[Vinesauce] Vinny - Minecraft (PART 1)

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so here we go it's happening it's really happening you why am i playing Minecraft you you may say to yourself well it's a little bit of a story it's been years since I played this and before minecraft carried with it baggage I just like building it was a fun little game and when I got my graphics card and I was investigating the ray-tracing stuff I found out that minecraft chat was telling me minecraft had ray-tracing mods so I said [ __ ] I'd like to take that check it out take it for a spin and so I did i modded minecraft and I was like why why not and it looks pretty good it's not RTX it's not using the core of the card but it's still pretty good [Music] and you'll see it looks nice and then I found myself like actually kind of getting into it I was like oh [ __ ] like I found a volcano kind of like I found this lava Mountain and I was like this is pretty cool so I did a I'll show you in a minute I did a poll earlier I said Smash Brothers or minecraft and people voted for there was a small simple group and minecraft won and I said [ __ ] and I'm gonna stream it I'm robotic really badly okay well this game is very intensive remember invalid operations well let it load first maybe [Music] is this the Zeus shader pack it is yeah it's better now okay well I'm gonna increase my resolution hang on so just testing this out and like [ __ ] around like I said I'm not here to like you know I'm not here to play Minecraft forever I just want to check it out and I ended up getting kind of into it because it got really peaceful and chill so I found this mountain and I found illegal operation and valid operation the hell is that why does that keep happening that wasn't happening last time so why is it look fuzzy I think that's part of the shaders [Music] PC is on fire so I found this mountain and I actually ended up you see what's going on over here where I'm pointing that originally cut off about here so I went up there and I started like finding ways to make the lava go over there and then I actually blocked the lava flow because it's just one block I blocked the lava flow and then I built this window here and and then I made I made it there now I didn't actually you know I mean I had to but I had this block the lava first Phinney settings multiplayer settings chat settings chat hidden we don't need that so now you're gonna be like I have almost nothing in this base but my plan you'll see this the shaders look pretty good I mean their shadows I think there's probably some better settings what's your skin oh I had the skin for like ten years I'm an int Vinnie did you say you got a texture pack yeah I did take a look I don't remember what this one was called but it's like just more or less the basic stuff with a little more detail wait are we going to EB it love our home [Music] so so yeah by that strange noise just that keep in mind I haven't played this game in years so I have no i scary cave noises so I haven't played this game in years so I I'm finding all kinds of weird stuff the combat is different you know like I'm still getting used to the fact that this game has been updated for three years or so and even probably longer than three years but um I got some slime balls I'm probably gonna have to make a couple things you know I have just a scattered assortment of nonsense and some steak of which I will bring some I'm gonna try to look for make a campfire put it under the lava to make smoke mobs can spawn in your house light it up more well they haven't spawned in yet then hehe didn't connect his chest how do you do that have them face the same way jesus [ __ ] christ the back seating someone said in chat I mean is there such a thing as back seating in Minecraft this is just a chill you know build look around it's whatever don't worry about a chat it's gonna be it's gonna be okay we're just gonna have some fun if such a thing can be found in Minecraft I'm not sure base the same direction right beside each other okay so is there a way to take everything from a chest without having to you know go in there no this is a good way to consolidate everything at least bunch of random crap you have another barrel okay so I guess use the steak to break this treasure chests breaking gets all you can just break it I'll [ __ ] what is that I don't know I think that's part of the texture pack I'm not in love with this texture pack and these these shaders I'll be honest they're they're pretty cool but they haven't like blown my mind or anything it's just been it's sometimes it looks good sometimes it breaks sometimes it's a little [ __ ] but I'm kind of having fun playing the game again and just rediscovering all the stuff regardless of the shaders and all the nice vision was like here's something cool all right this goes to the top and what I did here was [ __ ] up is what I did but the light looks really nice is nicely it's very pretty but what I did here was this goes all the way to the top like the cream rises to the top oh I changed it my ladder was finished previously but I changed it up so I put just a bit of glass up here so that way monsters can't fall into my house then he I'd turn off the texturepack if I were you the