[Vinesauce] Vinny - Gameboy Advance Prototypes

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stuff for you so what's this professional logo making it's a passion of mine and this is Game Boy Advance prototypes and I love Game Boy Advance and grew up with it right but it was a bit of a crusty system when I first came out circle of the Moon was too dark you get to play it and direct sunlight but had some great games on it including some games that didn't come out and this collection was put together by red jackal and there's a couple games in here that I've heard about but never actually played so we've been doing a lot of prototypes lately in general so I wanted to take a look all right first game Diddy Kong pilot so I really really wanted a sequel to Diddy Kong Racing I never got it but we did get Diddy Kong pilot kind of you know not really we got prototype Diddy Kong pilot cancelled Game Boy Advance racing game starring Diddy Kong and other Donkey Kong characters this build was redone from the original version before finally becoming banjo pilot in 1990 in 2005 so that's some crust music we got there [Music] cups so you have four racers you got the usuals diddy go to its clunky donkey what will do from that's not sorry that's not funky Kong I don't know whose voice was that before we start let's get a few things straight you're racing for the pride of team Kong don't let us down I did not suffer those interminable amounts of monotonous gameplay for you to blow it all now each cup is made of four races and then you fight a crime in the Kremmling and there's target balloons shoot them the secret boosts will appear that's pretty bodacious okay so it looks like Mario Kart Super circuit but you're in the air hey there's that announcer from Diddy Kong Racing I like that announcer [Music] well this doesn't seem too bad you got like a little you got like a little gun that shoots like balls it looks good it doesn't feel like there's a lot of depth to it I was gonna say what's to stop me from just flying over the grass same thing as in a car racer sorry dude new funky voice breath I would have bought this game honestly [Music] [Music] like they're trying to add depth by having things to shoot like a little target loons but it's yeah just Mario Kart super circuit with flying [ __ ] oh god those things are hard to hit well you can do tricks that's super cool dude also these these shots don't seem to actually affect [Music] the other racers plumber pact was made by co-ordinate Newton jackal added some more games from hidden palace oh okay sorry Thank You coordinate Newton it's hard to keep track sometimes plain pursuit I say this looks really good for a gameboy game Game Boy Advance game there squeeze in as much as they can out of this thing and even though it's just your simple mode seven it's not bad sprites look good Punky's animations are nice it's a shame this never actually got finished someone said the sound mixing is kind of bad everything is way too loud and blown out it technically did because banjo pilot [Music] yeah I didn't play banjo pilot I did not I don't know I guess I just missed it what if the levels are about the same too [Music] [Music] they need to be honest you would have missed this one too maybe but I was a pretty big diddy kong racing fan so i was always hoping that we would get a sequel to that on the Gamecube I [Music] guess going for the Kong is another thing you can do vini there was an older version of this that included story modes for each character including K rool discovering El Dorado but I don't believe there's a rom for it Vinnie did you play Mickey Speedway USA no I don't like Mickey Mouse I had no interest in Disney huh but rare made it and that was their sequel to diddy kong racing I heard it was ok I don't I listen I know people are confused when I say that I did not grow up on Disney cartoons they annoyed me I don't know why they were never this like magical thing to me it even as a kid I only liked a couple movies I just wasn't my thing I like Looney Tunes didn't like Disney [Music] so when Kingdom Hearts came out and everyone was losing their [ __ ] over it and Donald Duck was going I I was just like yeah I'm good dog [Music] someone said I hated Disney until I visited Disneyworld you are the fourth person or so that has told me that I had a lot of people say that that was a big thing I'd never been to Disneyland so [Music] [Music] anyway so that now you know my it's not a secret hold the stream many times about my Disney stuff but hey check this out banjo pilot voxel prototype before we do that hang on a minute hi I was gonna check out a boss battle maybe that's one cool thing that would separate this boss battles just like Diddy Kong Racing had though [Applause] wacky noises yeah you slow down over lava I mean I guess they kind of had to do something like this but it's just it's just kind of hilarious to me that planes can't fly over lava [Music] so it's too hot well you can't fly over dirt either th cubed so this is banjo pilot voxel prototype [Music] [Applause] looks cool so far it says here this voxel engine build was the result of a few months work the title comes from the engine which renders the tracks in this build which was dropped due to lag and lukewarm reception also audio once again blown the [ __ ] out I have it on like 20 percent volume at best [Music] this is also again very impressive for Gameboy Advance so I give it that a for effort so far well yeah oh oh [ __ ] look it's the things from Diddy Kong Racing did he come pilot I