[Vinesauce] Vinny & Friends - Project Zomboid (PART 1)

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all right uh starting this episode of project zomboid i don't know more zombie shit however this zombie shit actually is pretty cool i played a little bit of it and for those that don't know this game came out like seven years ago in various forms of early access it's still in early access apparently but it just got multiplayer and so right now the numbers on steam are ballooning and i said to myself you know i've known about this game for a while let me check it out so uh jeff set up a server and we have a couple people with us and we're going to play some projects on boyd so at the moment um dave capp johnny full sauce the monotonous and vigibom aka jeff we're uh we're all in the call and say hi guys hey what's up hola i was hoping you would all say hi guys at the same time hello hi guys such as god damn it we gotta start over and yeah don't worry about it anyway yep we're gonna play some project zomboid multiplayer and there will be lots of death there will be lots of zombies and it's actually kind of a cool game i think you'll see that if you've never seen it before give it a couple give a couple minutes give it 20 minutes see if you like it but i i so far i think it's pretty cool so uh gonna pause for a sec and then be back in multiplayer all right here we go so we're going to start at this place called muldra and i'm going to explain it a little bit but not too much essentially you can create your character however you want it's pretty intense like i could be a park ranger and uh but that you have to add negative traits too to balance it out so if you're a chef you have to then like give yourself a thing like claustrophobic gets panicked when indoors which sounds awful for a game like this um but you can get some really nice stats the thing is though i don't know this game well enough so i'm just going to pick unemployed and i'm going to choose lucky i'm going to choose runner and that's it so i have some very basic stats now i'm going to make a character called cleat cobain so i made this character last time and he became a shirtless zombie in no time all right so jeans and we're gonna do a long sleeve green t-shirt there he is clit cobain beautiful so for the multiplayer one of the things we have to do we gotta find each other i mean we don't have to but it would be extremely helpful if we all spawned into this world and then found each other so we're gonna try to do that this game is difficult you die a lot and there's a lot of mechanics something i learned too is that you can shift click items when there's a lot of them in an inventory and you can transfer all of them at the same time by doing that i don't have to just drag like crazy okay that's good all right so you'll notice here i cle cobain have spawned in this house one of the tricks that we learned was when you keep your inventory open and you can you can see up up here um let me turn my mouse on so you guys can see what i'm clicking you can see up there what's near you so you can just drag the items over it's very helpful so if i wanted this candle i'm gonna grab that um there's books that can help you get experience however they take fucking forever to read so um then you want food because there's a food meter so i'm gonna bring some food including pickles which is kermit's favorite food yeah yeah um you can drink from the toilet if you want though i wouldn't recommend it oh i found a bra i'm gonna wear that in a minute yeah that's the part exactly i'm the support class okay so with pants i'm gonna rip the pants so that i now have some like potential bandages if i need them and now i'm going to leave this house because because it is a house of nightmares honestly trying to find a weapon at the very beginning seems like the most like the hardest part yeah and it's hard to you might get a if you're lucky you'll find like a knife and then they don't even last that long so you kind of have to really you have to get lucky apparently you can unarmed kill a zombie if you push them over first and then you can stomp on their head it's i think it's dangerous but it's better than nothing um dave have you watched the new john wilson episode no i have yet to watch any of the new season it's the new one is how to remember your dreams and it's one of my favorite ones yet just throwing that out you'll enjoy the new season yeah i've only heard good things so far okay so right now i'm walking around aimless um i don't even know how to describe where i am because there's nothing remarkable about where i am but if you guys if we well i'm sure we could meet up soon oh the zombie has a knife in its back i think in general if we had uh like for the direction be i guess like north west there's a butter knife there's like a really big main road that's on that side of the map and you can just kind of follow that road and maybe meet up that way okay okay so i have a giant horde following me in this game i know came as a total shock i have a rolling pin as a fucking weapon right now a rolling thunder roman thunder it spawned into a trailer that had a burglar alarm going off so it was already being surrounded by zombies and so i just had to run it's a good diversion you can like set an alarm off and then go the opposite way purple barclay my character is out of breath and also in extreme panic and was hot and i had to take off my shirt so that's fun yes mono oh sorry i just say i think it's weird that like lemmy is associated with the purple burglar alarm thing because when he when people told him to say it he says it fine and doesn't like have any trouble with it yeah yeah and that was also purple burglar alarm is a thing i've heard even before limi like that's a pretty old gaff in regard in regards to scottish uh folk because apparently they do have some problems but let me uh problem saying it that is scottish people that are watching this right now you're all wonderful um i'd butcher your accent horribly but uh the thing about it is if you're from edinburgh if you're from edinburgh or glasgow then you hate the other one so um yes sorry what should i choose as the small location like oh mole draw yeah the first one okay i thought it was the dude from lethal weapon just joining just got done with the tutorial and i think the easiest way to walk around is if you hold down right click and then use wasd it's a lot more control i think and you sneak that way too you can also just hit c to sneak oh yeah so i just found a fork sticking out of a zombie's head and that's my weapon now [Music] i've reached the highway i'm almost there i'm bleeding uh what classes are you guys playing i just make a basic one unemployed with like two decent stats that is burglar again that has a good sneaking ability i found a house that's one broken too i assume you guys are around here um honestly there are some houses that are already been broken into i've seen a couple that look kind of scummy hopefully the doctor did if anyone finds a can opener be sure to take that it's really valuable all right the faction definitely got to join the faction i thought my groin is bleeding did you pick a female character oh real too real bro i'm in i'm in a house right now uh let me this is a bad how i don't know why i'm doing this this is terrible oh god my character's thirsty oh jesus oh god they're all in oh god god i just locked myself out all right first character has been pulled [Music] uh so yeah i entered a house [Music] that um just had a lot of zombies in it so there's a thing called long blunt when you become a baseball player it gives you plus one long blunt yes i didn't know snoop dogg played baseball oh my god oh my god [Music] the jokes tonight are already so good dude secrets to snoop dogg smoking weed how did you know that if you smoke snoke snoop snoop [Music] [Music] oh hi dave bye dave bye [Music] okay i have a new character we watched the uh for anyone out there we watched muppet christmas carol it was my first time and uh jeff and i watched it and it was fantastic and i'm upset that i hadn't seen that movie previously because that is a great movie yeah i can't believe you never saw it yeah as a muppet fan it's just a weird i guess christmasy stuff is the real problem because i'm not usually a christmas kind of guy but uh i think wow it should i should have watched it when i was younger because i would have loved it but um for those out there who haven't seen it it's so good it's the best scrooge easily and the muppets are great um there's so many good funny rizzo moments rizzo like kind of steals the show and then there's like creepy muppets like this one very creepy one a little girl yeah if you look at like the dark crystal in the 90s they all kind of like look like that like the muppets all kind of like look like i don't know the people ones look weird yeah they look like the gelflings that one looks like a gelfling but yeah they they have um uncanny you get used to it but it's it's weird when they do a human muppet animal muppets no problem human-faced muppet i don't know about that um for those who are um watching that know this game incredibly well keep in mind this is like my second time playing it i played it for about an hour some of us here have not played this game until just now aka johnny hi it's been out for a long time like i played it years ago so i pretty much am new to it now too yeah it used to be entirely sprite art and then they started to realize that it was becoming too like intensive trying to animate every angle for new characters every item and all that so they switched to like hybrid 2d 3d i kind of like the sims now oops yeah i was about to mention that it really looks like the sims it does a runescape meets the sims i kind of like that that's one of the things i like about the game is yeah i'm always a fan of low polygon simple design there's like a whole generation of games when they and texture resolution started getting uh high and normal mapping and all that started showing them well there's just an intense amount of ornate detail on everything and i think like oblivion was kind of around that time it's just like too much detail and stuff that just gets muddy looking in my opinion yeah you need a little restraint when you like breath of the wild is a nice i mean it's also hardware limitations but for me as an open world game i don't often like breath of the wild everything to me just seems clear there's like a nice balance of detail and like wide open space and that was the big fear with that game before it came out it was like was this is this game going to just be empty and while it is there's also a number of like pretty clearly communicated things that you can see and go to and explore and interact with but yeah i agree um some games can tend to look a little overly overly poopish that's why i like risk of rain too so much that game can get really intense because you know that's the nature of it it's like you're fighting hordes of monsters but the visual style is really crisp and clean and nice and you kind of even though you're fighting a million things you understand what you're looking at that's why i really liked when team fortress 2 came out and they put like such attention to making uh everything as clear and readable as possible with like the silhouettes and the teams and all of that and then all these other team shooters are coming out like overwatch and stuff and i feel like it's just a visual assault on my eyes there's just so much so busy so much too many particle effects and movement it says uh i don't know i like what tf2 did better we call that visual diarrhea yeah that's a good turn i also i think um because of the nature of like the hardware there's just going to be developers that go to the hilt with as much stuff as they can put in because detail equals good graphics but at the same time yeah too much can be a problem i think halo infinite is a nice balance it's detailed as fuck but again i don't have any problems parsing what's happening both in the multiplayer and the campaign it's got a nice clean look to it so i ended up in a forest because i thought i was somewhere else on the map and i started heading deeper into the forest and boy do i regret this decision well i managed to lose the huge horror that was after me by going into the forest because they really get stuck on there but yeah you got to make sure you try to find a way out so you don't run back into that man if you sprint while you're in the forest you trip a lot i've had nightmares like that where i'm just in a pitch black wooded area and i'm in a panic running but i can't see anything and i keep falling and i don't know why i'm running where i'm running and that's like the whole thing oh johnny here's johnny i thought i saw someone in this house like not moving i was like what the fuck there's someone trying to come in here now man oh i'm thirsty