[Vinesauce] Vinny - I Know This Game, But... (Fever Stream)

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it's called i know this game but so what is this uh well you know we'll find out we'll find out i think the less you know about what's happening the better so uh just you know give me a second here and uh you'll see some games that you recognize so just you know give me a minute and uh we'll we'll get that started rise and shine mr freeman rise and shine not that i wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job no one is more deserving of a rest and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until well let's just say your hour has come again [Music] yeah basically i'm just tricking you into uh me playing half-life 2. [Music] that's all the segment is in the world so wake up mr freeman wake up and smell the ashes all right so maybe you know this game maybe you know this game so it is full mario 64 moveset and physics in half-life 2. welcome welcome to city 17. so for the record with me testing this i just wanted to make sure it worked i haven't actually played through much of this oh god oh it's camera's a little scummy huh oh god yeah well is it worse than mario 64's default camera so yeah someone actually [ __ ] ported this in and and it works pretty well i mean there's gonna be some glitches but wow how do you beat timing like that i mean seriously was i not born for this yeah which qpu is this [Music] is there a gmod no clip [Music] this is [Music] i'll just press b press r to exit the mario okay and then press v oh okay thank you that's very good you did it everybody you did it you saved it anyway it's safer here yeah the only ones on that train mama mia or been chosen to relocate to what if you can destroy the camera see it's time for the interrogation oh you can jump over the gate i just want to see the cutscene [Applause] never mind yeah no that's that's not going to happen never mind i broke the scripting oh god oh my god it's so confusing i'm just gonna jump over the [ __ ] fence see if i can do that wait i don't want to go this way vomit now you've heard of a rom-com but have you heard of the vom-com i think i make that joke at least once a week yeah and yes i am playing this with wasd so you have to uh forgive me as i um as i fail the things oh god i i oh my god chat members i'm trying i'm trying to play this okay i'm gonna go out this way this mario's [ __ ] huge oh wow look that even works too ledge grabbing i don't know why i didn't expect that but i didn't oh oh god damn it [Applause] sincerely a concerned citizen put away the fizz gun before re-marioing of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses with all its associated hopes [Music] do our benefactors really know what's best for us what gives them the right oh yeah that's why because now there's no more glow read again allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns i don't want to breathe yes yeah new donk city is looking weirder and weirder these days trying to do my side vinnie can you you can actually backwards long jump in this mode yes you can if i could find some stairs i might be able to blj up them oh my god yeah holy [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa that was confusing oh that's the wing cap [Music] oh jesus [Music] green is just king koopa [Music] no [Music] no [Music] new map [Music] wait what the hell happened to mario what is that on his head [Music] oh it's the wing cap plus the metal cap amazing um is there an easy way to go to a new map from the menu here yeah yeah escape new game i mean that's fine too um coast no clip to the lab i mean there's there's a number of different maps that might be fun for this but oh boy gm subliminal is creating errors i wonder if you can shoot as mario no i get in the car nope that's amazing that's amazing that that functionality is actually here for the sand yeah now this is just a mario 64 map the ant lions do not spawn okay now someone just needs to mod stars and coins into these maps and you have yourself a whole new mario 64 experience car car car see where do we want to go there's an add-on where enemies drop coins whoa whoa ah it is you brother i apologize but no harm done my bullets are there mario is gregory's brother confirmed chat what do you think is gonna happen if i uh punch this barrel oh is he just dead wow he's just dead mario has died let him rest in peace job of my icing and he's back yeah try corrupting this lol not that easy friend it's not just like press button get corruption for every game that you know what though that has been a very very common misconception for the years i've been doing this where people are like like eldon ring comes out someone's like bro you should corrupt this it's like yo it came out yesterday hr abandoned sears vinnie i think it was a joke you're taking it a little too seriously well i mean it's true though people do ask me to corrupt games that just came out that's not that's a real thing i'm just explaining that that happens stop question marks why can't i be the mario on this map we do have a magic button for pc games now it's just not fun to reload a pc game 100 times during a stream up fair enough i just need to calm down that's really what this is vinnie you need a gun some gun that is oh god what have i what have i spawned no that doesn't work mario will not spawn in sears i i only get my checks from kmart i thought to do serious promotions i