The Complete Saga of Jamie Nichols | A Project Zomboid Story

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[Music] welcome this video is a culmination of over 50 hours of raw footage 22 separate episodes three movie compilations and an unhealthy amount of nights spent editing this entire story together as a story of a randomly generated Survivor plays out all I ask is that you drop a like down below or consider subscribing if at any point you find yourself enjoying the content without further ado enjoy [Music] meet Jamie Nichols an obese police officer that has spent more time behind a desk than on patrol and who is entirely unaware of the crumbling of society due to his fear of going Outdoors as is extremely unlikely Survivor begins to realize what has happened he thinks back to the oath of pacifism he had once taken following a deadly call having vowed never to harm another person again he must struggle with separating these new shambling creatures from the people they once were hearing the strained cries of the hungry creatures outside Jaime arms himself with a letter opener from his desk and begins to search his now vacant office building too afraid to step outside he Comforts himself with the last bag of chips and a vending machine he had grown all too fond of during his shifts realizing how sparse the building was for supplies Jaime finally swallows his fears and crawls his way out for the back door creeping to a nearby car he is able to snatch a garden rake before the first rotting biter begins to close in too scared to fight in the open and surrounded by fog Jaime Retreats back inside to clumsily deal with the first true threat [Applause] knowing that the meager weapons he had secured wouldn't protect him for long Jaime looks across the street and spots a nearby hardware store though it is guarded by a few stray shamblers cutting down two more infected he eventually makes it across the road and inside the empty business scanning and searching the shelves he is thrilled to discover a variety of essential tools hammers axes crowbars and other vital supplies that could secure his safety unable to move the majority of the loot Jaime decides to try and clear the rest of the building in hopes of establishing a safe house for the foreseeable future sneaking to the next door business a large hint of the horrors of the undead is revealed as a sizable group mindlessly Shuffle outside the large Windows too afraid to draw their attention Jaime opts to investigate the upstairs Apartments where a constant battering sound can be heard suddenly jumped by ravenous sports fans Jaime has to truly fight for his life for the first time foreign dwindle as the third corpse is dealt with and the buildings were his quiet feeling the first bit of Hope since the adventure has begun he begins to search the two empty residences he now has access to discovering a small amount of food a handful of ammo a hiking backpack and a rifle Jaime curses his lengthy absence from the firing range and decides it's best to save the firearm when his nerves calm down consolidating the essentials into an easily retrievable bug out bag Jamie's paranoia leads him to begin constructing multiple Escape Routes from the elevated apartment nailing down various Escape ropes from a handful of the windows he finally feels brave enough to peek out towards the alleyway to learn of his surroundings spying a parking lot not too far away he wonders if he could feasibly make it to a working vehicle but is quickly interrupted by another zombie looking to spread its infection deciding his new goal was fighting to one of the nearby cars in the Morning Jaime Retreats back upstairs and positions himself a large chair as an emergency barricade against the undead not get able to sleep following the terrifying day Jaime Begins the arduous task of slimming down in front of the unmanned broadcast of the TV sleeping through the night Jamie wakes up the next day with singular focus of acquiring a vehicle though as he makes his way downstairs he hears a concerning amount of Moaning coming from the garage door keeping open the back door his worst fears are realizes the once clear Alleyway is now infested with the undead trying his best to lure the horrific creatures and slowly Jaime is eventually overwhelmed by their numbers and forced to retreat upstairs biting his time strikes forth from his apartment once more in hopes of clearing at least the back room but is quickly faced with the unending numbers of The Horde as he flees yet again desperate to buy himself as much time as possible he barricades the staircase and cowers in his home as he hardly attempts to formulate a plan given precious little time he hears the poor barricade crumble from the undead daring once more to try and clear the building before it's too late suddenly met with a hungry wall of rotten flesh Jaime knows his home is compromised as he dashes to collect his belongings and Dives at the nearby window racing across the rooftops he begs for Mercy from the Relentless hordes but has given no relief as his pursuers come pouring out behind him leaving from the roof Jamie fears his time is up as he attempts a Mad Dash out of town knowing that he wouldn't be safe until he struck out into the wilderness overburdened exhausted and terrified Jaime Wills his feet forward as a strangled cries of the infected haunt his steps dashing through the trees and stumbling upon an empty dirt road he knows that if he's chased any further he's surely dead deciding to throw himself into the forest one final time in a truly desperate attempt terrifying bleeding and weak Jaime is lucky that his near brush with death only resulted in a laceration oh wow though even as he defends himself from the straggling pursuers he wonders if his faith is already sealed and that this horrid infection is taking root in his mind pushing past the harrowing thoughts of turning into one of them Jaime pushes farther south through the dirt road he discovered earlier hoping to follow it to some sort of shelter thankfully his prayers are answered but even this far out from the city there are deadly clusters of the undead working towards a viable entry point Jamie Begins the agonizing process of fighting the infected with its injured hand [Music] while it is slow going his careful and methodical approach eventually allows him to cower in the expanse of the outdoors and feel the first moments of Peace since fleeing his previous home [Music] looking over the kitchen of this building his growling stomach is pleased to discover a handful of potatoes and a serving of ground beef thank you before allowing himself the fruits of his labor the paranoid Survivor checks to see if the horde followed him inside only then indulging in the first bit of warm food since this nightmare had began as the evening settles in in the silent building around Jaime provides him Comfort he Wills his aching legs to a nearby bench and lays his head down to sleep away the throbbing pain waking up the next day Jaime knows that despite his safety he does not have enough supplies to stay put foreign his nerves with the potatoes he found yesterday he slips out the back door of the building and steers himself further into the wilderness [Music] striking out on a hiking trail Jamie knows his chances of finding more food is slim but every step away from town feels like a small victory against the undead wandering further and further into the morning fog Jamie begins to stumble upon isolated infected which would lead him to believe that some sort of civilization may be near [Applause] thank you [Music] pushing forward until his legs ached with fatigue Jaime comes Upon A secluded Highway in the middle of the vast Woodlands [Music] spying a nearby car that could be his salvation he fights through the Relentless Undead before seeing when he could scavenge foreign with the car being trashed and limited supplies being in the trunk Jamie continues his Adventure South and discovers two more cars and another cluster of infected [Music] slowly painfully carefully Jaime begins to fight through the endless death of this world dispatching one zombie after another as the day begins to pass by [Music] hours of mounting fear and anxiety continue as Jaime's still injured hands screams in agony with every thrust of his dulling Blade the hope of reaching the wreck becomes more and more distant as the sun begins its descent finally carving through the last of them Jaime drags himself towards the vehicles and doesn't find any food for his efforts though a map of the town he had fled is an essential piece of information going forward too hungry to hold off on it any longer Jaime eats half of his preserved food to keep his energy up using this quickly waning burst of energy he tries to push even farther south but finds the highway too dense with infected can make any Headway after several more hours of fighting Jaime's body begs for Sleep causing him into Retreat back to the wrecks he had cleared though as he settles into the black station wagon his own body betrays him as the Panic of the outdoors dashes any attempt at rest hoping to grow so tired that he sleeps through the fear Jaime holds up in the broken vehicle as the Knight drifts by and The Sun Shines on another horrific day having eaten the last of his food exhausted and running out of options Jaime looks to his map in desperation before spotting an isolated cluster of homes off to the West though it's a long Trek on an empty stomach Jaime has left with very little options as he bids farewell to his temporary shelter and heads off into the woods once more step after groggy's step Jaime wonders if these homes would even be the Salvation he needs or if their offerings would be guarded by hordes he didn't have the energy to fight knowing that this desperate decision could easily be his last he trudges ever onward with fragile hope [Music] foreign growling as Jaime finally makes it to the isolated homes he drags himself inside and finally finds hope in the form of a lime and a steak still exhausted but content with another cooked meal he moves to investigate the neighboring homes [Music] these hearts since lies as these recent infected had been amidst the celebration during the outbreak [Music] [Applause] still struggling with his injured hand he eventually gives them the peace they deserve before making it inside [Music] drained but safe he tries to remember what life once was as another pre-programmed broadcast plays on the TV removed briefly from the day's events Jaime collapses into bed with plans of finally being the aggressor in the morning flexing is now recovered hand Jaime wastes no time in striking out into the early hours of dawn focused on making his way to the barn further west [Music] unfazed by the numbers of Undead with his Grim resolve he continues to chop and slash his way through them feeling the first ounce of control as he inflicts his Fury [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] securing the barn the gains are minimal but Jaime's sights merely shift to the larger House nearby [Applause] [Music] faced with