so i'm gonna eat half a quarter of an orange another uh really important item is any sort of water container whatever it is is really good to have and um in any sort of container like a plastic bag and then you have to equip the bag to use it you can't just put it in your inventory yeah i found a car that works i dug a furrow and now i'm bleeding that's interesting honey if you come outside i'll give you a ride if you click on the skills tab you can see there's like 30 different things that you can work on different skills it's like crashing this fence with uh tab what'd you say how did you do that uh there's a little like where your health meter is there's a tab that says skills next to health oh god i'm in here if it's closed you can click the heart in the top left to open it again yeah now it's probably not the best time uh fuck okay there's a bird feeder okay i was gonna try to drink from all right uh where'd you go jeff right over here i'm trying to make my way over to you oh dave hey who's that oh hey then look i made a gordon freeman oh shit nice so it's almost 7 p.m in game so it's gonna be nighttime very soon i need a piece of cloth because i'm oh there's an eggplant here nice sick if you hop up yeah just hit e on the door i think you just jump in yeah this is sick i found johnny we got a car uh we're gonna want to leave yep time's gonna find these guys now i'm just looking at the map um if you oh there's a map how do you look at the map hold them and you have to wait for it to open okay uh jeff we should uh check the houses do you have a weapon yet no i have a fucking frying pan okay i don't have anything right now yeah let's try to find like a place without many zombies around i guess i've been able to reliably kill one zombie at a time like if you push spacebar to shove them over and then spacebar next to their head you step on their head and it kills them in like two hits i only have like a little bit less than a quarter tank of gas but seems like enough yeah if any try to find a place where there's not like a billion zombies running around you needed a sheet what is that you have to open up your loot window so you can beat the horn and shit too thanks oh don't do that that's probably not a good idea i mean it would be good to get things away and then you could you know kite them away and then just go back i guess okay this would be a good place to check if it wasn't full of zombies oh oh but there are other cars here do you have to open them or something yeah so every car sometimes they don't even open like they might be just too destroyed but you hit e on the door and you go in and sometimes the key isn't in it sometimes you have to find the key it seems like zombies nearby have the key in their pockets sometimes though so i'm gonna hit the zombie oh i missed them like over here looks kind of okay bad house let's let's pop the fence there's someone in there some zombie uh maybe if we go you could be going from the window just trying to figure out how to turn this thing off so don't waste the gas oh for fuck's sake okay there's um vhs oh my god no dude some pineapple in here a whole lot of canned food i'll leave some for you no i have i have food i have a lot trying to get back in johnny i drop some pineapple if you need it yeah it's getting hot in there i wonder how far out we can go it gets quieter out here in the woods or whatever the area we were at there were a bunch of houses this looks kind of quiet okay the rusty rifle like a bar or something maybe trying to figure out how to turn off this goddamn car maybe you like it no yeah dave you're gonna love you're gonna love the way my character looks now what watch out there is one he hasn't noticed us oh there's a guy in there i had a frying pan i don't know what the fuck happened to it man i don't have anything can i hit them with a book no i don't think so i thought i had a weapon i don't know no i can't oh i'm gonna try to push him down yeah there we go i think you could stomp on his head to the right there it is how do you stop with me just space i guess and then space once they fall yeah walk near their head and click space you want i'm gonna cook up some meat nice guys we got him johnny your guy looks like walter white that was the exact that was the idea okay i got i got meat in the oven right now oh boy what did meat ever do to you to deserve that oh matches tortilla chips tortilla trips they're like cigarettes they're gonna get cool there's an upstairs back here too nice beer bottle oh that's something to drink baseball bat nice there there you go that meat hopefully it starts a fire get rid of some zombies out here there's lots of food in here yeah make sure to look for a can opener otherwise you can't eat most of the can stuff i found one earlier but i forgot to take it this is just a ripped up parking lot i guess yeah but we're near the highway is uh jeff did you get up there with the car we're bransage some bar right now okay so we'll go yeah i'll go up to the highway next i got a lot of stuff maybe i'm carrying too much i don't know if you want to take some maybe i can move it to the uh i guess we could eat some of it right now too yeah i'm gonna drink something because my character is kind of enough yeah i'm not gonna drink a plastic bag or any kind of bag you can um distribute weight differently and carry more stuff around without getting slowed down applied like a plastic bag yeah and then you equip it and then it gives you an additional tab on your inventory and you can drag it in there and it has weight reduction it's like in king's way you can put a bag inside of a bag inside of a bag inside of a bag and it'll each one will give you extra weight capacity exactly oh nice i think they removed that from here you used to be able to do that in here too but kind of you could just take a garbage bag out of a fucking garbage can and use it as a fucking trainer i'm gonna get back in the car it's it's a bad idea but there's plenty of doors did you check uh upstairs yeah there's just a bunch of empty rooms there wasn't anything crazy let me get in the car and there's like a bunch of cots and stuff it'd be a cool place to like live i guess oh i think yeah we can put stuff in the uh trunk yeah the trunk works for storage too okay let me let me store some stuff in there some beer bottles some beer cans what's dumb is i can't see you right now i just see items like appearing behind us because like it's all point of view you know what i mean like i'm not looking directly at you so i can't see it maybe if you right click and look backwards maybe you'll be able to see me uh you would think with mirrors right you would be able to see oh dear lord baby oh wait uh oh i'm dropping it on the ground you know yeah i think if you hit yeah inventory there there you go you figured it out you have a chat okay okay okay okay yeah it's kind of hard to understand like where all the containers were there's an empty bottle in the in the trunk nice it's like an empty glass bottle yeah yeah it just says empty bottles let me go uh let me put everything in uh yeah i feel the water bottle i'm looking at the map right now dave where are you guys exactly we're on the highway probably like the midpoint well the highway is um you know the horseshoe we were talking about last time do you see that at all no i haven't discovered that yet burger burger tanooki are you near any water no um no it's hard to tell this is a highway or not what i'm looking at right now you'll know it when you see it it's okay yeah i think we got to keep looking then you're still inside right johnny you're in the bar just eating an orange i'll be right right back in one second oh my god yeah um there's a work site over this way dave i'm gonna go through okay something over here i don't know in the toilet honey bucket oh there's a zombie in there i found a garbage bag can that yeah if you can equip it it should be used as a container well there's a second part of the highway oh my god i don't know what do you want to do dave let's go this way try to get to this cross section crossroads okay all right i'm back sorry about that just killing some zombies go try to find the highway and find dave and vinnie i guess yeah let's run back down did the time of day just get really bright for anyone else it got dark and then got weirdly bright in one spot as it's not even midnight yet and some reason it's still bright oh my god i'll be right back in one second so don't get me crazy don't don't get yourselves killed check is the highway uh separated by a yellow lane in the middle yeah it's got four lanes with the yellow light i'm on that right now i'm just driving now are you further left or further right i think we were further left okay good then we might run into you there's a motel uh we're at i just drove by greens have you seen that keep telling me locations um this place pizza world have you seen does your map show like a big blue or purple square on it next to the highway i can't look at it right this minute okay i'm back acorn plaza oh hey hop in yeah we're in let's go let's go where mean johnny were was like way quieter down this way yeah yeah i love the cars there's 3d and cool looking i just found a lumber yard i'm fucking liking this game so far this is really cool can you turn around the camera i don't know you can zoom in and out look at that pizza worlds oh nice it's spelled worlds oh okay don't want to get the car too beat up how did you find more limited gas i just got in and started working huh i think you just got to try them some of them are probably bad batteries somewhere yeah no my guy is hungry i have fruit i i i got some food sorry i'm gonna go back to the bar we were at i think johnny if i can figure out how to get there yeah that police seemed pretty safe to chill is this the way yeah we came this way didn't we there's a gas station we can get gas there maybe ah this is where we were quiet get to the pub uh there we go got his arm off nice i hope we didn't bring a whole fuck load of people uh zombies with us uh how do you uh i think how do you close the the window inventory oh if there's a pin yeah in the top right corner when you click it and then if you click in the game it should close it oh okay okay you can also drag and like move the windows anywhere you want to do we have any light or is that even it's probably not a great idea probably light a candle or something i don't think we have i got we got lighters in the car but what can we like though oh you can cover the windows with uh clothes yeah that's how you keep them away yeah you can rip up clothes and make and use them as bandages or yeah you can use clothing to make them like drapes and all kinds of stuff you can even make a rope ladder out of clothes and leave out like a second story window if you want oh that's pretty cool um i don't know what we can burn i'm not sure what all the interaction but there are more clothes in the car if we need to cover the windows i covered a couple i covered two my guys drinking a beer if we uh other cigarettes if we cover all the windows then we can have a light source my character's name is keenan my name is uh my character's name is greg clitoris that was auto-generated by the game no it wasn't i think i kept drinking orange soda too like i think it's keenan and kell i think that might be a reference oh my god can we drink from the sink let's see drink yeah yeah there's that's good it's water source you can drink from the toilet too if you need to ah just carrying around a bowl of water where are you i'm in a lumber yard there's no zombies here a lot of resources it's all it's way out to the west kind of in the woods i guess like up left i don't want this perspective it's hard to yeah by where you're pointing here's what i propose after we get set up here is to go to that gas station and see if we can get the car the car filled up how do you cover the window so you right click and then you know something right right click and then i forgot already i i don't have to get gas we can go out there and find mono i'm just spending the night reading cooking for beginners craft sheep robe rip clothing and that's it so i think you need to put the uh lights on i think you need to rip the clothing first and then use it right to make grapes i need some food we should put a curtain over this door there's a window on the door but we need more sheets i guess i have ripped sheets but we need actual likes sheets i think if you just go stand near a bed you think you can take the sheets off them there's only cots in this particular building yeah you know what i'm gonna go on a supply run there's also a garbage bag in here and an uncooked cockroach if anyone needs it at night time no not not at nighttime oh okay you can uh move furniture around too you can use a table to barricade a door so it can't be you know easily broken through well there's a pool table how do you move something i