[Vinesauce] Joel - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ( Part 5 )

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all right so we have two streams in one day unbelievable but I mean listen if it was just a half live stream that would last for three hours and they stream tonight it would have made more sense but I did I did that full complete playthrough a half left and one sitting and now here I am on the same day playing Oblivion hours later and I'm not that tired I magic formula man stream early in the morning stream later tonight it seems to be we can do go as long as possible but anyway regardless we're gonna play oblivion I know you guys have been looking forward to this and so have I so yeah let me just do this really quick here we go all right we'll just get all this stuff down alright so how you guys doing tonight it's really tonight for me now it's like three three minutes till in the next day but alright anyway ah my mouth is just like the the picture you're looking at the screen oh I have this like what I call it a blister on my tongue on the side and I'm like ah get out of here my mouth well anyway let's get this on screen well let's see if I can wrestle with oblivion today let's see how long it takes until we actually get into the game there we go and there we go then I get that to Buckham yeah I did [ __ ] oh my god after the after the half okay during the half live stream this morning I I in the middle of the stream I I hear my male coming through my door shoot and I got an advertisement for like $2 ham so I actually went ahead and bought it and it was delicious I'm gonna have a slice of ham right I don't give us Hey look at that I'm living it works fine so today we're not gonna slack off and doing the I might might start main quest here I'm well continuing bankwest pursue it rather but last time we did this bogus acquired the skill to do this this is in the game it's not a mod when you hit a certain skill cap in acrobatics you can now jump around like you are pissed at an oar store absolutely whoa what happened your fist on the North Star it's like you know what you want to go okay let's roll it doesn't even like deplete fatigue yeah it does but still it's faster than running you keep rolling rolling rolling it's absolutely ridiculous okay anyway so I while bogan flips in the wild if he's like playing Zelda now and now let's get our health up data to that identity too though the dee dee dee da ba da de to put a puppet repertoire to eat - ba ba da da da da doo doo doo da doo doo dodoo that no I'm sorry I'm sorry no no it's gonna sings Allah with the bulk again but it's kind of like zealous in it like a really bad Zelda or Ricky do this oh the flips them sweet lips oh thanks I had enough of that now and I well let's check our quests here I believe last stream I read the lusty argonian maid and I will never do that again but alright let's let's see what quests were on the unfortunate shopkeeper I've spoken to Norbit lives who says yes airbrake is at the store almost midnight Lee you would like to someone to stay at the store tonight to get the crooks in the act ok ok I guess we'll do that I start the stream with that yes so angry yeah its breadth of the while still getting DLC stuff I think it is I'm up by a switch soon guys I the time is getting is ripe the price is going down a little bit and there's a little bit more game so anyway so what are you guys up to huh hello can I sit down with you guys no okay whatever [Music] of course she'll only train other fighters guild so I take care the Gold Coast uh wow it's really raining today huh Wow spooked me anyway so this is my active quest here we go map I smoking no asanas told me about the carnival Norberg Lael store okay so this is wait wait jesse is ahead break-in at a store almost nightly yeah this is the coded storing okay well where though I act forgot it's totally weird we don't even a quest work marker you know well okay let's just let's just catch up on where were you or less where I main lon I'm the twin in brown remember yeah totally yeah Norbert close what you gotta say about him there's a crash can dice you can usually find him in store that's a moment as the the misspelled name arias what can I do for you do you have questions about these break-ins I've been having yes as I said I'll need you to stop these thieves from breaking into my store it only seems to happen at night mmm-hmm did he give me the key or I might have to break into your house to guard your house or shop I think it's this one yeah here we go I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna wait wow you got some real suspicious huh or listen real sneaky now I'm good listen if there's if there's accident this and stuff get stolen That's not me or nothing no no Rather's ridiculous very sneaky where am I yeah let me stand on this guy hello you know what what the power of skooma bogan is now in vain Sibley's will see damage health No can I poison my fists my punch No fortify health there we go and then I'm gonna store Magica fatigue agility so we can use their damage health or store fatigue drain health you give me all the tomatoes please restore health here we go raw venison I'm down he's just got a strong out oh yes pin to him spinning that's a good trick okay one of them is down and dead now I gotta eat some more white seed pots I'm having this like I it like this this smorgasbord of this going in the midst of combat it's going straight to my moose case it's very reminiscent of hard time isn't it having an idea how about we do this we restore Magica I think I'm silenced hang on hey base oh he's after me guards you'll never catch the bulk sick flips [Laughter] now what what I'm gonna have enough magic what are you talking about yeah let's let's see if you can do underwater combat man oh you couldn't deal with it okay you me that helmet it's mine now wrist the other guy okay I can find a random fissure I took care of it thanks man taking care of this crooks and breaking the norm of no story should speak with a shopkeeper himself all right did he have anything good no I think you're the guy himself took care of it oh yeah you got a corpse in your house but yeah that's fine though right there's nobody here right guys okay so there's no one in the store here would it be bad if I did an you know an accident this do you think so I just kind of collect my reward I mean it was the thieves it wasn't me okay please don't go to the store okay here we go hourglass reading the book it was the band it's a doom stone series okay let's see your guide to Puma no drawer no guys anvil no give me it give it good stuff like the real stuff I want give me the moolah it was evil Joe okay well this kind of sin seemed to have anything of like actual value wait a minute well okay these books can sell for like 25 but our cane restored Oh what's this this minor takes life I'll take that I guess they take the silver nice barrel plant and there's nothing really up here that I want oh here's the door oh I can slip in this in this place okay I have this nice re my guilty conscience of stealing this man's belongings just going straight to my nose storm the burly it's nothing in here oh we all speed and invincibility all right I thought that was school Matt first it's like what is this guy doin y'all take this a random rest oh good lord you should scare me what the who what do you want you what do you want right whoa what what's going on well why do you just like me bye-bye you're the rat you you're a lizard uh I'm gonna go now this does she know hang on bat nobody well what's that about anyway here here's here's Norbert no I think he's in here what was that about hello were you able to take care of my problem with break-ins yeah sort of you've gotten them wonderful but their names are familiar to me all of those men have worked for me amazing amazing I even trusted them to open up the shop in the mornings I can't imagine what turned them to a lot of crimes bad don't steal that bad well here's your payment but bad thanks man what do I get I get 200 gold all right you two we should take down my fists when I yeah all right well those are fighters Gilchrist least side what all right well we have this corpse in the street you guys want to like move them I'll do the city off here hang on hang on come on buddy come on buddy he's gotta get you over yeah it's fading that's raining too it's a very atmospheric for corpse dumping come on come on you can do it yeah there we go Hale is dumping corpses he started to stink there we go attaboy there we got there there he goes all right there we go I clean up the streets anyway we'll give you more of the fighter guild stuff yeah I don't need I don't need actual thank-yous I just need to state it to like me hey I'm doing swell dude you got some sick wait this is the guy who I like robbed blind when he was going out like killing a mountain lions I was just [ __ ] around with his house [Music] wait some people can't see the stream what do you