a horde that would have forced him to flee in the city he uses the advantage of the rural area to pick away at them one by one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] making it safe enough to enter the home he has met yet again with the remnants of a massacred celebration worn down by the brutality of his work he doesn't think twice about indulging in the Forgotten cake that was crafted for happier times [Music] unimpressed after searching the home he doesn't make his way back with supplies but wonders if the larger structure would be a better shelter and the cottage he was held up in working through the ideas he clears a stray Undead plaguing the field he eventually surrenders to the fading light of the day and resigns to decompressing indoors [Music] feeling better than any night previously Jaime appreciates the small Sanctuary he has carved for himself but knows the complacency will quickly lead to his demise foreign [Music] thankful to wake up to a small stockpile of food Jamie plans on using his temporary safety to begin scoping out the nearby homes [Music] moving past the Carnage she'd Cause yesterday he finds the main road to the west and north but spots more Hollow Souls guarding it beginning to feel somewhat empty himself Jaime dispatches the corrupted Souls as if they were simply a speed bump in his path foreign [Music] these mindless threats he clears his way to the first house in hopes of discovering more food and supplies [Music] thank you [Music] ultimately finding very little Jamie does get a taste of Joy at discovering a bundle of fresh grapes fruit had been a rarity in his diet before but now he begins to realize how precious these fleeting luxuries were [Music] oh returning back to his Cottage he makes sure to keep track of which homes he has visited though each X on the map now symbolizes one less source of food [Music] unable to bring himself to go back out into the unknown and the failing light of the afternoon he fills the rest of his day by washing away his sins attempting to keep up his Fitness and leveraging the nearby homes for fresh Timber thank you finally as nighttime settles Jaime rewards himself with the first home-cooked meal he's made in quite some time though thankfully his poor cooking is massed by his constantly growling stomach [Music] waking up and realizing that a week has now gone by Jaime tries to ignore the rising sorrow from his Solitude and Strikes Back out from his home making his way through the morning fog he travels West today to search more nearby locations [Music] finding his way again to a smaller home he finds a single can of beans but the true treasure appears in the form of a generator in the shed though the power was still flowing Jamie knew that eventually this utility would be essential so he marks it on his map and plans on retrieving it later searching even more homes small pings of Hope keep Jamie's tired feet moving though each stop only provides him with maybe a day's worth of food he's able to feel a collection slowly accumulating in his pack [Music] working his way back home he tries to distract himself from his situation by rearranging his space and putting up rudimentary barricades on the windows surprisingly finding himself falling into the same trap of routine in this shattered world he finishes off his evening with another attempted food and his daily workout [Music] unable to sleep through the night Jaime realizes that his situation isn't sustainable as his sources of food require longer and longer treks now fully determined to find a vehicle he sets off to the South and prays that he would stumble upon his salvation finding only Rex and Clunkers his resolve begins to dwindle before the distant sighting of an abandoned vehicle catches his eye appearing to have come across a couple who had been in the process of changing out a tire Jaime has high hopes that this car could be his ticket out of here quickly finishing the job they had started he thankfully finds the keys in the ignition that feels his heart drop as he realizes it's out of gas checking the nearby wreck he begins to hunt for a car to siphon decide to head further west down the main road [Music] back stopping by a small home to gather more food Jamie's ears begin to pick up on a noise that both fills him with hope and fear a helicopter could mean many things from a form of rescue to a sweeping Massacre but all he knew for sure was that the many Undead would hear its roaring blades for miles around hiding inside his temporary shelter as the patrol makes several passes overhead he eventually hears its engines fading off into the distance having had time to think during as many hours of waiting he remembered that the original garage he had discovered had two metal barrels of fuel trudging his way back home he collects a small amount in his water bottle before returning to his cottage for the night [Music] [Music] waking up early Jamie feels even better prepared than yesterday knowing that a working vehicle was finally in his grasp foreign the precious fuel into the tank he finally goes to turn the key and see if his prayers have been answered beaming from ear to ear he drives his new ride back home so that he can fully fill the tank pondering all the new opportunities he had opened up for himself [Music] [Music] deciding there was certainly a safer and more rural place to make a more permanent home he wastes no time in packing up his belongings and loading it into the new steed [Music] bidding the cottage won final farewell he stops by the generator he had discovered earlier and then steers his direction away from West Point [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] eventually pulling into a private neighborhood near the river Jamie's heart soars as he realizes that this gated home might be the perfect place to survive this new world foreign [Music] Jamie pulls his car into the garage for the first time and gets to work on settling in [Music] foreign [Music] the next morning he goes to consolidate the supplies from the other two houses foreign [Music] with the neighborhood fully secure Jamie settles into the welcome calm for now but knows that there are still items he'll need if he wants to make this home sustainable [Music] letting that worry linger for now he cooks himself another meal and puts up the preparations that it saved his life previously [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] ending the evening by skimming through a book on carpentry he eventually heads to bed late Into the Night [Music] thankful for each home-cooked meal now Jamie knows it's time to leave the safety of his home once more aiming to explore the nearby roads in search of more supplies [Music] thank you we're ready [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] tired and faced with too many Undead to keep going Jamie manages very little on his first outing before heading home for the night [Music] thank you [Music] foreign to feel some sort of accomplishment he takes inspiration from the nearby Dock and attempts to spear fish for the first time though it takes several hours he catches one of the smallest slimy creatures and suffers through filleting it for that evening's meal feeling more disgusted after handling the fish than he had during his encounters with the undead he takes the time to wash himself before turning in [Music] noticing his beard had grown unkempt Jaime disregards the small annoyance as he establishes the goal of finding more carpentry knowledge today having poured through the only volume he had he hopes to find another book that can Aid him in securing his new home foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] happening upon an ominous horde Jaime feels his heart stop for a moment before his smoldering Vengeance provides him with resolve [Music] d [Music] foreign [Music] managing to loot the building they had been gathered around Jaime first gets a glimmer of hope by finding a sack of potatoes before realizing the rest of the warehouse is entirely rotten thank you [Music] able to acquire a mostly empty fuel Barrel on his way out Jaime still hunts for The Woodworking knowledge that he needs [Music] and Road in the after preparing to go back home he spots an abandoned bug on the road and decides to investigate in one of the few lucky breaks this world now offers he nearly cries at discovering the very book he needed in the Beatles trunk [Music] foreign [Music] fishing once more before turning the potatoes he had found into a hearty soup [Music] eventually changing out some of his tattered clothes he tucks himself into the comfy chair in his living room and only manages a few pages of his book before heading to bed [Music] [Music] waking up with true hope in his heart Jamie fishes in the early light of the Dawn before catching the biggest fish he had ever seen fully fed keeping up with his Fitness and truly happy he dedicates the majority of the day to his new manual but finds more time to fish and watch an old VHS on the TV [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] enjoying a day of hard work Jamie cherishes the brief moment that he's able to forget the horrible state of the world laying his head down for bed with a smile and peaceful dreams [Music] thank you though Jaime is under no immediate threat he's becoming more and more aware that his lack of knowledge and information will lead him to ruin going through his morning routine he starts to summon the courage to go back to West Point knowing that the local school would hold all the necessary literature he needs foreign mostly praying that the undead had been his hopes her Dash is even the surrounding farmlands or dents with roaming hordes [Music] knowing that he won't be making it deeper into West Point today he turns back around to explore the winding road he had driven previously [Music] oh [Music] finding the blockaded dirt path once again he vaguely remembers rumors of this place being a secluded drug lab for one of the prominent rural families [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] through a large grouping of Undead you must have craved one last hit before the world ended he eventually makes his way into the first cabin and has his memory jogged the T boys was once a notorious name that rumbled through the police station like clockwork but now even these Troublesome Outlaws found themselves in the same place as their neighbors [Music] yet reach the lab Jamie continues pushing South until he comes upon the compound that was the worst kept secret in Knox County [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] giving these degenerates the Justice they finally deserved Jaime eventually feels the fatigue setting into his arms and notices the light failing for the day deciding to come back and finish the job tomorrow he returns back to his SUV and makes the trip home [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ly making his way into the trailer he isn't surprised to find a small stockpile of guns and ammunition as he secures this valuable resource he can't help but acknowledge the irony that these bullets would