got to say this is very cool it's not very fun so far but it is very cool yeah I went 3-1 there's no - sorry that's only in the final version - did they wear they're gonna add the two three two one but no this this one nuts that's too much development time sorry everybody yeah it's it's like mega crust but also I can see why they abandon this but I think this is incredible I will say if they had just waited for the Nintendo DS you know if there was still like some kind of relationship there and they published banjo pilot on the on the DS that could have been kind of cool controls are a little [ __ ] though it's very sensitive a needed more tuning I don't think they got they didn't get the proper love they deserves also no items this is a little disappointing very very short track no music so yeah proof of concepts it's cool I think maybe if they had stuck with this and spent like another year on it it could have been something special I just don't know how much juice they got out of the GBA and how much was left then you have an item I press the buttons yeah I do remember diddy kong racing was re-released on the on the DS didn't buy that version [Music] yeah I heard mixed things about that port see maybe I'm pressing the wrong button I can't tell chat I can't tell am i using my item see something is happening now I can't stop using my item and I can't get rid of this one I think the items are japes well that's a first yep I wanted to see one more level after this but I don't think I've ever played a racing game where the camera got stuck on a piece of object so that that was at least this engine has proven to me that you can still do new things with Vinnie Vinnie okay video games video games maybe I should create a sequel to video games to call them video games I could copyright that to me venial I do like that baseline [Music] [Applause] [Music] someone made the scum face with no text chat that is really cool thank you Chalmers made it an unforgettable luncheon very nice man it just makes me want to play Diddy Kong Racing which as many of you know I streamed a couple years ago for Christmas there's a good stream still holds up still holds up by the way yeah yeah I'm good it's it's interesting prototype I like looking at it and playing it for a couple minutes but I don't think it's I get why they went and repurposed Diddy Kong pilot it was just kind of it's a little tough to enjoy a little tough to enjoy but hey Resident Evil 2 on the Game Boy Advance check this out GBA version of Resident Evil 2 is a tech demo created in 2003 by Ray Lite studios an Italian company to pitch their blue roses engine by this point in time Capcom had lost interest in the value ability of Gameboy ports and the pitch was rejected now I played Resident Evil 1 on the Game Boy Color and that was the most impressive cross turd in the outskirts of an American suburb called Raccoon it was later revealed that the terrible Huff's aster had been caused by the t-virus a mutagenic toxin created by the International Enterprise umbrella incorporated for you the Raccoon City booth I'm not pressing any buttons little stars unit immediately began investigation in the the case was apparently closed thanks to the efforts of stars members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine but the umbrella corporations experiments were far from finished okay listen this this is very awkward looking but if you think this looks awkward you should see the Resident Evil 1 gameboy color port seek it out look for it this is kind of incredible for GBA crustaceous as that may be which is a life form at a time the dinosaurs existed yeah I think I already kind of broke it [Music] well it's not very fun and some scenes work pretty okay like when there's one zombie on the screen it's not so bad you that walk it's so like oh boy it's me Leon three zombies Man 3 full zombies I like his stars jumpsuit oh sorry NYPD and Bob and why his Raccoon City Police Department jumps here sorry isn't not even worth it I tried so hard to just make like a little comment and it turned into a [ __ ] full sentence well it's certainly it's certainly a game that almost works and that's what prototypes are all about once again I am very shocked that this works as well as it does but it would have if Capcom actually picked this up and spent time working on it and optimizing it I think it could have been good I think it could have worked well good maybe not good but like it's like playing The Witcher 3 on the switch you know it works but you're only playing it on the switch because it's portable all right well that was interesting I don't know how much more gameplay there is but that was kind of cool here's me whoa this is Battletoads the game's development never went past alpha state but a prototype ROM was dumped [Music] I can't pause the game and hear the [ __ ] in music also this is a battle toad this is the scummiest looking battle toad the banjo that's banjo [Music] why is there infringement Battletoads is rare oh yeah forgot about that oh hey there's an xbox event coming up this week right Microsoft is gonna be unveiling new games for their xbox bone series X so if I were to stream it which I'm not going to I could have the the jingle ready third party only okay [Applause] and I've licked the game a cool noise good morning [Applause] Tarak advanced 3d version of Tarak advanced the development of which was dropped in favor of the released 2d to rock advanced okay I had I've never heard of this and I am a [ __ ] toric I was a big toe rock fan and okay we