[Vinesauce] Vinny - Quality Android Trash: One More Time Edition (part 5)

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readings Oh welcome welcome to the stream for the second time or third time or for I don't know Android games have been taken out of retirement some people love this some people hate it but it's here these ones we try to stray a bit from strange rope heroes I think it'll be I think it'll be interesting you may be wondering what this music is I'll tell you all about it but first I'll say that I also have a collection of games called sage 2018 which is a sonic thing I don't know it stands for I already forgot but it's not totally Sonic it's not completely Sonic there's other things and it will it will be a variety stream of different fan games it's like a game jam and Sphinx put it together it should be interesting I have something called ZM garden which is a sequel to ZM Museum Sonic amateur Games Expo it's been around since the 1990s okay well I have a bunch of games from that but here's an Android trash stream now with less ads I found a way to get less ads hopefully some people love the ads and some people don't no one will ever be happy but guess what you've been listening to an Android game this whole time whether or not you want to this is an Android game called banana rush I don't know what this is but for me this is a standout already you have a dude walking around a fire like you know cooking a minion banana also let's not ignore that this dude's axe is going through his own face so let's do this Android [ __ ] show because I think it'll be a good one I think and I also think that we're gonna see less ads [Music] is this oh my god hey welcome to my youtube channel today we're gonna be cooking I'm gonna show you how to cook bananas it's one of these games so it's a banana minion but if they call it a banana and they put a minion face on it they can get away with it some really crusty what appears to be Christmas tree textures [Music] so this is Bananas Foster and I'll show you how to make it on this here youtube channel dedicated to cooking and minions the world's first youtube channel that is specifically from well I guess that didn't work wasn't that bad of a net it was a very very short ad also this is that game that Mario was in never mind about the less ads thing I tried try I mean part of the experience is getting annoyed at the ads let's face it but I think I think as I say I'm doing a public service to expose this this business practice so let's let leave it at that and hope that the rest of the games have less ads well it's pub G mobile so I will be closing the ads as quickly as I can just to let you know this game is is obviously terrible you know it's it's a banana game where you run around it's like a fake Temple Run kind of thing I hate it but you know it was worth it was worth taking a look let me show you another one let me show you Super Smash relatives ah for smartphone/tablet Vinny I think you can disable the Wi-Fi to get rid of the ads oh no oh it's not as easy as that it is not as easy as that trust me I tried a number of things and there's there's even some stuff that you have to do you have to download separately I was unable to turn off any internet maybe someone knows how to do it I don't I tried anyway Super Smash relatives for smartphone tablet parity game characters used under fair use of u.s. copyright law obviously fair you know fair use that people care about that if you put a message then you can make whatever you want I learned this as a youtuber take a look at this character list isn't isn't this interesting so you know the usuals Mario Pikachu CDI CDI link negative 0.5 suit samus Elsa you know banjo-kazooie in the green rangers is here i guess everyone is here so tell me how do you how do you like the gameplay how do you like the music you like the soundtrack [Music] just gonna do some attacks here at CDI link I I may as well be using the random music generator but I'm not I want to know why oh good good arrow that's a cool arrow that just oh there was that toilet no that was supposed to be a pipe it looked like a toilet though so money world with like fat stacks of actual human money like dollar bills oh boy it's a toilet it has toilet paper this game has to be self-aware why it is it is I mean CDI link is in it got some level of irony no ads on this one surprisingly Mario's getting nervous the results haven't come in from the tests you know he's outside the waiting room how awfully she's gonna be okay kinda way back out of this did you win or lose I don't know this boughs that pregnant sorry sorry did that you didn't deserve that chat I'm gonna choose frozen Elsa to make it up for you make it up to you this is what frozen Elsa would look like in a Smash Brothers game I mean not Smash Brothers oh oh she drives ice cream what a smooth move that is she only has to shrink to like one-third of her size [Music] definitely not Rosalina and again i'm assuming i'm assuming that this dude who made this is a fan of frozen just assuming let's see you'll do negative I don't think we have a player three okay we're gonna do player three we're gonna get banjo oh it's a new level oh my god okay oh god Samus no what have they done