don't know about moving the pool table um let me check because you can disassemble some video is watching they were moving tables around so i know there's a way you can press come upstairs in this bathroom real quick you can press tab to pick up and then press that tab to place oh well fuck it i couldn't cover the window i couldn't figure it out do you have a sheet johnny i i got clothes but not a sheet specifically let me try something then i'm going to rip up some i'm going to rip it i got some reap sheets dave can you see ripped is not enough you need a full sheet yeah no it's actually blocking me from walking onto it what are we what are we looking at jeff i'm up here where's here which room in the bathroom upstairs of the rusty econ whatever this place is called over here the rusty come on you can't say that youtube knows hang on what's over here oh there's a tarp johnny we can probably use this i found a cd of philosophical quotes from confucius i thought that like someone could actually step onto this mouse trap but it's just like somehow dave just disappeared [Laughter] i heard his voice for a second it was like i'm right here oh i thought you guys like disconnected or something just walked away uh you can eat like mice that you find there's like dead ones you can put them in the oven and cook them so i guess is that why that's there there's an uncorrect it said there was a cockroach that was uncooked remember that movie mouse trap from the 90s i watched that recently that's a good movie it's a ghostbuster it's an unofficial ghostbusters equal you know there's a bunch of canned food in these shelves here oh is there yeah a ton a ton of food does anyone have a can opener i put those there yeah we wouldn't need a can opener i think we got a problem that's the storage i'm not hungry yet but it's good to know someone's causing a rockets outside yeah they're going for the one window that's not cut i can't get out the door too and i have to go on the way oh uh tab and then here uh so you you go you use the pickup mode oh i see you're good it's pretty cool i didn't even know there's a thing pick up mode then place strung out looking zombie there's like a naked one yeah there's like really skinny looking zombies that are like double the speed of a normal one and they're hard to push over to let me check the dumpster there's another garbage bag in here you do anything with these pay phones oh zombie in the building ow got it think that you're guys holding the garbage bag always crap fucking i'm a trash clown that's my character have you seen the makeup on my face yeah what the fuck i thought that was just like a glitch okay so here's here's the deal no i found makeup here's the deal uh the material that i have the tarp does not work as a window cover what do you use it for then i wonder i don't know i would just see that i just like ran to the wall and fell no uh tarp can be used as a primary weapon i don't know i think the tarps used for a i don't know what it's called but like a rain catcher because later in the game all the water supply to the town gets cut off so water becomes super scarce oh that happens yeah not for a long time okay so if you need to move the table you click the box on the on the left on your inventory on the ui above the magnifying glass and click pick up then you pick up the table oh okay so dave this is your tutorial there's a bunch of empty rooms but can we sleep the night through i wonder that would be cool i'm not sure how sleeping works in multiplayer it used to be that you would just like fast forward through things i'm right-clicking the uh is it giving you guys options to sleep no there you go i guess since we can't do much with this window right now i'm going to try to barricade it a little bit yeah that will be good my guy is exerted from running into the wall what's this beer can there's no place to cook here right like there's no oven i don't think so i'll have to drag one from a different house it's that you don't even need a hookup just just drag it um no oh there's a cockroach that's uncooked but it's it's um unhappiness plus 20. yeah i wouldn't be happy about eating a cockroach i like how eating a stick of butter is like minus 10 happiness like i don't know i guess that depends on the person not for me if anyone needs a pack of smokes i just dropped one i don't know why anyone would need that but yeah i think your character can get addicted if you keep smoking but one of the traits has something to do with smoking so like some characters need to or else they are constantly in an anxiety state you could take it as a perk so your guy whenever you have cigarettes you have like a buff world of horror does that too it's almost morning it's 5 30 how'd you get in here jeff oh you were inside the whole time okay i'm gonna put this zombie corpse in the trash damn it i can't up guy at the window i just threw it outside the water what's inside here they're good just cleaning myself well it came through the window hold on don't block the window again i wouldn't recommend going through a window with all this glass on it so then you start bleeding you can take it out you can remove it yep be sure everybody's wearing shoes because you can step on glass and you bleed for a long time you have like an item in your hand you can knock the glass out yeah all right i removed it from the window uh i don't know how to remove it from the ground from out here anyway also i uh i got dr perks so i think i can help people also you guys can you guys can take a bath in the sink yeah i guess that will help you guys i wash my clothes and everything pretty clean yeah you can wash blood off of clothes and clean bandages i think too so i'm gonna go on a supply run it's getting clear now yeah a little bit okay gonna look for a sheet uh maybe even like a hammer and wood so we can barricade that window up and um as much food as we can carry so dave we just have to make note you know what before we we're gonna we should sneak around through here let's as much uh stealth as possible and i'm also gonna make if you press m on your map requires a pen or pencil oh god we if you want to mark your location on the map you need a pencil well i don't know what kind of game this four is oh we need mono here then damn it where'd you guys go so we're going just west we're sneaking around if you want you can come with me uh jeff i'm right outside my guy is really exerted right now i think i just need to rest anyways so i'm just gonna chill what the fuck is happening clown cobain and and uh gordon freeman are going on a supply run so you guys do your own thing if you need to oh shit we got be true because it's a little picture of my lungs and it says highly exerted barely jog then you can uh sit on the ground yeah just chilling now i guess just chill do one of the since it used to be more single player there was like a whole aspect of the game that you fast forwarded through a lot of stuff so if you were like you know needed to heal or rest you just fast forward and you're good to go but now i guess spend a lot of time chilling same thing with reading like the reading in this game buffs your skills a lot but you would fast forward through it because you're just sitting there reading so i guess now you just sit there literally reading i don't get it look at that yeah it says hey was it say ky yes oh yeah because it's a kentucky kentucky oh shit it's a real town isn't it it is yeah and then uh because the game's based in kentucky with all the tornadoes that happened recently the developers are doing a charity thing for uh the towns affected by it too dave do we want to go part of me thinks we should go north because that's where the stores are they're on the along the highway yeah that seems good it's probably going to be a little bit zombie-ish up there but that's where that's where i'm going right now you're going north left north yeah north left you guys checking out that gas station north uh left of us did you see that no i saw it earlier but no i'm not checking it out at the second i'm right there at the gas station right now doesn't seem there is some zombies in here there's one with a huge backpack oh you want that definitely yeah there are four five seven zombies if you if you guys come we can take them out oh one's coming to me okay i can take them one by one unless my bad breaks okay we're dave and i are heading you're in uh your way if you yeah but if you run the problem with running is uh it attracts zombies so i was gonna say we could run there but then we'll end up bringing more i see you johnny okay so all right it seems like at night they're more active too i think it's like that whole deal oh there's the backpack one yeah come here nice bag okay very nice is there anything in there or is it just a duffel bag no it's empty okay well i mean now you can carry a lot more or like i would imagine i got a another garbage bag that is the empty bags are better how do you shift between walking and i have running um you hold shift or you press all to toggle okay dave we're gonna need a little help in here okay then push c to go into sneak mode the guys went inside i'm inside there's there's three zombies in here but it looks like it'll be worth it i'm walking over to you guys too there's um yeah there's there's a granola in here just beef jerky there's chips instant popcorn uncooked it's not like we can cook i think the place is clear now oh there's one coming outside i don't know i think i think this is one of you guys oh it's jeff yes jeff are you okay you got us like a skull on you really look at my character maybe that means i'm dying you're the doctor right next to your uh let me do your medical check what does this say it says you're okay i i don't know next to your name there is like a skull but that that's it maybe it means he's infected oh i did everybody join the faction may have hit like a button that turned it on by accident i used the music picking up i hear no music oh this map is interesting i'll drop it so you can take a look actually wait let's let's try the trade mechanic here make sure you rip up people's clothes and just have extra bandages on you just in case you need them isn't handy okay oh wow well it gives you the map kind of gives you lots of information but it also has little can you rotate it but there's a skull on huh on the map it's weird it's probably not a good uh that probably is a good area to avoid now let's see if we can grab gas for the car i don't know how you would do that yeah like you can interact with it try over here see no no uh no i guess that would make sense if there's no power then the pumps wouldn't be on right um i might have attracted some zombies there is power because the light switches all work oh man maybe i think maybe we need to find like a gas canister something to put the gas in you can pump gas from stations directly into cars if it's powered up so you can [Music] maybe we just need to bring the car oh god yeah yeah sorry i brought some zombies i'll help get my weapon out [Applause] ow oh they took a nice chunk out of my my uh neck better take care of that johnny let me give you a check oh yeah um this effect i've disinfected it i'm good i'm in a little bit of pain but you got some dirty bandages let me take care of those stay still dave you just faced out of existence again that's because you looked away from me oh right right right okay uh i think you're good now how about you dave i think i'm fine hey look at this there's a little empty there's a light god just found like 40 wooden planks for crafting but i don't think any of us have any crafting skills unless someone's picked carpenter or something there was there were some uh useful medical stuff in the van there's a four zombies to our left well oh oh oh do you guys have the whole map yet not really okay jeff come here oh yeah reading it opens the whole thing nice check this out grab that read it and then you will have the whole map that you've seen yeah we're as far left as you can go mano if you want to know how to get to us oh wow we're literally all the way far left on the map like are you against water no no i'm gonna put this on the ground forever needs it are you two lakes uh i'm in a really secluded area way northwest keep in mind that map is the city that we're in and there's multiple cities on the total map that's why we have like the starting location right so uh it's possible mono has left the border well i didn't go that far out i mean i can still see this where i started so if you need to get to us or if you need to try you just keep going left on the highway basically yeah i'm gonna go get the car and see if we can pump gas i'm gonna bring it over here yeah okay you do that i'm going to a convenience store you know there's a convenience store called the come and go it's spelled k-u-m human it's cumin go hey where did you guys go i'm north a little bit to the right i went to the