performance is probably massive so this is a this is a thing that's been happening every time I play the game and it always happens it starts like jumping like the Mario Brothers three trees it jumps and then it stops and fixes itself it Wiggles and then it goes away look so I don't know what the that is if anyone has a fix for that or can isolate the problem let me know please also if anyone has any recommendations for like like a really nice texture pack or even better shaders let me know as well not now but you know because I'm not gonna be able to read through the comments in the chat right now Vinnie get rid of the texture pack it says incompatible made for an older version of monk but they said on the website not to worry about it they change the default textures to not by much I don't know I kind of don't I like the HD ones those were nice everything's so soft now that's all so hang on a minute that's also the shaders performance is better though yeah the other thing is to the shader settings I have now are apparently designed for that texture pack if I turn anti-aliasing off well things are still jumping around trees are still moving see ya I'm gonna need to do a lot more work I've just been like accepting it up until now because I figured why not but there's a lot of options [Music] cool that there's so many options but it's also daunting I'm gonna turn the textures back on because again I don't hate them and for the time being I want to leave them on because they looked pretty Oh Vinnie you have the wrong shader pack you have seuss renewed those are not the ray-traced ones well how about this thank you for the information I'm gonna play and then at a future time I'm gonna fix these issues but thank you for helping me because I needed the help God knows I'm uh it's been too long I've been and I don't know what I'm doing with modding the game I've never modded minecraft ever so man all this and I came back to this because I wanted to you know I wanted to see what it would look like with ray-tracing I probably didn't even do that right so what I need to do is I need to find iron because I've not found any I found zero iron go into cave I will I will so my plan here look I don't have a lot of time I'm not gonna be streaming minecraft for that long this is it's currently quarter after two you know i end around 3:30 so we'll get like an hour and fifteen and something like that my plan is as follows one continue to make my base look dope i wish i didn't say it like that god damn it okay one i need to make these bridges a little bit better like what's his name sam sam porter bridges and death stranding who bridges people together eat dick well that's gone the question are my materials eaten by the lava are they in there somewhere yes okay all right fair enough wasn't learned they get roasted and destroyed yeah I figured that because I lost them before one of the cool things about this base though is you can see it from a distance I mean you can't not see it it's so [ __ ] right but I do live by a swamp and I live in this weird little area and there's a cave there but yeah I mean it's it just looked like the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit so I had to it's a creeper I think I have enough wood let me let me get again yeah this this whole thing right here this walkway is terrible I need to fix that I mean eventually I'm gonna fix up a lot of stuff if I continue playing this but I'm not really I'm not really sure I'm gonna go for a symmetrical base one because I'm lazy too because I don't know symmetry it can be nice in some areas and then in others I'm just like well I'm good I'd rather not I just keep it interesting and stupid and let it be what it is which is just a big mess so I'm just keeping for the time being I'm just keeping it as it is those stakes I made are gone look like those stakes all right how do you ever think it just won this won't one right-click oh so you click all of it and then you right click okay gotcha thank you all right sorry I'm bad at this I'm not very fast at Minecraft because what I'm doing but lots of stone if I need it this [ __ ] recipe book was not in the game last time I played it so that's like a godsend what am i doing I need to wonder if the trees stopped moving so I'm gonna make two of those I'm going to make sward and I'm going to make guess some lady sticks probably gonna need more than that so let's make more than that lady sticks created for those that don't know my history with Minecraft I actually remember playing the very first version of it online like the very very beginning of it and I'm there was like people were just doing creative weird [ __ ] and I made these caves and people kept flooding them classic or alpha I don't know it was it was in a browser in dev was it that was classic yeah I played that one and every time I made something cool I try to hide it at the bottom of the map but yeah someone ruin it I think it's just let's let's go so so you know so up here so obviously that leads up there over here this is a work in progress I say that is if I'm ever going to actually develop this but we'll see this - I don't know what this is a nuke but this was an accident the fact that there is like one shaft of lava that was not my