mean you guys can see what I'm doing right hello bill bill bill what I see so everybody can see it huh I I don't know I don't know maybe refresh the string Eddie ruin if we can't teach you block parameter well I don't really need block I have I have my fists everyone calls me Stanley ugly I got tired of beating people up for it so go ahead live it up what do you think about the chapel attack here I'd like to get my hands on the cowards that did that I'm even thinking of joining the prophets holy crusade oh well then that means rocking Swedish well what was that about fighter skills it's the game a little too loud hang on let me let me see what I can do wait I think that just a little launch yeah there we go because when I whenever I play or it's not well sometimes like the last half livestream people were saying the audio is fine then actually checked it out and the game was just little little too loud and I yeah all right well I'm gonna increase it just a little bit higher than because I believe it's one of those games where it's like generally very quiet how about this yeah that okay that it's a fine balance what can I do for you why that's fine good day we're gonna get some requests here no around oh no everyone no I would like if exploit could separate the microphone volume and the game audio it's like two different files that would be wonderful but hey what are you I forgot about the claw oh look the claw knows right oh whoa whoa wait wait I can't I lock pick my our own thing you guys won't be mad right right or I'm sorry this aspect longeth ha mix unit tactics alright I guess they didn't give a [ __ ] death blow of a burn int okay oh that's this bed though that's a stand super bed but I can't take his clothes though very weird anyway let's read the book that I collected block skill check this goblet out good to see you likewise it's thin Jill do you like Hamburger Helper so we don't have hamburger helpers we even but I do know it's like it's like whoa whoa it's spices for ground beef or what is it steel Greaves no hang on oh mama oh mama I am ready for the war macaroni and hamburger meat uh-huh well interesting is he gonna be in his office or I'm gonna wait all day for this the they had head guy is he here here yes my pleasure advancement looks like it's time for a promotion due to your performance I named you journeyman of the fighters guild thanks man you got a contract for me you're needed in coral ok report correlate coral she's got some duties for you to take care of sweet I have it on good authority that the city watch sent someone to stop that gang of women from robbing the town's men good show I say with you I understand Deidre worship has become increasingly prevalent in the Somerset iowa's sorry that I ruined dinner I'm sorry I can barely well so they'd like me now that's wonderful anyway let's let's continue with a fighter skill quest and I was supposed to go to coral which is Jaden halt no and on a coral is a Owen cor coral area I don't think I've been to coral in the game yet alright anyway here we go here's the oh damn it oh god damn it oblivion first crash of today [Music] well how was your day well oblivion oh so sweet sweet oblivion is alright well do that again black you know why I had to serve that crash because I fast traveled I said many moons ago I said no no to fast travel and I fast travel so that that was perfect it was obligatory necessary karma I forgot I forgot cuz I did a whole seven-hour stream today and I'm just like a playin like yeah click on that did do that Oh God punished anyway do this and then we go back to oblivion hand yeah there we go quick save the flowing bowl bowl bowl oh no I got to go back in like report back to my my Pierce or whatever then mooch gliese alright anyway yep anyway what was I gonna say let's go to the fighters Yellin in talk DOMA now if you're if you're are watching my streams you should know that I love rain and this rain right oh did it stop raining as soon as I'm talking about it oh no no it's a little kind of rainy a little bit it's love rain man Ramos a good movie but I mean rain calm up man now I'm good I'm good I'm good alright so we talked to as on looks like yes and then contract goodbye because I love a rainy night all right now now we do this the real way not fast traveling no no anyway so there's a little bit of a problem on Twitch decide not me this time it's for some people it's it's just not loading correctly or whatever so yeah you sit tight and hopefully this fix alright anyway here's the mountain lions were slaughtered look at that huh you feel proud of yourself wouldn't be kind of weird if a Khajiit what a cat as a pet do you think like when all is said and done at the end of a deist talk to each other like the Caddy cheese goes meow meow meow and cackles in meow meow I'm sorry I've lost my mind anyway who's following me hello hello bad idea son go real bad and after we're done with that we roll out of the situation totally useless thing the the flips but you know mmm hello pay up or else check this out I'm gonna give him 100 gold good choice and I'm just gonna do this right wait what God rumors the council runs the arena to amuse the masses and it pays for itself wonderful really now Shh sneak attack here's the Benny Hill there better be people do but abate that do lab do parallel look what she's a boy died did I give a 200 gold but I only got one wall well this Khajiit knows what's up I can like simulate him running like whoa I'm running but I'm sorry I'll give him a good death a pillow anyway ah serious going over to coral right now we have more fighter skill stuff to do over there but yeah yes the killer Volga not not dangerous ghost in the night no no not beasts but uh but gravity well you die too you die faster than me now Bert well look at that she'll to go huh anyway now this time it's design it doesn't even get a nice peed lobe anyway so we're going over here and have to quarrel as I said we're just doing fighter skill stuff and I saw a comment saying it went well but you've been doing the main quest stuff the main quest stuff I think it's like not the the most fun thing to do in the game and I said this before but I really like the the like the guild quests in this I like the side quests and stuff like that and I feel the most of people have played oblivion and as soon as you do the main quest you are kind of seen as the that guy in Oblivion you're like oh look it's that guy and I don't necessarily want that I want to spew like a random dude for now and then I can be hey less like champion of oblivion you know but yeah alright let's not sleep in how are you oh I've been better near the hammerfell border what uh murmurs not only has necromancy been banned from practice in the majors guild but the guild won't deal with anyone who openly uses it this is on a few very normal-looking NPC's in the game like they stand out they're like wow that looks presentable and it's like ah do it are you interested I'll take it all right you did go ahead please ah she's beautiful now listen if you want to talk about nice-looking NPCs boom okay what can I do for you bad we have one right I hope you'll find the room to your liking there we go you know it looks like betrays me what can I do for you so I don't want to block it what am i doing wait wait wait darica get mad for me to love lock-picking okay fine we'll do it here we go here we go alright and of course that's not it that's not it and that's it alright give me this one - and finally Oh what am i doing man okay here we go it last one last one that's all I need I'm gonna I'm gonna reload that say thank you so I I did that really sloppily I'm a little tired but here we go sorry I know it's the other room but I'm doing this for the sake of ho hahaha wait hang on wait no there we go yeah I know safe saying it's a little cheap but now that was it that was it that was it there we go that was it last one a mess up man powerful wizards whose house is the art room is this rather could you man and you go into your room at night and you're like ah time to unwind after a nice day of adventuring it sounded like in the corner of room it's like hello sorry not not my room okay well like give me a little bit of lockpick skill but here's my room out guide to reveal as you sleep when was the last time you guys slept 13 hours huh there you go I sleep less and less these days I'm like perfectly comfortable with doing so like I when I sleep too much I use get a headache like III need like I know they say like eight hours of sleep is reasonable but I sleep like five and I'm I do just fine with it what yes no but by okay I'm just gonna go now because you guys are very unfriendly I wish this force mine I mean I could take it but yike I mean that this horse will go back to the end he knows the way he's a good horse you know anyway the days of high adventure in certain mighty quests and mighty muscles I don't know why I'm voicing it like this you guys ever seen the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon if you've ever seen the picture online with the little gnome guy that says how about I slap your [ __ ] I think that might be from no no no that's from like David and the gnome I'm sorry get them confused but anyway yeah that was a done is a dragons cartoon show which is a little bit of like an oddity for I always like whenever I played on the drag it always devolves into like violent [ __ ] I like a really violent [ __ ] and in the in the cartoon it's also nice you know I guess it's up to the player really to like play the way they want but in my D&D sessions it's all it's all bloodshed all the time you know it's not about friendship or or little more or less this is all about burning anyway so how's the new Dungeons & Dragons edition I mean is it up to like 4th edition now or whatever I remember the one that came out and people were mad because it was like too much like World of Warcraft I remember people are playing like three point five four years or whatever oh my god I'm a really talking about Dungeons & Dragons right honored its fifth oh really I sorry it's a new one good or is it okay you guys tell me I don't know all right so we're going all the way to coral anything over here little explore this for whoa what's happening oh no no it's not him I don't I don't mess with these dudes I don't know what level am i I am level seven well isn't the max limit twenty in this it's like really low its fifth edition now it's not as good a 3.5 it's been in the fourth okay cool I haven't contemplating D&D on stream with a bunch of the mods it might or might not happen we'll see but don't be surprised if you know soon there will be a Friday night shell out D&D stream I'll tell you tell you what's awkward playing Deenie with a bunch of strangers and you don't really know them like in real life and it's like because you want a D&D with people you know so it's like you can you can joke around and fart a lot around a lot and when you know it just playing with strangers you're like okay we barely know each other but let me play another character that's not me but I mean that kind of makes it easier in a way but still you want to get to know the people you're playing with I guess that's just me though but why do I know was a dungeon in here do I want to go down here and about around oh no I don't want to do a dunya nothing more I want to get sidetracked see the source is already to returning home anyway Scott get up on this horse anyway how was I saying oh yeah yeah D&D it's been a while since I played it but I'll tell you what's better than D&D and I said this on stream many times many moons ago but there is a tabletop sort of Monopoly game with with the dwarfs and and elfs and all that good stuff it's called talisman I used to play talisman with my brother this is like way back now that talisman is basically done it's and Dragons except it's monopoly and you go inwards to get like a magic amulet or something whatever but yeah talisman is badass if you ever played it you know what I'm talking about but if you don't look it up it's it's really fun and we did in house rules I love in house rules when you're playing tabletop that's like nothing limits the game only your imagination that's and that's what separates like real-life games compared to video games like you're playing with your own set of rules and stuff like that in you know there's no limits and what you can do and we did an in-house rule that if you land on it cuz in the game I don't know how it is these days but back then if you land on the same square nothing happened like when you share the same so what we did we did this thing where we we killed each other which is kind of logical it wouldn't you think but yeah it's not what we did in videogames modern day in the house rules yeah except there's there's more effort into establishing these in-house rules anyway did you tell the story before I I might have iiiii I talk a lot of [ __ ] EEP EEP EEP EEP EEP so I heard I hear this bird noises and it writes me I was going to the store today and I swear to go there was a bird inside the roof and it was like screaming and I was like it's gone and I was like I was contemplation I guess contact the the like customer service inside the store and be like you guys got a bird inside here so I I didn't I I uh I didn't do anything I went home and I had ham and I feel really bad now cuz hope that Birds okay well you gotta you gotta love this oblivion horse jumping by the way here's that look at the third person it looks great doesn't it beep get up come on come on you can do it you know believe me the horse never like sinks down it's just you gotta find a sweet spot to go towards you gotta send the planes you know all right well what is gravity anyway all right now we're on a good path if this horse dies I don't feel too bad it's not my horse but I still would feel bad of course cuz it's like their horse but you know I did steal it as well so anyway can it go that way oh I'm that far away really okay oh well it's like Joel is heading to Marwin or Skyrim yeah I think I'm technically heading towards more win if I'm going east sorry I was going north I'd be going to Skyrim but uh okay well excuse me oh this poor horse he doesn't have and he doesn't have a clue what's going on oh yeah i tottaly something unrelated so I was watching uh I've been playing deer hunter 2005 with some of the mods and off stream and I've been we were just laughing so hard at that game but uh so that game for 2005 is still periodically updated with mods and I saw a a youtube video that was that said three hundred two thousand five realest realest Ahmad and I was laughing so so is so brutally hard all it added was that you can play a Skeletor hi I am not kidding the only feature that this realest realest in mod was like better bullet drops recolored deer and Skeletor look it up iiiiii I implore you look up the deer hunt 2005 realistic mod just magical really one more coin and I can get a pair of shoes pair of shoes rumors it's a simple Journal from fallen Rock King yeah shouldn't that be a cinch for a fighter guild contract yeah yeah okay now I can [ __ ] me again thank you thanks all right keep on role playing as a bigger faker caught you anyway hello arias is serious well met absolutely okay that okay I made it wait a minute who am I supposed to talk to I might have actually been more during the Fighters Guild champion so motrin or rain I don't believe we've met no advancement I'm sorry you're not yet ready for a promotion Oh keep completing contracts and take care of any assigned duties okay go to it Thanks give me the stink corn please oh I kind of want that but at the same time not really okay well here we go copper ring this I'll read this one okay I'm gonna open this up with one well I can do that anyway don't worry about it I'm gonna wait maybe I lost security there we go that was in it come on I'm up come on you can do this it doesn't want to do it today I'll tell you that that's the one oh god what am i doing Oh clutch okay okay good wonderful father skill history's I did all that for nothing fantastic well bad man it was in the basement whoa dude hello oh he's got a like an orc mustache I'm Lum grab arrows that's your full one my brother kurz he's not so cheerful Oh what about quarrel dogs are enormous best friend really good protection good companions good eats dogs good eats money dog that reminds me I saw kangaroo stakes today how can you eat kangaroo like I that that really [ __ ] with me I that is almost on the level s eating uh like I like a like a dog for me like no man it's really really weird and some people do that you know more power to you I guess but for me mm-hmm greetings I see you've been keeping yourself busy this is good I believe it's time for you to perform some duties for your guilt thanks anyway we are a brotherhood a family what affects one of us affects us all fighting drunkenness dereliction of duty are not tolerated I would like you to speak with modren Orion he will assign you any duties that are currently pending mm-hmm good luck to you Thanks for now yeah go hurts oh mama Oh God okay I want to open both of these up I wonder what my auto thing is okay I actually perform way better with my own skills than the auto thing so let's try this again they're fake I know they're fake but they're fun and it increases my my lockpick skill if I do this so there we go so was the last one that really messes with me man anyone there we go whoa whoa I said this before but fallout 3 had the best mod ever and it was an a mod called explosive entry you know what I don't even care about this it was a molecule explosive entry and what it was was you could blow up lockpicks and doors in the game like you know you we always tried that right we always try the logical solution of here's a tiny wooden door we get the grenade launcher bah boom shut it open that mod fix that you can also break the lock by doing that so you couldn't get in so it was like a little bit of fairness to