Blippi Visits The Beach and Learns Numbers | Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] hey look at what i have i have some bags of sand toys and today we are gonna play in the sand whoa whoa okay first things first let's take off our shoes [Music] the reason why i'm taking off my shoes whoa is because sam feels so good on my feet wow okay now my other shoe [Music] yes [Music] okay i'll leave my shoes right here and let me grab the bags and let's go out in the sand i am so excited to show you all the sand toys that i have does this look like a good spot i think so okay look like i said i feel so good on my feet okay i have one bag two bags [Music] and three bags okay let's see what we have in here okay the first bag has a green and blue toy we'll play with that in just a little bit and then whoa this has so many other toys in it like the shovel and boop [Music] and some other cool looking toys okay all right let's see what bag number two has whoa bag number two has a giant dump truck whoa this dump truck is the color red yellow and orange okay we're gonna put a bunch of sand in this later just like that but a lot more of it okay and a lot of other toys a red one and a pink one a itty bitty one look whoo [Applause] that's funny and a scooper look at this orange scooper okay and the last bag has i'm so excited to see what's in this bag this bag has whoa an airplane [Music] and a yellow bucket with a red scooper and some other toys okay okay i think we should take the dump truck [Music] come over here [Music] okay let's put the dump truck right here okay and i need a scooper come on [Music] okay should we use this big shovel or this orange hand shovel um let's use this orange one because it's the color of my suspenders and bow tie come on [Music] oh the sand feels so good in my hands get a close-up look at this whoa whoa my hands and my feet [Music] it feels so good wow okay now let's get a big scoop in the back of the dump truck see okay let's count them together get it all empty one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one more eleven oh yeah look at oh it's so heavy wow look at this giant oh okay let's dump it out together ready come this way [Music] oh how about right here [Music] okay right here ready beep beep beep beep beep beep oh beep that was awesome let's go get some more toys come this way [Music] okay look at all the toys let's see what other toys whoa look at this toy whoa like i said earlier this toy is the color blue and green okay let's see oh look i think this goes on top and then we put sand on top come on let's put it right right where this scooper was okay okay you might have to get a close-up shot of this later but let me grab that really big shovel from earlier right the shovel yeah okay come over here okay you go over here move around here boys the shovel's making these are the bags from earlier okay consolidation okay great now i have the shovel okay let's shovel some sand look at this wow wow you want to see that again whoa okay let's put some in here and then you can get a close-up shot ready whoa [Music] wow did you see that one more time oh shake shake shake oh come on you can go we might need drier sand okay here we go whoa [Music] did you see how fast that spun now let me go grab a bucket and go fill it up with water and we'll try this again with water watch oh look we made it to the water but i don't have my bathing suit on so i'm gonna roll up my pants so they don't get wet just do a couple rolls up just like this okay and this one as well okay i'm ready to get us some water come on whoa get ready for a wave and i'll scoop up some water whoa here comes a big one [Music] i got some water look whoa see i can't waste it we gotta go put it in the toilet come on [Music] okay now that we have a full bucket of water i kind of want to see what it's like pouring water in here okay you know how these spin when we put sand in it yeah let's see if we pour water that we got from the ocean in here if they spin how does that look can you see them yeah okay here we go [Music] whoa it's working oh okay let's fix this one okay ready okay here we go [Music] yeah it's working [Music] that was so much fun playing with these sand toys with you well if you want to watch more of my videos you know what to do yep just search for my name do you know how to spell my name yeah let's spell it together ready b-l-i ppi blippi yeah that's my name good job and see you again bye-bye [Music] look at where we're at we're at the fantastic platorium in bellevue washington let's go have some fun hey look at this place it's a trampoline [Music] oh [Music] what's this [Music] it's a piano [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go check out some more fun stuff at the fantastic platorium [Music] wow yeah you put in balls right here what [Music] [Applause] okay stand right here ready [Music] okay what does this thing do a red button [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this stay right there [Music] it's a little airsoft [Music] oh my gun [Music] this is a big gun let's put a bunch of balls in here [Music] okay are you ready countdown to three three two one [Music] [Applause] okay come on come this way oh it's so colorful keep coming whoa this cube is the color blue this cube is the color yellow and this cube is the color red [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa look at this [Music] [Music] i'm gonna spin around whoa [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] i'm sure dizzy [Music] there's alligators and crocodiles on the bottom [Music] [Music] wow i'll come back to you whoa [Music] whoa [Music] okay this cylinder has a couple colors on it it has blue green and orange blue green and orange [Music] whoa there's something really spiky over here [Music] wow [Music] okay let's go up top that way yeah oh look there's some stairs let's say the colors green yellow