intention but when I saw how cool it looked I said [ __ ] it it's gonna leave it so you are the one they call shaft whoa careful there but yeah I even put blocks around here to make it look a little bit better it's just something I enjoyed doing so anyway so I made a mine of sorts one that you could perhaps craft and I didn't find too much I found a really really scummy dungeon which underleveled for well under geared for I should say ass gunjan if you will the Balrog weights down there that's right now there's a Balrog down here probably but also stuff I can't mine so that's not good we'll have a redstone I think this is too far down for the iron that I need well there's copper what am I in Chains [ __ ] are you what is this enemy piss am i dead it won't kill you just wait okay she's a witch it just puts you to one it's like the headcrab in half-life 2 if any in case you forgot copper is iron okay I have a scotch at the moment by the way nice I've eaten a little bit I don't like it down here this is definitely above my paygrade gold look how slow oh that just destroys it this is the first copper I found like in it you know in this capacity iron why am i calling a copper it's I well you know what it is I know what it is - deep down what's this little fella I know goddamn well what that little fella is that's whoa whoa these are like parasites [Music] like silverfish there's like fats down here too bats and rats make a stand here [Music] combat feels a lot better I mean I know that was the intention when they revised it but it desperately needed that again three years of updates now is this considered the bedrock edition or is there a difference Java this is the Java Edition is the bedrock edition any different is what I mean like am I missing out on content by not having bedrock edition is there Flintstones in the bedrock edition it's worse slightly it's worse okay fair enough good to know [Music] new ice it's the one in the windows store their ups and downs of each I heard this one was better for modification which is why I I stuck with this one press F while you're holding the torch can I do that with anything else or just the torch [Music] every item how do I use the second item I didn't know dual-wielding was in this game now what the [ __ ] man you can't swing the off hand alright fair enough I mean oh that's fine lots of little quality of life changes that are much appreciated for someone who played the game years ago I remember when redstone was new and mine carts were new and they were like eh yeah you can put mine carts I was like yeah rollercoasters and I never really did anything with that but right click to use the second item you can only place things but if you get a shield you can block no you can't attack but you can place items from the offhand it's very convenient very convenient so now I can adventure more easily and not have to switch every two seconds that's great then you should make a dope-ass rollercoaster I guess my ultimate goal of even playing this game which I got roped back into by accident just because I enjoyed making things and carving out a mountain is carving out a mountain and making things I don't know if I would want to make a roller coaster though but making my own version of Thorin [ __ ] beards mine and the land like Erebor that's kind of fun for me okay that end download a rollercoaster make a rollercoaster in the mountain I mean maybe make a shield never seen a shield in this game how about this let me start by actually figuring out how to make the game good and then we'll talk about roller coasters so I'm gonna try to make my mountain base a little better and then I'm going to adventure a little bit and then maybe roller coasters but at the moment I don't feel the need to roller coaster I think back in the day when I you know made the game I mean minecraft was so popular at one point vine sauce I mean this is just an inevitable topic but we started a secondary stream called vine craft so when everybody is like oh [ __ ] vine craft it's like yeah we thought of it we thought of it that was nine years ago and it was cool I mean it was it was just a bunch of chill minecraft streams I'm sure those that were there often would have different stories to tell you but that's not me but for a little while there it was just its own separate thing and people would just the goal was at least in theory was that it was just a place - because everyone was streaming minecraft at the time so the goal was to just throw everybody into their own little like place where they could all stream minecraft and get it off the main channel because people were getting sick of seeing so much of it and it was also just a neat idea but at the end of the day it was you know I didn't put any energy or effort into it because I was busy managing one stream it was then that I learned not to overextend myself because I I can barely handle my own streams yeah and then a life on top of that so that wasn't something that was long for this world sadly but it was a cool idea and it was chill and I did stream there and I remember building like a I remember if I remember correctly I did build like a little roller coaster but I think I built a statue Benny you should make a sign to point to the exit I don't