Can I Survive My First 30 Days In Project Zomboid?

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easy guys I've always had a soft spot for survival games yet despite being in development for many years now I have never heard of project zomboid an isometric Zombie Survival RPG sandbox what caught my eye was the level of realism the developers took to provide players with the actual problems a real human might face should a zombie apocalypse start and I was Keen to learn more to learn the ropes I quickly jumped into the tutorial I won't go into much detail here but let's just say that things escalated quickly being a Sandbox project zomboid has many options to configure your game just the way you want as a beginner however I had yet to decide what I wanted so I went for the custom game option hoping that this would be just the right amount of difficulty my character would be a vehicle mechanic chlorophyll Bill the game told me I was too gifted for this world so I had to Nerf my character with a negative trait I elected for sleepyhead to balance out Bill's mechanical prowess this story would be my first 30 days in Project zomboid I woke up in a house the lights were on and all was quiet I glanced out my window and everything remained still I looked around the house through my cupboards shelves and kitchen there were books to read and plenty of canned food in the cupboards I had no memory of any events before this night but for now I felt safe I figured it would be safer still if I turned out the lights trying to prevent whatever might be out there from having a direct line of sight on whatever I was doing my first mistake all my commotion next to the window attracted the attention of my first biter what should I do I thought would the door hold would the zombie lose interest and leave me alone if I choose to run and hide in the corner I had no weapons to use but the tutorial taught me that I had a chance to overpower it I opened the door and shoved the zombie backwards with the space bar as this was the first time Bill had seen a zombie he panicked which did things like reduces Kona Vision his weapon damage and the chance for him to knock down a zombie I shoved at the zombie frantically eventually knocking it down struggling with a case of noob fingers I stomped hard on the zombie's big toes which probably did a little more than tickle it generously the zombie flopped forward placing its head under my heel a satisfying crunch indicated the killing blow as I shut the front door I realized I had no clue what to do next do I try and fortify my home do I get more food what am I supposed to do I decided to stay in my comfort zone for the next few days as Bill started to get hungry I grabbed some beans from the cupboard and set about warming a bowl in the oven you utilities were still available but I didn't know how long they might last afterwards I sat in front of my TV to see if I could gather information on what was happening outside in the top left I could see the primary and secondary items I had equipped my inventory management and my character status menu giving me insights into Bill's current health and his skill set as well as further options for crafting moving heavy items foraging and looking at the map as I read books the equivalent skill in my character sheet gained an XP multiplier I also learned that watching a show called life and living on TV would teach me skills such as cooking and carpentry without any way to tell the time the next few days were a blur of sleeping whenever I was tired waking whenever I woke and reading to advance my skills and of course eating further rummaging through the rest of the house I found some extra clothes lending me a little additional defense and an alarm clock finally giving me a way to see the time in the top right of the screen and the ability to set an alarm so I could wake up at a decent hour after dealing with another zombie wandering around in the backyard life and living popped on six o'clock noted if it was on this time every day perhaps I could come back at the same time tomorrow for some extra skills another interesting item from my inventory a pen of all things I could now open the map and start scribbling down some notes and upon looking in the school bag which okay it was on my back the whole time I know I'm still figuring this out expecting to find a lunch box a pencil case or school books I discovered a hammer and a baseball bat kids have changed if anything though I was merely delaying the inevitable if I wanted to continue to thrive I would need to find more food as my home supply would surely run out in the end I didn't know what I was looking for but perhaps it would find me with a hammer in my hand I felt a little more confident braving the outdoors right let's sneak up on this zombie here easy guy take it easy I carefully crept through the residential area the fog was thick and visibility was low I had to keep my wits about me easy Miss you're full of energy today sorry about that apologies the front door was unlocked so I stepped inside I had yet to learn what I was looking for my instinct was to grab food and books although this swiftly left me overweight and over encumbered bill was tired and overburdened so I hurried home to dump my new loot off and relax just in time for another episode of life and living I had completed my first Supply run but if I wanted to increase my level of safety I would need more in the following days I went on more Supply runs I started using my trusty Hammer to dismantle whatever I could find in the neighbor's houses dismantling beds and cracking heads I read books and gathered more food then just two houses down the street from my base I encountered another biter just like any other but as I tried to move my camera in closer I bungled my right Mouse button instead of pointing Bill towards the zombie he shoved to the left leaving the zombie and opening for a bite the next few seconds were a frantic massive pushing but I managed to take control of the fight and end it with my hammer I seemed to be okay I checked my health sheet I Was Bitten on the groin and bleeding right near the Family Jewels for the next several seconds I was in panic I had no bandages on my person