[Vinesauce] Vinny - Nintendo 64DD Games

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Y no shuut binny

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Redring1994 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] my Sunday you're looking less trashy than usual [Music] the mushroom bounces and that stops and that bounces so anyway hello everybody welcome to the stream I have some good news the good news is today we have some good games there's some interesting stuff that maybe you've never seen before maybe you've heard of and some stuff that you would probably expect you know like stuff that you might have heard of but also like what why would anyone play that and that's the Neverhood it's a clay game and it's gonna be a long-form playthrough boy this song is good this is a remix of the catacomb song in Symphony of the Night so Sunday is is usually a collection series where I do a collection of games and then you get to see some trash and then we get weird with it and then there's Android stuff and that's cool I enjoy it but I've definitely had requests for longer form streaming on Sundays and I've been meaning to do that for a while and that way the packs the collections are more special they're more fun and so today marks the beginning of something different for today it's not necessarily gonna be like this every week but I feel like yeah a little bit of a little bit of variety would be nice sunday could be used for a number of things it could be used to shine a spotlight on scams on the worst games that people could make but Sunday stream could also be a showcase for stuff that maybe is kind of cool our stuff that was never finished which is what we're doing today or some lesser known games and so I'd like to mix it up every now and then and give you something a little longer form like that bad mojo game but also continue to bring you collections and maybe Sunday stream can be used also to discover hidden treasures as opposed to just hidden diapers that were stuffed with trash and and fecal matter so like I had to explain what's in a diaper like for a moment my brain was like well if I say diaper they're not gonna know what I mean they're [ __ ] in diapers dear God [Music] whoa this music whoa whoa whoa Vinny so basically Sunday's always grab back now Sunday has always been grab back and Sunday has always been just random whatever but the past year it's been mainly collections of stuff it's been like just ten or twelve games in a collection grab bag type stuff is style is what is a Sunday stream is made of so it's a sentence and a half and therefore that's never gonna change but every now and then we can stick with the game for longer than three minutes I think all right anyway hi everybody hope you're doing well hope Sunday's going well for you and let's begin that was wandering ghosts remix Castlevania Symphony of the Night music extended llaman I compose that and arranged it it's good stuff all right let's get that um YouTube stuff off Vinnie did you see the hero announcement I didn't but I'm pretty sure the hero is coming to the game the smash in a couple days perhaps that's pretty exciting [Music] so what is the n64 while the n64 is a video game system but what's the 64dd it was cancelled that's all you need to know about it okay maybe there's a little bit more you need to know about it I'm gonna stream some stuff it's the disk drive it is not in fact a bra size chat it didn't take long with wow you eat within 13 seconds or less well it wasn't cancelled it was discontinued it was actually released in Japan it was a disk drive it was delayed so many times it was supposed to be the n64 as upgrade system and they threw it they were going to do so much with so many different games they could add stuff to games it was like expansion packed stuff on n64 and there was like Zelda Gaiden there were supposed to be all kinds of stuff for umm oh god what was it it's like there was Mario 64 stuff and there were some releases there was mother3 that was planned for it now I got contacted by someone named Luigi blood which that name luigi blood contacted me there's a way now to play some of these games and some have not surfaced and some have and so I will stream for you the ones that are available weirdly enough I'm reading now that there were more than 60 games proposed for the 64dd that ended up being released on the n64 cartridge format so and/or canceled you know like simcopter 64 canceled ocher battle was released on cartridge Diablo Wow okay yeah Zelda Gaiden was originally Zelda Gaiden Gaiden whatever I don't know how to say that and it was turned into Majora's Mask anyway I'm talking too much let me show you the damn thing so we'll start with hang on a minute having some some interesting stuff here here we go [Music] okay this is Dutch in the giant never released in the US and again thank you Luigi blood for making this pact and for actually doing the English translations of a lot of this stuff mule so I'm not released in the UK for the Gamecube I remember reading about Alaska I remember hearing about it man those are some 64dd graphics [Music] nice to us I don't think I can skip through this chat so you know enjoy it [Music] I'll let you know that I have no idea what's happening but it doesn't matter there's a giant his name is Dawson and also the graphics are better than your usual n64 thing maybe or that could just be the way I'm playing it Vinnie the DD wasn't a graphical upgrade just storage well the expansion pack actually took it to the next level nice belly button dude [Music] so one day the Simpsons experimented with hybridization and they tried to create a giant Lego Simpson and they got Doge in the giant hey the voice quality is really good which again 64dd you can store it so here's a cut-throat a big krista what biodiesel could come in it Jesus taco my jaw Sunoco jingle ah whoa you cannot take Ahnold a Matta be courage Tanya young ni Eric on video good Therese rocky motorcycle day hey are