it but yeah I love that mod it made a lot of sense yes what do you want I suppose you've come looking for duties huh died yes duties for duty I'll speak slowly so you can keep up I want you to contact maglia over what about Mack war he's one of your fighters guild brothers but he's defaulted on a contract we can't allow that makes us all look bad oh okay he didn't finish out a contract in skinned Ron suppose I shouldn't be surprised he's wrong like you find out what's wrong with him he's wrong yes yes find him see why he default him I swear I've scraped things off the bottom of my boots that was smarter than you well I wasn't what's your problem man oh my god don't just stand how about a little bit of mutton would you like some cheer you up to hungry boy like there you go yes all right well hello ayah store the other guy's voice actor I can't hear them again there's like 10 voice action oblivion it's a little bothersome at times but the good afternoon to you all right now this might not be a terribly long stream I always say that and the streams go on forever but really iiiii deserve a bit of a break today that it's not gonna be too long of a stream I mean we have been streaming for seven hours or prior to this stream but so we're gonna go as long as possible you know you know let's roll to our destination there we go in it I think it's might be actually faster than going on a horse yeah no joke look look at this I just leveled up by rolling around okay well if I can find like abandoned camp or something then we've just leveled up so how do you feel about Daggerfall I think Daggerfall is a phenomenal game but I think a lot of that stuff aids a little poorly like a lot of people will always compliment dagger falls size of the map or whatever but a lot of that stuff is just like looks like everything else and desolate you know and it'll be a little controversial to say but I mean Daggerfall is a phenomenal game great features have a slow drop like the climbing ability love it you know but yeah some stuff I feel didn't work that well back in the day you know certainly doesn't work too well now but it's still a great great game and I would do in a stream it anyway I think that's a day to rush right hang on who's this guy more luck ball do this this guy is like the most evil one more like ball oh my god this this this Daedric Prince is like the god of death or something like these nuts hey fools must be separated from their illusions before they will come to him Oh God hey walk in the shadow of the corruptor Vinny what is your business at the shrine of Molag Bal the Tormentor of men I wish to make an opening if you believe yourself would present Molag Bal with an offering the pelt of a line okay you have been told what must be done this is the most evil Daedric Prince I think he's up there with with I think he's more evil than the bame the Daedric Prince are trying to prevent in this game hey you have been told the way to reach Moloch Bob do what you will that's my favorite mark character you see gonna have a belt but more powerful champion to begin this quest okay well whatever mayor is Dagon that there we go well I mean some of the some of the the creatures in or the Vader princess in Oblivion it isn't like evil there's kind of like maliciously playing around and stuff you know it's kind of hard to comprehend their motives because there's goofballs at times they don't really care they just want to like toy around and some of that might seem evil but they don't really mean harm they just like don't care really now but did do I really have to lean how about I do this instead strength speed agility that's what I want this time whoa what a good conversation what do you want rumors the imperial city is densely urbanized with a few large parks and waterside doc areas wonderful might be seeing you yeah I'm just gonna roll through an entire game at this point our acrobatics will be so good but our more fatigue is gonna suffer a little bit but don't worry but we will go there faster now anyway for the Daedric race you can do as aura is your gorath Namira vaermina and sanguine apple right well I'm not gonna do any of this true mission to fighter skill stuff for now maybe do one more here at the end but yeah you're sad Nirnroot more nervous so this is at least I believe you need to collect these for the major scale later on in the game or whatever but for now I'm just collecting them for the whole collect collectivity sake take a bath stinky anyway bro sigh saying oh yeah but uh yeah it's gonna do fighters Gayle today I want to keep on playing and not distract myself cuz I'm faster than this dear just playin deer hunter this is what I should've been doing you just roll up to there and punch him and just like rip the meat right out of him that's how you deer hunt bogan style alright well you need to collect nerve from a guy in skin rod and you need like 30 of them on this quite quite heavy man here we go Oh I don't gonna be so fast here we go thieves guild the aaaa who rolls in the middle of night bogan bogan oh gun you look Shady I'm Gaston serenely perhaps you've met my brother Davi together we are the surreally brothers whiner oh yeah yeah yeah but I'm just gonna go good yep he looks like a like a like a half mage but these likes now I want to be you saw the regular do but I want to keep my roots and still attend Hogwarts all right rolling in the streets anyway crap twine you might do glorious quest later on but right now I want to do this he's in here okay hey what mag leer what is it send you to find me yeah kind of what about it actually actually let me I'll talk about Magglio for a second but what about you I'm maglia what do you want I want to know why the fire has stopped in the background but alright that was my job they said it was in fallen rock cave you ever been in there didn't think so I'm not going back not for that kind of money yeah if you care that much you go find it the contracts yours it's not worth it for what the guild is paying okay I'll be right back give me one second give me one second biggest if you if he gets if he East that I just had a slice of ham you'd be correct because that ham is is bomb ass ham love it was my job all right well I'll go get it for you whatever Twitter and acrobatics still increased yeah yeah oh yeah hang on what wait whoop no oh damn it - hmm damn whoa tell me the secret sheep tell me you won't mind right no his help help piece no the Sheep is mean to me help and they can stop no no whoa Wow it'd be ok that's it I'm rolling out of here nothing will get me now oh he's fast alright well I guess the sheep but it's gonna follow me now is it properly agitated so uh she's still after me yes yes he is yeah let's see if he can open this gate up yeah uh can I yield to this this this sheep you're like hey stop attacking I'm sorry where'd he go but he's super pissed creatures never accept a yield okay well I guess it's gonna chase me to the end of the world we get an unintentional companion on request I guess well well oh so mm-hmm an angry companion that's right sheep never forgets and they never they never surrenders all right so we're going to this this place did the cave and that's where the journalists which I believe might be one of the last fighter guild quests maybe don't quote me on that but I have a slight idea that it might be whatever we'll we'll see we'll see what's in here oh boy all right so just get the journal right here this is a trap oh oh dude he got he got snus nude O'Neal my sneak skill yeah but what am i sneaking from uh-huh Oh Sam B's I guess this guy was afraid of all the skeletons and ghosts on all skeleton no no gosh I'm playing a [ __ ] video game where I'm punching skeletons to death it doesn't get better than this Natalia I know I can't get me if I do this by the way come on skeleton guardian you're not so tough all right we got to heal up here uh just give me uh oh god I never notice Boggan Jesus Christ arrows mean nothing in my flesh [Music] damn got a sick ear piercing though but damn man alright well yes I mean bulk still going strong you can't fault them for that yeah there we go oh my god hey walk it off dwarf an arrow what can probably take these Oh Boyce this no you know what no I'm really good Sam B I'm gonna get this stupid journal and I'm gonna get out of here come on running kind of low on health and I think this rant aspecting me yes Burt that Ghost has a hand killed but all right is we're gonna do we're gonna restore Magica they were gonna heal up go ahead they ever go and worry about I'm gonna even get the the Greaves here well I'll do it anyway I guess you whatever is it up here hang on one one lock pick to do this on all right I probably is not gonna be worth it but whatever uh one more and what do we have here iron long story it wasn't worth it whoa what was that I never realized how's it going it's like down in the pool okay well I didn't and then what I want it let me see if I have a night died there we go now we have the it looks