have certainly been meant for him if the authorities had ever been called to this place foreign [Music] wondering how his fellow officers would have reacted to this hollow Victory Jaime settles into his home for the evening and sets up a ham radio beside his bed in hopes of hailing anyone else that may still be out there [Music] foreign [Music] it's been more than two weeks since the outbreak and I feel as if I have found my own Slice of Heaven to escape to you though each day I strike out and search more supplies to keep me going I'm beginning to wonder what the point of it all even is I could hold up here for weeks months even years but if no one else is out there then uh what even is the point yesterday I set up a ham radio I'm going to begin broadcasting on it every morning to hopefully contact another Survivor out there until then Jamie [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] feeling less and less as he scatters the brains of the undead across the Earth Jaime fights his way to a posh Riverside gym before having his interest peaked by a nearby Boathouse [Music] discovering genuine fishing equipment a small spark of Joy ignites in his cold heart at the idea of putting it to use at his DOT though we can't return home before he scouts out the nearby homes to the West [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] knowing tomorrow will be filled with even more death he brings the fishing supplies out to his small sanctuary and lays out one of the smaller Nets along the Tranquil Riverbank foreign [Music] foreign [Music] unable to put it off any longer Jamie Begins the grueling process of clearing the undead between him and his next source of survival oh [Music] my God [Music] foreign [Music] ly making it to the first home he thinks back to his cramped apartment back in West Point realizing that all the luxury in the world can save you from this horrored infection oh [Music] you have some of the items he had to leave behind during his Mad Dash out of the city the house provides another bundle of Essentials for Jaime as he finishes loading up and returns home on his reliable speed [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a message that all survivors in Knox County my name is Jamie Nichols and I've established a home just Northwest of West Point if you are in need of shelter or food please follow the main road into your head a dirt path leading to the river if you need company or shelter I implore you please come and find me I will repeat this broadcast every morning until the power goes out foreign still too ill-prepared to push into West Point Jaime prepares for another day of fighting his way deeper into the town to the West [Music] [Music] while small cracks in his heart still form every time he lays one of these foul creatures to rest he's able to acknowledge the numbness taking over his movements [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] background forgetting that these shambling monsters were once people just like himself he does find a small source of joy in the form of a trailer along the road though he has no intentions of hauling anything large at the time it certainly isn't a tool he can pass up on for the future [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all the horrors that occur outside his small Sanctuary he spends the evening fishing in the river and cleaning the blood and guts from his person finally in a desperate attempt to remind himself of what the world once was he trims his beard back down to its normal length [Music] thank you knowing that today will be a hard crawl towards center of town Jaime wakes up in High Spirits and is determined to find happiness throughout this otherwise morbid day [Music] making a dedicated effort of clearing the road of Rex on his way into town he envisions all the vital supplies he'll be able to haul from the larger structures Out Of Reach foreign [Music] never given a break the center of this town is covered in burned out cars and gathered Undead but even this site wouldn't deter Jaime's forced optimism [Music] finding it too late in the day to push to the enticing building of the police station in the farming store he surrenders at Victory must wait till tomorrow as it returns back to his vehicle [Music] thank you [Music] today I made further progress into the Town West a year honestly I can't for the laugh of me remember its actual name anyway I'll refer to it as Western for now since uh who the hell is going to correct me at this point finally appeared to have cleaved my way towards the center of town however and spotted what looked like their local sheriff station next door appeared to be a farm in store of sorts I've never been one to dig in the ground but uh laser truly desperate times Jamie [Music] um [Music] [Applause] having drive over the Carnage he's left in his wake he spends his morning clearing out the stragglers that have found themselves along the road once more all right [Music] still closed off from a motion as he sends more corpses to the ground his mind is suddenly thrust into Panic as the distant sounds of a helicopter beat through the sky of hiding from its deadly gaze he already knows that all his hard work is being undone by the industrial Dinner Bell hovering above his head [Music] at first ready to Simply wait the annoying sound Jaime's fear starts to ignite in his blood as a sound of Undead begin to batter the very walls he hides behind [Music] a glance outside and a smashing of Windows tells Jamie all he needs to know staying here would be death he would have to make it back to his SUV [Music] waiting out the pilot from hell just outside Town Jamie's will to fight shatters as he Witnesses the hordes of Undead dragging their lifeless bodies across the very road yet just worked so hard to clear [Music] returning home his annoyance twists into fuel to light the fire of Rage that had long been slumbering in his pacifistic nature foreign [Music] angrily clearing the hair from his eyes in the morning he dons his helmet with One Singular intention death [Music] good morning [Music] [Music] [Music] five minutes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] can do chasing it with a beer helps [ __ ] who is ever in that God damn helicopter flapping about like some drunk bird of death [ __ ] them I'm tired my arm is tied my hands are covered in soaked and dried blood none of my own never my own I don't know what I've done or who I've become whatever [ __ ] day it is Jamie struggling to endure the violence and isolation following the massacre at Weston Jaime returned to the scene of the crime for the final push towards his reward [Music] having to clear a handful of the lingering Undead he prays that all the death is worth it as a stench of the rotting masses suffocates the air around him [Applause] [Music] [Music] finally making it inside the Farming Supply Store he's not surprised to find the seeds of life he had fought so hard to procure Gathering up the large variety he does worry in the back of his mind that his untrained hand will simply waste these essential supplies but no one else was around to dig in the Earth for him worrying about how much longer the power would persist as he fuels up his vehicle Jaime eventually makes it inside the police station and secures the contents of their Armory to pay enough ammunition to take on a small army he understands that his lengthy absence from Firearms will soon be coming to an end [Music] thank you [Music] while looting the General Store Jaime finds one of his rare Smiles upon his lips as he discovers their hunting section is both better secured and a better Supply than the local sheriff's station while the world had grown unrecognizable some aspects of Kentucky still lingered [Music] [Music] um returning home with his soul partially recovered Jaime cleans himself off before heading to bed determined to spend tomorrow on more peaceful Pursuits to help clear his head [Music] following the instructions from the gardening book he had obtained he makes his first strikes of the earth inside his small Sanctuary laying the groundwork for his small garden that will hopefully help sustain him through the coming winter [Music] passing the evening with some calming fishing and some more research on farming the tail end of his vacation from violence arrives as his thoughts turn to the necessary Bloodshed looming over tomorrow despite all he has and all he has accomplished it's still essential for Jaime to fight his way back into West Point and gain access to the library located at the school knowing that any moment the power grid could fail and leave Jaime stranded without the essential utility he has to find literature on the generator he knows nothing about deciding a shotgun was the best tool for his neglected aim he sets the goal of establishing a safe house closer to the edge of town though a horde of Undead stand between him and his destination foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] using his vehicle to help draw their attention and summarize their numbers he eventually lifts the heavy gun in his shaky hands and fires the first blast of the coming Slaughter [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] barely making it halfway on his first day and his visor filthy with the guts of the undead Jaime returns home to sleep before heading back out to resume the Carnage [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I wish I had better words to say I sometimes wonder why the [ __ ] I even write in this goddamn Journal I need to make it back to West Point I need to get to that school but a whole Army of those [ __ ] stand between me and the library I've killed so many so God damn many some Farmer's field has now become a goddamn graveyard I'm tired Jamie [Music] driving through the devastation he has left in his wake Jamie heads towards the barn he hopes to use as a safe house in his attempt to reach the school scouting just a fraction into the town is met with the house alarm blaring and Undead hordes pouring from every direction causing Jaime to retreat back into the farmlands praying that perhaps the alarm pulled the majority of the undead towards the southern part of town he heads up north to where a back road leads him mostly to the school deciding to try his luck there unable to use his gun since a single blast would bring a tidal wave of Undead down upon him he's forced to hack his way through this still sizable amount of shamblers outside the city congrats [Music] steadily making progress as the sun rises higher in the sky he reaches the first real Road just north of the school and feels a bit of Hope Rising in his chest [Music] resolve challenged again and again as he spots sizable groups surrounding the school his composure finally shatters once he sees the unbelievable amount of dead inside [Music] foreign not having the strength or the time to take on this fight he heads back the way he came and returns to his SUV with desperation fueling his plans for tomorrow [Music] add my first taste to West Point since the dead chased me out almost a month ago I can't say I'm surprised by