[Vinesauce] Vinny - Quick GameCube Corruptions

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welcome to surprise corruptions this was something I didn't even know I was going to do it was a suggestion and it's a good one and I missed Mario Golf corruptions this past weekend when I did them and there were some good ones in the corruption category and I figured for my Thursday shot at the big times I would I would do the Mario Tennis excuse me the mario golf corruptions that I missed plus I have some Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes corruptions from Neri and I'm gonna start with a preview of something that nari is currently working on right now it's not ready for consumption yet but he told me to show this just to show you what he's been working on [Music] so I don't know if this means that all PlayStation 2 games will be corruptible I don't know if it means just Metal Gear Solid ok stealth camos busted landing impact yeah yeah or does it also mean Katamari corruptions are possible 3d corruptions can get a little samey but it's kind of cool to have the variety so if we are gonna eventually get PlayStation 2 corruptions if it's gonna be something that happens it'll add more variety to the corruption streams with games we haven't seen corrupted before so it sounds good to me so I hope I wish you Godspeed and good luck with those developments Neri anyway this is what you here for at some of you and some of you probably have no idea what you're in for so allow me to show you [Music] i'ma tell you Luigi I never never never fit in your bed i'ma tell you Luigi I never admitted Daisy we never did anything together oh hello Mario I think you're a liar no I'm and back to normal okay this one it says very loud so let me start by lowering this now this is a great [ __ ] oh Jesus I didn't lower it enough [Music] how how could it be this little ball the Ouija can't hit the ball there's definitely gonna be people watching corruptions for the first time tonight and how do you explain corruption to someone he's trying he's still trying to hit that ball instead of trying to explain what they are just you know just look one died I died the name of this corruption is every Sunday stream ever and it's just I die someone just tried to explain corruptions in chat by saying you inject code diarrhea into a game for the fun of it basically sure oh and epilepsy warning for corruptions so if that doesn't even further explain what's happening here then I don't know what will [Music] these are from brand 175 what are these new and innovative camera angles quickly really getting a view of the mountainside here in lakitu cub [Music] vini who is the most tortured Nintendo character in your corruption streams probably Luigi how yeah I'm gonna say Luigi is probably the one that gets the most amount of suffering oh well [ __ ] you Luigi he does like it but he turns into a little monkey fellow every now and then [Music] hmmm between this and the other corruption stream from the other day I'm seeing a bit of a pattern of like long slender waluigi's this whiplash the scene from movie whiplash where the dudes trying and then the dudes like not my tempo see that corrupted burden distance there's no way I can like unlock the camera and check out the corrupted bird right there corrupted fish - who could look at the fish they're like Spears I'm gonna call them Lance fish back in medieval times they would take these fish out of the ponds wait for them to die rigor mortis would set in and they would use them to joust [Music] wonderful I can actually golf like this I kind of can Nintendo really skimped on the soundtrack for this game though [Music] more corrupted Birds I can't even turn while Luigi oh my god the shadow of waluigi follows us everywhere [Music] I did that even [ __ ] go anywhere [Music] Waluigi spreads his corruption and darkness to the rest of the world [Music] is it I can't tell [Music] now one caught me off guard by die [Music] Jesus Mario after all these years Mario you finally did it [Music] No [Music] is this really hang on a minute I'm trying to find out [Music] forget how to switch rack of brackets I forgot how to switch golf clubs I think this is it yeah that's it that is the maximum amount that Mario can hit currently he's afraid he's afraid of the ball his Papa Mario told him when he was young please sit up hi Mario it's your father why are you old the first the hole to be afraid of the golf ball either that or he finally had that stroke really good play that's a really good face now Mario just can't hit just can't hit he's afraid of oh [ __ ] he can look at it but he can't hit it [Music] I'm sure there's gonna be some great art of that [Music] holy [ __ ] what is this level Mario can you can you take a look back here real quick are you okay Mario just no no look at me real quick mark no no no a little longer than that like look a little bit look I need you I need you to look at me for it Oh God look at his eyes oh he's bugging out I only thought that you microdose realize it was a full one [Music] I can actually golf kind of I'm trying to I'm in the rough I'm gonna try to get onto the green if possible it might take a while but I'm gonna try [Music] and it's the best he can do [Music] it's the best he can do now we're good now we're gonna get we're gonna get there always hit the [ __ ] replay button or are we I no longer know where the [ __ ] hole is said it I can't tell I don't know the game doesn't know either [Music] a man man it's gone this is like Usher [Music] this is what it's like to golf in a four dimensional space I guess I'm on a hill [Music] okay this is a really loud one [Music] good score good menus good grass - everything's looking pretty good pretty normal and yet somehow this is more playable than the previous corruption [Music] too far too goddamn far there we go there we go I'm on the green I think I died [Music] now I'm on the green am i using the putter I don't even know I'm not using the putter yet [Music] this is gonna be another I die situation isn't it [Music] here we go now now I can do this [ __ ] too far goddamnit so I can't judge any of my shots next [Music] I guess what this corruptions called anyone chat yep [ __ ] core [ __ ] Mario that's correct that is what he named it it's exactly it Mario has terminal 12 yeah about that again the terminal thing I'm not so sure if there is a terminal 12 because it's like the warp drives in Star Trek each terminal goes up exponentially so you can't really go past warp warp 10 in Star Trek unless you're you know Tom Paris and Janeway in which case you become lizards but in the terminal realm you can go terminal nine point nine nine five and that's pretty [ __ ] bad but you can't you can't do past terminal tens it's nice to see that Mario overcame his terminal [Music] and finally finally made the shot you know that reminds me of [Music] you know what you do it's me Dana no Mario won't come on my tone this one's called Seagal goes absolutely mental [Music] are you doing my waiting if you want me on it tonight Joe you can give me a call come on you know I'm sorry waluigi we canceled your appearance we got mario on it's dead you know everyone loved mario oh we crashed you right at the end of the sentence - just as Jay Leno was kicking Waluigi off of his show and denying Conan The Tonight Show as well it was at that moment that the seagull went mental [Music] all right while long Ouija [Music] okay this one says don't select peach [Music] tote is just dead Mario is reminding me a lot of like Jack Black or Chris Farley right about now what are you wearing that balls are a typo [Music] all right don't select peach [Music] yeah donkey konga don't do that what why is bowser diaper always a thing now [Music] [Applause] [Music] what whose boughs Eddie is that like someone who does like ties bows bows Eddie [Music] no I I know I think there's a video of trihex streaming and maybe his son one of his friends or something was like Triax what is Beau's Ettie everyone's telling me to look up Beau's Eddie [Music] I think yeah it seems like these corrupted poses also affect performance [Music] the music effects that's a small hat Mario the music got a little [ __ ] there by the way remember GameCube corruptions are really really not easy to pull off so the fact that we have any corruptions at all is a miracle to some extent [Music] but yeah I'd like I like Mario with the little peewee hat he's only eight years old [Music] um stop that shot Oh Mario's okay now nice on birdie putt [Music] there's no an ambience to this game that never existed before you got Deutz you got the nice gentle sound of the rain no music because music will be tossed yeah [Music] else going on with the UI [Music] what what is this crusty level everything's dead this is like a post-apocalyptic golf course [Music] mario's so good at golf he can golf with his eyes closed yeah this is definitely post-apocalyptic mario looked straight into the blast and now he can no longer use his eyes [Music] he golfs by feel and sound he can hear the whole [Music] play button don't worry Mario you'll get it you can't see but you'll get it don't be disappointed that's way better than anyone else could do that can't see really you did great Mario you shouldn't be too hard on yourself that's the saddest corruption I've ever seen in my life it's still post-apocalyptic it's still corrupted and Mario is still can't see [Music] [Music] I'm actually surprised at how playable this is if this is one with loud [ __ ] up music so get ready for it nananana the land of confusion [Music] well you can just barely hear the voices over the [ __ ] horrendously loud music just to give you an idea this is on 4% volume and it still sounds like this [Music] kinda sounds good though it's the weird part [Music] all right everybody drop out everybody in the band drop out for a second and then we'll all come back in except only one of us will come back in this is now 8% volume if that if that isn't [ __ ] metal that sounds that really sounds like a guitar plugged into a loud amplifier how could it not be it's like you have like almost doom music hey well you did you know you did the best you could Mario music is back to normal so there's cows never mind us being back to normal could you imagine a golf game worth you have an extra level of not being able to control where you move [Music] but you can control where you move I'm so sorry you can leave if you need to I'm sure there's several other streamers that wouldn't make a joke about cow mooing [Music] [Music] we sag on our goo Oh planet [Music] I guess the Metal Gear Solid corruptions came early I'm hearing some geckos mooing yeah this is like not [ __ ] possible spinning around in circles and playing golf not a good thing I'm really trying to [Music] so maybe