like both ballgames one in the ceiling for a moment okay no I don't want that okay we have a lot of boots after us now we've pissed off the entire cavern good job here it is all right fauna of Cyrodiil well bunch of rats and imps and stuff like that this year Dilek rat appears to be less aggressive then it's a counterpart in various other provinces really equally home to the cave and blah blah blah ok missing uh-huh I'm gonna take it is that him no it might be it's just the journal uh yesa didn't die in this cave this is something that was passed on well ok mudcrab make a journal about mud crabs I want to know the the the physiology of the mud crab very important stuff everybody so this uh this wine gives us the ability to see in the dark very impressive whoa alright anyway just oh he only I needed that or is it uh healing healing healing it gave me some more speed actually yeah sure and then healing where is it frost chill healing there we go Wow even faster now huh leads me out so I can go here but this cave was weak dude we did it so quick there we go and then it's back to the the city like the Dallas it okay I mean I don't mind but alright roll back I believe Khajiit have a natural race ability that they they get this advantage of seeing in the dark at night but you something is you gotta activate but a spell rather than like naturally it just works but all right Zoop Zoop Zoop Zoop what's in this pond nothing okay let me guess I'm wolf is chasing me who gotta watch out alright anyway I was this sheep still mad at me who who is attacking me I want to know who who wants some I want to know who's being a bastard one golden golden point wouldn't which point that this is just a dumbass wolf or something oh no okay well not exactly but was she the one that was like chasing me that doesn't make too much sense I gotta say I love unarmored in this like I thought on armor was such a like a like a like a bit of a joke but it's it's totally totally valuable thing in this game see what else can do here oh how about I increase strength I'm gonna do that real quick drained gelatin damage health restore fatigue sure yeah okay sure it's what I got I hope you like it I showed you what I got can you show me yours that was a bad Pokemon traded whoa what the hell just happened guys secret portal into space what what's that about honest to go of what was that about drink everything I don't care okay well you know I'm not even gonna bother with our meeting go try to catch up to me now the god of speed oh my god nothing ketchup two bogeys rolled seriously look at this it's so good it's so good alright thanks man - a bit like kicks ass I make it fun I might at first that I'm actually using it all right anyway let's get up here yeah yes yes I got your journal man you're still around kind of I've told you why I default it on the contract not too much else to be said about it do what you must I have it you found it huh good work I guess well take it back - or inten he can pay you on the contract tell him what you want about me guys where you have the decision make I'll tell him you did I did the job I'll tell you to report your failure what should we do you guys pick to be be mean they're a failure report report is failure say that good failure failure report and failure be a good lad Feliz goes victim e be a good joke place I'll be good to him he seems honest I mean it he is like your everything it's like I don't want to fight no skeletons you know why all these do this Thanks I'm not trying to shirk my duty but it used to be two or three men would be on this I like the guild but I've got a family to consider and I'll snitch on him anyway I wonder kennel yeah well I can't see me what the can I steal his pants okay let's try that again I just took your pants guards well and then I'm gonna do this see you won't get away with this mr. pants you used to wear these I'm gonna I'm gonna take them to the laundromat and wash them with the wrong virgin whoo ha ha it's gonna go yeah I stole your pants anyway let's go back all that tedious way there we go now we don't have to deal with the bloody positive blue mic night I think it's easier on the ice all right well we're gonna roll all the way back I'm gonna do what man time to realize what the best frame is for continuously rolling it's like 1 1 2 3 4 ok sorry just like a spam thing going on speaking of spam when I was in Japan I keep like it kept seeing advertisements for like spam on sushi I'm not even kidding you I gotta try that one day I'm gonna do it I swear I'm gonna do it it'd probably be good honestly that was just a troll train chasing me but yeah spam on sushi I'm not even kidding spam sushi I don't I don't dislike susp amel honestly III don't think it's like amazing but I you know well we have an equivalent in Sweden that might not be spam but the spam I had in Japan tastes very similar to the spam adhere like it's just that sort of like fake ham that fake ham a spam you know so yeah right okay oh ah ah yes what just happened guess what just happened I'll give you I'll give you a giant hint it involves the game not functioning very well oh well let's try this again whoa second crash second crash of today unbelievable unbelievable alright stress again I got to do this again I don't remember this game being this crash II honestly I yeah if you guess correctly if you guess that it that it crashed and you win a can of spam like I guess you know what they weren't really mindful if I who sees me the guard I guess look I can do this hang on uh yeah can't see me now can they okay I guess it didn't mine anyway but the horses seize all the crimes this game shortened it never crashed on on the Xbox I'll tell you that but have you guys ever seen that the canceled PSP port of this game this was actually were to be released on the PSP and it was bit of a mess but it kind of worked I mean it was you know I think Vinnie Vinnie might have tried that out on stream I'm not sure about a yeah Joel were you talking about nuts shut no I was talking about I was talking about picnic bug yeah did stream it yeah yeah one point I might give that a try in the future but uh yeah it's I mean if that's I tried doing that on the the PSP and you know it sort of worked you know it's never you know we've cancelled it was never released but you know it's out they were an Internet but there was a like a more mobile phone were and I'm not talking like Android I'm talking like blackberry 2006 phone pixel stuff oblivion I said no no no yeah am I talking about the right thing I swear to god I was like an oblivion phone game that's like really bad alright what's that exclusive thing they did correct me if I'm wrong or correct me in general please Ellis trips for the n-gage really yeah that's that's about I remember but I remember I remember the the phone games like 2006 I remember doom the RPG yeah it wasn't oblivion but it sounds a little special spin-off of the Ellis rules really ok we'll win win alright well let's keep on going here the doom RPG was so good really you know it's kind of funny that we're streaming live on Twitch right now and you know a lot of people I can't connect it so the chat is really small and there's not a lot of people here and I kind of like it cuz we can just kind of chill out and have like a very casual conversation very casual you know which is always my stream speed I used like to chill out but with with you guys watching it and talk to you guys but like this time it's very like gel out like ye olden times 2010 a magical time so if you wanted a few lucky people that can view the stream tonight then consider this a special thing that that you can enjoy such a small chat I guess we're Little Mix I sell Merapi for stealing this horse or stop burglar carbonyl strong go ahead please okay well good day to you there sir if you call if you call 450 people small well yeah alright so we're gonna go up all the way here there we go and all right one here and then we well I'm not gonna go into his house but what are they why why the house I mean sure I'll try but I mean I I guess they want me to talk to him and he has in his house at the moment I guess I feel like wake him up and be like hey I got your thing okay hang on there we go what the hell all right come on they always go inside and tell him hey wake up hey hey I got your Quast wake up wake up why are you talking to me shouldn't you be finding Magglio I did this you've got the journal good what happened in scheme guys guys shall we smite snitch on them and we told them like yeah yeah then what we mean oh oh that's the evils the evil stuff damn who snitch oh my god here's the journal you did it I'll be talking [Applause] terrible now Oh duties back for more work you may be good some of our boys are causing trouble in Leo in voice looks bad for the guild right it's causing through police some of your brothers have been getting rowdy at the local tavern yeah I've got no problem with cutting loose but I don't like it when we all look bad hmm you're