you ready whoa I just took pictures what so remember I'm this is only just a kind of a little bit of a show of what these games are but there's a very high probability I'm gonna have no idea what's happening in some of them but specifically this one hiya Marty cinnabar I'd a meet us today oh whoa whoa yah hi they still Marty is this a card game it appears to be a god game yeah oh that's kind of cool okay it kind of reminds me of populous but you're a giant frame rates frame rates are getting nice and crusty [Music] yo this looks like current graphics in Spore [Music] [Applause] and you should play the GameCube version of this someday I've become an angry god and I don't know how to stop but I just take a bunch of pictures add it to the storage device so again being able to even play these games has been very difficult until now you can lift tonight can I destroy no no hang on hang it's like populist and Pikmin and and giant so how does this work again okay you're witnessing here the birth of mountains [Music] oh yeah black and white I haven't played that game I know what it is there's a lion head game right another god game where you play as Giants so this dude is slow this dude moves so slow motion please [Applause] more the village loves you or fears you the bigger you you become so you get to grow well whoa weird this game is [ __ ] weird I just wish there was a run button so okay the knights of the round is in the top right okay Midgar is upper left boot eye is to the right it was a good idea for that those poor bastards [ __ ] I wanted to be wanted to be loved here I'll lift you let me know too many thoughts coming tonight just get more love oh wait no there's some death there I got a skull I know that's not what they want they what they yes I see what they need I see they they have they're holding a picture of what they need so the 64dd really sounded like a good idea at the time I remember everybody going on about it Nintendo Power for years I was like what is this I don't want it at the time I didn't have Sega so I didn't I wasn't on I was unfamiliar with upgrading the current system I had so it seemed confusing and also kind of cool that's cool [Music] I have a big pure evil oh man I am awful I mean I finally get what the game is now I finally understand it they're happy oh [ __ ] sorry about that guys [Music] they wanted me to lift the earth do they have requests you could fulfill them or you can tell you to go after themselves and then they basically hate you cool game definitely a cool game very interesting to discover and explore for a couple minutes and again apparently this came out on the Gamecube I didn't know that wait a minute can I drop a tree on that house see I would like it if the ocean was a little faster okay well now I'm a good guy they have no problem with me anymore they're just gonna keep building and if they need more stuff though ask before it cool just like bender and Futurama when he became a god you were doing good till everyone died that's correct that's the episode where bender had the civilization on his stomach right as he was floating through space there's music over here I just want to investigate the music and then I'll move on bite marks raining oh yeah you can also use mouse with this I'm currently using a mouse right now there's an n64 mouse that you could get for the 64dd so I have that set up to anyway that was kind of cold ocean the giant that was better than I expected after I figured out what was going on there's also an expansion disc for it which I'm not going to do right now instead epps zero 64dd [Music] hell yeah you got boost power so if you know it f-zero is then I don't need to explain if you don't know what f-zero is I'll explain you go fast I'll make a level real quick so this is what the game was like on the n64 which is a really good racing game [Music] and you get really really good music okay so you know what f0 is it's a series that Nintendo currently neglects because they don't like captain falcon or when people have fun so I don't need to tell you much more about this but this game is very good yep the guy from Smash that's correct the other futuristic series from Nintendo that doesn't get updated very often [Music] okay so pretty much the game is the same as far as I'm aware I don't think there's a whole lot of difference here but then there's course edit which I'm gonna turn off the mouse cursor here you can make your own courses I don't think I can use the mouse for this create a course by setting four points okay one two three four you cannot create a point here or cool then you can add more points so I'm going in totally blind on this I don't actually know what the hell I'm doing but this is pretty cool I [Music] would have loved this then you can play rainbow road 64 in the n64dd version of this game I might have to check that out I might have to check that out do a zigzag oh okay I kind of don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing really Benny how do we submit f-zero tracks to you mate I don't know okay now we go to course can't really do anything too crazy with the courses but [Music] try to figure out what buttons if any do anything else and I'm not seeing it [Music] point point so of course create point design road one okay pipe this would be a nice returning feature for f-zero on the switch since this was never released this would be a good way to innovate we can joke about it say that there's an f-zero coming to switch and then that will be so funny the jokes would be just so funny wouldn't they but I would laugh if I wasn't crying [Music] but the truth is they could bring back f-zero and they would have plenty of [ __ ] to do in it just bring this feature back get a good online mode get some good Captain Falcon cutscenes sound like punching guys in the feet and you got yourself a [ __ ] video game you know I mean you don't need to reinvent the wheel here yo that's cool that was pretty cool do space wise it keeps selecting it