I can putt a little easier [Music] pudding is a nightmare lately wait here I got it I got it almost actually almost somehow I feel like I need to do like pause buffering don't see it where is it oh there it is a little closer that time yes these disturbing noise [Music] okay no more spinning but more music rough [Music] it's not like Mario noises in the music [Music] like monkeys [Music] [Music] I'm so painful that was even more painful [Music] can I make the jaw some joke again from the Donkey Kong 64 corruption video can I steal that for a second and bring it back while I'm bringing it back [Music] hardmode no you know you I just guess [Music] by Daka [Music] whoa this one's simply entitled Wang and that's it actually that's all the mario golf corruptions [Music] some pretty good ones in there too okay I'm glad I saved them and gave them their proper time and didn't just rush through them like I would have on Sunday so you know happy accidents u-turn mistakes into miracles that's right we draw a happy little corruption here and there and that's why we're gonna do Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes up next so this is a further version of GameCube corruptions now he's been developing tools to I don't know what the [ __ ] he's doing actually I'm not gonna pretend like I know but he's been making it so that GameCube corruptions are easier and more possible so I think that's the best way to explain what's happening and these are his corruptions he made these so they might be really good Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes I just got done streaming mgs 1 and 2 back to back so this is good timing for Twin Snakes I know this music why is it so familiar [Music] behind D Colonel what the Russian gunship doing here I have no idea liquid hog looks like our little diversion got their attention man I knew this game changed up what Metal Gear Solid 1 was all about made everything ultra stylized I didn't think it was that stylized [Music] [Music] your best chance to slip in unnoticed my face hurts from this behind D Colonel what's a Russian gunship doing here wow this is like the next evolution of my Metal Gear Solid corruptions sorry for the horrendous laughing I just couldn't that was amazing I don't think helicopters are supposed to spin that way man if there's anything like a body spin helicopter within ten-mile radius of this place not a single person would be paying attention to 18 hours Lou Cota their deadline you've got to hurry wow he must be crazy to fly hide in this kind of weather who's that oh sorry I haven't introduced you to yet this is Mei Ling she was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist she designed your codec as well as your soliton radar system contact her if you have any questions about either of them trying to skip to a living legend like yourself men behind the legend hashtag men behind the legend I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so cute behind D Colonel what's a Russian gunship doing here can you see the thick behind look at the thick genome on the left Saul what's a wristlet ship doing here it's like a thick bottom genome soldier idea but it looks like our little diversion got their attention it's a tiny Hut pine Dean [Music] now's your best chance to slip in unnoticed it's that's a really interesting stealth tactic you got going on there Solid Snake make your whole upper body shrink so as not to be as easily noticed you've got to hurry Neriah have the GameCube adapter and everything set up and plugged in but I can't actually have to play any of these corruptions [Music] should be working or he shorts detected it is yeah signals of it week coming and going you [Music] okay what what is wrong with your face what does it have what disease do you have do you have the Coxsackie to you knew just so shiny I heard metal gear you you okay behind D Colonel what's a Russian gunship doing here here's a better question why are we going through the void from the movie 2001 a Space Odyssey and diversion got their attention seriously how the hell do you even get a corruption like this oh and now it's okay again the micro dose from Mario golf war ok flat hand snake hmm been armed thin paper paper armed snake only 18 hours left until their deadline you've got to hurry yeah I can't actually the buttons don't work here who's that oh sorry I haven't introduced you to yet this is Mei Ling she was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist she designed your codec as well as your soliton radar system contact her if you have any questions about to see if any of these are any of these playable board for now what's wrong nothing I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so cute all right let me throw my controller in real quick yeah I'm serious well I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours I'm being hit on by the famous Solid Snake but I'm surprised damn it looks like we both have a lot to learn about each other it does doesn't it well let's get to know each other better okay yeah I should I should be able to play this all the while and naked men stares through his [ __ ] onto the battlefield can anus see on the battlefield the answer is yes okay now I can play kind of come on [Music] shoot Merrill you [ __ ] shoot I got this now what are you waiting for dice Legos hang on him did you just take care of that real quick Merrill a little busy I