my health bar was dropping and the wound had quickly become infected and I was leaving a trail of Blood on the ground fearing for the safety of my plums I hurried back to the comfort of my home there had to be something in these cupboards to help this wound finally I found some bandages in the bathroom I hastily wrapped my bloody groin and stop the bleeding but my body had suffered severe damage I did my best to continue my daily beans reading and life and living routine but my groin left me in pain and my bandages were constantly getting dirty the best I could do was remove them and wash the dirty bandage under the tap before replacing it I did the best to put the injury to the back of my mind the next day something else happened the distinct sound of a helicopter flying overhead they may have had medical help for my Jacobs is that the way their player escapes the map is it a military Chopper a news crew I didn't know I figured it was best to stay hidden until I knew more the next day the helicopter sound disappeared and so I continued to explore the street I couldn't help but notice all the cars around but I didn't know anything about them could I steal one perhaps I made a conscious effort to try and find some car keys lying around the houses or on zombies local to the area but no joy as I got back home something didn't feel right I washed my dirty bandage again but it seemed my body status had slipped into severe I was constantly on edge and feeling queasy it wasn't clear to me whether this was the zombie virus or an infected wound but try as I might I conditioned deteriorated and slipped into critical watching my health bar AB away at this point I made a choice I was a gunner in my heart I knew my time was up killed by a bite to the knackers what a way to go but I sure wasn't going to die cooped up in my kitchen I threw my school bag on the ground it was too heavy for me now anyway I didn't know where I was going or what I might find but I needed medical help maybe I could find an abandoned ambulance or a well-equipped medical cabinet in someone's bathroom though in truth I didn't expect to see this house again in my foolished aspiration I'd even managed to misplace my hammer I didn't get much farther than the back Garden scared critically wounded queasy and tired I struggled to fight back as bite after bite slipped through my defenses now seven days of survival chlorophyll Bill's fight was over this is where I assumed everything is now gone my character bass and stuff but this is only partially true my home and stuff would still be there although my skills and character would be lost and so I decided to fire up a second character and try again chlorophyll Dill Dill would be a carpenter a first aider with the sleepy head negative trait this time I was more confident about what I wanted and needed to do I quickly equipped myself with a hammer and screwdriver I could see Bill's Old hideout with a quick map check but it was too far away especially considering Bill didn't have much on him anyway I wanted to set up a base as quickly as possible but this house felt too small however I was tempted by the robust looking fence surrounding the property that I imagined would make this an easily defensible position I could be comfortable here I'm sure however my curiosity pushed me onwards I was still new to the game and I didn't feel I would learn much by hiding in the house I spawned in my goal was to find a decent home but as I explored I was immediately harassed and bitten just a laceration this time my sturdy leather jacket probably saved me but I needed to be more careful combat seemed much less precise and more difficult to manage with the camera zoomed out too far so I needed to avoid that in future after bandaging the wound with some ripped sheets it wasn't long before I found a more extensive home just around the corner it was larger and had some extra resources to use I felt more comfortable here I created an escape rope from ripped sheets and dangled out the second floor window I could use this to climb in and out of the second floor but I had no idea if the zombies could climb it hopefully not my next objective was to fortify the place for that I'm gonna need some wood nails and food and of course books to keep my skills going I set about exploring the local area the following day I found a firefighter outside a burnt out house whose outfit substantially boosted my bison scratch defense the clothes were bloody and dirty I expected wearing a bloody Corpse's clothing might lower Dill's morale but it seem to bother him so I carried on further rummaging around the local properties uncovered a duffel bag which gave me a weight reduction bonus I also found a TV which I stuffed in my back pocket it was cumbersome as I staggered home with it carrying such heavy weight negatively affects health and exhausts your character tonight I would be enjoying a night's rest for sure worse still my hopes of watching life and living once again to boost my skills were dashed as the channel was now static TV broadcasts seemed to have ended now I spent more days Gathering and fortifying the firefighting suit I wore was effective but also hot leaving Bill's sweating profusely after a small amount of physical activity it took four dish towels and a bath towel to fully suppress the moistness luckily this home had a washer and dryer giving me a chance to dry out wet clothing and clean the blood and dirt off my outfit for myself at least it did feel good to have a clean fresh set of clothes the following days were spent fortifying my home with the materials I'd found barring up the windows had the bonus of preventing zombies from noticing me inside and coming to investigate over the following days I realized I had looted all the nearby houses and found myself venturing further away from home I found an amazing convenience store offering a generous Top-Up to my first aid supplies but the further I explored the further I had to drag heavy items back home again exhausted I again began to consider how much more useful it would be to have a vehicle as I ventured farther and farther away from home the zombies seemed to be growing in number out here too so the risk began to increase to distracted by