even know how to make signs is there a chance that monsters are gonna like come up here then he revived vine craft it would fit the recent revival of Minecraft but did you not hear what I just said about how I overextended myself hang on a second Vinnie you have a life I thought you retreat into dark room and wait there in between streams course that's what I do so people are saying that I can build a sign but before I do that I think this is just memory now and I'm sure this is probably correct just I can do this right at the iron or we go so finally some iron finally some good [ __ ] food so the recipe book which is again wonderful you can build a cake banner Wow ooh it is repugnant he doesn't say that data does definitely does not say repugnant if any do you know what the nether is I think I do I just don't think I've been there it is revolting I hate this more please Vinnie just so you know there are different furnaces that speed up certain types of items see again I did not know that kind of crazy how much other stuff is in here so I got plenty of stone I need stairs cobblestone stairs I'm gonna do so why don't we know now that I've adventured a bit like why don't we build a bit just a little bit of building I'll show you what I have in mind I need to fix the bridge outside my name is Sam porter bridges and my name is my birthright to bridging stuff did you like yes Kojima we love nice fps I love that it's been hovering around 69 the entire time I've been streaming yeah that's been it's been alternately rewarding let's say that this you can just draw okay so we can get an iron sword as well okay helm bhakti pant and well yeah yeah we can do a shovel I'm gonna need more iron I can't do iron axe but I think a stone axe will be will be just fine for now myself all armed up look at those achievements holy [ __ ] crossbow is nice okay feel like a god gamer right now you have no idea the rain looks really good with this mod I'll show you I'm gonna threaten to show you okay cobblestone I'm maybe I'll eat a little bit so I have any other meet some other meat products and I'm going to cook you can make soup too right then you why are you not shift clicking I do a little bit I need to be a little bit more efficient so let's start with this it's kind of cool actually it's not cool that's not cool that is not cool this is the kind of [ __ ] that I was doing when I was building this base by the way just FYI that kind of [ __ ] lots of it lots of Oh God Oh God plug it up plug it up I think that kind of works I know there's difference in the stone here but I'm okay with leaving that for now oh [ __ ] he's like open but that works I'll leave it see the lava I'm telling you man the lava base aspect of this this is cool as [ __ ] let's see yep this is one of the cooler things about the shader that I really like it's dark so you kinda can't see it entirely but the way the the rain you know hits the ground and makes reflections and stuff then you now imagine that with r-tx yeah I got a look into the other shaders that other shaders are meant for 1.12 not 1.14 okay so maybe I'll wait for that update then but yeah someone wanted to know Vinnie are you where you can put your sword on fire now face the lava and press Q with sword in hand nice troll dude the [ __ ] you think I am szura's i sorry Zora hi the Lord of Light has plans for me yet 1000 degree glowing hot sword huh okay so this is what I wanted to do I wanted to it's gonna make like a series of stone roads but at the moment it's not looking like it's not looking like I'm gonna do that don't was that noise scary monster super creep then it's an Enderman run but have the music is so peaceful though so I have a bit of a problem with these walls doesn't look all that great [Music] it looks fine it looks fit looks alright ish I'm not really into it maybe I'll try something like this maybe I just won't do stairs here that's better [Music] Vinny I hate to say this but if your meme magic is real this means that you playing Minecraft fulfills the ritual and spawned Steven smash all hopes for banjo are now gone yeah we talked about this earlier I said I will quit streaming permanently if I accidentally managed to summon Steve into Smash Brothers and I mean there would be much rejoicing here's what I meant to do before we don't need that I'm just gonna fix this up and then we can adventure a little bit more just want to [Music] make my lava moat a little cooler [Music] [Music] oh hello boys [Music] I mean if I'm only doing one set of stairs that's easy but I do need a couple more walls I remember how to do them what's that gurgle oh what the [ __ ] was that I don't like that why is he in my home you they don't like rain it's not even safe down here I guess that's your bedroom now yeah hello you can you can stay as long as you want just don't kill me yep nope nope that's your bedroom now I have a roommate what bricks that's cool that works why not should i I don't know kill the Enderman or attempt to or he's still here absolutely not so so he'll kill you back so am I just not even supposed to look at him don't stare at him directly what do you want from me man I don't know what do you want how did you even get in here a friend then he turn off auto jump do most people turn