just gotta check something out real quick you're fine you're normal you're uncorrupted come on yeah Johnny is pure Merrill is all [ __ ] up though when she gets knocked down like her body splits in two okay you know you're good you're good right Marable get back up I'm really bad at this so what happens when you don't play Metal Gear Solid for two weeks y'all got any of that ammo [Music] I want to just get through the sequence and see if the cutscenes are affected by the corruption rot I didn't remember the basics of CQC now they're fine at least I know the game is playable I just can't skip through the codex for some reason stylized oh my god teleportation genome soldiers learned many things over the years or was it in their genes how are you pal Metal Gear horror nothing personal kid spin can we just ignore wait can we just acknowledge Merrill's head for a second so just going to shoot there then start I mean she's a rookie after all [Music] well part of the base that you think her head is out the elite genome soldiers you know something went a little wrong in the process some of the DNA was just mishandled on well they put Johnny's DNA and some of the soldiers by accident [Music] still uncorrupted by the way completely untouched by this plague so you know in the original Metal Gear Solid this section would be great because you get to hear tent done done and done done that down and then instead you just kind of have generic like action theme yeah [Music] my name is genome soldier and the lactose thanks for the help wait there's that genius moment again who again who that moment actually you know comes back later pays off there is a gameplay reason why Merrill's but is zoomed in on a sea snake fool you've killed him I'm sorry sir as mental shielding was very strong dirty face I just want to see if I can still so play ya dirty face name that's about that's more accurate actually after all the [ __ ] let's go god yeah take a look at Twin Snakes codec okay now I can skip through okay let me try the earlier ones again and see if I can get to gameplay I don't know if any of the gameplay will be corrupted in the earlier chapters but I mean even this seems okay now hey the game looks nice visually though especially here on the thing I'm not gonna say what it is but it's the thing and it looks it looks really nice didn't the matrix guys make this no no no no the people that made eternal darkness made this but they were influenced by the matrix is any corruption any corruption not really just some [ __ ] missing the sound what are these are these feet yeah [Music] kind of weird I don't know what the hell they are yeah it's like their equipment the [ __ ] is it doing over here okay I can skip now finally this is good let's see there are only 18 hours left until their cutscenes were written directed by Ryu hey kita Mora who's that was that Bizet snake so I'm gonna chat just said Ye or be eaten he made the Midnight Meat Train still one of the best names for a thing other than snakes on a plane okay I know I know I know I know I have things I'm not even see now I can't control it we're just gonna melt into the floor then are we behind D Colonel what's a Russian gunship doing here no idea yeah controller support here is all [ __ ] I can't Colonel I think on it's a Russian gunship doing here no attempt to detect it I have no idea but it looks like our little diversion got their attention the adapter is most certainly in no adapted [Music] I really want to check out these cool corruptions while being able to move around because I think I think some of them have some real potential [Music] no what no adapter detect goddamnit yeah the drivers are installed for this thing [Music] problem is the standard controller doesn't work my other controller in sorry everybody this is still relatively not tested I guess try one more thing and then we'll just keep going with the corruptions and hope for the best you you [Music] standard controller it's not detecting it's not detecting the controller now god damn it why does nothing work when you need it to Jesus [Music] this energy and cube adapter detected all right okay something's going on here now got some some nice colors a bit of success the success could get shitty real quick but at least we have some success for now doing the thing again I think this is just the corruption the corruption itself is doing this let's trade it on the bride okay now this is um this is the big hind D I don't know if this has any effect on what snake looks like or whatever but we're gonna try it just doing some experimenting just want to check and see if this stuff can be played and so the snow is really centralized on Shadow Moses there's really it's only in one spot just that one spot is that a guard is that supposed to be a [ __ ] guard but what's that it's like a walking sticks a walking sticks but that's a guard sleeping guard oh oh I get it no one no one no ya got gotcha but you didn't see that coming just play out the rest of this I do death dunh dunh in it so come I'm sure aiming is gonna be just fine I was hoping snake would teleport away so teleportation exists in this universe you have octo-octo-octopus so if you want to be disguised as an octopus you can use the octocamo I think this corruption isn't going to do anything to the gameplay now this one's this one if I also look at the way snake runs so like there's so much forward momentum