looking for relyon vanta spray leus and do bark brochure I haven't had any trouble with them before so find out what's going on boys all right well but Reynold yes it's quite odd ray no rain our little times in coral acted like I was a complete stranger huh also he seemed sober which is a refreshing change usually Reynold is stumbling around coral drunk as can be huh very odd but then it's really none of my business alright I'll be waiting and then when you go to sleep you gotta take your armor on sleep arm it's like a pajamas oh wait a minute I mean this house and he's not mad at me wait a minute no about thee oh that network is gonna do something oh oh man the themes thieves skills something I should have joined huh the way I'm playing huh damn I mean we can join the thief's kill later on if I want but you know there we go Joel no great [ __ ] I'm such an EC like a lockpick thing I'm like having second doubts doing this see you know what whatever I'm just gonna go slow that save again and do this I'm little too tired so I'm just gonna yeah chest I'll give me the yarn please I say stay quiet for this okay it's time for you to leave my friend sorry it was prank me now oh wait I didn't piss no I have a good oh my god aren't [ __ ] oh damn that bounty tho hang a wait a minute oh they saw me get on the horse and that's why they were pissed okay hang on we're gonna use that horse we're not gonna use that horse oops this that's feeling when you're somewhat annoyed with a human skull when you're sleeping it's awful the horse betrayed us there you go alright some if I'm not doing anything that they're cool with me right protect and serve right well this horse it's totally mine you know what you know it's fine it's it's daijoubu we'll we'll just roll over there to all the way to lay Owen oh my god how do I set a marker by the way no I don't wanna use fast travel there I wanna the southeast so I always go from there here we go shift-click oh thanks thank you all right anyway you know what I've been having a hankering to play again Rogue Squadron on the n64 [Applause] that game was badass that game was real badass wasn't it might do it my tomb I played dark forces 2 for the rogue squadron was so so cool man like that game is it's very very hard to talk but it's it's it's a fun game I do remember the I know Vinny played like roar squadron 2 or 3 but I never played those games like the antsy before I want to co-ordinate only one for me that I played and it was a mighty fine game and you know it's kind of weird I remember like being shocked at like I had a mind like a like a mind explosion thing as a kid I'm like what okay so so then did Nabu the Naboo starship from episode 1 is in the game and I forgot when episode 1 kidnapped and rogue squadron came out but I think like a rogue squadron was like earlier than the Phantom Menace so I think they did a promotion for something that wasn't even out yet it Navy correct me if I'm wrong or I think I think Ross Warner came after Phantom Menace but whatever yes play this NCP for gaming you'll find out about one of the sine ships like a year earlier really that the Menace came out in an tonight and the Roche one in 98 what so it was true one year before what really that is pretty cool man it must have had some real super LucasArts exclusives I mean talk about if you're a Star Wars nerd like you had to play that game to find out like these is an actual ship from the actual movie my god huh well alright there that there is meep like the Road Runner meep meep yes rolling for the forest in the fog interesting that they would do that usually Star Wars is a very exclusive franchise like that but the you know that's anyway hey Bohr no I was a wolf did I ever play the podrace for gonna trance where yes I sure did that game was you know you know a lot of people hate the Phantom Menace or whatever but there was some cool games that came out of what is this we got a who's this guy a conjurer what is your deal ah well this this guy sure is trying then hit me once thick calluses cover your knuckles and joints from long hours of punching and kicking I haven't kicked once in this game but thanks at long last you are a journeyman in hand-to-hand combat your sidestep power tech now has a chance to disarm your opponent personal attack while moving left to right to use this power attack so Oh spin to him yeah it's been to him cool and step on my blue suede shoes whoa what's this another Daedric Prince oh this this is mmmmmm uma clavius vile a poor powerful right he's a hard master but he delivers I gave my word honors well now spin to win that's beyblade let it rip let's beyblade beyblade blood rip alright so now I have a chance of this are my opponents I like that in an oblivion that they add a little special features on certain certain levels when you advance to like journey man and master guy and I forgot what the last thing is so I can do this on this guy come on damn my new punches are great are you ok wolf he's fine alright anyway I want to fight something some human dudes I don't I want to fight this man my hat the hand is like danger is now damn watch out how would you destroy him a wolf I don't know strip it of its fur or something I don't know maybe make him do a dental surgery real quick like pull out all his teeth give us some novocaine just in this little gums and aha can't do nothing now except like suck on my arm I guess punch out its teeth if you get your eye get violent with it but declaw him anyway roll through here Walter there yeah guys remember when traning stamp ability the the teeth pulling my god such grotesque stuff for kids to watch that sure wasn't very gross in general I wasn't like a huge fan of it but I liked it but I was more of a more into ed Edd and Eddy I felt Rena stinky was like like it didn't have the wit and humor like edn and that he had Eden it had a little bit of the gross out stuff too but if anything it was like full-on gross out all right hello yeah I'll let him live okay what now more wolf snow a troll all right amen looks like Donkey Kong it sounds so sad yeah here come here as I'm punching controls in the forest that's what my hobby is and what is your problem trolls are dangerous they okay try that again yeah come on my god yeah okay one more yeah there we go I don't even feel bad for this guy troll fat thing that did generate their their HP when you punch him alright anyway Mingo cave wasn't Mingo like a character in zelda swear he was a character called a Mingo hey what's this he gave me some blessings please I've been a good boy thanks all right nope no I swear that was no there was a character called mingle I guarantee you meet oh happy don't sustain it there we go I both started on on em so you know I think it's due time for me to play a zelda game on a stream and tint link to the past I'm gonna be restarting that pretty soon restarting well I mean consistent streams of it rather anyway I mean if we did at Majora's Mask stream I always wanted to do Ocarina of Time on stream like just just plain vanilla occurring of time no no mods or anything like that like at 16 by 9 widescreen hack perhaps like an odorous mask but yeah you didn't know I you know I always wanted to do that so hey smokey the bear says but you can only prevent the forest fire Oh trolls and everything wait your turn man let's see what skills I have like spells detect life and Road let shield me up this shil is useless it's sucks man how're we do this we cheese yeah uh-oh I'm gonna die what do I have you have any uh sorcery fine what am i doin are you so fast he's fast all right let's try tech life what would drain strength oh no no no I got a poison a weapon for it I see okay well how about we eat a ton of stuff and then you know that that'll help let's see your fatigue fatigue where's my agility poison damage health ergo venison wonderful all right now damn these guys were generated a lot of health quick yeah Oh anyway I can chase this my this troll is really messing me up alright I need that troll fat I don't want to do it damn this these trolls are like crazy like I'm okay I think the best way I'm actually battling this guy I think he's weak against fire so if I hang on okay that was all my fire what we just eat a ton of stuff and let's see magic magic magic magic where's Magica I don't have anything I didn't restore magic is it no Teague endurance well we do restore strength drain store store okay where [Applause] alright let's try that again no but I don't think I've ever died this much to an enemy in this game so far like he's lethal yeah yeah oh damn okay okay if we don't do anything does he used to regenerate oh god it's been like five times of that on this guy don't mess with the trolls dude the worst part is this though regenerate out of nothing okay well did not know that I gotta cheese this I gotta chase this I got a cheese this this is the only way give me all the fatigue and all this stuff and then we're gonna resist shock frost chill no that's not what I want here we go