off auto jump because I I don't mind it but it has gotten annoying a couple times you yes I should maybe try to mine some of that gold on down here or I don't I don't know if I have a good enough pickaxe for it yeah redstone just so happy I can dual wield because I one point I was down here and I switched to my sword and it was pitch black and I couldn't see what the [ __ ] I was doing and I died at least there's a lot of coal make the choice an arrow stuck in me I'm a tree I mean I'm an end I have not a tree is there instant healing in this game I'm pretty sure the answer is yes through the use of potions and stuff right late game okay so until then I just have to eat figure out where that gold was here's here we go now is gold better than iron because in real life gold is not better than ayran no it's not okay well is there any good use for gold that I should be aware of because it has lower durability not for tools is it just because it looks cool apples and carrots gold apples yeah what is gold apples again is that extra health instant healing it's a healing apple and extra health ok an underground river this game makes you really feel like Indiana Jones I mean spider-man so what's the next material upgrade for my my stuff I don't remember like what's what should I be looking for for a pickaxe upgrade for example Dimond oh right right right ok yep I remember those were exceedingly rare good enough you like killing your friends mr. creeper we're getting real deep in this cave I don't know if I'm ever gonna find my way out and this is like all the way at the bottom I don't know how close this is to the bottom of the map but just dig up well that's always a thing just dig up if you get really lost but I don't think I'll have to I think I could just follow the river back [Music] dead end dead end dead end dead end dead end dead end didn't get it at it in Emerald is rarer than diamond what can you do with emerald trade okay that's another aspect of this game that I'm totally unaware of it's amazing how many cool new games are out at the moment and I'm playing Minecraft stuff here no but I mean I get it I get the appeal I guess for years it was just you know old like why would I bother playing minecraft but it's they're still working on it they're still updating it and I don't have to pay a dime for any DLC or anything like that [Music] [Music] another emerald lucky me I would have missed that too I did miss it the first time around [Music] cool all right so this is a good that's a good amount of digging strange skeleton and weird noises I can definitely find my way out now cuz I'm in the main zone the Auto Zone here's redstone which is a mystery to me as it ever was you know apparently people can program ways to play Minecraft while you're playing minecraft you can play Minecraft in Minecraft because of redstone but I think I figured out like the very very you know basics years ago that was probably the last time I remember following the updates for this game was like around the time the redstone stuff was being implemented I mean sure I've played it since then but [Music] so right Oh what's up boys [Music] ceiling spider I'll take that whatever the [ __ ] that is will I don't even knowing I just got host ring spider I delicious you how edit is there a way to edit this this way Oh now I know where it is for all time how much further down do you think this mine goes - he'll press f3 I don't know oh god what is all this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 17 is pretty far down it's just 17 more blocks down okay well we're here now so how about we don't dig that way like randomly just finding the most amazing material in the game okay I remember this this is the bottom right here I remember them I remember them stones where is my friendly creeper friend okay now it's probably time to go back up I'd imagine yeah now a good time to go back up for sure this way Oh y-coordinate to level 11 to find diamond don't dig straight down huh so five says Enderman is still here now he's gone I guess I owe eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-two people five dollars you know I think think I'm probably gonna need a better treasure chest for the rare stuff that I have I'm gonna make forty four thousand dollars that's no problem yeah that's cool yep do you should be bodacious and put the treasure chest here this is fine now let's not do that it might catch fire yeah yeah I'll just leave it here for now I'm gonna put um rocket time and I can make something Dimond at the moment but the lapis and the emerald here the redstone and maybe I'll start burning up this gold and so diamond pickaxe okay it's really that good like it'll last me a long [ __ ] time [ __ ] yeah it also Minds obsidian use it sparingly use it on obsidian you need it to get obsidian obsidian is lot lava and water well I have lava lava is you anyway let's start cooking I guess some hams there are an VLEs now to recover durability loss on tools [Music] raw chicken is it chicken like the only thing you can't eat I'm not the only thing but it's it's like some people will eat raw meat but if you eat raw chicken you get Sal the old pal Sal shows up Salmonella hey I you don't want it's me Salmonella are you doing yep yeah I'm your