to you oh you can see the mouse huh there's a whole round okay no they're covered oh I'm dead where those missiles shooting from this is the music this is really the music you'll notice though it's everything is very strategic and when it comes to who samus's arm cannon I'm not playing this by the way I was the Green Ranger I'm dead now so this is how the AI fights they just gyrating [Music] [Applause] someone just said Vinnie can't you ever play good games are you here the other six days of the week if you're only coming on Sundays then yeah this is what you're gonna get [Music] of course you're gonna get this on Sundays I'm gonna go for one more battle of I guess what we'll do I'll be crash and then we'll do Captain Falcon yes and I guess pac-man sure cool level all cool noises the shopping cart captain shopkins bed what [ __ ] is that are you getting chirps from this music who would have thought who would have thought I don't know why the chirps are back by the way I couldn't I couldn't tell you but yeah we're chirping again lately I'm pretty sure the setting has been applied yeah nari it looks like it's in there Bowser [Music] more one more I'll be bow we'll get Pikachu and we'll get Kirby Bowser is very Godzilla like okay there's no weird moves like Bowser's bed I guess this is supposed to be carbon music was that a Pokemon go move okay well there you go now you've seen Super Smash relatives you got clipping you got chirping you have nine second loot not even three second loop of music that's why we need to do something a little bit more I don't know down to earth I'm sorry for this you don't need Android showcase you should just stop you know come back tomorrow it'll be better unless you want to see baldies racing cars hey everyone have you ever want to learn math well I got just the thing for you baldies basics teach you how to do your taxes in car form [Music] there we go okay so it's it's one of these games I [Music] didn't know Baldy had a square head at least it won't get bought muted they'll find a way to mute this definitely without a doubt chances are if you're seeing ads on this video in the future I don't get a dime of it because of [ __ ] like this that's okay that's okay they need their they need their money for their predatory business practices that's fine Aldi you know original character Baldy do not steal [Music] you know you could just add whatever music you want and say it's yours YouTube doesn't care I know it's easy to like [ __ ] on YouTube you like all YouTube sucks bro but you can do so much you can use your imagination much like Baldy would to do is math and you can do whatever you want little sponge skin doctor I don't think this one works show you what it looks like you good thing it doesn't work huh I'll try again later roblox go so this won't work I can only show it to you by the way today's Android showcase will not be a tremendously long one so you don't have to worry about that but I need to show you the hottest trends I've been doing a lot of strange rope heroes now you can see the other new trends so there's a character very near here again you're supposed to play this like Pokemon go alright and there's I can't move around because obviously it you know it's got a [Music] I mean maybe I can move it around like this come I might be able to [Music] trying to do a thing where I can actually pretend to move around the the phone but it's not happening so I can't collect any roblox characters great [Music] but yeah you can see them there on the radar I just I can't can't get to them that's okay I mean as long as you can see that this is the thing that exists you can use your imagination you know you can apply your own thoughts on what you think this might be and it's that it is that the Frog game amazing simulator remember amazing frog well they're just calling this amazing frog and apparently it has its own Android ripoff Oh already doing daily rewards that's interesting complete level with jetpack by watching video no no I'm good here Oh frog game it's Captain America as a frog good no I'm good wait this looks familiar have I not played this [Music] was it a frog game when I played it last I played a spongebob version No while amazing frog is a game that's about a silly frog and physics [Music] so the fact that they're taking amazing frog and turning it into this that's not that's not what this game is all about that's not what amazing frog is a bread book about this brand is important that's like taking John call of duty and putting him in a baby game up there you but they'll delete that right up kids will eat it right up because apparently amazing frog is very popular on YouTube smash super smash craft world look at it I need you to look at this open your eyes I know you've been resisting you don't like Android showcase you don't like the ads you don't like the games open your eyes link link open your eyes so that's a screenshot from the switch version of Minecraft I believe which I think that's what that is so already you have infringed reno's and it doesn't even look like the thing that we just saw raises this is the Green Day song leg live without war wording but live with that bowing [Music] yeah this is a good this is a good ripoff and I