the amount of shambling monsters there are even on the outskirts all that death in the field feels pointless now as even more trickle into the area I previously thought had been made safe thankfully there is a back road that gets me mostly to the school but the building itself is stuff full of those [ __ ] I don't know how likely it is for me to actually make it to the library [ __ ] me James may be my last broadcast the emergency radio has been reporting outages across County out there I'm gonna try and restore power be safe gearing up in the morning without a plan formed Jaime forces himself back towards West Point mindlessly in hopes of clearing the school foreign [Music] spying a large group where he had retreated yesterday he believes for a moment that he had drawn the undead outside but has quickly proven wrong as he spots even more Undead than there were previously [Laughter] [Music] [Music] frantically coming up with the plan of trying to lure the zombies out with gunfire he uses the open yard to the west to begin firing off shots before darting off the safety foreign [Laughter] [Music] hoping to now flank around and approach the building from the other side his attempts are thwarted once more as there are simply too many stragglers to deal with heartbroken he surrenders to the inevitable and Retreats back from West Point for the second day in a row the town has now been claimed by the undead and Jaime has no hope of wrenching it from their rotten flesh [Music] as he is cleaning up and preparing for bed the broadcast from the emergency radio catches his attention the power is failing Jaime has run out of time aimless and distraught he reminds himself that Westin hasn't been fully explored which though the chances are slim it could hold the key to survival he's been fighting so hard to obtain foreign [Music] unable to give up he focuses his mind on his new task and spends the final morning with power before he strikes out into the thunderstorm heading west thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finding himself growing angry as the streets he once cleared now hold more stumbling corpses he lets out his mounting Fury in despair by blasting down the gathered dead in a wild and dangerous manner laughs [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] no calmer or more relieved than when the bloodbath had started he begins looting the buildings he hasn't touched yet but only finds disappointment within their walls [Music] thank you [Music] eventually stumbling upon a car that looked in good shape and still had the key in the ignition he figures out that it's simply out of gas and moves to fix that problem [Music] savoring the minor Victory he continues to push on looting more homes that are endlessly guarded by the undead foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] beginning to toe his backup vehicle out of town he ends up spotting a hidden driveway while disposing of the residual Walkers he had drawn out [Music] [Music] discovering a barn in a house out by a small pond he manages to loot the first structure before his rashness leads him to unloading on the gathered dead outside the home foreign [Music] with more and more pouring out of the nearby trees his fear finally pushes him to flee forcing him to retreat once again for the third day in a row [Music] [Music] power finally went out life just got a lot more difficult and I can't exactly claim it was smooth sailing already preserving food is no longer an option so the small amount of canned goods I've gathered so far might have to make do for now though I wish I was brave enough and strong enough to fight my way to the school in West Point I fear that there is simply too many of them to get through I can live for now so my attention will stay further west searching for information on this generator until something winds up killing me Jamie [Music] heading out into the thunderstorm which he was warned about on one of the last emergency broadcasts Jamie heads in the direction of Weston in hopes of finally looting the few homes he had missed driving the route he had cleared countless times before he spends the majority of the morning fighting Undead off the road before he begins to see the futility of it all thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] drenched and tired he doesn't have the fight in him to push into Weston today returning to his vehicle before he stops part way back up the road to clear even more lingering Undead as if the world itself could feel his failing composure suddenly wave after wave wandering shamblers come pouring from the woods in an attempt to overwhelm him [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] just pulling more and more from the nearby area true Panic sets in as dreamy spots as cars surrounded by the Relentless pursuers forcing him to flee into the woods once again hmm [Music] finally creating a more manageable situation Jamie listens to the larger group rustling through the trees to his North and waste no time in fighting to his steed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but given time to think on his way home Jamie begins crafting the hypothesis that the undead simply migrate to the more developed parts of Knox County they are drawn to noise in what makes more noise than a hundred rotten corpses banging around and growling Non-Stop [Music] worried about what it means if his assumption is correct he calms himself by checking in on his garden which appears to be flourishing despite Jaime's noticeable lack of a green thumb [Music] reorganizing reading up on fishing line and then setting to actually fishing Jaime ends his day on a much better note than it had started using his catch to cook up in acceptable stew in his fireplace foreign [Music] waking up in the chair that had now become his bed he sets off from his Sanctuary once more but with the intention of steering clear of any major town or city for the day [Music] oh my God [Music] exploring the more rural homes this hypothesis is reinforced as Jamie barely has to deal with the undead always searches for necessary supplies [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] finding himself just south of Weston carries out a larger Farmstead but it appears a small group is retreated to for the outbreak clearing them out one by one so he can rest easy for the night in his temporary home thank you [Music] [Music] thank you barely noticing that it had now been a month since the outbreak Jamie heads back into the rain once more to continue his scouting of the more peaceful farmland [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] as he continues to clear homes he wonders if it will ever be possible to claim a town is entirely safe before accidentally stumbling on the Southern Road leading to Weston having his suspicions confirmed once again he reverses his Direction back away from town and starts discovering various car wrecks along the main road [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] eventually even more evidence shows itself in the form of a large herd gathered in the middle of the street making Jamie wonder if the Mindless Undead flowed on them like a lazy river of death [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving off the main road he finds himself exploring what appears to have been some sort of small military camp or Barracks out in the middle of nowhere [Music] sadly however it appears the only things left behind are lockers full of clothing and a handful of basic tools now concerned more than ever about being able to reach any sort of bookstore or School Jamie heads home in the golden hours of the evening to try and figure out a way forward it appears that the undead migrate towards the towns cities as far as I can tell which I guess makes sense but makes my mission a lot more difficult where I'd assume Weston was finally safe each time I returned there is another horde of Undead waiting for me it's like mowing the lawn at this point it just feels so routine I did change my direction for the day however exploring the farmlands away from West Point it was almost peaceful there were times where you could almost forget the world had gone to [ __ ] almost I still need to focus on getting the power back up that's a problem for tomorrow Jamie [Music] looking over his slowly sprawling map Jamie prepares for another day of striking out into the rural Farmland of Kentucky [Music] foreign having to continually drive further and further you still prays it'll come across the manual for the generator that he needs but feels the draw back to West Point in the back of his mind [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] house after house he begins to question If This truly was the best way forward before finding a home that feels like a slap in the face foreign nothing but newspaper and dog food was this truly worth fighting through the undead for why is he out here risking his life when he could so easily be holed up in his distant sanctuary [Music] desperate to find something to show for his day he explores some more and comes across a small town though a glance at its outskirts only provide redundant supplies and roaming Undead [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] strike out again in hopes of a miracle but finds himself questioning the plan as he reflects quietly in the Tranquility of his dog [Music] [Music] there is nothing more out there for him at least not at the moment now it was clear as ever that it was time for him to put down roots and prepare for a life in this new world [Music] [Music] as he begins to put his mediocre carpentry skills to use he realizes that the endless expanse of the outdoors no longer has the Stranglehold it once had on him allowing him to enjoy the chirping of birds and the bubbling of the river instead of the strangled cries of the undead [Music] foreign [Music] Intruder that had found her way into the neighboring home Jamie knows that constructing the gate to his yard is now necessary otherwise a single stray could find their way to his throat while he slept knowing that he'll need Timber and hinges Jaime is also aware of his lacking abilities when it comes to construction making plans to address all these needs in the coming days [Music] foreign [Music] having not wielded an ax since his uncle had forced him to when he was a child Jaime's first strikes are clumsy and weak but his persistence sees him through foreign [Music] thank you [Music] feeling good about getting half the Wall constructed Jimmy retires to the calm of his garden to read up on other skills he imagines he'll need in the coming months [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thing to be sure before all this my biggest concern was stepping outside [Music] horrible beasts diseases Fallen trees natural disasters I saw death around our world in Comfort within the walls of Civilization now perhaps with the forced perspective of these shambling Horrors I've come to face the reality of my life nature is nothing but a resource a tool sometimes even a source of peace [Music] I no longer shiver the thought of