Videos for Toddlers with Blippi | Learn Colors and Numbers for Children

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[Music] hey it's me blippi and it's nighttime and we're in a parking lot there's so many stores wow look at this store it's the kinderland indoor playground in las vegas nevada come on wow this place is so colorful before we play we need to take off our shoes [Music] all right one shoe [Music] now we're ready to play [Music] whoa look at this hello whoa i'm in a little house it's a yellow ball watch this [Music] and a blue ball [Music] a green ball [Music] a red ball [Music] and an orange ball [Music] oh look over here yeah it's a ball pit i'm gonna jump inside whoa [Music] whoa so many colored walls whoa what is this it's a dinosaur and this is a pterodactyl listen [Music] this is another dinosaur and this is a tyrannosaurus rex [Music] i like tyrannosaurus rexes bye-bye whoa [Music] oh look this is a stegosaurus let's act like a stegosaurus together okay ready [Music] [Music] [Music] wow so many colorful balls let's keep playing [Music] whoa oh look this is a police car lindsey vinson no [Applause] it's a garbage truck wow i love garbage day and garbage trucks this is a giant cement mixer look you spin this right here bye-bye look a fire truck gotta put out the firewood a dump truck and yeah a vacuum all right nice and clean whoa look at this giant orange spiked ball wow [Music] look at this it's a blue ball [Music] this is a small orange and blue spiked ball whoa [Music] whoa look at this [Music] look a slide all right here i go [Music] whoa that slide was so much fun it's so colorful i'm gonna climb to the top [Music] now it's time to get down [Music] what's this over here hello are you hungry yeah i'm really hungry i went shopping earlier look at all of these fruits and vegetables yum let's see what we're gonna cook together oh look hey gotta put out the dishes first the plate and the bowl whoa look at this i cooked you some spaghetti all right yum let's season it yum there you go oh and you know what else i have do you like pizza yeah okay look at this yum that looks so tasty all right let's take the spatula cut the pizza out look at that piece of pizza for you all right perfect there you go oh it's so hot just came out of the oven oh to make it even hotter we should put some hot sauce on it but before we put some hot sauce let's try it out [Music] [Applause] look at these come here whoa this has wheels on the bottom i'm gonna let it roll [Music] that looks awesome oh here's another one i wonder what would happen if i wrote it all right here we go wow [Music] that was so much fun oh here's another one all right here we go get ready [Music] yeah look at this structure come on [Music] look at these steps they're so colorful this is the color black this is a new color whoa this is maroon this color is the color pink blue green purple red and gray [Music] look at this wow it's a slide okay here i go whoa [Applause] [Music] watch this i'll do that again [Music] all right i'm gonna throw really hard it bounced off the wall and hit me in the face [Music] hello whoa look at this yellow net whoa and look at what it is over here wow it's a giant red slide whoa hey and look at what's in the way [Music] whoa that's a lot of big soft blocks it's time to go but they're in the way hmm [Music] wait a second why don't i slide down and plow them over are you ready [Music] all right here i go [Music] oh that was so much fun playing at kinderland indoor playground in las vegas nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos you know what to do yeah just search for my name let's spell blippi together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job all right bye-bye come on [Music] hey parents if your youngster loves my videos be sure to click that big red subscribe button so you can be notified when i have a brand new video alright bye bye [Music] today we're at the las vegas mini grand prix and look at these these are go-karts and this is a green go-cart [Music] this is a red go-cart and this is a blue go-kart i am so excited [Music] [Music] look at these two go-karts they're my two favorite colors this go-kart is the color orange and this go-kart yeah is the color blue [Music] now it's time for me to teach you the parts of a go-cart oh hey and look at this yeah it's a go-cart so the first thing on go-karts are all of them have four wheels and tires see right here this is a wheel and tire and it's really small so cute so this is the first wheel and tire this is the second wheel and tire [Music] this right here is the third wheel and tire and this is the last wheel and tire it's the fourth wheel and tire whoa whoa and look at this yeah this that's the bumper guard it's there to keep you safe so then you don't run and drive into things like this all right look at this back here this yeah this is the spoiler they put spoilers on go-karts