don't mean hang on a minute the sad thing is I actually kind of mean that this is a good ripoff it works it's playable it's not like horrendously glitchy god what am I saying after all these Android showcases that I've quote-unquote retired from after all these years I'm now playing something like this and I'm like hey this is all right have my standards sunk so low oh man jesus [ __ ] just so you know the song I'm talking about even the same key I think now the vaad is really gonna be muted but it was worth it for a second by the way that in and of itself is kind of a ripoff of a song by the kinks called picture-book someone just said sounds nothing like it okay man that's just like your opinion same riff not this part but the opening riff Vinnie it doesn't have ads you see well I actually did enable something that's supposed to remove a percentage of ads so it seems like it kind of worked either that or this game doesn't have ads I can't listen I can't add points to this game score for not having ads if I don't know if it's supposed to have ads that's the problem I'm not sure I just don't know but what I can say is this watch video to skip level so you can't do it that that's the trick that is secret you steal the GTA font and then you can't show me the video unfortunately I don't have the super power of skipping levels what I can say is I think they just took screenshots of the Mario minecraft characters and then just chroma keyed them and and put them in a game I think that's what happened if not then those are some o'seas but I hate it but I also think it's one of the better android games I've played you know as a ripoff as far as ripoffs go speaking of Mario how about this cool game look at the name of this one do P do over dou P do over that keeps going by the way there's five of them it's do P do over times five [Music] uh-huh so what we're gonna just we're gonna have that cool sound very cool very cool all right thanks do P do over sonic brakes jail friends prison escape it's doing an ad this game is too powerful even for my workaround I'll let you know what it looks like how's that I'll describe it to you it's it's a game about a plane where you click boxes and then you get money there's no game here you there's not a it's not a game you just click boxes open and you get thousands of points this is like you know you can you can this because you you don't play games okay so oh this is interesting so this this here sonic ripoff personify your ed experience this app personalizes your advertising experience using hey zap hey zap and its partners make collect and process personal data such as device identifiers certain demographics and other required data like nudes to provide you with the best ad experience you'll see the ads that Hays app and its partners believe are more relevant to you I like this I understand that I lowercase we'll see the ads but they may not be relevant to my interests I do not agree sonic sonic breaks Jail friends prison escape here's other games in case you want to play other games instead of this one I I can't I can't decide what to laugh at first is it the sonic tipos OC or is it what looks to be a floppy dong button on the bottom right and thus I'm not laughing oh you have a lot of choices you can choose between so many different types of Sonics I'm not giving it to him I'll show you any ads that I think are like really funny but otherwise I'm not gonna do it because you know it's what's really bizarre is this I found that on my YouTube videos on my youtube videos the ads are the things that get copyright claimed even though it's like kind of free advertising weird right so we're loading a new text Kate couldn't even bother to couldn't got some butt Rock no not really but yet couldn't even bother to like add text to the game okay I've got some default unity animation [Music] good loot good loop apparently there are targets I don't I don't really know what the objective is because I'm dealing the only clue I got was new text now this is a flawless loop the music you can't even you can't even tell where it's not like stops and starts look [Music] couldn't even couldn't even tell I like how um just as the music is about to like kick get interesting or like take it to the next part of the song they're like now now that's too much that's too much excitement for this game [Music] excuse me [Music] you know how I know this isn't the real Sonic is a stamina meter phrase abysmally low run speed it's nice now I can see everything oh I get it that's just the camera getting stuck up there [Music] yeah I'm fascinated by this game because there's no objectives there's nothing on the radar there's a stamina meter for Sonic's run there's no oh oh this is called prison escape this is a prison escape game where's the [ __ ] jail [Music] um you want more more Baldy cuz there's more Baldy on the Android store lately baldies been almost not really but Baldy seems to be getting to like hello neighbor the game itself is the jail the [ __ ] planet we live on as a jail if that's the type of games that I'm playing to amuse both myself and all of you I'm sorry but I'm also not sorry anyway this is this is a Baldy game [Music] sensual sensual music what kind of massage do you