new Mabel you got any coffee it just it really does sound like a guy I grew up with yeah how you doing it's me Sal let me get a little bit of wood um adventuring oh I need to make a map I think who's this Oh enjoy the sunlight so anyway yeah I need to make a map hold control in water for swimming vidi you might want to make some crops a boy and one thing at a time PO seeds water not difficult yeah yeah but still want one thing at a time what's that in the distance there it's not red stuff the mushrooms at a giant mushroom don't go to that mushroom in a minute check that out let's see what the [ __ ] is going on over there but before I do that I'd very much like to make a map so I don't get lost professional streamer does not wish to get lost in baby video games need paper for that you need sugarcane for map put down banner it'll mark it on your map make a compass how do I make a compass I may as well plant the [ __ ] tree someone said plant [ __ ] trees or replant sugarcane makes paper paper and compass makes map redstone middle iron around it for compass that sounds good go into my ultra secret treasure chest that no one knows about not even the viewers of the stream stop sprinting wise area like a reason or is it just your instead upsetting you hunger Oh gotcha foking hungry as a legend in gin alley see block of redstone there's a lot of new recipes I've unlocked very many new including clock okay Golden Apple I don't have any apples at the moment but and then dropper piston Jesus compass got the compass now I need paper so where can I find this the stuff of water beaches around sand okay I like the compass works like this you just see it in your inventory or on your toolbar also should there not be obsidian here is this obsidian I take it it's not only lava source blocks gotcha so I'm gonna need buckets for that right all right let's find this stuff what are we looking for here that's not what I'm looking for definitely not that the edge of water why does it look so much better when I'm under the water it's like r-tx off RTX on I got a Mako underwater base now with glass and stuff that's the stuff right there Wow something in the distance özil squid hey squids i squid that was me participating in splatfest in advance is that a dungeon noise is that just simply a spooky dungeon noise or does that like signify the end of the world that's a cave noise okay much as I need perhaps go to the giant mushroom VIN not yet I want to make a map for some chicken take all the [ __ ] chicken feed bone I don't have bone tamed with bones I think I remember having a pet dog in this game at some point and no I'm not going to [ __ ] kill the dog chat Vinnie you have bone I have meat I have bone at home I don't have bone here I'm just gonna have to like carry a bone with me every time I go on some kind of adventure where are we going bone beer I don't even know what that means take several bone I'll take whatever bones I have make no mistake and I will definitely make friends with a dog but now now is the time to make a map then he plant the sugarcane mmm you have to plant on sand okay at the moment I don't have access to sand I think I do actually this little pond or lake or whatever the [ __ ] this is I guess this is probably more of a that's clay right that's not sand is this sand dirt it's dirt just grass like so I could plant it here [Music] I plant a couple over there in case I need them later [Music] [ __ ] did they nerf the creepers a bit I feel like they were worse at some point no you have armor on no I mean their explosion radius in particular no you're just older good answer I wonder if ender friend has showed up again no no ender friend he's around somewhere that son of a [ __ ] I know he is its son of a son of a [ __ ] sugar paper paper pull it pull it empty map map banner I need more wool you can upgrade it if you make three more you can combine them then he add more paper which mean had more paper like like how like this make up and for I have a bed eight around it okay so yeah I'm not gonna be able to do that right the second [Music] cartography table Benny you missed a shout so I see I can make a shield eight around his bedrock cartographer is Java 1.1 for new block I'm just gonna get it I don't know what it does we don't know where they came from we don't know what they do but it seems like fun kind of want to put it over here you think it's gonna catch on fire you know what I'm fine not risking that bead now is there a way to zoom in because now it's too big no map fills in as you walk around right right right Vinnie if you don't sleep in the next night birds will spawn at night to kill you what really oh you can you can double map it okay that's that's good all right now this is fine I can I can work with this what was the other thing oh I shield couple things I can build real quick real quick before we go on a quick adventure quick adventure then he sleep for adventures Wow okay then he paint your shield bring bones okay I'll bring bones you can paint your shield how many can you like find Jesus in this game - okay I see I wasn't actually properly sleeping okay so I got a map I have the stuff I'm gonna go check out that mushroom real quick there are several big mushrooms in the distance over here