[Vinesauce] Vinny - Shovelware Showcase #20

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okay welcome to shovelware showcase des edition or as I called it accidentally shovel wave showcase this is as you know a segment where I show off some of the worst games that were just shoveled on to the system to make a quick buck and a lot of these were given to me by people like conventions or mailed to me and I have physical video games here listen that's them and I can prove it a little further too but before I do that let's start with a little video I'd like to show you something that I recorded today it's the Hall of shovel where it is the Hall of Fame you can recognize a lot of these games from previous shovelware streams yes I keep them keep in mind these are stacked double like there's a couple of these that are actually like you know two or three disks deep like this is gamecube plus we there's some game q plus we and there's some DS games including Garfield so it yeah I have all of it I don't know why I have all of it but I have all of it and here is proof that today's games are physical no oh you don't want to see them all you don't want to see them all because it'll spoil it for you so instead I'm just going to get started halfway through the stream or maybe like a couple you know a couple minutes in I'm gonna return to the other game and see if I hit level 18 but that's don't worry about that that'll happen when that happens no got a bit of a problem chat we've already got a problem the first game Iron Chef America is just not working yes it is I'll have this blow into the cartridge believe that worked so this is a DS game all this tonight is being played on a 3ds and I have one 3ds game so I'm calling this shovelware showcase DS but we got a secret DS 3ds game in there too that looks like Neil Breen and already hang on a second already we get started and [ __ ] Neal Breen shows up so the question I have for you all of course is who am i what am I [Music] my chef how do I not be this particular ship up Tallyho oh there's a save file on here oh wow a whole two characters you know what we'll just stick with home ed whoa what are these character what is this style this is this is like a really ugly game [Music] zucchini I love this game already have to do sweet potato again a horrifying looking human being [Music] and just that's fine I don't know how to play this we're gonna learn on the fly this is like imagine being hired to work at a restaurant and not knowing how to cook beforehand that's what's happening now I'm fine with that Jesus boy am I having fun you just that's what you do you just press the screen fast it's up and there's several other minigames [Applause] [Music] Oh cry you're saying I did a great job I was about to say thanks I know what's happening here Chet Chet something's wrong oh I see you would think you have to like grade it back and forth but instead what you have to do is you have to just move it to the right and then it like like Springs back on its own vinny al Alton Brown is supposed to be mostly bald what's that on his head I don't know looks like a [ __ ] like Bowser spike he looks like he looks like Dennis Hopper and the Super Mario Brothers movie or its cornrows I don't I don't really know slice this is the opposite of fun I guess if you're a huge huge huge fan of the show and you want to pretend like you're an Iron Chef this'll do but it's it's just boring it's just you have to do the thing I thought that I thought that was a mr. Potato Head with the top hat [Music] it's a rolling boil boil I didn't know that if you over boiled it would just go back down it would it would stop oiling that's cool joy I mean we're not even even close to finishing a meal kind of you know a little over halfway but you get no feedback on whether or not you you don't know if you're doing it right because you get no feedback at least that animations smooth is [ __ ] [Music] hey this is some shovel we're too much I didn't know you could pour too much the bottomless bowl this is the Dragon Quest builders tube-like bottomless jar [Music] [Music] excellent you using way too much garnish [Music] dumplings [Music] this battle is history yeah sure i won a taste of 23 for my shitty food my plating is 15 player one has wind alright school practices stuff that's it that's really it that's that's yeah that's Iron Chef America what can you say ho mad original Iron Chef America was predictably boring and terrible but don't worry there's more boring and terrible up ahead for example here is I'm gonna start with this next one's gonna be a big one these are the big guns well Breen what are you doing Neal Breen okay that's right the big guns it's not registering the game now it is Eminem's kart racing this software is - it's - cursed and my 3d s is not registering it so Eminem's kart racing is one of the worst kart racer games I've ever played if you know your shovelware showcase history and I don't but if you know it then you'll know that Eminem's have given me nightmares and this this game is the DS version of it and I think