get all that fatigue up again here's a good spot oh we have cheesed it go right here dude okay oh that was close that was close whoa there's some good saving recipe of half-life this troll is going to be the bane of my existence oh that was it though come on dudu tato that even hit me come on mama if I can okay that was on an optimist kind of due to the half-life sedative sitting on his head yeah that okay well does anybody want to do a deathcounter I can't kill him I can't kill him I think I might have one thing left here maybe cure poison Mead it's just so cool it's so close but whenever I get him down that's when it regenerates wait I have Nordic Frost all right enough step off [ __ ] wait oh God absorb health resist frost [ __ ] if I only have a bow and arrow at this point hey let me do with this gets me now and catch me now oh this this this troll and now he has full health again what a nightmare this has been if I yield at him where where is he now will be an excellent opportunity to like call for help guards guards I'm stuck you know what we do here's what we do we run now I have the power of the where or is there - there's three there's three trolls of God all right that's it bye-bye I'll actually let the gourds take care of this one I'll actually at the gorge take care of this one oh my god - goddamn trolls any time any time will do guards yeah thanks for building with giant moats I appreciate it and that's a wolf that is most certainly a wolf okay well there's been a kind of a wonderful adventure into a disaster okay well I mean I could just Jesus I just go straight into the the water which I'm gonna do how cute the wolf is trying to swim as well okay that's what we do screw it trol still after me though oh hey what's this oh six gold yeah that'll be the thanks I get for enduring all those deaths you know it's not what a stark reminder that you know I'm not completely invincible in oblivion I am I am still Hulk a book sir I'm tired so there we go now we're finally free from the constant dying there's still enemies nearby but I don't know really if that's true as I would like to go inside the castle and that just like a circle around it that would be wonderful I gotta get a bit better healing skill spell rather hmm now the good thing is that we're not seeing a slaughter fish running after me hang on from what they are thought of a slaughter fish behind me alright oh man okay let's get up here do this do that say what you will about Bolivian better that's a lot of quests and content that takes a lot of time to finish I'm not sure how a completion is to run how long that would take but I guarantee you you would not get done in 24 hours there's just no no way no way you all right selling I'm done with that we're gonna go into this is Leia when I'm sorry almost had skin to Grodd there we go wonderful another human being a lot of troll what's your problem if you are looking to buy a horse No take care I'll try hey what is it sir yeah you could have helped me out earlier there's a horse outside that's not mine what was that about anyway Drona ah I'm calm prevailed Stuart I'm sorry but please I have too much on my mind you talk all right cool I'm just gonna go now yeah all right here we go here's the fighters guild the time and I talked to you know Vincent nope bye let's see here uh separated at Birth no and a Mordred as I signed one of my better than that let's read that again modern has had some to travel to lay one in front of who there's three members of the fighters guild double guerrilla inventors have causing trouble okay yes you have nothing to say about them nope go ahead let's see what you sell let us sell our stuff by the way because we have so much stuff that we'd never get to like do anything with just pawn off this stuff these these gold nuggets please it sure is have this wolf pelt I guess silver glass - yeah cool yeah you guys to check out this random lady in the fighter scale she takes up all the silverware and she's great by least all right 30 welcome to the floor see if any of you know that reference guys look oh wait nope I thought it was a funny time anyway uh anyone in here no whoa what's this gasp murmur leak spin Oh cabbage let's lettuce but I hear a little bit of crust in the audio there for a second I don't know what that was about but I still hear it classic vintage Meimei do not think no it's a glassed if I once going on stream but I kind of ignored so do you know a thing go ahead you don't have a name I guess no what I guess we're going to a tavern and see you see what's up and the taverns Greenham aren't you part of this no you have good eyes and she's quite skilled at creating illusions I think that it's a pun could could I hahahaha Bethesda thanks Todd he made me laugh bad good eye anyway hey do you know anything he'll gone during the for long Watchmen The Watchmen looks no no no no I care about the ghosts reveal my neighbor Josh and Geney is worried he's seen creatures around the house lately why don't you talk to droshala see if you can help hey you're the one that's like bad Lord High warden of the taps guilt on Durin's most prized customer I taste everything Oh over and over again thanks man aren't you like causing a ruckus doe buck as bro killed I thought his name last name was lemons okay well no no I won't do that no yes bye uh-huh well if that's not the place could it be this place maybe the fair deal no that's not an email in that doesn't make any sense Hey yes nothing wait wait I think I actually sold her stuff yeah you can just have this and all this these random clothes I'll never use oh god I wish there was an easier way of doing this it's like it you need you have to confirm things you just hold it down and you know boom which I think there is a command to doing but I forgot how to sew you know tough tough stuff you can have you want this there you go you want this mini tour horn this troll fat sure thing if I let's kill history can have this in the mythic dough I'd no no this is important we keep this on Morrowind and you can have a silver goblet in a bowl thanks I appreciate your business mama well alright about nothing here and hey man I'm sorry but I'm really not one for engaging in conversation please leave me isn't this part of something else the lucky old lady reach up kiss off the lady on the other she can help you get your wish yeah this this is something else I'll tell you that I'm not gonna spoil it of course but mmm there's no lucky Oh later huh my new place at least this guy's I wanna somebody he's putting up the beggar thing cost must the chief or whatever cosmos all right well I'm desperately trying to find this in that I am in Leia when find out the way three minutes of Fighters Guild ubach rally inventors have been causing trouble yeah yeah but I'm trying to like get clue somewhere to ask but it's like not really all right well I mean I'll try once if I go in here yeah there's an in a stable but and these guys don't offer any advice do they what Vincent doesn't say anything isn't that for am I in the wrong City guys don't tell me don't don't it's down here nobody said anything nobody said anything I knew something was wrong I knew something was wrong in mine got mine here's a problem I saw me my going it's even more self that's the problem oh my god but that is a ridiculous mistake you can tell I'm a little sleepy though but not that's like people hey I know nothing about this game don't pin this on me yeah sorry [ __ ] I think my hay allergies is this hamming up you know he waited all this time now he has to deal with the gourd now you come with me man excuse me still left me yeah yeah Arius you know I have mad hey allergy and that's why I'm going like I'm trying to like clench my throat because it's like itchy I know it sounds weird but yeah ere we go thanks finally oh thanks for the bone get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur anyway continue let's go to layer win and start that quest and then I might leave for the night because I am I am sleepy babe Joel I'm it's almost 2 a.m. and I'm streaming for a long time now not no accounting for accounting for seven hours of streaming half-life we are now up to almost nine hours of streaming in total today and that is like record time for me to stream it's Paul analogy it's like itching in my throat and my subtle you know back on my mouth irritating man really irritating he's jump over him that'll help maybe I should get a horse maybe baby George lace needs to rest that's right I'll tell you what though today I always sleep like a baby [Music] mmm mmm yes cannot go that way alright fine oh yeah that's nice like ya get I like skadoodle along the side here I think there is a mod that allows you to like get rid of the canticle that way thing and just kind of like extends the map even further it might install that maybe all this all this dramatic music for nothing well who lives in here I'm curious I need a key okay whatever I'm sorry for yawning now we're all yawning alright we're gonna