all more squids no oh wow okay so the red what is the red is that that indicates where my bed is or is that just where I was that indicates lava oh oh I still have to build the the [ __ ] banner if I'm going to set a waypoint lava aka your house well at least I know where it is that's the most important part of this know where it is okay they have nothing it drops shrooms sometimes okay that makes sense someone's gonna call Peter Peter Paul and Mary they're gonna come after me my stream they're gonna sing a song about how I've been hurting animals virtually big trees [ __ ] massive trees is that pockets yeah well Lamas yeah okay spit on me those were definitely not in the game last time I played it you can still actually see my base from here just a little bit see well this is good and I can get a good look around and see what the rest of the map looks like so this is more or less Rohan these are the misty mountains very small misty mountains the misty hills pigpig mountain pumpkins those are pumpkins there's an island somewhere in the Caribbean where it's just a bunch of pigs swimming around I don't know why they're there dr. light doesn't know why they're there either but they just swim and and they're cute I think it's the Bahamas you did the map generation take a [ __ ] [ __ ] so do you have to open the map to chart you do map Robert oh I see yeah this this terrain generation [ __ ] itself it had raw chicken there's just some weird floating [ __ ] there's this I mean I guess it's fine a village would be nice look for smoke signals okay I'm gonna check real quick like I said quick adventure and then we're gonna return back to oh more lava so again if you're watching tomorrow III will be happening and I will be covering it I say covering it but I'm just gonna restream it and talk over it I'm gonna do all the major conferences tomorrow Microsoft Bethesda devolver into some corruptions for your enjoyment I think what time is Microsoft I mean yeah or p.m. so 4:00 p.m. Eastern I will be I will be live covering Microsoft Monday I will not be covering the PC gaming show more than likely I'm definitely not covering Ubisoft sorry but I will be covering square the thirstier and Nintendo oh wait no but that's this is the day before nevermind yeah so Square and independent couple of them and then I'll do an e3 recap and we'll all be having will be fun everything will be fun and and it'll be great I see something with mine eyes that is very interesting then you're off the map [Music] so so why does that happen well at least I know where I am in relation [Music] paper and the map worked differently last time I played this make another or make it bigger [ __ ] I thought this is a village up here is that not a village it is okay it's a mountain village [Music] I will cross the holy mountain horizontally bono there we go oh wow [Music] some lava up here too well I can establish trade routes with this village if I so desire not village but cabin look it could be cool maybe not you could sell them lava I think they have plenty of their own to be honest [Music] [Music] I'm gonna use the shovel for this probably just gave several people in the chat heart attacks by using my shiny new diamond pickaxe that looks like a village very [ __ ] I am spider-man far from home zombie village and I just loop like am I gonna upset someone by taking this stuff you that too you you zombies attack village at night should sleep good advice Bannos bed everything purple is now a nose it used to be Barney then it was tinky-winky now it's Thanos guess I'm gonna go down there don't believe I'll be making it back to my mountain base tonight but at least I can hang out in a village did I just set a spawn point by sleeping in that bed yes all right well well I think I generally know where I am hello Wow never seen this kind of before in this game seven emeralds for iron leggings that that's awful now now that I'm in the village can I still steal stealing is fine potato they'll never know blast furnace take armor I don't I don't know how to take that - why not I keep getting nervous that someone's going to attack me or I'm going to outstay my welcome [ __ ] is this repair and disenchant now stop you violated a little potato book potato oh I am I am eating raw potato can I boil them plant and farm them at your base okay these appear to be pumpkins this is a very inconvenient place to put pumpkins hey let your annoying these are my pumpkins and there's nothing you can do about it boy am i a jerk I am a real [ __ ] [ __ ] for just stealing all their [ __ ] check make sure I've done everything in the village put the food on the campfire another mechanic I haven't seen in this game yet fires are really new this was added last month I still can't believe this game is getting updated like as soon as a month ago oh when they're done they just pop off and I need that campfire dog I don't believe you can get that can't mine the fire well [ __ ] I did get a jack-o'-lantern it's just kind of scary down here I don't understand your prices mate your prices suck like gamestop values hey and welcome to Game Stop we'll take your Super Nintendo you're sealed Ocarina of Time and a blood transfusion and give you 13 dollars in exchange I can't believe I'm doing this