base i'm gonna hang out i'm gonna get in the car with jeff i think i went made of the gas station oh there's a lot of zombies up north beanie the child [Music] do you guys see that if you go to the engine of the car and do vehicle mechanics you get like a super detailed rundown of the car yeah yeah you know the percentage of the health and stuff johnny i might need a bandage again okay man there's a lot of zombies here proper destruction derby rules you want to hit him with the trunk not the hood you think at low speed it wouldn't damage the car to run people over that much right discomfort something doesn't feel right it says am i gonna turn into a zombie maybe okay your advantage now i'm bandaged but i'm also probably fucked whatever is left i think you just have to wait so it heals out i don't know how the fuck you fill the car up also whenever you get the chance take a bath okay that will probably help you there's a diner yeah doesn't look like there's a ton of zombies here either so oh there are a good bunch what we'll do are left are they coming this way no not yet jeff you actually have to make sure that you're parked the correct way so that the gas pump is next to the intake closed really it's like on the right side or not let's see if there's another way in because if we smash the window or something we might make too much noise and attract all those zombies man this might not be very effective for this okay i have to like lure them away oh shit did you get her number dude nope out of there i'm washing myself johnny in the sink nice nice hey damn i want to park the car and try to just kite these zombies away all i'm gonna right with them this way so you can get them to follow me oh there's a fridge in here and there's lots of food there is shrimp and it's fresh seriously it says shrimp fresh perfect there is a kitchen in here we could probably cook stuff here if we needed to marinara sauce a baking pan flour rolling pin that could be a weapon oh yeah those sparkles weapons yeah there's a sack to carry stuff there's a meat cleaver there's a bunch of beans nice we will have to cook it we can cook it in here we're gonna cook some meat actually i want to make the stir-fry that i have so i'm gonna turn on the there's a bunch of food in in the container so but don't take it out unless you need to because it might rot because he said fresh did you find the trip yet no not yet i don't know how to cook though i got a pork let me take care of that before it tries to come inside and attract the others but in container oven i guess i can put the stir-fry in the oven you can actually set the oven time yeah it's like a timer and i think you can change temperature too minced meat shrimp fresh uncooked yeah i found this this sick cowboy hat that that zombie was wearing yeah i had one earlier i'm sad because i took my clown makeup off by accident to wash yourself yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna need some new clown makeup i just need to know if i could use the damn frying pan to cook on the stove i think you can see what side it is if you uh investigate the car or whatever it is [Music] i believe to cook with things like pots and pans you equip like the pot and then you put the things in it like an inventory item and then i'm pretty sure that's how it works uh i think it's on the left yeah except i put them in the oven and not on the on the stove i mean if you like right click the oven does it give you any option to say like place on stove place in oven no not that i could tell i have eggplant and pork chop stir fry fresh cooked got it really nice yeah refueling from could someone who's at the house you guys are at post a screenshot of it in the discord so i can see what i'm looking for do you want better post the map do what oh yeah the map would be helpful okay so i just emptied the food out of the pan and now the food is gone did it just put it on the floor i don't know i don't see it fuck should be all fueled up let's see oh you guys are way south of me okay i'll make my way over there yeah it's filled up oh yeah dude now we should just find a mechanic book so that we can fix it too what should we do go find those guys yeah are they this way this cooking mechanic shit is very complicated you guys in this diner yeah i have the cooking for beginners book i read the whole thing um but it didn't give me like a new skill like gem or whatever and the skills things i don't know if it worked how do you do skills again so if you click the heart in the top left and then click the skills tab this would be next oh okay if you hover over the square for the skill you can see if you have any xp in it or not uh it's entirely possible you've read a book that was too hard to read like it was intermediate or expert cooking instead of beginner well it does say beginner i have like a arrow pointing at it that's like animated but there's nothing in that spot and it says experience 0 out of 71. yeah you definitely didn't understand whatever you're reading i guess you might have been your reading may have been interrupted it's possible are there a lot of zombies outside nothing we can't take care of jeff you look like a butcher i'm just ripping all this clothing up i ate the steak is it uh cooked burnt yeah oh shit it's burnt okay i mean let me eat it i put a watch on now i have a uh actual like ui for a watch in the right corner yeah and the temperature and date too i have like four watches on me i'll bring you guys that's kind of neat i like that you just like eat the sugar okay now i have a weapon no i have clean rags um jeff and there's a cleaver in here does that help me grab that johnny you have that cleaver oh it's right here it's right here yeah it should be over bloody apron with the cleaver what what does uh search mode do no i don't know like foraging in the woods oh vision gets a little blurry around you there's another uh there's a sink in the bathroom if you need to wash yourself as well since that other one is being used i'm good i'm cooking up some more stuff just try and i'll keep an eye on it this time are you cooking the shrimp no that i burnt minced meat and pork chop my character's still in pain it's just vague pain aren't we all okay you got yourself this building next door is like man zombies boy cooking in this game sure is fun let's check mr gordon freeman here okay i got cooked minced meat and uh this pork chop is almost done i think and it's done all right i got some i actually cooked uh probably a good idea to turn off the oven uh let me clean your bandages i did no the ones you have right now are dirty on me that i'm wearing yeah yeah uh how do you see that uh seeing i doing the medical check and it said your bandages were dirty bandaged oh i see i see okay you're good now well mano you can tell if the book you're reading is working if you open up your skills window while you're reading you'll see arrows next to the tip that it's increasing oh cause that's weird because i see those arrows now and i'm just like walking around not reading anything has any oh has anyone been to the house directly to the right of the diner there's a lot of zombies on this one i i was gonna go but uh i got distracted with so many zombies we can go check it out now okay yeah this place is a little infested uh well i'm i'm at the oh shit they're out there's a couple of them we can probably take them [Music] i'm at the blue uh motel thing now so it's taking me a long time to get over there it's light blue on the map wow this granny won't go down [Applause] oh i fell i fell again i'm gonna use my frying pan these things are sturdy okay oh no i climbed through that i had to remove the glass my groin was injured yeah damn groin injury can you open the door if you go through there oh shit i just want to shotgun oh nice nice nice watch out there's a zombie on that door yeah there's a couple in here the door is closed but can you open a spanking on the door let me see if i can open them there's a bunch on the other side too let me take care of the ones i'm so tired that they're in the kitchen too watch out oh there's a bunch of them ah you fucker oh fuck oh my like four following me five six they're all outside the zombie does not want to fall bastard oh god there's so many in the parking lot oh i mean we should cut our losses maybe and then just head out of here then especially if they uh if jeff got a shotgun try to leave the board right now they get stuck in the forest and they can escape took off my shirt oh my god really hot yep oh fuck watch out i'll see you guys south watch out mr freeman fuck fuck um yeah that was bad i'm gonna get on the car and kill myself uh-oh get in the car and drive it jeff you have the keys we don't nice no ammo shotgun uh oh brian it's not going like stuck up up yeah that was johnny damn it johnny's dying johnny's dead he had no shirt on at the end too it was like they pulled me out of the car what the fuck they pulled me out of the car and i couldn't run because my character was tired now i'm a zombie you gotta get my duffel bag because it has a lot of shit jeff you're driving into unknown territory just so you know oh god damn it where should i go then um maybe we want to regroup back at the hotel or tavern or pub or whatever it was i don't recommend going down the highway there's like 50 zombies all along it we just find like a quiet house to take over or something yeah we could do that let's see if i can get johnny's stuff back i'm close to it uh i'm walking away from the diner to the left to the to the east uh west sorry wait you're dead though no yeah you can see his dead body oh yeah well i'll lead you guys to it i just made another one that looks exactly the same ah god damn it we could probably kite these zombies away too it looks like he's dead oh i'm pretty far away yeah all right i'll get out and you try to kill him i'll i'll cut him over with the car you stay in wait maybe they'll follow the car and i'm kind of like just hoop back around [Music] or car lumber yard has like a huge van looked pretty cool in good condition the giza think so well some of them followed you some of them didn't back around coming back around again remember that cool cover of the match of the rage you heard a shot oh that reminds me uh any have you have you ever seen speed racer no because that's actually really good yeah yeah i've heard i've heard people like that movie a lot um i see johnny's body but it's it's going to be impossible for me to grab that there's still too many of them i don't want that sheriff zombie it's body armor i have something cool on them although i guess anything well they're all following me so if you want to go back there all right that might work try to hop out dave yeah i'm gonna head into the gas station and barricade as much as i can let's see if i can even do that yeah they want me the fuckers just picked up a shotgun a bulletproof vest and a nightstick that's good something what if instead oh no i thought i did not know that was right there oh we're good we good okay it's gonna start trying to repair oh uh here we go we good i'm applying bandages i'm gonna eat the salami i like stuck like flat tire or something we got incoming are you back at johnny's body the condition of the engine is zero so uh to repair it we need level four mechanics with a wrench and a spare engine part i do not believe we're gonna get this thing yeah the thing's fucked a key for this thing i'll go uh creep up on johnny's body and see if i can get there there was a small altercation with a fire hydrant that may have rendered the car useless yeah this isn't happening how do you shout oh that you jeff yeah i got a couple of them on me oh i got an ambulance and i got the key nice dude how do i turn it on oh i did oh wait he has no gas never mind oh we figured out how to do gas at least these zombies are just so attracted to the guy creeping around in the woods yeah they don't they are not giving this body up we can come back okay we don't want to bring him to the bar though i don't think right no yeah i'm wandering into the woods right now i'm looking for a this guy got a credit card pulled through hang on johnny's body is is now free i'm gonna leave the key of to the ambulance on the uh got nice i'm not able to move quickly though because i am anxious and injured i think okay i'll try to take them to the gas station if possible and that way they can get stuck on the door so how do you how do you get gas so i can maybe guess ambulance how did it work actually dude uh you roll up close like you did and then right click on the car itself and that should have refuel from gas station or something oh okay right i'm not doing that but it has to be the right side and i think the side is determined by looking at the mechanic view and seeing which side the gas tank is on then do you know how many zombies are behind you right now not really also the duffel bag had nothing in it your body