a zombie in front of me I gave another zombie a chance to creep up behind me I completely bungled up the direction of my character again and once again I got bitten every time I made foolish mistakes like this I rolled the dice on the end of my game I cursed myself and scurried home I'd been bitten on the beanbags again a terrifying reminder of Bill's fate loomed over me luckily with more ample medical supplies such as alcohol wipes and fresh bandages from the convenience store I got a hold of the situation but I had to be more careful retracing my steps I found an estate with some large expensive looking properties with barbecues and outdoor sheds one of which had a generator stashed inside I knew nothing of the Apocalypse but surely a generator would be handy I didn't know how to operate the thing so I just stuffed the generator down my back pocket this thing was Heavy the heaviest thing I had found thus far I crawled home with it almost breaking Dill into two pieces I was praying I didn't bump into any zombies on the way back and luckily I managed to remain hidden after dumping the generator out back I started experimenting with rainwater collection leaving empty bottles tins and buckets in the garden to see what would collect water the buckets had been successful although sadly the water was tainted and undrinkable so I needed a way to filter or maybe boil the water I collected after the generator incident I would make obtaining a vehicle my top priority hauling heavy objects over ever increasing distances would literally kill me if I kept this up so I went out into the wealthier neighborhoods in hopes of finding one I searched around a few cars but nothing popped out at me I stumbled across another car under the Bonnet it looked to be in good condition I cleared out the house in hopes of finding some keys but nothing it looked like there was a car across the street so I went to check that out I got inside and noticed there was a glove box noticed this before but unfortunately no keys inside but it did make me think I hadn't checked the last vehicle's glove box as I went back to investigate I noticed something on the ground a key and it was for this car the big question was would it start yes and almost a full tank of gas to boot with a new car at my disposal sorry fellas my looting operations became far more streamlined the car had a 50 weight capacity in the trunk allowing me to steal borrow everything one house at a time filling the trunk with stacks of food tins I started improving with the interface as well learning to control click and shift-click lists of items a quicker way to move larger quantities across inventories and why am I still sweating this firefighting suit is hot can I turn down this heater oh my the attention to detail in this game yes I can I found empty gas cans as well in the boot let's see if we can fill these up so much gasoline let's leave all this gasoline down the side of the house what could possibly go wrong another thing about the car is that it's a seriously efficient way to kill zombies especially in areas filled with them like industrial Estates at the same time I don't want to because it damages the carry over time but it's so much fun now that I have a car and the ability to harvest more extensive loot my base is starting to look like a bomb site sure I had grown comfortable here and Dill had adapted well but I have nowhere to put anything I'm already having second thoughts about my choice of bass especially now I have a car allowing me to look for something better as I started venturing out onto the main highway I came across a warehouse it was surrounded by the dead so I tried to clear them with the car delicately so to try and minimize any potential damage looks like there are a couple of biters in here and it's pretty close quarters so I want to avoid getting trapped in here come out tasty human snack come and get me look at all this stuff though my mind was racing with my old house getting packed full to the brim this place could be a viable solution it had a second floor a couple of top floor windows for Sheet ropes and tons of stuff it even looked like there was a third floor and the garage for the car the next few days were spent in the warehouse sleeping on an old couch in what looked to be the old staff room not the comfiest night's sleep but it'll have to do for now there was so much in the warehouse seeds for planting crops tools for everything I could think of metal welding supplies and many other things I hadn't even thought about if anything my only annoyance was all sorts of stuff was mixed and matched everywhere I really wanted some kind of inventory management but the items were so heavy it was a real chore trying to bring some order to the place the following day I went out once again to look for furniture and homely things for my warehouse wasn't long before I had a disaster a house alarm concern I was about to aggro every zombie for several blocks this felt like the equivalent of an ice cream truck pulling up into a Street full of starving children I was so distracted that I entered the car through the passenger door not the driver's side damn it I quickly made my exit luckily this was a quiet area but it still surprised me how far away zombies would travel towards a loud sound noted here's something you don't get to do every day now doing his thing for the community applying traffic calming measures and slowing down speeding drivers you won't need a shotgun for that though I'll give it a good home officer my next big concern was food I had a huge supply of seeds in the warehouse and I would rather they were growing than being sat in a box I looked outside for a location to build a farm it felt too exposed out here though and that's when I noticed I could empty gravel and sandbags which got me thinking the warehouse is full of gravel and sandbags could I grow vegetable in those it was a long shot I poured a few lines of sand and gravel out on the warehouse's roof and created some furrows with a plow then I noticed that I could take some gravel that I had just placed so could I do the same but with dirt so outside I went and it turns out yes I could take a few dirt tiles and lay them out again with everything I