played all these maps like over halloween and uh they were they were fun some of them some of them pretty terrible he doesn't work on left for dead what the [ __ ] okay mario in crash bandicoot slash half-life confirmed nice tattoos you got there crash bandicoot the ultimate crossover again all these companies are just now jumping on the crossover multiverse thing and getting a ton of different properties in their movies or games just so they can sell more copies yet modders have been doing this for years get with it yeah [Applause] [Music] someone said put mario on the voyager map there's a voyager map not one that i have i don't think d e absurdity i don't even know what this map is but i'll try it for a minute and then we'll move on to the next thing oh i think i did play this i did i did and there are errors because i don't have a couple things installed like tf2 at the moment [Music] okay never mind that welcome to the missing texture room oh god i'm missing a ton of textures [Applause] whoa frame rates mario turns pink and dies okay well that was mario and half-life you get the idea it's fun you can you know punch things and run around and you can do all of the moves it's very very interesting that it exists if there were specific mario 64 maps built on top of the half-life maps that might be cool but you know so we'll move on to another game that you may recognize if you're a fan of valve and their video game output which you know there was a lot more of like a decade and a half ago patrol [Music] [Music] your business is appreciated hello and again welcome to the aperture science computer aided in enrichment center we hope your brain detention in the research station has been a pleasant one your specimen has been processed and we are now ready we start however keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all enrichment center activities serious injuries made for your own safety and the safety of others please refrain [Music] there you go excellent please proceed into the chamber after completing each test first however know the incandescent particle field across the exit this aperture science material emancipation grid will vaporize any unauthorized equipment that passes through if for instance the aperture science weight is storage too that's cool i don't know what chat is like talking about this is just portal sure it's portal if it was released in 2022 but it's just portal [Music] i wonder if she sings you know for the cake as a lie sauce [Music] did i just break it oh no that's right i forgot it does that i mean but you know she just stopped speaking so test no if they made a mobile like portal immortal yo valve should make portal immortal with so many cool currencies that you could collect it should be tied to the blockchain and it should have a cool nft like thing to it i don't know what that would entail but i'm sure the aperture science material emancipation grill which may in seven prayer cases emancipate dental fillings crowns tooth enamel and tea oh no very good you are now in possession of the aperture science and health portal device with it you can create your own portals these intra-dimensional gates have proven to be completely safe the device however do not touch the operational end of the device do not oops can you quick load the end fight we can we can attempt [Music] no no the tick tock voice is cool i love when you're watching just a random like non entertaining video and they make it more entertaining you know how they make it more entertaining the tick tock voice my face went my friend got beat up my face when my friends got thrown to the ground and robbed please proceed to the chamber lock mine the gap well done remember the aperture science bring your daughter to work day is the perfect time look at these cool war crimes that were committed in ukraine you know like that's that's what the world has come to at this point tick-tock voice is just narrating war crimes yeah i wish it wasn't a thing but it probably is and i've seen i've seen this voice and it made me it made me very angry so now i have to share that anger with you i'm sorry chat i'm really sorry i'm not that sorry i mean entirely on your own i wonder if uh more chapters [Music] now how do i get to the glados fight specifically what what map is that [Music] please note that we have added a consequence for failure any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing record followed by dad god damn it finish the sentence test 19 is also good welcome to the final test when you are done you will drop the device in the equipment recovery enrichment center regulations require both hands to be empty before i mean i don't i don't remember how to do these puzzles the game like kind of warms you up to them it's it's been a while it has been a while um so that's kind of why i wanted to just skip to the fight map escape zero two all right console command it i just need to go to um there we go well this is not in gmod anymore map escape zero two there we go i mean this game is amazing portal 2 is actually even better but i think it is at least i think that's a pretty popular opinion that's a common opinion but um yeah so wait this isn't the turrets too put me down put me down could um [Music] ah [ __ ] there it is i guess i still kind of remember a little bit critical error critical error oh god [Music] all right um we're gonna get to that fight is portal vr a thing says a chat member i feel like that