just go through walls I can see why this was dumped I was a pretty big toe rock fan and I if there was a version of Tarak that came out portably I probably would have would have bought it if it was anything like the original unfortunately this is a bag of dicks [Music] well the music is good that's um Torah key others really really did not Oh God could you imagine this playing a whole game like the [ __ ] nope I'm sorry who did I shoot oh that dude oh my god that was some stanky [ __ ] I couldn't move while that dude was on my screen new dance emote maybe maybe Vinnie am i watching classics of game maybe you know I that's that was the thing I wanted to do did I do the tour rock thing I did right i streamed a little bit of Toric's mods one and two and I showed you the tour Rock mod with the weapons from - rock - and rage Wars okay yeah I did do that okay man I don't give a [ __ ] even though - rock - pissed me the [ __ ] off when I streamed it that game had such great shooting [ __ ] love that game I just don't want to play it I like to preserve the memory of it Tarak one still holds up the night dive for it works well enough but just like my Rose tinted glasses really make me feel warm at night when I think of Tarak to chat let me tell you a quick thing before I get off Tora oh god that sounded wrong but when Tarak 2 was coming out it was the same time as Ocarina of Time and Rogue Squadron and it was also the time I was taking my [ __ ] SATs to get into college or my pSATS which were like the practice versions I forget which one and I was so excited about toric that when I [ __ ] up my SATs or my pSATS I didn't give a [ __ ] I was like I don't care - rocks coming out I think the SATs I did fine on I think it was the practice ones there's no like exams like standardized testing to get you into college it was the practice SATs that I [ __ ] up anyway there's not much to see here I get why it was canceled it doesn't work dark Empire is an unreleased RPG that was developed by marvelous entertainment for the Game Boy Advance this project was previously unknown until an auction for its prototype was posted on eBay in June 2009 also anyone that makes me packs and includes like a text file with informations like this thank you so much like I don't know how much of this is jackal including lore but if it is jackal thank you always makes good segments but in this case it's like anyone that helps with Sunday stream and makes interesting segments for the forever emo it is you okay thanks jackal I know other people include text files too but I just wanted to point out I really appreciate that I know the audience does too so another three are you noticing a trend here chat with the amount of 3d games that were canceled because GBA just didn't really push polygons all that well first person as well rame rates are actually kind of decent for this okay you were going jumped over the hoop okay he's small I see I thought I I thought we were about the same size but when you go into the first person you find out that they're just like toys certainly do love videogames you you oh do you remember that time my video was claimed because I put a cricket sound effect holy [ __ ] this this is licensed I just clicked on the YouTube video oh my god yes oh this this game for a prototype is pretty cool it definitely you got to imagine that they would add more to a game like this and not just have it be like empty hallways so how you know how decent would the game have run anything more than a soulless void as a chat member just described you oh [ __ ] Final Fantasy seven on the Gameboy Advance I froze dammit [Music] didn't even do the joke over storm unknown prototype it says here over storm is a cancelled action platformer game created by quantized bit for Gameboy Advance shown publicly only once in 2003 gaming convention however in 2014 the developers decided to give away an alpha build of the game featuring five different levels in an indie stand game sale of their last product vault interesting informations however okay oh sorry that the dude is still in the bottom corner then he someone made a better scum face and thus scum risin was born on this day may the fourth 2020 you oh boy what's up [Music] it's as generic as they come except you're collecting earthworm jim items [Music] [Music] the music is very epic abandoned place yep none of that was done on purpose [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I don't really know I don't know what to say about this it's it is game Oh oh [ __ ] I know what this reminds me of and visually it's about the same as as that like the graphics are about the same as you see the movie The Hobbit when they enter the the mountains and there's the goblins it's a it's like that it's it looks about the same about as realistic is that this is some indie film yeah I don't know some j.r.r tolkien Tolkien bikini I don't know some indie author one a couple Creative Writing Awards probably a game of Thrones ripoff that this game is fine it's just it just kind of exists but then there's the name of the game is too long no core could load the ROM so it's Frank Herbert's dune you got it this is to rename it properly sometimes I can troubleshoot a little bit I'm not that smart I'm not I'm not good with computers much so check this out Frank Herbert's dune canceled flying shooter game made by soft Brigade that was going to be published on the gameboy advance by cryo interactive development of the game start in 2001 but in the summer of 2002 the project was shelved even if it was basically