still has everything on it that's the that's the real problem no no this stuff is is it the duffel bag i'm pretty sure unless it i don't know it's yeah i have to it vanishes no it's it's still on your body i picked up only the duffel bag that's the problem that doesn't make much sense considering the duffel bag was the thing that had the stuff in it maybe it's a bug or something well i just ate an unknown mushroom wish me luck mano's side quest is like luigi's like story in paper mario and thousand-year door okay i'm pretty well equipped nothing has injured me at all i have a lot of food i just need water i'm gonna head back to the bar it's going to be night time very soon all right i'm back at the bar and i don't have any zombies following me still no sheets to cover the window okay the mushroom isn't going well says i'm queasy i'm gonna be placing some food in the bar did you lose him yeah i think i did in the in the woods well i've got meat and pickles if you need neither of which are euphemisms they're somewhere in there yeah yeah how do you mono with plastic bags how do you do ripped uh weight reduction because it says weight reduction 30 but you have to equip it and then anything you put in it will have reduced weight so how do you open it up it's one of the tabs on the right side of your inventory um oh oh johnny yeah i have all your stuff okay nice yeah yeah i'm still in the house i started at it's uh it's uh all the way uh east oh i'm gonna die yeah near to a blue marking near to a blue market building the east yeah i'll i'll get i'll get to you guys i don't remember which one of these was the bar though oh it's this yellow one i'm gonna mark it there we go that way i can find it easier okay so in the bar there's tons of food this refrigerator yeah this is a refrigerator i guess i should i guess food goes bad maybe the cooked meat perhaps put the pork chop and meat in the fridge it's just nondescript minced meat well it's nice to be able to finally unequip some of this stuff man so if you put stuff in a garbage bag that like the weight distribution yeah it should reduce whatever's in the bag but you also have to equip the bag too right like right click do equip secondary whatever okay so oh okay i see got it um wrench i have a wrench i don't know if that's gonna do much but i could use it to uh i don't know for car stuff does it say uh tool on it yeah it's his tool it usually means it's related to like a crafting feature so i i can't specifically use that to uh board up a window right as far as you're aware i think you need a hammer specifically and then you have to find nails and you can get nails from taking furniture apart oh okay disassemble so if i if i were to right click disassemble wooden barstool i need it needs ball peen hammer yeah well you probably have a couple of those things if you think about it so there's a rest function but i wonder if there's a way to just sit in a chair because my character is agitated yeah i don't think so i was trying to do that jenny have you ever picked up too much stuff and then highlighted hovered over the uh status effect that it gives you no you should you should do that at some point too much stuff yeah pick up too much stuff i already have a bunch of stuff but not too much like you can see the number in your inventory is out of something right 2.8 out of 18 yeah oh wow yeah you gotta we gotta find something headed for you to pick up and what does this do i just want you to see the description oh okay are you guys hearing music no yes no no okay is there supposed to be because it there's music volume option well there's radios but you can find cds and tapes and stuff i just got killed you rest better if you sit on the ground at least i think you do i know my character rested is still agitated though makes sense let me try to uh rest in this there's a cot i wish we could rip up the cot and use that to cover the window still makes me nervous to have that window exposed like that disassemble stretcher bed requires ball ball peen hammer or stone hammer oh yeah you can craft a hammer in the woods too i'm not sure how difficult that is though so i wonder how does my character become oh god i'm wearing dirty bandages like crazy um yeah you can you can just like while you're waiting while you're surviving you can just do exercise wow thanks you think really it really makes you think getting bored occupy yourself or seek entertainment huh yeah you can just read or watch a tv or listen to the radio huh i wonder if there's an option in the sink to wash all bandages or do you have to disinfect them overall body status is moderate damage well i have bottle of disinfectant but i think it's yeah there's not there's nothing left yeah these bandages are just like fucking dirty this game is fascinating in its approach to realism even if it's not particularly fun at times yeah i think it's a good balance like some games that are too focused on realism can be miserable but i think this is just enough to be reasonable i think of it as like a mod for the sims that brings in zombies always yeah that's not good it's infected and bitten um hmm dave you don't happen to have any disinfectant right or maybe is there any we can use alcohol maybe is there any alcohol left um i have antidepressants i don't think that's gonna work rub the antidepressants in the skin uh orange soda probably not that uh keenan died orange soda oh you're your character thank god it's about to say let's see there's beer yeah i don't think beer would make a good disinfectant you know what my characters had a hard life i'm going to have that beer hey mr freeman about that beer oh yeah yeah i've had dirty bandages on for a while not good that's a really cool thing how deep the menu is for like just your wounds crazy my groin oh no my is my groin still damaged no groin's all right green's all right crying damaged yo bro you fucking are you fucking serious you nerd you nerd you fucking damaged you you're in the zombie apocalypse and you got yourself cock bitten by a zombo what do you scrub but you don't know how to play video games bro this is the zombie apocalypse okay i like i like murdered four geeks just tonight there's gonna be a bunch of like uh like gamer children in the real zombie apocalypse if it happens like comparing stats and kill streaks with how much influence like movies video games and all that has on our perception of like a dystopian world i bet it would just turn into like a video game people treat it like it yeah would not be surprised would not be surprised it's like i'm the protagonist of this traumatic situation i'm gonna be the hero all right so here's the deal we gotta make it so that bottle caps are the new currency probably someone that's already collecting for that purpose because they think it's real life did i just hear me i heard that too is that for my speakers yeah what's really cool is my push attack button is the same as my sprint button alt yeah um to cook food you just put it on the oven and turn it on and leave it in the inventory of the oven right yeah until it's cooked it seems to work well enough i have wet sneakers right now don't worry i'm wearing shoes okay now my character's still stressed and i have the salami uh let's see how far are we from another thing dave do you want to head to those those black buildings yeah all right so we still need sheets oh it's night time well maybe that's better because we could sneak around it's 4 00 a.m okay let me equip a frying pan actually yeah i need a new weapon i have an extra frying pan perfect i need new pants okay so i don't know what those black buildings are but anything at this point would be nice to investigate pretty quiet so far i wonder if it's in an uh an industrial kind of building like an industrial oh no some kind of lmb warehouse okay dave sneak we gotta sneak in uh there's a fuck load of zombies to the right so let's see if we can get in here without well if you see wooden crates that look like decoration they're actually containers so like be sure to check all those because they kind of blend into the background they look like decorations oh okay what someone's graffiti is just what are you fighting a zombie yeah it's it's fine um first aid kit nice pipe wrench bandages sewing kit plunger you don't wanna be mario there's planks and a garden saw that could help us make that window yeah there's some construction stuff in these boxes oh i'm a dumb ass are you i wanted to break a window but i didn't i wasn't equipping my weapon so i just broke it with my arms yep that'll that'll get you nice and bloody yep ah i found it you found what hang on zombies crowbar you really are gordon freeman now yeah it's too bad it's not red but whatever close enough metal pipe box of nails planks we need a hammer if we can find a hammer we'd be in good shape your nails are really good be sure to grab those uh there's several more on the way you can't even uh watch tv and turn in tv you can learn from the tv too yeah educational shows club hammer got a hammer oh found some decent books in here cooking for beginners cooking for intermediate intermediates vhs survival instinct now it'll take you forever to read them but if you yeah but it might be worth having carrot seeds packet for gardening purposes i guess make some food ball peen hammer nice grab that back up yeah box of box of nails there's a regular hammer i'm going to equip well i didn't oh yeah yeah yeah i'm going to equip a garbage bag that's got some weight now i'm ready to science i got my goggles on that's the real gordon freeman what's that mono oh hey purple paint oh nice foundation back looking for a car there but operating a zombie is still trying to get in i see the grocery store right here any sheets no i'm gonna grab more planks movement compromised yeah i'm pretty much full uh maybe we can oh you have the the icon on the top right oh yeah i'm totally full hover over it it's extremely heavy load heavy load where the load feinstein einstein oh my fucking hell how did i not think of that what a heavy load einstein must have had fucking morons everywhere put a fucking cat in it have sting milk it i don't give a shit i love his story about how he had uh dinner with george lucas at a salad bar it's like now i like salad but all i had was salad which is exactly why he turned down return of the jedi because george lucas took him for salad it's legendary all right i think uh i'm full i can't move faster than this really so let's bring all this stuff back how do you sit on the uh on a on a piece of furniture to watch the vhs thing i don't think you can actually sit on furniture oh all right mono are you and jeff heading back to you guys headed back to the base it got separated yeah i was a huge horde i'm trying to lose them i just don't remember the zombies being this like aware in old versions i've never had this much trouble to just be left alone it depends i'm not just not too bad this is not a good area though compared to where the bar is where these guys are like way quieter over there oh my god this horde isn't saying that's following me right now how do i know if my if my guy is watching the tv to learn the vhs thing you'll see like a green word appear over your head for whatever it is that you're trying to learn oh okay it just pops up every like five or ten seconds if you look at the skills tab you should see arrows next to the skill being trained okay mono do you know how to like put planks over a door over a window yeah um i don't remember exactly but i think you have to like equip the hammer and equip the board and then like right click the door when you have nails on your inventory i think okay it's been a while to make a splint make several things you can actually board up either side of a door window like from the inside or for the outside i think even both yeah i don't know if i have the carpentry skills to make that happen though oh well i'm going to take a quick second away i'll be right back i'll pause okay i'm back um hmm i wonder if i still have a heavy load there i do well i'm just gonna put all kinds of crap that i found in here and hope that uh this is what i have to do so i wonder if this first aid kit can be used on my zombie bite because i am pretty pretty fucked up right now hmm dirty bandage on my left forearm no i think i'm okay i'm in minor damage well i'm still bitten infected you'll continuously have a fever that won't go away until you die yeah it'll inevitably kill you yeah ah sick i there there's always a lot of debate about like whether or not there is a cure in the game or not i don't know if they ever put one in or if it's secret or what there used to be a bug in the game where if you gave yourself salmonella intentionally it would like overwrite the zombie infections and then you could just like cure the salmonella and then you're cured of the infection but i'd really doubt that is still in the game so you just like eat uncooked