leaving my home though I'm finding less and less reasons to leave my Sanctuary by the river Jamie thank you [Music] having his heart full of Hope as he watches his home building up around him he continues to decipher the handiwork of those who came before him until a familiar unwelcome guest appears initially feeling the spike of dread that coincides with the slapping of the helicopter's deadly blades Jaime comes the realization that there is no longer a need to panic instead he calmly stays out of sight and finds a discarded book to pass the time [Music] though he's Found A Renewed piece in his isolation Jaime wakes up the following morning knowing that he can't stay idle for long finding another source of determination to strike back into West Point Jaime leaves his Sanctuary once more in hopes that the hordes around his town have thinned [Music] foreign [Music] having to fight his way through the usual amount of Undead guarding his destination he feels a Relentless despair of their overwhelming numbers setting in once again [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] spending half the day simply fighting to the road leading to the school his will to go on crumbles as he spots an even larger herd shambling at the end of the neighborhood [Music] spying that the church was relatively clear he makes his way inside but purposefully avoids a nearby graveyard in fear of dredging up suppressed memories [Music] no finally accepting that there were just too many to hack through Jaime leaves West Point as the sun begins to set but continues a trying craft a plan to get him into the school now [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] with the benefit of Silence during his fishing at dusk the sudden burst of flame as he strikes a match ignites an idea in Jaime's battered mind [Music] knowing he had to clear the blood Fields yet again Jaime's Newfound resolve shows through as he simply wraps his fingers around his pistol and squeezes off the first of many rounds [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] completing the first phase of his mission Jimmy returns to the location that had been tugged away in the back of his mind the crash police car on the outskirts of West Point moderately disappointed that there was no hope in getting this car moving again he's at least grateful that the equipment he needed appears to be functioning knowing that this work will require safety you wastes no time and begin to clear the surrounding Undead as the day continues to drag on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] filled with stubborn adrenaline and morbid excitement Jamie heads home as it begins to get dark to complete the final preparations for his fiery solution thank you foreign [Music] [Music] to calm down some of his nerves with a bottle of bourbon he finds himself writing a farewell note in case his plan leads to his demise if you find this note then I have failed my mission to reach the school at West Point if you're still dedicated to surviving there is a small community just Northwest on the river there's food supplies shelter and anything else you might need to keep yourself alive I hope I can burn this after a successful Mission I but just in case Jamie [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] fueled my smoldering hope Jamie clears the immediate area around the cruiser once again before finally putting in place the final preparations [Music] thank you foreign [Music] bursting with Victory and ambition as he turns off the sirens and breathes in the air thick with smoke and death Jamie moves to confirm the effectiveness of his new tactic by exploring the homes further down the road [Music] we're once hordes of hundreds had roamed now they're simply lay deserted streets and Open Fields everything appearing to come together as Jaime is suddenly stunned by an unexpected discovery foreign mailbox after all this time after all this effort he could barely hold back tears of Fury and Elation as the knowledge he needed was finally in his grasp whether it was a cruel joke or another sign of good things to come he finds another copy in the house that leaves him truly speechless for the journey home [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] despair on this tremendous day the pamphlet that I needed the knowledge to get the power back on it was so close for so long if I had only checked two more houses down the road then there never would have been any reason pressed towards the school how many did I kill in pursuit of this Essential Knowledge I suppose it's all worth it now I'm going to resume broadcasting on the radio each morning again hopefully there are others like me out there Jamie this is Jamie Nichols I've managed to get the power back on and I will be broadcasting around this time every morning if you can hear me I implore you please hail me on this frequency I can provide food shelter and sanctuary if you are still a survivor in Knox County I can't help I will help harvesting his first crop from his modest garden and smiling at the low drone of his working refrigerator Once More Jamie gets to work on planning his next crop and constructing a composter for all the fresh food that had previously rotted during the outage finding an intoxicating level of Peace as he bats in the fruit of his labor Jaime's immediate goals turn inwards for the first time since his struggle for survival had begun he was safe he was well fed he was well supplied and The Slice of Heaven he had found began to sink its lethargic claws into him [Music] thank you [Music] finding himself struggling to sleep a Restless uneasiness constantly raking at the back of his mind Jaime takes advantage of having power once again and distracts himself with VHS in an early morning workout before deciding to head out for the day [Music] telling himself that he needed just a few more various Comforts for his new home he knew that he was only lying to himself the truth was that even peace and safety made him uneasy foreign to the nearby home under construction he spends the majority of the day collecting more materials for his own projects finding himself content and feeling productive beneath the battering rain [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign he makes another stop to collect some furniture already aware that his storage means was severely lacking for the coming winter [Music] thank you [Music] attacking his home with a fresh Vision he addresses the long neglected space with a bit more planning and forethought truly turning his house into a home over the next several days foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] man [Music] I guess it's fitting that this is the last page of this notebook I feel like I finally earned the ride to breathe freely again and you've scraped back some semblance of normal in this horrific world the past few days have been the most peaceful and unproductive days since this nightmare began and it was genuinely cleansing to be so sluggish and lazy for once I still find myself asking if this is a life worth living if I'm the only one left is it really worth pushing through day after day if Humanity dies off with me would be a rather Bleak ending for the human race and Jamie [Music] [Music] [Music] staving off the lingering feeling of pointless survival Jaime spends the early hours of the morning preparing for another assault on Weston if you can fully clear the small town of Undead then the singular gas pump could provide his generator with enough fuel for the entire winter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] forced to take it slow and methodical Jamie guns down the larger horde on the outskirts while hoping to draw any stragglers out of the nearby Woods oh [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] clearing the road he knew like the back of his hand he reaches the abandoned police truck that was a minor goal for his trip having read through the basics and watched a rather dodgy VHS on hot wiring Jaime proves his inexperience over and over again as he clumsily fights with the ignition [Music] finally getting a spark of success Jamie uses his sore fingers to check the empty gas tank before finally getting the well-maintained engine to Roar [Music] foreign [Music] scouting on foot into Weston for his coming plans Jimmy finds a singular zombie trapped in a wood shed behind the convenience store part of him instinctually wants to free and dispose of the shambling creature but a darker side of the now bloody Survivor takes weak Revenge by leaving her prisoner [Music] [Music] starting to tow his original SUV home Jaime realizes he's losing the light and decides to leave the tedious drive for another day [Music] [Music] feeling the seats of worry as he spots a handful of zombies on his Road he wonders of his constant trips in and out are drawing the Strays from West Point [Music] thank you [Music] spending the early morning fishing with the knowledge that he's going back to Weston today Jaime begins to come to terms with a new routine of his life eat sleep kill and survive oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] training is fully returned to him in regards to his sidearm Jamie appreciates and fears the lack of emotion he feels as he uses these husks of people for target practice [Music] foreign [Music] picking up more containers from the Beautiful Homes besides the river Jamie finally makes his way back to the clearing he had fled all those days ago [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] returning home both bloody and with the supplies he needs Jamie washes the filth from his shrinking figure and gets to work organizing and preparing for tomorrow's hard labor [Music] [Music] pouring over one of his books on welding and metal working Jimmy Begins the slow and arduous process of procuring a new skill in this harsh world [Music] thank you filling his belly and double checking his guide one last time he finally sets off for Weston with the goal of clearing the road but not of the undead [Applause] [Music] please testing out his untrained hand on the Rex just outside the drug lab he finds that it's much easier to tear something apart than you realize cutting each burned husk into large sheets that he could feasibly use down the road [Music] [Music] beginning work on the first real roadblock Jamie's Focus lasers in as the sun rises higher and higher in the surprisingly clear sky foreign [Music] cutting through the final stretch every card becomes quicker and quicker to dismantle but Jaime can't deny the painful ache that comes with A Hard Day's Work good [Music] confident enough to claim the gas pump in Weston for his own Jamie hops back into his new SUV in the Setting Sun smiling with pride as he cruises down the now empty streets foreign [Applause] [Music] only able to feed himself before collapsing into bed from exhaustion Jamie wakes up the next day with a welcome warmth of Hope in his heart knowing that all he needed to turn that singular pulse of Hope into a roaring flame was companionship he moves to act on an idea he'd been putting off for far too long