had in front of me I planted some different seeds and hoped that at least something might grow my next issue was going to be water my rain collection experiments had been going well although I couldn't drink any of it even pure rain water was tainted somehow the only thing I could think of was trying to boil the water I could recall a couple of barbecue ovens in people's backyards and so I went to retrieve a charcoal barbecue as I had tons of scrap wood in the warehouse and hopefully this would hit two birds with one stone in hindsight keeping it indoors was probably a bad idea in regards to fumes I got a lighter paper matches and scrap wood and just experimented until I got the option to light the barbecue in the end Bingo confusingly though the lighters kept disappearing every time I let the barbecue the lighter was still in my hand and then it vanishes I did this twice with two separate lighters does the lighter run out of fuel after one use or is the lighter always lit when it's in my hand and thus runs out of fuel it's not particularly clear to me as a player I feel like my expectations are and matches consumed with every fire and a lighter might have a couple of uses anywho this gave me a conundrum I would need a lot more lighters if I wanted to boil water or I would need to keep the fire burning continuously which meant a lot of wood more experimentation was required I looked upstairs into my further despair see my farming experiments yielded nothing I expanded my dirt Empire and planted different seed species in hopes that something might grow and then it hit me I hadn't even watered anything a quick inspection of the plot revealed everything was indeed dried out ah what an idiot trying to put that water can to good use after that it was time for another Supply run I proceeded down the highway looking for different places to raid for supplies too busy looking at different shop fronts I failed to look where I was going oh I'm sorry turquoise car you were in such good condition when I found you you were a loyal Steed but I've run you into the ground the front is looking worse for wear now after that a van in the corner of the parking lot caught my eye I always wondered if these things could carry more weight than cars I had a look around and it was unlocked and what do you know keys in the glove box let's see if she starts now nothing looks like she's probably out of gas I'm pretty sure I've got some spare gas in the car though so let's go and have a look and try and top this up and try again bingo for a maiden voyage let's empty a few shops wow look at this this has got a 130 weight versus the cars 50. I can empty an entire building with this thing [Music] I feel like this is going to be a step up for our Scavenging game the only trouble is with having two cars is getting both of them home let's go grab the turquoise wonder over the next day or two my luck with vehicles increased it wasn't long before I discovered some keys on the ground and along with them my second van of course I did the obligatory taking them both home and awkwardly shuffling between cars I wonder if the ability to tow a vehicle would ever be added to the game all this running was killing me could you imagine surviving 30 days of a zombie apocalypse and then dying from exercise for humiliation raiding shops had become much much easier now with a van as had my hammer skills Gotta Love One-Shot kills I had so many cans of soda now which was encouraging as I still hadn't figured out a solid way to clean my water efficiently should the utilities fail more importantly though since the end of the world had occurred I took the opportunity to test the maximum speed of my van down the highway I am speed all this driving enthusiasm had lightened my gas supplies so I was pleased to discover a gas station towards the end of the highway after a bit of faffing I learned how to use the thing but I was caught off guard by a biter and the realization that I'd bungled my equipped weapon I took a nasty bite luckily just a scratch damn that was lucky probably thanks to the firefighter outfit absolutely life-saving clothing although my outfit was starting to look a little worse for wear just gonna scan these bodies a few bits and pieces oh and a bulletproof vest nice as I continue to look for more supplies in the area I noticed a big ice freezer outside the shop this was more of an Impulse grab but I figured I had the van with me so why not as usual I had a good rummage around the garbage bins as these usually mean one thing garbage bags great for water collectors meanwhile back in the warehouse our dirt Empire had taken a positive turn and the cabbages are started to grow out of nowhere after harvesting them and re-sewing the seeds I had a tidy supply of cabbages although these were fresh produce and would likely rot soon almost as if I'd planned it I had the freezer ready from outside the shop perfect for keeping my veg fresh unfortunately though whilst nutritious the Frozen cabbages instantly made Dill feel depressed requiring a few Saucy magazines to be read after breakfast to chair himself up [Music] it didn't take me long to realize that this was due to the Frozen cabbages my solution was taking a frozen cabbage to bed with me the night before leading to a Supple thought out cabbage come the morning no more depressing thoughts a quick look into my character sheet told me I'd survived 30 days alone I had grown so much in these 30 days from being bitten frequently to still being bitten frequently I had acquired a car fortified a warehouse and learned to grow crops and harvest water but with the possibility of the utilities breaking at any moment and still no way of reliably creating Safe Drinking Water was I on the brink of disaster
Channel: Chlorophil
Views: 339,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid ep 1, zomboid, project zomboid game, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid review, project zomboid beginners guide, zomboid gameplay, zombies, survival game, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid house, project zomboid home, chlorophil, project zomboid story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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