food over and over again that's the zombie cure of eating uncooked food that's nice this was like two years ago or something though okay so uh i don't think this hammer is correct i think this is a bad hammer carpentry fence furniture bar it's a bar element door wooden frame door wall wooden frame wall no there should be a window option that's weird i can make a wooden cross that's not it that's weird uh barbed fence furniture stairs wow i really can't find the way to like board up this window well i know it's possible i just don't remember the procedure yeah hmm this zombie was wearing earbuds isn't that a meme or something so you have nails in a plank on you yeah uh do i have nails on me no i put the nails away that's the problem it's one of the problems and i believe when you're using sunny for crafting it has to be out of any containers that's to be like in your base inventory okay well i found my way back okay i have nails now i have a hundred nails i can make a campfire you wanna drop some of it can you drop like split it and drop it do you still have some of the items that i had in my bag yeah they're all in the bar uh disinfecting i don't think i have any more of that because i think i needed to disinfect something on me well i brought some food so i'm gonna leave it on the uh the shelves you'd find a toilet paper everywhere i had well i was like that's like earlier this year like all that's in some of these houses dave can you pick up this orange dumpster by chance it says you need a crowbar so you might be able to do it if you can uh i need two carpentry to do that yeah uh when you right click on the window it's supposed to one of the options is supposed to be barricade that's how you know that you have all the right stuff for it i'm trying to figure out why it doesn't think i have the right stuff i need a tree branch and i can make a spear like you can apparently make a number of interesting things yeah you can put like a bread knife on a butter knife on a spear cooking like you can make a uh burrito build drawers the butter knife finally i don't know why i don't get that option might depend on like who you picked as uh like an occupation well you need planks and you need the um the nails as well so you have those dave yeah and apparently carpentry you can have level zero and still make a barricade i found chickens like like real chickens yeah i'm out in the middle of the woods i need to get out of here okay now there's like houses hidden in the woods you can find that have like survival shit set up in them so i don't know how to do it but i need a tree branch i believe you get that from using that search mode when you're walking around the woods how does search mode even work so like you turn it on and as you walk around you'll occasionally see like a little uh eyeball icon above your character and then it'll give you an option to pick up unknown item and then it will be like a twig or a mushroom or something so just turn it on wander around till you see a eyeball icon sorry i hear it through your speakers some cool noises sorry i'll turn it down it's more immersive it's like i'm actually dying oh i found railroad tracks in the middle of the woods if there's like a train all right i don't have as much noise um did you hear what i said about the search mode okay oh i found like a big railroad track if there's any point to those i haven't seen anything in the woods yet i like the sounds of being in the woods it actually sounds like the woods can you repair like broken equipment like knives yeah right click and choose repair it'll tell you what you need to know i haven't seen that icon once really weird did you guys pick up the bad that i had when i died the area was too hot oh oh there's that guy oh okay and then it should leave a little like question mark pin when you click it i got three berries and i'm wondering if something as big as like a stick if you need to use like a saw on a tree or something that might be oh okay i usually just get twigs i don't know if you can find a stick though i'm not sure well here's the thing i have a saw in one of the boxes can one of you guys grab the saw from under the the bar and try to like cut down a tree yeah yeah yeah hey you want to see some magic and then like he chroma keys himself out and then he chroma keys himself back in with the cucumber it's the same bit every time the only difference is like it's how he shows the cucumber it's a master of his art yeah you can do so much with just one you know one cucumber one frog one cucumber i still think it's so uh so gross that people used to call cucumbers cukes over here and that just the sound of cuke is such a gross word i don't know i hated it what about the next part the comments or just umber you know you want some gums in your salad i mean cukes heard you can fight coronavirus with that no i'm kidding god in that article sorry no are you joking or did you read an article that said that because i'm sure it's the article that we all saw everybody but yeah uh i'm i have my saws equipped and i'm at trees trying to do stuff nothing's really coming up just following a railroad track man the my infected arm bandage just keeps getting worse it just keeps getting getting infected so i have a first aid kit so you might need to have a medical ability to like fully utilize it those alcohol wipes are the ones i need to clean people and infections and i think one of my uh injuries might be a little infected now when you guys have died have you respawned in the same place each time no it's a different place i've spawned in the same house three times in a row now that's weird i think it's kind of an exercise in futility to try to keep this dude alive well it's like when you start the game this is how you died so if you look at your map now i'm i'm curious if this is shared it probably isn't can you see like an icon next to where we are i put one there for myself but uh okay then it's not shared yeah i put the saws in one of these bars so no luck huh no i couldn't get anything to happen well it says here spear you so crafted spear you need plank and tree branch and either a chipstone hunting knife kitchen knife machete meat cleaver or stone knife so that's how you do it attach fork to spear oh yeah now you gotta try it how you eat grapes zombie apocalypse build spiked plank all right where the fuck did i put the rest of the planks oh just going to craft a spiked plank careful you don't get snuck up on by a zombie when you're doing carpentry because all that stuff weighs so much that you'll just like instantly sprain your ankles if we try to run away no i'm good i mean we're at the bar right now so we're i think we're pretty safe here my character is a nervous wreck and also queasy it might be time for greg clitoris to just die just start again also feeling a little sad find a way to raise your mood like i'll give you some antidepressants for that you gotta read a book book is probably the healthiest way let's see if this works eh not really not yet i'll put the rest of them in the bar i'm going to read that book what book is that uh it's just it's called book the good book oh yeah that one there's cooking for beginners electronics magazine there's also just book bought a cd before this just said bible on it that's kind of funny bible studies first time ever the bible is on a multimedia cd-rom for the first time we have created the lord lord on cd-rom drive see fully interacted and acted cut scenes including your favorite moments from the bible adam joseph jesus more uh marble and plenty of our others as we go through the bible stories from the old to the medium to the new thank you spending your time with the bible don't forget to play our game made by m dickie who's m dickie he's the guy that makes the best uh wrestling games of all time he made a bunch of bible games using his wrestling game engine does he cut lines at pizza places oh maybe there's also the bible on that game boy game like you could just get a game boy cart that has the bible on it oh yeah i remember that well i mean i don't i've never had it but boss reviewed it nintendo power on the cd-rom drive you can relive the experience of jonah inside the whale for three days and three nights as he was being digested only in this interactive cd-rom experience can you find out how it is like to be a follower of the christ four easy payments of 49.99 anyway does anyone want to go kill some zombies with me i'm going to go to a new area there are two following me back to the base i don't have any weapon at the moment i don't know where my pan went maybe i dropped it i didn't realize all right i went back to the warehouse because there was a second warehouse next to it that we didn't go into okay uh there is a group of zombies i'm stealth fully avoiding nice thank you johnny you want to um take a walk or you're bringing stuff back in i'm bringing stuff back in and i need to clean my bandages and stuff all right so i'm gonna use to the right are you sure you still don't have the uh the alcohol wipes i used a couple but they weren't yours i don't i'm sorry oh wait yeah i know i have i have one okay i could use it here you go thank you i'm gonna go this way i'll try to join you later yeah there's residential houses i want to grab a sheet if possible there are lots of stuff in there you can grab sure let's yeah i figure we can grab a couple things i'll bring it back and i've been recording this for two and a half two hours 17 minutes already and it flew by like that okay these are very small like are these like trailers okay they'll probably have what i i'm looking for way to make a ton of noise zombies okay no we don't want to deal with that [Music] yes oh oh shotgun nice no ammo but still i believe if you wear the shotgun it reduces the weight instead of just leaving it in your inventory is there a way to watch tv specifically um i know the specific times different shows play i think you just have to have the tv on and you'll see like i just have it on yeah i think so uh hard to find a car in this i don't know if there's like a way to find the keys easier none of them i think you can like hot wire the cars too you can find keys inside of the houses that are near the cars you might look out and find a matching set okay well i found the one thing we really need i found a sheet all right that was a pretty good house coffee pancake mix cheetos chicken oh i did that already [Music] oh oh stepped on they become 2d when you step on them yeah they lose like half the resolution it's really funny it's just a way of keeping the game running okay yeah when they jump through a window over a fence they're on the ground for like a second so you can immediately stomp on their head right after they jump over so it's like a good way to kill a whole bunch really quick if a window doesn't open do you just keep trying or sometimes if you keep trying it does open yeah i found a can opener finally doesn't always work but if you keep trying to do it it does go sometimes i have i finally also got a can opener but i'm very severely damaged bash your stuff in a place you know you can go back to yeah still trying to get back to my body where i had like body armor and a night stick and all kinds of stuff um options see you can play a tape on like a random tv found a church we're all saved listen this is gonna be weird but i'm bringing a tv back to the bar no i already am god damn it we're gonna have two tvs with that yeah two is better than one can have a halo xbox lan party like the old days can you like watch two different educational channels and learn both things at once i don't know maybe like to be four times i'm already like super overburdened but there's like one more trailer that i want to check out just need to find lydia to carry your burdens i'll carry your burdens she didn't say me lord right i don't think so that's the reload yes milo all right work work more work your sound card is working perfectly oh my god i remember that i found a cd the depth of your love now my character doesn't look like water white now it looks like jamie heinemann from the mythbusters because i found out very i also brought a microwave home and that's going to be useful for cooking i'll bring some mac and cheese back oh my god you just scared the shit out of me that's me don't worry yeah now you do look like jamie um can you because i'm i'm like super overburdened can you carry this shotgun again no ammo but it'll be nice to have now does the world persist if nobody's like actually here uh there's a server setting for that i think it defaults to when the server's empty time stops but you can turn it on okay check it out i think it'd be a bad idea to have time pass when we're gone though because of the big like events that happen yeah make sure it's off i mean does soap do anything uh you can i think when you have soap uh when you're washing your clothes if there's soap in your inventory