it's going to be [ __ ] terrible who are these fellows [Music] all this music can I not delete a profile doesn't matter [Music] well you're so different from each other [Music] it takes so uh look at this it like imagine mariokart taking that long to load a car of course a cart just to see what it looks like now remember this is a DS game so it's not gonna look good but it's gonna look extra bad because it's shovelware oh my god it's as stiff as it looks and that is a that is a sentence that should not be taken out of context [Music] this is Orenda bed really really not good as bad as M&Ms have come to I've come to note M&Ms as the harbingers of doom on shuffle we're show pastries [Music] these noises again it's just some developer just making noises like little noises into a computer microphone I bet they didn't get Billy West to do any voices for this what [Music] war [Music] there's just one left how [ __ ] long is this level so boring and there's so much level and it never changes and it keeps going I think the word in the top right really sums this up POS you know what that stands for right Pilkington on something is she's always on something he's always talking [ __ ] gotta be on something [Music] pop up scoot Papa scoop to trip balls gun yeah I mean any any word like that but really POS yeah I can think of a couple other choice words do I have to finish a lap we're really we're really scraping the bottom of the M&M barrel here and I'm fine with M&Ms their finest candy there they're like like like little like I never understood the appeal of the actual like hard candy covering because you don't ever really taste that do you [Music] it just kind of keeps it you do it's like texture it's more texture than anything it's not like the colors change the taste [Music] so it doesn't melt in your hand all right all right but again it's like like that low quality American chocolate vom chocolate can confirm that's not Billy West [Music] they really wanted these characters to become like videogame mascots they did part racing they did platformers walking trash cans again lots of things in this game represent what I feel about this game I mean cool spot is only marginally just just ever so slightly more interesting as a mascot video game than M&Ms but I don't know if they're still trying to make M&Ms games maybe there's mobile M&Ms games I don't know where would they even make games like they just dump them on the DS and the week oh [Music] yes of course I cannot go that way how silly of me you think I could all right yep this is clown vomit texture Armageddon hallway or alleyway [Music] [Applause] I will say one nice thing about this game the frame rates are nice [Applause] [Applause] one more level for good luck this is one of the most boring games I've ever seen in my entire life abstracts this has got to be at least somewhat entertaining and it just looks like a snow level [Music] [Music] boy we're having so much fun it's ice cream we mean uh-oh what [ __ ] game you can't jump off the ramps that is next-level oversight I get that this game only probably had like five days development but that's just unacceptable [Music] this just in breaking news M&Ms games are [ __ ] [Applause] I feel like there's an attempt to rip off the Mario Kart Rainbow Road music vini someone got this instead of Mario Kart DS or Sonic all-stars racing for their birthday that's the beauty of the shovelware because the name-brand Eminem's is recognizable enough for old ladies to want to buy their nephew and niece a video game and they do that because it's cheap you can get the Mario Kart or you can get the Eminem's for twenty dollars cheaper ah same thing a games a game video games are all video games it's a toy to down my sims agency sorry my sims agents it's got I thought it was a satellite but it's just magic marker on the front [Music] people say at the moment they say they had this game [Music] I just can't muster the strength anymore for ei zu s playtime 54 minutes that's telling bootleg ask meas it's like like Bobby Bobby Sims good options good options [Music] [Music] [Music] agent punt there's a message for you it's from the big boss criminal sent the message and sort of stuff is happening go find the criminal okay got it metal detector yep no I got it alright so it's a metal detecting game this is one of those times I wish I was actually watching the stream instead of playing [Music] wait this is it this isn't fun but I was gonna say this isn't the whole game is it [Music] no wackadoo knee heard you can't say that that's outlawed [Music] all right congratulations to progress in the story complete seven more mine sweep mini-games [Music] and the mini-game Benny I'm not sure if you've noticed but there are a lot of my Sims games that were made for the dias and we developed such a profit or profit off the fact that actual Sims games and in fact the developers were too lazy to actually port them over to Nintendo system so they made these in a lot of them I play them when they were younger when I was younger and about all of them are garbage yeah seems