and super-fast cars because it creates some down force and it adds about three million horsepower to the vehicles wow that's fast and look down here this is the engine of the go-kart it has an air filter spark plug muffler oil and so many other things well how the engine gets all of its power is it needs some fuel just like how you and i need food the go-kart needs food too and right here yeah right here is the gas tank whoa i think you and i should fill it up and put in some gas in the go-kart let's put our safety glove on here we go wow all right put the spout right here turn it up whoa all right i think it's nice and full now so let's put the cap back on oh yeah nice and tight then we turn on the on switch right there then all you have to do is pull the string three two one a little harder this time even a little harder this time yeah good job all right so this right here this is the seat of the go-kart this is where the driver yeah me you this is where we gonna sit today so let's take a seat whoa yeah i kind of like this okay but first things first when operating a go-kart yeah safety first let's put on our seat belt just like we're in a vehicle any vehicle you should wear a seat belt all right here we go oh and down here see this this brake pedal is what you push when you want to stop whoa whoa in this pedal right here yeah is the gas pedal that's what makes you go forward and backward and this is the steering wheel whoa this is what turns the go kart here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] riding go-karts is so much fun the cool thing about go-karts are there so many different kinds like the ones we just rode and then also these ones come look look at this go-kart is so small that's funny there's one up here for you and i to ride whoa yeah this green cart looks like a dandy all right we need to turn it on so you remember you put on your glove and then give it a pull yeah whoa the cool thing about these small go-karts are anyone that's 38 inches or above can ride and trust me i'm above 38 inches so first things first yeah safe deeper gotta put on your seat belt nice and tight all right now the gas pedal here we go [Music] did you see that i just crashed but since go-karts only go forward you have to use this tool when you crash into something because you can't go forward anymore see it's like a piece of rebar with a hook on the end wow okay check this out [Music] hook it under there give it a little pull wow this is heavy all right yeah yeah now we can go to drive again here we go [Music] that was really fun riding this go cart [Music] but i think now is the perfect time to ride the big carts [Music] wow look at what it is wow this is a big kiss go-kart yeah it's so powerful it's so powerful it was even imported from the country of france and check that out down there yeah this go-kart has led headlights and go to the back [Music] and it even has tail lights do you see them and when you push on the brake yeah it even has working brake lights whoa this go-kart is so powerful you need to be 16 years old and have a valid driver's license lucky for me i'm both yeah so that means we can start it up so let's flip on the switch and give it a pull whoa this sounds like it has so much power too so let's take a seat in the seat and let's put on our seat belt because it has so much power whoa i'm a little nervous but it's gonna be so much fun all right are you ready here i go [Music] this go-kart is so fast [Music] do [Music] yes [Music] that was so much fun learning about go-karts with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name yeah blippi let's spell it together ready b-l-i p-p-i flippy all right see you again bye-bye come on [Music] hey grown-ups i think it would be a great idea if you liked my facebook page live show information behind the scenes special discounts even free giveaways see you there [Music] hello whoa look at where we are today we're at kidz time indoor playground in las vegas nevada this is gonna be fun whoa i'm just acting like a bear whoa hello here i come wow [Music] come on whoa look up here wow i wonder what's up here but first whoa look at these walls they're the color pink and this step is the color light green light blue purple yellow white blue red and green come on [Music] look at this there's a bunch of balloons and i have the magic remote let's push this button on the count of three one two three [Music] look at all the colorful balloons whoa this balloon is the color yellow this balloon is the color red [Music] this balloon is the color pink [Music] okay this balloon is the color green [Music] oh [Music] look at these two this is blue and this is orange my two favorite colors okay let's go [Music] those balloons were so colorful and what's this come on [Music] stay right here okay here we go [Music] [Music] i am so excited i'm gonna go jump inside come on [Music] wow [Music] all right i'm gonna get out now