would be vomit inducing but it you know it might be in vr chat someone might have like uh did like a mod for it like a map for it portal store stories vr exists but no portals you literally played a portal vr thing i don't remember anything well you found me congratulations because despite your violent behavior the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart maybe you could settle for that and we'll just call it a day but we both know that isn't going to happen you chose this path now i have a surprise for you deploying surprise inside time out for a second that wasn't supposed do you see that thing that fell out of me what is that it's not the surprise never mind it's a mystery i'll solve later but where are you taking that thing i wouldn't bother with that thing my guess is that touching it will just make your life even worse somehow somehow i don't want to tell you your business but if it were me i'd leave that thing do you think i'm trying to trick you with reverse psychology i mean you are kidding me did you just test the aperture science thing we don't know what it is into the aperture science emergency intelligence that has got to be the dumbest thing that poor poor hold on oh my god good news what the [ __ ] did she just say something that you just burned up did it was a morality for the installed after i flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin cola make me stop flooding the enrichment sector so get comfortable while i warm up the neurotoxin emitters i i just need to know if that may have had some ancillary responsibility i just need to know if the song oh well if you want my advice please like and and she sings it trust me i hate it hey i am dying you think you're doing it check out this human i found dying in baseball tick-tock challenge gone wrong and it's just someone like cracking their skull on the ground if it hasn't happened it will well you've managed to destroy that part of me unfortunately super cool [Music] of course he couldn't come because you murdered him all your other friends couldn't come either because you don't have to other friends because of how it says so right here in your personnel files and likable lent by no one a bitter unlikable builder who's passing through that's exactly what it says very formal in that [ __ ] voice why shouldn't i complete portal today i'm kidding this is the optimal way of moving around in portal anyway so i don't know why i haven't been using the portals growl snarl survival wow now we find out if the cake was a lie and we get the cake as a lie song god the cake was a lie like as much as i love portal and portal 2 the [ __ ] cake is a lie was everywhere it became like super super obnoxious we did it back when memes lasted more than a week it feels like that one lasted years snarl growl what was worse cake is a lie or arrow to the knee cake is a lie that's my opinion could be wrong wrong answer oh [ __ ] i didn't damn there was a definitive answer [Music] hate the retcon ending what was the retcon ending i don't think i'm aware of such things wheatley drags you back okay okay i just didn't even know that at all so you learn something new when you're experiencing terrible tick-tock voice this cake is like please sing the song this was a trial damn it ah [Music] it's okay it was still someone said thank god so that's good but it was still it was still very good there's a whole lot to enjoy there and a whole lot to remember in our nightmares so now we're gonna play super metroid as you know this is one of my favorite games why is chat saying uh oh and posting sweat frogs don't worry about that it's okay it's probably gonna be fine [Music] maybe one of the best games ever made i don't know also my opinion which is probably better than the arrow to the knee opinion [Music] [Music] okay the soundtrack love the sound font in this game [Music] hmm that's weird what was that stop posting about among us i didn't expect that holy [ __ ] [Music] oh no there it is i purposefully have not seen very much of this i just saw like the screenshot i was kind of hoping that samus in the beginning here would be replaced with mungus [Music] wait who put nostalgia in my sunday stream in my in my among us shitpost [Music] someone said a person with a dark heart made this hey are you the dark part of among us's heart yeah they didn't go above and beyond to replace samus in the cutscenes but i still admire the effort vinnie are you gonna skip to the end of this too no i don't have a save file or anything [Music] my three-year-old nephew is obsessed with this specific metroid and i have a visceral reaction to this music now says the chat member that's interesting three jesus well metroid three three yeah sure why not i mean to me that's great taste tell your nephew i'm proud of him space colin it's yellow mungus oh my god the animations are actually pretty decent i'm going to guess the various suit is red mungus get the morph ball at least oh yeah oh yeah i plan on it the more ball okay chad you're crossing the memes the crouch animation [ __ ] the hand [Music] i'm going to watch the um intro and see what powered up mungus looks like [Music] vinnie how does it feel to have your childhood ruined with this hey hey i was a star wars fan as a kid so i'm just saying this is not a totally unfamiliar feeling [Music] get out of here yet [Music] [Applause] i love that this whole first section of the game is just like a little like abridged