about right [Music] yeah why bother porting over something cool that people might like why not just do a minigame collection and that's really why the Wii has been the star of the show for the shovelware showcase streams because the we had so many minigame collections it was like well you got a motion controller just dump a minigame collection we can spend a quarter of the time developing the game [Music] whack-a-do tu hard can confirm this is painful yeah so you're a secret agent and you have to solve the crime and ask taxi driver for it oh okay so I can't even go and do my own thing still i got about 70 seconds left in me for this game don't keep the bloke waiting there des like doing british isms I mean I granted this is the beginning of the game so of course there's gonna be a lot of tutorials for a game like this there's gonna be a lot of Wow can't deviate from the path at all huh it looks like a shitty Lego I want to jump out of my own [ __ ] skull right now that's how bored I am [Music] Fifi ten nine eight seven six five four [Music] the nurse did it police officer did it that's right I don't even know what's happening here you are suspicious of me [Music] this is some hot garbage cat I can't do this anymore I'm sorry I can't do it I tried so hard I really can't this has been a collection of the most boring games I've ever played in my life which doesn't necessarily make for the best shovelware showcase but you know now that these games exist and that's what matters here's another franchise that couldn't figure out what it wanted to be didn't know how to regain footing after Atari this may as well be a forgotten mascot stream at this point so Konami published this huh 25th anniversary of Frogger my Frogger toy trials again another spin-off specifically for Deus anything with my seems like it will be like a customizable type you know like goofy Dooley please well they put almost 5 hours into this game so that's much more encouraging Kyle Kyle bootie Vinny that was five minutes that was five minutes and not five hours my 3:00 a.m. brain is not helping nice jpg well this is the least fragra thing I've ever seen based on what I know of Frogger which isn't much sorry you thought it was your delivery it's just death [Music] hang on a minute how much better cool it's my toy pet egg finally that wasn't suspicious I'm just leaving Neil brain up there sorry one month later it's the toy pet tournament why hasn't my egg hatched Kyle booty Lucy is here it's gonna line up again perfect this apart reminds me of what was the comic control-alt-delete was that loss the comic that made loss it kind of looks like that art style [Music] time it's gonna be a cool dragons gonna have a spiky head sharp teeth wings and fly what kind of pet did you get my secret it's a street that's about the only thing I've seen that reminds me of Frogger so far [Music] Khayyam sorry that's a second I'm saying it now I haven't even played the [ __ ] game yet [Music] [Music] well it's frog have we passed five minutes yet have I set a record for most time played in this game [Music] well I'm actually in control of my character for a second never mind that was nice for a moment it was the previous game that referenced Big Boss okay I was gonna make a Metal Gear joke never mind wow wow this this is something else this is why Frogger died you're witnessing the spike that was driven through the heart of Frogger [Music] I just want to play the game what is the game [Music] please enjoy the tournament [Music] oh my god oh my god this is the worst shovelware showcase I've ever done I mean this is like worse than data design interactive at least in those games you can play them I'm just desperate to play a video game I just want to play something [Music] okay I'm ready just I don't know many games others minigames trial one tutorial just just want to see the gameplay so I can turn the game off you know the five minutes that were played previously that wasn't enough time for the person to even play the game they quit before the game started like I was very much tempted to do the same go let's start start no I'm ready I'm ready Jeff just yes are you ready yes I just want to see the gameplay so I can say it [ __ ] move on clearing the levels very easy okay all this build-up for this [Music] I mean yeah this is like frogger type [ __ ] sure but why did we need all this other [ __ ] [Music] sorry I just it felt good to do that [Music] [Applause] why is this music so discordant [Music] like Yoshi [Music] you know the actual game itself is it as bad as the other [ __ ] it's just really a get over sorry again very boring just run-of-the-mill basic not much going on collect the points wow them coins so good [Music] [Music] just shovel we're just did from what I understand of that game okay so you get pets you know it's like maybe a Pokemon kind of thing like where you get your pet you can like evolve your Frogger I guess he's your Frogger he can be your Frog and then you take him through the trials and level him up and then do more trials and I don't know I was hopelessly bored throughout