it's like a [ __ ] bull [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right over there what the hell happened what that's not supposed to go down like that [Music] this is the same corruption I loaded earlier thanks for the help wait oh wait no it's not no there's a different one it's a different one I thought it was the same one and then just bad things happened unintentionally but now that was all intentional I guess well as intentional as a corruption could be hey this one has a normal gameplay we're gonna move on to disk - there's a couple discs - corruptions here yes even the GameCube version of this game had two discs [Music] you're just like Naomi plis I'm not like you well unlike you where are you oh there you are nee that is encoded into my fairy James you missed your last chance and they've really been quite tough a cinematography huh couldn't even get the camera to point at the dudes consider it [Applause] one of my witnessing a light into the 21st century not a single camera angle shows anything happening but we get a really good look at that door wicked good wall [Music] is a lamp there's Otto kanji piss-stained see [Music] how do you [ __ ] this up so bad that nothing is displayed [Music] what the camera I stopped at signed up [Music] that is astounding astounding levels of corruption yeah here's that epilepsy warning I told you about oh is this what I had to fight [Music] it's time good I can't shoot many times this fight foot looks like the fight itself isn't corrupted [Music] you're just like neoui first I'm not like you [Music] you you're just like you could just make like well I'm not like you you could just barely see their faces you missed a setting Oh God Oh God pink you uncheck store xfb copies okay hang on a minute okay done let's see if that fixes this you're just like Neil where it is better thief I'm not like you unlike you I'm proud I'm proud of my teeth and my smile snake so what father had an overbite snake yes again this is all kinds of [ __ ] up it's not corresponding to proper directions is liquids arm broken that's like really subtle but it's much I can't tell if that's supposed to be like that well yeah this is as fast as snake can move right now oh oh you're dead yeah that arm doesn't look okay to me liquid liquid do you need help yeah the Metal Gear accident really really [ __ ] his arm up what are we doing what are we doing having fun down here liquid what are we doing to someone she said is this smash melee gameplay nanomachines now is the wrong time to level up your grip level liquid just gets to bros hanging out exactly exactly do you like my protrusion [Music] oh boy holy [ __ ] I've never seen snake move so fast in my life is a [ __ ] savage if only he could face the right way liquid wouldn't stand a chance [Music] Nate is too fast [Music] let's fight come back over here and fight you coward what's wrong snake nice back flap seems like my superpowers have worn off this is the same corruption [Music] action shot goddamnit yeah that's that's about it I there's no other corruptions after this so I tried to get a couple good ones from this one but I can't attack liquid and he doesn't just walk into snake [Music] at least I damaged him once anyway that's pretty good there's some different types of corruptions in here so I think it was it was worth it to good games that we've never seen corrupted and the future of corruptions seems to be bright with potential ps2 corruptions on the way and better methods of GameCube corrupting I think there'll be some better 3d crop because you know 3d corruptions they can be a bit samey so you never you never know what to expect you're gonna get either warped character model long character model and sometimes you get something really good but I thought those were pretty damn good I like them I thank you for joining me I hope you enjoy corruptions if you want to watch more corruptions they're all over the place and you can find them easily on YouTube but until then I'm going to do something else I'm gonna play a game called species so we're gonna wind down and we're gonna relax and we're gonna turn off the crazy we're gonna have a happy little game of species artificial life real evolution so this is a game well I mean you can call it a game I don't know if you really want to maybe it's life simulator you and it's closing immediately that didn't happen before you ancients war or news poor it's like a new version of Spore well it's not really Spore it's just something that like a team made where you get to create like weird just drop my controllers all over the place where you get to create weird creatures that evolve and cycle through numerous generations and I don't think it's working with xsplit you very cool very cool I'm going to I have to I have to turn the stream off and come back if you want to watch this you should wait a couple minutes I'll be right back let me see if I can make this happen I have to turn the stream off real quick stick around
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 72,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Quick GameCube Corruptions, GC, GCN, NGC, Metal Gear Solid, Katamari Damacy, Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Id: sUi9JWwFx7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 54sec (4554 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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