want Baldy to give you you know what kind of stolen art what's stolen art do you want to play while Baldy gives you a sensual massage oh yes good game nice original game experience oh it's not even a slide puzzle which is fine by me I [ __ ] hate slide puzzles but look at this is even worse [Music] [Music] I could just picture the Baldy slapping noise what this music is going [Music] [Music] okay so you get some stolen Baldy hey you know what there's more Baldy bald commando pup g2 listen you know I I'm not lying about the names of these games right I can just tell you see there it is there it was right there I will say that there have been bless ads overall there's still some ads but there's less of them so thank God for that whatever I did earlier actually ended up working but I also think it disabled a couple games from working which isn't good I wanted that Scunthorpe unns Caen sconce kin so here's Paul Dee's next big adventure with [ __ ] home alone music or bootleg home alone music pop G - I mean you heard what it said you know the name of the game Vinny it's not Paul D it's jug oh sorry whose jug is jug a ball do see [Music] [Music] why so they're just slapping the names of popular things on to rest I rent rest parent there's just yeah they just as usual they slap on the names of popular I have to listen I can't retire Android showcase I can't because I need to show you what's going on you need to be aware as much as I do so that way one day when you have kids if you see them playing something like this on your phone you can put them up for adoption [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] yeah lynnie or give them better games to play oh excuse me for taking taking my my word serious men what are you gonna do next give them a good education teach them how to be good people teach him how to drive properly jeez kids that was a Baldy game I want to show you considering spooped Ober is upon us I want you to I want to show you escape from Momo I believe this is Momo yeah it is now as of one minute ago here in the east coast of the United States October 1st so it is officially spooped Ober and we welcome the month of Halloween that we we have turned into a month of Halloween I'm partially to blame for this we welcome it with this scary character are you scared yet oh you will be find the holy sign throw a d-pad in the left corner that's the thing about Android games when you fail in the Android game you fail in real life because then they show you an ad I'm scared I'm scared you know what else I'm scared about I couldn't go backwards I can go forward I can't go left hang on is there backwards no wow there's only forward you can only go forwards also you how do you [ __ ] up first person controls here's how you do it you make it so that when you try to look around it doesn't stop when you try to stop here's how here's how else you can do it you don't give the player strifing or backwards so that's um that's what this game is that's the true horror element they she ate its Momo was the thing find meanie and white would we talk I can't oh Jesus though that was a rat I was like why is there a large rat in this game Momo is actually a Japanese spirit that helps children in danger does she look like that or is this artistic license to make Momo ringo girl with big smile she's a bird shut up bird I mean Momo is as lanky as sweet Dee [Applause] what a fun game I'd like to point out that there are in fact games on the Android and Google and or whatever the [ __ ] it is it's an iPhone and Android right so Google Play and whatever there's got to be [ __ ] like this that's good or at least playable and decent but you won't see those on my stream she laughs like Tommy from the movie haha oh hi John by the way if you haven't seen best friends to Tommy Wiseau and Greg movie you really shouldn't ever see that movie [Applause] [Music] let's leave that add to your imagination I think you know what I couldn't stop thinking about it I saw it it's it's a it's a movie that Greg Sestero wrote and directed there's some really weird editing choices it seems like it's 90% ad-libbed and Tommy Tommy doesn't act he's just himself in the movie there's a clown family they played they passed basketball in an alley I mean oh oh you you know what you should watch it oh and Tommy interrupts every other actor in the movie and they just leave the takes in so this has got a good one this is a scary green grandpa alien okay first of all [Music] first of all I'm not gonna say it but I do like it sorry you just got a preview of my my games I really wish I could show you more of that title screen cuz it's a good one all this is good enough this is like alien dabbing there it is Mario Mario ask [ __ ] okay so this ad is just shopping shot wish shopping made fun it's it's a I wish for this ad to go away your alien friends are captured by grandpa enter the farm to rescue them boy what hey I'm your assistant all my instructions but I thought grandpa was the one who was kidnapped and the aliens were the bad guys no this is a twist hey got it go to checkpoint ha [Music] I hate it [Music] I hate it oh here's another new thing that's happening they just give you demos of games see I can play this it's an ad for