it doesn't feel right how are these people gonna live Jamie left mode we need not my people bring up because you're stealing our crops it's kind of a big village to pose it's the mayor's house hello are you the mayor 15 coal for one emerald one emerald for one stone shovel that's cool dog but you know I'm gonna take your iron shovels for free Oh for the price of on the house what's this I like it I mean it's decoration but it looks cool I'll take it it'll look good back at UM at my base now I know now I have to play the painful game of choosing what to get rid of I will give you a cooked steak in exchange for all your all your stuff sticks oh yeah why am i keeping the sticks get some real crusty frame-drops right about now spruce sign spruce saplings it's keeping trees in a treasure chest get spruce you can make big trees I think I've pretty much hit most of the town I mean they still have enough crop there's enough crop edge for them to survive why the sign Oh No you you DW don't worry about it we can't feed our village just for the next two months it's awful DW like that delicious oh the only gift you gave us you ain't oh you bastard all right well I think pretty much took everything oh that's cute zombies in a basin he killed the blacksmith he is the blacksmith that was the blacksmith aw damn shame vini sleep okay okay real quick I don't know how to get back to my place but it's now almost 4 a.m. and I'm stuck somehow still still playing it are we getting art yeah probably it is very addictive yeah um this child no longer has a father oh wait yes he did the father spawned it's fine play Minecraft for more than five hours and you're addicted 99 times you die Vinny go east to go home a compass would have been great for that use f3 well the Sun sets in the west and rises from the east so if I follow the Sun facing east and then soon enough the map will show my coordinates I guess we've made it this far chat I may as well go back to my my base on stream to complete the adventure I head back to the Lonely Mountain I feel like I could make a number of Lord of the Rings references for this adventure but I'm too tired to do so even though I just did one part - when I don't know I don't know if there will be a part - but guys what if someone doesn't like me because I streamed minecraft and they tell me that I'm a poopoo head how am I ever supposed to be able to stream the game again yeah I can't deny that there are a lot of people that want to watch this but the truth is I'm not really doing this for the numbers I kind of kind of really just wanted to play the game because if honestly it's kind of been peaceful I need peace god damn it and and somehow just adventuring and building and exploring brought me a peace of mind if you can believe it the numbers are nice but it's you know just appreciated that people like watching something I'm streaming so thank you for that but I'll take that into account knowing that people like watching this I can't say I'm going to become a dedicated minecraft streamer I can't say that I'll be streaming minecraft a lot but you know I could come back to it at some point the other thing is - if you know me you know I get bored of doing pretty quickly so I may play some of this on my own work on my mountain a bit but if I get bored of it I'm probably not going to want to stream more of it so I'm going to play it by ear we'll see what happens and if I'm feeling like I want to play it again at some point next week and maybe I'll do another stream of it maybe a week maybe two weeks maybe 2023 but I don't know cut show fee and people did help me out well told me what to do what things were good things and what things were bad things that was kind of cool so Never Say Never there it is so in order to farm all I have to do is plant the stuff you need a hoe end water put it in your water alright okay yeah I think I did some farming oh and water okay it needs sunlight or can I just plant it in my dank cave any light torches work I don't think farming will be my main point of interests when I continue playing this game but it would be nice to have some food that I can easily access get a new shape to make the water look better next time you stream yeah I mean there's a performance hit plus I think some of the visuals aren't amazing but it does generally look better than it you know than it did though I need to maybe investigate some new graphical options those still haven't grown alright end a friend I'm home it's a good haul check this out get a bell I've got all these cool new things alright well thanks for watching the guilt that is now on my conscience for raiding and pillaging a village so that I could have a fancy new armor stand in my lava cave is tremendous and and I deeply regret my actions but at least the stream was fun hey so thanks for stopping by thanks for watching
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 331,745
Rating: 4.9546728 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Minecraft, Mojang, PC, RTX, Shader, Enderman, Building, Relax, Relaxing, Creative, 1.14, Sandbox
Id: 9ZZVc_DqFsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 0sec (7140 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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