Blippi Decorates a Spooky Halloween House! | Fun Halloween Videos For Kids

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[Music] so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout grippy [Music] oh hey it's me flippy no time for sleeping now because summer is over yeah remember that time of year that's really hot it's so hot yeah well the season after summer is fall yeah it's when the leaves start to turn the color orange and red whoa such a beautiful time of year hey do you know what holiday is in the fall yeah let's see one of them is halloween yeah i love halloween it is such an amazing fun holiday it's great because you get to vote trick-or-treating yeah and get a bunch of candy you get to decorate your house that's really fun ooh and you can also decide what you're gonna be for halloween what are you gonna be for halloween this year yeah so exciting well hey did you see how this house has no halloween decorations i think you and i should decorate this house whoa look at this a perfectly placed tote full of halloween decorations all right let's see what's in here whoa all right let's set this down right here hey the first thing i noticed that's in here are pumpkins yeah a pumpkin is a circle whoa look at these two whoa and these two hey they each have a face on them this looks like a scared pumpkin this pumpkin looks sad all right what does this pumpkin look like happy and this pumpkin looks mad [Music] okay i think we should put these pumpkins on the front porch [Music] oh i have an idea why don't we put one happy pumpkin right here yeah hello happy pumpkin and then over here we can put let's see let's do the opposite of happy which is sad all right then we have two more pumpkins let's put a mad pumpkin right here perfect and then we'll put the scared or the surprise pumpkin right here there you go you stay right there all right let's go see what other decorations we have [Music] [Applause] whoa all right we have a lot more decorations all right let's see we have some toilet paper we have some cones look what kind of animal is this huh yeah this is a rat whoa and what kind of animal is this wait a second it's not an animal this is a giant insect this looks like a spider okay these are just toys but let's go put them on the porch [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right looks like i found the perfect place for him let's put him on the handrail just like this that rack can go there and then how about the spider can go right there perfect [Music] what else do we have in here hey remember the toilet paper i know what we could do with this we can wrap it around the tree like a ghost or a mummy or something this is gonna be fun all right let's go like this [Music] oh perfect how does that look it definitely looks festive all right let's see what else we have oh there's so many more things in here whoa look another pumpkin i think this steak can go in the ground yeah see just like that all right come on [Music] let's actually put it right here [Music] how does that look yeah the pumpkin is growing inside of all of these plants whoa yeah no it's back in its home [Music] i bet you are wondering what this is huh whoa it's black and red whoa it looks like a big scary spider whoa all right let's go find the perfect place for it this is gonna be a great decoration [Music] i found the perfect place yeah look it's dangling just like how spiders dangle from their webs spiders actually put these webs across branches and trees and limbs and plants so then all the web is spread out so then insects like a fly might fly into the web so then that's when the spider can have some food [Music] we have so many more great decorations i love halloween it's so cool how a lot of this is one color yeah the same color over and over again it's the official color of halloween there's actually two black is one but then you see the other color of all of this yeah it's one of my two favorite colors yeah it's the color orange okay we have some orange cones right here but wait a second what can i do with orange cones they're not very halloween-ish hey but if we're creative hey come on over here but if we're creative then we can probably make something called candy corn yeah candy corn is a really tasty candy that you shouldn't eat a lot of it but it's actually halloween candy so i'm gonna spray this spray paint which is only for adults to use okay and i'm in a lot of open air because it's not good to breathe it in so anywho here i go [Music] perfect all right so these cones are orange and yellow right now but candy corn are as you can see white orange and then yellow so i need to do the tops white [Music] whoa how do these look oh they look so tasty all right let's go place them right over here okay how about one candy corn right there perfect and then how about the other candy corn right over here perfect that is awesome [Music] wow hey remember when we were talking about spiders and spider webs yeah these are spider webs just decorations so i think we should put them on the house and act like a spider so we can spin our own webs huh let's go [Music] [Music] look it's like i got caught in a spider web okay put that down right there that's really good we are