keep our ruling all right partner oh the old later anthro have a good one at work dude all right here we go I fought Oh Maude crash more father knew all right it's no need to get violent all right come on I'm gonna keep on rolling not trying up the slaughter Bambi's mom there you go I'm rolling a row is here oh sure yeah oh my god I hate yawning off stream that I'm tired can Bullock one punch kill everything not everything he can't defeat the trolls yet but he will soon soon we will see you all right doesn't know that they made Bambi - amid all this like deer direct-to-dvd sequels to certain Disney movies accepted The Lying not liking the jungle King I saw the jungle king - with my mom when I was first released how many years ago was that huh hang on hang on but not the Sorum - arm this arm this arm please yeah please yeah no wrong one it can destroy him I know that but oh she got the song but you know who and I was keep on the one here I think I see it in a distance maybe jungle book and lion king like it's like that one that bootleg you know water's edge right well-well-well was the last disney movie guys I know I'm talking about Disney here but I guess it's cuz Bambi but what was the last Disney movie like animated big release not Pixar or DreamWorks like I'm talking big big boom Disney Moana oh that was destiny I thought it was a like Pixar but alright it's really nice that they've made a properly animated film it wasn't the frog in the princess or whatever I'm very nice that they still retained the classic animation you know like III think the movies look beautiful these days but CDI and all that but there's a certain charm to you know drawing the animation and stuff like that takes more time all right well Pixar is owned by this Sneha okay hey perhaps you'll be able to assist me I'm after since puma dealers really sure what what up a small group of scuba dealer's led by a done my name Kylie's Lenovo is holed up in the grayling settlement just up the road now if I help you out with this can I get our small little collectively thing I approach the place look up sees me he goes running alright I need someone to go in there and put a stop to those fetches I don't care what it takes we must get that poison they're selling off the street yeah bring me get off the streets and in my mouth dealt with okay don't turn your back on the novel okay where is it gray line okay it's just up here this is go deal with it like now [Music] let's do the school my dealers that that'll be like the the last quest and then after that hello Oh God he's like buff okay what is happening in here hey mean I just leveled up I'm gonna go bye I wonder can I lead lay the Marauder right back into town now what we really useful if my with my spin ability you could actually this arm them but it doesn't seem to work well let me see if I can jump on the sword yeah come on ah kill me first so obviously I leveled up to the point where my folks are you seeing it more of an autumn and stuff like that okay now I'm really it's not guaranteed yeah it's like a five percent chance or whatever you know what let's let's do some cheese I feel like doing some cheese there you go well they're kind of yeah hang on that yeah because we're both Nords and north's are resistant against frost so that was that Thanks now I'm just gonna wait and heal up wonderful all right now we're gonna go back and get the poison off the street get this filth out of here get the school out I have fought all mud crabs second hopeful we do this Ebert he dropped the sword okay what's this claimer of this fellow I'll take that don't crash don't crash okay yes thanks you know yeah and then I'll collect some of the hana kuma aside evidence' I would of course never used the skooma myself because school my bad school my real bad if I can't find any uh-oh I would I would never I would never I would never ever I'm a good boy as evidence and you know no sir I didn't find any school my this place I you know drank it all drugs well okay hang on mutton get all the food sure why not that's the chest I think we're done here actually yeah sleep in his bed I think it's like yeah whatever and the strength we're gonna do personality man what we do well power somebody feel better and then agility yeah alright here we go hey I'm alive sort of you know I said I want to drink the school right in front of the guy and be like hey III you know I I'm doing this to prove a point I'm proven that school must really addictive oh you know I I found the this unrelated skooma could you believe it haribol any luck taking down the novel yeah you've done it I can't even begin to thank you enough by the Divine's I salute you in the name of the Legion here is your well-earned reward right all right let's just go and check on these dudes what I'm your relief nice yeah my eyes are killing me so what's it what's in the the Lord's here well in any any ruckus happen oh now that we're doing watch are you causing trouble no trouble here no nothing here no fun no work nothing blackwood company's got all the work mm there's nothing left for us except for drinking oh okay Blackwell company haven't you heard of them former soldiers sent down into the swamps to take some territory back from the lizard's Lisa I didn't talk to ventus event is what's up it's not wise to interrupt us in the middle of our discussion but our discussion all right I Spit on them I Spit on nothing by the Emperor to reclaim territory in Black Marsh when they failed they came back and set up shop they've been undercutting us on contracts ever since and they've no qualms about accepting jobs no guild member would be caught down you and your man must stop you need work to keep as erm misleading the work keep busy a brilliant idea Orion only senses or Orion Oregon Trail you what you go find us some paying work and will happily go about it i wonderful sorry l jobs jobs would be great to about no one is giving us any of these days oh if you can find some work for us cool cool I'm gonna sit down and that's gonna be the anaphora bolt quest today we did a fighter skill Crestwood kill some scoobadood sephardic trolled all good but anyway it's gonna be for oblivion today it's been a very long set of streams today but a little Joel is now a little too tired of stream so I'm gonna I'm gonna check the arc here in a second not a beer be you anything like that so I was gonna do it right away cuz yeah but I had a lot of fun playing oblivion as I always do with this these these streams very relaxing encounters a little bit of shell stream you know two ran out the night anyway let's let's let's check out some of the artists I said from here we go there we go alright from Velden now keep in mind we've had art from morning and now because the twitch service is down like barely any people got to watch the stream but you know whatever maybe from Velden vine sauce is Gordon freed Ming pretty nice from Lily here's wine sauce Joel who's that handsome fellow well thank you so much very nice sort very nice sort I am the t-shirt from dom to 132 hey Joel it's my first time with drawn on the board hope you enjoy it's pretty bad s where I said a little bit of charcoal I know rabid Ross in charcoal sometimes but uh very nice thank you so much badass Frankie Olli here's a little duel place looks so happy let me let me correct this image yeah correct what a word wait wait wait wait wait uh uh uh uh you can see what I'm doing let's get let's get this realistic oh it's it's beautiful let me just there we go accurate Joel now seriously pretty good I like it and from stormy here's me as Gordon my beautiful hair look at that gorgeous hope I don't get any any of that in my acid or the acid in my hair my beautiful looks anyway dudes do dudes and dudettes and whoever's watching out there I'm gonna go to sleep now hope you enjoyed the long set of streams today half-life in the morning I'll believe in at night water mix well everybody thanks a lot for watching sorry the sorry the twitch servers come down but hey if you're watching from youtube later on you would you would not have noticed anyway take care of buddy I'm gonna see us live on vine sauce maybe somebody else can stream tonight because I clearly couldn't with the twitch servers being so wonky but the Ayala check this at all I can't see yours live on my sauce cuz it's like wait I can check the actual vine sauce site but let me see Dyer bar is streaming apparently so I'm gonna try to host them so alright and I might take everybody thanks for watching and I'll see you later bye
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 123,368
Rating: 4.9518943 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, oblivion, the elder scrolls, bulk bogan, skeleton, quest, arrow, journal, troll, quests, oblivion gate, apple, high elves, skyrim, skooma, skooma qust
Id: jT4TutkMgEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 54sec (7914 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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