keeps selecting another area that I don't want to select [Music] Vinny stop saying wheel like that I can't help it Vinny's z/o the Z button thanks wheel wheel all right [Music] okay yeah I mean it's a little crusty but this would have been amazing at the time designing an f0 course holy [ __ ] I would have made so many Maps you know whenever you're allowed to actually change the damn thing parts pit dirt building along building where did that I just placed them oh cool okay so you can add like design features you know some some buildings okay cool and then you can get different types of buildings like the Tyrell building very nice hell yeah no this is this is legitimately amazing for n64 I would have loved this if this came out but you know again Nintendo could not figure out how to get this thing out in the west's or sell it or whatever happened I don't know I haven't researched this thing enough so I don't really know why it failed but I'm sure there's a million videos on the internet that you could reference and check out find out precisely what happened and I'm sure I'm sure it's um it's wacky it just flopped remember the Panasonic Q GameCube that could also play DVDs that sold for a lot more money [Music] they looked awesome and we got a gate there so those are parts then you have BG background so that you can set the scene what scene do we want chat let's do this one that one looks cool and the sky will be nighttime and I'm also going to then do BGM [Music] hell yeah [Music] [ __ ] yeah we're doing mute City big blues really good - honey there's new songs at the bottom Japan DD exclusive music I don't know I like the sound of silence a little bit better that's pretty cool I don't know if this was actually in the game [Music] how is this not doom hang on a minute [Music] it's Bigfoot not doom of course did we know that but oh it's Metallica nevermind then [Music] [Applause] all right well this game has pretty pretty great music we'll do roller coaster that's fine so roller coaster create I'll just check out one more thing course point I could add more points but I'm gonna just keep it like this this map is already stupid there's a building going through half of the level that's fine that's just fine move center can make the points go up feel like we'll raise this one now I understand [Music] so cool just needs you know you got to figure out how to make this thing work but once you do once you do it's cool horse is too low okay all right well it stops you from doing anything too stupid which is good make a bank where Captain Falcon gets all of his mercenary money [Music] big oh [ __ ] oh let's it like twists let's twist it let's get it nice and twisted strange it's like that no that's not even gonna work is it could that could that work whoa I see somehow it works [Music] tests I'd like to test how do I test [Music] quick camera oh there's a quick camera button that's good quick cameras nice just file save oh [ __ ] nope there's an easy test whoa Oh God of course it will be corrupted just went through the building just went through the building bad level bad level [Music] super super bad level I hate it but it's perfect it is perfect for my truck type of trash that I what happens there I think that the background is broke okay so we have to try trying to figure out what to do how do you how do you stay on the level and Vinny this is the level we deserved [Music] now I imagine this with online functionality where you can share your courses with everyone f-zero maker I'll be so cool okay here's the stupid part here's one of the stupid parts well we got a scoop here I don't even remember putting this down but that's fine I guess nope nope oh Jesus I love this level men all right I saved it that was [ __ ] awesome [Music] this is not what I want to do I want to go to a different level I want to check out Rainbow Road d D 1 and D D 2 so these are new levels Devil's forest 5 for example these are DD specific levels big blue 3 for example that's cool the edit Cup where's my cool level where's Big Bang no space plant to Bigfoot oh I see very deadly curves I see white land 3 fire field 2 port town for space plant 2 and mute city for its it's funny that there's a foot in an f-zero game huh weird oh it's hidden apparently Rainbow Road is hidden or it's hang on its and you have to unlock [Music] [ __ ] [Music] vini it's in the joker cup how i use a cheat i would like to use a cheat let's see is there a cheat is there a cheat system in this game of someone someone got it okay left shoulder Z right shoulder oopsy [Music] okay yeah good sheet thank you that was fast within a minute the problem was resolved excellent work chat member call the road it's called a rainbow road all right but there's gonna be like Rainbow Road visuals yes there is this is amazing this is the definitive edition of fzero-x you got dead power just just as we were getting into it - [ __ ] sorry about that let's try again so much like your usual f-zero hijinx the level is of course very easy to fall off of [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] we'll just whoops yeah Walter time attack instead yes time attack sounds wonderful for this just one more time I'll even do who can I use I wanted to use a difficult in I don't know all the racers I choose I know some of them I love f-zero GX very very much but I don't have as much experience with this one here we go [Music] I think I loaded my save file on stream at some point where f-zero GX who are all but like a couple master courses were unlocked that was my limit of skill but that game was so good put so many hours into it [Music] also this dispersion of the song is amazing [Music] Wow [Music] this is this an actual guitar like there's more room for songs on the DD it's a disk drive they could do whatever the [ __ ] they want with it if it's MIDI that's excellent guitar MIDI and I can't really tell [Music] whoa [Music] MIT this makes me want more fzero even more than usual even though I'm playing