all of that even if the gameplay was competent shame Wizards of Waverly Place I don't know what this is I don't know what this is I've heard the name of this series I've never watched it I've never investigated it I've never been told what it is I've never known anyone who's watched it become a d gamer remember they own you [Music] trash sitcom with magic forwards music is very shrill so wait you're a wizard that can make clothes [Music] uh that is horrible character design just every time I see a game on shuffle where showcase that's like anywhere in the ballpark of this like the Hannah Montana games the Jonas Brothers games anything I've played tonight I usually know that it's gonna be rancid there's like a particular stank I think what they're trying to do is like emulate the popularity of Bratz dolls plus the plus B's as guest instructor I'll be teaching some spells imagine being a wizard and being able to create a hamster or clothes and that's it what a [ __ ] awful power oh wait no no no you become a hamster I [Music] don't know what this game is supposed to be but ugly [Music] turn yourself into a hamster turn yourself back turn yourself into a hamster turn yourself back your name John wizard your mission is to Waverly this place it's very good thank you undo icon [Music] you're no longer a hamster lamest [ __ ] wizards ever there is an arc where they went to bootleg Hogwarts [Music] I think we might have seen enough of this I get it you know you talk to people you have fun you know you you have fun with them and then you use your lame [ __ ] wizardry to do lame things and that's it [Music] Wow so far the most I've done is turn you'll get busted for using unsupervised magic oh oh you have to stealthily undo the hamster I just turn you into a hamster [Music] [Music] you were warned about doing unsupervised magic [ __ ] the students are hamsters let me save them leave them as hamsters you know like what do you want it more hamsters directly in front of in front of the guards yeah okay no yeah you know I'm trying to sneak around that the guards are all watching the hamsters [Music] the [ __ ] just happened [Music] you [Music] let's do the 3d s game real quick it's getting late so I gotta end this segment soon might be able to I have two games left I might be able to do both of them here's a 3ds game it's Lala loopsy magical soap saw magical sake Oh so carnival of friends it's a lolly loool a lil Colonel they've turned us all into hamsters with thick asses trying to use my magic to turn the hamsters back into thick people but I keep alerting the guards or maybe a super spicy barbecue what's she doing back there I don't know but knowing peanut you can bet something sensational hey listen you look why are you and look at what a performance I'll say that outfit is cooking thank you but you haven't even seen the best part silly fun house Carnival of friends oh this is bad voice-acting amazing fun treats and friends all day long and later tonight I'll be reviewing a very special surprise this is why we need sewer clothes it's a secret but first I need your help to get everything ready what do you say can you help me get everything ready for the carnival tell you this is why we need sewer clowns they are not our enemies we need them to keep this in check and do the other things keep an eye out for my sister this is a 3ds game this could have been done in this could have been done on the DS I think I mean the resolution is is obviously better on the 3ds but yeah so I thought this was gonna be a platformer but there's no jump button there's a 3d feature for this game I just turned it on I'm now seeing this world in 3d and let me tell you the depth is abysmal it's like two inches of depth the only thing I like about this is the the Yoshi's woolly world ethnic yarn type style but yeah it's it's babby game platformer and it's not that it's again it's not that it's a terrible terrible game the other games were way worse than this so far but you just it's boring and to switch characters you have to wait [Music] yeah it's just like um like real real young baby games we're talking like four four year olds like actual toddlers it's like toddlers playing video games that thing on the right I thought that was like an alien mantis creature with like oh Jesus hang on a minute you know what that looks like to me a little bit like an alien mantis creature but what was the name of the enemy and Chrono Trigger that looked like flee that was supposed to be flee for a second in the castle Magus is castle the juggler crusty jugglers I just want to show you [Music] just for just you know for art purposes maybe cuz this is kind of what I saw and I thought like it was an alien wearing some kind of strange outfit yeah oh wait hang on a minute let me fix this war memories today's filled with war memories war memories if there's a video for this I promise you there's gonna be some [ __ ] like there's gonna be some war footage cut in at that moment our folks bow made to wave the flag oh boy nope nope nothing about that is okay [Music] this is [ __ ] babies