doing such a great job okay i think there's just a couple more decorations [Music] look at this oh some parts of halloween are kind of scary it's like this chain oh okay well we'll use it anyways all right let's go how about let's wrap it around just like this yeah this isn't too scary it's just a chain perfect there we go it's nice and festive have you ever gone trick-or-treating before yeah it's so fun i love saying trick-or-treat okay looks like we have a lot of pumpkins hey the pumpkins that we put up there already was the very first decoration remember those four that we had yeah and then we put the other pumpkin in the garden all right now we have a lot of small pumpkins [Music] one two three four five [Music] six seven eight nine last but not least ten whoa wait a second eleven we'll put that one right there [Music] oh [Music] i'm so sad this looks like the last decoration oh i had so much fun decorating this house with you all right we can't stop now though we have to use the last decoration and i know the perfect place whoa it's all tangled hey there we go sometimes when things get tangled or that are just hard in life if you just keep trying you'll get it yeah all right here we go whoa how perfect wow we did such an amazing job i love halloween it is such a cozy time of the year i love trick-or-treating and i love decorating houses for halloween are you gonna decorate your house this year yeah well i had a lot of fun with you but i should probably get going now hey if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i blippi good job alright see you again bye-bye [Music] hello it's me blippi and today i'm at pv bakery in seattle washington whoa look at this place oh it's so cool yeah we're in the back yeah this is called a kitchen oh and look at what it is wow look at it wow this is an apron check it out look at those flowers yeah this apron is gonna help keep me nice and clean when i bake yup i sure ate a lot of vegetables today yep and now that i ate a bunch of healthy food we can have something yummy and sweet i am so excited let's go [Music] wow look at this place whoa there's so many cool things yeah like a measuring cup yeah you can put things in there and then know how much of an ingredient you have exactly in this measuring cup whoa or a giant spoon you can stir a lot of stuff with that oh whoa look at this yeah a spatula that's so cool looks like we have some vinegar yum [Music] okay here we go wow come on whoa a giant sink yeah this is where i clean a lot of dishes oh speaking of cleaning dishes whoa hello look this is a dishwasher you put a lot of dirty dishes right here and then you close it down yeah that is awesome [Music] whoa check it out this is a stove top whoa you can cook so much food right here whoa there's so many stove tops whoa do you see the little fire right there yeah this is not a toy you need to be very careful when you're cooking [Music] yum yeah look at these sweet treats wow these are macarons and they look so yummy look at this one this one is the color red whoa looks like we have some green and some blue and some orange whoa look i'll grab an orange and a blue my two favorite colors ah i'll eat these later whoa we have some black sesame cookies yum whoo and some ube cookies yum check these out open these up wow what color is that yeah the color purple yeah there's no food coloring in this that yeah that is the color of the food that was added into this cookie that's so cool okay put that right there for me to eat later look at these cute things looks like what animal is that [Music] yeah a cow [Music] a vanilla cake yeah flippy party cake will you spell my name with me v-l-i-e-p-i flippy yeah and a triple chocolate cake that looks so yummy well hey maybe you and i can cook and make some of this yeah how about today we make some macarons [Music] [Applause] whoa check it out i'm washing my hands and i'm scrubbing them for 20 seconds yeah do you know how long 20 seconds is yeah it's about the same length as when you sing to abc's will you sing with me a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u d w x y and z hey there we go okay let's rinse them all off wow nice and clean now okay perfect shut up water oh wow and now i'm ready to make some delicious treats oh hey who are you hi i'm jennifer i'm the baker for candy bakery whoa nice to meet you i'm flippy are these the ingredients yeah these are some ingredients for some macarons what do we have here well first we have eggs and we have almond flour we have sugar and we have an important ingredient called salt and when you eat it it's really salty but when you put it in desserts it actually makes it sweeter and tastier whoa that sounds so yummy and you said almond flour why are we using that rather than all-purpose flour so almond bar is special because when you put in macarons it makes it less sticky than flour and makes it really light wow that is so cool well hey do you mind if i mix all these ingredients yeah how about you throw all the ingredients into a bowl and throw it into the mixer and i'll go get the oven ready okay all right let's mix all the ingredients together and then we'll put it in the mixer all right first let's uh add the salt perfect