on a Mario Kart level in f-zero it's just it's making me so excited for the series [Music] [Applause] I love the aesthetic of f-zero the comic book characters the skulls the [ __ ] foam ëtil music the fast it's all so good the spandex the tights the lettuce the mother club the announcer [Music] alright well that was a very very good experience I thought I was only gonna spend a couple minutes on f-zero because I figured how much could the editor provide but that ended up being that ended up being really good vini play your stage with CP use theirs but they're not gonna live [Music] the sound of some of these like menu effects like when you press the buttons it sounds like like a han Solo blaster from 1993 and it would just make that sound it would be a really compressed shitty version of the sound I had it [Music] okay how do I do this I'm gonna do just for a second here how do I do practice on edit Cup where's my where's my level [ __ ] it's just not there this was this in the base game of fzero-x I don't remember it was in GX it's relatively simple editor but effective [Music] Seinfeld music now I don't know about the Seinfeld music I left the the letter system here we're making your craft the machine's name will be the [Music] oh [ __ ] so where's my where's my level I can't find my level I want to race on it with the CPU and then move on because there's so many other things that I want to get to so I know I saved it big go bung any entry use oh I see you have to put it in edit Cup so you can have up to six courses in edit copy introduced all right well this is a shitshow waiting to happen here we go let it be a dinosaur then you didn't save your car that's fine we'll always remember oh [ __ ] oh [Music] god the harsh turn right away [Music] and I I'm the one that died look everyone's dying everyone died let's try that again real quick this time I'm going to try to survive [Music] I'm just going to take it nice and slow and survive there we go okay so there's a couple racers left the surprising amount of racers left [Music] and then there's this boy I love the 64dd today that's good stuff all right let's uh let's let's move on that it was a fantastic edition of f-zero um Japan pro golf tour 64 I don't know how much I can get out of this but we'll take a look at it I have mario artists there will be mario artists for sure but i want to get to the other stuff first and that way we could end with mario artists it'll be fun oh boy golf there's a disclaimer next to this one not fully tested [Music] just pressing buttons yes yes [Music] like there is no player - oh these are real golf [Music] man these call fists are 20 years younger than they are today this isn't what they look like anymore 20 years is a long time [Music] it's a long time this ain't no mario golf but golf also I think the team Luigi's team Luigi Bloods team is trying to make zelda they're trying to do zelda Gaiden like their version of it [Music] I don't think I'm playing this game right but I just set a new record so I'm I'm a master [Music] I'm using the mouse for this character okay then one yard shot [ __ ] yes [Music] yard shot another of my names we're gonna not play the golf game for very long in fact we're gonna stop now and we'll move on to super mario 64 which from what I can understand from what I know there's not a ton of differences here nari made me a checklist which I thought was very informative I'm gonna read it to you here's the differences between n64 Mario 64 and 64dd Mario 64 different title screen different sound engine certain bosses can crash the game that's it I love feature number three that's my favorite feature yeah the music sounds a little different and you can play it the LJ was patched out what does blj it looks worse um not really enough from what I can tell the backwards long jump was patched out oh so this is a worst version listen [Applause] the synth strings hang for too long [Music] it just sounds worse [Music] that's different it's most not supposed to be bubbles I wonder how many little minor changes there are well this music is more or less intact [Music] it doesn't even matter they neither ship painting was in the American version only it was always bubbles in the Japanese version good info Thanks Mario's voice is louder but also kind of higher in quality yeah the songs good no problem here vide is the camera still [ __ ] in the disc version yes it's tolerable Mario 64 camera gets a lot of [ __ ] but it was the first of its kind and alright it's not great but oh that's a weird sound yeah the sound effects it's just subtly off or loud or weird some of them sounds and music but that castle theme though let's do the slides and see what that sounds like [Music] then if you had to be a Mario character in a dream which one [Music] a hammer bro well these things are terrifying why in a dream Snake Eater [Music] this sounds about the same [Music] 21:03 [Music] step right up come on you know come on it's time to come to the Mario I don't know how I did that then he read this message or pre-recorded I like to guess I like to every time I do a slide in a corruption or in the actual game oh that was a plant there is a plant in chat I don't know how they were able to type with their leave fingers but regardless the plant is correct I read the message this is live but yeah this is good this is good I managed to predict my time I feel good about that let's check out the bomb battlefield music and then actually chat it what other good music is there there's a lot of good music in Mario 64 but which one do you want to hear cave check Bowser [Music] okay [Music] that door sounds weird too [Music] now this sounds good too bonus metal music bonus death [Music] alright well that was Mario 64 64dd version just a couple of minor differences and some crashes so not too much different there remember there are a lot of cancel of games once again I'd like to read from that list here are some games that never saw the light of day in any form