all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] well he wasn't going to give up hope on his radio broadcast he acknowledges that not everyone is perhaps as lucky as himself if they were without electricity or even on the run a clear sign on the main road could be the trick to guiding survivors to his sanctuary [Music] praying that he truly wasn't the only one left alive he convinces himself that he would need more beds and Furniture if a friend ever did stumble into his life [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] by simply putting this to paper but it feels as though a turning of the tide has occurred Weston has been reclaimed my home is becoming more and more developed by the day and the fear of the undead is turning into a mild annoyance I didn't think about it but the last few days I forgot my bulletproof vest by the door along with my helmet maybe the worst of this is over maybe now is the beginning of rebuilding Jamie thank you [Music] waking up to another peaceful Dawn Jamie uses his time in the early morning to fish from his Dock and prepare for his upcoming project foreign through the trees to the West he could shorten the distance between him and the nearest fuel pump by nearly a third making sure to put out his daily broadcast he finally strikes out into the foggy Outdoors to begin the hard labor he almost welcomes [Music] please [Music] delighted to find his planned path mostly clear already there's still plenty of ax swings needed before he reaches his destination foreign [Music] having filled his trailer with the First full load he brings the firewood back to his modest sanctuary and decides to rest his aching muscles for the rest of the afternoon mmm [Music] waking up annoyingly early Jamie doesn't let his restlessness get the best of him as he instead uses the opportunity to fish undisturbed and builds up the resolve to reach the road by the end of today [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] the weight of the gravel path by noon Jimmy returns home to recuperate for a few hours before heading out once again thank you [Music] taking in the Cool Breeze in the back garden and enjoying the view of the Autumn trees Jimmy knows it's time to make the Trek back to his initial SUV yet left along the road while it seemed to be a silly thing Jamie knows that he very well could be dead if it hadn't been for the reliable Steed so early on in his flight from West Point [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you as he's nearing his reliable friend as a fresh rain begins to fall Jaime is also greeted by another reliable machine having his peaceful eyes shattered like a brick being thrown through a window Jamie finds himself stewing in anger and fury as he finds an isolated stretch of road to park in hours pass as rain pelts against his roof and the flapping of blades beat against the air but none of the Relentless Undead show their horrific faces finally hearing the helicopter fading off into the distance he finds himself wondering who exactly these people were but realizes that each and every conclusion is simply a wild piece of speculation that leads him nowhere if today didn't describe my new life perfectly then I don't know what would I finished clearing the path to the road to Westin though I still have to make an actual Road out of it then since I was already worn down I decided to simply walk out and retrieve my old SUV I left on the road then rain then that God forsaken helicopter accomplishment Victory exhaustion annoyance and anger that's my routine that's my life over and over again I guess at the very least that [ __ ] pilot lets me know I'm not the last one out there Jamie [Music] waking up early once again and going through his normal morning routine he understands that his time away from Bloodshed was over today his new project took him back to Westin though it was only August Jaime could already see the signs of winter fast approaching and he didn't want to be left without a steady source of fuel to see him through the season [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you unsurprised with the pests that had found their way onto the road Jaime drives down the path he had worked so hard to clear and arrives at his new work site though it would take a decent amount of effort Jaime comes to realize that the only way to keep the dead out was a wall so to protect his source of fuel he was going to construct a compound within the heart of Weston [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] leaving propane he makes a quick trip to the first part of Weston he eluded remembering the Riverside gym that held two grills that had his name on them foreign [Music] as he moves so freely through the town that had once been claimed by the dead he finds his mind flashing through all the violence that had led to such peace unsure if it was right of him to spill so much blood for something as simple as gas for his generator he finds himself too afraid to come up with an answer as he instead distracts himself with the Setting Sun thank you [Music] making his way back home after making meager progress on his project Jaime doesn't worry for once as he reminds himself that time is the only thing he has in abundance [Music] foreign [Music] to another early Dawn Jaime finds that he doesn't have the heart to return to Westin today an absence said to reward himself with the Forgotten Comforts of the indoors [Music] putting out his morning broadcast beginning a book on basic mechanics and returning to the workout routine he had neglected Jaime is reminded of the threat to persistent and Powerful to ignore isolation [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign yes sir I hear you oh thank God holy [ __ ] I can't believe I got this to work I I've been hearing a broadcast but my microphone was busted you you said your name is Jamie yeah and Jamie Jamie Nichols where are you are you safe do you need help I'm safe yeah I'm safe I'll hold up in my basement been down here for a week now haven't gone upstairs since my mom got sick good good I mean not about your mother I'm glad you're safe you have food water electricity I'm fine bro I'm getting tired of uh cold canned food I guess I haven't worried about the electricity it's just been uh on your electricity is still on where are you in the county I thought the power grid had gone down said Knox County in your broadcast I'm not in Knox County I'm in New York you're where it started is it bad [Music] I mean I assume when no one answered that it's like this everywhere you need to trick people the Dead yeah [ __ ] off man they're not dead they're sick we just need to stay away from them until they like figure out a vaccine or something have you not you're in New York City is the military around the government anything [Music] I'm not in New York City I'm in Upstate New York just outside of Watertown near Lake Ontario but I don't know uh all the radio channels are down and the last thing I heard before coming down here was uh machine gun fire coming from downtown no helicopters or airplanes and nothing no it's uh it's quiet all I can hear is Mama prepared your mom who's sick yeah I lost her in her room [Music] how old are you uh I'm sorry I never asked her name seven and I'm 17. okay Devin you have no idea how relieved I aim to hear another voice I was starting to well lose hope yeah me too I haven't talked to anyone in a week I was losing my mind I'm starting to think about going outside to see what was happening don't go outside and don't go upstairs unless you have to it's not safe you have to stay safe do you understand me Devin yeah yeah no wonder no one talks to you I'm sorry I'm sorry there's just not many people left at how long do you think you have with your supplies I don't know if I can get to you all the way in New York last I heard the county was quarantined I don't know it's already been a week and I I haven't really made a dent in the food the last radio broadcaster to stay inside lock the doors and wait for Aid I guess I should be thankful that Mom is a bit of a hoarder but I don't need you to come get me beside dudes let's just stay inside right I just don't know if Will help is coming at least not from anyone but ourselves do you think you have enough to make it through winter if the electricity goes out do you have heat yeah we have a wood stove I don't see why I wouldn't bro I have to find some place to get rid of my feet I'm starting to smell foul down here and does your basement have any Windows the small ones yeah cover those up if you haven't already but you could put your waist out there just be careful not to make any noise has anyone told you you worry too much I'm worried that you don't understand how dangerous these sick people are that getting their attention could be bad I know how to take care of myself yeah I bet with Devin how about this we'll wait out the winner together see if the government can sort this out and uh if they can't then I'll come meet up with you in the spring not because you you can't handle yourself but just so that we're not alone sure all right we're still gonna stay on the radio till then every morning and every evening I'll be on here I I promise why'd your morning and evening you got a hot date in the middle of the day well um not as prepared as you for the winter I still need to get food and supplies what you're going outside you just told me that was dangerous no uh no uh I'm on a farm I'm not leaving my property just to gather in my Harvest so we'll talk this evening then yes yes we will don't go anywhere that's not funny [Music] following the unbelievable surprise of a distant companion Jamie's fire is reignited to not only finish his fortifications but to make Weston as safe as possible [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] finally putting the second generator in place and using his reclaimed fuel pump for the first time Jaime doesn't celebrate over the fuel for the winter but also the fuel he'll need to make it to New York in the spring [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] speaking with Devin every morning and evening as he had promised Jamie constantly finds himself battling with his desire to shelter the boy but finds that it forces him to lie over and over again [Music] yeah creamy what's up kid what could you do before this oh I was a police officer for West Point what you're not one now no uh I've been moved into administrative work you know before this why were you moved uh just didn't kiss the right asses I suppose I guess it doesn't matter now kidding do you know how to hook up a generator no I know what we're doing in the morning knowing now more than ever that he can't stop or relax Jaime throws himself into his work at his safe house and plans on scouring the small town for any of the lingering Undead now [Music] having to sleep in a chair for the first night away from home he looks over the rest of the town before arming up and heading out for the day [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] box truck that might be a useful tool in a decent vehicle for the long