it's really bouncy [Music] all right let's see what else there is here we go wow look at this these are monkey bars because then you can hang on them and act like a monkey [Music] okay here i go [Music] i'm gonna come back out [Music] i'll come back down oh because there's slides behind me okay yeah let's go slide down the slide whoa look at this nice green slide let's climb up the ladder [Music] this is so tricky [Music] okay i'm gonna get down that was fun okay let's go up the ramp so then we can get to the top and slide down the slide [Music] hello i see you hey okay let's go down the slide now [Music] are you ready here i go one two three that was so fast here's some more slides [Music] this is a rock wall see these rocks yeah you can grab them and then put your feet on them and then you can climb to the top all right here we go [Music] whoa [Music] yeah we made it hello wow look at how high i am up here okay now we should go down the green slide are you ready all right one two three oh there's even more slides [Music] hey yeah look at this slide let's not do this slide whoa let's go to that one whoa look at that slide it's fully enclosed and it's a spiral let's go down [Music] let's play some basketball now look at this come here this is a basketball hoop and you take a basketball and you put it in the hoop but wait a second we need a basketball [Music] oh yeah right here we have one basketball [Music] we have two basketballs now we have three basketballs [Music] okay let's put the balls down right here and let's take the first basketball and put it in the hoop ready yeah that was under the leg all right now let's take the second basketball and put it in the hoop ready yeah that was awesome all right now let's take the third basketball and let's put it in the hoop [Music] here we go [Music] did you see that that was [Music] okay amazing that we played a bunch of basketball i'm getting kind of hungry let's come in here and make some food [Music] here's a bunch of fruit like a lemon yum oh and a pear [Applause] [Music] all right oh hey some strawberries and grapes put them in there let's make some more food come on wash our hands [Music] here's some yummy fruit [Music] whoa look an apple and a pear yum okay close the doors take the skillet put it back let's go [Music] oh i have a fun game for us to play come here [Music] this is what's called a connect four and it's giant i'm gonna be yellow and you are gonna be red and the object of the game is to connect four in a row all right ready i'll go first okay your turn here you go there's red put it anywhere you want [Music] all right i'll go right here okay you're red here you go oh good job okay i'm yellow okay you're red here you go [Music] whoa good job okay oh it's getting close okay here you go you won good job you connected four look [Music] amazing job come on [Music] [Music] that was so much fun playing at kids time indoor playground in las vegas nevada with you well see you again bye-bye [Music] it'll make oh hey i was just saying bye bye to this pumpkin because i'm gonna smash it with this roller bye-bye pumpkin here we go [Music] [Music] whoa look at that i haven't smashed a pumpkin since 1979 now this is the perfect time for the halloween song [Music] [Applause] every 31st of october there's a day where the people all come out onto the streets and like to play all dressed up in costumes in all shapes in every size it can be a little spooky but no need to close your eyes halloween halloween i just love halloween [Music] there are so many things that you can be for halloween like a fireman or superman or even a jelly bean you can wear a mask or wig or maybe paint your face you could even dress up like you are an astronaut in space halloween halloween i just love halloween hey you know me yeah blippi but i'm actually dressed as a construction worker do you like my outfit i love halloween because you can dress up as whatever you want oh look my friend shay wow he's dressing up as so many things he's going through the same problems i was deciding what to wear for halloween do you know what outfits those are yeah they're all superheroes wow what are you gonna be for halloween you can go door-to-door with some grown-ups and your friends say trick-or-treat i'd like some sweets pretty pretty please fill your bag with candy until it's nice and full but don't eat it all at once or else you'll be miserable halloween halloween i just love halloween [Music] trick trick or treat trick or treat trip trick trick trick or treat trick or treat trick trick trick trick or treat trick or treat drink trick trick or treat trick or treat halloween halloween i just love halloween [Music] that was so much fun watching and listening to my halloween song with you i love halloween because it's that one time of year that everyone dresses up as something fun and you get candy i like candy a lot but make sure you don't eat tons of candy