finished all the missions are completed before submission to Nintendo due to cryos final financial difficulties oh I see it was shelved even if it was close to being finished before submission to Nintendo because the money got a little bit [ __ ] all right let's see what it is denis villeneuve I believe used this as his um his inspiration for the the style of his upcoming movie home of spikes the greatest treasure in the universe and who controls it controls our destiny on this planet water is almost sacred population has to use all its skills to survive the extreme weather of dune spice melange note even though he moves his mouth a certain way the dirt stays in the same spots I don't know how to explain it it's just just weird [Music] some rough audio again we're going voxels [Music] [Music] sounds like jaws music a very smooth frame rate it's it's just a little bit you know and part of the reason is there's no player vehicle on-screen or anything like that and the resolution has been looks like the tank from episode one a little bit as you can say with the the UI being a little bigger that saves a little bit of memory but uh yeah it's yeah just um smooth 3d on the GBA once again oh and you can raise you can lift very uh very very cool actually I'm gonna I'm gonna say that this one's pretty cool so far [Music] yeah of course it looks like dune you got a desert and and there's a desert [Music] [Music] have to drop a thing off somewhere a second [Music] yeah I don't know I'm sure I skipped vital dialogue so I don't really feel too bad about this it's just a cool thing to look at and I'm sure maybe in time something like this could have you know been okay ish I wonder what the crossover of people who have read all of dune and people who owned Game Boy Advance what it was like what was that crossover like oh yeah that does sound like steam like gabe newell knows about the spice melange he knows you [Music] here this this one's called the Haunted Mansion well the GBA version of the Haunted Mansion appears to be finished it was never given a proper release due to its intended publisher TDK media active being bought by take-two interactive who found this game to be lackluster however a rom of the finished game was leaked online so did me the movie sucks ass who was in the movie Eddie Murphy I don't remember there being an Eddie Murphy Haunted Mansion movie I bet Eddie Murphy doesn't remember either where we going straight [Music] Oh God the vomitorium [Music] Chad I believe were inside of a brain these are brain cells and synapses all is still the night was falling three all to still the night was falling three friends feel the mansion calling gates creak open should they enter here when the night is over they will know their fear [Music] spirits roam this whole Mancha's floors if they catch you you stole won't be yours spend the night find the cards escape the coasts Braille fail and you're joined expecially I would never be a rap god I can I can't read [Music] oh my god your first task is to find both of your friends but even then your night doesn't end the spirits have trapped the owners soul releasing him is your final goal it's a frightful journey to find his tomb one wrong step could spell your doom I don't understand what we're looking at is this just a never ending cutscene or as I like to call it crust scene and a full three frames a second I want I like I have to look at myself moving my hands in front of my eyes to remember that real life has good frame rates to solve the secrets of this place against the clock you must race banish the spirits and don't do well free mr. Gracey from his shell and to the house face the test failing your friend eternally rest I'll thank God oh no I never mind can we go back to where I didn't have to play you have found this spooky mobile phone explore the dimension to find some tones see like device select the right bone and you will blast your targets with his phone excuse me that come from my god this is some really bad game [Music] this is welcome foolish mortal to your haunted mansion we are the your ghost hosts Ezra Gus and Phineas again I don't know what this property is I've never played this [ __ ] so I don't know I don't know what the hell's going on here Eddie Murphy be looking kind of thick though excuse me what the [ __ ] did you just say I mean it's not that hard to see why this game was canceled I don't even know which one Oh are you joking I thought like one of the ghosts was Eddie Murphy in Murphree I didn't realize that Eddie Murphy played Elvira in this movie [Music] I said I want the knife please [Music] it was based on the ride from Disney World the Haunted Mansion oh because Pirates of the Caribbean was based on a ride and they figured well what other rides do we have but we could turn into movies so we hear it did me have a brand new movie that we would like to show you all it's called the teacups all right this is the epic teacup movie it'll make you dizzy [Music] check I kind of get what's going on here now I finally like see what the game's gameplay is supposed to be I suppose nevermind no III don't I don't like this at all this is this this deserve to be canceled some of the other games I could kind of see maybe with some more development time that they could be salvaged this just makes me upset it's really really not fun this does not mean this does not need to exist um the 3d again so many of these developers are going for 3d on the GBA which is a nice goal I mean Tony Hawk too did it pretty well there's a couple 3d