another game that I can play that's the new tactic this area is creepy stay away from CCTV cameras and grandpa what's grandpa doing with those cameras that like achievement noise so this is Metal Gear alien okay hang on a minute this is a mix of alien metal gear and scary neighbors grandpa can't see very far [Music] [ __ ] you okay so dabbing aliens and fortnight dances all in one well it's alien dabbing okay so I just watched an ad and now it's giving me another ad but it was a playable one so it was a video one and then it was a playable one some of these games are really good and they found a way to destroy my workaround tap on the toys all those are dog toys I thought they were like like [ __ ] what plugs grandpa is cooking your friend what a sadistic [ __ ] why is grandpa trying to eat aliens it's the worst day of my life [Music] keep your levels short put an ad after each of them and make maximum profit you know what we don't need to see more alien game there's a 30-second ad after another ad so I'm good how about we do a super minion Roadstar roadster car racing Canyon stunt rush you [Music] is there a thing with minions and bananas that I'm unaware of they love them okay influencer playing pop G mobile oh man pop G these days men got to advertise on bootleg minion games that crash immediately then Vinnie you saw the minion movie you should know that they like bananas I really don't remember the movie I remember there was a 60s theme there was like a dude who was like a Beatle and that's about it Oh rank well you know I had a thrash with the minions you know to me had a bit of a thrash [Music] [Music] I'm like trying to [ __ ] do a keyboard bind so I can play this it's not it's not happening it's not easy got it what do you call this genre of music Babb step it's like Yoshi's Island no sorry Yoshi's new island mixed with like wretched babies [Music] and I did it that was that was the level complete cut see me this isn't real minions music right [Music] cool game same level it's the exact same level just a higher point score required to complete a baldies basic puzzle adventure oh wait we did this one sorry about that pretty sure there was another ball to game I'll learn and learn and logged with Baldy meth solver learn basics school education it's got a misspelling right there in the title of the educational game learn and locked square root of one okay you this is what happens when you get popular Baldy one plus two equals three oh my god Baldy how are you so smart one times one teaching me so many things Baldy second grade math with Baldy your old pal a game that if you played as a second grader you'd probably like [ __ ] your pants anywhere that game was too hard for me have to stop then he get one wrong what what happens when you get one wrong does do you know something happens when you get one wrong like does Baldy scold you not nope that this game does not even have that worth the shot reincarnation was this reincarnation the mystery of the missing neighbor so we're still not done with neighbor neighbor still shows up an Android okay somebody's coming in oh good we're yeah we're yeah dude where we drop mores to set up the controls what a mystery what a thrill Snake Eater game has a frame rate counter and we've achieved 60 frames a second the neighbor sometimes was looking for something in the ruined car and EMF meter flashlights 60 frames a second but you walk slower than molasses can die well you know we'll get to the car eventually we'll just go through it I heard something yes I have it I at least want to see the neighbor this is a torturous experience for all involved including the person who made it but I still have to play it at least enough to see the neighbor up it's not a jump button it's an UP button even though you jump when you press it say what you will about this game feel free to because it's [ __ ] garbage but for a shitty neighbor gave on the Google Play Store this is some of the most detailed environment building I've seen [Music] no really like some of the you know it looks like it looks like a thing like it's not just a bunch of crusty like polygons jammed together it looks like someone built a game I mean they're all stolen assets for sure and you can go through half of them but I need to find the neighbor was it the neighbor I heard there he is [Music] Oh or you could just you can just do that can't you I'm sure if I tried enough I could just clip through this door [Music] maybe I'm the neighbor and he is the intruder I'll never mind I guess we'll never really get a close-up of the neighbor even though there's a golden key near the stove we saw enough I think that's fine black spider versus ninja you listen we can't go an Android stream with at least without at least one strange rope here Oh [Music] oh these are expensive ones yeah this one I don't know looks a little familiar looks like he's got a spider leotard covering his codpiece destroy boxes get help pick up it looks the same as every other strange rope euro game lucky for you this is the only one in the collection tonight yeah yeah go through like the way you thrust the spider-man this is even more powerful than spider-man go through buildings he can hump his way up a building in a single hump