it does it better or something like that i saw an option like that okay so it spreads the weight out when you have multiple things but it doesn't negate the weight depending on what the thing is if it is a bag it doesn't negate the weight uh as far as i know if it is a duffel bag uh it helps you carry more stuff it does right yeah but then my main character has is like overburdened as well it should just take a little bit of weight off of each item that's in the bag yeah okay so then yeah i'm gonna continue to be found a lawn gnome gotta bring that to the bar yeah i already got one but you can bring him across yeah if you try to pick it up look at its name let's see how my character's health is yeah the forearm do you need any treatment i i have severe damage right now i'll take a look at you see what we can do about that oof scratch lacerated bleeding with soap you wash yourself faster oh okay i'm now in critical damage so let's get this stuff back to the bar and then i'm just going to sacrifice myself to the woods the alcohol wipes um they you can use them multiple times or do a bandage now you should be healing yeah all right well let's at least bring all this stuff back um you know what johnny there's cars here yeah who can check them check the trunk check the uh the inside you can also here you i'll check this one there's materials here and a map that's good hmm can you like break into a car um i don't know i think with a certain tool you can like maybe the crowbar or something or a hammer i found a key master horizon key where'd you find the key uh i was checking just i was just checking this blue car and it wasn't the floor near the car oh nice so that is good to have the inventor the loot inventory always open fishing line fishing tackle you can check and see if a car has gas yeah you have to get inside i think no i was able to just go like check the menu or the yeah i was able to like right click it if you press e in front of the car it'll show you if there's gas in the tank so there's no gas in any of these we've got problems oh this one no he doesn't never mind zombies those are a lot yeah i just yeah the character is a little hungry i don't i didn't bring any food i have food but let's see if we can don't worry well i can eat later there's no hurry all right let's just get to the base that might not be a great idea to bring all these zombies back but on our uh dave are you the base yeah okay so we might need if we if we run a little we may lose them okay this is my max speed right now because i literally have a crt tv inside this briefcase the briefcase well i don't see them anymore so we they probably gave up on us you have the goods okay we're going back to paddy's pub over here vinnie oh oh there's a gnome oh i have just the thing for that that's a perfect gnome and it has a name yeah if you try to pick it up you can see the name david the gnome god i remember that show nice okay first things first this window needs a sheet it now has a sheet so we can have the electricity on and uh i don't think any windows are gonna give away so is this the microwave yeah on the corner of the bar have we found a can opener yet um oh yeah i did find one i put it uh oh it's in my inventory let me go put it with all the canned goods yep there you go thank you so dave is where you guys are right now uh close to that screenshot that you posted it's exactly where that okay i don't know if you guys haven't moved the red dot uh is oh i'm sorry that is not the right screenshot it is to the right let me take another screenshot for you to show you where the base is basically there you go so i'm almost there but my guy's so badly injured i think i'll just drop my stuff off and go die and getting started in this game is pretty fucking rough you you don't need to just kill yourself you can just get healed and little by little you will no dog well i'm so bad lynch i don't want to waste resources if you're infected like i'm infected and i'm just like my my health has been getting worse and worse well they've put one tv there this this is a value tech television which has a vcr play it can play the this nice oh nice it's not in hood but you know that's okay we have a crate back here that i'm gonna put a bunch of stuff in you can grab the courses and drop them on the dumpster can on the dumpster you can grab the what the corpses oh okay oh i made it oh but oh god he pretty much feels the dumpster and i'm bleeding well we got sinks in the back bathroom and in the kitchen over here well i'll just drop my stuff off uh only things of value values i have a second can opener and some canned food yeah we even putting the canned food back up against the bar here the the you're not that bad mono i can treat you i was i was worse than you before and i got better well it's like my my health meter is like almost empty though just walking near you got my clothing bloody oh i don't have any more this is uh alcohol wipes though well we can try getting you healed just it's up to you does anyone want to see how much i'll see how much i can do without resources first just with basic bandages you need to double minute let me let me take you let me take care of that then since i'm the one that has the medical action yeah i need to remove vinnie so that you can attack him so i'm doing that while i add you so there you go where are you then i am the jesus looking figure on the cd-rom drive outside just right out yeah now you too can experience the time moses was on the hill here in an interactive full-on cd-rom with penetration true i think you need to leave the faction how do you do that you know what i'm just going to enable pvp instead wow oh it erred when i did that so i think you need to go uh you see the client in the left side below the map go to that go to faction leave faction i'm not in faction uh does jeff have friendly fire off maybe on the server jeff do you know i don't think so not the track yeah there should be a button that you can just click that turns it on or off i don't know yeah i'm not in a faction at the moment so well let me see how bad my wounds actually are now i got a laceration scratch that one's not too bad [Music] and then yeah the bitten and infected left forearm can you amputate no this is not rim world now afraid we're going to have to amputate dave did you get that welder's mask from the crate it was there were a bunch of them in that warehouse so i got my own i'm going to exile myself wait before you do one one more thing yeah okay yeah it wasn't the weapon i don't know have fun in the woods okay i think i got like blood all over you so have fun with that yeah you did hopefully it's not infected blood no i'm fine i don't have any cuts on me right now so i'm upset okay well i'm gonna do a little bit of uh soul searching is jesus in the woods did you do you guys have the full map for whoever has the full map press m and look directly south of our base there's a little building yeah clearing that's very interesting yeah you should investigate the cabin in the woods i probably will die before i get there i'll probably just bleed out all right this is the end of greg clitoris our lord and savior hang on if i'm going to die i want to die with some dignity i guess never mind that i died while trying to wear a red bra perfect and then the zombie started eating my dick nice good good good all right i'm going to start a new character i want to be a carpenter this time follow in his footsteps fuck off that's good [Music] um is there a random option for like your character creator i think there is in the bottom right i think oh yeah [Music] oh i should leave the shotgun [Music] mitch fountain [Music] the music says weird words [Music] seemed was cut rubs [Music] [Music] i'm gonna respawn as an app developer it just reminds me like we had an actual zombie apocalypse like half the world would be like useless occupation-wise no those app developers are the same people playing the survival video games it's not as bad as you think zomba true find a location who's the real zombie then though the zombies that are on their phones yeah i i couldn't make out most of what the mayor of indian said in in the movie but he was definitely making fun of people playing video games he was and and he was saying it very quickly while there was loud music being played over it and and every other word was french which i don't understand so i do look forward to watching that scene again with subtitles just so i can actually understand what was going on there because uh that was certainly a confusion confusing portion of that movie yeah yeah subtitles would be good for that but i don't think i'd want to see that movie again probably so yeah dude the movie already had subtitles open your mind it was the code it's the kite alex the card oh boy oh i am far the fuck out there okay yes did we figure out if you can wash dirty bandages yeah i think yes you can you click do right click the uh thing can it should it should give you an usher to clean rags but i thought i'd have to take them off of me somehow first oh yeah yeah you gotta take them off replace them with clean ones and then you gotta clean the ones that let me help you with that oh i didn't even know i could actually click the health uh screen oh my god i have lacerations oh infected infected infected oh i don't know we need to find alcohol wipes to take care of all these infections right now i'm barely replacing your bandages don't have any alcohol wipes to treat your infections at this time it's worth it i'm gonna put marshmallows in the microwave be sure to record it and put it on youtube for some clicks i'm already bitten bleeding and infected all right clint bates okay model your time is fair now i hope so says i'm in severe pain and bored at the same time yeah it's going to take a bit for you to heal if you don't get more infected but yeah you're healing i saw your health going up just a little bit the weather changing yeah it's like foggy out yeah i know there's supposed to be weather effects oh yeah it's foggy there's like an actual trait for how much the weather affects your mood [Music] i'm just going to play as elijah would now what button is to sit down you have to right click on the floor oh yeah and then you can like rest well i left a huge trail of blood into here when i came in you can actually slip on blood if you run across it well i'm even farther away from the the bar now hell yeah makeup time oh yeah oh i can't do clown the way your character like faces is so annoying sometimes like you just get bit so easy yeah that's why you do the hold on right click things a little more fluid why am i spinning in circles when i'm trying to stab some guy frustrating yeah yeah i mean i'm enjoying the game because of like i guess the mechanics of it but i'd be lying if i said it was like a perfect video game experience i've been struggling against some of the controls and yeah the controls are tough yeah i i haven't been doing too bad i think the clunkiness is part of the well it's just like when you're trying to fight a zombie and your guy keeps like turning and like exposing your back and then the zombie just bites you it's like why is that happening yeah yeah i don't really yeah the zombie fight stuff is not always great yeah having two tvs i'm i'm like speed running my boredom down but the tvs cannot tune to anything so you're not gonna get on board there's five channels to watch they go off the air after like two weeks i think these weather effects are cool though it looks like yeah this looks awesome completely different map now there's a little bit of car uh gas remaining unfortunately there are zombies yeah you can sneak but also run while sneaking home vhs td tow i'll bring that back to the base oh yeah oh i've got a bunch of vhs's well [Applause] yeah i mean i've been playing this for a while now nearly three hours is v it is very addictive for anything else that can be said about it i am enjoying the fuck out of it it's definitely a little fun but um i just want to get back to the base and then i'm going to stop another can opener i'll bring it just in case we lose the other one for whatever reason like once you start getting momentum it definitely gets weighed oh yeah for sure but it's hard to get going though it's frustrating i keep getting stuck on one thing too it's like i want to find this and i keep you know what i mean like i just keep dying because i'm looking for one thing yeah that happens i found a radio pick it up bring it how do you pick it up again there's a icon on the left with like a drawer you want to hover over that and change to pick up oh okay okay see where am i on the map yeah i'm still pretty far but i'm making progress one good thing about sneaking around in the fog is you're a little harder to notice at least medical center it's blocked and i have a bunch of zombies on me but if i could get in there and bring some medical supplies back that