at once because like the song said or else you'll be miserable so much fun hey if you haven't decided what you want to be for halloween yet you could be me go to for my t-shirt and glasses or if you like to dress up throughout the whole year you can do that too i like playing dress-up hey parents if your child loves my videos you could head on over to because this video along with many others are available for digital download that means you can put on tablets phones and watch it on the go wherever with no cellular data or wi-fi needed alright thanks bye [Music] so much [Music] hello how are you today [Music] whoa look at where we are today we're at fidget's indoor play place in las vegas nevada alright let's skip around and see what's here [Music] whoa look it's a train whoa all right i'm gonna continue to skip look at this wow this is a train station see there's so many trains here like this red train [Music] [Applause] oh hello pink train see it's a pink train wow hello [Music] and look it's a black train whoa i love trains all right let's see what else there is around here look at this it's a colorful ball pit whoa wow wow so many colorful balls whoa whoa what's this in here wow this is a green lawnmower i think we should mow the lawn let's see what else there is in here what is this wow it's a red motorcycle i bet there's something else in here for us wow oh watch out i almost got you [Music] oh look it's an excavator yeah like the blippi excavator song i'm an excavator excavator hey dirty all right now let's crawl to the side of the room [Music] whoa look at this this looks like the base of a boat and this is water see whoa that is one cool boat okay let's continue to crawl [Music] look at this wow we have a fire truck whoa and a school bus okay let's take the fire truck and let's let it rip whoa whoa okay whoa that was awesome all right let's do it again but this time with the school bus ready here we go [Music] yeah good job whoa look at that back there [Music] wow this looks like a princess and the king's castle okay i'm gonna go inside [Music] hello look where are you i'm a unicorn [Music] and look at what else i found in here [Music] whoa [Music] it's a stroller with a baby in it this is a baby hi baby hello okay sleep tight baby [Music] oh sleep tight or [Music] bye sleep okay now let's go run around some more whoa look at these steps they're so colorful this step is the color blue this step is the color orange this step is the color red and this step is the color green come up here [Music] whoa look at this red punching bag [Music] there's another one over here whoa see here's another one this punching bag is orange [Music] wow we are on the second floor of this structure whoa hey there's a tunnel go over there [Music] hello whoa look at this tunnel whoa i see you over there okay i'll come over there here we go i'm crawling through the tunnel [Music] wow that was really cool oh look over here [Music] wow see this this is a yellow slide and it's a shape of a circle oh i i should go down it slide down it and then when i'm down there you can come down after me ready all right bye-bye whoa [Music] wow good job going down the slide okay that was so much fun sliding down the slide now i think we should roll [Music] whoa i love rolling oh hey what's this hello hello okay how are you now i'm inside this house read it read it oh hey frog hello what else is here bye-bye frog [Music] hello [Music] okay let's go over here whoa look at this contraption whoa whoa whoa i'm balancing [Music] that was awesome now let's roll some more [Music] whoa look at this yellow car here it comes oh yeah here's another one this one is the color purple get ready here we go [Music] yeah okay at this this is a pink carriage with a horse on it bye-bye [Music] in a red car with a yellow top watch out and a black police car here we go one more a red fire truck here we go bye-bye fire truck whoa here we go let's go over here [Music] look at all of these colorful blocks there's so many colors okay i think we should lay them down to see what's behind them whoa yeah do you see this this right here this is a blackboard and you can ride on it so let's go over what we did today first thing is we skipped [Music] s k i p yeah skip then we crawl c r a w l crawl and then we ran r u and run and then what did we do yeah we slid down the slide s i d e slide and then we just rolled r o l l roll well this is so much fun doing these active things with you at this play place well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is ask for my name yeah my name's blippi let's spell it together ready [Music] b l [Music] good job see you again bye-bye [Music] hey grown-ups i think it would be a great idea if you liked my facebook page live show information behind the scenes special discounts even free giveaways see you there [Music] [Applause] did you see that i just rode up in a police car look at