green yellow [Music] whoa this is really bouncy oh come up here look it's a slide okay i'll go down first and then you fall okay [Music] oh yeah good job okay stay there i'll do it one more time [Music] whoa [Music] that slide's really fun let's go see what else is up here come on [Music] okay now we'll go this way [Music] wow these are like pyramids look wow it's a blue pyramid yellow pyramid green pyramid and orange period [Music] wow look at this spiky balloon yes is the color pink and white [Music] [Music] [Music] wow red nose and the clown is blue just like me whoa that's kind of scary [Music] it's see-through [Music] whoa or these cylinders yellow and red yellow red yellow red oh and what's this in here this is like a spider web [Music] whoa my legs stuck wow [Music] i can't get out okay i'll try and get out real hard now oh [Music] whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa oh i made it go that way i'll meet you over on the other side whoa walk backwards again this is really colorful [Music] wow look whoa [Music] look another spiky ball wow [Music] so [Music] oh it hit me [Music] okay look at this you want to go first yeah it's a tunnel you can go first [Music] good job okay here i come [Music] whoa [Music] whoa [Music] made it whoa look yeah there's a bunch of green straps right here and then a bunch of colorful lily pads [Applause] stay on the green whoa i'm stuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] check it out now okay you stay there and i'll take the lead to the slide [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a slide right here i'm gonna go first okay [Music] it's a big blue slide here i go [Music] okay come on [Music] yeah good job [Music] [Music] okay let's go back to the area with all the balls that was really fun [Music] [Music] see these are the guns right here so you push the button right here [Music] [Music] and then look up i'll push the balls on you come this way [Music] let the balls drop on your yeah wow that was sure fun whoa at the funtastic platorium in bellevue washington [Music] whoa [Music] look this is a skid steer and back here that is a real skid steer whoa it's really big whoa big small big small [Music] wow [Music] this right here wow this is a backhoe front bucket and back bucket [Music] let's get some more leads [Music] [Music] [Music] this yeah is a cement mixer [Music] wow [Music] whoa cement mixer on top of the tire [Music] whoa this is a dump truck oh let's put some stuff in the back of the dump truck [Music] and look at these three toys this is a front loader this is an excavator and this is the front loader i thought this was the front loader this is a bulldozer but this is the front loader check these out come over here look at how big this is wow geez this is huge and look this is so small small excavator big excavator okay come over here [Music] hey stay there excavator okay [Music] look it's a front loader it's so big and this is the front loader toy but that come here wow it's so big that is a real front loader what's this whoa this is a bulldozer and it's really big and this is a bulldozer toy [Music] [Music] [Applause] well thanks so much for learning about construction vehicles with me so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout flippy hey it's me blippi and today we're at fidget's indoor playground in las vegas nevada but before we play we have to take off our shoes all right here's my first shoe okay here is my second shoe all right let's go play hey flippy have fun oh thank you okay come on whoa look oh wow some farm animals ooh a cow oh another cow ooh a pig boom what else do we have over here oh horsey whoa look at this it's a body interesting like my body like yeah i have a body like my abs my chest my back interesting and in this video you and i are gonna learn about the parts of our bodies wow all right let's go see what kind of parts we can find for this body come on [Music] wait a second look over here come here look at what i found whoa see these these are arms arms and hands yeah just like what you and i have wow all right so let's take these arms and hands and put them on our body i love my arms and hands because it helps me pick things up like this blue ball and throw it at you whoa or this red one whoa or this yellow one oh i did that with using my hands and my arms to throw the ball all right watch what else i can do with my arms and hands look at all these colorful balls [Music] wow i love my arms and hands all right let's see what other body parts we can find look at this red train what's this it's a purple car look at these tracks all right make way all right here's another one here we go perfect we have one more but this one i'm gonna ride on it ready [Music] do you see what i see look down there whoa see these are feet yeah like your feet and my feet and and also legs wow i love feet and legs let's pick out a pair let's see let's do let's do the orange ones huh that's cute look has toes on the feet yeah see now our body can stand up whoa speaking of standing i really love my feet and my legs because look they allow me to walk they allow me to stand they allow me to jump [Music] and they allow me [Music] i love my legs come on all right there's so many things i see with my eyes over here whoa hey speaking of seeing with my eyes i have a game for us to play all right i will look at something behind me and from there i'll tell you what i see and then you have to look and see if you see what i see alright are you ready okay i spy a butterfly [Music] do you see a butterfly yeah come here whoa look this butterfly is so beautiful i love looking at butterflies they just flap their wings and they're so graceful [Music] okay let's play another round of i spy all right let's see [Music] okay i spy my eyes a dog [Music] do you see a dog [Music] oh what a cute doggy oh so cute oh perfect whoa look a bunch of