the king made our choice watch uh stones so that's that sigh me O'Doul talking about junkie Joe and that everything old is new again that's that's an old vine sauce meme that's why the shopkeeper says you junkies bare-knuckle boxer I guess something happened some interpersonal drama dude just wanted a box junkie Joe in his son there you go that's all the context I have that's probably all any of us need but yeah they called him I believe Mickey Mouse was one of the names they had for him and there's a number of videos but in one of the videos he goes I don't write making videos so don't do this so don't back to videos and then he makes like for more videos [Music] that's really cruel to pug bro you see that [Music] [ __ ] I left my shotgun down there [Music] what am I gonna do give you that [Music] this shopkeep has a jetpack are you kidding me [Music] I'm gonna need that you should go into the worm go into the worm [Music] dude doesn't want to go into the worm enter the worm good enough [Music] [Music] oh my [ __ ] coming soon to theaters everywhere [Music] listen that was a huge waste of bombs I know but it was a lot safer than trying to do what I just did or it seemed that way turns out what I did was just fine [Music] already alright then oh geez hey Joel that's right junkie Joe was summoned junkie this is all classic memes day [Music] okay I'm gonna try find the black market again [Music] Oh black market [Music] somewhere [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] shopkeep kick can't get to the shotgun [Music] [Music] let's try it gotcha those scary Oh [ __ ] produce [Music] well we got catcher's mitt that's not that great it's fine there it is [Music] I'm gonna save this pug bro for the extra health I think damn it damn it damn it I can't I can't I don't have the sticky sorry I can't get him [Music] the the glove for grabbing onto walls is incredibly good with the jetpack and I have that [Music] I mean I'm in full concentration mode right now so this is gonna be the run it's not a dildo it's not a dildo [Music] all shop keeps dead I have good items tons of bombs this is excellent it's a blue GUI web shooter yes of course which the balloon hands tapping the jetpack button when you're going up only wastes air okay but it is also limited so tapping is very it's very good for other situations like this for example actually that's not true I think tapping is actually the best way to get the most out of the jetpack I don't know I'm not sure so so here's held down you can get that high right tapping is clearly better [Music] knows it's okay I don't mind you know it was worth the shot it was worth a shot I feel you know if I was doing if I was doing the jet pack inefficiently I would want to know how to do it the best possible way so that's was a good experiment you gotta be you gotta be [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh my god oh my god I've never seen that happen before how much HP did I lose [Music] I lost five and then I lost another one when I was manhandled by the blue ton Pizza confirmed to be the most powerful weapon all that was that was just plain awful that was the worst thing ever that was soul-crushing otherwise up until that moment this run was going splendid and we were talking about old memes and having a good time and then that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wurm that's not really worth it I'm gonna avoid the warm I'm gonna play it smart I'm not gonna do mothership or warm clearly I can't handle those in my state my current state of rustiness [Music] [Music] [Music] rusty [ __ ] there you go there's another old one patron saint of vine sauce a real baseball player there was really a dude named rusty [ __ ] people don't believe that until they find the card and then like there's a shift in world view [Music] [Music] I really want to win that $2.00 on myself for completing a run that would be great just went $2 my anus isn't my anus a town isn't that like just a place in like Michigan or something is Michigan real is anyone lived there [Music] Robocop okay right right well I mean you got Detroit I don't know if I've seen the Mianus video but I'd be willing to check that out [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a hell in Michigan and a hell in Norway I didn't know that I knew there was one hell I didn't know there were two I'll tell you which hell I'll never go - it's the one in spelunky that just straight-up ain't happening [Music] spiked shoes make yetis quick work quick work out of yetis there you go [Music] [ __ ] shopkeep knocked himself out uh [Music] no the yetis knock the shopkeep out [Music] [Music] three people said that I would kill myself with a bomb that's all brand Skelly man John Cena is kill yet again John Cena you must be psychic and rest for bail one person said I would make it to the ice caves and die and that was die guard K I made a pretty interesting noise huh what was that noise yeah I just look I didn't notice it I didn't I didn't notice it oh that was a really good one why did where did that come from where did that [ __ ] gurgle death rattle of a gurgle come from it's a mortal combat fatality it's like you know what someone poured acid directly onto my throat that was that was depressing but you know what next time I play spelunky I'm gonna make it to hell I am I am I'm enry the eighth I am I am
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 25,576
Rating: 4.9600997 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Spelunky, Derek Yu, PC, Windows, Vinesauce Mod, Mossmouth LLC, Platformer, Roguelike, Single-player
Id: ndiw9yINGXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 30sec (5490 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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