version of the metroid experience [Music] go through area explore a tiny bit fight boss um rush out vent i need that clip of teller oh no pen pen gillette saying shut the [ __ ] up for when i say stupid [ __ ] like that instead all i have is this again perfect timing i wonder if that clip is going to end up getting 200 000 views seriously though if you missed it there was a clip of mine where i played that over lego kylo ren saying traitor and it was like perfectly timed but i didn't expect it to be it was just like i pressed the thing and for some reason that clip has really kind of i don't know why it blew up so much but yeah [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] somehow speaking of somehow palpatine has returned uh zot has the prompt after this i'll show you the prompt was somehow palpatine has returned to eat a pickle dipped in ketchup with jar jar binks was it i think it was something like that so we'll check that out in a minute but first we need to see the mung ball remind me never to say mung ball again oh [ __ ] [Music] it's morphin time [Music] you just vent but did you see the graphics look oh my god wow [Music] i don't know why they did so much of that [Music] but yeah there you go i mean vinnie get a game over you don't think you you don't think there's gonna be a special oh you know what you're right chat member oh god i wasted a missile and now i can't get through there [Music] this has never happened to me before [Music] wow well now what [Music] go back up the elevator i guess you kind of don't have to go that way anyway right i mean oh the ship refills the missiles [Music] because um the enemies should be here now right [Music] yeah once that first eye get you [Music] you're good [Music] [Laughter] i knew it was gonna be something stupid like that and i still laughed all right let's take a look at the uh what do they call this the demo there's a name for this when you let a game play for a while and you watch the gameplay like so that when it it's played in a store attract mode demo mode the attract demo yeah not enough games have this these days i always used to like watching them because in this game in particular though there's actually some stuff that you see that shows you things you can do that you might not have known and you're like wait what the [ __ ] how do you do that you could have completed the game like four times and you didn't even know that you could do it like the crystal flash and shine spark [Music] look it's the thing i couldn't do earlier the action shot yep the various suit it's like orange mungus [Music] yeah there's a little trick you can charge up and use it as like a a less powerful um screw attack the pseudo screw [Music] do we want to watch more because i know there's another set of uh attract mode demos yeah all right why not chat wants to do it sure i am curious to see what the crystal flash looks like in mung mode [Music] [Applause] i don't think i have fast forward bound at the moment [Music] do a playthrough of this nah dog i'll just play regular super metroid like i don't need mungus troid this is just for funnies this is this is the sunday funnies [Music] yep red yep yep so you just evolved from yellow crewmen to orange to red even the screw attack has its own unique graphics weird bird thing save the animals uh let me try yeah we can fast forward sorry i had it found the whole time there is the um the shine spark permanent spine damage permanent permanent [Music] samus spine breaks every time she morph balls but it's okay because it gets put back together it just she experiences the full pain of spine damage still no crystal flash huh did we miss this crystal flash i think there's only three sets i guess not you need to clear the game i think it was a rare occurrence oh well you might need to make progress crystal flash is in a demo loop you only get if you beat in the game on a save all right well it was still nice we got to see some stuff so i bet you're wondering what are next and i have just the game for you this is a game you may have heard of i think you'll enjoy it's called resident evil 2 remake resident evil so there's leon he is what you call a protagonist and he'll be starring in the resident evil 4 remake no i don't have rtx on i turn that off but you know maybe one day i'll check it out why i don't know um i think well you'll see probably i think it might have something to do with mods son of a [ __ ] [Applause] okay there you go jesus i don't remember if you could stomp on zombies in this one but i was reminded oh yeah you can't i was reminded of how much i [ __ ] love this game the old version uh capcom actually allowed the old version be played again because the new version broke all the mods well that's very nice of capcom to allow us to play the old version jesus christ jesus [Music] oh happy i can't believe pikachu is in here someone said i don't see any difference i didn't say this was modded this was the crossover event of the century i love that you can hear pikachu in the distance just carefully making progress oh my god oh my god i forgot about that entirely no no pikachu now now is not the time to read wrong ammo wrong ammo i need uh nine millimeter it's because it's it's because what is it because why pikachu why are you doing this because she gives no [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] no no pikachu pikachu why why [Music] pikachu why um well we'll we'll play another one but