eyeballs whoa look their eyes yeah just like you and my eyes they allow us to see ooh i love eyes yeah just like how i i saw something and then you had to look to see something we used our eyes perfect all right i'm gonna pick these eyes but there's so many different eyes we can pick from oh these are nice oh these are real cool but let's use these yeah okay let's put them on right here oh oh oh maybe i can't use those ones they're a little too big okay let's do these ones yeah perfect yeah there you go look we have a a body which is the abs yep and then the chest yeah the core the back we have the arms we have the eyes the legs and the feet let's go see what other body parts we can find [Music] wow [Music] [Music] wow that was awesome oh look a piano [Music] it sounds so pretty when i play this piano i'll play it again listen oh wait a second look at what it is oh look at what they are yeah their ears wow whoa so these yeah are ears see just like these on the side of my head they allow for sound to come in to my head and that's how i i hear you and you hear me when i talk whoa let's put these on our our body okay so these ears are on our head which those allow us to hear things yeah we can hear things like birds chirping outside or we can hear like people talking back and forth we can hear things like like the tractor song when i play this piano [Music] what an amazing song to my ears that was okay let's go find some more body parts whoa yeah all right two for two yeah okay you wait right here i'll be right back okay hello hi i told you i'd be right back okay let's go [Music] whoa a stroller okay come on baby let's go i'll put you right here all right let's go oh hey some fruits and vegetables let's put those in there so we can cook them speaking of cooking vegetables look some corn on the barbecue whoa ah it smells so good wait a second look down here yeah speaking of smell how you smell things is with your nose it looks like there's a lot of noses down here like this big red one or this orange one or this purple one okay let's uh let's pick the purple nose yeah okay oh i think it's upside down there we go that looks good has a big nose that's nice i like it wow i love having a nose because it allows you to smell things like have you ever smelt a flower before i love the smell of flowers or have you ever smelt the smell of stinky socks [Music] the nose allows you to smell oh geez i'm kind of getting hungry let's go get a snack come on hello can i have a snack sure what would you like flippy oh let's see what they have whoa there's so many options i know what i want hello can i have a veggie straw packet thing sure thank you very much oh come on yum let's open it up ooh yum orange veggie straw a yellow veggie straw [Music] so tasty hey have you ever wondered why do we have mouths yeah look mouths right here there's teeth there's there's tongues and there's there's lips wow i love my mouth because it allows me to do things like talk to you hello hello hello hello it allows me to sing it allows me to yell hey hey over here hello it allows me to eat things too like these veggie straws [Music] it allows me to whistle and it allows me to smile oh i love the mouth okay let's pick a mouth for our person okay let's do a big smile all right here we go look at that so beautiful i love it [Music] that was tasty all right come here [Music] oh look a dump truck wow but look at what's in here whoa some hats ah i love hats see i'm wearing a hat right now because the hat goes on your head which is another part of your body whoa your hat your head is where the hat goes and your head has your eyes your mouth your nose your ears and your brain you are very smart you are very special all right let's put the hat on the head of our character perfect look it's complete alright let's go over the body parts we learned about let's take the color red and blue all right let's put u right there and let's write all the parts so the head [Music] and the eyes [Music] the nose [Music] the mouth the ears [Music] the feet [Music] the hands [Music] and um i think that's everything okay no wait i forgot one yeah the legs perfect all right so here we are so these are the body parts that we learned today oh i have a game all right so what i'm gonna do is i am going to say the body part and you have to point to your body part ready um okay your head point to your head yeah your head good job all right let's cross off head all right now point to your ears yeah your ears that's how you hear things here with your ears all right what about your mouth [Music] point to your mouth [Music] yeah your mouth okay now your hands point to your hands yeah your hands yeah good job right point to your nose [Music] point to your nose yeah your nose yeah your nose okay now point to your legs point to your legs yeah your legs all right good job and point to your eyes will you point to your eyes yeah right here wow your eyes and last but not least point to your feet are you point yeah your feet whoa whoa all right there we go that was so much fun learning about all those body parts with you whoa [Applause] that was so much fun well thank you so much for learning about body parts with me at fidget's indoor playground in las vegas nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job that's my name [Music] you wanna bye-bye with me
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 33,087,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi, blippi numbers, blippi beach, blippi sand, sandpit for kids, sand box for kids, sand toys for kids, educational videos for kids, blippi videos, blippi colors, learning colors for kids, blippi play place, blippy, blipi, flippy, blippi excavator, blippi dump truck
Id: QDtZlqeyf3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 36sec (3336 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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