then we'll add the sugar and then the almond flour [Music] hey check it out a small bowl medium and large there we go perfect and for the eggs oh wait a second i probably have to break them open alright here we go now i'm gonna go put it in the mixer yeah [Music] hey check it out this is a massive mixing machine whoa look how big it is there's a giant whisk right here wow looks like there's a green on button a red stop button and a big bowl for me to add all the ingredients all right here we go pour it in looks like we already made some earlier yeah this is going to be a big batch [Music] all right now that all the ingredients are in there we need to make sure that the cover is closed we need to raise up the bowl there we go and now we need to turn this to the on position there we go and we'll push the green start button in three two one yeah look at it next [Music] wow yeah the batter is finished this is a big bowl okay the next step that we need to do yes take some of this batter and put it inside these piping bags yeah what shape is this piping bag oh yeah looks like a triangle perfect do you see how you open it up [Music] yeah that's where you put all the batter but hey check it out yeah we have some batter already in a piping bag okay jennifer now that we have the batter in the piping bags what do we do now well first we need to cut the bag okay okay [Music] and we're gonna make some cow matte rums to do that first you're going to need one big circle okay i'm gonna make cow macarons and we need a big circle for is that the head that's gonna be the head yeah okay then we need two small circles on the top for its ears okay [Laughter] that's funny that's okay okay i see it yeah the head and then two ears here let me try all right there we go yeah it's just like that and then one ear two ears perfect that's gonna be one great cow okay do we fill it up now yeah let's fill up the whole pan all right let's do it [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun yeah now that we're done why don't you throw them into the oven for 20 minutes and i'll get the buttercream ready okay all right so i need to throw these in the oven for 20 minutes whoa all right so i'm gonna put on these safety gloves all right yeah here we go wow i used my safety gloves because ovens are not a toy you need to be very careful okay what did jennifer say she said 20 minutes oh that's a long time wait wait a second you know what i like to do when i wait yeah i like to dance [Music] did you hear that yeah that buzzer means that they're probably done yeah open it up and then see the macarons whoa that is hot and they look so yummy wow check it out now it's time to decorate [Music] [Music] wow that looks like so much fun hey can i try sure blippi you want to give it a try sure okay well looks like we have three colors here we have black and then uh looks like we have white and then looks like we have the color pink let's see what are we making oh yeah remember these from earlier yeah a cow a cute cow yeah has two eyes has two ears has some spots and a really cute nose okay let's put that down right here i'm gonna start with the black all right looks like do two eyes [Music] and we need to do this box cute little hair thing on top [Music] okay so now let me move to the color pink all right looks like pink and put it on the ears and it's the base for the nose last but not least the color white and we just put a little uh oh i put a little too much but that's okay there we go how does it look yeah does that look like a cow [Music] wow that looks so good all right let's keep on decorating [Music] whoa check it out yeah a blippi party cake yum whoa what are these yeah macrons yum they're so tasty what is this though yeah does it look like my bow tie yeah it's an orange blippi macaron bow tie it looks so tasty doesn't it yeah well hey check this out i have two things of icing my two favorite colors blue and orange and check it out i have a flippy macron that's empty no colors at all so maybe just maybe we can use some of this icing to decorate it so my normal bow tie is orange but i'm actually going to use some blue too so let's just squirt some out whoa that looks cool let's do a big dot there do a big dot there about one right there oh and one way over there whoa that doesn't look like my bow tie does it no that's okay though sometimes when you're being creative yeah actually all the times when you're being creative you can do whatever you want yeah like this check it out yum doesn't that look tasty yum and hey watch this i'm gonna do another big blob yeah a blue oh i will just finish that all the way across there and then i'll put some orange on top of that wow now does that look tasty or does that look tasty yum [Music] these are so tasty that has been so much fun making all these sweet treats with you hasn't it yeah i want to give a special thanks to jennifer at peony bakery in seattle washington wow she did such a good job and they are so yummy well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-o-i p-p-i flippy good job all right see you again bye bye [Music] so much [Music] oh hey it's me blippi check this out this is my metal detector it's used to detect metal underground