so digital sports newspaper canceled whatever the [ __ ] that was Far East of Eden oriental blue cancelled becoming a gameboy advance title Fire Emblem 64 canceled with some elements of the plot later used in the first Fire Emblem for Game Boy Advance Mario artists graphical message maker canceled Mario artists game maker cancelled which would have been cool there were some Mario artist releases but we'll play those in a bit Mario artist video jockey maker canceled strange um unreal would have been ported over to the 64dd but that was also cancelled Tetris Wars shit-canned and then simcopter we talked about rev limit whatever that is let's see rev limit was a sim racing video game by seda and that was cancelled and probably the most notable one was mother 3 your friend Lazar its Rev Lazar mother 3 was cancelled but then obviously became mother 3 on the GBA so even though it actually saw the light of day it was very different when it did in a bit I'll read some of the names that actually like some of the stuff that did come out on cartridge or otherwise but let's continue SimCity 64 doesn't work damn you play game nope got it okay here we go there's like a lot of drama in just the past 13 seconds you know like it'll work it won't work will it work hopes up hopes down okay I already love this Oh again the English translation here was done by Luigi blood who also got these games working in the first place so thank you eg blood [Music] the name is City John city [ __ ] double-spaced jeonse I know John Cena John Cena please decide the name of the city I'm gonna call it do how much money normal please enable disasters of course we're gonna start in 1900 you have any experience oh yeah I've got lots of experience I know exactly how to play this skip in the tutorial doesn't matter this is 3d and I love this why cancelled why I don't think it could have worked I just don't know if it would have worked on the n64 without the DD it's definitely SimCity [Music] bein up late I'm gonna load a city that's already been created in a bit I just want to see what this huh weird that was strange can you use the mouse I have the mouse put into the second controller slot I'm pretty sure you could use the mouse it's just not working immediately write the second so yes delicious Cole and we're gonna set that down right here by this nice River and by our nice city because well you know it just Cole smells so good [Music] yo that's awesome you can go on into your city oh [ __ ] I love this this is legit we got vehicles but we don't have any we don't have any buildings yet ATS cars in the 1900 tell ya damn right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just gonna build like a very small city nothing too crazy just so we can see what's going on here with this and yeah it's the full SimCity experience with some bells and whistles for the n64 some surprising games on the n64 that actually ended up working like Starcraft 64 command & Conquer some stuff that power lines need to touch the zone there's some stuff that ended up working fairly well okay yeah [Applause] [Music] boy those power lines look like ass oof oof [Music] green water [Music] [Applause] [Music] needs a commercial zone so no one wants to settle unless we have commercial and industrial it shows what people want in the top right so 8 plus means more industrial [Music] some like serious demand for in Dutch industry industry then he no one lives in your city yeah what the hell's going on here men [Music] [Applause] [Music] awful roads just terrible roads [Music] yeah I know I already it's too late I already put the industry way too close to the city and in the residential which now means that there's gonna be some severe pollution like I said this town is [ __ ] there was never any hope for this town but we have our first resident we can check in on them it's well it's not quite built yet but when it's built I'll check in on them they want more residential yet no one is settling make up your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] then he speed up the day I will now we got some homeowners here [Music] Rhodes conduct power medium-fast here we go fast then II know that SimCity 5 these houses are still not built yet there's cars stuff is happy yes we got houses interest rates are down I don't care I don't know how to do all that stuff right now I just want to make some parks and stuff I make a marina right next to the lovely power plant so now she ignored the power plant go to the marina and joy and we can go to the zoo I don't care put me in debt put me in debt I want it provide borrow money [Music] Vinny this is a dystopian City this is the beginning of a certain movie city that I really like look it's a people also that I thought they were giving me the finger so that's what the people look like they are little walking gifts [Music] this is a really good version of SimCity for the n64 I would have loved this if this came out over here I've played this between interest rates are down and entertainment raises value I think this [ __ ] game is commenting on your stream brandy cream hot butter ice cream it's a cool feature though being able to zoom in like that for n64 version of SimCity that's great why they call them cyber grannies rails cause no traffic or pollution why like pollution how do I create disasters I would like to get a meteorite please [Music] [Music] shit's on fire yo [Music] no don't do it don't do it don't walk into the fire you're gonna be okay [Music] old Sephiroth please I know it's on fire shit's on fire I get it we don't have a fire department though and I can't afford one of a robot the [ __ ] is a robot doing in the town this really is the day of La Voz holy [ __ ] [Music] the very sad day everything sucks yeah there's robots in this town there's just like cyborgs and [ __ ] here in 1900 but yeah this game is really cool which is why it's a shame I have to summon another la voz wouldn't you agree maybe a volcano as people have had enough a fire