better luck next time but let's not dwell on that for too long I have something to show you yeah if you use like one web then you don't have enough web for the all the barrels there's four barrels you get four web so while you're experimenting with controls you might waste your web this is a gardening game I really wish I didn't just click continue because it said you were out of web shoots also another ad just wanted you to know it's like two back-to-back ads so it told me I was out of web shoot and then ad chat why do you waste your webs don't waste your webs you need them I know this is like a waste of time while all of this is a waste of time every Sunday but in this case I kind of want to see what the ninja looks like let's hope none of these webs go through any of the barrels did you know that your spider friend can regenerate webs by spending real money web shoots I think that's just what's intended if that looked like a glitch it wasn't I really don't think that was a glitch okay so we're just gonna keep climbing and yep good game there you go all spiderfly congratulations you have complete now look at this and now look at this wow that's dad is some balls I don't listen I don't know how this works I think I think they need better systems they're advertising a real Marvel game on a bootleg what how like part of me wants to know how this works like how did the ads on the Google Play Store games work it's it's just Auto just shoot them out to anything is it like YouTube or you can have a channel where like it's a prank channel where a dude is like shooting web into his friends coca-cola and then there's an ad for coca-cola on the on the video ok there's never gonna be a ninja I'm gonna give up there's like a burning building or something the city is totally empty at least they spelled restaurant right Rast the rent there's textures from half-life 2 in here really I didn't notice I believe you I don't think they were like why wouldn't they why wouldn't they someone just said this game has a really good ending keep playing I'll get out of here like you've played it like anyone's played that why do you want to know all of my information unity chen 3d focus this I am stunned that's what happens when you press huge I have no words so it's a first-person shooter where you kill teddy bears they don't hurt and you've got to protect unity Chen but she's more look she's more powerful than me did it dab yeah that I think they try to dab wait wait I don't think it's dabbing no it's not that mean it's maybe it's trying but it looks like it's just yawning why did this game want all of my private information wanted to personalize the experience hmm I don't know chat should I trust unity Chen I think the chat wants me to trust unity Chen [Music] you need eaten ha ha hates everything minion neighbor rush I don't think we've done this one tonight we're almost done like I said not the longest Android showcase which is good I think we did this one find the key open the door right we did I don't even know if I did this I don't even know if I did this - oh no I didn't okay so right in the middle of gameplay we get a nice unskipable ad a nice unskipable ad it's a game about things that I don't worry about it [Music] I'm just gonna make up ads I'm gonna tell you about like fake things that don't exist like okay this game is about vegetables killing animals for dominance over the island it's more shitty controls this has the same terrible camera control as a previous game the previous first-person shooter game I played FPS thing then he searched the Unity store for bow zet why would you say that now I have to I'll do a search I don't think I'll find anything nor do it this is a true nightmare get it away from me get it away I'm good I'm going to I'm going to do a quick search my god it wants me to pay for it there is there is something there is something there are you three bow set games and they look at least streamable I'll say that not like in a good way but I mean like I won't get banned so there's already three bow Zach games on Google Playstore and I feel like it is now my duty to show you them as soon as it loads here's the first one simply called bow set there's a button continue scene and add even look even what this isn't a game this is barely a game and there's already continued scene and add [Music] okay this is a Wheel of Fortune ripoff wait it is wheel of fortune or is it it looks a little different it's like a bootleg Wheel of Fortune it is really wheel of fortune [Music] where'd the buzick button okay so here here's a original character do not steal oh I'm Bowser get it I get it now I get it it's just an endless array of plumbers and carpenters and other workmen and they must be stopped [Music] well there you go that's what you know that's what people are making here's the bow set button I I don't know who sings that song why do they sound like that are they okay it sounds like a horse baby not like a baby horse I mean like like it's like like a baby with laryngitis singing a song and I'm like attempting to eat bananas at the same time you know I feel bad for them I hope they're all right [Music] sorry that's it that's all there is to it that's the bow set button then there's boughs