that we can't see with our eyes yeah i haven't found anything yet though do you hear that we must have found something whoa check it out it's a key wow this is a really big key huh i wonder whose it is hey it actually looks like it could have come from kids jewelry heist in south pasadena california how about we go visit them this is gonna be fun here we are i love this place let's go inside and see what it's like come on [Music] wow this place is so cool look at this this is a diamond enlarger wow look at that giant diamond it shoots light rays down and then you see things really up close like this stone whoa or like those gold coins or these necklaces or these bracelets this place is so cool oh look at this this is a giant book of pirate ships wow have you ever been on a pirate ship i love pirate ships oh look a person ahoy there matey welcome to kids jewelry heights hey who are you i am kelly the kid oh kelly the kid that's a cool name and i think it is time for you to go on a treasure hunt oh a treasure hunt i love treasure hunts do you love treasure hunts yeah here is your first secret a secret clue it reads treasure clues for blippi and crew crew that's you okay let's read it listen in close and i'll give you a tip look for my first secret clue underneath a golden ship wow wait a second i know where that could be wait before you go you must look the part blippi look the part a new wardrobe yes and good luck okay thank you this is gonna be so much fun first we need to look the part yep gotta wear our pirate hat because pirates love their treasure and then we have to wear this pirate coat how do i look not complete without a pirate sword [Music] all right here we go now we get to go explore whoa wow this place is so amazing it's so magical okay come on up here wow look at this wow so colorful over here and it did talk about the color gold yeah a golden ship do you do you see anything yeah right over there good job come on wow looks like we found another clue next to this golden pirate ship good job huh pretty interesting let's see what it reads okay it reads my pink feathered friend is at it again telling all my secrets but can you find him i think i know what that is pink feathered friend yeah that means probably a bird that's the color pink okay here we go okay we need to find a pink bird do you see any [Music] mirror bird huh nope i'm not seeing any pink birds let's see maybe over here [Music] i love searching for clues [Music] hmm let's see here huh there it is do you see that pink bird hey bernie hello it's me blippi how are you doing today will you act like a bird with me go go go go go okay the clue must be around here oh there it is right up there oh wow a gold chain whoa and another clue good job okay let's read what it says you're going to need me to go under sea i help divers swim and protect when they breathe hmm okay we need to look for something that helps someone breathe underwater what could it be i don't know all right let's take our loot and keep on exploring [Music] oh look at this whoa this table is so cool and it's a mirror check this out hey i see you do you see me hey that's so silly okay and this table is made of newspaper ooh and there's these pieces of wood that wouldn't help you breathe underwater that's really cool i wonder what you use those for oh some pretty lights a bell listen do you hear that [Music] okay we're looking for clues not bells look at this hello hey it's a frog can you see the frog he's a silly boy will you act like a frog with me ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit oh a silly frog they can actually go underwater for pretty long time but i don't think they really help humans breathe underwater oh look at this this is a grandfather clock it's so big oh hey another bird whoa hello crow or is that a raven i don't know but that's a really cute bird so many birds in here and i don't think the clock will help us clocks help you tell time not breathe underwater so colorful oh and beads look at this wow some big beads pick four big beads hmm we might as well do that right yeah while we're looking for clues we can pick up some beads look at this one blue bead [Music] another blue bead now i have two blue beads okay let's see wow there's so many beads in here and they're so colorful like this one this red bead let's put that so we had two now we added another one so that's three beads and we need a fourth one how about this one a fourth bead and this is a red bead so now we have four big beads yeah four big beads okay let's keep on looking whoa more beads whoa and these are small what does this sign say pick 10 small beads okay that'll be pretty easy let's pick 10 small beads ready one two three four five six seven [Music] eight [Music] nine last one ten ten small beads wow they're so colorful wow i love these beads that was so much fun do you see what i see look at it this is a scuba helmet yeah the scuba divers wear scuba helmets while they go underwater to breathe yeah that's our clue oh look another clue oh i'm so excited okay let's read it together eight crazy legs an octopus has and if you find the golden one my treasure is yours at last okay i know what that means we must find a golden octopus