games on the 3d on the GBA that worked ok this is this is bad something tells me this is going to be 3d a demo written by Markus Lin of French studio small rockets utilizing the same homemade voxel engine as 4x4 off-roaders after the project had went through different publishers and changed into another game entirely so I've done a segment I don't know how long ago but I did a say oh this this is like the the Tony Hawk kind of perspective with just a little bit of 3d and then the rest is you know 3/4 of you that's Tony Hawk 2 worked pretty well on GBA because it ran well and looked pretty good so you could scoot the burbs and you know eat a dick but if it here's the thing I did a segment on 3d GBA games in the past where I checked out a number of games including flight of the Falcon which if you want to see frame rates that are actually slideshow that is a game that runs very very slowly and it's [ __ ] horrendous you this is not very easy to play maybe I'm playing it wrong I'm probably playing it wrong but it just zooms in it's trying to show off like the sick animations but it just kind of makes me a little dizzy and you lose track of where you are oh yeah I don't know about this one let me do a quick reset and we try tracing again prototypes so it's forgivable that these games don't quite work Chadd I've noticed something tell me if you notice I'm gonna put the controller to the microphone tell me if you notice anything strange do you hear that that's the sound of me not pressing any buttons the game is playing itself I think I had control over the menu is it not a demo oh well I had to press Start and it zoomed in now I have control weird I thought I was playing at that whole time I was pressing buttons and everything oh hang on a minute that's interesting I kind of liked it better when I wasn't playing it yeah I did in fact yes you blue Angelo live-action role-playing game developed by virtual spaghetti and published by Shibuya Interactive for game park 32 what in Boy Advance version was in development but was ultimately cancelled before release two versions for the GBA version of the game have made their way online both at various points of the unfinished product development blue Angelo does anyone know who blue Angelo is you ah those la voz you why is there no sound I guess they just forgot to make the sound or is so early in development that there was just no sound it's not supposed to be muted it's not muted in fact it's it's very much Wow I pressed L and this is happening you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sorry that's the only way I could make the stream entertaining Vinnie apparently this game has Toriyama art did it just steal it or oh yeah I was looking at that I was like that seems like Toriyama art but did they not know that naming the character la voz I guess there's multiple people in the world named John Jim Goku never mind it's fine oh no that was me Chet that wasn't accurate Orianna that was John Toriyama so there's um the dude on the left look at that that chin there's um Magus and chrono the cell blue la voz and old I keep pressing L and summoning la voz by accident god dammit I can't I can't play this anymore it's just it just won't stop Blu Angelo will not stop flashback legends well we've got we've got sound now I mean be careful what you wish for this might be terrible and it sounds terrible the unreleased sequel to fade to black itself a sequel to flashback the quest for identity the game was shelved after developers went bankrupt yeah that was another game I rented on my Super Nintendo Entertainment System and I hated it flashback I didn't understand it I wanted Super Metroid and I got something weird and cerebral and the controls didn't make any sense to me and I yeah this doesn't look like flashback Vinnie read the story new Yvonne / Tilly contact Rohini unit especially electricity poor country with the Papa a you know idea classic the Donner Party to deplete the parapet eat mr. la petite Miss Elizabeth in butter butter [Music] she looks like she's from Long Island hello my name is captain cork and I am part of this crew a ragtag group of no name and no face Starfleet officers did I say Starfleet I meant star French I mean he's eating at the Kirk sideburns it was star-lord Kirk and Germa Vinni I'll be honest there is one sentence you almost nailed what with the fake French I don't know what I'm doing I'd like to apologize to all it's just just everyone you know I was gonna say to the French people that we have watching the good French people but honestly the truth is I just need to apologize to every human either yeah I'm not even gonna try [Music] yeah it's Lester the unlikely everybody so okay so my dude here is done in a weirdly realistic style does not have an outline but the enemies do thing is again I know that this is what flashback is supposed to play like but the game Lester the unlikely has overwritten most of my brain cells in relation to games that play like this oh my god I hate it [Music] rotoscoping yeah I mean the rotoscoping is yeah sure but like when you go for the realistic animations from rotoscoping and and the game plays very slowly I mean deliberately I get what they're going for but I still I still don't ever really like playing games like this as Reggie once said if it is not fun what bar there odd world is fun odd world plays way better than this broken circle the game was developed by seven Raven studios as you can see here publishers weren't interested in the game because it proved to be a big too big of a risk