at a game and this is the last one I was able to find I apologize to perpetuate this but again disclaimer I made none of this hey this actually kind of looks like a game [ __ ] right here chill let it drip down your thigh [Music] so yeah so you can only hit while you're in the air okay so then what the mighty bow set cannot kill anything only very specific types of shrooms is it time to [ __ ] right here no no not this time it was that the other one isn't there's another OC that people like but buit [Music] who are these mushroom fellows by the way they're not quite goombahs they look naked yeah that's yeah that's the one uh you know this is actually kind of looks like a real game which is surprising to me because I'm always expecting the worst but it's really slow boring it's dull but it you know more or less works yeah I guess it is what it is I don't know if I have any other games to show oh yeah I got a couple more area51 alien horror for example Vinny it seems like a reskin it probably is a la I listen I have no faith in the people that make games for these Android showcases no I'm not gonna rotate my device find an astronaut suit from the supply room did you hear the voice acting I mean I was interrupted by what I thought was borderline experimental cutscene but instead it was just it was an ADD [ __ ] it's a Necromorph kind of here let me give you an example of here's what you missed from the voice-acting could you hear me yeah that was me I just lowered the volume you need to get into a launch capsule I see NASA is still around what's being reflected in that interesting reflection okay John Madden [Music] Oh My gods are freaking out [Music] okay someone said are these Jedi Academy textures they very well maybe I don't know if an android looks Android game looks good I'm usually suspicious good advertising all right so now I'm in an Old West town because I guess they ran out of space assets so now I'm an astronaut in a space horror game in the Wild West sir I've found data there are many of them I see you're coming around these parts mr. Worf well that's spoopy [ __ ] oh man I'm scared now that moose you Barban also I know who my soul mate is now it was that person [Music] no no not kneecaps anything but kneecaps I'm freaking out man to be fair those were some weird-looking kneecaps were they about to explode [Music] exploding jump-scare kneecaps is the best part of the stream so far watch I don't think the person who made this new had a program death it was the refrigerator locked oh no I mean like my character there's like no you don't die I am the official NASA astronaut pilot Jake Bolden and the town somewhere in the area 51 and I'm threatening by ghosts Roger that our teams move towards you sir I suggest use for the elevator to be more confident there is no electricity [Music] Wow this is a glorious train wreck find a way to go to electric control room like I kind of want to see this one through I kind of want to see where the story goes apparently old Wild West town is area 51 and I know we're gonna get more like good kneecap ads it's not electric control room everything in here and fridge the oven [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's um going the right way I need key for room wrote pot please rotate your screen for best experience my favorite line from the room is throw foosball Danny because it's not even in the room but yet everyone knows what it is it sums things up like perfectly it feels like it could be in the movie well basketball Craig I like when Tommy in the movie best friends he's frisking people is it you really think we have a gun and then he's like you might have gone up your ass amazing hey let's let's do it let's get it working is this not working [ __ ] this not working [ __ ] find the key of gates [Music] I'm a big fan of Heather was voice act there was voice acting in this for the first couple of minutes and then they just gave up his best friend's a good movie hmm not really it tries to be I don't buy any of the acting that Greg does I mean maybe in a couple scenes and I hate to say that because I like the guy a lot Tommy is more believable as a weirdo but that's because that's just who he is I think it works sometimes as a movie but the plot goes nowhere for most of it okay you just go through those that's fine then what else oh well you know it works best when Tommy's just being weird so any of those scenes are amazing but otherwise it's I don't know it's it's like kind of almost the room at times and other times it's just boring and it's like oh the music was really [ __ ] weird listen there were times when I was playing the normal composer the music randomizer and people couldn't tell they thought it was the real soundtrack the music in the best friends movie sounds randomly generated I was gonna ask the chat where I should go next but how the [ __ ] would anyone know [Music] oh there it is and finally I'll say that I like the concept of the movie and I thought I thought maybe there could have been something genuinely entertaining in there but it just clods and meanders and goes on for so long if you like the movie could have been cut in half and there's still a part two it's like oh geez really [ __ ] part two to this [Music] find key of gates I did pick up the key let's just be sure I picked up the key I feel like this is a good way to ease us into spooped Ober a shitty Android horror game go to the cell okay I picked up a key card a key card is gonna work on a cell door that was open anyway because I could just walk through it I'm giving this game another two minutes and then I have like one more game to show you and then we'll take a quick break and move on to something a little bit more relaxing and then after that a number of fan games that I think will be very interesting it's from a game jam should be good he died but good enough STD jump-scare I'll take it that's the true canonical ending sorry you got STDs that's it then the game just ends real robot transformation garbage truck driving 3d STD contamination breach pick him out it's me jus Oh Myka me pick up garbage wait a minute so wait I'm a transformer but I have to do like truck garbage truck simulation stuff also look at how crusty these this UI is the jump icon is just like like forward thrusts got to do something after the war yeah you're right I mean the Transformers have come to earth now they should [ __ ] clean up their [ __ ] garbage [Music] I'll be honest with you the driving no good these textures yeah look how warped the textures are what the [ __ ] is that like a pizza in the middle there's like a pizza texture on my transformer that is some of the crusty even for [ __ ] Android games that is one of the worst looking models slash texture jobs I've seen [Music] do this [Music] what's the point of me being a Mecca oh my god that's why wait wait wait wait did I transform into a truck why am i and also a separate entity from the truck where the truck come from there's also a driver in the truck Oh [Applause] go to junkyard dump the garbage oh there is it look at that there is a driver in there I didn't see that son of a [ __ ] look at that son of a [ __ ] I may as well attempt do a little driving just find it it's Baldy oh my god the driver is Baldy see I can't swing the angle around this is [ __ ] mess this game like I get what it's trying to do but so you have a transformer that transforms into a truck but also stays a transformer and when it transforms Baldi becomes the driver Oh God oh there is there is why [ __ ] drives with their legs wide open like that I guess you know what no no no that's about right never mind at this point everything just seems wrong to me everything just seems wrong to me good enough I think that's it but there's one that didn't work earlier you know the Sponge Bob skin doctor I'm assuming you again you can apply your imagination - spongebob skin doctor alright I'll show you the the games that did not work today just so you know it's a little sponge skin doctor that is probably a game where you're a doctor you have to you know rub SpongeBob's face and and give them injections and like heal his rashes and psoriasis psoriasis and then you have hello dog of n now this doesn't work I don't know why it doesn't work it doesn't [ __ ] load it I think it's a neighbor game I don't know why it's called hello dog it's another shitty neighbor game except that's the neighbor this time we've seen a million games like that it's fine captain n the game master so there it is that's the whole stream of Android showcase I think was it worth it no probably not but we learned new things we learned about new predatory ad practices we learned about bow zet games we learned that Baldy is the new neighbour we learned minion bananas or thing and Super Smash relatives is still the best game in this collection oh it's the soundtrack to best friends during Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero [Music] all right that was a trashy trashy Android showcase we're gonna take a break I'll be back with ZM garden and then after that a game jam a number of different games let me give you some titles so you know what to expect because you might want to stay for them sonic pang go cheer sonic liquid survival Mario flashback March Super Mario Kart in Sonic mania and Mega Man adventure yeah it should be interesting should be interesting as iam garden is gonna be a chance for us to chill though so maybe I'll do maybe I'll do the sage 2018 stuff first and then we can end with ZM garden that way we you know wise we're winding down the stream and we're all ready to go to bed we can chill sound good right I think that works Oh Jeff made this Vigi bomb pretty good right let's take of course Vinnie only chose the bad games from sage that's true they are the bad games but I didn't actually choose them I actually am the one that shows them but I'm more than happy to check out the bad ones who I wonder who chose them I mean it is Sunday come on be right back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 152,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Quality Android Trash, Android OS, Awful, Terrible, Bad, Weird, Ripoffs, Bootlegs, Ads, and more Ads, Trash, Baldi, Super Smash, Bros, Relatives, Momo, Minion, Rope Hero, Bowsette, ayy lmao
Id: xV8xCXu8AmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 23sec (5963 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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