yeah that'll be pretty easy all we have to do is keep exploring to find the golden octopus hmm [Music] i love this place it's so cool oh look more beads and more treasures wow look at this oh this has a crab in it whoa look at that it's such a small crab and look at these this has a beetle in it whoa that is a really pretty beetle that's pretty cool okay let's keep exploring to try and find the golden octopus wow [Music] huh let's see do you see it anywhere [Music] yeah there it is it's a golden octopus tentacle wow look at it oh so great but where's the next clue [Music] look at it it's a treasure chest yeah we did it we found the hidden treasure [Music] it's locked how do we open it hmm wait a second do you remember when we were at the park and we used the metal detector to find the key yeah we have it right here yeah what if we use the key to open the treasure chest here we go [Music] yeah look the final treasure yeah we did it congratulations now for the best part we're going to make that loot into a magical necklace oh a magical necklace follow me that sounds like so much fun let's go [Music] have a seat flippy remember this part wow i'm so excited first thing we do is grab your treasure and put it on the center of the board okay yeah remember all of this that we got earlier okay let's put magical treasure on the center of the board whoa a shark tooth and it's gold okay like that perfect the next thing we're gonna do is take your colorful beads and put them on either side of your board all right okay let's take the two big red beads then the two big blue beads [Music] the two small blue beads [Music] the two green blue beads [Music] [Applause] the two turquoise greenish blue beads the two yellow beads [Music] and then last but not least the two pink beads huh there we go that is beautiful now what we need to do is add these solid gold chains oh yeah remember that chain from earlier it's solid gold whoa look at it it's so heavy okay let's add it okay let's put it like this there we go perfect all right how's that that is wondrous are you ready oh i am let us get your necklace done here we go oh look at that wow wow it's a necklace with magical powers so cool flippy i want you to try it on try it on it has magical powers i wonder what it's gonna do all right here we go oh gotta take off this hat first okay here we go whoa where'd i go flippy oh blippi did this turn me invisible i think it did that's so cool definitely magical oh where'd i go you know what take it off so we can find you okay here we go there you are that's so silly that was awesome making this magical necklace at kids jewelry heist in south pasadena california it was our pleasure we had a magical time great job lippy yep and good job to you we did an awesome job all right well see you later until next time bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at rolling robots in west los angeles this store is awesome come on whoa check it out wow this place is all about robots and i sure do love robots whoa hey here's one right here let's wind it up and let it go [Music] oh silly robot wow let's check out what else is in here whoa look at all of these oh here's a robot it's like a brush i wonder what this one does i don't know but it's blue and gray wow whoa this one looks like it cleans [Music] oh what kind of animal does this look like yeah a crab [Music] and this one kind of looks like an insect wow pretty cool look at all the legs and here's one way over here huh this one must color pretty cool let's continue to explore whoa look at these these are all trophies check it out wow this team won this trophy because they took these robots and then completed this challenge really really quick wow good job team whoa and there's some more cool things back here wow look at this area this area has a bunch of robots and a bunch of really cool objects check them out whoa what color are these whoa this one is the color blue and this one is the color orange my two favorite colors all right time to operate some robots ready here we go [Music] all right let's continue to [Music] explore do you see these robots all of these robots were designed built and coded by kids check this out look this is the blippi bot whoa hey blippi bot even my hat is on flippy and check this out the blippi bot loves to give high fives watch watch this over here yeah now a double yeah [Music] whoa who are you my name is sammy ooh sammy nice to meet you i'm blippi what are you doing i'm working on code for my robot whoa code what does that mean code is like instructions that you give to a robot to tell it what to do wow that's pretty cool will you show me a robot that you've coded before oh yes right over here is a robot that i built um and coded with my team wow this is a really cool robot have you named this robot before no we actually haven't i don't know why huh well maybe you and i can think of a name for this robot after we see what it does will you show us what it does sure robot makes stacks of cubes did you see that oh that's so cool well i think we should name this stacky yeah stacky stacky the robot oh that is so cool and these blocks are so colorful well thank you sammy for showing us stacky check this out way back