before we do here is the prompt from earlier it is emperor palpatine uh with a pickle eating a pickle dipped in ketchup with jar jar why is like a weird caricature of obi-wan kenobi in the bottom left um zot upscale the bottom right one if you will because that that looks i don't know why palpatine is using the force the dark energy of the dark side of the force to levitate a pickle but sure okay well we've seen we've seen pikachu in resident evil 2. but can you guess what game we're gonna be playing next it's resident evil 3. this pandemic yeah about that so you're finally awake it's lady dummy tress jill is just like wait a minute why did i turn into lady dummy trust no don't don't look down too much i don't think twitch would like that very much don't look down too much vinnie it's dimatrescu goddammit yeah that's uh it's pronounced domitress in resident evil 8. that's how they say it well that's the end of the game probably said that when the game came out too so gets worse every night three more days then i can kiss this town goodbye oh finally awake uh vinnie check the floor texture i think it's modded is it though all right i'll take a look [Music] how could that be seems pretty normal to me oh i know why you wanted me to check the floor texture now [ __ ] it took me too long to get that boob jape hello jill are you okay brad is that you listen you gotta get out of there what are you talking about i don't have time to explain you gotta get out of there right now all right let me grab my oh [ __ ] off chat member what the hell is that thing it's just red johnny's gonna have clips for like two weeks from the stream also the dress physics are not working they get kinda close but oh no that the [ __ ] hat i mean it's the same engine so the model looks like it kind of almost belongs in this game vinnie please keep playing i'm so close how'd that work for you that moment right there nice nice polygons they meant they're close to home to watch the stream well you should get home faster because you're missing some fun stuff tonight's stream in in one word this could be described as fun over here brad you okay what was that thing this all happened so one fast up thing now that was all well and good however chad however however just give me a second here have to click a couple things and then we will have even more fun like the fun is probably limitless all right i gotta be honest i don't fully know what we're in for here like i was just clicking options without paying too much attention so let's see what am i who am i i don't know well one thing is still the same the nord pillow i'm [ __ ] shaggy from scooby-doo oh no like zoinks why am i wearing gloves scoob you get the idea [ __ ] hell oh gets worse every night so vinnie looked down just to check his feet amazing sure is a jaw you got there shaggy look at that hello jill are you okay brad is that you listen you gotta get out of there what are you talking about i don't have time to explain you gotta get out of there right now i think i know who it's going to be is it yep it's shrek you my swamp you done yet chat member what the hell is that thing that is an ogre and ogres have layers like onions no way the glory shots of shrek are very very good in this [Music] let's see if we can get to the street segment because there's a whole lot more than just shaggy and nemesis i'm sure this has been seen i'm sure some like several people have made videos with this stuff but i haven't seen it so okay so we'll check out the street segments a little bit and i'll see if i can load us a later save file [Music] patrick over here brad you okay what was that thing damn define though but right now it's got a hard on for the only two stars left in town you and oh my god oh my god stars left into all my balls around you the longer we wait the more screwed we are come on this all happened so fast i don't know one [ __ ] up thing always leads to enough it's like our clay on steroids hey hey wait down here i will say this game i didn't hate it by any means i thought actually some of it was pretty pretty damn good could have been better top gun poster air combat 1942 with fake crews also that looks like val kilmer so that looks like a parody of val kilmer and that looks like a parody of tom cruise just saying yeah it wasn't as good as resident evil 2 remake but it had its moments and it was short too for for the price who whoms to the [ __ ] is these this is roblox i see minecraft steven i don't know why they don't have heads door don't think about it we're gonna make a run for it come on we know how this ends no i don't are we still a team always then do me a favor don't [ __ ] up like i do go rip patrick star we barely knew ye sorry how do you how does one get a head shot i guess one does not get a head shot well you could you just need to shoot where the head isn't down there get to the parking garage there's a helicopter waiting to take you to safety all right good luck in there i mean the game is short enough that you could install all these mods and get a fresh meme every like 20 minutes because there's that many of them like i just checked off a whole [ __ ] list [ __ ] do you think you'd ever do this but with left for dead someday you know that was actually something i forgot about i was going to install one there's some amazing left 4 dead mods and uh there was going to be one common link between all three segments tonight let's see if i can still do it i might