has occurred no [ __ ] they were just starting their lives and now this [Music] the cars don't know what to do are there any people left don't do it don't do it it's a mistake sir any survivors anyone just those cars Tommy Lee Jones needs to save them [Music] two cars [Music] and what a nightmare [Applause] [Music] you what's happening is is this the earthquake I can't do anything while it's happening oh there we go yeah everything is everything is terrible now [Applause] town's gone the cars are gone industry has been defeated and nature reclaims what was once hers you I like this game this is no longer this is no longer a land worth saving was it 1939 by the time I got done there Oh 1903 I don't know how brain brain read [Music] just want to check out a fully constructed town or at least a somewhat constructed town so they give you like little challenges and you have to revitalize the town and you have a ten year time limit this is what it looks like here's what a bit of a city looks like asteroid it [Music] man look at that that place is old there's ghosts in there there's ghosts that house is very filthy there's mold the residents are probably dying or they're dead already like I said ghosts [Applause] big building I can't actually climb to the top of the building can I that would be cool if you can get up on the building and well it'd be kind of pointless again Rock there's robots robots Robertsons robots uns pollution is very high well you know there's ways to fix that what are you doing oh there's gonna be a bad one ha ha oh it's been [ __ ] decimated [Music] [Applause] this game is very good for what it is and it gives me the option for mass destruction and I can always appreciate that [Music] I'm holding the caps but they are not putting out the fire there's not enough water in the cups to put out the fire [Music] it looks like a Bratz doll did you remember the host anyone like to sell those when I worked at the toy store did we do have a firefighter they can't get to the fire or they don't care or they're just trying to run away [Music] okay well that was SimCity out oh that's not good things got worse [Music] [Applause] again really really good very surprising how good that was there's add ocean expansion pack which I'll check out very briefly I don't think there's much here that I'd like to see that we haven't seen already also we have some some crashing again let me just do a quick task manager' shutdown live troubleshooting is one of those let's say moments it's one of those things that you have to get when you watch a live stream it's so fun almost no other form of entertainment if you could call this entertaining has live troubleshooting on such an extensive level you nice [ __ ] model no this one doesn't work all right so screw we'll just go to Mario artists okay this one I'm gonna use the mouse for so there's um this is Mario artists this is probably the most famous 64dd game and this game actually has some really great music I've seen a lot of this well not a lot but enough of it and it's kind of like the sequel to Mario Paint got multiplayer drawing so there's so much you can do here you know Mario Paint was always a game that I loved and I was excited for this to come out but then it didn't [Music] Redbox album cover that's it that's the one I mean you get to build shapes to Bach and he'll undo dog undo dog makes a return Ringo is that you hello oh alright welcome to my stream it's with peace and love I'd like to welcome you to my Mario artists stream I'll be selling this painting for $4,000 this is called her baby like how it just explodes when you go back are you can zoom in and [ __ ] too you can right click to zoom out very very extensive tools here we've got we've got tools your tools I mean it's just drawing at the end of the day this is not oh this is the good stuff right here that's the good stuff [Music] makes a splurt noise which is a little strange but I won't question it if you don't oh there's so much more holy [ __ ] never mind [Music] it's processing Wow there's only one undo level chrome and but really lion eyes [Music] another game that I wish I had damn so much of these these actual 64dd releases so much of the releases are great didn't quite work out did it welcome to my website this is my art zone where I show you my art and my special drawing this BWL there's a cutting copy that's what we used to call it back in the day before people called it copy paste which is what it's called people call it cut and copy like I remember one of my teachers in eighth grade I think it was just like around the time maybe seventh grade when computers were starting to become more common the teacher was talking about how you shouldn't cut and copy stuff off the internet and put it into your paper because it's bad [Music] and you get a zero you'd fail [Music] you can sharpen it huh that was around the time they started bringing in plagiarize ation rules yeah cuz up until then they didn't really I mean they were like Encarta encyclopedia rules now let's smooth it like you couldn't just take an article from Encarta and make your paper on that even though people would get away with it because these were the Wild West days this is before a lot of the teachers knew what the [ __ ] the Internet really was or where people were getting this stuff from so eventually they got savvy to it but for a while you could you could get away with it [Music] now it looks like now it looks like graphics from an ms-dos game I like that that's good alright the moment you've all been waiting for coloring book I don't want my work to disappear never mind I don't want that I want a character stamps actually oh that's so [ __ ] cool Zelda no that's linked now it's think resolution is very small so you don't really have too much to work with here [Music] there he is banjo kazooie it's kind of surprising to see here banjo and more there's been joke as you remember remember when they were more of a thing now they are a thing again