what's behind me it's a police helicopter are you ready to learn about police helicopters today yeah let's go [Music] two [Music] whoa look at the helicopter it's so neat would you like to learn the parts of the helicopter with me come on come down here this this is a camera in infrared system this is where from the helicopter they can search and find suspects and then up here this is where the pilot and the co-pilot the tfo sit and the landing skids landing skids are kind of like our feet you can land on the ground anywhere you want look down here this this is the pa system this is how you communicate with the ground really loud speakers listen this is how we speak to the people on the ground when we're flying in the helicopter and right here this is a cargo compartment look i'll open it up that's where you store all the tie downs and the cover for the helicopter and one of my favorite parts this is called the night sun it's basically a spotlight so then you can point it at night and see what you're looking at whoa this is an antenna this down here is an antenna and this is an antenna this is the name the number and letters of the helicopter will you read it with me n 6 6 8 p d will you do that again n six six eight p d great job come on whoo this is the horizontal stabilizer fin and look there's a light right there that light on the left side is red and on the right side of the helicopter is the color green come on let's go to the other side [Music] and right here this is the tail rotor the tail rotor is what controls the helicopter's spin from going left and right so this is the rear tail rotor i didn't tell you about the main rotor come on [Music] see up there that's where the helicopter produces all of its lift from helicopters are so cool [Music] [Music] hey this is the fuel truck in the back here there's a lot of fuel and she's gonna get out and hook the hose to the helicopter watch [Music] oh she's putting on gloves so she put on gloves so none of the chemicals in the fuel touch her bare hands oh hey there's the fuel cap [Music] oh it's getting nice and full [Music] now that the helicopter is full of fuel we can take it for a spin we're about to ride inside the helicopter we all wore seat belts and headsets and they even wore helmets i'm ready [Music] what they're doing here is turning on the engine of the helicopter see see the main rotor spin whoa it's spinning so fast and there we go [Music] that's downtown los angeles wow look at those tall buildings we're really high in the sky look we're higher than the buildings [Music] we even flew past the griffith observatory [Music] [Applause] and you can't forget about the dodgers stadium [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the tfo asked me if i wanted to go to the beach so without a doubt i said yeah [Music] we made it to the beach [Music] and look we're about to pass the hollywood sign look it was a great time flying in the lapd helicopter there was no crime and everyone was safe wow look now we're inside the helicopter i'll tell you about what's inside the helicopter but first let me shut the door okay now that we're all locked in we need to buckle up okay one belt around my waist and two one two over my shoulders whoa look it's like a joystick this is the cyclic this is what you use to operate the helicopter and the instrument panel wow like the altitude the air speeds the rpms the aviation radios the police radios wow oh hey let me unbuckle to show you this look at this this screen that's where you see the camera the fleer and this is how you operate it look at this controller it's so neat it's like a video game oh and last but not least binoculars these are used for suspects from far away so you can see them wow i can see so far whoa hey that's funny there's a superhero that can fly and it's here to keep us safe it's a police police helicopter a police helicopter a police is [Music] [Music] every day and [Music] a police helicopter [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch it go [Music] police helicopters are used to give the officers on the ground another set of eyes also known as backup as well as help capture the suspects and so then all the citizens are nice and safe [Music] special thanks to the lapd air support team for making this video happen also a very sincere thank you to every officer on the ground and in the air for keeping the citizens of our world safe
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 377,935,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi videos, Blippi videos for toddlers, Blippi colors, Blippi go karts, Blippi numbers, Numbers for children, Blippi LAPD Helicopter, LAPD Helicopter, videos for toddlers, educational videos for kids, Blippi Play Place
Id: UdrG_UUNacY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 3sec (4143 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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