trip North Jaime discovers all it needs is a little gas and begins a hunt for nearby fuel [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] getting enough fuel to drive the truck back to the compound Jaime finds himself thinking about his new friends poor understanding of the undead though Devin's naive hope does remind Jaime that these Unholy creatures were one's people just like himself [Music] the sick satisfaction he had from leaving this tormented woman in prison was wrong and never again would Jaime lose sight of their decayed Humanity [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] slightly more at peace with himself and certainly the happiest he had been since the outbreak had occurred Jamie doesn't just hope but knows that the world can be reclaimed Devin is out there then there must be more people that need help people that want to help Jamie just needs to find a way to reach them to bring them home me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good Lord no wonder they put you on death Duty you know what smart ass I don't see you bragging about your life before all this guessing you weren't Mr Macho Man strutting his stuff around at school fair enough ah but seriously you've pestered me what about you what kind of stuff are you into kid what your days look like before all this you're going to be an [ __ ] about it but I'm already cramping in a bucket in my basement so can't be much worse [Music] I was vice president of our av Club at school and I spent most of my afternoon visiting my grandma at her old folks home while uh mom was at work I ain't going to laugh at you kid I'm the last person who should be throwing [ __ ] around no pun intended at least you're not the last person yeah thank God for that [Music] quickly and happily falling into the routine of bonding with his new friend over the radio Jamie starts to forget the dangers of this world as he continues to work on his Outpost in Weston [Music] [Music] abruptly reminded of the potentially deadly side effects of complacency Jaime is stunned not by his near brush with death but the thought of such a thing occurring to his new companion [Music] Jamie and Devin had shared laughs had kept each other company but all in a singular moment Jaime knew that their agreed ignorance couldn't continue thank you [Music] kid we've been talking long enough that I know you're not stupid and I've held off on this probably longer than I should have but we have to talk about your mother I don't know what you're about to say man but you better be careful choosing your next words Devin I know it's hard I wish I didn't but I do that thing upstairs ain't your mama it's a threat it's a threat that if you don't handle could be the end of you the [ __ ] you know about it could you kill your mother when this happened or your wife did you not even have a family you're no [ __ ] Jamie Devin listen to me these things aren't people I struggled with the same thing at first too but after seeing the things I've seen doing the things I've done whatever was once there is gone if you're in the things you've done tucked away in your farm screw you Genie I know you've been full of [ __ ] what [ __ ] cops who's afraid of the outdoors on the farm you're a liar and you're not going to tell me [ __ ] about my mother I know you're upset kid but this ain't the time to be playing pretend if you let me I can help you I can walk you through it so you'll be safe so that you can survive this you're piping by becoming a murderer go [ __ ] [ __ ] Devin [Music] I'm getting off mom heard me I have to be quiet [Music] following the argument with Devin Jamie can't help but feel the sting of his words too much of Jaime had slipped away or had been forced down during this whole trial suppressing all the painful emotions that waited in the back of his mind in ambush [Music] [Music] smothering his worries for Devin Jamie hopes to at least vent his Fury and frustration against a deserving Target planning another burn to clear even more of the dead from West Point foreign [Music] [Music] struggling all morning to get the necessary preparations in place and fending off the Relentless infected Jaime is faced with only more anger as the Cruiser's battery dies with a pathetic whimper [Music] left isolated and unhinged Jamie can't bear to head back home yet as he worries His Radio will remain silent throughout the night instead he opts to explore one of the roads leading to his sanctuary and is delighted to find ample sources of relief [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you for a while which I'll call a victory for sure since my last entry I've finally contacted someone on the radio his name is Devin he's just a kid but at least it's someone to feel human with again I already worry for him hell I always worry for myself but this kid he doesn't know what it's like he doesn't know how horrific the world truly is today while I was out scouting between my home and West Point I realized that the dead are inch and closer and closer day by day if Lyft unchecked soon they'll be knocking down my door Jamie thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as Jaime Stacks up the bodies of the undead he begins to tell himself that not only is he defending himself but potentially saving the other survivors of this world from their wretched claws whether or not it's true Jaime uses a thought as a crunch for his resolve as his legs ache and his heart breaks with each Blast from his shotgun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm ready tell me what I have to do [Music] you've got your jacket on and gloves no flesh showing yep no skin all right walk me through the plan step by step sneak upstairs make sure none of them are around close the curtains as I go get a knife from the kitchen go to Mom's room crack open the door then wait for her to show her head that's right it's head not anywhere else don't assume it's over until you see it stop moving you got that Devin [Music] yeah I got it I know how bad it is Kid it's not going to be easy but I know you can do it I know you can yeah I just in no time like the present I guess I'll be waiting here when you're done I'm not going anywhere kid [Music] okay thanks Jamie [Music] how you doing this morning kid I don't know I couldn't sleep much I was thinking about why uh I mean why didn't we get sick is it something we did something we didn't do is there some sort of punishment and if it is who are the ones being punished or is it all just random luck I don't know kid and to be honest I've been avoiding that question as much as I can I don't know why all this started but I do know why I'm not one of them because I'm a coward yeah me too filled with a spectrum of troubling emotions Jaime once again denies confronting them as he goes about replacing the battery in the bait Cruiser and lighting the fires for another burn laughs [Music] watching the mobs being drawn to the flame he feels the chilling comfort of apathy setting in as more and more of these Shadows of people burn away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I need your advice well that's not good but what's up kid well I heard Mom's room after you know and I found my birthday present under her bed I don't know if I should open it I'm assuming it's uh not your birthday yet no not until the uh the 18th turn an 18 on the 18th well that's something special kid I think you should wait try and make the Day special yeah I just wish I had some pancakes or something well there's got to be something down there that you like more than everything else [Music] I have three cans left to feature which I really like guess I was saving them for something perfect I think I got some as well so we can both partake all right here's the date but don't get me anything because uh I can't get you [ __ ] I wouldn't dream of a kid [Music] thank you though the idea of a looming birthday celebration provides a seed of Hope for Jamie he still can't steer away from the desire to continue his cleansing of the nearby town whether it was the vague Hope of Victory over the undead or just the endless desire to feel productive Jaime doesn't care what drives him as he passes over the ashes he has left in his wake [Music] [Music] fully prepared to light the fires the world itself appears to intervene as a constant drizzle begins and washes away any chance of starting a burn today though that doesn't stop Jaime's bloodlust until the drizzle turns to an outright poor foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bitter and soaked he tries to stay productive by pulling the junker car into the garage but is only more enraged when he realizes he doesn't know where to begin when getting under the hood [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] with thunder rolling in Jaime confirms his suspicions on the radio and hears nothing but broken static beneath the thick clouds of the storm [Music] desperate to vent his agitation and Stave off loneliness he wields his Sledgehammer savagely to begin the process of converting his front porch into a lookout ignoring all the annoyances of toiling in the heavy rain foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] only once the Thunder strikes too close to his liking does he go inside but quickly he is forced to face just how Reliant he had become on Devin's company nothing could distract him now from the thoughts that had been raised and all Jaime was left with was the Ugly Truth he had been refusing to face [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] still trapped beneath the oppressive and isolating thunderstorm that had cut off his communication with Devin Jamie searches for something to keep him busy insane foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] unable to sleep soundly and left constantly worrying about his companion Jamie finally is allowed a sliver of Hope as the rain stops and a heavy fog rolls in foreign directly to His Radio he still only hears the infuriating static of a dead Channel but he simply tells himself that the weather has a clear bit more and surely that's coming soon [Music] knowing that he'll lose whatever little grasp on reality he had if he stayed home Jamie decides to take his new opportunity to finally go through with the burn he had been planning in West Point oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the first spot of the lingering creatures of death he is gifted with a small victory of being able to hotwire the damaged police cruiser allowing him to limp it along versus Towing it each and every time [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ly satisfied with the display of burning monsters Jaime is finally able to remove his mind from the constant worry of young Devin for a brief moment though the show of smoke and Flame can only distract him for so long [Music] please foreign [Music] in this always feels like defeat now but something has happened to Devin and I can't keep myself sane with all this silence we discuss the fact that his power wouldn't last forever so maybe it's simply that but it just worries me not knowing I hope he