would be pretty great there's a bunch of like military camps and stuff like that too police stations so i've like really good shit now there's like a big storage unit place where the doors are locked and if you get like an axe or other tools you just keep beating the doors you can eventually open it up and there's all kinds of supplies in there too yeah you can just like break down walls if you attack them long enough beta blockers and block those betas produces panic this medical center is like a bust i think god many zombie fun of course true can chile microwave yeah uh no medical supplies really headphones scrap electronics screwdriver that was weird oh yeah you can uh sort your inventory by weight oh there's that tiny little icon the top left that looks like a funnel oh you can do by weight so that's i think handy if you're looting tons of stuff and need to get out you can be like what's the heaviest thing and drop it masterson horizon key that might be a car for somebody's car fucking zombies they're very smart i mean i know you said this before but god damn they can follow you even in the fog he said the best thing you do is sneak really and fucking hide like upstairs of a house and dodge them yeah get them stuck in the woods i don't want to bring too much more stuff but i have a bunch of kids on a new car coming home with a nice um when you get close to a car and you have a red key icon what does that mean does it mean you have the key hmm i think my main's locked okay now i'm oh my god yeah i think it means i have the key because my character is trying to turn it on but it since it doesn't have any gas now that i remember can we get gas from the gas station yeah yeah you gotta pull up to a gas pump there should be a way to carry gas on a container right probably yeah i'm now a slav what do you mean is love liking i i have a you'll see my outfit is very slov oh just scare me dave with that get up it's looking like uh mr pub g himself yeah npk fertilizer yeah there's a whole farming system and stuff in here too empty bleach bottle that's probably good to have unpleasantly hot i guess i can't wear my padded jacket moist my character is now moist great oh painkillers plus a sheet is your character going to take a sheet take shit please baby best bath towel i found a plunger yeah i think the way the zombies work in this is kind of like a heat trail like if you make a lot of noise and stuff like you just leave a path you know what i mean i think if you're kind of conspicuous and sneak around a little bit i think they might smile if you're bleeding i think they're more attracted to someone who's bleeding i just had a bunch following me and i ran to a building kind of hid and then i snuck out walked away and i saw all these other zombies still walking into the building so they like still think i was in there you know what i mean i got a bunch of empty gas hands oh yeah we'll want that then we're home assuming we can you know grab the gas in there oh i found some uh i'm disassembling the beds from the these trailers and i i have some planks i can bring back to the base okay so we can cover up those windows some windows we have that are broken or aren't are boarded yeah boarding up more windows would be nice dave you have to skull crossbones by your name though yeah yeah i think it's related to the square icon on the bottom right that like shot a gun i heard a gunshot yeah me too what the fuck was it me the fuck was that weird oh it's related to resting the gunshot no someone else in the server the icon it's real related to what dave resting so it was a it was fully red because you see it is like a green square right that scared the fuck bottom right corner i see a green square with like two axes yeah so something makes it turn red and then when it's fully red you get the skull on crossbones and then i right clicked to sit down and the word rest showed up so i hit that and then it started changing back to green so i think it's like you need to sleep or something but because we're playing multiplayer there's no sleep so you have to just hit rest [Music] huh that's my guess i this is purely uh circumstantial these fucking planks are heavy yeah this other fucking truck is dead the engine's fucked need a wrench metal i guess i'm gonna leave some in here because i cannot carry them all has anyone tried playing a tape on the tv yet videos i think yeah there's a show on right now it's a sports show i guess i mean the garbage bag isn't really helping with the weight all that much yeah it's like the lowest tier bag you can get yeah all right i'm learning carpentry i'm back to the base with some gas use some gas the zombies are like wandering around too like they're like fucking on the move walking down the street and shit fuck is he going i don't want to ditch my long johns oh yeah dave did you just get a carpentry point from watching the show i did nice see i'm like leveling up now just from watching the tv zero gas right i found a tv that was turned on and it just so happens that there is something in the tv in the channel it's not just static noise i'm almost back there is a television schedule in the game unfortunately i've not found a tv guide so i don't know what the schedule is in the single player uh when you're able to sleep you can actually set an alarm on your watch to wake up at a certain time to watch a certain tv show it's like so detailed like that that's nice well uh the channel turbo was having something at 12 30 maybe maybe it started earlier before i got it it's like some kind of news program on now yeah oh almost there at the volume all the way up what does triple n stand for what the fuck is no no news news no nut news member i mean isn't that all news for like naked news yeah naked news network there you go oh i fell i dropped my beret yeah i got hit so hard that my guy's hat glasses and the thing i was carrying all flew off when i was it's like a container place here with two police trucks and like three zombies there's sometimes uh guns in the trunk of the police cars hello comrades we can't see you because you're behind us how do we do we only want to play on this server when we're all together streaming or no one else should play i don't know i mean i don't know because i i don't want you to not play you know you bought the server so i don't know i mean just so we can all be on the same like progress do we want to stay on the same level i don't mind one way or another whatever you want to do comrade please not now we're watching the news oh i found bullets ear protectors bullet ammo strap boxes nine millimeter rounds first aid kit and a shotgun all right yeah when you're out and about if you find cops you kill them you they always have bullets and shit guns oh yeah there's other occupation zombies like construction workers will have tools on them there's like a like a motorcycle biker dude that has like a brass knuckles i think or a knife you guys want to watch a tape i found another shotgun some of the guns don't seem that great though honestly compared to like oh my god us i'm gonna put uh tapes in this one at the end here closest to the tv so we want to watch more well i'm gonna get i'm gonna come back to this place later i'll put some food in the fridge i have um a variety of foods what's on the tape i don't it sounds like a like a what do you call it um sitcom or something it's not like some weird shit it's pretty normal it's like i'm i'm going to tell her let go of the ore dirk let's get ashore i'm letting it go joshie i'm letting go joshy orchestral music who's joshy i want to know more about him who's that character he's never heard of that before he's competing right never had a character like joshi before funnier character fire notice if you have water in a container it can evaporate if it's not a sealed container it also weights more if it has water so if you need to if you need to care be carrying less weight and you're going back to base you can just drop whatever water you have right i have a ton of books do we have a book drawer yeah over to the right i'm right in front of it we could always just bring one this one yeah we'll do some reorganizing at some point i'm sure these shotguns are way too heavy so i'm gonna just drop one here and the planks as well then i'll come back for this i found a video store radio hell yeah if anyone wants cool eye makeup i have eye makeup in one of the drawers and you can know you can put on which which drawer is it it's this corner one i think no okay it's one of them and you can yeah you can put on you can do eye makeup it gets kind of weird yeah eyes makeup it's it's um under the the stuff oh i found the police station guns probably near our base fucking busy though if we all go and we use some of the guns if johnny's bullets work too much really no those bullets won't work because those bullets are for pistols oh there's so many we gotta get them away from here well i went from serious pain to minor pain hello comrades you're like business casual uh russian terrorists or something i'm gonna put the shotgun back on the on the box i think that's a good place to store all the important stuff okay i think eventually you can build more of that stuff like i have i chose carpenter um which i don't have much carpentry but i could build like a drawer you know if we needed to i mean the bar is a good place to store stuff too but i need plank knob and nails and if anyone has a baseball bat i can spike it up for you well you can all do that yourself not that hard eventually you can just straight up build a house and it kind of looks like our current place it's like wooden walls and floor and then you can paint the walls it's really detailed um i want to check something out here there's how do i place the radio i think you use the thing in the top left sorry i didn't get it i didn't hear that uh the thing in the top left again uh there's a button that says place uh-huh it's like a green arrow pointing down yeah does that not work i mean i keep i click place and then i get a pointer like a square but then what do i do you can't just like click on the spot where you want it i'm clicking but nothing happens maybe oh is it like a really big radio that can't go on a table like that maybe i'm gonna leave some lights off up top because there's windows and i'm assuming the zambabos can see them probably so i'm gonna cover the one window turn off the tvs as well if if there's nothing to watch yeah it's trying to fly there's two more bus in this end cap here oh there it is the radio washington high i've got two two two episodes of a season of washington high so whatever that is but yeah i'm gonna cover this this um the lights are off upstairs but i'm going to add a sheet to the one where the light should be on in the hallway but for the most part i think it would be a good idea to keep this closed okay i think we're good otherwise okay yeah i'm gonna stop here because this is three hours three and oh god three and change fucking project zomboid um well it was fun yeah great jeff i don't mind if you guys play as long as i don't get killed you know what here's the best thing i'm gonna say is i'm gonna go upstairs wouldn't your character just disappear when you're offline i doubt you're there yeah i don't think this is like rust i think you just straight up are gone when you're not logged in oh okay that's all good i think it's just probably best if we don't get like they'll stay around the same sure level-ish so we're not like now something doesn't get like all juiced up before everyone else or whatever okay well even so i don't mind if you play a little bit if you hop in you know bring some equipment over like this no problem but i keep dying anyway so i need to get started here it's fun it's really fun that we found this bar and and like bringing equipment back like like you said once you get into it and you get going it's it's kind of crazy how much fun you can have with it but all right um thanks dave johnny mono and jeff for stopping up uh stopping up what stopping up my toilet for god damn it bobby for stopping by and playing game i hope you have a good night no problem good night see you guys see ya and everybody out there watching this was a lot a lot of game this is a lot of gameplay but i will exit now and i will say thank you for watching it's fun it's not for everybody and i don't even know if it's for me entirely but i'm enjoying at least what i've done so far so that's project zomboid take care see you later and if there's more there's more but god damn this is a productivity killer goodbye
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 159,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Project Zomboid, Survival, Zombie, Isometric, Open World, 2D
Id: JgbnPGlm72I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 13sec (11893 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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