here i'll see you later okay bye see ya come back here did you see these robots i saw more robots and got excited and wanted to check them out look at it it's so cool that robots can do so many different things like this one do you see that what's that on top yeah that is a clock yeah what if you're like all the way on one side of the house and you don't know what time it is yeah you program and code your robot to then go right to where you are so then you can tell the time that's so silly whoa this one check this out wow whoa this one has a little claw hello whoa whoa this looks like you can probably open it up close it on something and pick something up wow whoa and look down here whoa what are these i don't know what are these i don't know just kidding these are hollow cubes this one's a blue hollow cube this one is a red hollow cube and kids that program these robots they program them to pick them up and move them yeah and tell these robots to help them do things yeah like these they can even tell them to put them on their eyes like glasses no they can stack these or maybe they could tell the robot to throw them in the air that's so silly oh check out this case over here see this case they told me that there's a lot of robots robot parts in here yeah then maybe you and i can put all the parts together and build a robot this is gonna be fun here we go whoa all of this robot stuff has been so much fun i'm excited to see what's inside check it out it's a robot building coat wow how do i look yeah team rolling robots all right here we go now it's time to build a robot wow whoa a c channel whoa and big gears and here's the motor attached to a bunch of gears do you see that whoa this is the claw and we even have some nuts and bolts wow okay well i don't know where to start with this this looks pretty tricky well hey check these robots out wow look at this one remember it from earlier yeah it looks like an insect hello okay let's see how to do this let's turn it around turn like a circle all right here we go ready [Music] wow and do you see it wow you built up all the energy and when you let it go it walked like an insect yeah wait a second what's this robot do yeah remember yeah we talked about how it looks like it colors do you see the colors of these markers what colors are they yellow [Music] blue and red yeah all right let's take off the caps here we go now let's put it on this white piece of paper right here and then let's turn it on whoa whoa look at it spin whoa oh wow look at it whoa that's awesome hi oh look at your amazing artwork oh look at it wait i bought some robot for you you did what did you bring a robot a robot that can get we can battle whoa but you have to first build it really so if i build this robot you and i can battle our robots together yes okay i bought your screwdriver oh a screwdriver and i bought you the battery whoo a battery that's the energy source for the robot okay here you are oh thank you have fun all right thanks oh here we go did you hear that so if i build this robot she and i can battle our robots whoa we have the motor we have a gear oh and these look like the legs do you remember that robot from earlier that looked like an animal yeah yeah it was the robot that looked like a crab yeah so that's what we are going to build here we go [Music] we did it good job check it out it's a blippi robot and this one is a blippi crab robot [Applause] good job good job bleepy oh hey b you finished it yeah that was so much fun that's amazing so now it's a time for battling are you ready battling yeah i'm ready let's do this all right let's move this platform for us that's our arena today okay so how do i have a robot okay and we're gonna turn it on here is the switch all right we're gonna turn our switch on look our robots are ready okay we're gonna put on each side of our platform okay last one to stay on the platform wins ready ready three two one go whoa oh no oh we're both now one good job let's do it one more time okay all right okay oh i lost the little arm here we go oh my gosh but i can still i can still do the battle my arms are gone that's all right well you can just lift weight out maybe without the arms maybe this time i'll win all right ready three two one go whoa your robot is so easy to fall let's try one more time okay ready three two one oh that was so much fun all right let's go continue to explore rolling robots whoa hello hello hey remember sammy from earlier yeah i think he's practicing practicing for a robot duel i think you and i should accept his challenge and go in for a duel let's go whoa hey sammy hi blippi all right what are we doing here we're gonna try to knock down all of these towers as quick as we can okay all right let me grab the remote are you ready yeah okay three two one go wow there we go whoa good job that was so much fun well thank you for having us at rolling robots all right well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job alright see you later bye-bye [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 3,891,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fBTxg5VtpjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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