games it is better than some of the other games I've played I'll be fair I get what they're going for this is more of us like a slightly baby cerebral game because you have to switch characters even though it just tells you which characters to play as but yeah there's there's something to be said about the bright visuals for kids and that's what it is it's supposed to be appealing and you pop balloons and you don't spend too much mental energy there's no it doesn't seem like there's any threats doesn't seem like there's any problems you just you just go through the levels and and then you do like little minigames and it's supposed to be probably the start of a franchise maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's or twice this is by WayForward the Shantae company I like how they went from their target audience of toddlers to [ __ ] horny teenagers all right Lalaloopsy I'm good thanks I'm gonna do this last one [ __ ] it it's late it probably won't take more than a minute there's no need to save build-a-bear workshop for a future stream absolutely none VIN be pleased Shantae started on GBC that fair enough hey I played Shantae I think it's a great series but boy those Robertson's Shantou bertson's if you will that was a counter-argument started on GPC whatever my name is Berra me and I'll be your guide to all the furry fun [Music] alright thanks for watching shovel we're a showcase everybody [Music] I've going back in I gotta go back in all right these are my warm memories what can I say I gotta check it out then you played this already I might have I'm sure someone knows better than I do [Music] mocha bunny some of these save files are from people that own the games previously remember these are all used or most of them are I think you just build a bear somehow this is the weirdest thing I've done tonight I want it to burst wanted to burst the nernst [Music] [Music] just not it's not happening I have to give it a heart so that it can love again and truly love with its own choice and not be forced upon the Dominion of some child I don't really know what I'm doing right now or why I'm doing this but is this not just Care Bears it's alive it's born it's kind of weird kind of [ __ ] weird the way the skin stretches cool [ __ ] hit detection I want to play a call duty hit x over this squeeze it in get it in there I've never built the bear that was a little after my time sadly I would have loved to a build-a-bear when I was young but it didn't exist so if people are saying that this is what it's like someone said this is the exact the representation of the build-a-bear experience in game form however I didn't know about build-a-bears coming alive fascinating technology that was just there lying dormant I didn't read what this segment was but this lick reminds me of when you go through an airlock in a sci-fi movie after getting alien scum on you [Music] like yeah we're decontaminating the rabbit but it's growing like mold I'm very happy to meet you three outfits all right we're almost done here what the name what should the name be Chet will Robertson Robertson [Music] this is a very cursed way to end the night why is there a scratch-off on my house oh and then then you do things like activities like you feed your rabbit you you set it on fire you rotate the egg oh I don't know I guess someone probably like this when they were younger right doesn't it seem like there's a lot of content it seems like you you know you play through the game you do all the stuff maybe you unlock some stuff you build a new bear and then when you then you then you both both die and that's it I guess I don't know 100% awesome now the building is the true experience all this is fluff I just brushed a stuffed sentient rabbits teeth I can shut the stream off now you that was a very rushed shovelware showcase des but you know what I don't feel like we missed very much I think we experienced the games enough I think that was enough remember chat this is but a fraction maybe I'd say this is probably like half of the amount of shuffle where I actually have in my possession most I've played some I have not so future shovelware Showcase will include more warm memories this one may have been really boring but there were a couple moments that I thought were kind of cool so at the very least I can now say I did it I made it through the games that people gave me at conventions and I finally can add them to the big book of trash and we're all still here and we're all alive
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 59,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Shovelware Showcase, Trash, Garbage, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DSIron Chef America Supreme Cuisine, M&M's Kart Racing, My Sims Agents, My Frogger Toy Trials, Wizards of Waverly PLace: Spellbound, Lalaloopsy Sew Magical! Sew Cute! Carnival of Friends, Build-A-Bear Workshop
Id: bydako4IfFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 21sec (4041 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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