be able to hey did that say spongebob on the helicopter another patrick dead [Music] somebody sorry start damn it it's my turn [ __ ] get over here jill's just fine permanent permanent permanent damage permanent i meant shaggy man this game really [ __ ] throws everything at you in the first 20 minutes doesn't it hey [ __ ] fix holmes hey easy lady i got you who are you what are you doing or close the mouth just keeps it open i think we're in the clear yes this is also a multiverse we've been bringing still not as many crossovers as fortnight so far though my guys have converted some subway cars into a shelter it's safe i'm fine personal space okay i get it let's go oh come on who's the [ __ ] to close this sorry we're gonna have to go around hey what do you know about that monster tommy clooney nothing i've never seen anything like it but it's no zombie it knows what it wants it won't stop till it gets it don't you like that in a man no thanks he's all yours yeah i thought of this segment when i saw the portal tick tock and then umbrella biohazard counter measure the mario 64 thing i was thinking of for a while are you kidding me because like i've known about that for like five or six days and then the super metroid one i think you don't have to trust me it just all made sense you coming it all came together come on it's this way fever stream hey that's a good segment name that's actually a really great segment name fever stream that is mr potato head young lady could use our help [Music] carlos you didn't even think to ask fine young lady your name she is an elite operative of rpt special tactics and rescue service her name is something valentine it's jill it's shaggy nice to meet you jill [Music] i am ubcs platoon leader mikhail vic the best textures i've ever seen was sent here to rescue civilians right okay first things first we need to get you geared up head up to street level you'll find supplies there all right i'm going to play this for another couple minutes and uh load a file and see if we find anything else but yeah yeah it's i mean the main draw is the uh nemesis scene again and how do i do that let's start by restoring power i'll navigate you to the substation once you hit the main road copy that let's do this fast oh you do have a dodge all right um if we don't see anything new up here up here i thought that was a mod that's just there that's just there usually never mind moving i do like the dodge feature in this game even if it changes the way resident evil feels i thought it worked if the game just had more to it and was like a little bit longer and a little bit more thought out wasn't given to the b team this game could have been awesome still enjoyable like for what it is but i i wouldn't recommend spending more than like 20 bucks on it if it ever goes on sale just cut too much and i never even played the original but like from what i understand i watched a bunch of stuff about it like yeah just too light on content and especially the stuff that was cut maybe they could have just delayed the game and you know actually implemented the content that they cut carlos i've reached the main avenue which way do i go see a big transmission tower that's the substation you'll have to circle around through an alley to your right to get there you mean the alley that's on fire maybe that's not how dev works maybe capcom could have or whoever was in charge or you know they could have said hey spend a little bit more time on this remake so that we can implement all the cut content or just walk through it i guess i'll just load this i didn't um [Music] okay yeah i didn't do enough when i played through this game to uh stagger my save files okay now the fun [ __ ] begins then you didn't notice the b man wow those graphics on those minecraft dudes huh i actually really enjoyed this part of the game and i thought the um the extra action focus distinguished the game from resident evil 2 and i wish we had like more stuff like this i know some people only want the survival horror but i enjoy a nice break from the survival horror for shoot especially when the gameplay is so good like i really enjoy the way these remakes feel kind of curious about resident evil 8 third person mode see if that's any good um and then i i whatever so you get it we're just shooting the same guys but i want to see what's over here at the end you want resident evil 8 vr mode i kind of just want resident evil 4 vr on you know steam on steam vr and spoilers i guess done give me the vaccine you greedy son [ __ ] who is this massive piglet oh wonderful have you have you ever seen anything so incredible i saw shrek a little while ago bust through a wall wait what was that what was that you know how it is it is about to explode and you can put a price on life good luck nick alive joe go after nikolai he's got the back it's in its mouth what about you we're running out of time i've got this i know you do i know you do morty i mean jill i mean shaggy just so you know this is the last [ __ ] time is that thomas the tank engine yeah i think it is it's a tradition there's thomas and eldon ring there's thomas in skyrim i mean every new game that can be modded someone always throws thomas in there all roads lead to thomas you know what chat member you should have said all rails lead to thomas shaggy with a railgun pulps thomas the tank engine while piglet and rick sanchez look on [Music] damn it needs power [Music] [Music] felt that