they're back where they belong I got a thumbnail I think [Music] whoo-hoo yeah conquer is here remember this is family friendly conquer this is before conquer was drinking smoking and generally being a bad person and also witnessing gore everyone is here like the popular tipped up your member tipped up of Diddy Kong Racing characters are all here starfox was more of a thing in starfox 64 was very popular how's the arwing box slippy slippy get up get off my line what do you mean [Music] these are like JPEG quality look at that squirtle JPEG there's like artifacting or on the eyes but what the [ __ ] why they do my boy squirtle like this did they download a picture of squirtle off of Alta Vista like it's not even their own assets they downloaded them off the [ __ ] web Pokemon - which is weird because banjo and more has a second page but Pokemon has two separate page anyway let's see what Pokemon were deemed important enough to make it to this now I know they're their official artwork I know it's official artwork it's just it looks crusty I could just be the n64 but there's like some heavy artifacting and I was just messing around I'm sure they didn't download it off of AltaVista oh there are there are way more there's like 11 pages every pokemons it's it's the original 151 that's cool yeah that seems like it certainly seems like it that's cool side up welcome to my Nintendo fan page I hope you enjoy your stay just probably like another modifier button oh that wasn't what I wanted to do but I'm fine with it there's more Zelda stuff it's all ocarina official artwork this is crusty - I mean it's all crusty really how much Mario do we get metal Mario so it's all n64 versions toad with legs out happy toad with legs out [Music] yoshi was just its own entity at this point more so that well yeah I mean Yoshi could have easily been in the Mario section here let's add the ultra popular which which ultra popular character do I want to add peeper yes peeper [Applause] [Music] excellent the thumbnail is almost complete [Music] who haven't we gotten did we get did we get enough Mario do you know we got to get a toad welcome to the vine sauce web zone yeah we got us we got an arwing in there but toad would be nice we need happy toad with legs out no I need I need the toad I need like actual Todd there he is I see him now [Music] so it's gonna ride the our wings I gotta figure out how to rotate hang on a minute I'm unlocking so I can see the controller configuration what is what is the other buttons digital pad see stick so WASD is the C buttons and then analog stick is the mouse I guess and then numb 8 4 6 2 QE all right I just undo dogged and then what I'll do dog just want to rotate on a rotate to rotate bro is there a way to rotate NumLock baby no above the dog goddammit chat you're right again you're good chat I'll give it to you you're good now we've got a thumbnail not yet I take that back hang on we need one more thing [Music] [Applause] now we've got a thumbnail [Music] I love it Mario artist is excellent text oh oh oh oh we could you text hang on English um let's see so we're gonna do [Music] I'll do all the work fine [Music] title T that MJ [Music] I didn't know I'd be making the thumbnail for the video when I first embarked on this but now I'm really happy that this is what it's become [Music] feels good men [Music] oh my mouse isn't locked in now it's locked it okay hang on a minute Benny try other stamps other stamps we've got deformative so there's spaces oh [ __ ] what the alien face oh my god no this is cool too in its own weird way hello the you in the Beatles cartoon show from the 60s is this jewels from pop fictions hair in the Beatles cartoon show from the sixties Ringo would like his his catchphrase was who [Music] I could seriously mess around with this for hours I should have put the eyes on first olara sermon this is me I am from the people's yes as I am a Beatle I wish to perform your rock and roll music yes I'm the fifth Beatle my name is Liz dark Blizz back the Beatles or we had a resort have nurses where we're from but where are you from bliss gak look the report forces Liverpool [Music] - laughs aloud Liza Flopsy realize I was a love like that word not her [Music] there's so many pages to there's the you get so many different types of others cartoon mouths to mental how much there is in this game and yet how seriously limited the resolution is characters your emojis before emojis everybody this is blowing my mind do we have any emotes here that could be used in chat the peach is straight up like booty they're primo jeez wow that's an amazing thing for you to say I like that term top right what wrestler mask luchador mask I like the Santa the Krusty snowman's pretty good [Music] photo oh it's just real animals okay [Music] Nintendo oh it's Nintendo HQ huh that's boring [Music] nice idea but boy does that look boring [Music] surprisingly detailed I'm a lot why am I surprised it's the 64dd you can do so much game art works here's some more nostalgia [Music] again the crust is outrageous yeah a ton stream it's saved forever you can just look at it on the stream [Music] I'll check out a couple more backgrounds where's the Zelda backgrounds man remember when starfox was like a pillar of Nintendo's you know like their top quality top-tier liquor the top-shelf stuff I miss those days man [Music] then it became boxed Strep wine kind of did didn't it people and animals I'm just gonna skip through these very quickly pilot okay there's more features and there's some more stuff I'd like to get to so I'm just gonna go through this save load capture Game Boy camera you can link it up Mouse speed only three speeds actually that's the medium speeds fine the preview oh [Music] why music god dammit more monkeys on Sunday stream that one monkey game from a couple weeks ago [ __ ] slayed me it's too much monkey business here on this dream animate your drawings I figured it would be something like this maybe just string together