to cover the release costs associated with the game as it required a more expensive 256 megabits cartridge for an unproven developer publishers walked away big cartridge equals poopoo [Music] now that was his foot right yeah that was okay just check it [Music] okay that was almost full titty an age of axis an age of swarms an age of school range of morons [Music] in the beginning of the end no peace or no mercy for the human race but they shall come again it's just ethnic words in succession [Music] music is good or are we going to learn about more ages in the age of trees the age of geez this is broken circle which is the moment the dream and moment before the eyes open and that exactly that feel weightless searching for me through my flesh augments all the memories of the dream fade away a fragmented shadow is the moment of Joy's open it's the thing that Theatre in the world it's made the body it really remained he's huge she and he's here what the wolf everything ends I come back to the world with his moan in my ear what I can't to into hunt I can tune tunt I am finally about to reach the village of mare to know if the muse that I have had is truthful I will earn another great ransom [Music] why did we need a big cartridge for this boy that that's it that's some stank I can now slay the boar asses oh it's it's like an RPG like this you got it yet it's like Golden Sun okay nevermind I guess I can't attack guess I should have read the tutorial now can't defend either don't worry about it what we just run I like video games [Music] yeah yeah well of course I'm gonna grump it you know it's a Sunday Stream all you have to press start to confirm your attack well the animations are sometimes pretty good which I guess that's where the 256 like a biker Church came from like a bit mate it's it's a game it got cancelled no one wanted to [ __ ] with it next is world reborn the final prototype of the evening [Applause] 256 MB equals 32 megabytes okay so here's a game called world reborn from neo pong software cancel 2d shooter first publisher contract contact interested in the demo got the game licensed but after company restructure set contact disappeared several other publishers were interested in the game but it never amounted to anything in the end and the guy has lost all records of its history discoveries and achievements metallic ruin to the ever present bio tipitina crews of past civilizations us the 400 years ago humans possessed credible technology whoever comes warfare using this technology short humans a minute dude in the interest of peace the world leaders ordered the creation of judge 4101 a computer to resolve conflicts judge 4101 successfully can't resolved cases from more than a year before falling silent confuse the leaders requested another judge computer to be mailed certainly thereafter a message was broadcast across the final verdict has been reached strange machines began attacking major cities utterly annihilating any resistance these biotech were made from organic and synthetic components I haven't taken a breath yet final assault decimated the remaining human civilizations the surviving children were collected and put into monitored colonies since that humans have continued to live in fear on the biotechs tyranny until now hey pear inject this out it looks like metal I think it's a door I wonder where it goes wow this place is awesome what are those lights I believe this is a computer I've heard stories about these can you make it work I think you do this and then there hey you did it alert alert biotech attack under way what the it looks like blue hair chrono the computer says our home town is under attack are you serious I'm afraid so oh [ __ ] and then and then it's and then you play this [Music] son I mean you never like to see someone's hard work get canceled [Music] I mean it's no action 52 you know that's a real game [Music] yeah like Gradius un squadron do your stock standard shmup good music the trees look the trees look like trees hang on a minute let me see if I can make those trees look even cooler I think I can wanna make those trees look super cool I know I got a and a way to do that well not quite you a little bit better little desaturation helps you yeah it's a animation op it works it's a game I think you know for a game that was canted this didn't need to be canceled I'm sure if someone would have bought this it could have like sold 10,000 copies [Music] [Music] all right I've had enough we'vewe've brain blasted ourselves through the GBA prototypes really good stuff in there including the banjo stuff and the Diddy Kong stuff I enjoyed that I never even knew Tarak advance was attempted so I enjoy before I do quantum eternity there is a game that I wanted to check out is that I think chat would like I think chat would get their jollies off a little bit from this and this is shower clown which is not in fact what I'm about to show you
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 56,994
Rating: 4.914391 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Games, Funny, Gameboy Advance Prototypes, GBA, Prototypes, Diddy Kong Pilot, Banjo Pilot, Resident Evil 2, Battletoads, Turok Advance, Dark Empire, Overstorm, Frank Herbert's Dune: Ornithopter Assault, The Haunted Mansion, Travis Pastrana's Pro Moto X, Blue Angelo, Flashback Legends, Broken Circle, World Reborn
Id: mk9QP9OVLno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 6sec (4386 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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