did you punish shaggy all right that's that's about enough of that i'm gonna see if i can get this left 4 dead 2 mod installed in the next three minutes i think i can do it too i think i got it it will by default install any mods that you had before yeah i don't this is going back years now though so i'm just checking to see i found them on the workshop like i said there was one common thing between all segments that i really wanted to show off and i just totally forgot before going live to install it so i think we got this not a mogus not a mogus but teletubbies believe it or not we had some nightmare fuel teletubbies in the ai segment and we have a teletubby edutainment game up after this [Music] this is a classic mod yeah i spoiled it sorry i've been trying to um let the chat discover the things when they happen but this is an old mod so i figure what the hell was that lewd for dead what the [ __ ] is lewd for dead why do i have that what do you what do you mean chat vinnie shut it off sv consistency zero to fix the error that's just a server name what no seriously what the [ __ ] is it zorn whoops accidentally installed zombiezorn it works oh he ain't coming back i guess we'll find out chat if it really was just a server thing i bet that chopper's heading to the evac station over at the mall we can still catch it if we hurry good enough for me let's grab some weapons and get the hell out of here james frame rates off scummy i mean it's still pretty good and the gibbs actually work which makes me want to go get an axe amazing man i missed this game tinky winky what's this thing in a cage it's almost like i've never played left 4 dead before in my life hearing the music as they speak oh god need the chainsaw need to remove teletubbies from existence please thank you here comes some puke [Applause] it's like lemmings back for blood needs some mods to the chat member back from blood just i don't know i didn't end up buying it um i i played a couple of the tests for the game and something felt it wasn't bad it just didn't win me over i don't really know why i can't articulate it i would like to i would think in you know someone who's been playing games and talking about them for years i might be able to find a way to articulate why i didn't get oh why didn't get into the game but um i'm sure there are other people who can do such a better job than i could no versus campaign yeah i mean i'm that and just the i know there was like a lack of stuff when the game came out and monetization and all that fun stuff but the gameplay itself something just didn't work for me did you watch the crow cat video i might have i don't know i i wouldn't be opposed to picking it up if it ever gets updated and feels better but um for the time being i'm actually kind of considering returning to left 4 dead just for fun one day [Music] i was just hoping to get to the witch the witch is a glowing teletubby but i don't think we're gonna get there i wonder if there are any kids who had teletubbies left on and just got like so sick of them that this became very cathartic for them also someone explained the lewd for dead thing and i want to i want to read it it seems interesting it says here a quick google search revealed that loot for dead are apparently heavily modded servers that somehow even fool the official matchmaking server so that people that want to play the game normally get put into those servers some posts also say that they apparently reveal your ip to the public in admins at times harassing and blackmailing people well take that for a grain with a grain of salt because that is just something from a random chap member but uh that sounds awful that is very much not funky fresh chat member i agree with that throwing a pipe bomb no you're not oh hey i'm gonna try to heal myself only if you open the game in an admin mode i also modded the sun to be the teletubby sun but i don't know what level that would appear on so anyway it's just fun to play the game again i know that this is um [Music] part of the sunday stream program segment but um it just reminds me of how good of a game left for that is are you a teletubbie fan no but i have played a lot of terrible teletubby video games let's hope that warhammer game is good looks cool but yeah so teletubbies that'll connect the segments and uh that is just some that is whatever the [ __ ] this segment is i know this game but i hope you enjoyed fever stream is probably even a better title for it but regardless i hope you enjoyed it it was fun and uh i for the record was investigating some elden ring stuff but they removed some modding components and it became very dicey and i could not find an easy way to do so so i gave up there is a chance in the future i would check out some of that stuff but you know for the moment i think that's all we got so uh stick around gonna take a quick break for real this time gonna grab a fluid and then we will return with some dos games and continue the dos pack so thank you for watching and be right back
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 87,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Games, Gameplay, Playthrough, Modding, Mods, Half-Life 2, Portal, Super Metroid, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, Left 4 Dead 2
Id: 5Pg2myJ53Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 41sec (6341 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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