a series of of drawings [Music] we're drawing with a mouse sure is the future it's no unnecessary feature the ear is just not needed everything else is fine we don't need the ear Batman Batman [Music] okay I need to copy a frame spirit back just drawing my masterpiece here a three frame speed Luigi masterpiece I love the song though is this is I'm gonna make the song a little louder if you're okay with that chat needs to be a little louder then he used the ghost tool I don't really need to if you think about it because I'm just making a weird Punk [Music] [Applause] [Music] weird tongue here oh okay and one more [Music] try ghosts - oh I see yeah I don't need the ghost tool for this nice tool to have definitely a nice tool to have but again this tongue doesn't need to be anywhere in particular I don't need to reference any previous frames [Music] and I want the tongue to like snap [Music] [Applause] [Music] tongue out real big now we've got an animation capture movie turn off and insert the cartridge note no or you could just play it we need some some speed here it's not I guess I could we need some we need some frames to be destroyed gonna use the stop thanks that's good thank you very simple tools very very easy tools tools you know you're a kid and you're making some stuff in Mario artists it's fantastic oh my god I love that tool that's a good tool how I feel about it it's a little drastic the sound effect is excellent thank you to intend no for these tools to make my own speed luigi's I just want to give some variable speeds and Mario artists is great I'm an animator now look look look at my drawings look at my hooves I'm basically [ __ ] Tom Green from Freddy got fingered at this point and there's not a comparison I would ever like to make again for as long as I live this is interesting so here's a feature that I did not know about see world switch to the different fishies fishing for fishies [Music] got a whole adventure mode why not an adventure mode necessarily but it's it's cool now this music though [Music] it's frame lag but pretty cool overall you can create textures for the fish you have to take pictures of certain models to edit them [Music] I know this music no what the hell is this from this was in they use this again it's Mario maker they use this in Mario maker Mario Paint but yeah you can edit stuff apparently chat is telling me Mari one Vinny do you own any bass guitars what a weird time to ask that question I do I have an Ibanez I like it [Music] like a blue what is it sound master I don't know I'd have to look I forget the name of like the exact model but it's a good one I need to get it like looked at though cuz it's sick at the moment as it cold the intonation is [ __ ] [Music] stop that stop No [Music] [Music] there you go okay [Music] Jurassic world mario artist invented Jurassic world who's the [ __ ] [Music] does this mean I can now edit oh [ __ ] texture edit that's so cool [Music] it's just gonna get stupid now [Music] it's amazing it's a stone stone brick asaurus [Music] I know if I can do stamps in this mode now these shapes I can't quite do wait can I yep I can put this dinosaur can have linked as a tattoo [Music] amazing okay how do I come back [Music] I need to there we go okay now we can see what it looks like I might have to play this again sometime because this is like astonishing here it is oh my god it's the grassy stone brick asaurus links - Wow [Music] then a are you gonna play the other Mario artist games I want to but I want to stream other games tonight I have them I'm probably just gonna come back to it [Music] I'll tell you what I'll save planet Mars and I'll slay I'll save some other stuff here and and we'll we'll do a part two we'll do a part two absolutely I'll do the rest of it won't be a 64dd part two but it will be just a Mario artist part two well that was really good now I'm upset we didn't get the 64dd over here because I would have played these games SimCity was great f-zero had some good editing and this was really good so I'll come back to this and next time I do we'll check out the rest of Mario artists will [ __ ] around more with textures and and dinosaurs and mmm in space I'll tell you what else there is there's Mario artist talent studio and Mario artists polygon studio so those two are completely separate I haven't even showed you those yet so next time I do 64dd stuff we're gonna do some more Mario artists paint studio will do talent studio and we'll end with polygon studio which I hear is amazing so stay tuned for 64dd part 2 this turned out to be a really good segment that I enjoyed by the way this works great like I was expecting crashes and errors and [ __ ] the only thing that didn't really work was dough shin the giant tinkling toddler what the [ __ ] is the name of this thing tinkling toddler Liberation Front assemble is the name of the expansion weird so Luigi blood thank you for getting this all working I swear to god that's the name of it maybe maybe it's for the best that that didn't work but it worked great everything else worked great the mouse works well the the visuals are a little blurry but that's n64 and Mario artist was great so again stay tuned for part two which will be a week or two from now and I think part two is even going to be better than part one so thank you for stopping by for Mario and for 64dd we're gonna take a break I'm gonna show you a newer game that seems very interesting and then I will begin the Neverhood very excited for the Neverhood stick around
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 93,603
Rating: 4.9325962 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Nintendo 64DD, Nintendo 64, 64 DD, Addon, Doshin the Giant, F-Zero X Expansion Disk, Japan Golf Tour, Super Mario 64 Disk Version, Sim City 64, Mario Artist
Id: ngoitNGmKqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 49sec (7189 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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