isn't stupid enough to go out looking for a generator but I was the idiot who gave him the instructions on how to use one instead of sitting around and staring at the radio all day I continue to burn the dead from West Point maybe in the hopes that I'm saving some other Devon out there but more than likely it's just to keep me busy and safe Jamie [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] endlessly haunted and Restless Jamie can't help but wonder if the weather was no longer to blame for Devin's absence though the fog still lay thick across Knox County there should have been some strangled signal from his friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you blessed [Music] clearing another small patch of West Point Jamie begins to realize the progress he's making towards the school but is found humbled by the rain once more forcing him to delay more Burns until it clears [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good [Music] Ness thank you [Music] come on [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he finds more Undead leaking from its sprawl like pus for an infected wound if left unchecked these shambling corpses would eventually wander to Jaime's home giving him all the justification he needs to dispose of them [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] with the rain coming and going enough to start a burn Jaime uses the dry fuel from the Cruiser's trunk to begin before the rain proves to not be the only roadblock please the siren had died whether it was the equipment itself or the battery dead it didn't matter now the undead were alight and left to wander freely potentially leading to an inferno that Jaime could no longer control [Music] foreign its usefulness for once the rain serves as snuff out the spread but that still doesn't calm Jaime's nerves as he realizes how close he came to fully losing his dominance [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] with the weather finally clear and Devin's birthday growing closer and closer without contact Jamie feels a growing Fury in his core that he is intent to release upon the horrid creatures of this ruthless world [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] knowing his old tactic of using the cruiser is ruined Jaime doesn't let go of the goal of reaching the school he had been fighting towards since this all began without a plan and without care for himself he simply throws his aggression towards the infected without a second thought [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] my tactic of burning the infected has been unexpectedly sabotaged where I thought the Cruiser's battery was going to be the constant annoyance it actually proved to be the faltering Electronics maybe if I was smart like Devin I'd have a chance to repair it but I'm not diving and I still can't raise him on the radio I try my hardest not to assume the worst but having any sort of Hope in this world is dangerous [ __ ] that kid if he did something stupid and [ __ ] me if I was the one who put the idea in his head all I can hope for is that he gets back on before his birthday if he misses that I don't know if I can keep lying to myself Jamie [Music] trimming the hair out of his eyes Jamie finds his fear of West Point growing less potent by the day not even discouraged by the thick fog as he simply prepares for another day of Slaughter [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] what's wrong [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] with the light began to fade and his arm aching with fatigue by the time he makes it into the library he had sought after for so long Jamie can't indulge in the world of knowledge as a near endless stream of Undead shamble ever closer confident with enough time he'd be able to fully secure the building Jaime allows them to keep their rotten grasp on the school for now [Music] foreign [Music] food and rest Jamie idly hopes that his friend awaits him on the radio but is only met with predictable disappointment as he drifts off to sleep [Music] hey creamy are you still there Jesus Christ kid you scared the [ __ ] out of me what happened well your signal got all gargled and then my power finally went out so I had to go find a generator which was eventful damn it kid don't leave me on that what happened are you all right are you back in your basement are you safe oh yeah Devin it's nice to hear from you what a lovely surprise I'm glad you're all right Jesus Jamie of course I'm happy to hear from you kid but this isn't a joke I don't worry about you for fun you little [ __ ] tell me what happened please [Music] the power went out at night so I waited until morning I knew my friend Jimmy's dad had a generator in his garage and he's just a few doors down so I snuck back upstairs in the morning and looked out for sick people I only saw a couple so I put on my layers and and got my knife and I creeped through the yard and when I got to the garage the door was locked but the window was open so I jumped in I didn't have a flashlight so I didn't see Mr H in the corner but I heard him coming at me I couldn't see his head but I got him a couple times until I finished him like Mom did he touch you grab you did he try to bite you anything I found a scratch on my wrist when I got home but I don't know if it came from him or when I was dragging the generator through the window before you ask I already disinfected it and bandaged it so you don't need to nag me damn it kid you yeah keep it clean you did the right thing so what have you been up to besides worrying yourself to death [Music] waking up early on Devin's birthday Jamie lets the fresh adult sleep in as he makes a dedicated effort not to worry today would be about Devin and not all the deadly threats Jamie saw around every corner foreign [Music] ready for The Breakfast of Champions yeah I have mine open I've been dreaming of these peaches for days now well Bottoms Up Kid actually can't be calling your kid anymore sir oh [ __ ] off you're already making me feel old um damn Peter [ __ ] hell don't be choking to death on your birthday slow down Ron pipe now I haven't played since I was your age so no laughing and no I ain't singing I'll uh get your wrinkled ass to sing for me next year shut up and listen to Kentucky's finest guitarist [Music] truly brought tears to my eyes but I I think I'm gonna use my birthday wish to get some extra sleep might have eaten those peaches a bit too fast I won't say I told you so but I'll be waiting by the radio when you get up thanks Jamie [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I don't know if you can hear this but I have another storm coming in my signal might get fuzzy until it clears [Music] foreign [Music] okay are you there yeah I'm here can you hear me yeah you're breaking up but hopefully you can understand me I'm sick like Mom no you're not Devin your mind's playing tricks on you because that's all you can think about you're fine it's probably just something minor you know I I've seen it I know I'm sorry don't be [ __ ] apologizing to me there's nothing for you to even be sorry for you did everything right you did just as I told you you're going to be all right Devin Maybe I'm scared yeah me too I I don't want to be like Mom you won't be man you're gonna get through this baby Devin if you apologize to me one more [ __ ] time goodbye Devin Devin Devin no no never know Evan no oh God [Music] um [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know if all right in this journal again or if I'll ever find my way back to this place it feels wrong to call it a sanctuary when now all I can see is death and failure All Around Me Devin's gone [Music] the radio is trashed I don't know what to do but all I know is that I'm too much of a coward to check out of this [ __ ] nightmare instead I'm gonna show those Undead [ __ ] the true meaning of loss that kills me so be it I'm done Jamie [Music] unable to stay in his home following the loss of Devin Jamie ignores the lingering hangover from yesterday and immediately sets his sights on a farmhouse just outside West Point [Music] not having a plan besides killing as many of the undead as possible he knows that he at least needs a relatively safe place to lay his head so he can continue his work [Music] [Music] driving into West Point as the morning fog begins to clear he decides the school is as good a place as any to begin his Slaughter hoping that by the end of it he might actually be able to loot the library [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some of the anguish from his loss blunted by the end of the first day he returns back to his safe house to rest for striking out in search of relief once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] throwing the majority of his ammo at the endless hordes throughout the day he begins to see their numbers thinning as a true sense of accomplishment begins to grow in his heart he knows tomorrow will more than likely bring him the satisfaction of clearing the school but it will also likely be his last day away from home as his Lust For Bloodshed and vengeance is beginning to subside thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] as the light begins to fade he decides to loot some of the nearby homes on his way out wanting to at least bring back some amount of food for all his effort [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] though the moment keeps replaying in my head like a broken record it wasn't some horde it wasn't during some desperate Escape it was one of them precisely at the wrong time I guess that's how it goes it was the same with Devin if you're finding this journal after I'm gone then I guess I should explain I'm bitten I can already feel the infection spreading my skin tingling my mind clouded this is it this is the end of the road for me though I was honest with a kid at the time I can't say that I'm scared anymore I'm just tired I struggled for as long as I could but this world simply beat me I hope that all I've done isn't for not and that this slice of safety along the river isn't lost completely if you're reading this then I suppose it isn't and I encourage you to make this place your home as I had done you don't go storming in the West Point like a lunatic and there is no reason you couldn't hold up here for the rest of your days also there is a town to the West that is set up as a nearby gas station that should be plenty to feed the generator for the foreseeable future my last request if you do find me dead is to bury me in the grave I dug in the front yard please don't disturb the can of peaches I know it's a silly request but it well I guess it doesn't [ __ ] mean anything anymore I'm going to sleep I'm gonna go find a nice place to die good luck Jamie [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] this is [Music]
Channel: Two Wheeled Gaming
Views: 339,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gHbvnFgyu_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 247min 3sec (14823 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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